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Full text of "A biographical history of England : from Egbert the Great to the revolution: consisting of characters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a methodical catalogue of engraved British heads: intended as an essay towards reducing our biography to system, and a help to the knowledge of portraits: interspersed with a variety of anecdotes, and memoirs of a great number of persons ... With a preface ..."

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Dr.    David  Harris 




;iTY  uBRA«,Es    sr«««i.  UNfVERSITv 

TiNPwo  u^-.xasrrT  UBRARiES 


UBr.AftitS     ST 









.jFrom  asgliert  t^t  CSrcat  to  tt^e  Utbolutionx 







AniiDiini  piotnri  |iUoil 



VOL.  II. 




■     V 

Frioted  by  J.  F.  Dot£,  St  John's  Square. 

\  \ 

I    ; 




BEGAN  His  R£lOtf  tHE  24tH  OF  MARCH,  1602-3. 




JACOBUS  I.  &c.  Vandyckp.  ab  originali  minutd* 
facta  per  Fra.  Hilyard,  1617.   Smith  /  1721 ;  h.  sh. 

Jacobus  I.  &c,  A  copy  of  the  above  prints  hy  Faber; 
h.  sh.  mezz. 

JaCobcs,  &c,  I^om  apaintk^ofVandyck  ;  Vertue  sc. 


At  Hampton-court  are  whole  length  portraits  of  Jamea  I.  the 
Queen  of  Bohemia^  and  Prince  Henry,  by  Vandyck,  from  originals 
fcneinthisTi^ign.    ^'e  last  has  great  merit 

James  I.  &c.  Van  Somer  p.  Vertue  sc.  From  an 
original  at  Hmnpton-cowrt.     Engraved  for  Rapin's 

"  History  r  fol. 

*  SirAnt  Weldim.nlGtotiia^  that  JiUnes  coald  sot  be  jpreTailed  onto  sit  for  bis 
picture.—"  Court  and  Character  of  K.  James,"  p.  177. 
VOL.  II.  B 


James  L  holding  a  sword  andglobe,  which  he  rests  a 
a  cushion;  Ato. 

Jacobus^  &c.  in  armoury  over  which  is  an  erminci 
robe  ;  battle  at  a  distance;  4to. 

Jam£s  I.  together  with  King  David,  supporting  tk 
Hook  of  Psalms ;  neat  whole  lengths,  in  MarshaTs  best 
manner y  \2mo.  Frontispiece  to  the  King's  Translation  of 
the  Psalms. 

It  18  obvious  to  remark  bere^  tbat  James  was  sarcastically  called 
Solomon^  the  son  of  David,  by  Henry  IV.  of  France. 

Jame^  I.  and  his  Queen :  the  king  is  in  armour. 
the  queen,  in  a  ruff  and  farthingale,  very  neatly  en- 
graved; whole  lengths;  h.  sh. 

James  THE  First,  and  his  Queen  Anne  of  Den- 
mark ;  whole  lengths,  in  the  same  print y  Renold  Elstracke 
sculp,  small  half -sheet,  extremely  rare. 

Jacobus  et  Anna,  &c,  Elstracke  sc.  neat :  in  the 
engraved  title  to  **  Basiologia,'  a  set  of  our  kings  pub- 
lished by  Holland,  1618. — ^The  Portraits  of  James 
and  Anne  were  erazed,  and  those  of  Charles  I.  and 
Henrietta  Maria  inserted  for  a  second  edition  of  the 

Jacobus  et  Anna,  &c.  whole  lengths,  under  two 
arches y  with  a  genealogy  of  their  family. 

.    Ja^qbus  et  Anna;  w«r  whole  lengths;  a  helmet 
an  the  ground;  eight  Latin  verses;  h.  sh. 

Jambs  I.  and  his  son  Prince  Henry;  with  the 
genealogy  of  the  Stuarts  at  the  top;  h.  sh. 

James  I.  and  his  son  Prince  Henry,  on  horseback;- 
the  horses  richly  caparisoned ;  sh.  scarce. 

07  EMQLAND.  (f= 

Jame»  I.  sitting,  crtrntned,  Mdk^agwbrdtmdgkAe. 

Pmu  Ckarkg  ^and$  6^01^  kirn,  withajktther  itt  kit 

[  10  hand,    Et^Bsk  vt^te*  at  boOom ;  1821.  W.Pasi 

fpunmt  Sg  9e!iJine;Jirtt  tUtte  ;  it  was  aftenoari  lettered. 

Jacobus,  ftc.  Smith  f^  vo.  mezz. 
Jacobus^  &c.  Sbmmf.,  h.  sh.  mezz. 
Jacobs 8,  ftc.  PeOumif.  mezz. 
Jacobus,  &c.  M.  Vandergucht  sc.  %w. 

hwM  premier,  &c.  P.  0  Gumt  sc.  h.  sh. 
Jacq8U8,  ftc.  P.  a  GunH  ic.  large  h.  sh. 
Jaii£s£  inana^i  6v(i.J.  LmmveUL 

huMf^Tj^.Jhc^  Latin  perses;  sold  m  Lambard-stre^i 
in  John  BasweU:  C.  Galk. 

: :      James  I.  in  an  oval,  supported  by  a  lion  and  dragon; 
"j    fix  Latin  verses.   C.  Pass ;  scarce. 

1:'      James   I.  oval ;    hat  and  feather ;  fol.  Pass ;  in 
i\   Meteran^s  *'  History  of  the  Low  Countries.'' 

I      James  I.  oval;  four  Latin  verses,  6vo.  F.  Delaram. 

James  I.  richly  dressed,  sceptre  in  his  right  Hand  ; 
/o/ib;  Lau.  Johnson;  rare. 

James  I.  small  whole  lengthy  in  his  robeSy  trampling 
on  the  Pope  ;  six  verses,  "  Although  the  Pope  by  force 
the  upper  hand,**  <§*c.  wood-cut;  in  Williamson's  "  Sivord 
of  the  Spirit  /*  rare. 

James  I.  on  horseback;  view  of  London;  mezz. 
C.  Turner. 

VOL.  II.  C 


.  Jacobus,  &c.  crowned ;^word  in  one  handjinthe 
other  a  globe ;  si.v  English  verses,  ^*  Behold  Great 
Britaine^Sj'  8^0.  Sold  by  Roger  Daniell,  1621.. 

*  Jaques  I.  roy  d'Angleterre,  &c.  four  French  verses, 
**  Un  seul  Peintrey'\8sc.   Thomas  de  Leu  fecit. 

«  >  -  .  ■  » 

Prince  James,  &c.  richly  dressed ;  hat  and  feather; 
arms  in  one  corner;  Laurence  Johnson  sculp.  1603; 
large  half  sheet;  scarce.  Copy  of  the  above  sold'iy 
S.  Woodburn. 


JAMES  I.  joining  the  hands  of  the  Kings  of  Sweden 
and  Denmark.;  a  wood  print;  in  the  title  to  the  "  Jojjful 
Peace  concluded  between  the  King  of  Denmark  and  the 
King  of  Sweden,  by  means  of  James j*'  8fc.  1613. 

James  I.  sitting  in  parliament.  Elstracke  sc.  In 
'*  Time's  Store-house ;^ foL  1619. 

James  L  sitting  in  parliament.    Cockson  sc. 

James  I.  sitting  in  parliament;  Lord  Bacon,  the 
chancellor,  standing  on  his  right  hand,  and  Henry  Mon- 
tague, lord-treasurer,  on  his  left;  beneath  the  latter  sits 
Prince  Charles.  The  portrait  in  the  herald's  coat  is  Sir 
Wm.  Segar:  above  are  the  king's  arms,  and  the  arms  of 
the  English  and  Scottish  nobility  ;  large  sh.  engraved  by 
Elstracke  ;  rare  and  curious. 

Jam£3  I.  on  his  death-bed,  with  Dr.  Lamb,  S^c.  0 
the  collection  of  Mr.  Beckford.    W.  Hollar. 

.  Ja;MEs  I.  ditto;  copy  from  the  above. 

The  apotheosis  of  James  1.    It  is  in  the  ceiling  of 


e  Banqueting  Home  at  Whitehall,  and  is  «, 
iree  sheets  by  Gribelin,  after  Rubens. 

The  love  of  peace  seems  to  have  been  the  ruling 
lunes  1.*     To  this  he  sacrificed  almost  every  princip  ^ 

olicy.     He  was  eminently  learned,  especially  in  divinil  s 

fitter  qualified  to  fill  a  professor's  chair,  than  a  throne.  sne- 

iDlalive  notions  of  regal  power  were  as  absolute  as  1 
astern  monarch  ;  but  he  wanted  tJiat  vigour  and  firmn 
rhich  was  necessary  to  reduce  t'  jim-i"        "lis  tuuaci 

>f  his  own  weakness  in  tlie  ew  "on  wl  his  prerogative,  dre^^ 
lim  this  confession;  "That  tl     ""■'>   a  king  in  ahgtracto 
power,  a  king  in  concrelo  was  bi  to  observe  the  laws     if  the 

country  which  he  governed."  B\it  if"  all  restraints  on  his  prero- 
gative had  been  taken  ofi",  and  he  could  have  been  in  reality  that 
abstracted  king  which  he  had  formed  in  his  imagination,  he  pos- 
seised  too  much  good-nature  to  have  been  a  tyrant.  See  Glass  IX. 

ANNE   of   Denmark,    queen  of  King  James  I. 
C.Johnson  p.  At  Somerset  House ;  lUust.  Head. 

*  He  ii  aaid  to  have  been  painled  abroad  wilh  a  scabbard  witbout  a  sword,  aod 
'lib  1  twocd  *bich  nobody  coald  draw,  tbough  several  were  pnUiag  at  it.t  Sir 
KtDclm  Digby  iiDpatra  tbe  strong  BTersioii  Jamei  bad  to  a-drawn  sword  to  (he 
irigblbUmotberwaH  iti,  during  her  pregnancj,  at  tbeaigbt  of  tbe  swords  wUb  wh^cb 
Dtitd  Bimo,  ber  secretary,  was  assaaaiaated  in  her  presence.  "  Hence  it  came," 
■JI  Sua  author.  "  that  h^  ion.  King  JameSt  bad  sacb  an  aveision,  all  hi;  life- 
Sm,  Id  a  naked  sword  ;  that  be  could  not  see  one  wilbout  a  great  emotion  of  tbe 
■piriu,  allhougb  otherwise  courageoui  enough ;  ^et  be  could  not  overmaslei  hli 
pWMna  in,  this  particular.  I  remember,  when  be  dubbed  me  knight,  in  the  cere- 
■mjof  patdngihe  point  of  a  naked  sword  upon  m;  shoulder,  be  could  not  endure 
toWnpon  it,  bottnmed  his  face  another  waj;  iniomucb  that,  in  iiea  of  touching 
Bj ibonlder,  be  bad  almost'tbrusl  the  point  into  my  eyes,  bad  not  the  Duke  of 
Svckingbam  guided  bis  band  arigbt."t  I  shall  only  add  to  what  Sir  Kenelm  baa 
"tuoveil,  that  James  discoyeied  so  many  marks  of  pusillanimity,  when  the  sword 
■u»l  a  distance  from  him,  that  itij  needless,  in  ^ii  case,  to  allege  that  animpres- 
WBwas  made  upon  his  tender  frame  before  he  saw  tbe  light.  Sir  Kenelra  loigbt 
"■'II  luve  told  us,  that  it  was  owing  to  as  early  a  sympathetic  impresuon  (hat 
topiince  was  so  great  ap  admirer  of  handsome  men.  Sir  Anthony  Weldon  lays, 
Il>i1"henauirally  loved  not  the  sight  of  a  soldier,  nor  any  valiant  man." 

tWiUoa's  "Life  of  James  1." 

I  Digbj',"  Diacourse  of  tbe  Powder  of  Sympathy,"  p.  lot,  105.  edit.  16SB. 


*^  Awia,  daughter  to  th^  nqbU  ponoe  of  wortbie  m^mom^  Ff^ 
derik  the  II.  king  of  Denmark,  &c.  marijt  unto  James  the  sext»  0 
the  yeir  of  Christ  1590 ;  who  hath  horn  unto  him  alreadie  fyve 
children  befi>ir  mentioned.  The  Lord  in  mercie  Indevy  thame  and 
their  posterities,  i^ith  sick  measure  of  his  grace,  that  not  onUe  Ae 
kirk  of  Christ,  in  thair  dominions,  but  also  in  whole  Europe,  imf 
find  ablessinge  in  their  hs^^ne  government:  Amen/'  4to,  }603. 

Anna^  Frederici  II.  X)apor^m  Regi*  FiJ», 
Jaicobi  YI.  Scotorum,  Anglorum  primi  electi  Regis 
uxor;  lectissima  heroina ;  4to. 

Ann4,  &c.  in  a  square  figged  ruff.  C^ispm  ^ 
Foisf.  1604;  Qvb. 

Anne,  &c.  Simon  Passceus  sc.  On  horseffuch:  vkf 
qf  Win^or  Cflstk;  h.  sh.four  English  vers^;  ran* 

Anna,  &c.  S.  Fassaus  sc.  1617 ;  4to. 

Anna,  &c.  S.  F.fe.  A  crown  over  her  head^jew^ 
in  her  hair. 

This  print,  which  is  a  small  oval,  is  from  a  silver  plate  in  the 
Ashmolean  Museun^.    A  few  proofs  only  were  wrought  off,  I9 
order  of  the  Reverend  Mr.  Huddesford,  the  late  worthy  keeper,  r 
which  he  presented  to  his  friends.  ^ 

Anna,  &c.  a  woodpri$U ;  her  name  is  in  a  semicirck  ^ 
above  the  head;  \2mo.  ^ 

Anna,  Prederici  Danorum  regis  fiiia,  &c.  4to. 

A^n  of  Denmark,  &c.  Stent;  h*sh. 

Anne  of  Denmark,  richly  dressed;  sold  by  WUHatn 
Sbermny  mezz.  h.  sh.  - 


Anne  of  Qeomark;  a  monumental ^gy,  lyk^  (mA  « 
tomb^  in  her  royal  robes:  her  head  rests  on  a  sqtMt  )^ 
stone,  inscribed  "  Jacob's  Stone{  alluding  to  his  areofk  i? 
of  the  ladder ;  various  emblems ;  Latin  and  English  ^ 
verses^ ;  sold  by  Qeo.  Humbk  ;  ra{r^  and  curious-  ij 

OP  fiVGLAVlX  9 

Aw^i  s9 m  mat;  naomid  libf  at  ihewrmrs;  sis 
atm.vgrjM ;  €.  Pa$9;  icfirce. 

AxriTA,  Ac.  m  a  rkh  drea,  large  fiath^  fun  in  her 
ft  hand;  sixteen EngUsh verses,  *^  Theetoifunte,"*  Sfc. 
0  name  of  engrq,v^^  <§%?*  smfil^  sheet ;  rare. 

Aijri^jE  OF  P£^:|C4ltK»  queeQ  of  James  V{,  Habertssc. 
w.  In  Pinkerton^s  ^'  Iconographia  Sct^icUt^ 

Anniu  qaeen  of  James  I.  was  the  daughter  of  Frederic  II.  kbg  of 
>eiuiiarK  and  Norway.  In  October,  1589,  James  proceeded  himself 
I  qvesl  of  his  faride,  as  his  g^andfadier  James  V.  had  set  an  ex- 
mpk  of  this  gallantry.  They  were  married  in  DeQ^nark;  imd  ^kjxi^ 
ras  crowned  in  the  ensuing  spring. — ^The  character  of  Anne  of 
>eBaark  was  the  revme  of  her  countrywoman,  Margaret,  wife  of 
fwset  ni.  iMnoTOBs,  boldy  intrif^g,  impsessed  widi  little  ravia- 
ence  for  her  hpsband's  spirit,  or  abilities  for  gorenupent,  she  wias 
mmersed  in  politics,  though  her  supreme  cunning  have  veiled  her 
■sm  historieal  obsenratton.  That,  in  p^utioiAar,  she  had  no  small 
ihlif  In  the  Gowrie  popfii^W^Tf  Vt*  fi^keifon  haii  e^ie^ifoixf^  to 
ihew,  in  a  short  tract  on  that  embroiled  subject ;  in  which  he  hints 
hat  the  main  actor,  Gowrie*s  brother,  was  a  paramour  'of  Anne, 
hat  she  highly  offended  James  by  her  continued  favour  to  the  for- 
eited  fiunily ;  that  the  Earl  of  Gowrie  himself  appears  to  have  been 
mtirely  innocent,  and  that  Anne's  ambition  might  conspire  with 
ler  lover's  infatuation,  to  imprison  her  husband,  and  rival  Elizabeth 
n  female  sovereignty.  Had  th^  lover  be^n  ft  man  of  ability,  had 
tiot  his  mind  been  almost  distracted  with  the  weight  of  the  enter- 
;>ri8e,  another  example  might  have  been  added  to  those  in  ancient 
Mid  modem  history,  of  imperious  queens  who  have  imprisoned  or 
murdered  their  husbands. 

At  St  John's  College,  Cambridge,  in  the  master's  lodge,  is  a 
[)ortrait  of  her,  with  the  hair  in  much  the  same  form  as  it  was  worn 
n  the  year  1770. 

Though  the  portrait  of  Anne  of  Denmark  be  among  the  heads  of 
Uastrious  persons,  she  was  only  illustrious  as  she  was  a  queen, 
(here  was  nothing  above  mediocrity  in  any  circumstance  of  her 
haracter.     Ob.  1  Mar.  1618-19. 

HENRY,  prinpe  of  Wales,  eldest  son  of  King 


James  I.  G*  Vertue  sc.    From  u  curious  limning^  bj/ 
Isaac  Oliver y  in  the  collection  of  R.  Mead,  M.  D.      ^ 

Henry,  prince  of  Wales.  J.  Oliver  p.  J,  Hon- 
broken  sc.  In  the  collection  of  Dr.  Mead;  Illust.  HeaL 

Henricus  princeps.    C.Johnson  p.  Gribelin  sc: 

Prince  Henry.  Elstracke  sc.  whole  length  ;-  hatady 
feather  on  a  table  by  him  ;  4to. 

Henricus  princeps.    Crispin  van  de  Pass  esc,  8m 

Henricus  princeps,  with  his  genealogy ;  a  si 
head.   Crispin  Pass  sc.  '        ' 

Henricus  princeps,  in  armoury  cvercising  with^ 
lance;  a  whole  length.  S.  Passatis  sc.  1612 ;  A.  si 
The  original  print. 

Henricus  princeps,  exercising  with  a  lance;  % 
Hole  sc.  copied  from  Pass :  there  is  another  copy  in  the  ■ 
'*  Heroologia  ;"*  ^vo.  and  a  third  in  4to. 

He  was  employed  in  this  exercise  when  the  French  ambassadoCjm 
came  to  take  his  leave  of  him,  and  asked  him  if  he  had  any  com- 
mands to  France :  "  Tell  your  master,  said  the  prince,  how  you  left 
me  engaged." 

Henricus  princeps  Walliae  ;  a  head,  in  the  "  Hem^^ 
logia;'  %vo. 

Henry;  prince^  &c. ;  sold  in  Lombard-street^  by 
Henry  Balaam;  4to. 

*  Hugh  Holland,  a  stationerf  in  London,  was  author  of  the  *'  Heroologia."  The  | 
portraits  in  it»  which  are  genuine  and  neatly  executed,  were  engraved  in  this  reign, 
by  Crispin  Pass,  and  his  sister  Magdalen.    See  the  commendatory  verses  before  , 
the  book,  which  is  a  small  folio.  4 

■■ ;l 

t  Qy.  if  a  stationer?  He  was  bred  at  Westminster  school,  ander  Ciamden;  an^^ 
from  thence  elected  fellow  of  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  Fuller  says,  he  was  aa -j 
excellent  Latin,  and  a  good  English  poet.    See  Wood's^"  Atben.  Oxon." 

OF   ENGLAND.    '     ':- 

iNRY,  prince,  &c.  in  a  cloak  and  trunk  b\ 
n  Pope's  Head  Allty  ;  h.  sh.  scarce. 
F.xRicus  princeps,    J^.  Dela/am  sc.  4lo. 
ENRicus   princeps.    C.  Bod  f.  P.  de  Jode  crc. 
;  ornaments;  h.  sft. 

jace  Henry.  W.  Holesc.  whole  length.  ■ 

ENRicus  princeps ;  in  the  same  plate  with  the 
■.other  princes  who  died  young  ;  namely,  Edward  VI. 
ry,  duke  of  Gloucester,  brother  to  Charles  II.  and 

duke  of  Gloucester,  son  of  the  Prince  and  Princess 

Denmark.    S.  Gi'ibeim  sc.  h.  sh. 

nee  Henry's  portrait,  by  Van  Somer,  is  at  Hamplan-court 

ENRY,  prince,  with  Lord  Harrington,  slaying  a 

.  Clamp  sc. 

SNKY,^nnc&;  whole  length.  Hind. 

[ENRY,  prince;  i?i  an  oval,  supported  by  a  lion  and 

',on;  si>  Latin  verses.    C.  Pass. 

[enry,  pfmce;  lying  in  state.    W.  Hole. 

^ENRY,  prince,  &c.  W.  Holl  sc.  From  the  original 

■fytens,  in  the  collection  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of 

set ;  in  Lodge's  "  Portraits  of  Illustrious  Persons.^' 

ENRY,  &c.   in  armour,  exercisir^  with  a  lance  ; 

z.    R.  Dunkarton. 

ENRY,  &c.  exercising  with  a  lance;  8w),  W.  Mar- 

( sc.  scarce. 

ms,  literature,  and  business,  engaged  the  attention  of  this  ex- 
it young  prince,  who  seems  to  have  had  neither  leisure  nor 
ation  for  the  pursuits  of  vice  or  pleasure.  The  dignity  of  his 
iour,  and  his  manly  virtues,  were  respected  by  every  rank 
)rder  of  men.  Though  he  was  snatched  away  in  the  early 
of  life,  he  had  the  felicity  to  die  in  the  height  of  his  populari^ 


andibne,  and  before  he  had  ezperieaced  Btky  of  the  miseries 
awaited  the  royal  family.  It  is  remarkable,  that  the  kin 
thought  himself  eclipsed  by  the  splendour  of  his  character,  c 
that  no  mouming  should  be  worn  for  him.*  Ob.  6  Nov 
^t.  18. 


CHARLES,  by  the  grace  of  God,  prince  of  \^ 
duke  of  Cornwall,  &e*  view  of  Richmond  Palace 
background;  W.  Hollar,  but  without  his  name;  s^ 

Charles  ;  an  awl,  with  order  of  the  Garter ,  i 
Stqjporting  the  crown,  and  rhotto^  '^  Ich  dien  i'  at  I 
the  amis  of  England ;  Latin  inscription,  Jollain  ifi 

Charles,"  prince.  Simon  Passceus  delin.  et  . 
Compton  Holland  ere. 

Charles,  prince,  &c.  in  a  hat;  small  square.  (1 

Charles,  prince,  on  horseback;  m^ezz.    C.  Tu 

Charles,  prince  of  Wales.  R,  E.  (Renal 
stracke)  sc.  whole  length  ;  in  armour ;  9fVo. 

Carolus  princeps,  &c.  Fr.  Delaram  sc.  on  ) 
back;  Richmond  at  a  distance ;  h.  sh. 

Charles^  prince  of  Wales.    F.  Delaram  sc. 
Carolus  princeps.   Crisp,  de  Pass  exc.  4to. 

*  So  says  Rapin ;  but  when  the  Princess  Elizabeth  **  was  espoused  to  th 
Palatine  of  the  Rhine,  which  was  a  few  weeks  after  th^  death  of  Prince  He 
appeared  in  a  black  velvet  gown ;  which,  Mr.  Anstis  doubts  not,  was 
moaming  for  Prince  Henry.  On  the  14th  of  February  following,  at  her  w 
thi  king  was  in  a  most  stunptubnt  black  suit,  which,  Mr.  Anstis  suppo: 
worn  u  monniing  for  the  prince."  See  MisceUaneons  Pieces  at  the  end  of 
cond  edition  of  Lelaad's  "  CoUeetanea,"  vol.  v. 4).  3S0,  534,  and  compare 
sages  with  Neale's  «  History  of  the  Puritans,"  ii.  p.  101.  In  Birch's  ''  H 
View  of  the  Negotiations  between  England^  France,  and  Brussels,''  p.  2: 
sM,  that  James  **  would  not  suffer  his  subjects  to  wear  mouming  for  the  d 
qjbeeA.^    fitdtie,  posalKtly,  A  niisUe  might  larise  widi  regard  to  Prince  Hen 

OF   ENGLAND*  i3 

Carolus  princeps ;  four  Latin  verses.  Crispin  de 
Pass  sc.  8vo. 

Charles,  prince,  &c.  Will.  Pass  sc.  At  the  bottom 
are  two  soldiers  presenting  their  muskets;  Ato.^ 

Carolus  princeps.  Sim.  Passf.  l2mo.  Over  the 
dedication  of  James  the  First's  Works  in  Latin,  trans- 
lated  hy  Bishop  Montague. 

Another,  by  the  same  hand,  8vo  ;  and  a  third,  in  the 
f^  of  the  Garter,  4to. 

Carolus  prince  de  Galles  ;  ten  French  verses,  Ato. 

Prince  Charles,  and  the  Infanta,  Donna  Maria ; 
Christ  joining  their  hands,  4to.t  This  has  been  mistaken 
\  for  the  Prince  and  Henrietta  Maria. 

Prince  Charles,  and  ^' Maria  Henrietta,  J  with  the 
arms  and  marriages  past  betwixt  England  and  France;^' 

This  prince»  though  possessed  of  many  excellent  quah ties,  was 
never  so  popular  as  his  brother.  The  king  continued  to  call  him 
"  Baby  Charles,"  from  his  infancy,  even  to  the  time  of  the  marriage- 
treaty  with  France.  In  1623,  Charles,  with  more  than  Spanish 
gallantry,  but  less  than  Spanish  prudence,  went  to  Madrid  to  visit 
the  infanta.^     Howel,  in  his  "  Letters,"  and  Wilson,  in  his  "  Life 

*  I  have  seen  these  figures  in  a  bolder  \vhich  was  engraved  on  a  distinct  plate, 
aid  affixed  to  several  prints. 

t  This  was  (Nriginally  the  frontispiece  to  "  The  Spanish — English  Rose ;  or,  the 
Engfish — Spanish  Fomgranat;"  a  pamphlet  by  Michel  du  Val;  written  to  reconi' 
Beod  the  match  with  Spain,  and  addressed  to  Coant  Gondomar  by  the  author,  in 
i  long  dedication,  filled  with  the  most  hyperbolical  expressions  of  adulation  and 
wvifity  that  are,  perhaps,  any  where  to  be  met  with :  indeed,  the  whole  book  is  a 
coBplete  extravagance,  and  a  great  curiosity  of  its  kind. 

t  See  Orig. 

$  Sister  of  Philip  IV.  There  are  three  prints  of  this  princess,  one  by  Crispin 
Pan,  and  two  by  Siipon.    She  afterward  married  the  Emperor  Ferdinand  III. 

VOL.  H.  D 


«f  James  I.*'  have  given  us  an  account  of  the  prince's  journey  to 
Spain,  of  the  tedious  and  tantalizing  fonnalities  daring  the  course  of 
the  treaty ;  of  the  interview  between  these  two  great  personages ; 
and  several  other  curious  and  interesting  particulars  in  relation  to 
that  romantic  and  mysterious  affair. 

ELIZABETH,  daughter  to  King  James ;  eight 
Latin,  and  as  many  English,  verses,  by  John  Davies^ 
C  Boelfec.  Sold  by  John  Boswell;  sheet ;  scarce. 

The  Lady  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  James  L  Dek* 
ram  sc.  4to.  Compton  Holland  exc. 

Elizabetha,  Regina  Bohemi8e.  Crispin  PasssCf 
Svo.  four  Latin  verses. 

Elisabetha,  &c-  Crispinus  Passfsus,  junior^  sc, 
h.  sh. 

Elisabetha,  &c.  high  ruff,  and  a  large  rose  on 
her  shoulder,  feather  in  her  hair ;  h.  sh.  uncommon, 
F.  Brun. 

Elisabetha,  &c.  on  horseback,  the  horse  richly 
caparisoned;  h.  sh.  scarce. 

Elisabetha,  &c.  Crisp.  Queborinus  sc.  1662;  8w. 

The  Princess  Elisabetha,  queen  of  Bohemia; 
a  book  in  her  left  hand;  sold  by  J.  Balaam;  large  h.  sh. 

Elisabe  Serenissima  Domina;  under  an  archf 
half  lengthy  richly  dressed ;  four  Latin  lines.  Crispin 
Pass  Jig.  sctdp,  et  exc*  scarce. 

Elizabeth,  queen  of  Bohemia.  Bocquet  sc.  In 
Park's  "  Royal  and  Noble  Authors  ;"  %vo.  1806. 

Elizabeth,  princess  Palatine;  with  a  Latin  d^  \ 

OF   ENGLAND.  15 

ntion  to  James  I.  Mireveldius  *  p.  Boctltkis  Bolsuer- 
tus  sc.  1615;  sh.foie. 

.  Elizabeth  reine  de  Boheme.  Vamkr  Werff  p. 
P.  a  Gunst  sc.   k.  sh. 

Elizabeth,  queen  of  Bohemia.  Father  f.  Ato.  See 
fte  next  reign. 

At  Combe  Abbey,  in  Warwickshire,  the  scat  of  Lord  Craven,  are 
Oe  portraits  of  the  Queen  of  Bi  i  and  all  her  children. 

This  amiable  princess,  who  nly  a  phantom  of  royalty,  and' 

bad  noHiing  more  than  the  empt  :itle  of  queen,  bore  her  misfor- 
taiea  with  decency,  and  even  maguanimity.  So  eoga^ng  was  her 
l)eliaviour,  that  she  was,  in  the  Low  Countries,  called  the  "  Queen 
»f  Hearts,"  When  her  fortunes  were  at  the  lowest  ebb,  she  never 
ideparted  from  her  dignity  ;  and  poverty  and  distress  |-  seemed  to 
lave  no  other  effect  upon  her,  but  to  render  her  more  an  object  of 
|«dmiraiion  than  she  was  before. 

CHARLES,  second  son  of  the  elector  Palatine ; 
«imfaat;  sdld  by  Jenaer;  small  4to.  See  the  next 
leign.  Class  I. 

Princeps  RUPERTUS  ;  a  child,  in  an  oval,  encom- 
faued  loiib  scroll^  i  4to. 

Prince  ttup^Kx,  or  Robert ;  a  child,  with  a  jewel  at 
hit  breast;  oval;  4to. 

ELIZABETH,  priiicessaP^atina,a«a  regis  Bohe- 
fliisc ;  A  child;  the  four  seasons  in  the  ornantents;  staaU 

■  Ot  MiooTeldiDs. 

t  Povert;,  especially  in  (iii  il  |iiiiiifgiii  mil  )[ii W  Tlinnrlm  Im  r-ri  hiii  II 
nbfcct  of  ridieale  to  men  of  nlgw  undentuidlng).  Arthur  Wllioti  tell*  us,  tbM 
■  Id  Antwerp,  they  pictored  the  Queen  of  Bohemia  like  a  poor  Iriib  niaiiUer.  with 
tar  imt  bu^iii^  about  icr  taa,  and  bti  duld  at  her  back ;  with  the  hui(  4wr  fa*et 
BHij^  tbe  cradle  (Act  ber." 


That  pre^ancy  of  genius^  by  which  the  Princess  Elizabeth  ^ 
so  eminently  distinguished,  was  conspicuous  at  this  early  period 
her  life.  She  was  one  of  the  most  extraordinary  children^  as  { 
was  afterward  one  of  the  most  illustrious  women,  of  her  age.  ^ 
the  next  reign. 


JAMES  I.  his  Queen,  and  Prince  Henry;  a  srm 
oval,  two  inches  f ,  by  one  inch  f  :  from  a  silver  plate 
the  Ashmolean  Museum.  It  was  engraved  by  one  oft 
family  of  Pass^  probably  by  Simon.  But  few  proc 
have  been  taken  from  this  curious  plate. 

Progenies  Jacobi  et  Ann^,  R.  R.  Mag.  Brit.v- 
Henrictcs,  CaroluSy  Elizabetha,  Maria^  ^  Sophia, 
eddem  tabuld^  progenies  R.  R.  Bohemite.  1 .  Frederic 
2.  Carolus ;  3.  Elizabetha;  4.  Robertus;^  5.  Mam 
tius;  6.  Lovisa  Hollandina;  7.  Ludovicus.  Will.  Pi 
scBus  sc.  1621  ;  large  h.  sh.  scarce. 

In  the  family  of  James  I.  there  is  no  portrait  of  Robert,  t 
king's  second  son,  nor  any  of  the  Princess  Margaret,  who  di 
before  Mary  and  Sophia.  These  two  last  princesses  are  represent 
as  very  young,  leaning  on  death's  heads,  with  palms  in  their  hani 
It  is  probable,  that  there  were  no  originals  of  the  other  two  to  ( 
grave  from. 

The  progenie  of  the  renowned  Prince  James,  & 
This  print  J  \  which  is  similar  to  the  nejct  above  y  teas  e 
graved  by  George  Mountaine. 

James  I.  with  his  Queen,  standing  in  niches;  vi 
nette  of  Prince  Henry ^Sgc.  scarce. 

•  **  He  was  nam^d  Rapert,  In  memory  of  Ropert  the  first  emperor  of  the  P 
tines." — Camden. 



James  I.  and  Queen,  in  tioo  ovals.  Joining  hands  ; 
vith  portraits  of  the  Kings  from  William  the  Conqueror  ,- 

Ann  of  Denmark,  with  Prince  Charles  and  Prin- 
cess Elizabeth;  small  oval,from  a  silver  plate.  S.  Passsc. 
Companion  to  James,  queen,  i^c. 

Progenies  Jacobi  et  Ann^,  &c.  mezz.   C.  Turner. 

James  I.  and  his  Family ;  in  a  square,  within  a 
fyramidal  triangle,  supported  by  Christ;  "  Vox  Dei" 
ot  the  top;  in  the  manner  of  Pass ;  Ato.  It  appears  to  be 
a  compatiion  to  the  next,  engraved  in  the  same  manner* 

James  I.  on  his  throne;  Prince  Charles  presenting 
the  King  and  Queen  of  Bohemia,  in  parlia?iie?it,  to  his 
father  ;  the  people  at  the  bottom,  holding  out  their  hands 
■and hearts;  "  Vo.v  Regis"  at  the  top.-\ 

James  I.  and  his  Family,  kneeling  at  the  topofa 
triumphal  arch  ;  Guy  Fawks,  S^c.  below  ;  in  the  manner 
of  Simon  Pass;  sh.  This  curious  print  was  done  ii^ 
commemoration  of  the  deliverance  from  the  powder-plot. 

kt  I  shall  hare'occaaioD  hereafter  to  make  particular  meQdon  of 
the  Palatine  family,  I  shall  only  observe  here,  that  Frederic,  the 
^Aut  son  of '  the  King  of  Bohemia,  returning  with  his  father  fcom 
Amsterdam  to  Utrecht,  in  the  common  passage-boat,  the  vessel 
overset,  in  a  thick  fc^  ;  and  the  prince,  clinging  to  the  masti  was 
«ntuigled  in  the  tackling,  and  half  drowned,  and  half  frozen  to  death, 
lie  kiifg,  with  some  difficulty,  saved  his  bfe  by  swimming. 

James  \.  sitting;  Prince  Charles  and  his  sister 
ttanding ;  nobles,  S^c. 

a  pamphlet,  entitled  "  Vox  Dei,"  4fa 
•  pampblel,  entitled  "  Vox  RegU," ' 


to  the  many  discoveries  be  made^  of  which  he  sent-him  inteDigenoar^ 

THOMAS  HOWARD,  comes  Suffolciae,  &  totius 
Angliae  thesaurarius..  R.  Elstracke  sc.  small  Ato. 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Suffolk.  Bocquet  sc.  In, 
''  Royal  and  Noble  Authors,''  by  Park  ;  1806. 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Suffolk ;  with  autograph. 

See  also  Pine's  Tapestry. 


Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Suffolk.  J.  Blood  sc:^ 
From  the  original  of  Zucchero,  in  the  collection  of  thei 
Right  Honourable  Thomas,  earl  of  Carlisle,  K.  G.;  in 
Mr.  Lodge's  **  Illustrious  Portraits." 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  SuflTolk,  was  son  of  Thomas,  fourtli 
duke  of  Norfolk ;  by  his  second  dutchess,  Margaret,  daughter  ani 
heir  of  Thomas,  lord  Audley  of  Walden.     He  was  one  of  the  volu^ 
teers  in  the  memorable  engagement  with  the  Spanish  Armada  in 
1588,  and  afterward  in  the  expedition  to  Cadiz;    on  both  wbidi 
occasions  he  gave  signal  proofs  of  his  courage.    He  was,  soon 
Cr.  1603.  the  accession  of  James,  created  earl  of  SuflPolk ;  was  afterward, 
constituted  lord-chamberlain  of  the  household,  and  in  1614  lord 
treasurer  of  England.     In  1619  he  was  dismissed  from  his^offi 
and  fined  30,000/.  for  taking  bribes,  and  embezzling  the  king^s 
treasure ;  crimes  more  imputable  to  bis  countess  than  himself.  His 
ruin  was,  with  great  probabihty,  supposed  to  be  involved  with  that 
of  his  son-in-law,  the   Earl  of  Somerset.     Thomas  Howard 

-*  He  built  the  magnificent  house  at  Hatfield,  where  miich  of  the  old  farnitaTe  »; 
preserved  which  was  there  in  his  lifetime.  There  may  be  seen  his  portrait,  ani 
several  of  the  lord-treasurer,  his  father ;  one  of  which  is  in  Mosaic.  There  is 
a  portrait  of  the  celebrated  Laura,  of  whom  Petrarch  was  enamoured,  inscribed, 

''  Laura  fui,  viridem  Raphael  facit  atque  Petrarcha." 

There  is  a  print  of  this  lady  in  Thomasin's  curious  book,  entitled,  ^*  Petrarcfaa 
rqdivivus^"  . 

OB  njj^t.ANi).  ai 

||«Q»4  soil*  was  fhA  fiist  mdi  oC  Be^bhne  of  tliif  fiuBdaj.    CNr.  S8 
ai^,  1626.* 

Sir  HENRT  MONTAGUE,  one  of  die  leading  mcmben  of  Ihe 
fante  of  CoBimooB  in  tfaiireign;  and  lord  chief-jaBticeof  the  King^s 
Bendi,  was,  by  the  intereat  of  die  Countess  of  Buckingham,  modiar 
^tiie  duke,  made  iofd-*trea8iirer.  His  staff,  which  he  was  forced  la  Jte. 
sign  in  less  than  a  yeisr,  is  said  to  have  cost  him  20,000/.  He 
succeeded  •by  the  moA  of  Middlesex,  who  was  soon  succeeded 
odiers.  The  Earl  of  Suffolk  said  to  one  of  his  friends,  n  that 
lie  best  wi^y  toprf^nl  dea^  was  to  get  tp  be  lord-treasuier;  for 
iione  died  in  that  oifice/'  Tne  head  of  Sir  Henry  Montague  is  in 
Ike  class  of  lawyers. 

^  EDWARD  SOMERSET,  eari  of  Worcester,  ftc. 
privy-seal.  S.  Pas$^ms  sc.  1618 ;  4to.  Sudbury 
fftmbfe;  jcarfx.  Shcfmd  if^dtress  soU  ly  WUUam 

Epir^p,    eail  of  Wprci^ter,   with    qutogr(^h\ 

The  Barl  of  Worcester  was  one  of  the  most  accomplished  gen-  o,.  15^ 
in  the  courts  of  Queen  Elizabeth  and  James  I.  In  his 
^oath,  be  was  remarkable  for  his  athletic  constitution,  and  distin« 
(■ihad  Umsdf  by  the  manly  exercises  of  riding  and  tilting,  in 
%Udi  he  was  perhaps  superior  to  any  of  his  contemporaries.  In 
4e  4dd  of  Eliz.  he  was  appointed  master  of  the  horse ;  which  office 
^  resigned  in  the  Idth  of  James,  and  was  made  lord  privy-seal. 
NOii  3  Mar.  1627-8.  He  was  ancestor  to  the  present  Duke  of 

*  He  biult  tbe  vast  stmctiire  called  Andley  Iini,t  the  greatest  part  of  which  is 
iomnSshoi.  There  is  a  set  of  views  of  this  stately  palace,  by  Winstanley.  The 
fripts  are  icarDBy  as  the  pUtet  were  engraved  for  one  of  the  descendants  of  thp 
lont-trcaflorer.  It  ia  zemarkable,  that  forty-nine,  and  even  fifty  pounds,  were  bid 
flir  ttb  book  of  views,  at  Dr.  Mead's  ^ale,  by  Messieurs  Bathoe  and  Ingram,  boolL- 
•dlen  in  London,  who  received  onUmited  conimissions  from  Mr.  Walpole,  and  the 
kle  Mr.  Barrett  of  Kent,  to  buy  it    The  value  of  the  book  is  four  or  five  guineas. 

What  remains  at  Aodlcy  find  hath  been  improvad,  with  much  taste,  by  Sir  John 

t  Or  Audley  End. 
VOL.  II.  > 


HENRY  VEERE,  earl  of  Oxford,  lord  high- 
chamberlain ;  RV(aughan)  in  a  cypher ;  sold  by  Comp- 
ton  Holland ;  4to. 

Henry  Vere,  earl  of  Oxford,  on  horseback,  with 
Henry,  earl  of  Southampton ;  smM  folio.  J.  Jenner  ejcc. 

Henry  Vere,  earl  of  Oxford ;  in  an  ornamented 
border  of  soldiers.  W.  Pass  sc. 

Henry  Vere,  earl  of  Oxford.   J.  Payne  sc. 

His  portrait  is  at  Welbeck. 

The  Earl  of  Oxford,  who  had  been  a  dissolute  and  debauched 
young  man,  was,  when  the  fervour  of  his  youth  abated,  one  of  the 
most  distinguished  characters  of  his  time.  He  was  ever  among  the 
foremost  to  do  his  country  service,  in  the  senate  or  the  field  ;  was 
one  of  the  few  among  the  nobility,  who  dared  to  check  the  prero- 
gative ;  and  could  not  forbear  giving  vent  to  his  indignation,  when, 
he  saw  the  king's  tameness  with  respect  to  the  Palatinate,  in  sudi 
terms  as  occasioned  his  being  sent  to  the  Tower.  Though  he  inhe: 
rited  all  the  martial  ardour  of  his  family,  he  could  never  exert  it  & 
this  reign,  but  in  attempting  impossibilities.  He  was  one  of  the 
'^  handful  of  men''  who  went  under  Sir  Horace  Vere  agd,in8t  tte 
great  army  of  Spinola  ;*  and  headed  a  party  of  brave  soldiers  in  a 
desperate  attack  on  the  impregnable  works  of  that  general,  at  Ter- 
heiden  ;  in  which  he  exerted  himself  so  much,  that  it  threw  himintd 
a  fever,  which  soon  ptit  an  end  to  his  life. 

CHARLES    HOWARD,     earl   of    Nottingham^ 
.baron  of  Effingham,  lord  high- admiral,  &c.    S.  P» 
sceus  sc.  4to.  Compton  Holland  ea^c. 

There  is  a  whole  length  of  the  Earl  of  Nottingham^  in 
the  robes  of  the  Garter^  standing  under  an  archy  eHr 
graved  by  William  Rogers,  for  Sir  William  Segar% 
^*  Honour  civil  and  military,'^  folio. 

His  portrait,  by  Mytens,  is  at  Hampton-court. 

•  The  portraits  of  the  chief  of  them,  by  Mierevelt,  are  at  Lord  Townshend'si  at 
lUjnhani,  in  Norfolk. 


/"iird  CJtiljc'Ju.aim  ii'Ejri  V 


le  Earl  ,of  Nottingham,  who  in  the  late  reign  made  so  great  a 
e  aa  a  sea-officer,  was,  in  this,  employed  as  an  ambassador; 
ipidific  king  thinking  that  he  could  do  as  much  by  negotiation, 
3iaabeth  did  by  fighting.  In  his  embassy  to  Spain,  he  was 
i4^  by  a  splendid  train  of  five  hundred  persons.  The  ignorant 
dardSy  ^viiio  had  heard  much  of  the  Kentish  long-tails,  and  other 
|terg»  in  .this  nation  of  heretics,  were  astonished  when  he  made 
ftublic. entry,  not  only  at  seeing  the  human  form,  but  at  seeing  it 
uperior  health .  and  beauty  to  what  in  their  own  country  it  ap- 
«d.*      Ob.  1624. 

jrEORGE,  earl  of  Buckingham,  &c.  1617.  Simon 
ssiBUS  sc,  L.  Laur.  Lisle  esc.  a  head  in  an  oval. 

jIborgjs,  marquis  of  Buckingham,  &c.  Siynon  Pas- 
ig  4C    To  the  knees  ;  in  an  oval. 

I  AGE  VjLLiEEs,  duke,   marquis,  and  earl  of  Promoter 
ingham ;  an  horseback ;  ships,  Sgc.  alluding  to  his  igiV^s 
Ij^f^: lord  high-admiraL   Guil.  Passteus ;  h.  sh. 

Flie  Duke  of  Buckingham,  by  the  elegance  of  his  person,t  and  Cr.  duke 
courtliness  of  his  address,  presently  gained  as  great  an  ascen-  ^^^^' 
it  over  James,  as  the  favourite  of  any  other  prince  is  known  to 
e  done  by  a  long  course  of  assiduity  and  insinuation.     It  is  no 

It  is  observable,  that  Mons.  Buffbii  includes  the  seat  of  beauty  within  a  certain 
ade,  BO  as  just  to  take  in  all  France,  and  exclude  England.  One  would  imagine, 
he  formed  bis  ideas  of  the  persons  of  the  English  from  the  vile  portraits  of  some 
Iwir  engraTcra. 

It  was  for  his  fine  face  that  the  king  usually  called  him  Stenny,  which  is  the 
iDOtiTe  of  Stephen.  He,  by  this  appellation,  paid  a  very  singular  compliment 
k§  ai^endour  of  his  beauty tX  alluding  to  Acts  vi.  15,  where  it  is  said  of  St. 
iheOy  "  AH  that  sat  in  the  council  looking  stedfastly  on  him,  saw  his  face  as  it 
been  the  face  of  an  angel."  Some  of  the  duke's  compliments  and  expressions 
errilitj  to  the  king  were  no  less  singular  in  their  kind  :  one  of  his  letters  con- 
es wiUi,  **  Your  faithful  Dog  Stenny." 

He  did  not  long  retain  his  good  looks ;  see  his  latter  portraits.  At  his  first 
ng  to  court,  when  his  majesty  cast  his  eye  on  him,  he  asked  Lord  Arundel 
;  he  thought  of  him  ;  who  answered  that  his  blushing  bashfulncss  was  such  as 
iou£'ht  would  but  ill  succeed  at  court.  However,  he  soon  gained  the  ascen- 
•  from  which  his  majesty  formed  an  opinion,  that  bashfulncss  did  soonest  prc- 
it  court. — Lord  Haii.ks. 


wdnder  iiiat  an  aecumuiatioB  of  honont,  #ealdi,  txoA  po#dr>  vpon  a 
vain  man,  suddenly  raised  from  a  private  station,  shovdd  be  so  in* 
vidions;  end  especially  as  the  duke  was  as  void  of  prudence  and 
modeiratioh  in  the  use  of  these,  as  the  fond  king  was  in  bestowing 
thert.  But  it  must  be  acknowledged,  that  this  great  man  was  tial 
without  his  virtues.  He  had  all  the  courage  and  sincerily  of  i 
SoMier ;  atid  was  one  of  those  few  courtiers  who  were  as  hMiest 
and  open  in  their  enmity,  as  military  men  are  ill  their  frsendriHpk 
He  was  the  last  reigning  favourite  dikt  ever  tyrannized  in  llA  Vaof' 
dom.*    See  the  next  reign. 



LODOWICK,  duke  of  Richmond,  lord  greats 
chamberlain,  and  admiral  of  Scotland,  &c.  Sinm 
Passaics  sc.  Aio.    See  the  next  division. 

LoDowiCK,  duke  of  Richmond;  Ato.  S.Pass;  161(5. 

LoDOWiCK,  duke  of  Richmond;  whole  lengih^  in  his  I 
robesy/ol.  P,v.  Somer.    Clamp  sc.  \12b. 

LoDowiCK,  duke  of  Richmond^  lyii^g  i^  state; 

Promot.       LoDowiCK,  duke  of  Richmoud  and   Lenox   (or 
1615.  '    Lennox),  lord-steward  of  his  majesty's  household. 

^  There  Is  still  a  tradition  in  Spain,  that  tiie  Duke  of  Buckingham,  who  had  eter  . 
k  violent  propensity  to  intrigue,  was  very  particular  in  his  addresses  to  the  Counten 
oT  Ofivares,  who  made  an  ample  discovery  of  his  gallantry  to  her  husband.  Upon 
wluch  it  was  concerted  betwixt  them,  that  the  countess  should  make  the  dulie  id 
assignation,  and  substitute  a  girl  who  had  been  long  infected  with  an  infamous  ixt 
temper,  in  her  place.  The  assignation  was  accordingly  made,  and  the  effect  ful^ 
answered  their  expectation.  This  story,  supposing  it  a  fact,  which  Lord  Clarendoi 
%dll  iKrt  aAow,  accounts  for  the  duke's  avowing  the  mo^t  detenrfined  enmity  iigaSnit 
Olivares,  at  partmgfrom  hi(n;  and  is  similar  to  his  conduct  in  France,  where  Ife 
bad  tile  temerity  to  be  as  particular  in  his  addresses  to  Anne  of  Aostriti,  queen  tf 
Levris  XIII.  Arthur  Wilson  plainly  hints  at  this  piece  of  isecret  histoiy,  which 
'  paJBSed  current  in  his  time.  Sete  Wibon's  LHe  t»f  Jatnes  I.  In  Kennet's  **  Complete 
Hist."  vol.  a.  p.  773. 

or  ENGLAND.  2£ 

Pi  t?.  S.  (P^ul  m,n  Somer)  p.  Jd.  Bafra  sc.  1624 ; 
whoh  length;  large  L  sh.  very  search  Undone. 

At  the  Earl  of  Pomfret's,  at  Easton,  was  a  portrait  of  hitn  hj 
Rubens ;  there  is  one  at  Gorhambury ;  but  the  most  coasiderable 
k  the  excellent  whole  length  of  him,  by  Van  Somer,  at  Petworth. 

This  nobleman  was  son  to  Esme  Stuart,  duke  of  Lenox  in  Scot- 
land, and  grandson  to  John,  lord  D'Aubigne,  younger  brother  to 
Matthew,  earl  of  Lenox»  who  was  grandfather  to  King  James*  On 
ihe  17th  of  May,  21  of  James  I.  he  was  created  earl  of  Newcastle, 
and  duke  of  Richmond.  He  had  a  great  share  of  the  king's 
confid^oe  and  esteem ;  which,  indeed,  he  merited,  as  he  was  a 
man  of  an  excellent  character.  He  mcurried  three  wives  :  his  first 
was  of  the  fahiily  of  Ruthven ;  his  second  of  that  of  Campbell;  and^ 
his  last,  Frances,  daughter  of  Thomas,  viscount  I)oward,  of  Bindon. 
He  died  suddenly^  1623.  His  dutchess  assigned  a  very  particular 
reatooa  for  his  being  in  high  health  the  night  before  he  was  found 
dead  in  his  bed.**^ 

JAMES,  marquis  of  Hamilton,  &c.  Martin  D. 
(Droeshout)  so.  London,  1623;  a  itohole  lengthy  in 
armour^  ^tanMng  in  a  tent  with  fringed  curtains.  On  a 
table  is  a  helmet^  with  a  large  crest  of  bristles  tJmd 
ostrich's  plumes ;  a  small  h.  ^h.  I  have  seen  some  proofs 
of  this  print  without  the  inscription  :  these  Tluere  taken 
when  the  plate  was  much  worn. 

There  is  an  octavo  print  ^f  him^  by  Vaughan  ;  which 
has  been  mistaken  for  a  portrait  of  his  son,  who  was 
-  beheaded. 

James,  marquis  of  Hamilton,  was  a  distinguished  favourite  of  Created 
King  James,  who,  before  he  was  twenty-one  years  of  age,  appointed  i^^^. 
him  one  of  the  gentlemen  of  his  bed-chamber,  and  a  lord  of  his 
privy  council.  He  was  afterward  made  steward  of  hi«  majesty's 
household,  and^  in  i619,<3reated  a  peer  of  England,  by  the  title  of 
Btron  of  Innerdale,  in  Oumberhmd,  and  Earl  of  Cambridge.  In 
I    1621,  he  was  appointed  lord  high-commissioner  of  the  parliament 

•  Kennet,  ii.  p.  777. 


of  Scotland.  On  the  7th  of  July,  1623,  he  was  installed  knigh^  (A 
the  Garter.  He  was  naturalized  in  England  by  act  of  parliament^ 
and  died  in  1625.  See  more  of  him  in  Douglas's  **  Peerage  of 
tScotland,"  p.  333. 

ROBERTUS  CAR,  comes  Somerset.  S.  P. 
(Simon  Passceus)  sc.  4to.  Compton  Holland  exc. 

RoBERTUs  Car,  &c.  two  Latin  lines  at  bottom^ 
*'  Hie  ilk  est,''  d^c.  small  4to. 

Robert  Car,  earl  of  Somerset,  viscount  Roches- 
ter, &c.  and  the  Lady  Frances,  his  wife;  4to.  in  a 
book,  entitled  "  Truth  brought  to  Light,  and  discovered 
by  Time  ;  or,  a  Discourse  and  historical  Narration  oi 
the  first  fourteen  Years  of  King  James's  Reign^''  1661, 
Ato.  There  is  a  copy  of  this  print  before  ^*  The  Cases 
of  Impotency,''  printed  by  Curl.  It  was  engraved  by 
Michael  Vandergucht. 

Robert  Car,  earl  of  Somerset  Houbraken  sc 
Jllust.  Head. 

This  portrait,  which  represents  him  as  a  black  robust  man,  is  no 
genuine.  The  Earl  of  Somerset  had  light  hair,  and  a  reddisi 
beard.*  His  face  was  rather  effeminate;  a  kind  of  beauty  which  tool 
much  with  James  the  First. 

At  Newbottle,  the  Marquis  of  Lothian's,  nptfar  from  Edinburgh 
is  a  head  of  him,  with  smsdl  features  and  flaxen  hair. 

Robert  Car  was  page  to  King  James  before  his  accession  to  th 

throne  of  England ;  and  was,  at  his  coronation,  made '  one  of  thi 

knights  of  the  Bath.  This  circumstance  is  contradictory  to  the  stor 

so  confidently  told  by  several  of  our  historians,  of  his  introductioi 

to  the  king  at  a  tilting,  about  eight  years  after.f     He  was  after 

Cr.  earl        ward  created  viscount  Rochester,  and  earl  of  Somerset ;  and  wa) 

ifiia-^'  d   ^^''^^^^^^  *^  *^^  office  of  lord-chamberlain.     On  the  death  of  thi 

made  lord-    Earl  of  Salisbury,  he  became  prime  minister,  and  dispenser  of  thf 

lain, Jaly 
10, 1614.  •  See  Doyd's  "  State  Worthies,"  p.  746. 

t  See  Dr.  Birch's  Liv^s,  with  the  "Illustrious  Heads,"  vol.  ii.  p.  19. 

V       OF  ENGLAND.  27 

iiig*6  fayours ;  and  had  the  pnidenc^  to  shew  a  due  regard  16  the 
^lishy  without  slighting  his  own  countrymen.  His  talents  were 
leither  shining,  nOr  mean  ;  and  he  was  habitually  a  courtier  and  a 
tatesman.  In  the  plenitude  of  his  power,  he  grew  insolent,  and 
risibly  declined  in  the  king's  favour ;  especially  upon  the  Duke  of 
Buckingham's  appearance  at  court.  In  May,  1616,  he  was  con- 
temned for  being  accessary  to  the  murder  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury; 
a  crime  in  which  he  was  involved  with  his  countess  ;*  but  they  both 
|:eceived  the  king's  pardon.     Ob,  July,  1645. 

The  Right  Hon.  GEORGE,  EARL  MARICHAL, 
founder  of  Marichal  College,   Aberdeen;  from  an 
original  picture  by  Jamieson,  in  the  possession  of  the, 
•Earl  of  Kintorey  at  Keith  Hall,  Aberdeenshire.  Wilkin^ 
5WW  ejcc.  Qvo, 

.  George  Keith,  fifth  earl  marischal,  succeeded  his  grandfather  in 
:1581,  after  having  studied  several  years  in  foreign  universities,  and 
jrisited  most  of  the  courts  in  Europe.  In  1587  he  was  sworn  a 
privy-counsellor  to  King  James  VI.  and,  in  1589,  was  sent  ambasr 
sador-extraordinary  to  the  court  of  Denmark,  to  settle  the  marriage 
of  his  majesty  with  Anne  of  Denmark. — He  made  a  very  splendid 
appearance,  and  acquitted  himself  so  much  to  tlie  satisfaction  of 
the  king  and  council,  that  he  obtained  an  act  of  approbation  from 
them  Nov.  25,  1589  ;  had  charters  of  the  baronies  of  Innerugie, 
Dunottar,  Keith,  &c. ;  also  of  the  lordship  of  Altrie  to  him  and 
William,  his  eldest  son,  Sept.  26,  1592,  and,  in  1593,  founded  the 
Marischal  College,  in  Aberdeen,  which  he  endowed  from  his  own 
great  estates,  with  funds  sufficient  for  the  support  of  a  principal, 
and  four  professors  of  philosophy.  The  foundation  was  ratified  by 
act  of  parliament,  and  approved  of  by  the  general  assembly ;  and 
the  seal  of  the  college  bears  the  arms  of  Keith,  quartered  with  those 
of  Aberdeen. 

After  the  accession  of  King  James  to  the  throne  of  England,  he 
conferred  on  the  earl  the  highest  honour  a  subject  was  capable  of 
rfeceiviug,  by  constituting  him  his  high-commissioner  to  represent 

•  His  inaaspicious  marriage  with  this  lady,  which  ia  the  event  proved  his  ruin, 
was  attended  with  greater  pomp  and  festivity  than  the  marriage  of  any  other  sub- 
ject of  this  kingdom.  See  a  particular  account  of  it  in  "  The  Detection  of  the  Court 
and  State  of  England,  during  the  four  last  Reigns,"  p.  69,  et  seq. 


Ilia  QM^sty  in  the  parliament  of  Scotland ;  hb  eompiiaakia  to  tfm 
effect  passed  the  great  seal  June  6, 1609. 

He  concluded  an  eminent,  useful,  and  active  life,  at  Dunottai 
Caitle,  on  the  22d  of  April  1623,  in  the  70th  year  of  hia  age,  and 
was  buried  in  St.  Bride's  church,  now  called  Dunottar, 

JOHN  ERSKINE,  earl  of  Mar,  high-treawwr  of 
Scotland.    P.  Roberts,  1796. 

John,  the  sixth  earl  of  Mar,  was  a  great  fatTourite  of  King  Jamei 
VJ.  who  committed  to  his  care  the  tuition  of  his  young  son,  Piiooe 
Henry ;  and,  by  a  letter  under  his  own  hand,  charged  his  lordshq^ 
in  case  of  his  majesty's  demise,  not  to  deliver  the  prince  either  to 
the  queen  or  the  estates,  till  be  should  be  eighteen  years  of  age.* 
Jn  1601  his  lordship  was  sent  ambassador  to  the  court  of  Qoesf 
Elizabeth ;  where  he  deported  himself  with  such  prudence,  that  \m 
majesty  gratefully  owned,  that  his  peaceable  accession  to  the  crowa 
of  England  was,  next  to  the  goodness  of  God,  to  be  ascribed  to  the 
Earl  of  Mar ;  and  thereupon  made  him  a  knight  of  the  most  noUi 
order  of  the  Garter,  one  of  his  privy  council  in  England,  and  loftf* 
treasurer  in  Scotland.    He  died  1635,  aged  79. 


WILLIAM,  earl  of  Pembroke,  &c.  lord-chamber-  i 

lain  of  his  majesty's  household.    P.  van  Somer  p.   \ 

S.  JPassaifs  sc.  1617:  4to. 

William,  earl  of  Pembroke,  &c.  Soldby  l^erA; 

GuiL.  comes  Pembroch.  Acad.  Cane,  with  Sir 
Thomas  Bodley,  and  others ;  in  the  frontispiece  to  the 
Catalogue  of  the  Bodleian  library.    M,  Burghers  sc. 

William,  earl  of  Pembroke;  4to.  John  Hind; 
scarce.    This  is  a  copy  from  Passceus. 

*  See  the  lelter  in  Crawibfd's  **  Peerage  of  ScoUiuid." 


William,  earl  of  Pembroke ;  in  the  **  Oxford 
Almanack^''  1744. 

William,  earl  of  Pembroke,  &c.  TT.  Holl  sc. 
1816 ;  from  the  original  of  Vandyke ,  in  the  collection  of 
the  Bight  Hon.  the  Earl  of  Pembroke ;  in  Mr.  Lodge's 
**  Bbtftrifms^  Portraits.'' 

William  Herbert,  earl  of  Pembroke.  C.  Jansen 
jmkD.  R.  Cooper  sa  1810 ;  from  the  original  in  the 
possession  of  M.  Barnes. 

Hie  E%rl  of  Pembroke  was  as  generally  and  deservedly  esteemed  Cr.  i55i, 
IM  any  aoUeman  ofhis  time.     He  was  well-bred ;  but  his  breeding  ^PP-^ord- 
9kA  his  manners  were  entirely  English*    He  was  generous,  open,  15  jac.  i 
antd'smoore ;  loyal,  and  yet  a  friend  to  liberty.    Few  men  possessed 
^  gieatSF  qoickness  of  apprehension,  or  a^  more  penetrating  judg- 
teBt;  and  none  could  express  themselves  with  more  readiness  or 
propriety.   He  was  a  man  of  letters  himseif,  and  an  eminent  patron 
of  learned  men.     But  he  had,  with  all  his  excellences,  a  strong 
propensity  to  pleasure,  and  frequently  abandoned  himself  to  women. 
He  died  suddenly,  April  10,  1630.* 

*  When  his  body  lyas'opeQed^  in  order  to  be  embalmed,  lie  was  observed,  imme 
diately  afler  the  incision  was  made,  to  lift  up  his  hand.  This  remarkable  circam- 
itanoe,  compared  with  Lord  Clarendon's  account  of  his  sudden  death,t  affords  a 
iboig-ptesamptive  proof  that  his  distemper  was  an  apoplexy.  This  anecdote  may 
k^  depeoded  011  ay  a  fact;  as  it  was  told  by  ft  descendant  of  the  Pembroke  family, 
«^  had  often  hf^ard  it  lelatjBd. 

t  VqI?  i.  p.  5Bj  8?o. 

VOL.  II. 



■   ■ 


EARLS.  5. 

FRANCIS  MANNERS,  earl  of  Rutland ;  «J 
T.  Jenner  ;  8t;o.    Geo.  Ferbearde  ea^c. 

Francis  Manners,  earl  of  Rutland;  8w.  IT.H 

[>.  I5f5.  '  The  Earl  of  Rutland,  chief-justice  in  Eyre  of  all  the  kiHg^tf  $ 
andchaces  north  of  Trent,  and  knight  of  the  Garter.  .In  llU 
attended  the  king  to  Scotland,  and  afterward  commaxuled:  4M 
sent  to  bring  Prince  Charles  out  of  .Spain.  The  cali|niitiei» 
4x»ed  to  be  the  effects  of  witchcraft,  in.  the  earl's  iaimhry  axj^jj 
have  occasioned  the  famous  act  of  parliament  in  this  reigyi^iillj 
.  sorcery,  and  other  diabolical  practices,  which  was  lately. iq^ 
Howel. tells  us  in  his  Letters,*  '' that  King  James,  argireatj 
was  loath  to  bdieve  there  were  witches ;  but  that  which  baj^ 
my  Lord  Flrancis  of  Rutland's  children  convinced  him.'*  !.T 
contradictory  to  the  tenor  of  the  *'  Deemonologia,"  which  was 
lished  long  before.  In  1618,  Joan  Flower  and  her  two  dau| 
were  accused  of  murdering  Henry,  lord  Roos,  by  witchcrafl 
of  torturing  the  Lord  Francis  his  brother,  and  the  Lady  Cad 
his  sister.    These  three  women  are  said  to  have  entered  into  i 


mal  contract  with  tiie  devil,  and  to  have  become  '^  devils  ina 
themselves/'  The  mother  died  as  she  was  going  to  prison 
daughters,  who  were  tried  by  Sir  Henry  Hobart  and  Sir  Ei 
Bromley,  confessed  their  guilt,  and  were  executed  at  Lincohu 
Turner's  "  Hist,  of  remarkable  Providences ;"  fol.  &c.  ^ec- 
peer  died  without  issue  male,  17  Dec.  16S2. 

HENRY  WRIOTHESLY,  earl  of  Southami 
&c.  Simon  Passaus  sc.  1617;  4to.  scarcc-f  Sua 
and  Humble. 

•  Page  427. 

t  Most  of  the  heads  by  the  farailj  of  Pass,  Elstrackc,  and  Delaram,  are 
and  some  of  them  extremely  rare. 




&  {liRtndt  is  at  Bulttrode,  toother  with  the  Ml,  libjA  WU 1^- 
Km  in  the  Tower,  in  the  reign  of  ElizabeUi.  ■  ^.:  ; 

HzwET  WRroTHESLY,  earl  of  SoiitfaJBinpton.  W, 
Sharp  sc.  In  Malones  "  Shakspeare,"  1789.    ■  . 

Henry,  earl  of  Southampton,  on  horseback,  V9lh 
Henry  Vere,  earl  of  0.rford ;  small  foiio.  I.  Jm- 
ner  a,'.  ■  ;       ■ 

Henry  Wriotheslt,  earl  of  Soutbamptm,  l|w.  . 
W.  Richardson. 

The  Earl  of  Sntithftinpton  was  ooe  of  the  privy  coundl,  hot  hefft  C*.  tU 
StUe  or  no  part  In  the  adminiatratioD  of  afiaira  ia  this  reign ;.  aa^ 
i»BB  oyerbome,  in  the  former  part  of  it,  by  the  Eari  of  Salitborj'^  • 
'lAoconceived  a  dislike  to  him,  on  account  of  his  attachment  totfajk 
Ne  Earl  of  Easex.  He  was  a  sincere  friend  to  his  coontiT :  aqd 
itxh  was  his  patriotic  spirit,  that  he  could  not  help  expresunp  lua 
Indignation  at  the  pacific  measures  of  the  king;  far  wfakh  he  WU 
'toninitted  a  prisoner  to  the  dean  of  Westminster,  about  the  same 
time  that  tlie  Earl  of  Os-ford  was  committed  to  the  Tower.  Shak- 
ipcare  gratefully  acknowledges  the  distinguished  generosity  with 
which  his  lordship  patronised  his  literary  labours.     Ob.  1624. 

HENRICUS  PERCY,  comes  NorthumberlandiBe. 

D^antm  sc.  1619 ;  eight  English  verses;  Ato.  Another 

I  in-a  hat,  by  the  same  hand.   (Both  scarce.) 

ICBICVB. Percy, .&c.  bald  head;  eight  English 
W.  Richardson. 

,  earl  of  Northamberlajid,  was  one  of  the  gallant  young  Cr.  I5i 
,  who,  in  1588,  when  the  kingdom  was  threatened  with  an 
m,  hired  ships  at  their  own  expense,  and  joined  the  grand 
Lnnder  the  lord  high-admiral.     He  was  afterward  one  of  the 
:s  at  the  famous  siege  of  Ostend.     In  the  reign  of  James, 
i  under  a  suspicion  of  being  a  party  in  the  gunpowder-plot ; 
mtfUnagh  innocent,  suffered  a  tedious  impneonment  of  fifteen 


years  *    He  was  a  gi^eat  tever  and  patron  of  leatoing.    Ob,  5  Nov. 

ROBERT  DEVEREUX,  earl  of  Essex,  when 
young;  in  an  oval.    R.  E.  (Elstracke)  scarce. 

Robert  Devereux,  &c.  a  small  square ;  hat  and 
truncheon.  J.  P.  (John  Payne)  \2mo.  Another  of  him 
on  horseback.    W.  Pass  sc. 

,         Robert  Devereux,  &c,  R.E.  (Elstracke)  sc.  4to. 

Cr.  1572.  Robert  Devereux,  earl  of  Essex,  son  of  the  unfortunate  favourite 
of  Queen  Elizabeth,  served  with  reputation  in  the  wars  in  the  Low 
Countries.  He  was  one  of  the  few  noblemen  in  parliament  who 
dared  to  attack,  or  at  least  to  keep  at  bay,  the  **  great  monster  of 
the  prerogative."t  But  he  never  appeared  to  so  great  an  advan- 
tage as  at  the  head  of  an  slrmy.  See  his  chairacter  among  the 
swordsmen  in  the  next  reign ;  see  also  that  of  the  Countess  of  Essex 
in  this. 

THOMAS  HOWARD,  earl  of  Arundel,  &c.  Mr. 

(Mierevelt)  p.    Order  of  the  George.    S.  Pass(Eus  sc. 
Sold  by  C.  Holland,  1616 ;  4to. 

Cr.  1579.  The  Earl  of  Aruudel'was  a  great  promoter  of  building  with  bricfc. 
It  has  been  erroneously  said,  that  he  was  the  first  who  introduced 
that  kind  of  masonry  into  England.t  See  more  of  him  in  the  reign 
of  Charles  I. 

RICHARD  SACKVILLE,  earl  of  Dorset.  S.Pas- 

scBU^  sc.  1617  ;  4to.    Sudbury  and  Humble;  scarce. 

*  Thomas  Percy,  a  distant  relation  of  the  earl,  and  one  of  the  band  of  gentlemen- 
pensioners,  of  which  bis  lordship  was  captain,  was  proved  to  have  been  with  him  at 
Sion  House  the  day  before  the  intended  execution  of  the  plot.  This  unlucky  dr- 
cumstance  was  the  occasion  of  his  confinement. 

t  So  called  by  Sir  Edward  Coke. 

t  As  to  brick  buildings  in  England,  see  Bagford's  **  Letter  relating  to  the  Anti^ 
quities  of  London,"  p.  Ixxviii.  It  is  prefixed  to  Leland's  "  Collectanea."  See  alw 
a  Dissertation  by  Dr.  Lyttelton,  then  dean  of  Exeter,  on  the  Antiquity  of  Brick 
Buildings  in  England,  posterior  to  the  time  of  the  Romans,  in  vol.  i.  of  "  Archeo- 
logia,  or  Miscellaneous  Tracts  relating  to  Antiquity,"  p.  140,  &c.  See  also  Mr. 
Gougli's  Preface  to  his  "  Anecdotes  of  British  Topography,"  p.  21,  &c 

OF    ENGLAND.  83 

Tbere  ifr  It  whcie  4ei)gth  porti^t  ^  f>f  him  at  Ckarlton,  the  aeat  <if 
Lord  Suffi^,  in  Wiltgluffe. 

The  Barl  of  Dotsetwas  ^n  adcomplisbed  gentlemtuiy  and  an  ex-  Cr.  le 
ceOent  jtidge  and  munificeat  patron  of  literary  fnerit,  He  was  ho&- 
pitaU^  and.botintiful  ta  profasian^  aod  was  a  ^eat  loyet  «f  mask- 
ing, fU^ng,  and  ether  princely  es^ercises,  which  recommended  him 
to  die  fioticey  aad:.gai£ed  him  the  eiMeem,  of  Prince  H^nry.  Ob.  28 
Mar.  1624, -iE*.  3^.      ., 

ROBERT  SIDNEY,  earl  of  Leice&ter,  &c.  Simon 

Robert  S i  d Jne y,  Tiscount  Lisle,  &c,  16 17.  S.  Pas- 

S(BUS  sc.  4to. 

Robert  Sidney,  Ttsconnt  Lisle/descended  from  a  sister  of  Robert 
Dudley,  earl  of  Leicester,  was,  by  Jatnes  I.  created  esi^l  of  Lei-  Cr.  u 
cester,  and  baron  Sidney  of  Penshurst,  the  2d  of  August,  1618.  In 
the  early  part  of  his  lifb  heivas  lord-chamberlain  to  Queen  Anne ; 
and,  with  Sir  Francis  Vere,  greatly  distinguished  himself  in  the  cele- 
brated battle  of  Tumhoult,  gsuned  by  Prince  Maurice,  1597  ;  that  Cr.Mj 
general-  himself  ascribing  the  glorious  success  of  the  day  to  their  ^^^' 
good  conduct  and  gallant  behaviour,     Ob,  1626.     His  portrait,* 
with  others  of  the  Sidney  family,  was  lately  at  Penshurst,  in  Xent ; 
but  that  valuable  collection  is  now  sold  and  dispersed. 

CHARLES  BLOUNT,  earl  of  Devonshire ;  w;Ao& 
kngih  mezz.  P.  v.  Somer  pina;.  V.  Green  sc. 

Charles  Blount,  Sec.  in  the  King's  library;  rare. 

Charies  Blount,  second  fion:  of  James,  the  sixth  Lord  Montjoy, 
bd  early  a  command  in  the  fleet  which   defeated  the  famous 
Armada.      He  was    appointed    lieutenant  of  Ireland,  where  he  ' 
Impulsed  the  Spaniards  with  great  honour,  and  was  created  by 

*  He  was  yoanger  brother  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney.  Great  part  of  Languet's 
Epistobe,  addressed  to  Sir  Philip,  concerns  the  education  of  this  young  man.  It  is 
ivpr^g  that  the  Letters  of  Languet  should  be  so  little  read ;  they  abound  in  anec- 
<lotes  of  the  Sidney  family,  and  shew  Sir  Philip  Sidney  to  great  advantage.  Be- 
sides, Languet  was,  in  all  probability,  the  author  of  the  Vindicis. — Lobo  Hailes. 


James  I.  1603,  earl  of  Derooshirey  and  made  kniglit  of  ^ 
Garter.  He  is  said  to  haye  been  beaatifol  in  person,  yaliaDt,  and 
learned:  his  character  was  sullied  by  his  connexion  with  Penelope^ 
sister  to  the  Earl  of  Essex,  and  wife  to  Robert,  lord  Rich,  whom 
she  abandoned,  and  had  seyeral  children  by  this  earl ;  who,  finding 
her,  upon  his  return  from  Ireland,  divorced  from  her  husband, 
married  her  at  Wanstead,  in  Essex,  in  1605.  The  ceremony  was 
performed  by  his  chaplain,  William  Land,  afterward  archbishop  of- 
Canterbury ;  an  act  which  gave  great  concern  to  that  prelate  upon 
deliberate  reflection.  Ob.  1606,  JEt.  43.  Daniel  wrote  a  Funeral 
Poem  upon  him.     See  **  Memoirs  of  the  Peers  of  England,*^  1802. 

JOHN  DIGBY,  earl  of  Bristol,  &c.  R.  Elstrackesc. 
Sold  by  Wm.  Peake;  4to.  rare. 

John  Digby,  earl  of  Bristol.  Bocquetsc.  In  ^^Nobk 
Authors;' by  Park  ;  1806. 

John  Digby,  earl  of  Bristol.  Harding. 

John  Digby,  earl  of  Bristol.  Thane. 

John  Digby,  earl  of  Bristol.   C.Johnson;  Ho 
braken  sc.  In  the  "  Illust.  Heads  ^  by  mistake  inscrii 
George  Villiers,  duke  of  Buckingham. 

This  nobleman  was  one  of  the  most  accomplished  ministers^ 
epLl5,  well  as  most  estimable  characters,  of  his  time.   He  was  ambass 
*^^      from  James  to  the  emperor,  and  afterward  to  Spain.    He  p< 

all  the  phlegm  requisite  for  a  Spanish  embassy,  and  even  for 
tedious  and  fruitless  negotiations  of  this  reign.     His  credit  in 
court  of  Spain  was  beyond  that  of  any  other  ambassador ;  and 
receiTcd  greater  marks  of  distinction  from  his  Cathohc  majesty, 
the  next  reign,  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  who  hated  the  man,  ds 
to  attack  the  minister ;  but  he  was  bravely  repelled.*     Upon.t 
breaking  out  of  the  civil  war,  he  sided  with  the  pariiament,  and 
the  command  of  two  troops  of  horse  in  their  service;  but  wheni 
saw  that  monarchy  itself  was  in  danger,  he  adhered  to  the  king. 

*  His  defence  of  his  conduct  in  Spain,  Dvbich  was  publicly  called  in  quest 
the  Doke  of  Backingham,  is  in  the  State  Trials,  and  in  the  tenth  Tolume  of  Raf 


William   Knollis,  viscount  Wallingfopd,  wkk 
autograph.  Thane. 

William   Knollis,  viscount  Wallingford ;  8w. 
W.  Rkhardson. 

William,  son  of  Sir  Francis  Knolles>  by  Catharine  Cary,  daogiiter 
to  Sir  Thomas  Bolen,  and  cousin-german  to  Queen  ElizabetL  Jk 
succeeded  his  father  in  the  office  of  treasurer  of  the  queen's  house- 
hokl,  and  was  one  of  the  delegates  for  making  peace,  41  Eliz. 
Upon  th&^cession  of  James,  he  was  created  ba^n  qf  Grays,,  ia 
Oicfordshire,  the  place  of  his  residence ;  in  the  twelfth  year  of  thii 
vtigii  be  was  constitutttd  master  of  the  courl  of  waidsr;  and  about 
Cr.  JtiL5*  tiPo  jeaiB  afber,  created  viscount  Wallingford.*  He  died  the  2Ak 
1616-7.  0i  Majr,  1632,  in  the  d8th  year  of  his  age,  and  lies  buried  at  Gia3f» 
The  ancient  seal  of  this  fomily  is  now  in  the  possession  of  Stf 
Thomas  Stapleton,  bart. 

HENRY  HOWARD,  earl  of  Northampton ;  frm 
an  original  at  Castle  Howard.  S.  Pickard.  (Hal^ 
penny  fee.) 

Henry  Howard,  earl  of  Northampton,  (second  son  of  the  cdtr 
brated  £arl  of  Surrey  beheaded  by  Henry  VIII.)  was  bom  at  SA^ 
tisham,  in  Norfolk,  about  1539.  He  was  educated  at  Cambri^i 
and  in  1568  was  admitted  to  the  degree  qf  M.  A.  at  Oxford.  9l 
was  neglected  during  the  reign  of  EUaabeth ;  but  in  the  ne^  rejgl 
he  rose  rapidly ;  being  made  a  privy-counsellor,  war4en  of  tin 
Cinque  Ports,  earl  of  Northampton^  lord  privy-seal,  and  kni^df 
the  Garter.  He  was  a  man  of  considerable  talents,  but  destitatej(| 
principle.  He  was  a  party  in  the  intrigue  of  his  niece,  the  counteM 
of  Essex,  with  Carr,  viscount  £Lochcator  $  und  strongly  .suspec|0J( 
of  being  concerned  in  the  murder  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury.  A£kdb^ 
ing  to  be  a  Protestant,  he  enjoyed  great  favour  with  Jaines  h  lHf| 
being,  by  an  intercepted  letter  to  Cardinal  Bellarmine,  discomirf 
to  be  a  confirmed  papist,  he  was  deprived  of  his  estate.  Ql> 
June  15,  1614.  His  works  are,  1.  *' A  Defensative  against  thd 
Poison  of  supposed  Prophecies/'  4to  and  folio.  2.  '^  An  Apologj  fiv 
the  Government  of  Women ;"  a  manuscript  in  the  Bodleian  libraiy* 
Some  other  manuscripts  also  l&om  his  pen  are  extant. 

*  He  was  created  earl  of  Banbory,  18  Aag.  1626. 


dile.ctMracter,  and  «  complete  gentlenan^  He  was  afEenw' 
created  viscount  Doncaster,  and  earl  of  Carlisle.  It  eliould )» 
obaerred,  that  his  paasion  for  feasting  and  dress  continued  olmoit 
to  the  last  moment  of  his  life,  even  when  he  knew  that  lie  TO 
given  over  bj  his  physicians.     Ob.  25  April,  1636. 

HENRY  BROOKE,  lord  Cobham;  oval  frame,  ' 
arms  at  the  top;  R.  Hogenberg,  1582.  L 

Henry  Brooke,  lord  Cobham,  &c.  J.  Tha^- 

Henry,  second  son  of  William,  lord  Cobham,  being      ' 
and  weak  man,  was  easily  led  into  any  rash  enterprir     : 
the  Lords  Gray  of  Wilton,  Sir  George  Corew,  and  oti 
in  what  was  called  the  "  Raleigh  conspinicy,"  and  was 
witness  agwnst  the  unfortunate  Raleigh,  when  he  ret:  ' 
fae  had  previously  deposed,*     On  his  trial,  he  heard  t  '■ 
with  much  agitation ;    sometimes  interrupting  it,  bj 
what  he  thought  to  be  wrongly  inseTted.    He  was  font 
reprieved ;  yet,  attainted,  and  left  to  drag  on  in  pri  . 
misery,  and  extreme  poverty,  till  1619 ;  when  he  died  ' 

EDWARD,  lord  Zouch ;  an  etching.   P 
from  a  drawing  in  the  King's  "  ClarcTidoti ." 

Edward,  lord  Zouch.  R.  Cooper  sc.         ■ ;    i 

Edward,  lord  Zouch,  one  of  the  peers  who  sat  in       *      i 
Mary,  queen  of  Scots,  was  afterward  sent  ambassadi      i 
land  to  palliate  that  matter.    He  was  lord-president  of      ' 
reigns  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I. ;  and  constable  of  E 
and  warden  of  the  Cinque  Parts,  for  life;  daring  whi 
brated  Sir  Edward  Nicholas  was  his  secretary.    He  v 
known  friend  of  Sir  Henry  Wotton,  and  Ben  Jonson. 
ing  is  from   Bridge's  History  of  Northamptonshire: 
from  the  cliurch  of  Heryngworth,  and  contiguous  to  th 
house,  are   large  ruins  of  the  outward  walls  of  a  < 
against  the  south  wall  are  remains  of  the  monument  of 
Zouch,  who  died  in  1569  (father  of  Edward).    At  tli 
the  north  wall  is  a  small  hole  communicating  with  the        ^  c 

Ot  ENGLAND:  41 

which,  acoordiDgiatraditioD;g8Te  occaakftito  the  following 
f  the  fiEU»tioii8  Ben  Jonson  : 

««  Wlieneyer  I  %,  let  fhb  be  my  fate. 
To  Ije  by  my  good  Lord  Zouch ; 
Tbftt- wbea  1  UB  diy,  to  the  tap  I  Bay  hye, 
.  Aiii'iobMkiiguntomycoiich." 

1626.    . ,  _: 

ll^iaREi^^  Scrivensc. 

E,  first  lord  Brooke.  R.  Cooper  sc. 
itustrious  Portraits.^ 

rd  Brooke,  was  son  to  Sir  Folke  6re?ille 
i-cottity  in  Warwickshire.  He  was  bom  in 
ath  his  truly  illastrious  friend  Sir  Philip^ 
have  bieen  his  schoolfellow  at  Shrewsbury, 
liow-commoner  at  Trinity  College,  Cain- 
irard  passed  some  time  at  Oxford.  He 
ibroad;  and  upon  his  retomi  being  well 
iduced  at  court  by  his  ancle,  Robert  Cre- 
te for  polite  learning,  and  being  an  en- 
3nces,  he  soon  grew  into  favour  with  Queen 
f  received  the  honour  of  knighthood.  He 
First,  at  his  coronation,  installed  knight  of 
I  grant  of  Warwick  Castle.  He  was  made 
lancellor  of  the  EKchequer,  and  in  1620 
r  Beauchamp-court,  &c.  He  was  murdered 
servant  Ralph  Heywood,  who  had  spent  the 
n  his  lordship's  service ;  but,  not  thinking 
arded,  and  being  sharply  rebuked  for  some 
lip  a  mortal  stab  in  the  back  with  a  knife, 
.     See  **  Noble  Authors,"  by  Park. 

uVERT,  lord  Baltimore.    E.  Boc- 
e  Authors"  by  Park;  1806. 

RGB  ^^^    £RT,  lord  Baltimore.    Caldvmll. 

RGE  Calvert,  lord  Baltimore.    Harding. 


Geosoe  Calvebt,  kffd  Baltimore.  TkatK  (k. 
with  autograph. 

Oeori^  Calvert,  lord  Baltimore,  deKended  from  the  anciem 
home  of  GalTert  in  the  earldom  of  FUnderg,  #as  bom  at  K^Icy. 
in  Yorkshire,  about  1680.  He  was .aecretary  to  Sir  RobertCecil, 
and  appointed  clerk  of  the  council.  In  1619,  he  wpa  camjliiifli 
one  of  the  principal  Becretariee  of  state;  which  sitnatnDa1iert^|netl, 
Conacientioiuly,  in  1624,  oq  haring  embraced  the  Romin  JSpoUc 
religion.  King  James  granted  him  a  yearly  pension  of  £1MQ  ml 
of  the  customs,  and  created  him  baroa  of  Baltimore,  in  the  county 
of  Longford,  in  Ireland.  He  also  obtaioed  a  patent  for  him  a°^ 
lui  kein,  to  posseia  the  colony  of  Maryland,  in  Koith  Api^rica. 
■   OS.  1622,  Mt.  53. 

SIR  WlLtlAM  POPE,ofRoxton,  bart.  aivibl 
of  the  hon.  order  of  the  Bath,  Mtatls  sua  52.  A.  D 
-1624.  Conteliut  Jansen  ptnx.  Godefroy  sc.  IHm  n'l 
■original  picture  in  the  collection  of  the  late  Zsaae-Bed 
esq.  of  Staple  Inn,  1794. 

Sk  William  Pope,  bom  at  Wroxton  in  1573,  became  a  B^en< 
of  Gray'B-Jn'n ;  was  made  knight  of  the  Bath  at  St.  Jarae*"*  1603: 
and  a  baronet  in  1611,  being  dten  styled  of  Wilcote.  In  l€29,lic 
wa*  created  baron  of  Bellteirot,  and  earl  of  Donne,  in  Irelattd.  Hi 
died  1631,  and  was  buried  in  the  diurch  at  Wroxton.  See  "Top"- 
graphical  Miscellanies,"  toL  1 1792, 4to. 


EDWARD  BRUCE,  first  lord  Kinloss,  Ob.  1610.  ' 
from  his  monument  in  the  Rolls'  chapel.  Kingsc.  6vo. 

This  eminent  statesman  was  the  second  son  of  Sir  Edward  Broc^ 
of  Blaii-hall,  and  the  progenitor  of  the  Earls  of  Elg:in  andAjdes- 
bury.  He  was  bred  to  the  law,  and  displayed  abilities  which  gained 
him  the  confidence  of  James  VI.  who  sent  the  Earls  of  Mar  ani 
Bruce,  to  congratulate  Elizabeth  on  the  suppression  of  the  insur- 
rection by  Essex,  in  1601.    The  subsequent  correspondence,  be- 

AMCBDBISHOP  of  Cawferbtky. 

Ji./:i„.wji,.i„„/..„  r,,.,/,  .iv„, //„;.,,/„. /.;,//., 


reea  Bruce  and  Sir  Robert  Cecil,  operated  greatly  towards  the 
^aceable  accession  of  James  to  the  English  throne.  On  the  22d 
'  Feb.  1603,  James  erected  the  dissolved  abbey  of  Kinloss,  in 
Ioolj,  into  a  lordidiip,  in  fieLTonrof  this  able  negotiator. 

Lord  Kinloii,  attending  his  sovereign  into  England,  was  farther 
warded  by  die  office  of  master  of  the  fioUs:  the  patent  is  dated 
dIj  Stfa,  iJfiM,  ciMdiiii  cptupli  mentimis  that  he  died  on  the  14th 
r  JBmuny^  a^tdifiS  Tsean* 

The  UikniagyaaeaftkiB,  is  on  liis  tomb : 


Sacra  Memorite 
*'  '  \  tka&m.  fidvardi  Bmdi,  Baronis 
.  .finiiii  Kmfossensis,  Sacroram  Scriniornm 
Ma^flli^  ffldatmn  Qui  obijt  14*  Jan.  Sal.  tdlO,  £tat. 
[  '-'  82»  Jacobi  Kegis  «•. 
Brdeiiki'fidmdas  sitas  hie,  et  Scotus,  et  Anglus ; 
. ;  •  'ScMas  nt  Orta,  Anglis  sic  oriundns  Avid. 
Rq^faKtXibq)  deeps  tolit,  aactus  honoribus  amplis 
. '  ."ft^  aCbnn^B  Begni  utriusq;  fiut 
Ganragl^,  TxtSte'.  Kuru^  Genero,  Spe,  Req.;  Beatus 
"^^ereubs  docoit,  nunc  docet  ecce  mori. 

WdKinloss  was  fhther  of  Lord  Bruce,  killed  in  a  duel  by  Edward 
Sadmlls,  earl  of  DonM. 



RICHARDUS     BANCROFT,     archiepiscopTO 
Cantuariensis.  G.  Vertue  sc.  small  h.  sh. 

RiCHARDVs  Baitcbott,  archiepiscopus  Cantuari- 
ensis.  G.  Vertue  sc.  ornamented  border;  4to. 

Richard  Bancroft,  archbishop  of  Canterbury; 
^n  a  square  sntiill  4to.  W.  Richardson. 


Richard  Bancroft  ;  from  the  original  at  Lm- 
beth.  G.  P.  Harding;    J.  S^ow,  1816- 

Bishop  Bancroft,  who  was  translated  from  London  to  Canterbuij, 
was  a  stout  and  zealous  champion  for  the  church,, which  he  lean^ 
edly  and  ably  defended,  to  th'e  confusion  of  its  adversaries*  HeDoe 
it  was,  that  he  was  censured  by  the  Puritans  as  a  friend  to  popery;  | 
but  the  imputation  was  absolutely  groundless ;  on,  the  contraiy,  If 
his  address  9  in  setting  some  of  the  secidar  priests  against  the 
Jesuits,  as  St.  Paul  did  the  Pharisees  against  the  Sadducees,  he 
greatly  reduced  the  force  of  the  most  formidable  body  of  men  eft- 
gaged  in  the  service  of  the  church  of  Rome.*  In  the  conference  at^ 
Hampton-court,  he  acquitted  himself  so  much  to  the  king's 
faction,  that  he  thought  him  the  fittest  person  to  succeed  Whi 
in  the  chair  of  Canterbury.  He  was  indubitably  a  friend  to 
royal  prerogative,  and  earnest  in  his  defence  of  it  in  which  he 
lowed  the  dictates  of  his  conscience,  and  the  genius  of  the 
Ok  2  Nov.  1610,  ^t,  67.  Bishop  Bancroft  is  the  person  meant 
the  chief  overseer  of  the  last  translation  of  the  Bible,  in  that 
graph  of  the  preface  to  it  beginning  with  **  But  it  is  high  time 
leave  them,"  &c.  towards  the  end. 

ABBOT,    archbishop   of  Canterbury.    /.  J3o 
braken  sc.   From  an  original  in  the  possession  of 
Kingsly.   Illust.  Head. 

Georgius  Abbattus,  &c.  1616.  Simon  Passausi 
4to,   Another  by  Simon  Pass,  with  a  view  of  Lai 
Compton  Holland  exc. 

Georgius  Abbattus,  &c.  A  copy  from  Pass, 
Boissard;  Ato. 

George  Abbot,  a  small  head  by  Marshall; 
the  title  to  his    '^  Brief e.  Description   of  the 

•  This  was  in  the  preceding  reign.    See  Sir  John  Harrington's  "  Bnef 
the  State  of  the  Church  of  England/'  p.  13,  edit.  1653. 



<    • 

Georgs  Abbot,  &c.  M.  Vofukrgucht  tc.  In  lard 
tlarendon*s  **  Hut."  ^v6.*  .     .  , 


Abbot,  archbishop  of  Canterbury.  G.  Vertue  9c. 
Tmamented  border ;  4to. 

Abbot,  archbishop ;  ik-on  aval.  Thos.  JhOfer  sc. 
ff^  Mr.  Kif^sty's  pkiufi.  ■.   '    :  r'   ' 

llieie  It  a  pcntittt  of  lum  in  th6  wuvenity  Kb^^ 
Bd  uiodiar  in  Ibe  gallery  at  Gbrhambq^^ 

George  Abbot  was  bom  at  Gnilfinrdy  where  Kis  paxents*  Dve^'m 
Qvciiciiiiistaiices ;  \m  hSikes  bfsmg  a  weaver.  His  motlier,  during 
Nr  piiq;ii8nGy,'dreaniedf  that  if  she  could  eat  a  pike  her  diM 
noidd  be  a  scm,  and  arrhre  at  great  preferment.  The  pike  ^fli^ 
ibacnloosly  to  hand ;  for  she  caught  it  out  of  the  river  acddentaUy, 
jU]pt  dipping  a  pail  of  water :  the  story  of  the  dream  wa9  circu- 
jied,  the  child  was  befriended .  and  put  to  school}  and  at  lengtfi 
llfEsanie  primate  <tf  all  England*  At  the  dose  of  life  he  metSnma 
jinmitable  misibrtune ;  for  being  upon  a  visit  at  the  seat  of  Lord 
mch,  he  was  persuaded  to  exercise  himself  in  the  park  with  a 
ross-bow ;  and,  by  acddent^  shot  the  keeper,  instead  of  the  de^r. 
L  commission  was  appointed,  to  examine  whether  this  irregularity 
Icapadtated  him  from  the  office  of  primate;  and  the  determination 
raig  left  to  the  king,  he  decided  in  favour  of  the  archbishop ;  who, 
ver  after,  kq>t  a  monthly  fast  on  account  of  the  disaster,  and  settled 
irenty  pounds  a  year  on  the  keeper's  widow. 

ArdUnshop  Abbot  recommended  himself  to  King  James,  by  his  Tr.ifon 
ndent  behaviour  in  Scotland,  in  relation  to  the  union  of  the  j[^^J 
hurches  of  that  kingdom ;  and  by  his  /*  Narrative  of  the  Case  of 
Iprot,**  who  was  executed  in  1608,  for  having  been  concerned  in 
lie  Gowrie  conspiracy.  As  the  reality  of  that  dark  design  had  been 
ailed  in  question,  he  endeavoured,  by  this  narrative,  to  settle  the 
linds  of  the  people  in  the  belief  of  it.    He  was  a  prelate  of  great 

*  The  iMftds  in  Lord  Clarendon's  "  History"  were  originally  engraved  for  Ward's 
Histoiy  of  the  Rebellion,"  in  verse,  1713.  Michael  Vandergucht,  and  Vertue 
ii  scholar,  did  the  greatest  part  of  them.  The  rest  were  engraved^l^  IL  White, 
tort,  Kirkal,  and  Sympson.  Many  df  them  Are  from  original  paintings.  See  the 
xfiMe  to  the  first,  and  also  to  the  third  and  Jast  volame  of  the  abovaHnentioned 
Mk,  where  tlie  names  of  the  engravers,  and  the  heads  done  by  them,  axe  particn- 
i)y  enomerated. 

VOL.  II.  H 


learabgand  piety  ^  but  was  esteeto^d  a  Puritan  ii|  doctrine;  and  in 
discipline,  too  remiss  for  one  placed  at  the  head  of  the  church.*  He 
had  a  considerable  hand  in  the  translation  of  the.  New  ^estamettt 
nowia  ttse^  and  was  fbubdet  of  the  Lambelh  library.  Ob,  4  Aug. 
1633,  ^f.  71.t 

.  MATTHEW  BUTTON,  archbishop  of  York; 
Jan.  16,  1605,  JEt.  80.  From  an  original  pidture^  k 
the  possession  of  Mrs,  Hutton,  widow  of  the  late  Ik* 
Matthew  Hutton,  lord  archbishop  of  Canterbury^ 
■'F.  Ptrry  sc.  4io. 

:  Matthew  Hutton,  archbishop  of  York,  &c.  in 
HutchinsorCs  ^^  Durham '' 

'r.from  *  Matthew  Hutton  was  some  time  master  of  Pembroke  Hall,iii 
595.  '  Cambridge,  and  regius  professor  of  divinity  in  that  xiniversitj'. 
When  Queen  Elizabeth  visited  Cambridge,  he  gained  the  highfeK 
applause  from  his  public  exercise  before  her,  to  which  he  owed  i* 
great  preferments  in  the  church.  J  I  have  seen  none  of  his  worfe 
in  English.^  He  died,  according  to  his  epitaph,  16  Jan.  1605,  ^ 
.80.  Hence  it  appears,  that  the  word  ohiit  on  the  original  pictortj 
|s  obliterated,^  as  it  is  not  engraved  on  the  print;  and  that  Pullet  ft 
mistaken  in  his  age,  who  says  he  died  in  his  seventy-sixth  jfeaif. 
^he  epitaph  is  in  Le  Neve's  *'  Lives."  It  is  remarkable,  tbattfft 
date  of  his  death,  in  Le  Neve's  *^  Fasti"  differs  from  that  in  the  erf 
taph;  it  is  there  said  to  have  been  on  the  15th  of  J^n.1| 

*  OliEtrendon. 
J  - 1  This  prelate  was  dean  of  Winchester  in  1599.    Lord  Clarendon  was  certainly 
mistaken,  in  saying  that  he  had  no  preferment  in  the  charch  b^re  he  W&s  bishd(k«' 
lachfield  and  Coventry.    See  Le  Neve,  and  Dr.  Burton'b  "  OenohieDeM  of  Iiil| 
tHsrendon's  History /'p.  104.  .  .  ) 

«.;( 'Nicholas  Kobinaon*  afterwiird  bishop  of  Bangor,  speaks  thus  of  his  perfonnaiifif 
on  this  occasion :  "  Unurn  illud  aadeo  affirmare ;  in  Hattono  nostro  Baceri  yn&r 
ciani,  Martyris  memoriam,  vim  Calvini,  Musculi  method  am,  ex  hac  concertatioM 
liqnido  aparaisse :  nemo  potdit  facere  nt  iste,  nisi  dominas  fubset  cum  eo.''  Le 
NeVe,  in  his  article.  ^  • 

•    $  "  Cominentatiuntftlam  emisit  de  electione  et  reprobatione."    •*  Rio.  ParkeiiT 
Seefetos  Cantabrigiensb;-'  in  the  fifth  vol.  of  Lelandi  "  Collectanea,"  p.  205«        ; 

'II  Concerting  his  age  at  the  time  of  his  death,  see  B.  W^lis**  '*  Survey  of  tl» 
Cathedral  of  York,"  &e.  p.  52.  *        ^ 

Archbishop  Hutton  h^xl  the  boldness,  in  a  sermon  which  he  preached  hefoie  Qu<B«(i 


YJioxeBiEJioiuwnLH'O'Oja  .        « 

TdBTAs  MAtthjevs    a  cam  m  Boiftard,  tlo 
TdBTAK  M\'rrHJ«oaj  ti^f  Latht  venei    W  Rieh^ 

Tdiffis  M+ifHWj  iirciibttl|ttp  «f  York ,  ii»  i^^ 

hich  he  was  detm  ' 

Ih  s  wortl  J  1     1        wl  0  I    d  I         1  o         un    er»  ty  Ti  fM« 

|(  had  an  admirable  taleot  for  preacliing,  which  he  never  EufTered 
I  lie  idle;  but  used  to  go  from  one  town  to  another,  to  preach  to 
IDwded  congregations.  He  kept  an  exact  account  of  the  sermons 
luch  he  preached,  after  he  was  preferred ;  by  which  it  appears, 
lathe  preached,  when  dean  ofDurham,  721  ;  when  bishop  of  tiiat 
;ocws»"/'5P;  wdwti^  wcltliisljftp,«f  "Vork,  721  ;  ia  ,^1,  ,1993.* 
\t  Ud  ftoth*^  >^  prjpt,  ]i^^  a  lJii^^  ^ermop  agidmt  Pampjan,  an^ 
totettoJjff!»e#l.  P^.  29M8r.  1636,^i,8S!.  flp,  eapp^iaHy  iif 
ifi  esr'y  pfff^  Pf  1h?  Wpi  virtPpt^/  fw  W^  ready  wit  J  and  was 
ywl,  if  not  superior,  y)  B^hPP  ^^W^r  'O  t^^  (^)i^y  ^H^ttf  9f  - 

b,  St  Wbitehall,  to  nige  home  to  her  conicieDce  Ibe  delicate  point  of  fixing 
':Ha  evoitoM  ban,  4(ftitiKeni»a|e>peaUtl}r  haled  fDiM^hirfg  to 
MCM  ^ee^atai  ymtui  lUt  AogoMuintuillR.  norarbrlciifed  Jen  (pponliBg  ui'll 
■■  te  mocesd  IdiD  i"  sod  Ttrj  pttinl^  httifnatod,  that  tbe  e^ci  of  the  nation  waife 
witti  upon  the  Hing  of  Scots, 'si  (bo  pnnM  Wfaa^  from  proxioiily  of  blood,  niigHt 
■ntabljr  expect  to  aieend  &e  Ihrbne.  li  is  pmbable,  that  (hii  liighl;  pleased 
<trf  one  of  the  «aai«nc«  bot  the  qn^en  i  irtio,  cohlrarj  [o  thew  eitpectatioiii  had 
ifDmand  enough  of  her  temper  lo  ilifle  her  reientment,  and,  wHh  great  rampoiurc 
her  cDunlenance,  lo  thank  him  for  bii  diicourse:  but  she  aoon  aflti  >ent  two 
•nnsellon  (o  bim  wilh  a  TeTj'tAarp  reproof.  >'It  appears  that  she  ms  tcf;  desi- 
(n  or[H'OcaiTag''A(^  seiwon;  \Att  Ibe  atehlrisbop  cddM  nerer  be  prevailed  with  fo 
:  it  go  out  of  his  bands.— Seo  Sir  John  Hairington'a  ■■  Brief  Vfew  Ottbe  State  6( 

eChoreli  of  England,"  p.  188,"fct;.-—      ■     " —  ~  "^ 

•  Drak«"»,"A>niq-t*f'Y«k/'v.t  ;■■ ,  .',  ■,  ■■  :  ■"  i  ■-■■!  "  ^>  ':    ■■■■.: 


RICARDUS  VAUGHANUS  ;    a  Latin  distich, 
**  Londini  Prtzsul^"  Sgc.    In  the  "  Heroologia ;"  Ato. 

RicHARDUs  Vaughaxus  ;  in  Freherus. 

Tr.  from  Richard  Vaughan,  a  native  of  Caernarvonshire,  was  educated  in 

D4fl604.  ^^  ^olan*8  College,  Camhridge,  and  was  an  admired  preacher  in  tbat 
university.  He  was  chaplain  to  Queen  Elizabeth ;  and  successively 
bishop  of  Bangor,  Chester,  and  London.  His  merit  was  univer'^ 
sally  allowed  to  be  equal  to  his  dignity  in  the  church ;  but  none  of 
his  writings  were  ever  printed.  Fuller  tells  us,  in  his  usual  style, 
that  '*  he  was  a  very  corpulent  man,  but  spiritually  minded  ;*  and 
Owen,  his  countryman,  has  addressed  one  of  his  best  epigrams  io\ 
him,  in  which  he  gives  him  an  excellent  character.f  Ob.  30  Mar, 

JOHANNES    KING,     episcopus    Londinensislj 
JV".  Lockey  p.  etjieri  curavit,  S.  Passaus  sc.  Ato.  A  a 
in  Boissard. 

Johannes  King,  &c.  Delaram  sc.  Ato. 

His  portrait  is  at  Christ  Church,  Oxon. 
John  King  was  a  very  celebrated  preacher  at  court,  in  the  reif 
1605.  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I.     He  was,  by  the  latter,  preferred  to 

deanery  of  Christ  Church ;  whence  he  was,  for  his  merit,  removed  I 
Consec.       the  see  of  London.     He  was  a  great  master  of  his  tongue  and 
Sept  1611.  pen,  and  was  styled  by  James,  "  the  king  of  preachers."!    He  pi 
lished  lectures  on  Jonas,  and  several  other  sermons.    The  calm 
of  his  dying  in  the  communion  of  the  church  of  Rome,  which 

<    *  "Worthies  in  Caeraarv."  p.  31.    The  quaint  compliment  of  King  Jaiiiei| 
iDr.  Martin  Heaton,  bishop  of  Ely,  who  was  as  fat  as  Vaughan»  is  equally  apj 
■jble,  and,  indeed,  hath  been  applied  to  that  pielate.    "  Fat  men  are  apt  to 
lean  sermons ;  bat  yoiirs  are  not  leanr  bat  larded  with  good  learning.''^    The 
;<^  larding  was  far  from  being  limited  to  divinity ;  it  prevailed  in  almost  every 
elf  tomposition ;  and  it  is  a  known  fact,  that  those  sermons  were  generally  dc 
llurded,  which  were  preached  at  court. 

t  Lib.  ii.  epig.  24. 

I  A  character  founded  on  a  pun,  or  verbal  allusion,  is  very  cautiously  to  be  I 
flitted ;  but  there  is  great  truth  in  this,  as  he  was  the  most  natural  and  persi 
orator  of  hb  time.  v  ••« 

$  Harrington's  '*  Bifief  View/'  &c.  in  the  article  of  Heaton,  p.  81. 


George  Mohstjugise, 

fj./u-k-d  .■B'l.hy  'WV'lticka.'rd^oWyark  House  i^ii-a-nd . 


ttserted  in  print,  has  been  amply  refuted.  Ob,  1621.  He  was 
Miried  under  a  plain  stone  in  St.  Paul's  church,  on  which  was  in- 
Bcribed  only  the  word,  '*  Resurgam."* 

GEORGE  MOUNTAINE  (Mountaigne),  bishop 
of  London,  &c.    G.  V.  (Geo.  Yeats)  sc.  4to. 

GeobgeMountaigke,  archbishop  of  York,  1628; 
mall  \to.   W.  Richardson. 

There  is  a  good  portrait  of  him  at  Wroxton. 

George'  Mountaigne,  bishop  almoner  to  James  I.  received  his 
education  at  Queen's  CoU^,  in  Cambridge.  He  was  some  time 
divinity  lectarer  at  Gresham  College,  and  afterward  master  of  the 
Sayoy.  When  the  &mous  Neile  was  promoted  to  the  bishopric  of 
Lichfield  and  Coventry,  he  succeeded  him  in  the  deanery  of  West- 
nunster.  He  was  sucoessively  bishop  of  lincoln,  London,  and  Tr.tol 
Dnfaam ;  in  1 628,  he  succeeded  Tobie  Matthew  m  the  see  of  York,  ^^j^^^f 
tnd  died  the  same  year,  in  the  sixtieth  ye^r  of  his  age.  He  was 
Wied  at  Cawood,  in  Tofkshirey  the  {dace  of  his  nativity. 

JACOBUS  MOUNTAGU  (or Montague),  epis- 
copus  Winton ;  in  the  '*  Heroologia  ;^*  8vo.   A  copy  in 


■         •     . 

Jameb  Montagu  ;  24to. 

Jacobus  Mou'ntagu.    Elstracke. 

Jacobus  Montagu,  episcop.  Winton ;  six  Latin 
lines.  S.  Pass  J  1617.  Henricus  et  Compt.  Holland  exc. 

*  When  Sir  Chriitoplier  Wren  wis  deicribing  the  groand-plot  of  tbe  new  church 
tf  St  ?aal,  he  spoke  to  one  of  the  men  who  attended  him,  to  bring  him  something 
to  mark  a  particular  spot  The  man  took  up  a  fragment  of  a  tomb,  which  laj 
*B«ig  the  ruins,  upon  wlucb  was  inscribed  "  Resnrgam ;"  *'  I  shall  rise  again." 
I  &  Christopher  was  struck  with  the  inscription  the  moment  he  saw  it,  and  inter- 
I  fitted  it  as  a  good  omoi.  The  event  was  answerable,  as  he  lired  to  see  the  church 
I  Uihed.t  I  conjecture,  that  tlUs  was  part  of  the  stone  under  which  Bishop  King 
I  vnbnied}  and  my  conjecture  is  more  than  probable,  as  this  word  occurs  in  no 
^  iAs  epitaph  in  Dugdale'i  '*  History  of  St.  Paul's." 

ilsB  Wna't  *<  PftreDtalit,"  or  "  London  and  its  EnTinms  described. 



V.  from  James,  son  of  Sir  Edward  M ountagu  of  BoughtoD^  B,nd  brother 

VeU  ^^OcL  ^  ^®  ^^^^  cbief-juitice  of  the  King's  Bence  in  this  reign.  He  wai 
616.'  educated  at  Christ's  College,  in  Cambridge,  and  was  the  first  mas- 
ter of  Sidney  College  in  that  university,  to  which  he  was  a  great 
benefiEictor.  He  may,  indeed,  be  traced  through  all  his  preferments 
by  his  public  benefactions,  and  acts  of  munificence.  He  was  at 
the  expense  of  bringing  a  rivulet  into  the  town  of  Cambridge, 
through  King's  Ditch ;  which,  before  it  was  cleansed  for  this  par- 
pose^  was  a  great  nuisance  to  that  placet  He  laid  out  large  wm 
in  repairing  and  beautifying  the  church  and  episcopal  palace.  &t 
WeUs ;  and  in  finishing  the  church  at  Bath,  which  Oliver  King  his 
pri^decessor  had  begun,  aud  which  for  nearly  a  century  had  the  S(p- 
pearance  of  a  ruin.  While  he  sat  in  the  see  at  Winche^teiTy  he  was 
employed  in  his  elaborate  edition  of  King  James's  works  in  Latml 
Ob.  20  July,  1618,  JEt,  80.  He  lies  buried  in  the  abbey  ch«rc|i 
at  Bath,  where  a  splendid  monument  was  erected  to  his  memory. 

LANCELOTUS  ANDREWS,  episcopusWinton. 

J.  Pai/nef,   Frontispiece  to  hi$  ^*  Exposition  of  the  Ten 
Commandments ;"  foL  This  is  copied  by  R.White,  in  1 2mo. 

Lancelot,  bishop  of  Winchester,  &c.  Yaughn  sc. 

Lancelot  Andrews,  &c.  Hollar  f.  l2mo.  Jn 
Bishop  Sparrow's  *^  Rationale  of  the  Common  Prayer;' 
in  which  are  several  other  heads  by  Hollar. 

Lancelot  Andrews,  &c.  Loggan  sc.  1675. 

Lancelotus  Andrews,  &c.  Froiitispiece  to  his 
*^  Devotions f'  \9>mo. 

"  If  ever  any  merited  to  be  » 

The  universal  bishop,  this  was  he ; 
Great  Andrews,  who  the  whole  vast  sea  did  drain 
Of  learning,  and  distill'd  it  in  his  brain : 
These  pious  drops  are  of  the  purest  kind,* 
Which  trickled  from  the  limbec  of  his  mind." 

♦  Here  witticism  and  conceit  would  be  extreinely  absurd ;  as  the  greatest  punly 
and  siropliclty  of  language  are  highly  proper,  whiBn  we  speak  of,  or  to,  the  Deity. 

OF   ENGLAND.  51 

This  pious  and  very  learned  prelate.  wliO  may  be  rnnked  with  tiie  Tr.  fro»' 
beat  preacliers  and  completest  scholars  of  his  age,  appeared  to  jljof^ 
much  ^eater  advantage  in  the  pulpit,  than  he  does  now  in  his 
works ;  which  abound  with  Latin  quotations,  find  trivial  wilticisma,* 
He  was  a  man  of  polite  manners,  and  lively  conversation  ;  and  could 
qaote  Greek  and  Latin  authors,  or  even  pun,  with  King  James. 
Charles,  the  son  of  that  monarch,  aliltle  before  hia  death,  recom- 
aeaded  his  sermons  to  the  perusal  of  his  children.  Bishop  Andrews 
U  supposed  to  have  had  a  considerable  hand  in  the  book  of  Chro- 
nology published  by  tjie  famous  Isaacson,  who  was  his  amanuensis. 
Oi.  21  Sept.  1626,  Mt.  71.  Bishop  Buckeridge,  in  a  seraioii 
preached  at  his  funeral,  informs  us,  that  he  understood  fifteen  lan~i 
6ii^es;t  and  justly  observes,  that  all  the  places  where  he  had  pre- 
ferment, were  tbe  better  for  him.  It  is  certain,  that  he  refused  to 
accept  of  any  bishopric  in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  because  he  would 
not  basely  submit  to  an  alienat  ihe  episcopal  t 

GrangefB  Letters,  p.  270. 


ROBERT  WRIGHT  ,  in  the"  Oxford  Almanack," 

Robert  Wright,  born  in  the  pariah  of  St.  Alban,  in  Hertfordshire, 
*as  scholar  of  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  and,  after  various  (jromo- 
Uons,  became  chaplain  to  Queen  Elizabeth  and  to  King  James  I, 
He  was  consecrated  bishop  of  Bristol  in  16-22,  and  in  1632  trans- 
lated to  tlie  see  of  Lichfield  and  Ci>veDtry.  He  was  one  of  the 
oishops  who  drew  up  a  petition  to  the  king  and  peers,  as  they  could 
not  attend  tlie  house  without  danger  of  their  lives ;  whicli  so  much 
displeased  the  rebelUous  party,  that  ten  of  the  bishops  were  com- 
tftitted  to  the  Tower,  where  they  continued  for  more  than  four 
months.     On  his  release  from  confinement  he  retired  into  Stafibtd- 

re,  where  he  died  1642-3.         ' 

•  No  species  of  composition,  encept  poelry,  hai  been  more  improveil  since  tlie 
Bines  I.  than  sermons.  TLete  ii  a  laucb  greater  (li!|niiij  between  oitt 
ni  discourses  and  Ihoae  of  Bishop  Andrews,  Iban  between  the  seimotin  o! 
■tpretaie  and  Ibose  nf  Laliner. 

■John  Bojse,  hia  conteiuporary,  styles  biro,  "  In  lingnis  Mithridates,  in  arliUiis 
W»le»"..     ,.....- 

See  la  aiuwer  to  a  letter  wntleii  al  Oifbrd,  aud  tuperscribed  Id  Dr.  Samuel 
«r,  cooceming  the  church  and  the  Ky^iaei  ibereot,  4io  pamphlet,  p.  33. 


GERVASIUS  BABINGTON,  episcopus  Wigor- 
niensis,  J?il^.  59. 

'^  Non  melior,  non  integiior,  non  cultior  alter, 
Vir,  Praesul^  Prceco,  More,  Fide,  arte,  fuit : 
Osque  probum,  vultusque  gravis,  pectusque  serenum : 

'  Alme,  Deu8,  tales  prcefice  ubique  Gregi." — ^M.  S. 

Ren.  Elstracke  sc.  Frontispiece  to  his  Works,  fol.  1615. 
The  verses  were  written  by  Miles  Smithy  bishop  of  GUh 
cester,  who  wrote  the  preface.  He  was  also  author  of 
the  preface  to  the  Bible  now  in  use. 

Gervasius  Babington,  &c.  in  the  '^  Heroologiaf, 

Gervasius  Babington,  &ۥ  in  Boissard;  it  is 
copied  from  Elstracke. 

Gervasius  Babington  ;  in  Freherus. 

Fr.  from  Gervase  Babington  was  some  time  chaplain  to  Henry,  earl  of 
0  ti597  ^®"^^^o^®»  ^'^^  ^^^  supposed  to  have  assisted  his  countess  in  her 
translation  of  the  Psalms.*  He  left  his  books,  which  were  of  con- 
siderable value,  to  the  library  of  the  cathedral  of  Worcester.  His 
works  consist  of  notes  on  the  Pentateuch,  expositions  of  the  Creed 
and  the  Ten  Commandments,  and  several  sermons.  His  style  is 
not  free  from  such  puerilities  as  are  found  in  most  of  the  best  writers 
of  this  age.     Ob.  17  May,  1610. 

MARTIN  HETON,  bishop  of  Ely;  %vo.  Har- 
ding sc.  4 to. 

Martin  Heton  was  bom  at  Heton  Hall,  in  Lancashire,  in  the  year 
1545,  and  received  his  education  at  Oxford,  of  which  university  he 
became  vice-chancellor  in  1588.  He  was  made  dean  of  Winchester 
in  1589,  and  bishop  of  Ely  in  1600,  and  died  at  Mildenhall,  Suffolk, 
in  1608. 

JOHANNES  JEGON,  C.  C.  C.  C.  Gustos.  Epis, 
Norv.  JSt.  50,  1661 ;   etched  by  Mr.  Tyson.   He  «r 

•  Ballard. 

?,T  60  160/ 


CVSTOS    oB,e\ 

lUiUd  Jwi.-ifmO  byWmuA,ir<6Hm  Yc^  ffcut^^T'SlSt^n^ 


represented  in  his  doctor's  robes,  but  placed  here  as  bishop 
of  Konvich. 

Johannes  Jegoit,  C.  C.  C.  C.  ;    copied  from  the 
above.  W.  Richardson. 

Dr.  John  Jegop  succeeded  Dr.  Copcot  in  the  mastership  of  Cor-  Cohk-c 
pus  Christ!  CoUegeyin  Cambridge,  the  10th  of  August,  1590,  where  ^''\^'' 
lie  soon  signalized  himself  by  that  just  economy  and  singular  pru- 
dence which  gain^  him  the  esteem  of  the  society  over  which  he 
presided.  {lence  it  was  that  they  considerably  augmented  hit 
S8lary»  and  fee  for  preaching.  He  was,  in  five  years,  four  times 
Tice-dttDcenor'  of  the  university;  in  which  office  he  acted  with 
ability  and  ipirit.  Being  appealed  to,  in  a  controverted  election  of 
a  BttittV  of  Catharine  Hall,  he  boldly  and  uprightly  gave  hu  opi- 
von^AiBtfarf  to  diat  of  the  queen  and  the  archbishop  of  Canterbury. 
Aiabbhf^y  he  distinguished  himself  by  hit  zeal  for  conformity, 
aadflia  exact  management  of  his  revenues,  by  which  he  was  enabled 
to  ponfawe  a  very  considerable  estate,  and  to  enrich  his  family. 
Thii^  in  the  latter  part  of  his  life,  seems  to  have  been  the  principal 
olject  of  his  attention.  He  deceased  the  13th  of  March,  1617  ;  and 
was  thought  to  have  died  too  rich  for  a  bishop,  and  to  have  ex- 
pended too  little  of  his  ample  fortune  in  acts  of  charity*  The  station 
in  which  Ivs  appeared  to  tl^  greatest  advantage,  was  that  of  master 
of  his  coll^^,  where  he  displayed  all  the  discretion  and  gravity 
which  was  /HiitEible  to  the  character  of  a  governor,  and  all  ihat  plea- 
santry and  facetiousness  which  could  recommend  him  as  an  agree- 
able companion.  See  more  of  him  in  Mast^s's  "  History  of  Corpus 
Christi  College." 

HENRY  ROBINSON,  bishop  of  Carlisle ;  a  confin 
monumental  effigy,  inscribed,  *'  Henrico  Robinsono  J!}^^^' 
Carleolensi,  CoUegii  hujus,  annis  XVIII.  pra^posito 
providissimo,  tandemque  ecclesiae  Carleolensis  toti- 
dem  annis  episcopo  vigilantissimo :  XIII  Cai.  Julii, 
^0  a  partu  Virginis  1616,  JEtat.  63^  pie  in  Domino 
dormienti,  et  in  ecclesia  Carleol.  sepulto:  Hoc  Coll. 
ipsius  laboribus  vastitate  ereptum,  munificentia  de- 

VOL.  II.  1 



:t.  1601. 

mum  locupMtatum,  istud  qualecunque  MNHMEK 
gratitudinis  Testimonium  coUocavit***. 

*'  Non  sibi,  sed  patriee,  preeloxit  lampadis  instar ; 
Deperdens  oleum,  non  operam  ille  suam. 
In  minimis  fido  fiervo,  msgoribuB  apto» 
Maxima  nunc  Domini  gaudia  adire  dator.** 

He  is  represented  kneeling  with  a  candle  in  his 
hand,  and  a  crosier  resting  on  his  left  arm  ;  with  si 
emblematical  Jigures.      Under  the  prints  in  the 
writing  of  Mr.  Mores,  an  ingenious  antiquary y  IM 
Queen's  College,  Oxford y  is  this  inscription :  ** 
in  vet.  Capella  Coll.  Reg.  Oxon^  sheet.* 

Henry  Rd)in8on  was  a  native  of  Carlisle.  In  1581,  he  was 
nimously  elected  provost  of  Queen's  College,  in  Oxford,  at 
head  of  which  he  continued  about  eighteen  years;  and  by  bis 
ample  and  authority  restored  its  discipline,  and  left  it  in  a 
flourishing  state,  when  he  was  deservedly  promoted  to  the  sec  j 
Carlisle.     He  was  eminent  in  the  university  as  a  disputant 

FRANCISCUS    GODWIN,   episcopus   Lane 
vensis,  M.  51,  1613.   Vertue  sc.  1742;  h.  sh. 

Francis  Godwin  was  a  learned  divine,  and  a  celebrated  hist 
and  antiquary.  His  laborious  and  useful  ^*  Catalogue  of  the  Bii 
of  England,"  first  published  in  1601,  was  generally  approved* 
was  for  this  valuable  work,  that  Queen  Elizabeth,  who  knew 
to  distinguish  merit,  promoted  him  to  the  bishopric  of  Landaff.f 
Richardson  has  published  an  improved  and  elegant  edition  of  ^ 
book.     In  his  younger  years,  he  wrote  his  ^'  Man  in  the  Moon; 
a  Discourse  of  a  Voyage  thither,  by  Domingo  Gcmsales,  1638 1 
8vo.    This  philosophic   romance,  which  has  been   several 
printed,  shews  that  he  had  a  creative  genius.^    His  **  Nuncius 

*  In  the  print  is  a  view  of  the  cathedral  in  its  entire  state,  before  it  wis ' 
lished  iu  the  time  of  Charles  I. 

t  Translated  to  Hereford  1617. 

%  Domingo  Gonsales,  a  little  Spaniard,  is  supposed  to  be  shipwrecked  oil 
tiilinhabited  island ;  'where  he  taught  several  ganzas,  or  wild  geese,  to  flj  witk.| 
light  machine,  and  to  fetch  and  carry  things  for  his  conveniency.    He,  after 

OF   ENGLAND.  55 

vmatus/'  which  contains  instnictions  to  convcj 

«  very  scarce.     Ob.  April,  1633. 

LANCELOT  ANDREWS,  episcopus  Elyensis, 
fte.  1616;  4to.  By  Smon  Pass,  but  wiihaui  kis  m 
There  is  another  of  him,  looking  to  the  left,  hy  the 
iand,  and  with  the  same  date,  inscrihed  "  Episcmu 

The  fonner  has  been  copied  by  Vertoe.     See  LsDcdoly  faahop  cf 


JOHN  OVERALL,  bishop  of  Norwich.  Hollar f. 

1657,  \2mo.     In  Sparrow's  "  Rationale,"'  Ar. 

Johannes  Overall,  &c.  R.  White  sc.  4to. 

John  Overall  was  educated  in  Trinity  CoDege, 
m  thence  elected  to  the  mastenhqi  of  Cadtarioe  Hall,  in  tbsl 
^ernty.  Sir  Folke  Grerille,  wbo  was  wdl  acquainted  widi  lib 
earning  and  merit,  reconunended  him  to  Queen  FIinl>rlh  as  a 
iroper  person  to  succeed  Dr.  Nowel  in  the  deanery  of  St.  Fad's  ; 
0  which  he  was  elected  in  May,  1602.    In  1614»  he 

i  the  bbhc^ric  of  Lichfield  and  Ckyrentry,  whence  he  wwm  tnns-  ^^^ 
ited  to  Norwich,  and  died  within  a  year  after  his  trawlatkio,  vk^ 
SihBfay,  1619.     He  was  one  of  the  tnmslaton  of  die  Bible  in  this  ^^ 
eign«*     I  have  heard  of  ncme  of  his  works  besides,  bnt  his  "Con- 
ocation  Book/'    Camden,  m  fab  <<  Annab  of  Jmes  L*  styles  hbt 
froOgiaus  learned  man. 

ROBERTUS  ABBATTUS,   episcopus  Salisbo- 
iensis.    Delaram  sc.  4lo.t   A  copyj  in  Beissard. 

■^  Tentored  to  put  himself  into  tbe  martiBe,  and  tfccj 

iie.    He  happened  to  be  in  thb  aerial  cfaaiiol^  at  die  tise  of  Ae 

•MM,  which  wcie  birds  of  passage,  took  tlieir  ii^^  to  Ae  wmoam,  and  was  ^imna^^ 

Hied  to  that  planet.     He  has  gi^en  a  ^ery  ■■eraiont  drsrriptinn  rfwhat  ocCTrred 

inm  on  his  wajr,  and  the  wondeffid  tUngi  ivlddi  he  saw  thcK.    1^-  Swift  fccMt 

'  kafe  bonowed  several  bints  from  tins  novel,  in  hb  «ojage  to  Lapnia. 

•  See  the  names  erf  the  transbton,  and  tbe  parts  assipied  tbem,  in  tbe  "  Biogra- 

^"  Aitic.  BoTS. 

t  Hie  first  impr«S8ioii9,  by  mbtsfce  of  the  cogiaver,  wese  iasaibed  Jo.a^»». 


RoBERTUs  Abbatus,  cpiscopus  Sarum;    8vo.  in 
the  "  Heroologia.'' 

Robert  Abbat  ;  24to. 

Consec.  -  Robert  Abbots  elder  brother  to  George,  archbishop  of  Canterbury, 
1615  ^'  *"^^  ^^  learning  much  his  superior,  was  some  time  master  of  Bafid 
College,  in  Oxford,  and  regius  professor  of  divinity  in  that  um- 
versity.  In  1615,  he  was,  for  his  great  merit,  preferiped  taihe  8C« 
of  Salisbury.  The  most  celebrated  of  his  writings,  which  are  chiefiy 
controversial,  was  his  book  "  De  Antichristo."  King  James  com- 
manded his  ''  Paraphrase  on  the  Apocalypse''  to  be  printed  with  the 
second  edition  of  his  work ;  by  which  he  paid  himself  a  moch 
greater  compliment,  than  he  did  the  bishop,  06.  2  Mar.  1617^  M* 
58.  He  was  one  of  the  five  bishops  who,  within  six  years,  sat  in  the 
chair  of  Salisbury,  in  this  reign.  ^ 

ARTHURUS    LAKE,    olim  episc.  Bathon.   et 

Wellens.  &c.  J.  Payne  so.  h.  sh.  A  copyy  in  Boissard. 

It  has  also  been  copied  by  Hollar,  in  4to.    His  head  i$ 
before  hi^  works ^fol.  1629. 

Arthur  Lake  ;  in  the  '*  Oxford  Almanack,''  1729. 

Consec  Arthur  Lake,  brother  to  Sir  Thomas  Lake,  principal  secretary  of 
Dee.  8,  state  to  James  I.  was  educated  at  New  College,  in  Oxford.  In  4c 
beginning  of  this  reign,  he  was  preferred  to  the  rich  mastersh^  of 
the  hospital  of  St.  Cross,  near  Winchester.  He  was  afterward 
archdeacon  of  Surrey,  and  dean  of  Worcester ;  and  in  1616,  he 
succeeded  Bishop  Montague  in  the  see  of  Bath  and  Wells.  Several 
writers  speak  of  him  as  a  pattern  of  every  kind  of  virtue.  '  He  wai 
an  excellent  preacher,  of  extensive  reading  in  divinity,  and  one  A 
the  best  textuaries  of  his  time.  His  works,  which  were  published 
after  his  decease,  consist  of  expositions  of  several  of  the  Psalwis 
sermons,  and  meditations.     Oh.  4  May,  1626,  Mi.  59. 

He  was  a  considerable  benefactor  to  the  library  of  New  College^ 
where  he  endowed  two  lectureships  ;  one  for  the  Hebrew  JanguageJ 
and  another  for  the  mathematics.'^ 

•  Richard^B's  ««  Gedwin,"  p.  391. 

;Ofb.(      CO z^*    Sal   t/t  regru'-'cor  ULfPaUrjut   5ol 

St   Car-  principium     vzlit    ejl .     tote.  ^An^l^a- recte 
Ffr     tuB.     janL    dtci,     Vivere    (Iripla    pote/t 

-^ <J     "ip-..   *£..<   JT.B  _ 

Uymj^^uir^^r.J^Jl  Sf^^J^J.J^-  '-'Jj/^ 


OF  BNQbAND.  fi7 

)RGIUS  CAKL£TONUS,  eptseopos  ChJes- 

;  4/0.  ,  ;       , 

the  original  of  the  nea't  print,  and  is  prefuve^  to 
Jiatikful  Remembrance  of  God's  Mercie"  1630. 
^tke  other  prints  in  the  same  book  were  (^igrO^ed 
Wic  Hulsius.  ,'.■.,:■.; 

Soius  Cahletonus,  &c.  :  at  his  breast  hangt  a 
f  the  synod  of  Dort.     In  Boissard  ;  small  4te/ 

loms  Carletonus,  episcopus  Cicestrifwiij 
,  '^Ricka7'dsa7i.  M'.    ■ 

ruletou  was  educated  under  the  care  of  Bernard 
northern  aposlle.  His  parts  were  sliining  and' 
b^itliout  any  sensible  diminution,  to  an  advaiK  ' 
fciished  biraself,  whflsi  he  was  at  Osford,  aa 
,and  a  poet ;  and  was  still  more  distinguished  t__  ..  .  .  , 
ips,  wrote  upon  a  greater  variety  of  subjects  thifrl^;^ 
^yman  of  his  time :  of  these  the  Oxford  antiquitfytett 
1  catalogue.  He  was  deeply  enga.ged  in  the  ArminiatlttMt- 
and  was  one  of  the  five  divines  sent  to  the  synod  of  Sort 
;  where  he  mainOibe^  Qiat  the  histiops  were  successors 
"elre  apostles,  and  tlie  fteihyt^ts  to  tbe'i&mity  didciples. 
nt  oration  bdbte  -0te  tfttCtes  of  Httlland  is  in  pritit.  Urb 
111  Remanbrance  of  Ood'i  Metciei"  &c.  has  gOne  thrCiTigh 
ions  than  any  of  bLi  woriuk  Inthefourdi,  printed  in4to. 
i  a  series  of  upwards  of  twenty  small  historical  prints, 
lating  to  the  plots  and  conspiracies  against  the  church  and 
>e  r^gns  of  Elizabeth  And  James,  en^vtd  by  Fred.  Hul- 
1628.  He  had  by  his  first  wife  Anne,  relict  of  Sir  Henry 
f  BilHiigbere,  in  BerksltiTe,  a  soa  bamed  tteury,  wbo  was 
liscopalian,  and  had  a  capfua'l  commisstoo  in  ^e  paiiih- 
y  in  the  civil  war. 

ANNES  (WILLIAMS),  Lincoln,  episcop. 
Angliee  sigilli  custos,  &:c.  F.  Delaram  sc. 
nts;  h.  sh.  scarce.* 

t  inipreasians  are  in  a  close  cnp,  initead  of  a  hali  and  are  icarce. 


Johannes  Williams,  episc.  Line.  iSb/rf^yJewwer. 
The  original  of  Boissard's  copy^  AtO. 

Joannes  Guuelmus,  &c.  in  Boissard;  small  4to. 


Archbishop  Williams  ;   in  the  '*  Oxford  Alrm- 
nack,"'  1733. 

Consec.  Bishop  Williams  seems  to  have  owed  his  first  preferment,  and  to 

Nov.  16J1.  ^^  j^g  succeeding  dignities,  to  hi^  magnificent  and  well-conducted 

totertainment  of  the  lord-chancellor  Egerton,  and  the  Spanish  am- 

Made  lord—bassadors,  during  his  proctorship,  at  Cambridge.    The  chancdllor 

JuTvio        ^^  ^"^*  "  ^^^'  ^®  ^^  ^^  *®  serve  a  king ;"  and  soon  after  recom- 
1621.  mended  him  at  court*    Lord  Clarendon  has  given  us  a  more  disad- 

vantageous, but  probably  a  truer,  character  of  him,  than  Bishop 
Hacket,  who  was  his  chaplain ;  as  the  probity  of  the  former  is  less 
to  be  suspected,  than  the  partiality  of  the  latter.  Both  thesf 
authors  have  given  us  to  understand,  that  his  parts,  whatever  his 
principles  might  be,  were  very  extraordinary ;  and  his  constitutiooi 
still  more  extraordinary  than  his  parts ;  as  he  could  apply  himsdf 
to  study  or  business,  and  support  his  health,  with  only  three  houfs* 
sleep.  He  was  at  first  despised  by  the  lawyers',  in  his  ofiice  of  lord- 
keeper ;  but  was  soon  admired  for  his  deep  penetration,  solid  judg- 
ment, and  retentive  memory ;  which  enabled  him  to  recapitulate  any 
cause  tried  before  him,  without  losing  a  circumstance.  See  the 
next  reign  Class  VI, 


PATRICIUS  FORBESIUS,  a  Coirse,  episcopu* 
Aberdonensis,  consiliarius  regis. 

"  Pectoris  indicio  data  frons  est ;  quaeque  profundo 
Corde  latent,  tacitis  reddit  imago  notis. 
Hoc  vultu  pietas,  probitas,  constantia,  candor, 
Sinceri  referunt  archetypos  animi." 

iJ.  G.  (Glover)  sc.  a  small  oval ;  rare. 

Patrick  Forbes,  bishop,  bf  Abetdeen,  iM  bofti  in  l564i  wheH  Ai 
sAors  of  the  chinch  of  Seotland  ime  iA  modi  cdnfoMon  i  to  thd 
setdenieiit  of  which  he  greatly  tbntributecl*  As  chancellor  of  Uki 
vuiriwsitjr  of  Aberdeen,. he  improved  tliiit  sett  of  leanung  by 
sqpnring  l3ie  fitbric,  angmenting  the  libraryy  and  renting  the  pi6» 
Jessorships,  He  published  **  A  Commentary  on  the  Revelatipn,'* 
at  Lonidon  1613.     06.  1635.*'    ' 

•*    r 


BERNARD  ADAMS,  bishop  of  Limerick,  &c.  in 
Oxford  Almanack;'  1732. 

"Jknund  Adams,  Wn  in  Middlesex  1566,  was  iX  17  years  of  age 
sclioSar  of  Trinity  Ccdl^i  Oxford ;  and  elected  feOow  fife 
after.    When  master  of  arts,  he  was,  by  &Yoar  of  the  lord* 
It,  cehsecrated  Inshop  of  limerick  in  16.04;    and  by  a 
don  kept  the  iat.^Kiffenore  with  it  to  the  year  1617,  at 
time,  he  Tpkintaiily  resigned  it.    He  is  said  to  have  beeii 
and  pions.     Oh.  \^%5.  'He  Was  buried  in  the  cathedral 
of  Limenck,  where  a  monument  was  erected  to  his  memory. 


JOHN  BOYS,  D.b.  dean  of  Canterbury ; /of^r 
U  portraits  of  him,  in  the  engraved  title  to  his  works, 
[629,  foL  J.  Payne  sc.  i   , 

John  Boys,  who  was  educated  at  Clare  Hall,  in  Cambridge,  was  Jnsta\ 
ms  for  his  Pagtils  in  defence  of  our  Liturgy; .  and  was  also  much  ^^y* 

Led  for  his  good  life.     He  gained  great  applause  by  turning 
Lord's  prayer  into  the  foUowiDg  execration,t  when  he  preached 

Paul's  Cross,  on  the  5th  of  November,  in  this  reign.     "  Our 

I,  which  art  in  Rome,  cursed  be  thy  name ;  perish  may  thy 

[om;  hindered  may  thy  will  be  as  it  is  in  heaven,  so  in  earth. 

*  See  bis  epiUph  in  Monteith^s  "  Theatre  of  Mortality/'  part  )i.  p.  80,  &c. 

iburgb,  1713,  8vo. 
t  See  Bojs  on  the  last  Psalm,  p.  21. 

7,  1621. 


Give  us  this  day  our  cup  id  the  Lord's  supper ;  and  remit  our 
nies  which  we  have  given  for  thy  indulgences,  as  we  send  them 
unto  thee ;  and  lead  us  not  into  heresy,  hut  free  us  from 
for  thine  is  the  infernal  pitch  and  sulphur,  for  ever  and 
Amen."*     Ob.  Sept.  16-25. 

JOHN    DOXXE,   dean  of  St.  Pauls,   M.  41 
M.  JMerianyJun.  sc.  Fronthp.tohis  Sermons  ;foL  li 

John' DoxNE,  &c.  Los^^aiisc. 

iUected  John  Donne  entered  into  holy  orders  by  the  persuasion  of  Jamei] 

^^\mC'   ^^^  often  expressed  great  satisfaction  in  his  having-  been  the 
of  introducing  so  worthy  a  person  into  the  church.    We  hear 
of  him  as  a  poet,  but  very  httle  as  a  divine,  though  in  the 
character  he  had  great  merit.     His  **  Pseudo-martyr,"  in  wbiAl 
has  effectually  confuted  the  doctrine  of  the  papal  supremacy, 
most  valuable  of  his  prose  writings.  His  sermons  abound  too 
with  the  pedantry  of  the  time  in  which  they  were  written,  to  be 
all  esteemed  in  the  present  age.     Some  .time  before  his  death, 
h-:;  was  emaciated  with  study,  and  sickness,  he  caused  himself  to 
wrapped  up  in  a  sheet,  which  was  gather^^d  over  his  head,  iii.|l! 
manner  of  a  shroud  ;  and,  having  closed  his  eyes,  he  had  his 
trait  taken  ;  which  was  kept  by  his  bed-side  *  as  long  as  he  lived, 
remind  him  of  mortality.  The  ettigy  on  his  monument,  in  St.  Pi 
church,  was  done  after  this  portrait.    See  Dugdale's  History  of' 
Cathedral,  p.  62.     Ob.  31  March,  1631. 

RICHARD  EEDES ;  from  a  picture  in  the  Bodl 
Gal/erj/j  Oxford.    E.  Harding  sc.  4to. 

Dr.  Richard  Eedes,  a  native  of  Bedfordshire,  was  bom  about  the 
year  1555,  at  Sewell  in  that  county,  where  his  family  had  for  some 

*  Polr.-niical  divinity,  which  h  sometimes  slvlcd  "  Thcologia  armata/*t  was  never 
more  encouraged,  or  better  disciplined,  than  at  this  period.  Almost  cverv  divine  ! 
attacked  tlie  po])e,  or  one  of  his  champions ;  and  the  most  intemperate  tbcc  ag£UOst 
the  enemy  was  generally  the  moat  applauded.  The  king  contrived  an  excellent 
expedient  to  per])etuate  liostilities,  by  erecting  a  college  for  this  branch  of  theology 
at  Chelsea,  where  he  appointed  veterans  for  training  up  young  divines  to  the 


t  By  Bi&hop  Bull,  c\c. 


^mt'ryf.  ?7i(r/cenft .    'H'tsc/finr.  JUlin. 

C^te  .  f/^lt  i^  vay//  furrt ... 'trt  rth'rr'. 

if  eytn   Keveivnd    LLoyas  fterfichmi   ml 

'l  /inef.eai-vee  aniJUeid  in  a  nut. 

»5^J<^>^_^-«/  m   /A,yo/Art,c 

y        m 


mtiitnm  Ommotf  im  li^Tl,  wag  elected  a ftmd^nt  of  Chti«t  Chnrtk 
liilk»«iiBr«nity  o(  Ozfiwd.  £[«  proceeded  to  )»•  degtte  ia  trtl 
^lff7S,ead  m  Ae  famiyeer  be  took  holy  oidece^  end  beeea»e  e 

iMllilHMfeid  Dceedier.' 

1^  Bi  tefeatt  eeon  ettseelad  ft*  Jiotiee  of  Ut  tuperion,  eod  guntd 

fedCttmeat.    h  U64,  be  wee  fantalled  prebendwy  of  Yai^ 

ik  dM  cbitrdi  of  SereiOy  end  atppoieted  cbephiq  fi  Qoete 

le  1586|  be  wee  aiede  m  eanon  of  Cfatiat  Cbemhyeiid 

die  degree  of  doctor  ta  divinity  b  16%^.    On  tha  deeeeasiof 

F.  tnilbi,  itt  tte  hitler  end  of  1596,  he  wee  adraiieedtoithe 

ef  Woneeter,  end  wea  coetiinied  ae  one  of  the  royal  da^ 

at  fte  eceaiiiott  of  King  Jaawti. 

A  gfeel  iathnacy  aefaiiited  between  Um  and  Dr.  T^ 

of  OuJat  Cbuieh;  and  when  Dr*  ftlatlhews  was  to  remove  lt> 
deeaery  of  Dnfaaoiy  to  which  he  was  appointed  in  1684^  Dk. 
>%&5m  intoided  to  aoconpany  Ioul  fost  one  day's  journey;  but  eo 
were  they  m  each  other's  company ,  that  he  not  only  brought 
to  Dvtfaam^biit^  a  pleasantry  wrote  flielr  whole  jonia^  m 
Tone,  entided/'  IterJBgtealet^  Of  this  poem  there  is  a  cafj 
fjMMBgltawUason's  M8S>  in  the  Bodleien.library. 
^  Dr.  Eedes  was  appointed  by  King  James  one  of  the  persons  who 
were  to  ttenslate  tbe  New  Testament;  but  he  died  at  Worcester, 
on  the  19th  of  November,  1604,  and  was  buried  in  tbe  cathedral 
at  the  east  end  of  the  choir,  leaving  a  widow,  named  Margaret, 
dan^^iter  of  Dr.  Herbert  Westpbaling,  bishop  of  Hereford.  He 
was  snoceeded  in  bis  deanery  of  Worcester  by  Dr.  James  Montague, 
afterward  fabhc^  of  Winchester.  Dr.  Eedes  was  supposed  to  be 
die  aifthiNr  of  a  Latin  tragedy,  on  the  subject  of  Julius  Ceesar, 
wUch  was  acted  a^  Christ  Church  in  1582 ;  and  he  is  recorded  by 
Erancis  Meres  among  the  best  tragic  writers  of  that  time.  He 
also  left  various  poems  in  manuscript,  Latin  and  English ;  and  some 
dis<xmrsc»,  which  were  published  after  bis  death. 

FRANCISCUS  WHITE,  S.  T.  P.  et  eccleste 
cathedralis  Carleolensis  decauus;  ^.  59,  1624. 
T.  Cocksonus  sc.  4to. 

There  are  two  other  prints  of  him;  one  with  a  Latin  and  the 
3ther  with  an  English  distich. 

vox..  II.  K 


ImtaUed  '    Francift- White,  the  king's  almoner,  was  some  time  dean,  and 

^^^*       afterward  bishop,  of  Carlisle.    In  January,  1628,  he  was  trans- 

Consec.  lated  to  Norwich ;  and  on  the  15th  of  November,  1631,  was  elected 

^^^    to  the  see  of  Ely,  and  confirmed  the  8th  of  December  followmg; 

162^      He   distinguished  himself  by  his  writings  and  his  disputatiODf 

against  popery,  both  in  public  and  private.    Arthur  Wilson  men- 

•tions  a  pMblic  conference  and  dispute,  in  which  he  and  Dr.  Daniel 

Featly  ^>posed  Father  Fisher  and  Father  Sweet,  both  Jesuits  of 

ttninence,  at  the  house  of  Sir  Humphrey  Lind,  in  London.*    He 

also  held  a  conference  with  Fisher  the  Jesuit,  three  several  times,  is 

the  king*s  presence.  This  was  with  a  view  of  making  the  Dutcbess 

■id  Buckingham  a  convert  to  the  Protestant  church ;  but  she  stiU 

adhered  to  that  of  Rome.+     The  most  con»derable  of  Dr.  Whke^ 

.writiiigs  is  his  *^  Reply  to  Jesuit  Fisher's  Answer  to  certain  Qnes* 

tions  propounded  by  his  most  gracious  Majesty  Eang  James,''  1634^ 

ibl.  to  which  his  portrait  is  prefixed.     Mention  is  made  of  more  ojt 

his  works  in  the  Bodleian  Catalogue.     Ob.  Feb.  1637. 

JOHN  WHITE,  S.  T.  P.  six  Latin  va^ses,  signed 
R.  B.  minister  of  Eccles,  Lancashire ;  prefijced  to  tk 
works  of  that  learned  and  reverend  divine  John  White \ 
together  with  "  The  Way  to  the  true  Church^''  published 
by  Francis  White^  D,  D.  dean  of  Carlisle^  1624;  /(?/. 

•  John  White,  brother  to  Francis  White,  was  bom  at  St.'  Neot'i, 
in  Huntingdonshire ;  brought  up  at  Caius  College,  Cambridge,  and  i 
.afterward  became  vicar  of  Eccles,  in  I^ancashire.  After  some  years 
of  distress.  Sir  John  Crofts  bestowed  on  him  the  best  living  in  his 
gift,  and  in  other  respects  was  a  valuable  friend.  He  was  chaplain 
in  ordinary  to  the  king;  and,  as  well  as  his  brother,  distinguished 
himself  by  preaching  and  writing  against  popery.  He  wrote  "  The 
Way  to  the  true  Church,"  and  a  defence  of  it  against  Fisher  the 
Jesuit,  and  other  works  mentioned  in  the  Bodleian  Catalogue,  anil 
died  about  1617.     See  Wood's  "  Athense,"  vol  ii.  page  62, 1692. 

piscopus  Spalatensis,  ^.  57,  1617.  Michael  a  Me-  ' 
revelt  ad  vivum p.  W.Delffsc.  a  head;  4 to. 


♦  See  Kenneths  **  Complete  History,"  ii.  p.  770. 

t  Dod's"  Church  Histoiy,"ii.  p.  394.  ' 


Marcus  Antonius  de  Dominib,  &c.  Elsfracke sc. 
half  length  :  the  head  is  e<ractlj/  copied  from  the  above, 
jh'ontispiecc  to  his  book  "  De  Rcpublica  Ecclesiastica," 
1617; /o/. 

Marcus  Antonius  de  Dominis,  Mt.  67,  1617. 
Mierevelt.    J.  Jansen. 

There  is  a  portrait  of  him  by  Tintoret,  at  Devonshire-hoUBe>  In 


■  Marc  Antonio  de  Dominis  came  into  England  in  this  reign;  iwnUi 
.where  he  profeesed  the  Protestant  religion,*  and  published  his  book  ?SS  ^ 
"De  Republica  Ecclesiastica."  The  king  gave  hira  the  deanery  of 
"Windsor,  the  mastership  of  the  Savoy,  and  the  rich  living  of  West 
.  Jldesley,  in  Berkshire.  Though  tlie  publication  of  this  book  was  a 
•crime  never  to  be  forgiven,  he  was  weak  enough  to  give  credit  to  % 
letter  sent  him  by  the  procurement  of  Gondamor,  wliicli  not  only 
pomised  him  pardon,  but  preferment,  if  he  would  renounce  his  new 
Jfeligion.  He  returned  to  Italy,  relapsed  to  the  church  of  Rome,  ■ 
.and  was  presently  after  imprisoned  by  the  inquisition.  Grief  and 
liard  treatment  soon  put  an  end  to  hia  life,  in  the  year  1625,  and 
the  6ith  of  his  age.  He  was  the  first  that  accounted  for  tlic  phe- 
Jttmamof  the  rainbow,  in  bis  book  "  De  Radiis  ViaQs  et  Lucisi* 
We  ate  much  indebtpd  to  him  for  Father  Paul's  excellent  "  History 
^.Ibe  Council  of  Trent,"  the  maniucript. of  which  he  procured  for 
'irchbiaht^  Abbot. 

RICHARD  MIDDLETON ;  a  mall  round;  in 
the  title  to.  hia  "  Keif  of  David,"  1619  j  l2mo.  R.  El- 
ttracke  sc. 

He  is  supposed-  by  Anthony  Wood  to  be  a  son  of  Mannadnke 
Bliddleton,  bishop  of  St.  David's;  and  to  have  been  archdeacon  of  ~ 
Card^an.  He  was  author  of  several  httle  practical  treatises,  one 
flf.which  was  entitled,  "  The  Card  and  Compass  of  Life ;"  and  was 
cbaplain  to  Charles,  prince  of  Wales. 

*  Buh^  Andreiri ,  wu  uked  by  King  Jama,  at  the  Sn|  coming  ottt  of  Iba 
tttbop  of  Spilitro,  whetlier  he  were  a  Protestant  or  do?  Hs  anvwetei],  TmIj  I 
know  not ; — bat  he  ii  a  Dtttittmt  of  diven  opinions  of  Rome. 


ANDREW  WILLET,  D,  D.  ruff  and  tippet. 

Andreas  Willettus,  S.  T-  D.  six  Latin  versesr 
subscribed  P.  S,    h.  sh.* 

Andrew  Willet,  rector  of  Barley,  in  Hertfordshire,  and  preben- 
dary of  Ely,  was  educated  at  Peter-4ioase,  in  Cambridge.  He 
gave  a  public  testimony  of  his  proficiency  in  learning  when  he  wis 
only  twenty-two  years  of  age,  by  his  treatise  *'  De  Animee  Natuia 
^t  Viribus*"  He  was  author  of  no  less  than  forty  bodks,  of  which 
the  most  considerable  are  his  commentaries  on  the  Scriptures,  and 
his  polemical  pieces.  His  **  Synopsis  Papismi,''  the  fifth  edition  of 
which  was  printed  by  command  of  James  L  gained  him  the  highest 
reputation  of  any  of  his  worics.  His  industry  is  eyident  from  his. 
numerous  writings ;  but  his  Christian  and  moral  virtues  were  not 
exceeded  by  his  industry.  Ob.  1621,  uE^  59.  See  a  particular 
account  of  him  from  Dr.  Smith,  in  Barksdale*B  '*  Remembrancer  of 
excellent  Men,"  1670;  8vo. 

HENRY  AIRAY,  kneeling  on  a  pedestal,  an  whkk 
is  the  following  inscription:  "  Memoriae  viri  sanctitate 
et  prudentia  clarissimi  Henrici  Airay,  S.  Theol.  D. 
liujus  Collegii  praepositi  vigilantis,  reverendi  Robm- 
Boni*  (ut  Elise  Elisha)  successoris  et  aemuli.  Chariss. 
patruelis,  Christoph.  Potter  hujus  Coll.  Socius,  hoc 
amoris  et  observantiae  testimonium  L.  M.  Q.  posuit. 

''  Non  satis  Elishse  est  Eliee  palla  relicta, 
Dum  (licet  in  coelum  raptus)  amicus  abest. 
Tristis  agit,  queeritque  amissum  turturis  instar 
Consortem,  ac  moriens,  **  te  sequar,"  orbus  ait. 
Splendeat  ut  mundo  pietas  imitabilis  Ayrie, 
In  laudem  Christi,  hoc  oere  perennis  erit. 

Matth  5.  16. 

Mortalitatem  exuit,   A^  1616,  6**  Id^.    Oct.  natud 

•  Mr.  Walpole,  in  his  '*  Catalogue  of  Engravers/*  thinks  P.  S.  to  be  the  engraver's 
Initials  -,  probably  Peter  Stent.  I  rather  think  they  are  die  uiifials  of  tfae  atfAor  of 
the  Latin  verses. — Bindley. 

t  See  the  first  division  of  this  class. 

QTkc  f-ru-e.   cPo-rlratture     of  t lit 
Jlarncd    (fl^LW tlLam  C  Later 

Put  N<,yP/.l8ov  iy  ^^jLarJ/onN'S/Jh-sne/ 


\n.  67,  ethic  tfepnl.  altemm  Messis  adTentum  ez- 

Under  the  print  it  this  inscr^tion,  in  mamucript,  iy 

Mr. Mara: " Qfumd.  in va. Ct^eUa  CoU. Reg. Oxmt* 


Henry  Airay,  who  succeeded  Dr.  Henry  Robioaon  in  the  pro- 
Tostship  of  Queen's  College,  in  Oxibrd,  was  horn  in  Westmoreland, 
Sod  educated  by  the,  and  under  the  patronage,  ofBemanPi 
Gilpin,  welt  known  by  the  appellation  of  The  Northern  ApOBll^ 
He  was  a  constant  and  zealous  preacher  at  Oxford,  especially  llt^ 
St.  Peter's  in  the  East.     His  principal  work  is  a  "  Course  of  LeCiJ 
turGs  on  St.   Paul's  Epistle  to  the  Philippiana.'*     He  was  one  ti. 
those  Calrinists  "who  wrote  against  bowing-  at  the  name  of  JcsubJ] 
find  was,  for  his  learning,  gravity,  and  piety,  greatly  admired  a 
TCTcred  by  those  of  his  persuasion.    Christopher  Potter,  his  c 
.'  ^rman,  whs  the  editor  of  his  works.* 

JOHN  DENISON,  D.  D.  ,j 

John  Ditttson,  who  was  an  eminent  preacher  in  Uiis  reign,  waA 
educated  atBaliol  College,  in  Oxford.  He  was  some  time  domestic 
chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  afterward  to  King 
James.  It  is  probable,  that  he  never  had  any  preferment  in  the 
church,  besides  the  vicarage  of  St.  Mary's,  in  Heading;  which  he 
'fceld,  togetiier  with  the  free-school  there.  His  predecessor  in  the 
employment  of  schoolmaster  was  Andrew  Bird,  and  his  successor 
'William  Page.  He  pubhshed  many  sermons,  and  seveial  pieces  of 
|rnctical  divinity  and  pontrorersy.  The  most  coDsideiabl^  of  bu 
vwks  «eemB  to  have  besn  his  bAok,  ia  Latin,  oa  auricular  confesr 
wn,  which  is  a  confiitatiim  ot  the  axgameatg  of  Bellarmioe  on  that 
nbject.     Ob.  3ua.  1629.9. 

WILLIAM  SLATER,  (The  true  portrait  of  the 
karnedj  D.  D.  large  beard;  12mo.  prefixed  to  his 
"  Version  of  the  Psalms,"  1650;  scarce. 

■See,  Art.  Gilpin,  in  Beit  Biog.  III.  liO.  note  1.  HU  "Apologte  re- 
•tiif  to  bis  loit  M  !■«••  fin  tka  ncotetj  of  Charltcii  upba  Olmere,"  Bra.  lesit  b 


William  Slater,  D.  D.    W.  Richardsdru 

Wyiiam  Slater,*  or  Slatyer,  was  bom  in  Somersetshire^  and  rif 
qeived  his  education  at  Oxford,  where  he  took  the  degree  of  doctor 
0f  divinity  in  1623;  having  acquired  a  very  considerable  reputation, 
for  his  poetical  talent,  and  his  knowledge  in  English  history.  He 
was  author  of  Elegies  and  Epitaphs  on  Anne  of  Denmark,  to  whom 
he  was  chaplain.  They  were  written  in  Hebrew,  Greek,  Latin, iuid 
English;  and  printed  in  1619.  He  also  published  '<  Psalnui,  or 
«JSongs  of  Sion,  turned  into  the  Language  and  set  to  the  Tunes  of 
a  strange  Land."  Psalms  in  four  languages,  with  musical  notei 
engraved  on  copper :  to  one  of  the  tunes  is  prefixed  the  name  of 
MUton,  the  father  of  our  great  poet.  I  am  very  credibly  informed} 
•that  the  head  was  placed  before  an  edition  of  this  book  dated  16501; 
but  it  is  certain,  that  it  was  not  then  published  by  the  author,  who 
<liedat  Otterden,  in  Kent,  1647.  His  **  False- Albion,  or  theHistou 
of  Great  Britain  from  the  first  peopling  of  this  Island  to  the  Reign 
of  King  James,"  London,  1621,  folio,  in  Latin  and  £nglish  verse, 
is  his  capital  work;  of  this  the  English  marginal  notes  are  the  most 
valuable  part.  His  genealogy  of  King  James,  deduced  from  Adam, 
is  a  laborious  trifle. 

Doctor  SUTTON ;  a  small  head,  in  a  sheet  ofdivim 
instructions,  entitiled'^  The  Christian's  Jewel ^t  to  adorn 
the  Hearty  and  deck  the  House  of  evert/  true  Protestant;  ■ 
taken  out  of  St.  Mary  Overies  Churchy  in  the  lecture^ 
ship  of  the  late  deceased  Doctor  Sutton.'' 

Thomas  Sutton,  one  of  the  most  eloquent  and  admired  preachert  \ 
of  his  time,  was  born  at  Bampton,  in  Westmoreland,  and  educates!  i 
at  Queen's  College,  in  Oxford.  lie  was  minister  of  Culham,neirj 
Abington,  and  was  there  much  followed  for  his  preaching,  aslHii 
was  afterward  at  St.  Mary  Overies,  in  Southwark,  where  he  wtf-? 
lecturer.  Many  of  his  discourses  are  in  print,  and  specified  by 
Mr.  Wood.  His  "  Lectures  on  the  Ilth  Chapter  to  the  Romans"; 
were  published  by  John  Downham,t  who  married  his  widow.  Tfce^ 
pious  author,  who  had  been  to  "  put  the  last  hand"  to  a  free-school- 
which  he  had  founded  at  his  native  place,  was,  to  the  great  regret 
of  all  that  knew  his  worth,  drowned  in  his  passage  from  Newcastk! 

*  So  spelt  on  the  print ;  Wood  calls  him  Slatyer. 
t  Brother  to  George,  bishop  of  Derry. 

)  London,  the  34th  of  August,  1623.  The  sheet  in  which  his  head 
t  engraved,  Gcems  to  contain  some  passages  which  were  takea  ia 
bocthand  [torn  his  mouth,  while  he  was  preaching'. 

1^  ROBERTUS  HILL,  Tbeo.  Doct.  et  S.  Bartho. 
bCDpe  Exchange  Loud.  Pastor ;  in  Simon  Pass's 

f^  Robert  Hill,  a  man  of  learning,  industry,  and  pietjr,  and  an  cmi- 
lul  preacher,  was  author  of  several  books  of  practical  divinity, 
^tioned  by  Wood  in  his  "  Fasti,"  vol.  i.  p.  167.     Ob.  1623. 

JOHN  HART,  D.  D.  a  wood  print;  large  square 
ieard,  8vo. 

JohnHart  was  author  of  "The  baming  Bush  not  consumed;  or, 
bw  to  judge  whether  one  be  the  Child  of  God  or  not;"  1616;  8vo. 

i.  E.  Lasne  sc.  Bvo. 

Gilbert  Primerose,  a  Scotsman,  was  well  known  at  this  period 

brhis  learning  and  piety.     He  was  a  considerable   lime  one  of  the 

ichers  belonging  to  the  Protestant  church  at  Bourdeaux,  as 

was  afterward  to  that  of  the   French  Piotestacts  in  London. 

He  was  chaplain  in  ordinary  to  the  king,  who,  in   1624,  recora- 

inded  him  to  the  university  of  Oxford,  where  he  was  created 

Hoctor  of  divinity.     In  1628,  he  succeeded  to  Dr.  John  Buckridge 

jGnliis  canonry  of  Windaor.     He  was  author  of  several  well  written 

Bieoiogical  books  in  the  French  language,  some  of  which  have  been 

Bnslated  into  Latin  and  English.     He  died  in  October,  or  Noveni- 

(»,  1642.     Mr.  Wood,  who  has  given  us  a  detail  of  his  works,  in- 

Ihns  us,  that  Gilbert  Primerose,  scrje ant-surgeon  to  Ring  James, 

lU  of  the  same  family. 

ROBERT    BOLTON,   B.  D.  minister  of  God's 
Ford,  at  Broughton,  in  Northamptonshire;  l2mo. 
Robert  Bolton.     /.  Payne  sc.  ito.     There  is  a 
ipy  of  this,  in  \2mo.  inscribed  "  Robert  Bolton,  bache- 
^-  hi  divinity" 

\  ITobert  Bolton,  a  divine  of  Puritan  principles,  was  one.  of  the 
IRateEt  ecfaolars  of  his  time,  and-very  eminent  for'  his  pieiy .    The 


Greek  language  was  so  familiar  to  him,  that  he  could  speak  it  witb 
almost  as  much  facility  as  his  mother  tongoe.    In  1605>  when  King 
James  visited  the  nniForsity  of  Oxford,  he  was  appointed  by  the 
▼ice-chaocellor  to  read  in  natural  philosophy,  and  dispute  before 
him,  in  the  public  schools.  He  was  generally  esteemed  a  most  per- 
snasiTe  preacher,  and  as  judicious  a  casuist.    His  practical  writingi 
are  numerous.  His  book  **  On  Happiness,"  which  has  gone  through 
many  editions,  was  the  most  celebrated  of  his  works.     When  he 
lay  at  the  point  of  death,  one  of  his  friends,  taking  him  by  the  hand, 
asked  him  if  he  was  not  in  great  pain  ;  *'  Truly,"  said  he  ''  the 
greatest  pain  that  I  feel  is  your  odd  hand  ;**  aiid  presently  expired. 
06.  17  DecIfiSI,  i».60.» 

SAMUEL  PURCHAS,    B.  D.  M.  48,    1625; 
small ;  in  the  title  to  his  **  Pilgrimes/'  in  Jive  vols.  fol. 

Samuel  Purchas,  B;  D.  in  Boissard ;.  small  ^to. 

Samuel  Purchas  ;  from  the  one  in  the  title-page. 
W.  Richardson. 

Samuel  Purchas^  rector  of  St.  Martin's,  Ludgate,  and  chaplain 
to  Archbishop  Abbot,  received  his  education  in  the  university  of 
Cambridge.  He,  with  great  pains  and  industry,  enlarged  and  per- 
fected Hakluyt's  "  Collection  of  Voyages  and  Travels."  This  work 
is  not  only  valuable  for  the  various  instruction  and  amusement  con- 
tained in  it ;  but  is  also  very  estimable  on  a  national,  and,  I  ma; 
add,  a  religious  accountf     He  died  in  distressed  circumstaDces^ 

*  Neale,  who,  in  his  **  History  of  the  Puritans/'  4to.  tells  ns  that  be  recondki 
himself  to  the  church  of  Rome,  and  repented  of  what  he  had  done,  seems  to  hate 
confounded  Bolton  with  his  friend  Anderton.     See  Bolton's  Artie,  in  Athen.  Oxoii* 

t  A  late  ingenious  author  has  opened  a  new  source  of  criticism  from  books  ci 
this  kind,  for  illnstrating  the  Scriptures.^  His  treatise,  entitled,  *'  Observations  co 
divers  Passages  of  Scripture,  &c.  grounded  on  Circumstances  incidentally  men- 
tioned in  Books  of  Voyages  and  Travels  into  the  East,"  1764,  6vo.  contains  milf 
curious  and  useful  remarks,  deduced  from  the  manners  tfnd  customs  of  the  easteA 

t  This  ingenious  person  b,  as  I  am  informed,  Mr.  Thomas  Harraer,  who  wroU 
Remarks  on  the  fecundity  of  Fishes,  printed  in  the  "  Philosophical  Transactiow/ 
vol.  LVII.  p.  280,  &c.    It  is  strongly  conjectured,  that  he  also  wrote  «*  the  OotlineM 
of  a  new  Gommeotary  on  SoioHU)n's  Song,  drawn  by  the  Help  of  Instructions  ftoil 
the  East."  I 



.AnnnXnmurl  Hir/v**     L    1  J 

^^^H  Iaks'  svaCB1vVM-|^-"_-;i^ 

^^^  -.-■--          ■_  -^  i 

Ah  March^y  hy'michard/mlfJl/trond^ 

[  -  •         ■  •  •  . 

■IfttBteW. Jiiiiiiftb9iB.ik«i»  flfgqwttHwwMH*  WwKWWtpitotiflM 
tteinfirevolBiiiesfoHo.  ..!..'■ 


RICHAIPUS  VIG^TWICK,  T.  B-  ^Iter^eid*. 

I  CoU.  Pembrodhiee,  1624.  J.  Faberf.  large  Atd.nfeif. 

—One  of  the  set  of  Founders,  wbose  portrait!  itre 


'RiC9A»p  Wiio^tw^ck;  j(»  the  ^tfjfprd4tmamclf^'* 

m^    •  "V   :  .- ■   ^^: 

IMt  per  «Mn^«»'Cta^^  aofliii^ 

JNmnfi  of  -dme  'follii»i»  ^^Mi  /iMtf  coh^kin.     -See  Tisdau) 

Thomas  Scottus,  geographus  et  theoIogusAnglus. 

^'  Qa®  DraoOyf  qiuere  Magellanu?  pQtaere  Brijtaniuft 
.Prastare,.  luc,  ^cQjtjtqSt  praistitit  uogeup." 

In.Boissard;  MuiUAto.  This  print  and  the  faUomng 
representJhe  same  person. 

Thomas  3gowt,  s^rae  tbeplogise  baccatajareus ; 
^0b.  1626.   Mardmilsc.  ina^teen  verses. 

The  Terses  under  the  Head  intimate,  that  he  wrote  a  book  to  ex- 
pose the  treachery  of  the  King  of  Spain  in  his  treaties  with  Great 
Britain ;  and  that  the  pope,  who  is  styled  "  Hell^a  vicar-general/' 
.the  origii$ml.  pkfH^t*  It  also  appears,  that  he  was  stabbed  by 
Lambert,  for  writing  4hat  book.  The  head  is  probably  prefixed 

**  Itiit  seems  to  be  a  preiumptive  proof  that  Crispin  de  Pas  was  in  England* 
t  Dirake. 

TOL.  II.  L 


to  the  following  pamphlet,  mentioned  in  the  Harteian  Calldogae: 
^*  A  Relation  of  the  Morder'of  Mr.  Thomas  Scott,  preacher  oPGod-s 
Word;"  dated  1628;  4to.* 

ROBERT  BURTON,  or  Democritus  Juiiior. 
C.  le  Bonf.  a  small  oval,  in  the  title  to  his  "  Anatonq  of 

Robert  Burton,  better  known  by  the  name  of  Democritus  Jonitt^ 
was  younger  brotlier  to  William  Burton,  author  of  the  "  Descriptiol 
of  Leicestershire."  He  compiled  "  The  Anatomy  of  Melancholy^ 
a  book  which  has  been  universally  read  and  ad  mired. f  This  woti 
is,  for  the  most  part,  what  the  author  himself  styles  it  "  a  Cento;^ 
but  it  is  a  very  ingenious  one.  His  quotations,  which  abound  in 
every  page,  are  pertinent;  but  if  he  had  made  more  use  of  hisift' 
vention,  and  less  of  his  cpmmothplace  book,  his  work  would  pet- 
haps  have  been  more  valuable  than  it  is.  j:  He  is  generally  free  from 
the  affected  language,  and  ridiculous  metaphors,  which  disgrace 
ipost  of  the  books  of  his  time.§  He  was  famous  for  his  skill  in 
astrology ;  and  is  said  to  have  foretold  the  precise  time  of  his  own 
death.  It  is  certain,  that  the  same  thing  was  reported  of  him  that 
was  before  said  of  Cardan,  that  he  died  a  voluntary  death,  that  his 

"  Vox  Populi"  or  Count  Gondaraor*s  Transactions  during  his  Embassy  in  Eng- 
land, part  ii.  by  T.  S.  in  eight  sheets,  4to.  reprinted  in  the  quarto  volume  of  the 
"  Phomix  Britannicus"  p.  341,  was  judged  by  Thomas  Rawlinson,  esq.  to  be  written 
by  this  Thomas  Scott.    His  conjecture  was  unquestionably  right. 

t  He  composed  this  book  with  a  view  of  relieving  his  own  melancholy ;  bat  in- 
creased it  to  such  a  degree,  that  nothing  could  make  him  laugh  but  gomg  to  the 
bridge>foot,  and  hearing  the  ribaldry  of  the  bargemen,  which  rarely  failed  to  thro^ 
him  into  a  violent  fit  of  laughter.  Before  he  was  overcome  with  this  horrid  dis* 
temper,  he,  in  the  intervals  of  his  vapours,  was  esteemed  one  of  the  most  faoetiov 
companions  in  the  university.  His  epitaph,  at  Chrbt  Church,  in  Oxford,  intimiteir 
that  excessive  application  to  his  celebrated  work,  was  the  occasion  of  his  death. 
Pcaicis  notita,  pauciorHms  ignotus,  hie  jacet  Democritu$  Junior,  cui  vitam  dedit  H 
mortem  melancholia. 

t  We  are  now  freed  fronj  the  yoke  of  pedantry ;  and  a  man  may  say  that  envy 
is  a  tormenting  passion,  and  love  an  agreeable  one  ;  without  quoting  Horace,  Ovid, 
Seneca,  and  twenty  other  poets  and  moralists,  who  have  said  the  same  thing.  Tte 
mode  of  citation  did  not  only  prevail  in  books,  but  also  in  common  conversalian;; 
and  even  at  the  bar,  and  on  the  bench.  Sir  Edward  Coke,  in  his  speech  concerning 
the  gunpowder-plot,  takes  occasion  to  quote  the  Psalmist  and  Ovid  in  several  places*  ^ 

§ .  Some  instances  of  this  kind  occur  in  his  book  ',  as  p.  465,  sixth  edit,  he  calls  ; 
the  eyes  "  the  shoeing-horns  of  love."  ' 


.predictioa  mii^t  gKwe  troe :  -  bot  tbis  is  very  improbdile.    06..  Jan, 
1639.    See  Adi$n,bz(m.  -  _ 

Mr.  STOCK;  under  an  arch  con^poaed  cf  books  * 
FroiOup.  to  his  "  Conanentary  on  Malachi"  1614  ;/o/. 



Mr,  Stock  ;  inBoissard;  anafhcr  in  Clarke^s  "  laves;*' 

both  small  Ato. 

«  ». 

Mr.  Stock  ;  prefixed  to  his  "  Commentary  on  Ma^ 
fac*i,"  1641.    /.  Jbsf^^  exc. 

Bidbard' Stock,  liector  of  Allhallowa/  Bread-street,  .was  a  .tef^ 
ttsdiUHui  and  pathetic  preachei*,  and  of  a  most  exemplary  life.  His 
meeess  in  Us  niinistry  was  answerable  to  bis  cbaracter.  His 
^Commentary  on  Malachi''  was  esteemed  a  learned  and  usefoj 
ML  Oh.  20  April,  1626.   See  FoUer's  ''  Worthies/'  in  Yorkd^ie, 


'  ■  ■  .         ■  > 

THOMAS  WILSON.  T.  Cross sc.  ruff;  blackcap, 
frontispiece  to  his  ^'  Christian  Dictionary;^  fol. 

Thomas  Wilson,  minister  of  St.  6ebrge*s  church,  in  Canterbury; 
was  highly  esteemed  for  his  learning  and  piety.  In  1614,  he  pubr 
liflhed  his ''  Commentary  on  the  Epistle  to  the  Romans,''  which  was 
generally  approved.  His  ^'  Christian  Dictionary,"  which  has  been 
4ft&  printed,  seems  to  have  been  the  first  book  ever  composed  in 
English,  by  way  of  concordance.^  He  died  in  the  latter  end  of 
tUs  reign,  or  in  the  beginning  of  *  the  next ;  as  he  is  styled,  '^  late 
■mister,*'  Ac.  in  the  title  to  the  second  edition  of  his  Commentary, 
1627.  His  Funeral  Sermon,  which  is  in  print,^  was  preached,  Ja- 
imary  25^  1621,  by  William  Swift,  minister  of  St  Andrew's,  in  Can- 
Mrary,  and  great-grandfather  of  Dr.  Swift.t 

NICOLLAS  BYFIELD, ''  Minister,  sojnetimes  of 
the  city  of  Chester,  but  last  of  Isleworth,  in  the 
county  of  Middlesex,  where  he  deceased  on  the 
fourth  day  of  September,  Anno  Domini  1620,  -iEtatis 

*  See  the  preface  to  Craden's  *'  Concordance/' 
t  Appendix  to  Swift's  "  life  of  Dr.  Swift'' 


stt^  40.  t&^  tite^t  day  ^ei^  his  death  he  #^  tipened 
by  Mullins  the  Chirurgeon,  who  took  a  stone*  out  of 
his  Madder  of  this  fonn ;  being  of  a  soUd  substsoice, 
18  inches  compass  the  lei^h  way^  and  13  inches 
compass  in  thickness  ;  weighed  33  ounces  avoirdu- 
pote  height;'  (Trotter  so.)  W.  Rkhardsm,  17190 ; 
gtuirto ;  with  the  representation  of  the  sUMe. 

WILLIAM  PEMBLE>  M.  A.  Vertuese.   ITtsjm^  . 
trait  is  in  the  right  hand  group  of  figures  in  the 
'*  Oaf  or d  Almanack''  for  1749;  it  is  between  WitKam 
3^all  and  Dr.  Poeockj  the  former  rf  whom  hM 
m  b&ok. 

tVilliam  I'embie,  of  Magdalen  Hall,  in  Oxford,  was  a  celebrated 
tutor  and  divinity  reader  of  that  house,  to  which  he  was  a  singular 
ornament.  Hb  learning  was  deep  and  extenshre ;  and  be  has  «TeD 
abundant  prooft  of  it,  in  his  writings  on  historical,  metaphysical, 
moral,  aiid  divine  subjects.  Adrian  Heerebdo^d,  profei^sor  of  pU- 
Itm^  lit  \hk  diitrersity  of  Leyden,  speaks  very  ^}Sf  af  his  fibi- 
iili^  in  tiis  <<  MeleUmota  PhUosapkica/'  lliis  trsly  leorned  wi 
pie^tid  tKan,  afid  ex^elletut  preacher,  died  the  14th  of  Apvil^  16^ 
dged  Oiiij  thirty-t#6  years.  His  English  works  have  been  ^fiileeleii 
into  bne  vcflUfne^  wlneh  Ifti6  been  Honir  times  printed.  The  twoM 
editions  are  in  folio. 

JOHN    RAWXINSON,    A.  M.   S.  t.  P.  in  the 

*^  Oaf  or  d  Almanack,^' 17  A7. 

John  Rawlinson,  a  fluent  and  florid  preacher  of  his  time,  was 
born  in  London,  educated  in  Merchant  Taylors'  school,  elected 
iseh^kref  St.  Johti's  Gdllege  1591,  aged  15,  and  was  afterward 
fellow  and  M»  A.    He  became^  sticefessivdy,  recJtor  of  Taplow>  is 
Bucks,  vicar  of  Asheldam,  in  Essex,  prebendary  of  Sarum,  D.  D.. 
principal  of  St.  Edmund  Hall,  chaplain  to  tho.  Egerton,  baron  of 
^lesniere,  lord-chancellor  of  England,  and  dhaplaih  in  ordiMfy  to 
King  James  I,  rector  of  Selsey,  in  Sussex,  and  of  Whitchurch,  in 
Shropshire :  in  all  which  places  he  was  much  followed  for  his  edi- 
fying preaching,  great  tharity,  And  public  spirit.     He  died  1631, 

OP  EUGLJbHD.  73 

md  was  buried  in  the  chancel  of  the  duurdi  at  'Whhchurch,  in 
Sfaropshiie*  See  a  liat  ^  his  nsodu  in.  Wood's  '*  Athens  Ox- 

THEOPHILIJS  WO©EN(yfE,  B.  0.  m  ike  title 
to ''  Hermes  Theologus,  or  neiKhDeB&mh  ^jpm  old  Me^ 
ctn^ds;' 1649 ;   lim. 

Theqphilas  Wodenote,  bom  at  Lankenhorn^  in  Cornwall,  de- 
loended  fiNNd  an  aneiei^t  famil;  in  Cheshire,  was  educated  at  Eton, 
tnd  ftom  thence  removed  to  Klng^s  College,  Cambridge,  and  was 
iseoiporated  at  Oxford  July  Idth,  16S0«  Ha  was.  nads' .  ifidor  tf 
Unkfmhom,  the  place  of  his  birth«  Mr*  Wodenote  wrote  **  Gpod 
ihm(gsiB  .<m;bad  Times  ;^  'f  Hermes  Theologus,.'*  1649,  and  other 
Mdks.    SeaWood^s^'Athenoe.^ 

RDBEBT  BOYD,  ^  Trqc%rig,frm  an  original  in 
^CQU^geqf.Gla^oWi,   Mivers  sc.  6po. 

lliis'lwnna  tMWbss6r  w«a  ^^ 
kSjiuUrt^  mOMA^  inieBaifds 

.if  ftoSUlD^  and  fyf  TMhrig,  %ere  descended  from  Adam  B<^, 
tiMson  of  Alexander,  the  second  son  of  Robert,  lord  Boyd,  ^ 
Itouods  cbaodyeriain  df  Seoduid  in  the  minority  of  James  III. 

th^  c&iSbMieA  Mark  Alextoder  Boyd  was  of  the  family  of  Pink- 
IdB,  and  fti^*cotfSin  to  the  professor. — Robert  Boyd,  of  Troc&rig, 
was  professor  of  divinity  at  Saumur,  in  France,  when  he  .was  invited 
by  James  VI.  to  the  office  of  principal  of  the  university  of  Glasgow. 
Sat  not  s^jfUrting  the  king^s  views  in  promoting  episcopaisy,  he  re- 
«gaed,  and  was  thenoalledby  the  ^^ityof  EcUnburghto  the  same 
station  in  the  university  there,  and  found  equal  opposition  from  the 
court  He  therefore  abandoned  .that  4:harge,  and  became  minister 
4it  Paisley.    He  died  in  1629. 

His  writings  wercp  a  Commentary  on  the  Epistle  to  the  Ephesians; 
<iiul  a  poem  called  Hetacombe  Christiana^  preserved  in  the  DeUdx 
^Mtanm  Seaiorufny  woA  dedicated  to  his  relation,  Andrew  Boyd, 
(Uop  of  Argyle,  a  prelate  .eminent  for  his  active  virtues  in  re- 
that  barbaric  see. 



JOHN  POD ;    Ob.  1646,   M.  96.    T.  Cross 
four  English  verses;  8w. 

A  grave  divine;  precise,  not  tnrbulent ; 
And  never  guilty  of  the  chordies  rent: 
Meek  even  to  sinners;  most  d<^oat  to  God: 
This  is  but  part  of  the  due  praise  of  Don. — C.  6. 

Copied  by  W.  Richardson. 

This  head  may  be  placed  with  equal  propriety  in  the  next  rei 
John  Dod  received  his  education  at  Jesus  College,  in  Cambri 
He  was  in  learning  excelled  by  few,  and  in  unaffected  piety  by  n 
Nothing  was  ever  objected  to  this  meek  and  humble  man,  bu 
being  a  Puritan.  lie  was  particularly  eminent  for  his  knowl 
of  the  Hebrew  language,  which  he  taught  the  &moiia'J6|p  Ore 
of  Christ  Church,  in  Oxford.*  He  was,  from  loB  UnMfittii  o 
Ten  Commapdments,  which  he  wrote  in  conjiinetiqa^ijf|Ck/^ 
Cleaver,  commonly  called  the  Decalogist  Hu -^f.l^^m 
been  printed  in  various  forms:  many  of  them  on  tw6*^ihee 
paper,  are  still  to  be  seen  pasted  on  the  walls  of  cottagest  A 
woman  in  my  neighbourhood  told  me,  *^  that  she  should  have 
distracted  for  the  loss  of  her  husband,  if  she  had  been  without 
Dod's  '  Sayings'  in  the  house." 

ARTHUR  HILDERSHAM,  late  preacher 
Ashby  de  la  Zouch  (in  Leicestershire) ;  preaching; 

Arthur  Hildersham,  &c.  R.  Vaughan  sc.  4to 

Arthur  Hildersham,  who  was  great-grandson,  by  the  ■  moth< 
George,  duke  of  Clarence,  was  educated  in  the  Roman  Catholi 
ligion ;  and  when  he  was  about  fifteen  years  of  age,  disinherite 
his  father,  for  refusing  to  go  to  Rome.  The  Earl  of  Hunting 
his  kinsman,  very  generously  became  his  patron,  and  contril 
to  his  support  at  Cambridge.  He  was  several  times  silenced  ii 
reign  for  nonconformity,  but  was  restored  by  Archbishop  A 

*  Sec  Mr.  John  Gurganjr's  account  of  his  life. 

^  Grave  Divine ; precjfe  ,  not    uirhuUnt ; 
^4nd  nft'er^uil^of  the  CAutDies   Tent  : 
Meek   evm  tajinnerjj  maSt  devout  to  GoD; 
*rfw  u  hmpart  ^tja  ^e  nra^e  of  dqd 


/iiM^AU  4f/  Ti'JiiiJtan/ten    Galle  ^iiirt  Ztmslcrl!c!4s 


tilly,  the  astrologer,  in  the  Memoirs  of  his  own  Life,  tells  us,  ^^  that 

he  dissented  not  from  the  church  in  any  article  of  faith,  but  only 

about  wearing  the  surplice,  baptizing  with  the  cross,  and  kneeling 

at  the  sacrament.''    His  ''Lectures  on  the  51st  Psalm/'  and  his 

Wk  on  Fasting,  shew  him  to  have  been  a  learned  and  pious  man. 

06.4  Mar.  1631, -^^  69. 


JOHANNES  CARTER,  fidelis  iUe  servus  Dei,  et 
-pastor  Bramfordiensis,  in  agro  Suflfolciensi.  J.  Dun- 
Mallf.  In  Clarke's  ^^  laves  of  English  Divines.''  There 
""  is  another  portrait  of  him  engraved  by  Vaughan. 

John  Carter  was  bom  in  Kent,  and  educated  at  Clare  Hall,  in 

.    Cambridge.     He  was  many  yesurs  minister  of  Bramford,  in  Suffolk, 

and  also  rector  of  Belstead  in  the  same  county.     Though  he  had 

'    been  often  troubled  for  nonconformity,  he  took  every  occasion  of 

^   exerting  himself  against  popery,  Arminianism,  and  the  new  cere- 

[   monies.  Clarke  and  Neale  speak  of  him  as  a  man  of  great  industry, 

^  charity,  and  jnety.    The  former  tells  us,  that  when  he  dined  with 

.several  ministers  at  one  of  the  magistrates'  houses  at  Ipsivich,  a  very 

vain  person,  who  sat  at  the  table,  undertook  to  answer  any  question 

that  should  be  proposed  to  him,  either  in  divinity  or  philosophy.    A 

profound  silence  ensued,  till  Mr.  Carter  addressed  him  in  these 

words.    "  I  will  go  no  farther  than  my  trencher  to  puzzle  you :  here 

is  a  soal ;  now  tell  me  the  reason  why  this  fish,  which  has  always 

lived  in  the  salt  water,  should  come  out  fresh  ?"  As  the  challenger 

did  not  so  much  as  attempt  any  answer,  the  scorn  and  laugh  of  the 

company  were  presently  turned  upon  him. .  Ob.  21  Feb.  1634. 


HUGO  BROUGHTON,  theolog.  literarum  et  lin- 
guarum  sacrarum  callentissimus,  Mt.  37.  J.  Payne  sc. 
4to.  six  Latin  verses.  Idem ;  Van  Hove  sc. 

Paynes  print  is  very  like,  as  Clarke  informs  us  in  his 
"  Life  of  Broughton," 

Hugh  Broughton,  a  youth  of  an  agreeable  and  promising  aspect, 
was  travelling  on  foot  on  the  northern  road,  when  he  was  accosted 
by  the  celebrated  Bernard  Gilpin,  who  asked  him  whither  he  was 
going.  He  told  him  to  Oxford,  in  order  to  be  a  scholar.     The  apos- 


Btwmfmfi\m\ml§  ftMiMftrMBcill— iig^  ViAyBWiitmgiii 
a«i  load,  pvtiedfarij  Ui  "  CoMc^  of  TSm^T*  Abm^  Ite 
beensn  TimrT***  |^i  ■■■ ;  ImtL  kk  dcic filing  Id  dMfWtcs  aboat 
Ae  cofaor  of  Attcii'ji:flphQ^iwd#fcr  Ihnigi  efMJ^-jriyoloBfl,  de- 
aolelHiimnanicDe.  HemH  MHMtnie  aldielieiidarmGOiireii- 
lide  in  Knghnul  wa4  rfleiwd  bclflBgtjd  to  m  eoagiegatioD  of 

ft  Tcry  ttraag  pMyeMilf  lD.mii^ii|g^  Wdij^JhMir  niabml; 
bt  wm^  homewer,  eHf<e«f  il  m  notable  writer  in  cumliuf  CMJ,  He 
hn boen  wcij jatttf  ocmored'lij tte Rgmmdjlr, Oil|iiirf kk^hi 
iografitodeto  Uf  ezodlent  patron,  lAon  be  aideamaied  tofqp- 
.l^iant  in  die  lectorf  of  Hoog^tton  in  die  Spring,  ffis  ftpie  m 
f^on  de  dedfaie  wben  be  retained  to  Kigland;  andbis  dunadeir 
became  atlengUi  so  degpicable^diat  be  wu  pobB^  iidJcnleil  opfli 
Ae  itage*t  V^^^Hkt  coigectnted  diat  be  died,  about  die  year  1609; 
bat  Us  d^tb  really  bappened,  i^ocorduig  to  Mons.  BaylQ»  inlOlS^ 
jR.  84.  He  was  die  first  of  oar  couniryuien  diat  ti^^pbuned  "die 
descent  of  Cbrist  into  belLby  tbe  word  Hades,  die  place  into  wlA^ 
X3urMt  descended  after  bis  cmdfizion.  Tins  did  not  mean  beH,  or 
the.];Jace  of  the  damned ;  but  o6ly  the  state  of  the  dead,  or  Ae 
inyisible  world,  in  which  sense  it  was  nsed  by  the  Greek  fathers.^ 

^lATnsSie  of  ScripCaR  Chwnoiogy.    fi»  tolb  as  io  4kis  book,  iint  TMk 
eonunteoect  bafkt  at  tea^e. 
t  See  fab  <•  Life  of  Bernard  Gilpin." 
t  See  the  Akhjmht  of  Ben.  Jonson,  Act  IL  Scene  S.  and  Act  IV.  Sc.  5.  The 

f  TbonMs  Bilioo,  bishop  of  Winchetter,  one  of  the  best  scholars  and  purest 
writers  of  his  time«  was  unfortunately  the  principal  antagonist  of  Brooghton  in  thii 
doctrine,  wUch  is  now  lecBivied  bjr  die  chinch  oi  England..  It  la  worthy  of  jeodki 
that  as  fhu  prelate  was  preaching  a  sermon  at  St.  Paol's  Cross,|  a  sadden  pain^ 
occaaoiiod  bj  the  oaikke  or  folly  of  one  of  the  asdkiice,  seimd  tbe  mnltitBde  Jhen 
assembled^  who  tiioo^t  that  the  church  was  falling  on  their  heads.  The  goo^ 
bishop,  who  sympathiced  tnth  the  people  more  from  pity  than  from  fear,  after  f 
sufficient  pause,  reassumed,  and  went  through  his  sermon  with  great  composuie* 

I  A  pnVpit  in  form  of  a  cross,  which  stood  almost'  in  die  nuddle  of  St  PaaF 


dini  pastor,  2Et.  43,  1618  ;  Voersif.  1631 ; 

"  Vivos  Aureii  vultus  exsculpsit  in  rere; 
Mores  haud  potuit  sculpere  chaicographus ; 
Neve  opus  :  Eeternis  dictig,  factisque,  librisque, 

Jampridem  Mores  sculpserat  ipse  auos." 


"  The  portraiture  of  ^hp. 
!  they  use  to  sit  at  cou 
I  the  Catholic  cause.  Di 
Vright,  F.  Palmer,  F.l 
j  field,  F.  Higham,  F.  Sv 
den),  D.  Smith,  F.  Love 
ton,  F.  Porter,  F,  Patt   nn. 




priests,  as 

1  ir      to  further 

p,  „-■.       istow.  Dr. 

F.  Lurtn;tJ,   F.  Max- 

F,  Ployden  (or  Plow- 

iinineur,  F.  Worthing- 

No  engraver's  name, 

rt  of"  Vo.r  populi,"  towards 

The  print  is  in  the  second 
•  the  end. 

The  peraons  represented  are  said  in  this  pamphlet  to  have  held 
inteUigence  with  Gondamor,  and  to  have  met  at  the  house  of  one 
Wet,  a  goldsmith,  in  Fetter-lane,  who  had  a  printing-press  in  his 
1|  house  for  popish  books,     They  are   tailed  Jesuits,  and  jesuited 



I  William  Bishop,  who  was  born  at  Brayles,  in  Warwickshire, 
I  itndied  at  Oxford,  and  in  several  foreign  universities.  He  was  em- 
ployed in  England  as  a  missionaiy,  in  the  reigns  of  Elizabeth  and 
Jsmes  I.  in  both  which  he  suffered  iniprisonment  for  acting  in  that 
capacity.  He  was  consecrated  bishop  of  Chalcedon  at  Paris,  the 
Wi  of  June,  1623,  and  invested  with  ordinary  power  to  govern  the 
Cathohc  church  in  England.  He  was  esteemed  a  man  of  abilities, 
ud  was  a  very  active  and  useful  instrument  to  his  party.  He  wrote 
Mveral  pieces  of  controversy  against  Mr.  Perkins  and  Dr.  Robert 
Abbot,  and  published  Pits's  book  "Z>e  iliuitritms  Anglia  Scripto' 


rilm"  iHU  gentle  ood  amidde  muuien  gained  him  esteei 
mm  of  sU-peraouions.  He  was.  thcfint  of  the  cbuichof 
that,  after  the  refbrmatioa,  wat  Bent  into  England  in  an  epi 
character,*  and  died  the  16th  of  April,  1624. 


Richard  Bristow,  who  was  born  at  Worcester,  was  educa 
the  university  of  Oxford,  where  he  and  Campian  entertained 
Elizabeth  with  a  pubhc  disputation,  and  acquitted  theroselvf 
applause.  He  shortly  after  conformed  to  the  church  of  Rom 
was  invited  by  the  famous  Allen,  afterward  cardinal,  to  I 
where  he  distinguished  himself  In  the  English  college,  as 
afterward  in  that  of  Rhetms,  in  both  of  which  he  held  consic 
employments.  The  following  character  of  him  was  found  b 
among  the  records  in  the  former  of  these  colleges :  "  He 
rival  Allen  in  prudence,  Stapleton  in  acuteness,  Campian  j 
quence,  Wright  in  theology,  and  Martin  in  laaguag'ea."  Hif 
was  occasioned  by  severe  application  to  his  studies. 


Dr.  Wright,  in  the  list  of  the  names  of  Romish  pries 
Jesuits,  resident  about  the  city  of  London,  1624,t  is  said  t 
been  a  grave  ancient  man,  treasurer  to  the  priests,  and  vei 
He  wttB  probably  a  different  person  from  Dr.  Thomas  Wrigh 
was  reader  of  divinity  in  the  English  college  at  Douay,  and 
of  the  book,  "  De  Pauianibtit  Animm,"  and  several  noted  pi 
controversy.  The  latter,  who,  according  to  Dod,  does  not 
to  hare  been  a  missionary  here  since  the  reign  of  Elizabetl 
about  the  year  1623. 

was  a  Jeanit. 

Father  PALMER 
Father  LURTICE 

*  I1ii>  aiid  (be  folluwitig  iboit  account  of  ptlrsti  and  Jesuits  are  chieSj  t 
fnm  Dad's  Histoiy! 
t  'Sie  "  Pkanix  Brilamiau,"  4(0.  p.  4W- 

OF   ENGLAND.  79 

Father  MAXFIELD. 

Dod  mentions  a  peraoD,  whose  name  waa  Thomas  Maxfield,  that 

f  itDtlied  at  Douay,  where  he  was  ordained  priest,  and    sent  upon 

on  into  England  in  1615,  and  executed  the  Uth  of  July 

tbe  following  year,  on  account  of  his  sacerdotal  character.    Queere, 

if  the  person  represented  in  the  print? 

j  F.  HIGHAM. 

John  Highain,  who,  for  the  most  part,  lived  abroad,  employed 
Wraself  chiefly  in  translating  religious  books  from  the  Spanish. 
The  last  of  his  works,  mentioned  by  Dod.  is  the  "  Exposition  of  the 
Maas,"  which  is  dated  1622.  Ant.  Wood  snys  lie  was  a  bookseller 
at  St.  Omer's.     See  Athen,  Oxon. 


>  John  Sweet,  a  native  of  Devonshire,  studied  at  Rome,  where  hs 
uHered  into  the  society  of  Jesus  in  1 608.     He  was  sent  on  a  mia- 

I  HOD  from  Rome  to  England,  in  this  reign,  and  died  at  St.  Omer's, 
the  26tli  of  February,  1632.  He  is  said  to  have  been  the  author  of 
"  A  Manifestation  of  the  Apostacy  of  M.  Ant.  de  Dominis,"  printed 
uSL  Omer's,  1617,  in  4to.  Dr.  Daniel  Festley,  who  was  his  oppa- 
Kot  in  a  disputation,  has  introduced  him  in  his  "  Romish  Fisher 
caught,  or  a  Conference  between  Sweet  and  Hsher,"  Load.  1624. 

F.  PLOYDEN  (or  Plowden), 

iJetait,  was  probably  a  relation  of  the  famous  Plowden,  author  of 
the "  Reports,"  who  was  a  Roman  Catholic. 

Dr.  SMITH. 

Dr.  Richard  Smith,  bishop  of  Chalcedon,  appears,  according  to 
Dod'g  account  of  him,  not  to  have  borne  any  ecclesiastical  character 
n  England  before  the  year  1625.  It  is  therefore  very  probable, 
that  another  Dr.  Smith  is  here  meant,  and  especially  as  the  two 
following;  persons  of  the  name  are  mentioned  in  the  list  of  Romish 
priests  and  Jesuits  resident  about  the  city  of  London  in  1624. 
"Dr.  Smith,  senior,  some  time  of  the  college  of  Rome,  and  author 
)f  divers  pestilent  books;  and  Dr.  Smith,  junior,  author  of  divers 


other  books  no  less  daugeroas.**  A  strcmg  tNurtjr  was  raised  agaiiut 
the  bishop  of  Chalcedon,  by  the  regular  clergy,  who  londl; 
accused  him  of  infringing  their  priyQeges.  TUs  forced  him  to 

Father  LOVET 

was  brother  to  three  goldsmiths  in  London,  who  were  all  papists. 

Father  ANIEUR;* 

^^  /- 

w)k>  wa9  esteemed  aii  e&t«rprij|iiig  ap4  Sinfaroipi  i^ot,  was  i 
Brmchtnan*.  . 

Father  WORTHmQTON;*/ 

Thomas  Wortliiogton,  who  ww  bom  at  KajttMM^iiaear  Wigan, 
in  Lancashire,  studied  at  Oxford  tpvi  Boua]%  wWi  |e  was  presi- 
dent of  the  6n|^isb  college.    He  ym  sAienrard  several  yean  at 
Rome,  and  Hvir  semli  lime  vpoitltita' kkic/lta^ 
seeing  En|hBd  a^iA^»  where  he  badftriBcirlyitoiiHai  actiTenui- 
sfebary,  he  obtained  kure  to  Totum'  ihiAer,  wdA  fthMBy  after  died, 
in"  1686.    He  inci6  Annoilktioiis  feir  the-Douaf  Bible,  in  the  traoi- 
Imtion  df  wtiich  he  had  a  principal  share,  add  #tta  author  of  seveiflt 
books  menti6ned  by  Dod.    His  ^  Caialogus  tShirtyrum  m  An^* 
&c.  was  sold  at  the  high  price  of  11«»  6tf.^t  the  Iraleof  Mr.  Richaid 
Smith's  library,  1682.     The  original  price  of  this  ptun^ihlet  ma  fio 
more  than  6d. 

Father  PORTEK 

was  a  Jesuit. 

Father  PAT ESON 

was  also  a  Jesuit.  I  know  nothing  of  Father  Wood,  who  was  pro- 
bably of  the  same  fraternity.  He  is  the  fifth  pet1k>n  mentioned  in 
the  description  of  the  print. 

HENRICUS   GARNETUS,    Anglus,  e  SodetaU 
Jesu;  passus  3  Mali,  1606.    Joh.  Wieriverc.  \2mo. 

*  The  name  should  be  thus  spelt,  and  not  Aniaeur. 

Ji.i/ys&c/   Oif'}''l/^mbyHr-^,l-A^rdl<!r,.if-rA/&usr.ilSrn,iui. 

OF    ENGLAND.  81 

Henricus  Qarnetus  ;  in  an  ornamented  oval;  two 
Latin  lines  y  **  Si  quid  patiminiy^  8^c.  scarce.  Copied  by 
^.  Richardson. 

Henhicus  Garnetus.    R.  Sadeler. 

Henricus  Garnetus  ;  small foUo. 

*'  In  the  gallery  of  the  English  Jesuits,"  says  Dr.  Burnet,  **  among 
depictures  of  their  martyrs,  I  did  not  meet  with  Garnet ;  for,  per« 
^ps,  that  name  is  so  well  known,  that  they  would  not  expose  a 
picture  with  such  a  name  on  it,  to  all  strangers :  yet  Oldcom, 
Mng  a  name  less  known,  is  hung  there  among  their  martyrs, 
though  he  was  as  clearly  convicted  of  the  gunpowder  treason,  as 
the  other  was."* 

Henry  Garnet,  who  was  horn  in  Nottinghamshire,  received  his 
education  at  Rom^,  where  he  entered  into  the  society  of  Jesus 
when  he  was  twenty  years  of  age.  He  was  a  man  of  various  learn- 
ing, and  was  professor  of  philosophy  and  Hehrew  in  the  Italian 
college  at  Rome ;  and  was  so  well  skilled  in  the  mathematics,  that 
be  there  supplied  the  place  of  the  celebrated  Clavius,  when  by  his 
age  and  infirmities  he  was  incapacitated  to  attend  the  schools.  It 
does  not  appear  that  he  was  active  in  the  gunpowder-plot ;  and 
he  declared,  just  before  his  execution,  that  he  was  only  privy  to  it, 
and  concealed  what  was  revealed  to  him  in  confession.  He  was 
executed  the  3d  of  May,  1606.t 

Ven.  P.  F.  BENEDICTUS,  Anglus,  Capucinus, 
Praedicator,  &c.  Obiit  1611,  M.  49,  <§r.  J.  Picart 
incidit.    From  the  same  book  with  the  next  print. 

*  Burnet's  Letter  from  Rome.    Mr.  Addison,  in  his  Travels,  saw  the  pictures  of 

of  the  two  GametSj  Oldcorn,  &c.  at  Loretto. 
t  "  That  the  Jesuit  Garnet  was  honoured  as  a  martyr  (though  he  disclaimed  all 

pretensions  to  it  himself,  in  his  own  remarkable  apostrophe,  <  Mt  Martyrem !  0 

fiaUm  MartyremV)  we  have  the  authority  of  a  brother  of  this  order,  Eudeemo- 
I  Johannes,  a  Cretan  Jesuit*  who  wrote  his  *  Apology,'  and  published  it  at  Cologn, 
■  ii  1610,  with  a  very  curioas  froBtbpiece>  GametU  /ac«  pourtrayed  in  tJie  centre  ^'  a 
I    fikeut  ttraw  (such  as  ii  appeared  to  one  of  hU  diicipleSf  who  kept  it  ana  relic),  encircled 

with  this  legend,  *  M iraculota  Effigies  R.  P.  H.  Garnet,  Soc.  Jes.  Martyris  Angli- 

can),  3  Maii,  1606.' "    Note  to  Benj.  Pye's  third  Letter. 


The  secular  name  of  Father  Benedict  was  William  Fich  (Fy  tche), 
of  Camfield,  in  Essex.  There  is  a  very  ancient  and  opulent  family 
of  the  n'ame/xseated  at  Danbury  Place,  near  Chelmsford,  in  that 

V.  p.  ARCHANGELUS,  Scotus,  Capucinus,  Prae- 
dicator,  &c.  Obiit  1606,  jEt.  36.  conversion.  13,  die 
2  Aug.  J.  Picart  incidit.  Front  the  History  of  his  Life, 
written  first  in  French^  and  now  translated  into  English 

by  R.R.a  Catholic  priest ;  published  at  Douay,  1623. 

'  'i 

It  appears,  by  this  account,  that  his  secular  name  was  John 
Forbes ;  and  that  he  was  son  of  the  Lord  Forbes,  by  Margaret 
Gordon,*  daughter  of  the  Marquis  of  Huntley. 

SIR  TOBIE  MATTHEW,  son  of  T.  Matthew, 
archbishop  of  York,  was  a  Jesuit,  f  but  1  believe  no 
missionary ;  an  employment  to  which  he  seems  not 
to  have  been  very  well  adapted,  as  he  was  rather  of 
an  unclerical  character.  J    See  the  next  reign. 

ROBERT  PARSONS  ;  fol.  Neeffs. 
Robert  Parsons  ;  \2mo.  Wieria\ 
Robert  Parsons  ;  in  FreheruSy  p.  274. 

*     _     • 

Robert  Parsons,  with  Campian,  Garnet^  and 
R.  Blond,  in  a  title. 

Robert  Parsons,  Jesuit;   Vlmo,  Evans ejcc. 

♦  According  to  Douglas's  "  Peerage/  her  name  was  Christian.  ! 

+  See  the  "  Biog.  Brit"  vi.  p.  4048.  j 

X  Arthur  Wilson  informs  us,  that  a  new  order  called  Jesnitrices,  was  set  on  foot  j 

in  Flanders,  in  this  reign,  by  Mrs.  Ward,  and  Mrs.  Twittie,  English  ladies,  who  J 

assumed  the  Ignatian  habit ;  and  that  they  were  patronised  by  Father  Gerard ,  rector  . 
of  the  English  college  of  Jesuits,  at  Liege ;  but  that  they  were  discountenanced  by 

others  of  that  fraternity.     Soon  after,  Mrs.  Ward  was,  by  the  pope,   appointed  ^ 

"  mother-general  of  two  hundred  ladies  of  some  distinction,  whom  she  commissioned  .J 

to  preach,"  &c. — ^Wilson,  in  Rennet's  Hist.  vol.  ii.  p.  729.  « 

fradteater:  el  Ve/inifcf  //ri'it  I 

Demini  fda/ ./2 U  Aif^n^h   a  A  fys  t- 

anaifraiene  ad  Itc/i^isner/i  Sfa//       n      i 


.  n„^c  Si,-r./J.t,-.'^i,- j^;,'./^. 

dum  'Xclu.s    intrs    ^ortalifnatl  m  Orhcj 
^^t  ^.Udit  fiamma      corafca  plants - 

Zrr^ii  c(   duUo  Sulla  Nolans    adSi  . 
fDy^ploK  cu>n  Tibi  sit     Santivruut  JVomcrSJtru_ 
rJn-uUam.  pciritcr    /.•enurrmt, ^lm.t ,    tuaiTL..( 

Marai ^//jpj; Sy  W^c^rM n  N"Z h  Prand. 

OF   ENGLAND.  83 

There  are  mangf  political  and  satirical  prints  by 
R.  de  Hw^hCy  Sgc.  in  which  tht  portra^  of  Parsons  is 

Robcart  Parsofus,  bOTn  in '  Somersetshire  in  1546.  was  educated  at 
BUBoI  GoUegey  Ozfoid,  ^Uch  lie:  left  after jesigning  his  fellofrship; 
and  went  to  Gales -and -Antwetpb.  .'He  stiidnd.idiysi&and  chril  law 
mt  Padoa;  which  he  soon  relinquished  and  went  to  Rome,  wherehe 
was  admitted  into  the  .sodety  oC  Jesas^went  throogh^^evarioos 
stddiesy  and  retiiDrned  to  Engliuod  with  Campian  and  others;  '.  He 
frequented  the  houses  of  Catholics  in  disguise,  to  inspre  Ijiem'  with 
seditious  and  re|)eUions  sentiments.  Gampian  being  seized,  Parsons 
returned  to  Ro^e,  in  hof^  of  a  cardinal's  hat ;  but  was  disep- 
pointed,  and  died  of  grief  1610.  His  writings  are  yery  nunuarons. 
See  Woodls  Athensa. 

«  ■  i  ■ 

EDWARD  OLDCORN.   Bouttatssc. 


Edward  Oldcom,  alias  HaD.  was  bom  in  Yorkshire,  reomedi 
part  of  hte  education  in  the  cdlege  of  RheimiB,'and  finished  it  at 
Rome.  He  came  over  to  England  with  Father  Qerard,  and  Wlui 
sent  by  Garnet  into  Worcestershire ;  where,  on  an  accusation  of 
being  concerned  in  the  powder-plot,  he  was  apprehended,  tried,  and 
executed,  1606,  ^t.  45. 



SIR  RALPH  WINWOOD,  secretary  of  state; 
\M.  49.  Mierevelde  p.  1613.  Vertiie  sc.  1723;  h.  sh. 
{Another  by  Henry  Honditis.  The  former  is  before 
\}ds  "  Memorials.''^  It  was  engraved  for  the  Duke  of 

Sir  Ralph  Winwood,  who  was  a  man  of  eminent  ability  and  un-. 
tished  integprity,  was  not  sufficiently  polished  as  a  courtier,  as 


there  was  ^'  somethiDg  harsh  and  auperciliouB"  in  his  demeanour.* 
When  he  was  resident  at  the  Hague,  he  delivered  the  remonstrance 
of  James  I.  against  Vorstius  the  Arminian,  to  the  assembly  of  the 
States ;  to  which  they  seemed  to  pay  very  little  attention^    Upoo 
this  the  king  proceeded  to  threaten  them  with  his  pen;  and  ph&dy 
told  them,  that  if  they  had  the  hardiness  '^  to  fetch  again  liidiit  kdl, 
ancient  heresies  long  since  dead,  &c.  he  should  be  conttzmiael  to 
proceed  publicly  against  them.t"^    It  is  certain,  that  his  Hijlsty 
wrote  a  pamphlet  against  Gonr.  Vorstius,  which  was  prbitad  in 
161 1 :  he  dedicated  it  to  Jesus  Christ.    Sii  Ralph  Winwood^died 
in  1617. 

SIR  EDWARD  HERBERT,  ambassador  to 
France.  See  a  description  of  his  portrait  in  the 
next  reign.  Class  IX. 

Sir  Edward  Herbert  had  too  much  spirit  and  fire  for  the  phleg- 
matic and  pacific  James ;  ^nd  was  better  qualified  to  threaten,  than 
to  remonstrate.  His  spirited  behaviour  to  the  insults  of  the  con- 
stable de  Luisnes,  the  French  minister,  was  the  oocaaion  of  his 
being  recalled,  and  he  was  replaced  by  the  gentle  Earl  of  Carlisle* 

SIR  THOMAS  SMITH,  knt.  late  ambassador 
from  his  majesty  to  the  great  emperor  of  Russia, 
governor  of  the  honourable  and  famous  societies  of 
merchants  trading  to  the  East  Indies,  Muscovy, 
the  French,  and  Summer  Islands  company,  treasurer 
for  Virginia,  &c.  S.  Passceii^  sc.  1617.  Prejired  to  his 
"  Voyage  to  Russia^'  4to. 

Sir  Thomas  Smith,  knight.    W.  Richardson. 

Sir  Thomas  Smith,  with  autograph.    Thane. 

Sir  Thomas  Smith,  of  Bidborough,  in  Kent,  was  second  son  of 
Thomas  Smith,  esq.  of  Ostenhanger,  in  the  same  county.J    "^ 



♦  Birch's  "  Historical  View  of  the  Negotiations  between  England,  France,  »*"  .-: 

BrasseU,"  p.  296. 

t  Idem,  p.  7l5.  -f 

t  See  the  genealogy  of  his  family.  No.  1  and  147  of  Dr.  Backler's  "  »emn»^^  / 

Chicheleana ;"  whence  it  appears,  that  he  descended  from  a  brother  of  Archbishop  ^j. 

Chichcle,  and  that  Sir  Sidney  Stafford  Smythc  is  descended  from  his  second  s0i^  j.; 

'  PfH  soaonrabft  S-Jfwm, 

BNQLANir:  '  85 

ras'  fiumer  of  the'cusiopaii  in  the  pre<ie(li]ig  reign;  and  dbtin- 
^oiBbed  himself  by^  his  knowledge  of  trade,  which  was  much  cul- 
ivated  by  Elizabeth.  He  was,  soon  after  the  accession  of  James, 
ippointed  ambassador  to  the  Emperor  of  Knssia;  and  published 
inaocoont  of  his  Voyage*  to  that  country,  to  which  his  portrait  is 
piefized.  He  was  aidtfier^nt  person  ftbm  Sir  Thomas  Smith  of 
Abingdon,  in  Berkshire,  "who  was  mastei^  of  requests^  and  Latin 
lecretary  to 'James.* 


Sm  DUDLEY  CARLETON,  inscribed,  "  Ilhist. 
exceU.  ac  prudent.  Domino,  Dudley o  Carleton,  equjti, 
Magnae  Britanniee  regis  apud  Cbnfffideratarum  Pro- 
vinciarum  in  iBelgio,  ordines,  leg9:to,  &c.  Pictoriae 
artis  non  solum  admiratori,  sed  etiam  insigniter  perito. 
Sculptor  dedicat."  M.  Mierevelt  p.  W.Delff  ic.  dated 
1620  ;  4 to.  Th^e  is  another  print  of  him  by  Sturt.— 
His  portrait  is  at  Christ  Church,  in  Oxford.    . 

Sir  Dublbt.  Carleton,  viscount  Dorchester. 
divers  sc.  In  **  Noble  AtUhors,''  by  Park  ;  1806. 

Sir  Dudley  Carleton.    Harding, 

Sir  Dudley  Carleton,  aftilrward  viscount  Dorchester,  was  ambas- 
lador  in  Holland,  and  at  Ven]<^,'  where  he  was  chiefly  resident, 
rhe  negotiations  of  this  accomplished  minister,  lately  published, 
elate,  for  the  most  part,  to  the  synod  of  Dort,  in  which  King 
ames' deeply  interested  himself.  In  the  next  reign,  he  was  con- 
tituted  secretary  of  state;  and  was  upon  the  point  of  being  sent 
>  the  Tower,  for  barely  naming  the  odious  word  excise^  in  the  last 
urlianient  but  one,  that  met  at  Westminster,  before  the  long  par- 
Mnent.t    ^*^^- 15  Feb.  1631-2. 

•In  vol.  iii.  p.  118,  of  Winwood's  "Memorials,"  is  the  following  passage: 
Oar  East  India  merchants  have  lately  built  a  goodly  ship  of  above  1300  tun,  to 
!  laanching  wbefcof  the  king  and  prince  were  invited,  and  bad  a  bonntiful  ban- 
ett  The  king  graced  Sir  Thomas  Smith,  the  governor,  wi^h  a  chaine,  in  manner 
a  collar,  better  than  2001.  with  his  picture  hanging  at  it,  and  put  it  about  his 
:k  with  bis  own  hands,  naming  the  great  ship  Trades  Increase;  and  the  prince* 
tinnace  of  250.  ton  (built  to  wdt  upon  her).  Pepper  Com, 
'  Howel's  *'  Letters,"  vol.  ii.  No.  64. 

L.  II.  ^ 



The  Right  Hon.  Sir  THOMAS  EDMONDS,  knt 

Stow  sc.  halfsh. 

Sir  Thomas  Edmonds  was  the  filth  and  yoangestson  of  Thonss  . 
Edmonds,  castomer  of  the  ports  of  Plymouth,  and  of  Fowej^k  I 
Cornwall,  and  was  bom  in  the  former  town  in  1563*    His  mote  L 
was  Joan,  daughter  of  Anthony  Delabere,  of  Sherburne,  in  Donel- 
shire.   He  is  said  to  have  been  introduced  at  the  conit  of  Klirjhrtii 
by  his  namesake,  Sir  Thomas  Edmonds,  comptroller  of  her  house-  Is 
hold ;  and  he  certainly  received  there  the  rudiments  of  his  politicil 
education  from  Sir  Francis  Walsingham.    In  1592  the  queen  ^r 
pointed  him  her  agent  in  France,  in  the  affairs  of  the  King  of 
Navarre  and  the  Protestants,  and  he  remained  there  till  1596; 
when  she  made  him  her  secretary  for  the  French  tongue.    He  r^ 
tnmed  to  Paris  in  the  following  year,  in  the  same  cfaaneter;  is 
1600  was  her  resident  at  Brussels,  and  a  commissiooer  ai  tfaetnsjlf 
of  Boulogne;  and  in  1601  was  appointed  one  of  the  clerks  of  the 
privy  council,  and  was  again  minister  at  Paris.     He  was  knighted 
by  James  I.  May  20,  1603,  and  in  1604  was  sent  ambassador  to 
the  emperor ;  during  his  absence  at  whose  court  the  reversion  of  - 
the  office  of  clerk  of  the  crown  was  granted  to  him,  and  he  was 
chosen  member  for  the  borough  of  Wilton.     He  returned  fhna 
Brussels  in  1609,  and  was  soon  after  ambassador  at  Paris,  where 
he  remained  for  some  years.     On  the  21st  of  December,  1616,  he 
was  appointed  comptroller,  and  on  the  19th  January,  1619,  tiea- 
surer  of  the  royal  household;  and  in  the  intero^ediate yeamw 
8w<mi  of  the  privy  council.     He  represented  the  unureiyity.  if 
Oxford  in  the  first  parliament  of  Charles  L    In  1629,  b^  was  atop 
more  ambassador  in  France ;  and  on  his  return  retired  from  fnddiP 
affairs  to  his  manor  of  Albyns,  in  Eseex,  which  wa^  broughl  to  Iw 
by  his  wife  Magdalen,  daughter  and  coheir  of  Sir  J^h«  Woodt  k^i 
clerk  of  the  signet;  and  where  he  employed  Inigo  Jopea  tp  buM 
him  a  mansion,  now  the  seat  of  the  family  of  Abdy.   -  He  dM 
Sept.  20,  1639;  leaving  one  son,  Sir  Henry  Edmonds,  K.B.  and 
three  daughters ;     Isabella,  wife  of  Henry,  lord  Delawar ;  Mary, 
married  to  Mr.  Robert  Mildmay,  ancestor  of  the  lords  Fitzwaller.; 
and  Louisa,  to  a  servant  of  her  Other's  family.   The  original  lettsffs 
and  otKer  important  papers  of  Sir  Thomas  Edmonds,  in  twelve  Mis 
volumes,  which  were  once  possessed  by  Secretary  Thurloe,  and 
afterward  by  Lord  Chancellor  Somers,  have  lately  been  added  by 
the  Most  Noble  Duke  of  Buckingham^  to  the  superb  collection  of 

OF    ENGLAND.  87 

HSS.  vUdi  haa  beea  lon^  fixming  rader  the  judicious  directjoo  uS 
b  gtaoe,  aad  hii  anoeaton. 

WILUAM  TRUJIBULL,  esq.  envoy  to  the 
;  iDBit  of  Bmssds.  from  King  James  I.  and  King 
'Oariesl.  Otho  rddi p.  U>17.  G.Vertuegc.  1726; 

TicMBrLL,  agCBt  poor  les  toys  Jac.  I.  et  Char.  I. 


M.  GriLL-  TsuiiBrLi-   A  GriUiin  tc.  4t«, 

;    WiUum  Ti  iiBiH  ibTI  ^  CBO.  v 
IHd.    TlxnsaahHta 

<  (■Kri/dK  <ieAM  af  Ac  yiwy 

MBus-Befa.-    Smwmmtl 
llBSir  AnL  Wdds'a-C^Ktitf  CJi«  J«a«^-  fu  fti. 

HEXRY  5Enil£,  siLbB£sui«r  to  Fnace, 
16».    W.  X.  Ger^. 

8b  Heniy  Neville,  of 
KiiaB  at  court  to  a  ' 
ibfunotiDo  the 
afsiqa  of  great 
■■ador  to  France  in  Jf^  m 
^tatnmg  year,  acted  as  &•>  ■■■■ 
llpa.    Unfivtnnately  for  ha^fc 
before  the  liiaLUiwf  49 
Mbb  he  unraiily  Uatened  to  b^H: 

■  In  anaignnimtT  named 
kTower  for  misprision  of 

■  tietam  to  his  charge  in  P' 
ki  which  (as  appears  fram  a 
»«fipled  to  five  thousand    po* 
F»uaiy  circmnstancea  by  d»* 
pBed  1^  in  the  next  reign  ' 



and  repugnant  to  his  spirited  disposition.  We  find^bm^lMqeGtaq 
and  executing  various  little  schemes  for  the  tempbrafj^  iijfa|''oi 
James's  necessities ;  and,  in  spite  of  the  efforts  madU  byliU^&Wfl 
to  get  him  appointed  secretary  in  1612,  he  was  nejrecaiKwwAfto 
any  high  employment;  owing,  as  it  is  said,  to  tfae.ldiqf^, 
conceived  a  personal  dislike  to  him.*  Sir  Henry  "died  Jnlti 
1615.     He  was  ancestor  to  Lord  Braybroke. 

,  ANTONIUS  SHERLEYUS,  Anglus,  &c.y 
Sophi  Persarum  legatus  invictissimo  Gaesar^^ 
risque  princibus  Christianis,  &c.  S^idim'i 
(sculptor)  D:  D.  Ato.   1612: 

•  r  ■    -. '  ■ 

^  Anton.  Sch£;rleyus,  Ang.  &c.  in  a  cloak  ;ijfm 
chain,  appendant  to  which  is  a  medal  of  the  Sophi^fiSto. 
This  scarce  and  curious  print  was ^  probably y 
one  of  the  Sadelers. 

•  »■»  'w 

Antonius  Sherleyus,  in.armouVj  inasqudft^wth 
arms;  Joannes  Orlandi  formis  Romce,  ^c^  16Ql.;Tr^. 

Sir  Anthony  Shirley,  second  son  of  Sir  Tlimnas  Surlqr  of 
Wiston,  in  Sussex,t  was  one  of  the  gallant  adventurers 'who^went 
to  annoy,  the  Spaniards  in  their  settlements  in  the  West  bi^fiosin 
the  former  reign.  He  afterward  travelled  to  Persia,  add  i^undl 
to  England  in  the  quality  of  ambassador  from,  the  Sophi,  in;  3812. 
Hie  next  year  he  ■  published  an  account  of  his  travels; 
knight  of  the  order  of  St.  Michael  in  France,  a  knight  jp|f<  I 
in  Spain,  and  was,  by  the  Emperor  of  Grermany,  raised 
aity  of  a  count;  and  the  King  of  Spain  made  himadi 
Levant  sea.     He  died  in  Spain,  after  the  year  1630. 

ROBERTUS  SHERLEY,  Anglus,  Comes  Cae- 
sareus,  Eques  auratus.  Under  the  oval  is  this  inscrip 
tion:  "  Magni  Sophi  Persarum  Legatus  ad  sereniss 
D.  N.  Paulum  P.  P.  F.  cceterosque  Principes  Qhrtsti 

♦  See  Lodge's  "  Illustrations  of  British  History/'  4to. 
t  Of  which  seat  there  is  a  view  by  Hollar. 

OF    ENGLAND.  89 

inos.   Ingresstis  Romania  solenni  pompa,  die  28  Septemb. 
1609,  atat.  sua  28..  G.  M.f.  (Ronne)  ^vo. 

I  never  saw  this  print  but  in  Mr.  Gulston's  collection^ 

RoBERTUs  Sherley,  iic.  a  fuc  simile  from  the  ori- 
ginal. J.  F  (ittkr)  sculp.  1789. 

Sir  Robert  Sherley;  whole  length  ^fol.  Birrellsc. 

Sir  Robert  Shirley,  brother  to  Sir  Anthony,  was  introduced  by 
him  to  the  Persian  court;  whence,  in  1609,  and  the  twenty-eighth 
year  of  his  age,  he  was  sent  by  the  Sophi  ambassador  to  Rome,  in 
the  pontificate  of  Paul  V.  He  entered  that  city  with  eastern  mag- 
nificence, and  was  treated  with  great  distinction  by  the  pope.  A 
spirit  of  adventure  ran  through  the  family  of  the  Shirleys.  Sir 
Thomas,  the  eldest  of  the  three  brothers,  was  unfortunate.* 

*' RICHARD  PERCEVAL,  esq.  secretary,  re- 
membr^ncer,  and  one  of  the  commissioners  for  the 
office  of  receiver-general  of  the  court  of  wards  •  in 
England,  register  of  the  same  court  in  Ireland, 
and  member  of  parliament  for  the  borough  of  Rich- 
mond, in  the  county  of  York.  Born  Anno  1550, 
died  1620,  -^t.  69."  Faberf.  %vo.  Engraved  for  the 
"  History  of  the  House  of  Yveryy'  Sgc. 

This  gentleman  descended  from  a  family  which  was  long  seated 
at  North  Weston,  and  afterward  at  Sydenham,  near  Bridgewater,in 
the  county  of  Somerset,  where  it  flourished  for  more  than  five  cen- 
turies. He  was  a  principal  officer  under  Robert  Cecil,  earl  ^bf 
Salisbury,  in  the  court  of  wards,  and  was  appointed  register  of  that 
court  when  it  was  erected  in  Ireland.  This  occasioned  the  removal 
of  his  family  into  that  kingdom,  where  it  continued  to  flourish.  He 
was  ancestor  to  the  Earl  of  Egmont. 

*  In  Purchas's  "  Pilgrims,"  much  is  said  about  these  two  brothers;  and  Fuller, 
in  his  "  Worthies' in  Sussex,"  makes  mention  of  all  three.  Sir  John  Finet,  in  his 
"  Philoxenes,"  gives  a  curious  account  of  Sir  Robert  and  his  embassy  to  this  country. 
There  is  also  a  quarto  book,  black  letter,  called  "The  Travels  of  Three  English 
Brothers  ;  1.  Sir  Thonaas  Sherley  j  t.  Sir  Anthony  Sherley;  3.  Sir  Robert  Sherley; 
with  SirTbomas  Sherley's  return  into  England  this  present  ycar,1607." — J.  Bindlky. 




THOMAS    EGERTONUS,  baro  de  EUesmew, 
Anglias  cancellarius.   S.  Passaus  sc.  4to. 

Lord    Chancellor   Ellesmere.    Bocquet  sc.    Di 
«  Nobk  Authors,''  by  Park  ;  1806.  ; 

Thomas  Egertonus,   baro   de  Ellesmere,    &g. 

Hok  sc. 

Thomas  Egerton,  &c.  Crass  sc*  1664.   In  "  The 

Conveyancers  Light.''' 

Thomas  Egebton,  Sec.  ovaly  sittif^  in  a  chair. 

Trotter  sc.  The  original  at  Wootton^ourtf  in  Kent.  Pnr 

fixed  to  **  Memoirs  of  the  Peers  of  England^"*  4ft>.  180$S. 

Thomas  Egertoistus,  &c.  Ato.  W.  Richardson. 

Thomas  Egertok,  viscount  Brackley,  l<wd 
chancellor.  R.  Cooper  sc.  1816  ;  from  the  original  in 
the  collection  of  the  Most  Noble  the  Marquis  of  Strqf- 
ford;  in  Mr.  Lodge's  "  Illustrious  Portraits J^ 

Made  lord-       The  Lord  E^smere,  foitnder  of  the  house  of  Bridgewster,' 

1^^*^'       adorned  the  office  of  chancellor^  by  Mi  knowledge,  his  integrity^ 

38  Eiiz.       and  has  writings.    When  the  king  received  the  seal  of  him  af  Ui 

cbaV^'^'     resignation,  he  was  in  tears>*  the  highest  testimeny  he  could  paf 

1  Jac.  I.       to  his  merit.   Several  of  his  writings,  relating  to  his  high  office^  mii 

^^^^  the  court  in  which  he  presided,  are  in  print.t    He  died  in  a  iwj 

advanced  age,  1617.    It  was  while  Lord  Ellesmere  held  the  gpreal 

seal,  that  the  famous  contest  began  between  the  courts'  of  coQunra 

law  and  that  of  chancery ;  the  jurisdiction  of  which,  by  the  tyranlij 

*  Camden  in  Kennet,  vol.  ii.  p.  647. 
t  See  Worral's  Cat.  of  Law  Books. 

FuiLfhtd^rihtAd  liriih  Sif-.  'r/jfiij  Wni^]iar.Jr^rU^itShM.^i.f,i.^.^ 

;    QF  ^fiaLANB.  '91 

of  ctstom,  i«th«r  tbaa  ilie  d^^gfi  ^  its  imtitituHiiy  wtt  mipch  more 
circiuBscribed  than  it  is  at  preswL  Sir  Edward  Coke,.who,  wiA 
gieat  judgment,  bad  strong  prejudicei,  asserted/  that  a  cause  gained 
ialhe  EingV  Bench/by  fi  flagogU  impostorejcoakl  not  be  mnened 
by  the  Court  of  Equity.* 

SIR  FRANCIS  BACON,  Vm^mxTT^.yertM9Q. 
large  ito^ 

lUs  was  tfttgrared  aftar  tbti  migiwali|  nqmia  Ifae  ball  al  Cbibaoh 
-bary,  aeav  St.  Alban'a^  the  sMt  tif  Lord  Gcinistoi^ 

Fbancis    Bacon,  &c^    C  Johnson  p^    Cooper;:^ 

Franciscus  Baconus,  &c.  1626,  M.QQ. '' Moniti 
mdioftui^  praikcAly  tgfSSmm  Pass;  frwHspm^   to 

Dr.  timU^f's  edit,  of  JmjU^  17As 

has  been  several  times  copied. 


Sia  Fbavcm  Bacov  ;  4  smaU  mat  head^  tegether 
with  that  of  Sir  Philip  Sidney,  and  tht  heads  <ftwo 
foreigners.  W.  Faithome  so.  Engraved  for  a  title  to  a 
book,  12nio. 

Franciscus  Baconus,  ^.  66.    Hollar  f  4to. 

Sir  Francis  Bacon.   Van  Hove  sc.  4to» 

Franciscus  Bacon«    Verttcesc.  1728: 

Sir  Francis  Bacon  ;  a  medallion.    Vertue  sc. 

Francois  Bacon.   IHsrtichers  sc.  %va. 

*  A  fellow  swore  in  court,  tint  he  left  the  principal -witness  in  sach  «  condition, 
i^al  if  he  continued  in  it  but  half  an  hour  longer,  he  must  inevitably  die.  This  was 
latniall  J  understood  -of  ^e  dejiperate  f  tate  ef  his  disease ;  but  the  trath  was,  that 
he  left  him  at  a  tavern,  with  a  gallon  of  sack  at  his  mouth*  in  the  abt  of  dfinkii^. 
Fhis  fraud,  which  equals  anj  thing  that  Cicero  relates  in  his  "  Offices,"  lost  the 
plaintiff  h]«  salt  See -"Bieg.  Brit"  artic.  Egerton,Dote<F).  See  also  BktfkHpne's 
*  CoBOient^  vol.  iii.  chap.  4,  where  the.  author  hints  at  this  imposture, 
t  The  name  of  the  vender. 


FRAirciscosBAboifjbarodeVerulkm^  ftc.  JEtM, 
1626 ;  sittinff'ihacHair.W.  Hollar  fee.  1670 ;  foUo. 

Sir  Francis  Bacon.   Geramia  sc.  In  the  "  R(n/al 
and  Noble  Authors^''  by  Park. 

Made  loid-  .    Knowledge,  judgm^nty  and  eloqueocey  were  eminently  united  in 

^1^'        tUe  Lord  Chaiicellor  Bacon.  But  these  great  qualities  were  debased, 

1616-7.       or .  rendered  useless,  by  his  want  of  integprity.    He  that  prendel 

-wifth\  such/great  abilities,  as  the  aibiter  of  right  and  wrong,  in  die 

highest  court  of  justice  in. the  kingdom,  was' the  dope  of  his  owi  || 

servants,  who  are  said  to  have  cheated  him  at  the  lower  end  of  the 

taU^V  while  he  sat  abstractedat  the  upper  end.    It  has  been  alleged 

in  his  favour,  that  though  he  took  bribes,  his  decreeswere  just  S«e 

Class  IX. 

SIR  EDWARD  COKE,  lord  chief-justice  (of  the  f 
King's  Bench).     Houbraken  sc.    In  the  possession  <f 
Robert  Coke^  esq.  Illust.  Head. 

Edovardus  Cokus,  &c.  -Sf.  Pass^eUs  sc.  SLeLatm 
i>erse^;  small  Ato. 

Sir  Edward  Coke  :  '^  Pjudens  qui patiens ;'*  1629. 
J.  Payne  sc.  4  to.  A  whistle  hangs  at  his  breast. 

ISdwardus  Coke,  &c.  copied  from  the  ficvt  above;   ' 
4to.;  another  12mo. 

Edwardus  Cokus;  sia:  Latin  verses. 

Sir  Edward  Coke.    Loggan  sc.  h.  sh. 

Edvardus  Coke.    R.  White  sc.  h.  sh. 

■  Sir  Edward  Coke,  &c.  J.  Cooper exc.  h.  sh^mezz. 

Sir  Edward  Coke;  copied  from  Houbraken,  in 
mezzotintOy  by  Miliary  of  Dublin.  -[ 

Sir  Edward  Coke.   Cross,  1664  ;  in  the  title-pdffl 
to  "  The  Conveyancer's  Guide'' 


Sjh  Edward  Coke;  Svo.  T.  Trotter. 
Sir  Edward  Coke;  mezz.  A.  Millar ^  1744. 

There  is  a  whole  length  of  Um  fit  Petworth, 

Sir  Edward  Coke,  author  of  the  "  Commentary  on  Littleton,"  was,  Promot. 
can  hiB  great  knowledge  and  experience  in  the  law,  eminently  ^**  *^» 
aalified  for  the  highest  dignity  of  his  profession.  But^ihese  qua- 
Bcations,  great  as  they  were,  scarcely  compensated  for  his  inso- 
nee  and  excessive  anger ;  which  frequently  vented  themselves  in 
xmriiity  and  abuse,  when  he  was  sitting  on  the  bench.*  ,He 
trried  his  adulation  still  higher  than  his  insolence,  when  he  called 
le  Duke  of  Buckingham  "  our  Saviour"  upon  his  return  from^ 
pain.f  It  is  remarkable,  that  there  were  only  fifteen  volumes  of 
Sports  extant,  when  his  ^rst  three  volumes  were  published.^ 
"here  is  as  great  a  disproportion  between  the  collective  body  of  the 
iw  at  present,  and  that  which  was  in  Sir  Edward  Coke's  time,  as 
lere  is  betwixt  the .  latter  and  the  Twelve  Tables.  Viner  has 
bridged  it  into  twenty-two  folios ;  and  Sir  William  Blackstone, 
ke  an  expert  chymist,  has  drawn  off  the  spirit,  and  left  the  caput 
lortuum  for  the  benefit  of  the  lawyers*  Sir  Edward  died  at  his 
ouse  at  Stoke,  in  Buckinghamshire,  the  3d  of  September,  1634, 
I  the  eighty-third  year  of  his  age.§ 

HENRICUS  MONTAGU,  miles,  summus  justi- 
:iarus  banci  regis.  F.  Delaram  sc.  Ato. 

Another ;  or  the  same  plate  greatly  altered^  by  De- 
2ram ;  sijc  Latin  wrses^  Ato. 

*  When  be  presided  at  the  trial  of  Sir  V^Talter  Raleigh,  he  called  him  "  Traitor, 
onster,  viper,  and  spider  of  hell :"  and  he  told  Mrs.  Turner,  who  was  concerued 
the  poisoning  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  that  "  She  was  guilty  of  the  seven  deadly 
Ds;  she  was  a  whore,  a  bawd,  a  sorcerer,  a  witch,  a  papist,  a  felon,  and  a  murderer." 
t  Clarendon,  vol.  i.  p.  6. 

%  In  Barrington*8  "  Observations  on  the  Statotes,"  3d  edit.  p.  il3,  note,  is  this 
usage  concerning  him :  *'  The  late  publication  of  the  Journals  of  the  House  of 
imiDons  shews,  that  he  did  not  prostitute  his  amazing  knowledge  of  the  municipal 
w  to  pditicjil  purposes ;  as  he  generally  argues  in  the  same  manper  and  from  the 
ne  mthorities  which  he  cites  in  his  '  Institutes*' '' 
$  Birch's  "  Lives."   There  is  a  mistake  concerning  his  age,  in  the  <*  Biographia." 

)L.  ir.  o 


Henry  Montague,  earl  of  Manchester;  in  "  Nohk 
Authors;'  by  Park,  1806. 

Promot.  Sir  Henry  Montagu,  son  of  Sir  Edward,  and  grandson  to  Lord 
1616.  '  Chief-justice  Montagu,  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VIH.  was,  upon  the 
removal  of  Sir  Edward  Coke,  made  lord  chief-justice  of  the  King's 
Bench.  Such  was  his  merit  in  his  profession,  that  he  was  not  at  alt 
disgraced  by  succeeding  so  great  a  man.  He  was  afterward,  by  the 
interest  of  ilie  countess,  or  rather  marquis,  of  Buckingham,  pro- 
moted to  the  high  office  of  lord-treasurer ;  but  was  soon  pulled  down 
by  the  hand-that,  raised  him,  as  he  was  not  sufficiently  obsequious  to 
that  haughty  favourite.  See  Class  II.  see  also  Maitchester  in 
the  next  reign. 

Sm  JULIUS  C^SAR,  knight,  master  of  the 
Rolls,  &c.  R.  Elstracke  sc.  4to.  Sold  by  Compton  Hol- 
land; rare. 

Sib  Julius  C^sar.   Thane  esc. 
Sir  Julius  Caesar.    Stowsc. 

His  portrait  is  at  Benington,  in  Hertfordshire. 
Promot.  Sir  Julius  CsBsar  descended,  by  the  female  line,  from  the  Duke 
1614.^'  de  Cesarini,  in  Italy,  was  judge  of  the  High  Court  of  Admiralty, 
and  one  of  the  masters  of  Requests  in  the  preceding  reign.  Upon 
the  accession  of  James,  he  was  knighted,  and  constituted  chancellor 
and  under-treasurer  of  the  Exchequer;  and  in  1607,  sworn  of  the 
privy  council.  He  was  not  only  one  of  the  best  civiUans,  but  also 
one  of  the  best  men,  of  his  time.  His  parts  and  industry  rendered 
him  an  ornament  to  his  profession ;  and  his  great  charity  and  bene- 
volence an  ornament  to  human  nature.*  He  died  the  28th  of  } 
April,  1639,  and  is  buried  in  the  church  of  Great  St.  Helen's  near 
Bishopgate,  London.  His  monument,  designed  by  himself,  repre- 
sents a  scroll  of  parchment.     The  inscription,  in  wlochjie  engages' 

*  A  gentleman,  who  once  borrowed  Sir  Julius's  coach  (which  was  as  well  knoim  I 
to  the  poor  people  as  any  hospital  in  England),  was  so  surrounded  with  beggars  ili 
London,  that  it  cost  hini  all  the  money  in  his  purse  to  satisfy  their  importunities,  i 
In  short,  Sir  Julius  was  a  person  of  prodigious  bounty  to  all  who  had  worth  or  want  | 
to  recommend  them  to  his  notice  j  so  that  he  might  seem  to  be  almoner>genertl'oi 
the  nation. 

J'\nia(it  ancC  T^rorieU.  LonC Cfietfe 
lusiic!  ofjhc  Xln^e's  TiencKifc. 

rj,  lyVli^tUrjfi,tflt,l.l7flW3iyf--mJ 


liinuelf  willingly  to  pay  the  debt  of  nature  to  his  Creator,  ib  id  the 
fonn  of  a  bond;  appendant  to  which  is  his  seal,  or  coat  of  srmB, 
widi  his  name  affixed.  He  left  many  thing;s  behind  him  in  manu- 

SIR  HENRY  HOBART,  knight  and  baronet, 
lord  chief-jqsticB  of  the  Common  Pleas.     S.  Pas- 

mus sc.'Atd.-  ■"    -  ■ 

Sir  Henhy  Hobabt.  CrotiK.  1664;  in  the  tiUe- 
pagt  to  "  The  Conveyance?'' s  Light."  , 

His  portrait,  by  Cornelius  Jansen,  is  at  Lord  Bnckingbato's  at 
Bllckling,  Norfolk,  where  there  are  Bereral  rery  vld  fmintings  of 
theaaiDG  family. 

Sir  Henry  Hobart,*  member  of  parliament  for  Norwichf  ia  this    Framoi. 
Kign,  was  knigliteil  upon  the  accession  of  Jamea;  abd,  in  1611,   jg"",,'' 
created  a  baroaet.     On  the  26th  of  Norember,  1613,  be  was  made 
lord  chief-justice  of  the  Common  Pleas.    His  "  Reports"  have  ^ne 
through  five  editions.  His  head  ii  prefixed  to  the  two  fint  in  quarto 
aidtblio.        -' 

SIR  JAMES  LEY,  knight  and  baronet,  lord 
chief-justice  of  the  King's  Bench.   Payne/.  8m. 

Sir  James  Ley.     W.  Richardson. 

Sir  JaoKB  Ley;  aixtb  son  of  Henry  Ley,  esq.  of  Tesfont,  or  Tef-  Promot. 
foot,  b  Wiltshire,  was  for  his  singular  merit  made  lord  chief-justice  J™*^' 
in  Ireland,  and  afterward  in  England,  by  James  I.  He  was  also, 
by  that  prince,  created  baron  Ley,  of  Ley,  and  constitnted'  lord 
high- treasurer ;  in  which  office  he  was  succeeded  by  Sir  Richard 
ffeston.t  On  the  accession  of  Charles,  he  was  created  earl  of 
Marlborough.  Ob.  14  Mar.  1628-9.  He  maintained  an  unble- 
mished character  in  all  his  great  offices,  and  deserves  to  be  remem- 
bered as  a  considerable  antiquary,  as  well  as  an  eminent  lawyer. 

*  The  name  is  proDoanccd  Hubbart,  or  Hubbud. 

f  liojrd  lajri,  that  "  He  bad  a  good  tempei  enough  for  a  judge,  bal  na(  for  a 
aleuDani  aod  for  any  sUtennan,  but  a  loid-Creaauter;  and  foe  any  loid-ueasDrer, 
.1  in  King  Cbarlu's  aclne  time." — Lloyd'i  "  Woilliiei,"  Svo.  p.  911. 


HiB  *'  Reports,''  befeM  which  is  his  head,  were  test  {Mnnted  in  1659, 
fc^o.  SeTeral  of  his  pieces,  relative  to  ftntiqnity,  were  published 
by  Heome. 


FRANCISCUS  MORE,  de  Faley,  in  comitatu 
fierks^  miles,  &c.  W.  Faithorne  f.  large  Ato. 

Sib  Francis  Mobe.  jP.  F.  TT.  e^c.  4to.  neat. 

Sir  Francis  More,  bom  at  East  nsley,  or  Ildesley,  aear  Wantage^ 
in  Berkshire,  was  a  frequent  speaker  in  pariiameiit  in  ihis  and  the 
preceding  reign.  In  1614,  he  was  made  serjeanttit  law;  and, in 
.  1616,  knighted  by  King  James,  at  Theobal^s^  He^was  a  man  of 
merit  in  his  profession*  and  of  a  general  jgood  character*  His 
**  it^ports,*'  in  the  reigns  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I.  were  published 
in  1663,  ^th  his  portrait  prefixed.  His  learned  reading  concenuog 
the  statute  on  chturitable  uses,  which  he  drew  up  himself,  is  printed 
with  Duke's  ixK>k  on  that  subject  Oh.  20  Nov.  1621,  M.  63.  Be 
lies  huried  at  Great  Fawley,  near  Wantage. 

MICHAEL  DALTON,  Arm.  JEt.  64,  1618;  ito. 
Etched  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Tj/san,  in  1770,  after  a  painting 
of  Cornelius  de  Neve^  in  the  possession  ofW*  Greaves,  esq. 
There  is  a  small  head  of  him  by  Marshall^  together  M 
the  heads  of  Coke,  Littleton,  Lambert,^  and  Cromptont 
all  very  eminent  lawyers.  Before  a  small  octavo,  en- 
titled, "  A  Manual,  or  Analecta,  formerly  called  the 
Complete  Justice^^ 

Michael  Dalton,  of  West  Wratting,  in  Cambridgeshire,  was  fo^ 
merly  as  well  known  for  his  book  on  the  Office  of  a  Justice  of  tk 
Peace,  which  has  been  published  under  different  titles,  as  Bum  is  It 
present  His  "  Ojficium  Vicecomitum,  or  Du^  of  Sherifis,''  ^ns 
also  a  book  in  good  esteem.  In  Neal's  '^History  of  the  Puritann^'' 
.vol.  i.  p.  511,  of  the  octavo  edition,  mention  is  made  of  Mr. 
Daulton,  the  queen's  counsel,  who,  in  1590,  pleaded  against  Mr. 
Udal,  who  was  condemned  for  writing  a  libel,  called  ^'  A  Demon-. 

*  WilliAm  Lambert,  autbor  of  "  Beportt,  or  Cases  in  CbaDoeiy,^  ooQected  fcj 
Sir  George  Carey«  one  of  the  masters  of  Cbaii€eiy>  ItfOl. 

OP  ENGLAN1>.  9T 

sCration  of  Discipline.*'*    Thw  Was  probably  the  lawjrer  bere  men* 


THOMAS  CRAIGt  de  Ricartoun,  eques,  juris- 
consultus  Edinburgensis,  in  Scotia.   Vertue  sc.  1731. 

Sir  Thomas  Craig  was  author  of  a  learned  and  accurate  treatise 
on  the  feudal  law,  entitled,  "  Jus  Feudale,"  Lond.  1655.  -The 
**  Epistola  Nuncupatoria"  is  addressed  to  James  the  First4  He 
was  also  author  of  **  Scotland's  Sovereignty  asserted,"  being  a  dis- 
pute concerjiibg  homage,  1698;  8vo.  In  Nicolson's  "Scottish 
Historical  Library"  is  part  of  a  speech  by  Sir  George  Mackenzie ; 
in  which  is  the  following  beautiful  passage  concerning  this  able 
lawyer:  **  Qui  (advocati).  ante  Cragium  floruere  nobis  vix  aliter 
cogniti  sunt  quam  montes  iUi  qui  distantia,  non  humilitate,  minu- 
nntar.  Ipse  autem  Cragius  tam  recondita  doctrina  auctus  erat,  ut 
eloquentiam  sperare  vix  possit ;  ejus  tanta  in  foro  auctoritas  ut  elo- 
quentia  non  indigeret,  et  trunco,  non  frondibus,  effecit  umbram.*^ 

ADAMUS  BLACUODEUS,  Regis  apudPictones 
Consiliarius.  Joan.  Picart  delin.  ^  fecit ^  1644.  In  a 
lawyer's  habit. 

Adam  Blackwood,  a  Scotsman,  who  had  been  a  retainer  to  the 
unfortunate  Queen  Mary,  and  who  had  great  obligations  to  her, 
distinguished  himself  as  a  violent  advocate  for  that  princess.  In 
1587,  he  published,  in  French,  his  "  Martyrdom  of  Mary  Stuart, 
Queen  of  Scotland,"  written  with  all  that  bitterness  of  resentment 
which  is  natural  for  a  man  of  spirit  to  feel,  who,  by  an  act  of  fla- 
grant injustice,  was  deprived  of  his  mistress  and  his  sovereign,  his 
friend  and  his  benefactress.     He  addresses  himself,  in  a  vehement 

•  Daiton*s  daughter  Dorothy  married  her  uncle,  Sir  Giles  Alington;  for  which 
ibedid  penance  in  St.  Mary's  church,  Carabridgei  1631.  She  died  nf  the  small- 
pox 1644.     Her  husband  was  fined  12,000/k  and  did  penance. 

t  He  never  was  knighted  :  James  1st  wished  to  knight  him  ;  but  Craig,  to  avoid 
that  honour,  kept  away  from  court:  upon  which  the  king  said,  •'  Though  he  will  not 
be  a  knight,  let  every  one  call  him  Sir  Thomas." — Lord  Hailes. 

%  This  book  is  commended  by  Dr.  Hurd,  in  his  "  Moral  and  Political  Dialogues," 
p.  261,  2d  edit. 


strain  of  passion,  to  all  the  princes  of  Europe  to  avenge  her  death ; 
declaring  that  they  are  unworthy  of  royalty,  if  they  are  not  roused 
on  so  interesting  and  pressing  an  occasion.     He  laboured  hard  to 
prove  that  Henry  the  Eighth's  marriage  with  Anne  Boleyn  was  in- 
cestuous, a  calumny  too  gross  to  merit  a  formal  refutation.    He 
continued  many  years  in  the  station  of  a  counsellor,  or  senator,  at 
Poictiers.     He  died  in  1613.      His  writings,  which  shew  him  to 
have  been  a  civilian,  a  poet,  and  divine,  were  collected  and  pub- 
lished at  Paris,  by  Sebastian  Cramoisy,  1644.     See  more  of  him,  in 
Kicolson*s  ''  Scottish  Historical  Library,"  in  Samuel  Jebb's  second 
folio,  concerning  Mary,  queen  of  Scots,  and  in  his  preface  to  it 
Henry  Blackwood,  royal  professor  of  physic  at  Paris,  of  whom  there 
is  an  octavo  print  by  Mellan^  was  of  die  same  family. 

MEN    OF    THE    SWORD. 


ARTHUR,  lord  Chichester,  lord-baron  of  Belfast 
lord  high-treasurer  of  Ireland,  and  some  time  lord- 
deputy  of  that  kingdom ;  eleven  years,  and  upwards, 
one  of  the  privy  council  in  England;  in  armour  ;  rare. 

Lord  Chichester,  in  his  youth,  robbed  one  of  Queen  Elizabeth's 
purveyors,  who  were  but  little  better  than  robbers  themselves.    He 
soon  after,  to  avoid  a  prosecution,  fled  into  France,  where  he  sig^ 
nalized  himself  as  a  soldier,  under  Henry  IV.  who  knighted  him  for 
his  gallant  behaviour.  He  was  shortly  after  pardoned  by  the  queen, 
and  employed  against  the  rebels  in  Ireland.     In  1604,  he  was,  for 
Made  lord*   his  eminent  services  in  reducing  and  civilizing  that  kingdom,  made 
dep.  1604.    lord-deputy,  and  created  baron  of  Belfast  by  James.     During  his 
1612.      '    government,  the  Irish  began  to  assimilate  themselves  to  the  manners 
and  customs  of  the  English,  and  the  harp  was  first  marshalled 
with  the  British  arms.     This  great  general,  and  wise  statesman) 
died  1605. 


SIR  HORATIO  VEER(Vehe),  knt.  lord-general, 
fee.  Delaram  sc.  Ato.  Compton  Holland  txc.  rare. 

SrR  Horace  Verb.  G.  Mountain. 

Sir  Horace  Vere.  Pass. 

Sir  Horace  Vere  \fol.  M,  Miereveldt ;  G.  Vertue. 
In  Collinses  *'  Historical  Collections.'' 

Sir  Horace  Vere,  on  horseback;  scarce. 

Sir  Horace  Vere,  with  autograph.   Thane. 

Sir  Horace  Verb,  since  baron  of  Tilbury. 
Faithorne  sc.  In  Sir  Francis  Vere's  "  Commentaries.'^ 

Sir  Horace  Vere,  ypunger  brother  to  Sir  Francis,  had  the  com- 
mand of  the  forces  sent  by  James  to  recover  the  Palatinate.  He 
was  a  man  of  a  most  steady  and  sedate  courage ;  and  possessed  that 
presence  of  mind,  in  the  greatest  dangers  and  emergencies,  which 
is  the  highest  qualification  of  a  general.  It  was  owing  to  this  qua- 
lity, that  he  made  that  glorious  retreat  from  Spinola,  which  was  the 
greatest  action  of  his  life.*  ,  His  taking  of  Sluys  was  attended  with 
difficulties  which  were  thought  insuperable.  Created  baron  of  Til- 
bury by  King  Charles  the  First. 

General  CECIL,  son  to  the  Earl  of  Exeter,  ^'  em- 
ployed by  his  majesty  over  his  forces,  &c.  in  the  aid 
of  the  Princes  of  Juliers  and  Cleve."  S.  Passceus  sc. 
1618;  Ato.  scarce. 

EDWARD,  viscount  Wimbleton,  with  autograph. 

His  portrait,  known  by  the  name  of  Lord  Wimbleton,  is  in  the 
possession  of  Lord  Craven. 
Sir  Edward  Cecil,  second  son  of  Thomas,  the  first  earl  of  Exeter, 

*  A  great  general,  who  commands  a  small  army,  against  another  general  with  a 
iaige  one,  must  act  with  more  propriety  in  securing  a  good  retreat,  than  in  fighting. 
Spino/a  said,  that  Sir  Horace  Vere,  "  escaped  with  four  thousand  men  from  between 
lis  fingers." 


was  one  of  the  most  considerable  generals  of  his  time ;  he  having 
served  for  thirty-five  years  in  the  Netherlands,  the  best  ichool  fia 
war  in  this  age.  He  had  the  command  of  the  English  forces  at  fti 
battle  of  Newport,  and  was,  in  the  beginning  of  the  next  reigii,^ 
miral  of  the  fleet  sent  against  Cadiz.  This  expedition  was  attenM 
with  some  disgrace ;  as  the  fleet  arrived  at  that  place  too  late  ra  Ai 
year  for  action,  and  returned  without  effectuating  anything.  He 
was,  by  Charles  I.  created  viscount  Wimbleton.  0(,  16  Nov.  i63L 

Generosissimus  GULIELMUS  FAIRFA?^,  pite- 
fectus  cohortis  Ang.  in  Palat.  R.  Gajfwoodf,  I656.i 
4to.  '  ^^ 

"  To  Frankenthal*  when  siege  Cordoua  laid^       Y  ■     / 
So  was  our  British  king-craft  over-kn^ved  \, . 

By  Qondomar,  as  in  it  martyr  made 
This  honourable  cadet;  and  so  stav'd  '  -y"'- 

Off  all  recruits,  that  Burroughs  their  commanderr  i!  ^^ 
Our  glorious  Burroughs,  was  eompell'd  to  rendflfr^" '• 

GuLiELMus  Fairfax,  &c.  four  Latin  vers^-/-  6vo. 
(Droeshout.)  •  • 

Captain  William  Fairfax  was  one  of  the  brave  officers  wbo  lost 
their  lives  at  the  siege  of  Frankendale,  in  attempting  iinpossio 
bilities  ;  who,  without  hope  of  success,  fought  with  all  the  ardour  of 
the  most  determined  courage,  actuated  by  a  prospect  of  victory. 

SIR  HENRY  RICH,  captain  to  the  guard,  ftc; 

W.  Pass  sc.  4to.    Sold  by  Thomas  Jenner ;  scarce. 

The  handsome  person  of  this  gentleman  attracted  the  notice  of 
King  James,  who  created  him  baron  of  Kensington,  and  eail  d 
Holland.  He  greatly  improved  the  fine  old  house  at  Kensingto^i 
called  after  his  name.  It  was  the  seat  of  Sir  Anthony  Cope,  wheW 
sister  he  married. 

SUCH,  ^t.  80,  1618  ;  an  old  man  in  armour ^  with  a 
sword  in  his  hand^  on  the  blade  of  which  are  many  crowns  : 

*  Frankendale. 

'  Great  Moguls  Larufhhi.  of  both  Indiff  iSng . 
Vfhofe  sflf-aiimirii^  faiii^  Jorh  Imui^'  nng  ; 
Hntdf  tmmcoK  Years ,  more  Kingdoms  he  hath  ngkt  U 
iiu  Stars  jip'  so. and  for  them  he  wHl  fight  too.- 
.bid  tliough  t/iis  R-ertMefs  Apr.  will  not  Miete  him. , 
But  elaaer,  spatter,  slander.  sro/T,  to  grieye  hiin  / 
?////<*  Olid  all  the  World  ill  iliis  agn-t . 
Iliat  stidi  aiiol/ier  Toolf  itill  'lei-if  be  .  ' 


'To    '^randen.tkai  ivMn  J<y«      L^ordoua-  Cayd 
Soe  tvas    OUT  'britifie  King  -  crajt    ou-erHii-o-v.^^ 
py  GonMnrur,  oj   invi    J^^artvr—  Tuai/e 
"Tiw"  kmara-^U   CcieCet  j  ani£  Joe  Stau't£ 

Of  a£   r e IT y e uU,  J-'fUt  "Bur roughs  tlUre    coman'^r 

pF  ENGLAND.  lOi 

ft  the  bottom  are  t  fie  following  verses,  representing  him 
IS  an  adventurer :     . 

**  Great  mogul's  landlord,  both  Indies  king, 
Wliose  8elf*admiring  fieubie  doth  loudly  ring; 
Wri^  fourscore  years^  more  kingdoms  he  hath  right  to. 
The  stars  say  so,  and  for  them  he  will  fight  too : 
And  though  this  worthless  age  will  notbelieye  him. 
But  clatter^  spatter,  slander,  scoff,  to  grieve  him; 
Yet  he  and  all  the  world  in  this  agree. 
That  such  another  Toole  will  never  be."  • 

F.  jyelaram  sc.  h.  sh. 

lam  informed,  that  this  print  waspr^ixed  to  Taylor, 
Ihe  Water  Poefs  *'  Honour  of  the  noble  Captain  QTooUy' 
^rst  edition,  ]  622.  JTiis  pamphlet  is  reprinted  in  the 
foUo  edition  of  his  works. 

ArthurVs  SeveruS  OToole  Nonesuch,  -^.86; 
dght  verses.  W.  Skhardson. 

Captain  OToole  was  a  man  of  an  odd  aspect,  and  a  singular 
eomposition  of  vanity,  courage,  and  caprice.  He  took  every  occasion 
•f  exercising  and  boasting  of  his  precipitate  valour,  which  he  abun- 
dantly displayed  against  the  Irish  rebels.  Ireland  was  not  the  ^nly 
scene  of  his  romantic  bravery ;  he  served  as  a  volunteer  in  various 
■ations,  and  was  as  notorious  and  ridiculous  in  other  parts  of 
Europe  as  he  was  in  his  own  country.     He,  like  Tom  Coryat,  was 
the  whetstone  and  the  but  of  wit.    John  Taylor  has  exercised  his 
mde  pen  in  an  ironical  panegyric  on  him,  dedicated  **To  the  un- 
^fimited  memory  of  Arthur  O'Toole,  or  O'Toole  the  Great ;  being 
son  and  heir  of  Brian  OToole,  lord  of  Poore's  Court  and  Farre 
iCollen,  in  the  county  of  Dublin,  in  the  kingdom  of  Ireland;  the 
liars  and  Mercury,  the  Agamemnon  and  Ulysses,  both  for  wisdom 
and  valour,  in  the  kingdoms  of  Great  Britaine  and  Ireland."    In 
Ae  argument  to  the  history  or  encomium  on  him,  in  verse,  the 
iuthor  classes  him  with  Thersites,  Amadis  de  Gaul,  Pon  Quixote, 
Garagantua,   and  other  wild  and  redoubtable  adventurers;  and 
infonns  us,  that  Westminster  is  now  honoured  with  his  residence. 

VOL.  II. 



Captain  JOHN  SMITH,  admiral  of  New  England. 
S.  Passeeus  sc.  The  head,  of  an  octavo  size,'  is  in  the 
map  of  New  England,  in  Smith's  "  History  of  Virginia," 
^c.  1632; /o/. 

His  portrait  occurs  several  times,  in  another  map 
belonging  to  the  same  history. 

Captain  John  Smith  ;  sia^  English  verses.  W,  Rich- 

Captain  John  Smith  ;  emblematic  ornaments  at  the 
four  corners;  in  CaulfielcTs  **  Remarkable :Persons." 

^  Captain  John  Smith  deserves  to  be  ranked  with  the  greatest  tra- 
vellers and  adventurers  of  his  age.  He  viras  some  time  in  the  service 
of  the  Emperor,  and  the  Prince  of  Transylvania,  against  the  Grand 
Signor,  where  he  distinguished  himself  by  challenging  three  Turks 
of  quality  to  single  combat,  and  cutting  off  their  heads ;  for  which 
heroic  exploit,  he  bore  three  Turks'  heads,  between  a  chevron,  in 
his  arms.*     He  afterward  went  to  America,  where  he  was  taken 
prisoner  by  the  savage  Indians,  from  whom  he  found .  means  to 
escape.     He  often  ha/arded  his  life  in  naval  engagements  with 
pirates,  Spanish  men  of  war,  and  in  other  adventures;  and  had  a 
considerable  hand  in  reducing  New  England  to  the  obedience:  of 
Great  Britain,  and  in  reclaiming  the  inhabitants  from: barbarism* 
See  a  detail  of  his  exploits  in  the  "  History  of  Virginia,  New  Eng- 
land, and  the  Summer  Isles,'^  written  by  himself. 

"*  Quserci  if  it  should  not  be  a  chevron  between  three  Turks'  bead». 

C^he/2  are  iht  LmgS  thaljluw  tky^ace.-lut  0 
'Jkcu/h^  thr  G-ract  t^dgton^.  brf^hter  hee 
'^T^Fairn  Dif.oiurUs  and  ^owtt-Ovfft^j-'iwe. 

^ Salvages.mucli  Ci'-iH-a-d  hy    tkt,      _^ 

Bt^Jhw  thy  Sptnt:and  to  0:" <^lorV rv^yn\_ 
So.  thou  art  Braffe  without. but  ^oGit  uillun. . 

't ,  '■ 


lJS^:JuMt>   Md"  iii-B~"«*    sf,fieli^nSt  nttiwi^J  ^tji.   '£'3  H.  aho    raiurj  hi' 
—  J^u^    w,  TTiii,    h>  tU  fr^  a^' online     -f  lit.    C-lt^-i.  •'••tJ  e/'Mt  J'uiAi- . 






SIR    HUGH    MYDDLETON.    (Bart.)—"  The  creat« 
famous  aqueduct,  called  the   New  River,'  was  per- 
formed at  his  charge  ;  notwithstanding  many  natural , 
difficulties,  and  the  envious  opposition  he  met  withi  M 
A.D.  1613.     He  also  caused  to  be  wrought  the  silver  , 
mines  in  Wales,  to  the  great  advantage  of  the  crownj 
aadofthe  public."     C.  Johnson  p.  Verliie  sc.  1722^ 
large  A.  sU. 

Small  copy  of  the  above.    W.  Richardson. 

His  portrait  is  in  the  poaBesaion  of  John  Luther,  esq,  of  MylesB, 

Sir  Hugh  Myddlcton  united  two  springe,  one  in  the  parish  of 
Amwell,  near  Hertford,  and  the  other  near  Ware ;  and  conveyed 
them  through  a  winding  course  of  sixty  miles  to  London,  .  He  is 
wid  to  have  erected  no  less  than  eight  hundred  bridges,  for  neces- 
sary passages  over  this  river.  This  great  work,  which  seems  to 
hive  lieen  better  suited  to  the  genius  of  a  Roman  emperor,  than  of 
a  cidzen  of  London,  was  begun  the  20th  of  February,  ]  608,  and 
finislied  the  29lh  of  September,  1613.* 

SIR  GEORGE  VILLIERS;  from  a  picture  by 
<  Csmetkis  Jansen,  at  Strawberry-hill.  W.  P.  Sherlock  sc. 


SIR  GEORGE  VILLIERS  ifrom  his  monmm/t  in 
Wistmihster  Abbey,  in  Harding's  "  Biographical  Mtr- 
rour:"  4to. 

*  Thtn  if  a  largi  print,  if  the  ctrtmang  of  lilting  (Kb  matir  ti 
Umgtm,  by  BicUiam.    - 


Sir  George  Villiers  was  a  country  gentleman  of  Leicestershire,  of 
an  ancient  family,  but  moderate  estate.  His  grandfather,  **  Joannes 
Vyllers,"  was  of  sufficient  consequence  to  be  recorded  by  Polydore 
Virgil,  among  the  chief  men  who,  in  1487,  brought  forces  to  the  aid 
of  Henry  the  Seventh  against  Lambert  Simnel,  at  the  battle  of 
Stoke ;  and  at  the  marriage  of  Prince  Arthur,  in  1501,  was  made  a 
knight  of  the  Bath. 

Sir  George  himself  was  born  in  1544,  was  sheriff  of  Leicester- 
shire 33  Eliz.  and  obtained  the  honour  of  knighthood  on  the  acces- 
sion of  King  James.   He  died  Jan.  4th,  1605-6.    His  first  wife  was 
Audrey,  daughter  and  heir  to  William  Sanders,  of  Harrington,  in 
Northamptonshire,  esq.  and  by  her  he  had  Sir  WilHam  Villiers, 
created  a  baronet  July  19th,  1619;  and  Sir  Edward  Villiers,  pre- 
sident of  Munster,  and  ancestor  to  the  Earls  of  Jersey  and  Claren- 
don, and  Lord  Grandison  of  Ireland :  beside  three  daughters ;  Eli- 
zabeth, married  to  John,  lord  Butler,  of  Bramfield ;  Anne,  wife  of 
Sir  William  Washington,  of  Packington,  in  Leicestershire ;  and 
Frances,  who  died  unmarried.      He  married,  secondly,  Mary, 
daughter  of  Anthony  Beaumont,  of  Glenfield,  in  the  county  of  Lei- 
cester, esq.  But  Roger  Coke,  in  his  Detection  of  the  Court  of  James 
the  First,  informs  us  "  that  Mary  Beaumont  was  entertained  in  Sir 
George  Villiers's  family,  in  a  mean  office  of  the  kitchen ;  but  her 
ragged  habit  could  not  shade  the  beautiful  and  excellent  frame  of 
her  persuu ;  which  Sir  George  taking  notice  of,  prevailed  with  his 
lady  to  remove  her  out  of  the  kitchen  into  her  chamber,  which  with 
some  importunity  on  Sir  George's  part,  and  unwillingness  of  my 
lady,  at  last  was  done."    Soon  after  my  lady  died,  and  Sir  C^rge 
became  very  sweet  upon  his  lady's  woman,  which  would  not  admit 
any  relief  without  enjoyment;  and  the  more  to  win  Mary  to  it,  girt 
her  twenty  pounds  to  put  herself  into  so  good  a  dress  as  this  would 
procure ;  which  she  did ;  and  then  Sir  George's  affections  became 
so  fired,  that  to  allay  them  he  married  her.     In  this  coverture  Sir 
George  had  three  sons  ;  John,  after  viscount  Purbeck;  Christopher, 
after  earl  of  Anglesea ;  and  George,  the  famous  duke  of  Bucking- 
ham ;  and  one  daughter,  married  to  the  Earl  of  Denbigh. — When 
Sir  George  died  (in  1606),  his  son,  George,  was  very  young  (bebg 
born  in  1592),  and  Sir  George  having  settled  the  estate  upon  the 
issue  of  his  former  lady,  could  leave  the  issue  of  his  second  lady 
but  very  little,  and  herself  but  a  jointure  of  two  hundred  pounds  per 
annum  ;  nor  was  it  possible  for  her,  out  of  so  contracted  a  jointure, 
to  maintain  herself  and  them,  so  as  to  make  scarce  any  provision  for 

OF   ENGLAND:  105 

them  after  her  death :  and  the  issue  of  Sir  George,  by  his  former 
]ady,  both  envied  and  hated  her ;  so  as  httle  could  be  expected 
from  them.  To  supply  these  defects,  she  married  one  Thomas 
Comptoiiy  a  rich  country  gentleman,  whereby  she  became  able  to 
maintain  and  breed  up  her  children  in  a  better  than  ordinary 

SIR  THOMAS  CRALOTSlEU.knt.  a  monumental 
^gy,  with  his  lady ^  from  his  tomb  in  Chiswick  church, 
Middlesex.  R.  Wilkinson  exc. 

Sir  Thomas  Chaloner  was  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Chaloner,  of  Gis- 
borough  in  Yorkshire,  and  of  Steeple  Clay  don,  in  Bucks,  an  eminent 
scholar^  poet,  and  statesman,  in  the  reigns  of  Edward  VI.  Mary, 
and  Elizabeth.  He  was  educated,  first,  at  St.  Paul's  school ;  and 
then  at  Magdalen  College,  Oxon. ;  from  thence  he  went  on  his 
travels,  and  in  Italy  devoted  himself  to  the  study  of  natural  history 
and  chemistry.  The  proficiency  that  he  gained  in  those  sciences 
led  him,  whilst  at  Rome,  to  observe  the  similarity  of  the  soil  which 
supplied  the  pope's  great  alum  works  to  that  of  his  own  estate  at 
Gisborough.  He  formed  a  plan  for  the  establishment  of  an  alum 
manufactory  in  England;  and  having  privately  engaged  some  work- 
men brought  them  home  with  him ;  for  which  he  was  formally  ana- 
thematized by  the  pope.  His  scheme,  although  it  proved,  through 
great  pains  and  expense,  eminently  successful,  was  rendered  user- 
less  to  his  family ;  for  the  crown  seized  his  lands,  under  its  pre- 
rogative respecting  mines  royal.  It  is  probable,  that  the  office  of 
governor  to  Prince  Henry  was  conferred  on  him  as  a  compensation ; 
and  n^  less  probable,  that  two  of  his  sons,  Thomas  and  James, 
whose  signatures  are  to  the  warrant  for  the  execution  of  Charles  I* 
were  actuated  in  their  enmity  to  that  prince  by  the  recollection  of 
his  father's  injustice  toward  theirs.  The  estate  and  alum  works 
were,  however,  restored  to  the  family  by  the  Long  Parliament.  Sir 
Thomas  Chaloner's  eldest  son  was  created  a  baronet;  but,  he  dying 
without  issue,  the  title  became  extinct,  and  Edward,  his  next  bro- 
ther, inherited  the  estates,  which  have  passed  from  him,  through  five 
descents,  to  Robert  Chaloner,  of  Gisborough,  esq.  their  present 
po88bNK>r,  M.P.  for  Richmond,  in  Yorkshire,  in  1812. 

♦  Roger  Coke's  "  Detection,"  fourth  edit.  vol.  i.  p.  81. 


iNScaiPTiou  ON  SIR  THOMAS  chaloner's  tomb. 

"  Heere  lieth   the  Bodey    of  S'.  Thomas  Chaloner,   wlio  was 

knighted  in  the  warres  of  France  by  Kioge  Henrey  the  Fourtlie  A'. 

1591.    And  after,  governor  in  the  minority,  and  chaberlayne,  to  the 

lEiate  prince  of  faraoiis  memorey  Henrey,  prince  of  Wales,  duke  of 

I^Qi         ,  and  earle  of  Chester ;  and  he  married  to  his  first  nifle 

ughter to  William  Fletwood,  sergeant  at  lawe  toQ.EIJ!: 

of  Londoa;  by  whom  he  had  ysaue  Thomas  Decea: 

idward,  Thomas,  Henrey  Decea:  Arthurs  Decea  :  James, 

uecea :  Mary,  wiffe  to  S'.  Edward  Fisher,  knight,  Elizabelh 

orothey;  and  died  the  22  day  of  Junne  A".  1603,  aged  35 

eares :  and  to  his  second  wiffe  he  married  Jude  the  daughter  to 
Will.  Blunt,  of  Londfl,  esquier ;  by  whom  he  had  also  yasue  Henrey, 
Charles,  Fredri eke,  and  Arthure:  Anne,  Katharen, and  Frances, and 
she  Decea  :  the  30  day  of  Junne  A".  1615,  aged  36  yeares.  And 
the  afore  sayed  S',  Tho,  Chaloner  died  y  18  day  of  Noveber,  1615; 
being  of  the  adge  of  51  yeares. 

SIR  RICHARD  SPENCER ;  in  a  collection  oj 
heads  published  by  Hondius,  1608. 

There  is  a  small  head  of  him,  inscribed  "  H.  Richard 
Spencer,  Ridder,  Ambas.  Extraord."  It  is  engravedwilh 
seventeen  other  heads  of  ambassadors  to  the  states  oj 
Holland.  This  shews  that  he  may  be  placed  in  thejijih 

Sir  Richard  Spencer  of  OfiQey,  in  Hertfordshire,  was  fourth  boiI 
of  Sir  John  Spencer,  of  Althorp,  in  Northamptonshire,  ancestor  ol 
th^  present  Duke  of  Marlborough.  The  Spencers  of  Hertfordshin 
aredescended  from  Sir  Richard. 

«  SIR  PHILIP  PARKER,  a  Morley,  of  Erwartoa 
in  com.  Suffolk,  knt.  son  of  Sir  Heary  Parker,  knt 
eldest  son  and  heir  of  Henry  Parker,  lord  Morley; 
and  lineal  ancestor  of  Catharine  Parker,  countes 
of  Egmont;  knighted  by  Queen  Elizabeth,  1578.' 
J.  Faberf.  1747,  8w). 

/       i  t>F  ENGLAND.  :J07 

In  the  "  History  of  the  House  of  Yvery,"  for  which  this  print  waa 
engraved,  is  a  particular  account  of  the  family  of  Parker,  It  there 
appears,  that  this  gentleman's  mother  was  Elizabeth,  daughter, and 
wie  lieir  of  Sir  Philip  Calthrope,  of  Erwarton,  in  Suffolk,  knt.  by 
hae,  daughter  of  William  Boleyn,  knt.  and  aunt  to  Queen  Ehza^ 
belli.  Sir  Philip  left  a  daughter,  Catharine,  who  espoused  Sir 
William  CornwalUs,  ancestor  to  Lord  Cornwallis ;  and  a  son,  named 
Calthrope.  who,  in  1640,  was  knight  of  the  shire  for  Suffolk. 

SIR  HENRY  SAVILLE  ;/m«  an  original  picture 
I'll  Marcus  Garrett,  in  the  Bodleian  Gallery,  O-ifurd. 
Clamp  sc.  Alo. 

Sir  Henry  Saville  was  the  second  son  of  Henry  Saville,  by  Eli- 
abeth  his  wife,  daughter  of  Robert  Rarasden,  gent,  and  grandson 
of  John  Saville,  of  Newhall,  in  Yorkshire,  esq.  He  was  born  Rt 
Bradiey,  near  Halifax,  in  the  same  county,  on  the  30th  of  Novem- 
ber, 1549,  and  became  a  member  of  the  university  of  Oxford  in  the 
year  !561.  In  the  beginning  of  Lent,  1565,  he  was  admitted 
bachelor  of  arts  ;  and  in  1578  he  travelled  on  the  continent,  visit- 
ing France  and  other  countries  ;  where  diligently  improving  him- 
self in  all  useful  learning,  in  languages,  and  the  knowledge  of  the 
world,  he  became  a  most  accomplished  gentleman.  At  his  returd 
liewas  appoiQted  tutor  to  Queen  Elizabeth  for  the  Greek  tongue, 
ud  she  had  a  great  esteem  for  his  disposition  and  acquirements. 

In  1585  he  waa  made  warden  of  Merton  College,  which  he  go- 
Teraed  for  tbirty-siz  years  with  much  honour,  and  improved  both  in 
finances  and  learning.  In  1596  he  was  chosen  provost  of  Etoa 
College,  into  which  society  he  was  studious  to  admit  the  most 
-Intned  men ;  among  whom  was  the  memorable  John  Hales,  who, 
together  with  Allen,  and  Jonas  Montague,  assisted  him  in  his  edi- 
■  fion  ofSt.  ChryiOBtbme.  When  King  James  I.  ascended  the  throne, 
''k^wM  desirous  to  reward  the  great  learning  andabilities  of  Saville 
*i[h  the  most  lucrative  promotions  in  the  church,  or  in  the  state  ; 
1m1  all  these  Sayille  declined,  and  accepted  only  the  honour  of 
jbiglithood  frbni  his  majesty  at  Windsor,  in  1604.  His  son  dying 
iibptit  that  time;  he  devoted  bis  fortune  thenceforth  to  the  promotion 
lOf  learning.  In  1619  he  founded  two  lectures,  or.  professorships, 
we  in  geometry,  the  other  in  astronomy,  in  the  university  of  Oxford, 
*hich  he  endowed  with  a  salary  of  1602.  a  year  each,  besides  a 
legacy  of  600/.  for  purchasing  more  lands  for  the  same  ujse..    He 

•  fbnrj  whb  mathemmai  books  near  tbe  malfae- 
I,  fcr  tbe  use  of  hi*  prafcsson,  and  ^ve  lOOL  to  the 

chMt  af  luf  own  appamtiftg;  afidiog  mherwaai  t 
»  year  to  the  mae  t^eat,  to  ike  iiiuT«r«)tjr,  ani  lo  fate 
1%.    He  Kkewise  ^ve  190(.  towards  ifaaoewbiiiUng 

;  alio  aevent  rare  BaancvipCS  and  pnnted  boob  to 
Hbcary,  aail  a  contiderabU  qaantatv  o(  Greek  tjftf 
g-press  at  Oxford.  He  died  at  Eton  College.  Ft- 
31,  and  was  buried  in  tbe  cbape)  there. 
Atj  of  Oir<nd  boooi — '  him  witb  a  speecb  and  nMi 
nis  praise,  wfcicb  were  ^rward  pnb&ahed  m  4to, 
-  llama  linea  SariUi, " 

WILLIAM  WADD  (or  Waad),  late  lieute- 
rthe  Tower.    T.  Jamer  eiw  smaU  4ftj.* 

i      elv  Portraiture  of  the  worthy  Knigh^  SIB 
IAM'WADD,  &c.  W.  Richardson. 

5IR  WILLIAM  WADD,  tcUh  autograph.   7hm. 

•  Sir  WilUain  W'add,  a  man  of  great  learning,  generostty,  anil 
^Mkevolence,  who  had  been  employed  by  Queeu  Elisabeth  iu  wH' 
ral  embasBies,  was  remored  from  the  lieutenancy  of  ihe  Tower,  ii' 
make  way  for  Sir  Gervase  Eiways.t  amaoof  a  prostitute  character, 
who  was  the  chief  instrument  in  poisoning  Sir  Tbomaa  OrerbV]- 
Tbo  pretence  for  his  removal  was  his  allowing  the  Lady  flrtJIfHt 
Cttnart,  his  prisoner,  a  key.  LIuyd  telle  us,  that  "  to  his  dii«Blto» 
yn  owe  Rider's'  Dictioaary ;'  to  his  encouragement  Hooker's' Pfl- 
"ftjr;'  and  to  his  charge,  Gtuter's  '  Inscriptions, "'t  This  exe^hi 
ami  employed  a  faithful  and  judicious  friend  to  admonish  ti^fi 
nwry  thing  that  he  saw  amiss  in  his  conduct.  Ob.  1623,  Mt.fl' 

•  In  Bishop  Carleton's  "  Thankful  Remembrance  of  God's  Mercy,"  is  i.nHll 
ptiDt  of  him,  reumbliag  (hii;  in  which  he  is  repiesented  in  a  iludloai  pciiloi>i 
pottiDg  together  lome  fragments  of  a  tr^UDnable  paper,  which  had  been  Ion  ni 
thrown  into  (be  sen,  hj  Criton,  a  Scotch  Jesuit,  and  blown  into  a  ship  wheie  he  ««i 
like  tho  edilors  of  the  inscriptions  on  Duilliui's  piliar,  and  the  Arundel  nuublei.M 
■applied  what  was  wanfiiig,  bj  conjeclurc ;  but  what  was  conjcdnral,  pcifecOj  c^ 
dd«d  with  »1iat  »».  viiible. 

t  Or  Ellis.  1  "  Slati.  Worlhies,"  p.  601, 

.  601.  I 


.,-A^J  Ju^-*-l-'r/^^"ii^<:knrd^tYorkNoi,,->-N'3lSlmf'd. 

Lex  REGIT  ET^rjSrjiiilrai>UL.'iRM.'iTVETVK 

fvJ,  Jiuu  UJ^J  hy  mu*oa-^^lfiri  Mui.Ji'SI  Jimrul. 



OF  ENGLAND.  109 

SIR  ALEXANDER  TEMPLE  iJ.  White  sc. 
"^Quefy  if  any  such  print  ? 

I  know  no  moFe  of  this  gentleman,  than  that  he  was  father  of  Lady 
^ter,  mentioned  in  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  There  is  a  good  por- 
^t  of  him  at  Hagley,  by  Cornelius  Jansen. 

DARGY  WENTWORTH,  M.  32,  1624.    Wm. 

I^ass  sc. 

Darcf  Wentworth.    W.  Bichardson^ 

^e  are  informed  by 'CoUins^in  his  Peerage,  that  Michael,  eldest 
^n  of  John,  lord  Darcy,  married  Margaret,  daughter  of  Thomas 
'^entworth,  of  Wentworth  Woodhouse,  in  the  county  of  York,  esq. 
^7  whom  he  had  a  son  John,  who,  in  1587,  became  lord  Darcy. 
^^i  John,  lord  Darcy,  dying  in  1635,  left  issue  his  only  son  John, 
^d  two  daughters.  It  appears  from  this  account,  that  Darcy  Went- 
worth was  not  a  son  of  any  of  the  noble  persons  above-mentioned, 
*>Qt  was  probably  allied  to  this  family.* 

Watson  in  his  Memoirs  of  the  ancient  Earls  of  Warren  and  Sur- 
rey, vol.  ii.  p.  141,  informs  us,  that  "  Darcy  Wentworth  of  Brodes- 
^rth,  in  Yorkshire,  esq.  was  brother  to^Sir  Thomas  Wentworth, of 
North  Elmsall,  in  that  county,  and  was  married  to  Elizabeth, 
daughter  of  Sir  Edward  Warren,  of  Poynton. — In  the  North  chan- 
cel of  South  Kirkby  church,  in  Yorkshire,  the  burial  place  of  the 
Wentworths,  of  North  Elmsall,  is  an  ancient  painted  achievement, 
with  the  arms  of  Wentworth  impaling  Warren. 

THOMAS  HARLEY,  esq.  of  Brampton  Bryan 
(in  Herefordshire) ;  JSf.  47,  1606.  Vertue  sc.  h.  sh.'\ 
Several  prints  of  the  Har ley  family ,  ^c.  were  engraved 
by  Vertue,  for  the  "  Historical  Collections  of  the  7ioble 
families  of  Cavendish,  Holies,  Vere^  Harley,  and  Ogle;'' 
compiled  by  Arthur  Collins,  esq.  at  the  request  of  Lady 
Oxfordy  mother  to  the  Dutchess  Dowager  of  Portland. 

♦  Collins's  "Peerage,"  vol.  iii.  p.  28, 29.  edit.  1756. 
t  His  portrait  is  at  Welbeck. 

VOL.  II.  Q 


Tbcmu  Harler,  a  gestlentaii  emioml  for  lis  afaUttes,  and  dBn- 
eDC«  of  foTtane,  vas  MTcral  bows  liigb-«fa«nff  of  the  cquotjJif 
Hereford,  in  this,  and  the  former  reign.  la  the  first  of  James,  lie 
kad  dw  rajal  graat  for  the  fwnoor  and  caatle  of  Wtgmore  ;  and  wu 
afterward  one  of  the  coandl  to  WUliam.  lord  (kimpton,  presideaf  rf 
Wales.  He,  with  gre»t  ftankness,  told  the  king,  that  if  he  paisaed 
the  neamres  in  which  he  was  engaged,  ihey  would  infallibly  em- 
bnil  him  or  hb  son  in  a  civil  war.  This  propbetic  ^eedi  occauooed 
his  retiring  from  court.     (M.  Mar.  1631. 

THOMAS  S  .foutMler  of  the  Charter 

House,  An".  16...    -'lO  w      nafi    in  <£dibus  Cartku- 
tianii.    Faber  f.  1754  ;  w        taigth  sh.  mezz. 

Thosias  Suttox,  &c.         berf.  lar^e  Aio.  or  md 

h.  th. 

Thomas  Sitttox  ;  in  the  "  Heroologia  •"  Qvo. 

Thomas  Slttox,  &c.    Eiilracke  sc.  Ato. 

Thomas  Suttox,  &c.  Van  Hove  sc.  Ironlispieci 
to  Herne's  "  Domus  Cartkusiatia,"  1677  ;  Qvo. 

Thomas  Sutton,  &c.    Vertue  sc.  1737;  St-o. 

Thomas  Suttox,  with  his  autograph.    TTiaiie. 

Thomas  Sutton,  in  the  early  part  of  his  life,  travelled  to  thott  ^ 
countries  as  a  geiitleman,  to  which  he  afterward  traded  as  a  off-  j 
chant.  He  was,  for  some  time,  in  the  army ;  in  which  he  behavel  ^ 
himself  so  well,  that  he  obtained  apatent  of  Queen  Elizabeth  forllrf  ; 
office  of  master- general  of  the  ordnaoce  for  life.  No  man  was  betlet 
acquainted  with  the  mysteries  of  trade,  and  few  with  the  method  .^ 
of  BSTing.  By  a  long  course  of  frugality  and  industry,  he  acquire* 
a  fortune  sitperior  to  that  of  any  private  gentleman  of  his  time;  =■ 
This  enabled  him  to  build  and  endow  the  hospital  called  the  Chit  '- 
ter  House,  one  of  the  noblest  foundations  in  the  world.  He  pU  '' 
13,000/,  for  the  ground  only ;  and  the  expense  of  the  building  aa  , 
endowment  was  answerable.  He  died  the  12th  of  Deeeralwl  „ 
161 1,  in  the  seventy-ninth  year  of  his  age.     Mr.  John  Aubrey  leH   t, 

QF  ENfiLAND,  -  HI 

^1]iat'Bea.iJ[ofi£io>i  bM  cWoctefri^ed  hm  ttodt^  t\)e  name  of: 

THOII^S  HABINGDQN,  esq.  confined  to  Wor- 
estersfaire  on  account  of  the  gunpowder  treason 
►lot;  the  first  collector  of  antiquities  for  that'county ; 
lied  Oct.  1647,  aged  87;  in  Nash's  *' Histoiy  of 
Wqrce^ersjiire  ;"  folio. 

This  gentleman  was  concerned  in  various  plots,  for  the  releasing 
lary, queen  of  Scots/ahd  setting  up  a  pajnst  to  succeed  her;  and 
boriiy  after  the  coming  in  of  James  ^  First,  entered  into  the 
:;heme  of  blowing  up  the  parliament  house  by  gunpowder,  in  order 
>  overturn  the  government,  and  introduce  once  more  the  papal 
ower  in  England ; — he  contrived  many  hiding  places  in  different 
arts  of  his  house  at  Henlip,  in  Worcestershire,  to  conceal  semi- 
ary  priests,  and  other  persons  concerned  in  this  desperate  enter- 
rise;  the  access  to  some  was  through  chimneys;  others  through 
rtificial  walls,  some  had  trap-doors,  which  communicated  to  back 
taircases :  some  of  these  places  on  the  outside  had  the  appearance 
f  chimneys,  the  better  to  conceal  the  purpose  for  which  they  were 

On  the  discovery  of  the  plot,  suspicion  attaching  to  Mr.  Habing- 
on;  a^  Warrant  was  directed  to  Sir  Henry  Bromley  to  search  Henhp 
[ouse,  for  the  discovery  of  suspicious  persons ;  which  being  put  in 
>rce,  Mr.  Habingdon  utterly  denied  the  knowledge  of  knowing,  or 
arbouring  any  such  people ;  and  offered  to  die  at  his  own  gate,  if 
ay  such  were  to  be  found  in  his  house,  or  in  that  shire;  but  this 
ot  proving  a  satisfactory  answer,  an  immediate  search  took  place, 
hen,  in  the  gallery  over  the  gate,  were  discovered  two  cunning  and 
ery  artificial  conveyances  in  the  main  brick -wall,  so  ingeniously 
sanded,  and  with  such  art,  as  it  cost  much  labour  ere  they  could 

*  In  his  "  Anecdotes  of  several  extraordinary  Persons/'  a  MS.  in  the  Ashmolean 

S.  Heme,  in  his  "  Life  of  Satton,"  says,  it  is  probable,  that  Jonson  never  intended 
characterize  him  under  the  name  of  Volpone ;  "  for,  in  that  age,  several  other 
en  wefe  pointed  at ;  and  "who  was  the  true  person,  was  then  a  matter  of  doubt. 
'  the  poet  designed  to  injure  the  fame  of  Sutton,  he  was  first  of  ail  an  ungrateful 
Betcb,  to  abuse  those  hands  that  afforded  him  brea4 ;  for  he  allowed  him  a  constant 
^cni:  a^  secondly,  he  disowned  bis  very  handwriting,  that  he  s^t  to  oar 
iinder,ii(Yindkation.()f.Um8elfi^  this  matter.''  -     .•       r    .    -. 


be  found.    Three  other  secret  places,  contrived  by  no  Icbb  skill  and 

stry,  were  found  in  and  about  the  chimneys,  in  one  whereof  two 

litors  were  close  concealed  ;  but  not  till  after  a  strict  search 

lays'  duration :  one  of  these  men,  named  Owen,  afterward 

.ered  himself  in  the  Tower;  the  other,  of  the  name  of  ChacQ- 

ed  tlie  knowledge  of  any  other  persons  than  themselTM, 

concealed:  hut  on  the  eighth  day  of  the  search, asectel 

limney  was  discovered  ;  from  which  most  cunningcon- 

snt,  was  extracted  Henry  Garnet  the  Jesuit  (much  soogit 

and  another  named  Hall ;  marmalade  and  other  aweetmesB 

nd  lying  by  them ;  but  their  better  maintenance  had  been 

uJI  or  reed,  through  a  little  hole  in  the  chimney,  that  backed 

T  chimney  into  the  gentlewoman's  chamber,  and  by  that  pa^ 

»ud!ca,  broths,  and  warm  drinks  had  been  conveyed  to  them, 

whole  service  continued  the  space  of  eleven  nights  and  tweWe 

and  no  more  peisons  beingfaund,Habiiigdon  himself,  Gaiael, 

Owen,  and  Chambers,  were  brought  to  London,  in  order  to 

1  the  king's  pleasure  as  to  their  disposal.    Habingdon  was  cdd> 

jed  to  die,  for  concealing  Garnet,  and  other  dangerous  pei- 

.- ;  but  was  pardoned  at  the  intercession  of  bis  wife,  and  hei 

orother  Lord  Monte  agte. 

NICOLAUS  WADHAM,  armiger,  CoU.  Wad- 
hamensis  fund'.  A".  D'.  1609.  7.  Faberf.  large  4ta 
mezz.    One  of  the  set  of  Founders. 

Nicholas  Wadham,  of  Merifield,  in  Somersetshire,  a  man  of  a 
respectable  character,  was,  together  with  Dorothy  his  wife,  the  mu- 
nificent founder  of  the  college  in  Oxford,  called  after  his  name, 
His  generosity  and  hospitality*  were  proportionate  to  the  afHuencfl 
of  his  fortan£.\  He  and  his  wife,  who  »ere  both  of  the  Romibll 
religion,  had  formed  a  design  of  founding  a  Catholic  seminary  st 
Venice;  but  the  love  of  their  country  gotthe  better  of  their  rehgioo)! 

THOMAS  TESDALE  (Tisdalz),  armiger,  unua 

■  Fuller  lays,  "  that  he  had  gnM  Irngtli  in  hii  eitnction,  breadlh  ia  h!i  ciM 
knd  depth  in  his  liberelilj.  His  hospital  house  wai  an  inn  at  all  timei;  ■  court  i 
Chriitmas." — "  Worthies,  in  Soroetset,"  p.  30. 

t  Of  thii  Tirioui  and  conlntdlclorj  account!  have  been  ^veii.  That  whkkli 
nMnltobereUedon,  iiinWoocl'i-'HIst.  FlAntiq.  Udit.  Oiod."  u.  3S4. 

fh/i.'  fte  ^c/r,7/.Jax^ef^'. 

OF   ENGLAND.  113 

fiuidatorum    Coll.    Pembrochiee,    A.    Dom.    1624. 
hberf.  large  Ato.  mezs.  One  of  the  set  of  Founders. 

toMAS  Tisdale;  in  the  "  Oxford  Almanack," 

I  Tisdale,  of  Glympton,  esq.  was,  with  Richard  Wight- 
r  Whitwick,  co-founder  of  Pembroke  College,  in  Oxford. 
Tisdale's  fellows  are  to  be  of  his  kindred,  and  the  rest  are 
acted  from  Abingdon  school. 

,  LEATE ;  a  head  in  an  oval.  About  the 

f  Let  Anns  and  Arts  thy  prayses  apeake, 
[  "Who  wast  their  patron,  worthy  Leate." 

''Ldadon  may  boast  thy  prayse,  and  raagnifie 

<    Thy  name,  whose  care  her  ruins  did  repair; 
And  in  Exchange  of  fowls  deformity 
Hath  deckt  and  graced  her  with  beamaes  rare, 
^Hie  f^ne  whereof  resoimdeth  fair  and  ueaie; 

.  I^en  honour  him,  who  thus  hath  honour'd  thee, 

■  And  love  his  Name  in  all  posteiitie." 

me  sc. 

1  Leate,  a  man  of  great  ingenuity  and  public  spirit,  was 

reigns  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I.  for  the  surveys 

e  took  of  different  parts  of  the  city  of  London,  and  the  many 

1  omameatat  alterations  which  he  projected  in  the  streets 

lome  of  them  were,  to  the  projector's  honour,  cai- 

I  execution.     Scowe  mentions  a  plan  of  Moorfields,  ss  it 

d  to  be  laid  out  by  this  person.     It  was  to  have  been 

lis  "  Survey  of  London." 

JOHN  TREHEARNE,  gentleman  porter  to  King 
James  I.  an  etching.  (Fisher.) 

Joiix    Treheabne;   in  Caulfteld's   "Remarkable 
"  mezz. 


.Lille  moie  feems  to  be  known  of  him  ^an  flie'fiDllofnng  Mogqlir 
epitaph : 

Had  kingi  the  power  to  lend  dmr  tabjectt  bnttlkt 
TnheanM,  thoo  sboald'st  not  be  cast  down  bj  deatb; 
Tfaj  royal  natter  if  ill  woald  keep  tbee  then; 
Bot  length  of  daji  are  beyond  reach  of  men : 
Nor  wealth,  nor  strength*  nor  great  men's  lore,  can  ease 
The  wound  death's  arrows  make ;  for  thou  badsC  Uiese : 
In  tkjf  Idng^t  court,  ffiod  pUce  to  thee  is  given. 
Whence  thon  shalt  go  to  the  Khif^s  court  im  hitam* 

SIR  ROBERT  NAUNTON.    Pass  sc.  rare. 

Sir  Robert  Naunton  ;  from  an  original  picture^ 
in  the  possession  of Read,  esq.  R.  Cooper  sc. 

Sir  Robert  Naunton  was  bom  in  Suffolk,  an4  educated  at  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge ;  whence  he  removed  to  a  feUowsbip  at  Trimt; 
Hall.  After  haying  been  employed  on  diplomatic  concerns  m  Scot- 
land and  France,  he  returned  to  the  university,  and  in  1601  vas 
elected  public  orator;  in  which  capacity  he  attracted  thie. notice  of 
James  I.  who  made  him  master  of  the  requests,  surveyor  of  the 
court  of  wards,  and  secretaiy  of  state.  His  Iftst  preferment  was 
that  of  master  of  the  court  of  wards,  which  office  he  resigned  in 
1633,  and  died  soon  afterward.  His  "  Fragmenta  Regalia"  con-  { 
tain  many  curious  particulars  of  the,  court  of  Queen  Elizabeth.  | 


SIR  HENRY  COMPTON,  K.  B.    Thane  exc.     [ 

Sir  Henry  Compton,  of  Bramble-Teigh,  in  the  county  of  Sussexj  i 
son  by  a  second  marriage  of  Henry  Ist,  baron  Compton,  was  mad^  ^ 
knight  of  the  Bath  at  the  coronation  of  King  James  I.  He  m9^i  \ 
ried  Lady  Cecilie,  daughter  of  Robert  SackyDle,  earl  .of  Dorset;  bf  I 
whom  he  had  issue  three  sons  and  three  daughters.  He  was  seTOiii 
times  returned  in  parliament  for  the  borough  of  East  Grinsted ;  but 
appears  to  have  spent  the  greatest  part  of  his  time  in  the  pleasureH 
of  a  country  life. 

GEORGE  HUMBLE;  mezz.  Ato.from  his  Monur 
mental  Effigy. 

-  -George  Huinble,-merchant  and  alderman  of  the  city  of  London, 
married  Margaret,  daughter  to  John  Pierson,  .of;Nathing,.  in  tlJP 


of  ENGLAND.  X  life 

x)Uiity  of  Essex :  h%  ftlso  inarfied  a  second  wife,  I^skbfel,  d&it^ht^i'  of 
fiobert  Kitchinmati,  of  Hemsley,  in  the  county  of  Yb)rk,  a  wid'owl 
Jb.  1616.  The  daughter  Elizabeth,  by  his  first  wife,  was  burii^d  th^ 
tame  day  with  her  father.  His  son,  Peter  Humble,  erected  a  monu>^ 
aent  to  his  memory  in  the  church  of  St.  Mary  Ovenes,  With  the 
bttdwing  inscription : 

Like  to  the  damask  rose  you  see» 

Or  like  the  blossom  on  the  tree ; 

Or  like  the  dainty  flowers  of  May, 

Or  like  the  morning  of  the  day; 

Or  like  the  san  or  like  the  shade, 

Or  like  the  gourd  which  Jonah  had,  &c.  &c. 

See  Pennant's  "  London,"  p.  42.  4th  edition. 

RICHARD  ANDREWS,  Ob.  1618.  M.  6years: 
achUd  lying  on  a  monument ^  under  an  arch  supported  by 
^ pillars 9  with  emblems  at  his  head:  apot  %mthji(ywers\ 
fl  ccsndle  burning  at  his  feet :  the  pavement  composed  of 
mkts  and  roses  ;  with  a  Latin  inscription :  very  neat^ 
(Old  extra  rare. 

ROBERT  CROMWELL,  father  of  the  Protector ; 
«ea».  Dunkerton  sc.  From  the  original,  in  the  possession 
tf  the  Earl  of  Sandwich,  at  Hinchinbrook. 

Robert  Cromwell,  esq.  was  the  second  son  of  Sir  Henry  Crom-> 
well,  knight,  pf  a  respectable,  though  not  very-  ancient,  family  in 
tiie  county  of  Huntingdon ;  where  he  inherited  the  several  posses- 
ilM  formerly  belonging  to  a  monastery  of  Augustins,  and  amount- 

;  i^^  with  the  great  tithes  of  Hereford,  to  about  three  hundred^ 
(tads  a  year ;  equal  at  least  to  about  three  thousand  of  the  pre- 
iU  da/ir  The  35th  of  Elizabeth,  he  was  member  for  the  borough 
i^Himtingdon.  He  iu  said  by  Heath  to  liave  conducted  a  larget 
hevery.    He  manried  JEUzabeth  Steward,  daughter  of  William 

I  (teward,  esq.  of  the  city  of  Ely ;  by  whom  he  had  three  sons  (two 
Min  their  infancy)  and  six  daughters.     He  died  1617. 

GEORGE  flERIOT,  jeweller  to  King  James, 
Ob.  1623,  ^.  63 ;  mezz.  Jac.  Esplens,  1743. 

Geoi^e  Heriot,  an  eminent  goldsmith  at  Edinburgh,  was  ap- 
pointed, in  the  year  1597,  goldsmith  to  the  queen  of  James  VI.  and 


soon  after  had  the  like  appdntment  to  the  kingy  whom  he  foltowed 
to  London  on  his  accession  to  the  English  crown.  He  furnished 
jeweb  to  Prince  Charles  when  he  went  to  the  court  of  Spain,  which 
were  never  paid  for  by  James;  but  when  Charles  I.' succeeded  to 
the  throne  the  debt  to  Heriot  was  allowed  to  his  trustees,  in  part  of 
their  purchase  money  of  the  barony  of  Broughton,  then  crown-lands, 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  Edinburgh.  These  lands  are  now  part  of  the 
foundation  of  his  hospital ;  the  revenue  of  which  is  upward  of  40002i 
per  annum>  and  is  rapidly  increasing. 

Heriot  died  at  London  in  1624.  His  immense  fortune  he  dis- 
posed of  by  a  will  made  in  1623 ;  in  which  he  remembered  all  his 
relations,  with  many  friends  and  servants^  both  in  England  and 
Scotland,  and  left  die  remainder,  in  trust,  to  the  magistrates  of 
Edinburgh,  to  found  and  endow  a  hospital  "  for  the  maintenance, 
relief,  and  bring^g  up  of  so  many  poor  and  fatherless  boys,' free- 
men's sons  of  the  town  of  Edinburgh,  as  the  sum  should  be  suffi- 
cient for."  The  magnificent  Gothic  fabric  of  Heriot's  hospital,  in 
the  vicinity  of  Edinburgh,  was  accordingly  begun  to  be  built  in  the 
year  1628 ;  from  a  plan,  it  is  said,  of  the  celebrated  Inigo  Jones, 
whom  James  VI.  brought  from  Denmark. 

In  this  hospital  the  boys  are  instructed  in  the  knowledge  of  the 
English  language,  writing,  arithmetic,  Latin  and  French.  When 
they  leave  the  hospital  they  receive  25/,  sterling,  and  5/.  more  at 
the  expiration  of  their  apprenticeship ;  or,  if  they  are  inclined  to 
follow  a  learned  profession,  they  have  an  annuity  of  10/.  bes|owed 
on  them  for  four  years.  The  number  of  boys  at  present  in  the  hos- 
pital is  above  100  ;  but  in  the  year  1763  they  amounted  to  140. 

''  JOHN  GRAVES,  gent,  aged  102  years,  when 
drawn,  1616.  He  was  bom  in  Yorkshire  in  1513,  and 
died  at  London  in  1616,  aged  103  years.  He  was 
graindfather  to  Rich.  Graves,  of  Mickleton,  esq.  grand- 
father to  Rich.  Graves  of  Mickleton,  now  living, 
1728."  Vertue  sc.  h.  sh. 

Richard  Graves,  of  Mickleton,  in  Gloucestershire,  esq,  a  noted  an- 
tiquary, caused  this  print  to  be  engraved  as  a  memorial  of  hu  an- 
cestor ;  who  appears,  from  his  erect  posture,  and  sensible  counte- 
nance, to  have  been  a  very  extraordinary  person  for  one  of  his  age. 

OF  ENGLAlfD.  117 



JACOBUS  I.  8cc.  rex ;  •  4to.  in  the  Continuation 
^  Boissard,  part  II. 

James  I.  gained  great  reputation  by  his  book  of  instructions  to 
B  son  Henry,  entitled,  **  Basilicon  Doron,"  which  shews  that  he 
IS  acquainted  with  the  theory  of  government.  But  he  seems  to 
ive  lostas  much  by  his  '' Dsmonologia/'  and  his  "Counterblast 
Tobacco."*  His  works,  in  general,  were  formerly  more  esteemed 
an  they  are  at  present.  Meres,  in  the  second  part  of  "Wit's 
}mmon  Wealth  ,"t  tells  us,  that  James  was  not  only  a  favourer  of 
»ets,  but  a  poet,  himself;  as,  says  he,  "  My  friend  Master  Richard 
imefielde  hath,  in  this  distich,  passing  well  recorded : 

'  The  kingW  Scots  now  living  is  a  poet. 
As  bis  Lepanto.  and  his  Furies  shew  it.' " 

They  indeed  shew  us  so  much  of  his  poetical  character,  as  to 
ave  us  without  regret  that  his  translation  of  the  Psalms  was  never 

*  Taking  tobacco  was  much  ridicaled  by  the  men  of  fashion  in  the  reign  of 
xnes;  and  the  conrtiers  affected  to  reject  it  with  horror.  The  king  said,  that 
tobacco  was  the  lively  image  and  pattern  of  hell ;  for  that  it  had,  by  allusion,  in 
all  the  parts  and  vices  of  the  world,  whereby  hell  miay  be  gained  ',  to  wit,  First,  it 
IS  a  smoke  \  so  are  all  the  vanities  of  this  world.  Secondly,  it  delighteth  them 
10  take  it;  so  do  all  the  pleasures  of  the  world  delight  the  men  of  the  world, 
lirdlj,  it  maketh  men  drunken  and  light  in  the  head ;  so  do  all  tlie  vanities  of  the 
»rld,  men  are  drunken  therewith,  Fourthly,  he  that  taketh  tobacco, 'saitli  he,  can- 
t  leave  it,  it  doth  bewitch  him ;  even  so  the  pleasures  of  the  world  make  men 
tth  to  leave  them,  they  are  for  the  most  part  so  enchanted  with  them.  And  fur- 
sr,  besides  all  this,  it  is  like  hell  in  the  very  substance  of  it ;  for  it  is  a  stinking, 
ithsome  thing ;  and  so  is  hell.  And  further,  his  majesty  professed,  that  were  he 
invite  the  devil  to  a  dinner,  he  should  have  three  dishes :  first,  a  pig ;  second,  a 
U  of  ling  and  mustard;  and  third,  a  pipe  of  tobacco,  for  digesture." — **  Witty 
K>phtbegms  delivered  by  James  I."  &c.  12mo.  1671.  There  is  an  order  of  James 
the  university  of  Cambridge,  enjoining  them  not  to  take  tobacct)  at  St.  Mar/s 
\  Fol.  284. 

»L.   II.  R 


WL  WnXIAX  HARVET,  fbYsam  to  fing 
hesaesk,  first  Snmd  arte  u&e  circufaLaia  rftte  Uood 

(>i£  if  diy  laaaa.  in-  nir 
DcKHF  bock  ±e 



HIeti*  Sulnwi  The  ume  -rt^rw.  3"  ziuckin*.  wau  laa  amk  leicw  oimaetf,  aod  seeflas 

-        - 

192.T  iizgi  tntiu  ira.w  ~ixT  Jiand  ^^j**^. 

Anil  oiiie  r  n  "a 7  Jio. 
O  3iack.  It  :ri".  inif  re  ict  sank, 

T  i  cie  lay  flbes  1,  rap* 

TV*  rw«t  Kfloua  is  "ae  irrt  T»r5«  -f  -iu;  same  F»2ni  bj  KBag  J*-*—  ' 

O  wiiT,  :iir  Gc«i,  air  ev^nicreT 

Hast  thoa  segiecced  is? 
Waj  smcakj  ts j  vratli  agunst  dte  sheep  r 

Of  thiTW*  ova  pastare  cAau  ■' 

TW  ia«t  wMd,  fifce  a  ckMng  biick^  to  a  builder,  was  of  gtat  use  to  the  tnnshtor, 
wfc«»  ke  flood  in  Med  of  a  amusjiiabie.  Tbere  is  ao  qocstin  bat  Janes  labouiei 
iMfd  t/>  ^^^Qft-do  StemhAid  aad  Hopkins;  bat  be  bas  freqaestij  &Uca  short  altkoi: 
h^  k  M4e^  a  fbgle  mstaoee,  that  there  is  no  aoce  a  rojal  vaj  to  poetij,  tktt 
tlHT^,  H  to  ([^eonietr^r.  ! 

f  Th«  Colkmiog  work  is  said,  by  Dr.  King,  in  the  prefixe  to  bis  *<  Toast,**  toliaie  f 
if4'*m  poblMhed  by  Jaoies  I.  *'  Ane  short  Treatise,  eonleining  some  Beulis  afl4  1^ 
i'Mt^lis  to  be  observit  aod  eschewit  in  Scottis  Poesie :"  inpfinted  at  £dinbargb>  r> 
15$i,  '■ 

t  A  brick  of  the  smallest  kind,  used  to  fill  a  chink. 

OF  ENGLAND.  119 

the  whole  animal  economy.  Sir  Thomas  Browne, 
who  well  knew  the  importance  of  it,  prefers  it  to 
fte  discovery  of  the  New  World.  See  the  following 

GULIELMUS  BUTLER,  Cantabrig.  hujus  setatis 
piinceps  medicorum.  S.  P.  (Pass)  sc.  4to.  A  copy^ 
k  Boissard. 

Vnniam  Butler,  of  Clare  Hall,  in  Cambridge,  wad  one  of  the 
(ieatest  physicians,  and  most  capricious  humorists  of  his  time. 
His  sagacity  in  judging  of  distempers  was  very  great,  and  his  me- 
Aodof  cure  was  sometimes  as  extraordinary.   Mr.  Aubrey  informs 
■^  that  it  wad  usual  with  4iim  to  sit  among  the  boys  at  St.  Mary*s 
fbrdi,  in  Cambridge ;   and  that  when  he  was  sent  for  to  King 
'  itties,  at  Newmarket,  he  siiddenly  turned  back  to  go  home,  and 
;  titthe  messenger  was  forced  to  drive  him  before  him.     The  repu- 
tation of  physic  was  very  low  in  England  before  Butler's  time ; 
lijpothetical  nonsense  was  reduced  into  system,  not  only  in  medi- 
cine, bat  also  in  other  arts  and  sciences.   Oh.  29  Jan.  1617-8.*  His 
vill  is  among  the  Harleian  manuscripts.  No.  7049,  Artie.  6.    His 
L  beneCeictions  to  Clare  Hall  are  mentioned  at  p.  197,  of  Richardi  Par- 
I  hri "  Sceletos  Cantabrigiensis  ;*  and  there  are  some  notices  of  him, 
iiiTd.iii.  p.  429,  of  Winwood's  "  Memorials." 

ROBERTUS  FLUDD,  alias  de  Fluctibus,  Oxo- 
niensis,  medicinas  doctor,  &c.  frontispiece  to  his 
""Philosophia  sacra;'  Frank/.  1626  ;  fol. 

*  Mr.  Aubrej  relates  th«  following  story  of  hiiii»  which  he  says  was  the  occasion 

4  Itts  bang  first  taken  99tice  of^    A  clergyman,  in  Cambridgeshire,  by  excessive 

^pficition  in  composing  a  learned  sermon,  which  he  was  to  preach  before  the  king, 

itNeinaarket,  had  brought  himself  into  such  a  way,  that  he  could  not  sleep.    His 

^faib  were  advised  to  give  Iiim  opium,  which  he  took  in  so  large  a  quantity,  that 

t  Akw  him  into  a  profound  lethargy.    Dr.  Butler,  who  was  sent  for  from  Cam- 

U|e,  upon  seeing  and  hearing  his  case,  flew  into  a  passion,  and  told  his  wife,  that 

Ae  wis  in  danger  of  being  hanged  for  killing  her  husband,  and  very  abruptly  left 

Ae  loom.    As  lie  was  going  through  the  yard,  in  his  return  home,  he  saw  several 

M«i,and  asked  her  to  whom  they  belonged:  she'said,  to  her  husband.    **  Will 

yi^"  says  the  doctor,  "  give  me  one  of  these  cows,  if  I  can  restore  him  to  life  ?" 

At  replied  "  with  all  my  heart***  He  presently  ordered  a  cow  to  be  killed,  and  the 

Filieat  to  be  put  into  the  warm  carcass,  .which  in  a  jihort  time  recovered  him. — Au- 

^ffi  MS.  in  Ashmole's  Museum* 


RoBERTus  Fludd.    Visschcr. 

Robert  Fludd,  without  his  name,  8^c.  Matthaus 
Merian,  Basilien^  fecit ;  large  quarto. 

RoBERTUs  Fludd,  &c.  in  Boissard ;  4to. 

Robert  Fludd.  Jollain  exc.  small  Ato.  This  is. 
unlike  the  other  prints. 

Robert  Fludd,  secotid  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Fludd,  treasarer  of  war 
to  Queen  Elizabeth,  w&s  a  celebrated  physician  and  RosicruGiaii 
philosopher.  He  was  an  author  of  a  peculiar  cast;  and  appears  to 
have  been  much  the  same  in  philosophy,  that  the  mystics  are  in  di- 
vinity :  a  vein  of  unintelligible  enthusiasm  runs  through . his  works*, 
He  frequently  used  this  sublime  cant  when  he  addressed  hnif^lf  to, 
his  patients ;  which  had  sometimes  a  good  effect  in  raising  their 
spirits,  and  contributed  greatly  to  their  cure. 

'*  As  charms  are  nonsense,  nonsense  has  a  charm." — Rochxsteb. 

The  prints  in  his  large  work,  entitled,  "  Nexus  utriusque  Cosmi," 
&c.  are  extremely  singular,  and  only  to  be  understood  by  a  second- 
sighted  adept.  Ob.  1637,  JEf.  70.  See  more  of  him  in  the  "Athene 

JOHANNES  ANTHONIUS,  Londinensis,  medi- 
cinse  doctor,  1623,  JEt.  70.   T.  Cross  sc.  4to* 

•  The  Christian  name,  and  the  date,  on  this  print,  are  evidently  mistakes  of  the 
engraver  of  the  writing ;  as  the  following  monumental  inscription,  in  the  church  of 
St.  Bartholomew  the  Great,  West  Smithfield,  proves : 

*'  Sacred  to  the  memory  of  that  worthy  and  learned 
Francis  Anthony,  doctor  in  physick. 

There  needs  no  verse  to  beautify e  thy  praise. 

Or  keep  in  memory  thy  spotless  name ; 
Religion,  virtue,  and  thy  skill  did  raise 

A  threefold  pillar  to  thy  lasting  fame,  -j 

— .  I 

Though  poysonous  envy  ever  sought  to  blame,  ! 

Or  hide  the  fruits  of  thy  intention ;  i 

Yet  shall  they  all  command  that  high  designe  j 

Of  purest  gold  to  make  a  medicine,  i 

That  feele  thy  helpe  by  that  rare  mvention.  i 

He  died  the  26th  of  May,  1623 ;  his  age  74 :  his  loving  sonne,  John  Antbon^; 
doctor  in  physick,  Itft  this  remembrance  of  his  sorrow." 


He  was  the  son  of  Dr.  Francis  Anthony,  to  whose  practice  he 
SQcceededy  and  is  said  to  have  lived  very  handsomely  by  the  sale  of 
his  father's  nostrum  called  Aurum  Potabile.  He  died  28th  April, 
1655,  aged  70,  leaving  behind  him  one  son  and  three  daughters, 
as  appears  by  the  monument  erected  for  himself  and  his  father  in 
the  church  of  St.  Bartholomew  the  Great,  in  London.  He  was 
author  of  '*  Lucas  Redivivus ;  or,  the  Gospell  Physitian ;  prescribing 
(by  way  of  Meditation)  Divine  Physick  to  prevent  Diseases  not  yet 
entered  upon  the  Soul,  and  to  cure  those  Maladies  which  have  al- 
ready seized  upon  the  Spirit,  1656,  4to."  His  head  is  prefixed  to 
this  book.  Dr.  Francis  Anthony  had  another  son  named  Charles, 
who  settled  at  Bedford^ 

GILBERTUS  JACCH^US  (Jack),  Med.  Doct. 
&  Phys.  Prof.  4to.   in  ''  Athen.  Bat:' 

This  eminent  physician,  who  was  equally  remarkable  for  the 
c}uickness  of  his  parts  and  the  solidity  of  his  judgment,  was  a  native 
of  Aberdeen,  aiid  studied  at  Leyden ;  where,  in  161 1,  he  took  the 
degree  of  doctor  of  physic.  He  was  author  of  **  Institutiones  Phy~ 
ucm^'  '*  Imtitutiones  Metaphyskce:*  and  "  Institutiones  Medicos,*' 
Lugd.  Bat.  1624 ;  small  duodecimo. 

JOHN  MILTON,  (Mat.  10.; 

"  When  I  was  yet  a  child,  no  childish  play 
To  me  was  pleasing ;  all  my  mind  was  set 
Serious  to  learn  and  know,  and  thence  to  do 
What  might  be  public  good ;  myself  I  thought 
Bom  to  that  end ;  born  to  promote  all  truth. 
All  righteous  things." Par  ad.  Reg. 

C.  Johnson  p,  1618 ;  Cipriani  f.  h.  sh. 

The  original,  which  was  sold  at  Mr.  Charles  Stanhope^s  sale 
*or  thiity-one  guineas,  was  in  the  possession  of  the  late  Thomas 
Hollis,  esq. 

The  "head  of  young  Milton  is  mentioned  here  by  a  prolepsis; 
lot  in  the  rank  in  which  he  now  stood,  but  in  that  for  which  nature 
lesigned  him. 




It  was  far  zcsc^  'Sbaktsptar  est; 
WherecB  tibe  ^irxv^^sr  bad  i  strife 
Wid^  BatEire.  to  GoX-do  t&e  fife. 
O  eosld  be  bst  hxwe  drxvn  kk  wit 
As  wtH  m  brass,  as  be  bss  bit 
Hk  EKe;  the  pant  wovld  tihen 
AH  diat  was  erer  wnt  m  bimss. 
But  snce  be  raimot,  reader,  look 
Not  OQ  bis  pidflie,  but  bis  book.* 

B.  J.  (B.  JoHSOX.) 

Martin  Droeshoui  sc.  Frontispiax  to  his  works;  fd. 

Tbk  print  gires  us  a  truer  reptesffitatinn  of  Shakqieaze,  than 
■erend  more  ponpoos  memorials  of  bim;  if  tbe  testimony  of  Ben 
JoDSon  m^  be  credited,  to  vbom  be  was peraonallj  known;  nnless 

we  suppose  tbat  poet  to  bare  saciificed  bis  Teiadty  to  tbe  tum  of 
tboagbt  in  bis  epigram,  wbich  is  rery  improbable ;  as  be  might  have 
been  easily  contradicted  by  several  that  most  hare  remembered  so 
celebrated  a  person.  The  author  of  a  letter  from  Stratford-upon- 
Aron,  printed  in  the  Gentleman's  Magazine  about  twenty  years 
since,  informs  us,  that  this  head  is  as  much  like  his  monumental 
eflBgy,  as  a  print  can  be.* 

William  Shakspear  ;  ya/.  J.  Godefroy^  1796. 

William  Shakspear;  4/o.  T.  Trotter,  1794. 

William  Shakspear,  with  autograph;  head  only 
finished.  T.  Trotter,  J  794. 

N.  B.  These  are  engraved  from  the  sajne  original 
picture  as  engraved  by  Droeshout. 

•  The  good  people  at  Stratford-apon-ATon  have  coloared  the  effigies  of  Shak- 
•peare,  to  make  it  appear  as  like  painting  as  possible.  By  a  singular  incident,  his 
iDonoment  stands  just  by  that  of  his  friend  John  O'Coambe ;  who,  but  for  the  epitaph 
bestowed  on  him  by  Shakspeare,  would  never  have  been  heard  of  beyond  his  own 
pari»h. — Lobd  Uaills.  ' 

OP  ENGLAND.  123 

William  Shak^peab;  amlf  4to.    Chas.  Warren, 


William  Shakspeau.    Graveloty  1744,  ta  Han- 
mr's  edition,  Ato. 

William  Shajkjspeab.  Le  Goux.  In  Harding's 
*'  ShakspeareJ"* 

William  Shakspear  ;  8w.  C.  Knight.  In  JMbr. 
Malone^s  edition  of  his  Works. 

William  Shakespeare.  jR.  Earlom  f.  large 
octavo,  mezz.  neat.  Engraved  for  a  new  edition  of 
Suikspeares  Works  ^ 

This  print  is  said  to  be  from  an  original  by  Cornelius  Jansen,  in 
^  collection  of  C.  Jennens,  esq.;  but  as  it  is  dated  1610,  before 
Jansen  was  in  England,  it  is  highly  probable  that  it  was  not 
painted  by  him ;  at  least,  that  he  did  not  paint  it  as  aportrait  of 

William  Shakespeare  ;  his  monument  at  Strat- 
ford: under  his  bicst  is  the  following  inscription. 

''  Ingenio  Pylium,  genio  Socrateni}*  arte  Maronem^ 
Terra  tegit,  populus  msret^  Olympus  habet." 

*^  Stay  passenger;  why  dost  thou  go  so  fast? 
Read,  i£thou  oanst^  whom  envious  deSith  has  plac'd 
Within  this  monument,  Shakespeare;  with  whom 
Quick  nature  d/d.;  whose  name  doth  deck  the  tomb 
Far  more  than  cost ;  since  all  that  he  has  writ 
Leaves  living  art  but  page  to  serve  his  wit.^ 
Ob.  An".  D»».  1616,  ^t.  53. 

yertuesc.  small  h.  sh. 
His  monument  is  also  done  in  mezz.  by  Miller. 

*  It  b  supposed,  that  Soeratem  was  engraved  by  mistake  for  Sophoclem;  Imtfiiim 
fMiittes  may  be  fmmd  on  monttmental  stones,  as  well  as  /o/m  qmmHlMi,-^'Lm£D 



,  .  William  Shakespeare  ;  Aif  manunwnt  in  West- 
minster  Abbof ;  two  prints 

I . 

In  .one  of  theie  pi^hiits,  instead  of ''  The  dond-capt  TcmenJ'  Ac. 
it  the  following  inscription,  on  a  scroll,  to  which  he  pomts  with  his 
finger:  ^ 

"  Thu  Brhain  Iot'cI  me,  and  preienr'd  my  fimie 
Pare  from  a  Barber  or  a  BeoBon's  name." — ^A.  Pofb* 

This  monument  was  erected  in  1741,  by  the  direction  of  the  Eail 
of  Borfington,  Dr.  Mead,-  Mr.  Pope»  and  Mr.  Martin.  Mr.  Fleet- 
wood and  Mr.  Rich  gave  each  abenefit.towardsit  &«»[|ii.OBe  of 
Shakspeare's  own  plays.  It  was  executed  by  Scheemakery  after  i 
^design  of  Kent* 

BEN  JOHNSON.  J.  Oliver,  p.  Houbrakm  te. 
Jnthe  collection  of  Dr.  Mead  ;  Blust.  Head.  It  is  very 
:dfmbtful  whether  this  head  be  Jonson's  portrait. 

m  I 

Benjamin  Johnson.  E.  Pinacotheca  mblissim  (t 
honoratissimi  Joannis  domini  Sommers,  8^c.  G.  Hon- 
thorst  p.  G.  Vertue  sc.  large  h.  sh.  One  of  the  set  of 
Poets.    A  copy  by  Vertue  ;  8vo. 

Benjamin  Johnson  ;  a  small  bust  in  the  title  to  his 
''  Poems;'  164:0  ;A2mo.  W.  M.  (arshalL) 

Ben  Johnson;  in  the  print  with  Shakspeare. 

Ben  Johnson;  oval;  Ato.  Balston,  1799. 

Ben  Jonson.    Audinet  sc. 

*  On  the  moDument  is  inscribed  "  Amor  publiau  potuU,"  Br*  Mead  objected  to 
the  woni  amor,  as  not  occurring  in  old  classical  inscriptions ;  but  Mr.  Pope  and  tbe 
other  gentlemen  concerned  insisting  that  it  should  stand.  Dr.  Mead  yielded  A* 
point,  saying, 

Oninia  vineii  amor,  et  nos  cedamm  amori, 

.This  anecdote  was. communicated  by  Dr.  Lort,  late  Greek  profesaor  of  CanMlg^ 
who  had  it  from  Dr.  Mead  himself. 

OF  ENGLAND.  125 

Ben  Johnson  ;  done  from  his  picture  in  the  library 
at  Oxford.    J.  Faberf  mezz. 

Ben  Johnsonius;  eight  Latin  and  two  English 
verses.    R.  Vaughan  so.  Ato.    Sold  by  Geo.  Humble. 

Ben  Johnsonius.  W.  Elder  sc.  h.  sh.^  Frontisp, 
to  his  Works. 

Ben  Jonson,  poet-laureat*  to  James  I.  and  Charles  I.  was  one 
of  the  greatest  dramatic  poets  of  his  age.  He  was  familiarly 
acquainted  with  the  best  ancient  authors,  from  whom  he  has  freely 
borrowed,  and  was  the  first  that  brought  critical  learning  into 
vogue.  He  was  as  defective  in  tragedy,  as  he  was  excellent  in 
comedy;  and  that  excellence  is  confined  to  a  few  of  his  works.  In 
Shakspeare,  we  see  the  force  of  genius ;  in  Jonson,  the  power  of  in- 
dustry. He  is  frequently  deficient  in  the  harmony,  and  sometimes 
even  in  the  measure,  of  his  verses.  What  appears  to  be  facility  in 
tis  compositions  is  generally  the  effect  of  uncommon  labour.  Oh. 
16tAug.  1637,^^:^63. 


•  In  Selden*s  "  Titles  of  Honour/*  p.  S42,  we  are  informed,  that  "  Skelton  had 
the  title  of  laureat  under  Henry  VIII. ;  and  that,  in  the  same  time,  Robert 
^hitmgton  called  himself  Grammatics  Magister,  et  Prvtovates  Anglia,  ^c4  Under 
Edward  IV.  one  John  Kay,  by  the  title  of  his  humble  poet-laurcat,  dedicates  to  him 
*  The  Siege  of  Rhodes/  in  prose.  But  John  Gower,  a  famous  poet  under  Richard  II. 
buried  in  St.  Mary  Overies  church,  hath  his  statue  crovrned  with  ivy  mixt  with 
tcses."  It  is  well  known,  that  the  laurel  crown  is  of  great  antiquity,  *'  Anno  1341, 
l*etrarch  was  crowned  poet-laureat/*  In  ancient  times,  it  had  been  a  custom  to 
Crown  poets  who,  in  public  assemblies,  had  carried  the  prize  and  obtained  the  pre- 
ference. This  lasted  till  about  the  days  of  Theodosius;  then  it  ceased ',  and  after- 
■Ward  revived  about  the  end  of  the  twelfth  century,  and  continued  till  it  was  pros- 
^ted  to  such  a  degree,  in  various  courts  of  Europe,  and  bestowed  upon  sucb 
>*iiserable  versifiers,  that  the  title  became  perfectly  contemptible  and  ridiculous/'^ — 
Jortin's  "  Remarks  on  Ecclesiastical  History,"  vol.  v.  p.  476,  477. 

t  Birch. — In  Wood's  "  Athenae''  it  is  said,  that  when  his  father  was  dead  his 
iHotlier  was  married  to  a  bricklayer,  who  took  him  from  Westminster  school,  and 
Employed  him  in  his  trade  till  he  was  sent  abroad  with  Sir  Walter  Raleigh's  son. 

At  Sorrenden,  the  seat  of  Sir  Edward  Dering,  in  Kent,  he  is  said  to  have  been 
Employed  in  building  the  garden-wall.  But  those  walls  are  now  down,  the  garden 
ticw  modelled,  and  the  tradition  forgotten  in  the  family. — MSS.  W.  Gostling» 

X  Sec  Wood. 

§  See  a- dissertation  on  the  laureate  poets,  in  the  *'  Mem,  de  la  Acad.*'  xv.  235. 

VOL.  II.  S 


FRANCIS  BEAUMONT,  &c.  Fr(m  an  original 
in  the  possession  of  the  Duke  of  Dorset.  G.  Vertue  sc. 
L  h.  sh.  One  of  the  set  of  Poets.  A  copy  by  the  same 
hand;  8w. 

Francis  Beaumont,  with  the  heads  of  Fletcher ^ 
Milton,  and  Cowley.   J.  Simon  f  h.  sh.  mezz. 

Francis  Beaumont;  mezz.  J.Faber. 

Francis  Beaumont.    Atidinet  sc. 

JOHANNES  FLETCHER,  episcopi  Lond.  filius. 
Vertue  sc.  large  h.  sh.  One  of  the  Twelve  Poets.  A 
copy  by  Vertue ;  8i;o. 

Fletcherus.  W.  Marshall  f  h.  sh.  engraved  for 
the  old  edition  of  his  and  BeauTnonfs  Plays. 

John  Fletcher,  in  the  print  with  Beaumont,  8gc. 

John  Fletcher.  Audinet  sc. 

Beaumont  and  Fletcher  generally  wrote  in  conjunction.  The 
former  was  remarkable  for  the  accuracy  of  his  judgment;  the  latter, 
for  the  force  of  his  imagination.  Their  works  resemble  those  of 
Moliere,  in  the  variety  and  justness  of  characters.  In  Mr.  Dryden's 
time,  two  of  their  plays  were  acted  for  one  of  Shakspeare's.*  Beau- 
mont died  in  1615;  Fletcher,  in  1625. 

JOHANNES  DONNE,  quadragenarius.  Lorn- 
bart  sc.  %vo, — The  original  was  painted  before  he  took 
holy  orders. 

Dr.  John  Barwick  tells  us,  in  his  "Life  of  Bishop  Morton,"  that 
he  saw  a  portrait  of  Donne,  at  Lincoln's  Inn,  all  enveloped  with  a 

•  The  merit  of  a  dramatic  poet  is  always  seen  in  the  strongest  light  on  the  stage. 
Mr.  Garrick,  who  thoroughly  understood  Shakspeare,  exhibited  a  thousand  of  his 
beauties,  which  had  before  escaped  the  mob  of  actors  and  of  readers;  and  carried 
his  fame  much  higher  than  it  was  ever  raised  in  any  former  period.  It  is  hard  to 
say  whether  Shakspeare  owed  more  to  Garrick,  or  Garrick  to  Shakspeare. 

Pimd,  (Jiros,  Oeri^erts.QicdruinLTrwouMJnvmi,  (fijci 

OF  ENGLAND.  127 

darkildi  shadow,  his  face  and  features  hardly  discernible,  with  this 
epaculatioii  and  wish  written  'thereon,  "  Domine  illumina  tenebras 
meas  :^  and  that  this  wish  was  afterward  accomplished,  when,  at 
the  -persuasion  of  King  James,  he  entered  into  holy  orders.  See 
ciass  the  ninth  in  the  preceding  reign,  and  the  fourth  in  this. 

THOMAS  SACKVILLE,  earl  of  Dorset,  &c.  See 
SI  description  of  his  heady  Class  II. 

His  '^  Gorboduc,''  written  in  conjunction  with  Thomas  Norton, 
ind  first  published  under  the  title  of  *'  Ferrex  and  Porrex,"  1565, 
^ined  him  a  very  great  reputation;  as  it  was  the  first  tragedy,  that 
leserved  that  name,  in  the  Enghsh  language.*  Both  the  tragedies 
ind  comedies  written  before,  appear,  at  best,  to  be  only  remnants 
»f  Gothicism.  There  is,  in  this  elegant  performance,  a  simplicity 
»f  language,  and  propriety  of  character,  which  are  still  admired.  It 
ras  republished  by  Mr.  Spence,  in  1 736 ;  and  after  that,  in  a  col- 
ection  of  old  plays^  printed  by  Dodsley. 

MICHAEL  DRAYTON,  armiger,  M.  50,  1613. 
tF".  Hale  sc.  Four  Latin  verses.  Frontisp.  to  his  Works, 
\n  apotfolioy  1619. 

Michael  Dhayton,  armiger,  &c.  in  an  oval;  four 
Latin  verses ;  8vo.    W.  Richardson. 

There  is  a  small  head  of  him,  by  Marshall,  i?i  the  en- 
graved title  to  his  poems,  1647,  8vo. 

The  late  Lord  Lansdowne  had  an  original  of  him,  which  he  highly 
Tafaied.     It  was  supposed  to  have  been  done  by  Peter  Oliver. 

The  reputation  of  Drayton,  in  the  reigns  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I. 
stood  on  much  the  same  level  with  that  of  Cowley,  in  the  reigns  of 
Charles  I.  and  II. ;  but  it  has  declined  considerably  since  that 
period.  He  frequently  wants  that  elevation  of  thought  which  is 
essential  to  poetry ;  though,  in  some  of  the  stanzas  of  his  ''  Barons' 
Wars,"  he  is  scarcely  inferior  to  Spenser.  In  his  "  England's  He- 
roical  Epistles,"  written  in  the  manner  of  Ovid,  he  has  been,  in 
general,  happier  in  the  choice,  than  the  execution  of  his  subjects ; 
yet  some  of  his  imitations  are  more  in  the  spirit  of  that  poet  than 

*  A  great  part  of  this  tragedy  was  written  by  Thomas  Norton. 


several  of  the  English  translations  of  him.  His  "  Nymphidia,  or 
Court  of  Fayrie,"  seems  to  have  been  the  greatest  effort  of  his 
imagination,  and  is  the  most  generally  admired  of  his  works.  His 
character  among  his  friends  was  that  of  a  modest  and  amiable  man. 
Ob.  1631. 

SAMUEL  DANIEL.  CocA^  ^c.  160Q,— His  head 
is  before  his  ^'  History  of  the  Ciml  Wars  betvxen  the 
Homes  of  York  and  Lancaster,  a  Poem,  in  eight  Booksy'' 
Lond.  1623 ;  4to.  This  head  has  been  a^pied  by  Bre- 

Samuel  Daniel;  %vo,  W.Bichardmm. 

Samuel  Dspiiel  succeeded  Spenser  as  poet-lauroatto  Queen  Eli- 
zabeth, and  was  then  thought  to  have  merited  the  Uiwel.  His  prose, 
in  his  "  History  of  England/'  has  much  more  sini^jUcity  and  ele- 
gance tihan  is  to  be  found  in  the  generality  of  the  writers  of  hi^  age; 
but  his  poetiy  is  too  prosaic  to  gain  many  adnurers  in  the  present. 
He  was  one  of  the  grooms  of  the  privy-chamber  to  Anne  of  Den- 
mark, who  was  much  taken  with  his  conversation  and  writings.  His 
poems  and  plays  have  been  several  times  printed.  The  last  edition 
was  in  two  vols.  12mo.  1718.     Oh,  1619. 

SIR  THOMAS  OVERBURY.  S.  Passceus  sc.  ;fat 
English  verses.    This  has  been  copied. 

Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  writing  his  epitaph.  R.  El- 
stracke  sc.  Compton  Holland  exc.  h.  sh.  extra  rare; 
copied  by  W,  Richardson, 

Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  iii  an  oval;  bushy  hair  ;8vo. 

There  is  a  print  of  him  in  the  ^'  Narrative  History  ■ 
of  King  James,  for  the  first  fourteen  years^^  8^c.  1651 ;  \ 
4to,  ' 

Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  a  gentleman  of  eminent  parts  and  learn- 
ing, and  of  judgment  and  experience  beyond  his  years,  was  long  the  j 
friend  and  confidant  of  Robert  Car,  earl  of  Somerset.    His  abilities  j 
were  of  singular  service  to  that  favourite,  who  did  nothing  without  j 

■-"''I  ' f, 


'    ,         f/ll  all         Ji    >i   u  ifrvmpirfsen  tuf&ftsi 

__^  ^.ffV^/  a//   c.r/rrr  rarf ^rtn/. /y_:^ .C^oi^r^i:, 



^  *."     -    •.  .-     "'mil'Uj".  ■*— ■    i1 

si         ■^^■ 

■  "-* 

.  I 

*  •  ^.    .' 

OF   ENGLAND.  129 

advice  and  direction;  and  was  accustomed  to  make  use  of  his 
n  in  his  addresses  to  the  king,  and  to  his  mistress.    OverbuTy, 

10  was  naturally  haughty  and  overbearing,  presumed  to  oppose 
e  earVs  marriage  with  the  Countess  of  Essex,  and  expected  the 
lAe  deference  to  be  paid  to  his  judgment  on  this,  as  upon  every 
ther  occasion.  This  opposition  drew  upon  him  the  rage  of  the 
arl,  and  the  fury  of  the  countess,  who  contrived  to  get  him  impri- 
oned  in  the  Tower,  and  to  dispatch  him  by  poison.  His  poem 
»lled  **  The  Wife,"  supposed  to  be  written  for  his  friend,  is  the 
:liaracter  of  a  good  woman;  just  the  reverse  of  the  woman  that  he 
married.  This  poem,  which  is  printed  with  his  Characters,  &g, 
bad  gone  through  sixteen  editions  in  1638 ;  the  last  was  pubhsh^d, 
1753,  8vo.     Ob,  Sept.  15,  1613. 

GEORGIUS  CHAPMAN,  &c.  a  large  head,  en- 
compassed with  clouds ;  on  the  backside  of  the  title  to  his 
translation  of  the  **  Iliads  It  was  engraved  hy  William 
Hok ;  folio, 

George  Chapman  ;  a  small  head,  surrounded  with 
clouds.  In  the  title  to  his  translation  of  Homer's  "  Bat- 
^k  of  the  Frogs '  and  Mice  ;"  fol.   W.  Pass  sc. 

George  Chapman;  small  head,  surrounded  with 
clouds.   W.  Richardson. 

The  wodu  of  Chapman  are  scarcely  remembered  at  present ; 
hough  his  reputation  was  great  as  a  translator^  especially  among 
hose  who  were  ignorant  of  the  Greek  language;  and  far  from 
^considerable  as  a  poet.  He  translated  Homer,  Hesiod,  and  Mu- 
%us ;  and  boasts  of  having  finished  half  his  translation  of  the  Iliad 

11  less  than  fifteen  weeks ;  a  sufficient  character  of  the  performance, 
ie  often  strayed,  or  affected  to  deviate,  from  his  author ;  and  for 
Wo  Imes  of  his  solid  sense,  has  given  us  twenty  flimsy  lines  of  his 
>wn.*  He  appears  to  have  been  as  confident  of  his  own  immor- 
^Uty  as  any  of  his  poetical  brethren  ;t  and,  as  he  was  an  enthusiast 

*  See  the  PreCace  to  Pope's  Homer. 

^  Cicero,  perhaps  in  too  general  terms,  tells  his  friend  Atticus,  "  Nemo  unqaam 
i^^ta  aut  orator,  qui  quenquam  se  meliorem  arbitraretur.'^ 


in  poetry,  was  probably  happier  in  liis  ideas  of  posthiimoas  fame, 
than  Homer  himself.*    A  cmrious  obsenrer  may  perceive  in  the 
'  course  of  Mr.  Pope's  translation,  that  he  has  read  Chapman's.  He 
was  author  of  a  considerable  number  of  plays.  Ob.  1634>,  JEt.  77. 

JOSUA  SYLVESTER.  Van  DaUm  sc.h.  sh.  Fron- 
tispiece to  his  Works. 

JosEPHUs  (Josua)  Sylvester  ;  suv  verses.  Sold  by 

Josua  Sylvester.  Peake  exc.  h.  sh. 

Josua  Sylvester,  translator  of  ''The  Weeks  and  Works  of  Du- 
bartas/'  was  patronised  by  Prince  Henry.  His  translations  gained 
him  a  greater  reputation  than  his  compositions.  Hje  was  no  great 
poet,  but  was  of  a  much  more  estimable  charabter;  he  was  an  , 
honest  and  religious  man.  Ob.  28  Sept.  1618,  JEt.  55.  Mr.  Dryden 
tells  us,  that ''  when  he  was  a  boy,  he  thought  inimitable  Spenser  a 
mean  poet,  in  comparison  of  Sylvester's  '  Dubartas ';  and  was  rapt 
into  an  ecstacy  when  he  read  these  lines :" 

**  Now  when  the  winter's  keener  breath  began 
To  chrystalize  the  Baltic  ocean ; 
To  glaze  the  lakes,  to  bridle  up  the  floods. 
And  periwig  with  snow  the  bald-pate  woods." 

See  the  dedication  to  the  *'  Spanish  Fryar.'' 

RICHARDUS  MARTIN  US,  Oraculum  Londi- 
nense.  In  an  oval ;  at  the  top  of  which  is  the  date  of 
the  year,  1620,  in  which  the  print  was  engraved.  Below 
the  oval  is  the  following  inscription^  which  the  curious 
reader  will  not  think  tedious : 

Viro  illustri,  Lionello  Craufieldo,  equiti  aurato,  apothecee  august©  j 
(guardarobam  magnam  vulgus  vocat)  et  pupillorum  magistro ;  ma-  I 
jestatique  Britannicse  a  sanctioribus  consiliis;  Richardum  (heufata) 
Martinum,  Chr.  Brocus,  Jo.  Hoskinus,t  et  Hugo  (heu  iterum) 

*  There  is  a  poem,  by  Chapman,  on  the  marriage  of  the  Earl  of  Somerset  and 
Lady  Frances  Howard,  m  the  most  sublime  style  of  panegyric,  4to. — liOnn  Hailes. 
t  Serjeant  Hqskins,  grandfather  to  Sir  John. 

.     r     OF  ENGLAND*  131 

landosy  obsequii  et  amoris  triumyirata  nexi,  amico  amicain 
si,  junctis  manibus  votisque,  sacrant. 

Princeps  amonim,  prindpum  nee  non  amor: 
Legumque  lingua,  lexque  dicendi.magis : 
AngloFum  aloinnusy  preeco  Virginiee  ac  parens:  . 
Generosus  ortu,  moribus  nee  degener : 
Invietus  animi,  eorporis  forma  decens : 
Oriens  cadente  sole,  sol  ortu  ccdens:* 
Magnee  nrbis  os,  orbis  minoris  eoreulum : 
Bono  suomm  Datus,  extinetus  suo : 
Cunctisque  eognitusy  nee  ignotus  sibi : 
HoUandi  amieus,  nemini  hostis,  ni  mails. 
Virtutis  (beu)  Martinus  bie  eompendium. 

igo  Hollandu^flevifaureum  et  (Ere  os  ^primi  curavit. 
nan  Passceus  scutpsit.  i 

RiCHARDUs  Martinus,  &c.  copied  by  Harding. 

lichard  Martin,  a  native  of  Otterton,  in  Devonshire,  studied  at 
ford,  and  afterward  at  the  Temple.  His  learning,  politeness,  and 
,  were  the  delight  and  admiration  of  all  his  acquaintance.  He 
lerstood  and  practised  the  graces  of  conversation,  and  was 
ally  esteemed  and  caressed  by  Selden  and  Ben  Jonson.  His 
son  and  manners  qualified  him  to  adorn  the  court,  and  his  elo- 
nee  to  influence  the  senate.  King  James,  who  was  delighted 
I  his  faeetiousness,  recommended  him  to  the  city  of  London. for 
r  recorder.  He  died  soon  after  he  was  elected  into  that  office, 
31st  of  October,  1618.  It  appears,  from  a  manuscript  note  of 
Aubrey*s,t  in  Ashmole's  Museum,  that  excess  of  drinking  with 
e  of  his  fellow-wits,  was  the  occasion  of  his  death.  This  ap- 
rs  to  have  been  his  only  foible.  Several  of  his  poems  and 
iches  are  in  print.     See  more  of  him  in  the  *^  Athence  Oxo^ 


This  vene  allades  to  his  convivial  character,  and  the  enjoyment  of  his  friends 
i  evening,  which  occasioned  his  death. 

The  print  of  Richard  Martin  was  given  by  Sir  John  Hoskins  to  this  gentleman, 
ituck  it  into  a  biographical  manuscript  of  his,  now  in  the  Maseam  at  Oxford. 
is  extremely  rare^ 



JOANNES  OWEN,  Oxoniensis,  &c.  a  small  wd, 
in  the  title  to  his  *'  Epigrams T    , 

Another  somewhat  larger. 

Joannes  Owen  ;  in  Crasso  "  Elog.  Huom.  laterat!' 
vol.  ii. 

John  Owen,  a  schoolmaster,  commonly  styled  the  Engliih 
Martial,  was  an  admired  Latin  poet  in  this  age.  He  published  serei    ^ 
books  of  epigrams,  among  which  are  very  few  that  are  genuine.    ] 
The  poignant,  the  lively,  the  unexpected  turn  of  thought  and  ex-  -^ 
pression,  which  has  been  regularly  pursued  and  carried  to  a  point,    . 
is  scarcely  to  be  found  in  the  compositions  of  this  author.    It  is   -> 
evident,  from   the  quick  sale  of  his  book,  that  epigrams  could 
please  at  this  time,  without  the  seasoning  of  Attic  salt.*  Ob.  1623, 
and  was  interred  in  St.  Paul's,  where  a  monument  in  brass  was 
erected  to  his  memory  by  his  relation  and  countryman,  Lord-keqper 

JOHN  DA  VIES,  of  Hereford,  made  a  consider- 
able  figure  as  a  poet;  but  was  much  more  celebrated 
as  a  writing-master.  His  poetical  pieces,  which  are 
very  nu^lerous,  are  a  proof  of  his  great  industiy,  if 
not  of  his  genius.  There  is  a  catalogue  of  them  in 
the  *^  Athenae  Oxonienses."    See  the  next  Class. 

GEORGE  WITHER,  M.2h  1611.  Will.  Hoik 
(or  Hole)  sc.  12mo.  scarce. 

Georgius  Wither  ;  motto  "  Nee  habeoy  nee  careo, 
nee  euro."  Delaram  sc.  1622,  4to. — See  the  reign  of 
Charles  I. 

*  In  the  reign  of  James,  puns  and  quibbles,  jingle  and  witticism,  were  introdoced 
into  almost  every  species  of  composition.  Such  a  distich  as  this  would  have  been 
esteemed  excellent: 

"  Cor  mittis  violas  ?  nempe  ut  violentius  urar : 
Quid  violas  violis  me  violente  tuis?"— Pcwtanus. 

OF   ENGLAND.  133 

George  Wither  ;  in  the  title  to  Withers  "  Motto^' 
621  ;  scarce. 

Geotge  Wither  began  early  to  display  his  rhyming  talent,  which 
le  exercised  for  a  long  course  of  years,  and  had  many  admirers 
imong  readers  of  a  lower  class.  He  was,  in  several  respects,  an 
ansuccessfuly  but  was  ever  a  persevering  writer.  He  was  impri^ 
soned  for  his  first  book,  entitled,  '^  Abuses  whipt  and  stript ;"  and 
continued  to  write  satires  in  prison.  He  also  wrote  his  '^  Eclogues*' 
dating  his  confinemenjt,  which  are  esteemed  the  best  of  his  nu- 
merous works.  He  w  s,  in  the  time  of  the  civil  wars,  an  officer  in 
the  parliament  army,  and  was  taken  prisoner  by  the  royalists,  and 
condemned  to  be  hanged.  Sir  John  Denham  is  said  to  have  begged 
his  life  of  the  king,  for  this  reason :  **  That  there  might  be,  in  Eng-, 
land,  a  worse  poet  than  himself."     Oh  1667,  Mt,  79, 

PATRICK  HAN  NY,  gent,  a  small  head.  In  the 
engraved  title  to  the  *^  Nightingale  Sheretine,  &;c.  Elegies 
m  the  Death  of  Queen  Anne,  Songs,  and  Sonnets,'' 
witten  by  him.     It  was  printed  in  octavo,  1622. 

Patrick  Hanny,  &c.  copied  from  the  above, 
J.  Berry  sc. 

1  find  no  mention  made  of  this  sonnetteer  by  any  of  our  biogia- 
phical  authors. 

It  has  been  conjectured,  that  the  print  before  the  comedy  of 
•'Ignoramus"  was  done  for  RALPH  RtFGGLE,  of  Clare  Hall, 
the  author  of  it ;  but  I  see  no  foundation  for  that  conjecture.  This 
comedy,  which  was  written  to  expose  the  Latinized  English,  and 
Other  barbarisms  of  the  law,  raised  a  great  clamour  among  the  lawi- 
j^rs.  King  James,  who  was  not  given  to  laughter,  and  uttered  his 
jests  with  a  serious  countenance,  was,  observed  to  chuckle  at  th^ 
acting  of  it.* 

•  The  following  aoihentic  list  of  the  original  actors  in  the  comedy  of  ••  Igoorainns'* 
never  before  printed.     It  was  taken  by  the  gentleman  whose  name  is  at  the  ep<| 

Theodoras,  Mr.  Hutchinson,  Clare. Hall. 
Antonins,  Mr.  (afterward  lord)  HoUis,  Clare  Hall. 

rOL.  II,  T 


JOHN  TAYLOR,  the  water-poet;  dwh^kngth, 
with  his  badgCj  as  king^s  waterman,  namefy^  I.  R.  m 
cajntals^  under  a  crown.  Me  holfk  qn  par  W:^^  hwi, 
mi  an  empty  purse  in  the  other;  motto,  ^^^  ^hdJhoy 
meaning  the  oar,  ^'  et  careo,  et  auro^  which  is  tht^ 
reoerse  of  George  Withes  motto,  "  Nee  habeo^  nee 
careo,  nee  euro  J"'  This  print  y  which  is  in  octiwo,  is  fe- 
fare  his  ''  Memorial  of  all  the  JBwjy/iVA,.  JKonan^i^ 

4x?.  m  heroical  Verse^''  16^2^    There  if  4  mmU  wi 

•     •        •        .  -        . 

^*M^  I        ■  ■  I  ■  .1  I  ■——»———— -HI— fa— «—i4——.  II         ■  l»       I        ll 

Dulmtii,  Mr. Talr«i,  tiw^BOin^i.f£ktmuA  bkAop  of^MafbocoogiL 

Ftem,  Mir.  lMer»  Cbfe  Hall. 

Toicol,  Mk  BngfmvB,  Cl«e  H«U»  aftmmddii^  of  OMilntbiiry. 

B«ibfil^^.:Mbf«H^  QnMn'a  (pttfM?;  >  V,  \    ^| 
SnidA,  Mr  Comptoo^  QoeMi't  Colk|J!»jij|£|f<|i  Mdjof  fH'o^SbmB^Um, 
'     Trieo»  lir>  iahe^'Oaw  HaH,  iftwiiiiiiiiffiiNi/olilate. 
Bf|U|e«)i  l|r.  Lm,  Clife  QtlL 

Cop«f,|fir«-MBtoci,  Pembroke.  ■     • 

PoUa,  libr.  CIniliaiD,  Clare  Hall. 

Colla,  Mr.  Wake,  6.  C. 

Dorothea^  Noifolk,  Queen's  College. 

Vioce,  Mr.  Compton,  Qaeen's  College. 

Nell,  Mr.  Turner,  Clare  Hall. 

Richardas,  Mr.  Grame,  Clare  Hall. 

Pyropus,  Mr.  Wake,  G.  C. 

Fidicen  (or  Tibicen)  Mr.  Rinnarde,  Clare  Hall. 

Nants  i  GallicuB,  Mr.  Thorogood,  Clare  Hall. 

(  Anglicns,  Mr.  Mason,  Pembroke. 
Caopo,  Mr.  Tborogood,  Clare  Hall. 
Fersone,  mats. 

"  Archbishop  Sancroft's  copy  is  at  Emmanuel  College,  amended  and  suppllied  from 
three  MSS.  and  from  the  printed  edit.  1658.  The  list,  or  catalogue  of  naines,  I 
compared  with  a  MS.  copy  at  Clare  Hall,  possibly  Mr.  Ruggle's  copy,  but  is  notia 
hi^.  band,  nor  qualities  of  actors  mentioned." — Mr.  Bak^p's  M^  V.  xv«  p*  479. 

— • ^  ?  -r'  ''^ 

*  Mr.  Hamilton  Boyle  was  the  last  that  acted  this  part  at  Westminster  school : 
he  acquitted  himself  in  it  with  applause.  "  In  this  incidental  mention  of  theplay  of 
'  Ignoramus,'  it  would  be  injustice  to  the  great  paint,  and  accurate  research  of  its  hot 
editor,  John  Sidney  Hawkins,  esq.  not  to  recommend  to  the  cnrioqs  reader  a  pcnMl 
of  it,  in  its  present  improved  state ;  in  which  eveiy  notice  that  can  be  desired^ 
both  as  to  the  author  and  his  performance,  appeafi  to  have  beoncRllecM.mitbjeqMl 
fidelity  and  attention." — Bindkby. 



yr////  ^////ri  ,  //'C     //a/ei      ■  yr/ 

f.r„„.'^.,/.o.'^^,„A,;.  i;,.,/,.  si,„t  i.„„.i,-    s^ 












'  1 

'  1 







^  ^  him,  by  CoekUm,  in  the  engraved  titk  to  his 
W»rfe,  1630. 

John  TAYLOtt,  the  water-poet ;  aval,  in  a  square 
fiam.    W.  Richardson. 

John  Taylor,  the  water-poet.  Hardn^  sc.  From 

^he  original  at  ^Aford.  ^ 

John  Taylor,  the  water-poet;    from   the  same 
jicture.    R.  Grave  sc. 

Johh  Taylor,  a  native  of  Gloucester,  was  intended  by  his  parents 
ibr  a  scholar;  but  his  inclination  not  leading  him  to  learning, 
tikmgh  it  did  to  poetry,  he  was  taken  from  school  before  he  hsui 
gone  through  his  Acddehce,  and  bound  apprentice  to  a  waterman. 
After  he  had  qditti^  the  oar,  he  kept  a  victualling^house  in  the 
Aoenix-alley,  Lobg-iacre,  where  he  hung  up  his  own  head  for  a 
ipk,  witnUus  ihscrtpti&n : 

There's  mao^  a  head  stands  for  a  sign 
Hmd,  gentle  reader,  whj  not  mine  ? 

He,  according  to  Mr.  Wood,  did  great  service  to  the  royal  cause, 

B  the  reign  of  Charles  I.  by  his  lampoons  and  pasqnils.  The  works 

ff  Taylor,  lirfaich  ar(&  not  destitute  of  natural  humour,  abound  with 

fiNr  jiiiglkij^  1#it^  which  pleased  and  prevailed  in  the  reign  of  Jamesl. 

M  iMeh  too  often  borderted^  at  least,  upon  bombast  and  nonsense* 

He  was  countenanced  by  a  few  persons  of  rank  and  ingenuity,  but 

was  the  darling  and  admiration  of  numbers  of  the  rabble.     He  was 

hbnself  the  father  of  some  cant  words,  and  he  has  adopted  others 

lAich  were  only  inrthe  mouths  of  the  lowest  vulgar.    His  rhyming 

^irit  did  hot  evaporate  With  his  youth ;  he  held  the  pen  much 

iniger  than  he  did  the  oar,  and  was  the  poetaster  of  half  a  century. 

06. 1654,  JEt.  74. 

A  Man  in  Armour  holding  a  Truncheon ;  the  print 
is  inscribed,  Eques  LUDOVICUS  PETRUCII, 
Ariodantis  Filius ;  Serviens  Major  pro  Venetiis,  in 
Creta,  &c. 


"**  Natura  ingeniuni^  tribuit  tibi  lingua  leporeiOr 
Virtutem  Mavors,  religioque  fidem ; 
Aspera  sed  miserum  calcat  fortuna  jacentem. 

Facta  premens  magnum  quee  meruere  decus.  * 
Heroas  comites,  reges  qui  laudibus  efiers. 

Qui  poteris  tandem  laude  carere  tua? 
Invideat  Momus,  fremat  hostis,  frendeat  orbis, 
Macte  animo,  semper  fama  superstes  erit. 

Thomas  Pothecarius,  Magister  Artium^ 
Pub.  Ludimagister  Sarum." 

neatfy  engraved  ;  4to. 

Ludovisio  Petrucci,  who  was  born  at  Sienna,  m  Tilscany,  was,. 
in  the  former  part  of  his  life,  a  soldier  of  fortune.  la  1602,  he 
served  in  the  Venetian  army  in  Crete,  where  he  was  sergeant-major* 
tin  was  afterward  captain  of  a  company  of  foot  in  the  Hungarian, 
wars,  and  was  in  the  same  station  under  the  emperor  and  several  of, 
the  German  princes.  He  was  driven,  by  his  wayward  fortune,  into 
England;  and,  about  the  year  161 0»  became  a  commoner  of 
Edmund  Hall,  and  afterward  of  Baliol  College,  in  Oxford.  He 
continued  four  years  in  that  university ;  and  outwardly,  at  least, 
conformed  to  the  church  of  England  ;  but  being  suspected  by  the 
bigoted  Puritan  party  as  a  papist  in  his  heart,  he  was,  in  a  manner, 
ejected  from  the  university.  He  was  author  of  a  considerable 
number  of  Latin  Poems,  and  some  Orations  and  Epistles ;  one  of 
which  is  addressed  to  Archbishop  Abbot,  and  another  to  Lord 
Bacon.  Mr»  Wood  speaks  of  him  as  ^'  a  fantastical  and  unsettled 
man ;"  hence,  perhaps,  it  was  that  he  was  "  unfortunate  in  all  hii? 

*  tt  should  be  observed  hei*e,  under  the  division  6f  the  Poets,  tt-^t  there  seow^ 
to  have  been  more  personal  satire  and  abuse  published  in  this  and  the  former  reigRf 
than  in  any  other,  except  the  present.t  The  king  himself  was  not  exempt  from  it. 
A  Lampoon,  in  which  there  were  some  licentious  reflections  upon  the  court,  wt| 
read  by  James  with  some  indignation ;  but  as  it  concluded  with 

God  bless  the  king,  the  queen,  the  prince,  the  peers. 
And  grant  the  author  long  may  wear  his  ears, 

hb  features  relaxed  into  a  smile,  and  be  said,  with  his  usual  good  humour,  By  my 
faithf  and  sa  he  shaUfor  nte  ;for  though  he  be  an  impudent,  he  is  a  witty  and  a  pieasanC 

t  See  Steeven's  note  to  Dr.  Johnson's  and  bis  "  Shakspeare,'*  vol.  x.  p.  235. 

6F   EI^GLAND.  137 

MARIA  SIDNEY,  com.  Pembrok.  J.  de  Courbes  f. 

Maria  Sidney,  Henrici  comit.  Pembrociae  con- 
jux.  S.  PasscBus  ^c.  1618.  David's  Psalms  in  her 
hands ;  4to.  Sold  by  Jo.  Sudbury  and  Geo.  Humble ; 
scarce.     --        . 

Mary,  countess  of  Pembroke.  Bocquet  sc.  In 
''Noble  Authors;'  by  Park;  1806. 

Mary,  countess  of  Pembroke.    Harding. 

Mary,  countess  of  Pembroke ;  in  an  oval,  with  vteiu 
of  Pembroke  Hall ;  in  Wilsons  '^  Cambridge  f  1803. 

Mary  Sidney,  countess  of  Pembroke.  W.  Hollsc. 
1816 ;  from  the  original  of  Mark  Gerard,  in  the  collec- 
tion of  John  Shelley  Sidney,  esq. 

Mary,  countess  of  Pembroke,  was  daughter  of  Sir  Henry,  and 
lister  to  Sir  Philip  Sidney.  The  ties  of  consanguinity  between  this 
Slnstrious  brother  and  sister  were  strengthened  by  friendship,  the 
fSkct  of  congenial  sentiments,  and  similitude  of  manners.  She 
translated  from  the  French,  Mornay's  *' Discourse  of  Life  and 
Death,"  and  '*  The  Tragedie  of  Antoine,"  both  which  were  printed 
in  Uie  forj^er  reign.  Her  greatest  work  was  a  translation  of  the 
Psalms,  which  is  said  to  be  preserved  in  manuscript  in  the  library 
It  Wilton.*  She  was  supposed  to  have  had  some  assistance  in  this 
work  from  Dr.  Babington,  afterward  bishop  of  Worcester,  who  was 
chaplain  in  her  family.  Ob.  25  Sept.  1621,  at  her  house  in  Alders- 
gate-street.  See  the  elegant  epitaph  on  her,  in  the  *'  Spectator ^''^ 
vol.  V.  N^  323. 

*  Ballard's  "  Memoirs  of  learned  Ladies. 

!-._  ** 



JO.  BARCtAIUS,  nat.  28  Jan.  1 582.  Ob.  12  Aug 
1621.     Z).  du  Monstier  p.  C.  Mellansc. 

"  Gente  Caledonhis,  Gallas  Nalalibus,  hie  est 
RomacD  Romano  qui  docet  ore  loqui." 

The  head  was  aigraved  at  the  expense  of  Alons.  de 
Pieresc,  and  the  verses  were  loritten,  at  his  request,  hy 
Grotius.  Frontispiece  to  Ihejirsl  edititm  of  his  "  Argenis^' 
I62I;  Ato. 

Jo.  Bahclat;  Ato.   Pass. 

Jo.  Barclay;   l2/n0. 

Jo.  BaBCLav,  Harding, 

Jo.  Barclaius;  in  Imperialisms  "  Mtiseum  Sit- 
torie."    Salmonico  sc. 

John  Barclay,  son  of  William  Barclay,  the  civilian,*  came  ioto 
GnglaDd  in  the  reign  of  James,  to  whom  he  was  a  ^ntlemaD  of 
the  bed-chamber.  He  was  regarded  as  an  almost  classic  author, 
and  his  works  were  generally  read.  His  "  Icon  Animorum"  nu 
printed  at  London,  1614.t  He  was  also  the  autlior  of  three  boob 
of  Latin  poems;  "Euphormio,"  and  "  Argems."  He  died  at 
Parii,  12  Aug.  1621,  while  the  last  book  was  printing.  Cardinal 
Hichlieu,  who  was  known  to  be  an  admirer  of  this  work,  is  said  to 
have  learned  his  political  maxims  from  it.  Barclay  imitated  Petio- 
nius  in  his  style,  but  not  in  his  obscenity.  May,  the  poet,  who 
translated  the  "  Icon  Animorum,"  had  a  great  hand  in  the  tiani- 
latioD  of  the  "  Argenis." 

*  See  the  preceding  reign,  Ctui  VI. 

t  Id  this  book  lie  coianiEad)  the  proipect  fiom  the  Towei  at  Greenwich,  u '    ~ 
of  Ibe  Eaeit  in  Europe.     Tlii>  i>,  perbipa,  exceeded  onl;  bj  the  view  of  Cotibi 
HOple.     The  fine  proipect  of  Farit  from  Belle  Veiie,  i  bouse  on  an  emiDCDce,  b 
■  few  jr»n  liner,  for  Madtme  Pompidaur,  ii  not  equal  to  it. 

OF   BNOLAND.  139 


FRANCIS  BACON,  lord  Verulam;  inscribed 
"  Francisctis  de  Verulamio,  philosophice  libertatis  asser- 
tor"  Sgc.  W. Marshall  sc,  Frontisp.  to  the  translation 
of  his  "  Advancement  of  Learning,''  by  Gilbert  Wats, 
1640 ;  fol. 

Franci6^  lord  Bacon ;  in  the  Frontispiece  of  SpraVs 
"  Kistory  of  the  Royal  Society ,'  engraved  by  Hollar. — 
See  the  reign  of  Charles  II.  Class  I. 

This  penetrating  genius  discovered  the  emptiness  of  the  vision- 
aiy  systems  of  philosophy,  which  had  for  many  ages  amused  man- 
kind, and  taught  the  world  the  sure  method  of  coming  to  truth  by 
experiment.  He  seemed  to  want  only  the  leisure  which  Sir  Isaac 
Newton  enjoyed,  and  his  knowledge  in  geometry,  to  have  made  as 
sorprising  discoveries  as  that  great  man  did.*  He  had,  however, 
tlie  glmy  4if  bdng  the  first  adventurer  to  th^  new  world  of  science, 
and  discoyering  such  mines  of  knowledge  as  will  never  be  ex^ 
hawted.  We  can  hardly  believe  that  the  excess  of  bounty  and 
gimerdfiity,  and  the  lowest  kind  of  avarice,  could  subsist  in  so  greiett 
tfersoA;  wba  will  live  in  his  works  as  long  as  books  endure,  and 
1fiB«B  long  remain  a  monument  of  strength  of  mind,  and  imbecility 
of  lAuractet.  His  works  are  in  four  vols.  fol.  Of  these,  his  '^  No- 
Organiim''  ift  esteemed  the  capital.f 

SIR  WALTER  RALEGH.   J.  Houbraken.  sc.    In 

Ike  pasiessian  of  Peter  Barrel,  esq.    Illust.  Head. 

•  .  .         ^  . 

*  Lord  Bacon  did  not  understand  geometry. 

t'Mr.  HtrgniTe,it  p.  13  of  his  "  Coke  upon  Littleton/'  says,  *'  Lord  Bacon's 

Ridiiig  on  the  '  Statute  of  Uses'  is  a  very  profoui|4  trcadse  on  the  subject,  so 

&r  as  it  goes;  and  shews  that  he  had  the  clearest  conception  of  one  of  the  most  ob- 

ftnse  parts  of  our  law.  What  might  we  not  have  expected  from  the  hands  of  such 

a  naster,  if  his  vast  mind  had  not  so  embraced  within  Its  compuss  the  whdio  field  of 

•cieace  ta  fiery  much  to4etach  htm  from  the  professional  stuftic^!  It  may  be  proper 

tl.iiMenref  tiuit  all:  the  editions  of  Lord  Bacon's  'Heading  on  Uses/  are  printed 

vkh  «Kb  ezlieiii€|  iDOorrectiieas^  that  many  passages  are  rendeiei.  almost  unintelli** 

|fU^ei«B|o  tfaejiiioM  attentive  soader.    A  wark  so  eacalleat  deserves  a  better 



1  ne  picture  was  in  Mr.  Burrel's  hands,  as  one  of  the  eseculon 
of  Sir  Samuel  Lennard,  of  West  Wickham,  in  Kent;  it  is  now  the 
ropeity  of  Miss  Mary  Lennard,  of  the  same  place. 

Sir  Walter  Ralegh.  S.  Pass  sc.  Compton  Hoi- 
iandexc.  4to.  In  the  old  cditiofi  of  his  "  History  ofihi 

Sir  WALTEa  Raleigh  ;  to  his  "  History  of  Wil- 
liam the  First.    F.  H.  van  Hove  sc. 

Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  Blood  sculp.  In  Prim's 
"  Worthies  of  Devon ,"  4to.  1810. 

SiRWAi.TER'RALEGH;Fortitnamed'aliis.  S.Paissc. 

Sru  Walter  Ralegh.   Vaughansc.   \1mo. 

The  Dutchess  Dowager  of  Portland  had  a  miniature  of  Sir  Wal- 
ter Raleigh,  and  liis  son  Walter,  who  was  killed  at  St.  Thome. 

Sir  Walter  Raleigh  was  a.ilhor  of  "The  History  of  the  World;" 
the  design  of  which  was  equal  to  the  greatness  of  his  mind,  and  the 
execution  to  the  strength  of  his  parts,  and  the  variety  of  hisleWD- 
ing.  His  style  is  pure,  nervous,  and  majestic ;  and  much  belter 
guited  to  the  dignity  of  history,  than  that  of  Lord  Bacon."  Raleigh- 
seems  to  have  written  for  posterity  ;  Bacon  for  the  reign  of  Jama 
the  First.t  He  said,  with  great  calmness,  to  some  of  his  friends, 
who  deplored  his  confinement,  when  he  lay  under  sentence  of  deatb, 
"  That  the  world  itself  was  hut  a  larger  prison,  out  of  which  Miiifl 
were  daily  selected  for  execution."  Beheaded,  29  Oct.  1618.  Thl 
story  of  his  burning  a  second  volume  of  his  "  History  of  tin 
World,"  is  disproved  by  Mr.  Oldys,  in  the  life  of  Raleigh,  befort 
Uielast  edition  of  that  great  work. 

•  See  liig  ■'  Life  of  Hen.  VH." 

I  Weflre  now  Hepaillnt;  widply  from  nil  elegnnl  limplidlj  of  iljle;  ■ndsoiM"    '' 
oar  hialoripg  hi'glii  already  to  look  like  iiotcI!'.     Simplicil;,  williout  my  elcg'*' 
«t*ll,  i>  preferable  to  tbe  exEMi  of  it ; »  the  plain  maanenof  t  Quaker  are  leu 
giutiiig  tbsn  the  affecUlion  of  t,  coicomb.     Thii  admirable  vark  of  B>](ig1> 
been  thought  H  just  model  for  the  lefomation  of  onilangnage. 

OF  ENQl-ANJ).  -        141 

WILLIAM  CAMDEN.    Mcfrshall  sc,  small.    In 
dkr'i^  ''  Hoh^  State:' 

William  Camden  ;  €larmdewp,  son  of  a  paints. 
I  his  herald's  coat.    Gaywoodf.  Ato. 

There  is  an  original  portrait  of  him  in  Painter's  HaH. 

GuLiELMus  Camdenus,  Mt.  68,  1609.  Frcmtispf 
^'^  Camdeniy  8^0.  Epistolce:'  R.  White  sc.  Ato. 

William  Caj^den,  Mt.  73.   R.  White  sc.  h.  sh. 

William  Camden.    jR.  White  sc*    Frontisp,  tQ  his 
Remains :'  improved  by  Philipotf  1674;  8w. 

William  Camden  ;  <r  small  kead^piece,  engraved 
^  Assers  *^  Life  of  King  Alfred:'  in  Latin^  published 

William  Camden,  with  autograph.    Thane. 

William  Camden;  emblems  of  Death;  two  English 
^s :  sold  by  Geo.  Humble^  Sgc.  smalL 

William  Camden.  Basiresc.  For  Mr.GougKs 
proved  edition  of  his  "  Britannia:' 

The  world  is  much  indebted  to  this  great  man^  as  an  l^istorian, 
antiquary,  a  schoolmaster,  and  a  founder.  His  "Annals  of 
leen  Elizabeth/*  in  Latin,  the  materials  for  which  were  supplied 
Lord  Burleigh,  is  one  of  the  best  historical  productions  of  the 
derns.*  His  **  Britannia"  rendered  his  name  famous  throughout 
rop^ ;  and  his  Greek  grammar  has  gone  through  above  a  hun- 
d  editions.  He  founded  a  professorship  of  history  at  Oxford; 
which  he  may  be  reckoned  among  the  first  benefactors  of  that 
^ersitv,  and  the  learned  world.  His  "  Britannia,"  which  was 
:  published  in  octavo,  1586,  is  now  improved  to  three  volumes 

Thii  wa»  repnblished  by  Ilearne,  and  enriched  with  many  additions  of  great 
DL.    II.  ^ 


in  folio,  by  Mr.  Goagb.  The  valuable  addttioDs  lo  tbat  Urui  bf 
Dr.  Gibson,  late  bishop  of  London,  arc  worthy  of  the  gretl.pei9i. 
and  industry  of  the  author :  they  are  indeed  worthy  of  Camdoi 
himself.     OL.  9  No?.  1623,  JEt.  73.» 

SIR    JOHN   HAYWARD,  knt.  doctor  of  law. 
W.  Pass  sc.  l2mo.  In  his  "  Life  of  Edward  Yir  ajkf  ' 
the  preface. 

Sir  John  Hayward  ;  a  small  oval  \  inthetitkto 
his  '*  Sanctuarie  of  a  troubled  Soulf'  1632. 

Sir  John  Hayward,  1616.    W.  Hole. 

Sir  John  Hayward,  1623.   Payne. 

Sir  John  Hayward,  historiographer  of  Chelsea  College,  was  a 
celebrated  historian  and  biographer^  in  this,  and  the  precediii|^ 
reign ;  and  was  particularly  admired  for  his  style.  He  wrote  tha-, 
lives  of  the  three  Norman  kings,  and  also  the  lives  of  Henry  IV.  and 
Edward  VI..  Some  political  reflections  in  the  life  of  Henry  IV. 
which  offended  Queen  Elizabeth,  were  the  occasion  of  his  suffering 
a  tedious  imprisonment.  The  queen  asked.  Mr.  Bacon,  who  was 
then  of  her  counsel  learned  in  the  law,  if  he  discovered'any  treason 
in  that  book.  He  told  her  majesty  that  he  saw  no  treason  in  it, 
but  much  felony.  The  queen  bid  him  explain  himself.  Upon  which 
he  told  her,  that  he  had  stolen  his  political  remarks  from  Tacitog. 
This  discovery  was  thought  to  have  prevented  his  being  put  to  tbe 
rack.f     Ob.  1627. 

*  It  IS  remarkable,  tbat  Camden  is  one  of  those  authors  wbo  have  sobjoined  tin 
final  letters  for  their  names  to  some  of  their  writings.    See  the  end  of  bis  dedicate 
to  his  "  Kemaines  concerning  Britaine."     So  M.  N.'  are  used  for  William  WottDor' 
see  the  "  Guardian,"  No.  93,  B.  Willis's  St  David's  p.  90.  R.  T.  for  Peter.Pettr 
V.  "  Ath.  Ox."  ii.  1008.   N.  S.  for  John  Wilkins:  v.  ib.  ii.  828.    H.  D.  for  Se*-* 
Ward.    S.  S.  for  Thomas  Rogers;  v.  **  Ath,  Ox."  ii.  914.    S.  N.  for  Thontt*^ 
Vaughan :  ib.  ii.  369.   Y.  K  for  Henry  Stubbe  :  v.  ib.  ii.  567.    N.  Y.  for  Joht 
Dury :  see  Birch's  *'  Life  of  Robert  Boyle,"  p.  299.  "  Cat.  Bodl."  ii.  703.  H.  T. 
for  Ralph  Bathurst:  v.  his  "  Life,"  p.  172,  n.    M.  N.  for  William  Needham:  ibT 
Letsome's  "  Preacher's  Assistant." 

t  Camden,  in  his  ''  Annals  of  Queen  Elizabeth,"  mentions  a  similar  instance  of 
a  few  words  of  this  author,  tortured  to  a  treasonable  meaning.  They  "are  in  the  de- 
dication of  the  same  book,  addressed  to  the  Earl  of  Essex;  the  words  are,  "  Magnvt ' 

©JF   ENGLAND.  .143 

JOHANNES  WYNN  de  Gwedir,  in  com.  Caer- 
narvon,  eques  et  bapnnettus.  Ob.  1  Martiij  1626, 
M.  73.    Vaughan  sc.  square  beard;  h.  sh. 

SiE  John  Wynne,  baronet;  Ato,  W.  Sharp  sc.  In 
Barringtori's  **  Miscellanies,'*  1781. 

It  is  also  in  Pennant's  **  Wales,''  vol.  ii.  1784. 

This  gentleman,  who  was  the  first  baronet  of  the  name  of  Wynne,  Cr.  bar 
was  a  diligent  collector  of  the  antiquities  of  the  principality  of  ^^\^ 
Wales,  as  well  as  those  that  related  to  his  own  ancestors.     His  Extinci 
"  History  of  the  Gwedir  family,"  lately  published  by  the  honourable 
Mr.  Daines  Barrington,^  is  curious  and  interesting ;  as  it  is  cha- 
racteristic, not  only  of  several  persons  worth  our  notice,  but  also  of 
the  manners  and  customs  of  the  Welsh  in  a  remote  period.     Sir 
Jdm  Wynne  built  the  magnificent  house  of  Upper  Gwedir,  which  is 
tQpposed  to  have  been  executed  from  a  design  of  Inigo  Jones.     It 
-ts  also  conjectured,  that  Jones  might  have  obtained  the  eminent 
station  to  which  he  afterward  rose  from  the  patronage  of  this  family. 
Sir  John  built  and  liberally  endowed  some  alms-houses,  at  Llanrwst, 
for  twelve  poor  men.    He  died  much  lamented  by  all  that  knew  his 
Worth.     By  his  wife,  Sidney,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Gerrard, 
chancellor  of  Ireland,  he  had  issue,  eleven  sons  and  two  daughters. 

EDWARDUS  WARREN,  de  Poynton,  Miles, 
Obiit  Anno  Dom.  MDCIX.  in  Watsons  "  Memoirs  of 
the  ancient  Earls  of  Warren  a7id  Surrey,  and  their 
descendants.  J.  Basiresc.  4to, 

Sir  Bdward  Warren  was  baptized  at  Presbury  April  ^,  1563, 
^as  high-sheriff  of  Cheshire  40  Eliz.,  and,  towards  the  end  of  that 
({ueen's  reign,  was  in  the  Irish  wars,  at  which  time  he  was  knighted. 
^rom  copies  of  court  rolls  it.  appears,  that  he  was  deputy  of  the 

a  prsfenti  judlcio  et  futuri  temporis  expectatione."  The  lawyers,  on  the  trial  of 
tiat  oofortunate  favourite,  urged,  that  they  implied  a  design  of  deposing  the  queen, 
tid  making  Essex  king. 

*  This  ingenious  gentleman  observes,  in  his  Introduction  to  the  History,  that  at 
%t  tJioe  when  tlie  print  of  Sir  John  Wynne  wu  engraved,  few,  who  were  not  very 
iigiilArly  esteemed,  had  such  respect  shewn  to  their  memory. 


<Aetfidd  1  Jamte  I. 

He  purchased  half  the  manor  of  Batlqry  and  lands  in  ^Fozimt, 
Heybridge,  Smethwick,  Macclesfield.  Sale,  ftotram  Andrew,  IM- 
Ifog;ton»  and  Presbury.  in  the  reign  of  Queen  Blis.  hem  Sir  Th«na 
tSerard  of  J^romley,  but  sold  them  again  lo  ^Thomat  Leglu  of  Adfing- 
ton,  esq. 

Sir  Ed¥rard  Warren  married,  first,  ,  danghter  of  Sir  Edwud 

Fitton,  of  Gawsworth ,  knight,  but  it  doe's  hot  'i^[>pear' that  tie  bad  any 
cUkMh  by  her.  His  second  wife  was  Ano^  daogbterof  Sir  W3- 
^Harn  DaVenport,  of  BramsQl,  knight.  By  bet  hie  bad  Isi,  3ohn,wl» 
^ttd  yomg;  2d,'John,  who  tfocceeded  to  the  estate;  9d,  Ralidi  (or 
Hhndle^  Vhb  di^  yoTiing;  4th,  Htaipbry,  batied  fit  StookpoM 
Jiily  9,  1657 ;  5di,  William^  6th,  Margaret;  7th,  iknotber  Marg&- 
Tet;  8th,  Ann ;  these  three  died  yoimg ;  §th,  'Frdncel^  whodied  im« 
iiaarried,  and  was  buried  «t  Stockport  April  ^0,  1633 ;  lOth,  MB^ 
gairet,  who  mkirried  Thomas  Singleton,  "of  Brougbkon  Tourer,  in 
Lancashire,  esq.  and  surviving  him,  died  in  I6d^;  11  ifa,  Catharine, 
bi^>iiced  at  Stockport  March  5, 1591,  tad  buried  «t  Wood  Pkiif- 
tdn  Nov.  3, 1605;  12th,  Dorothy ;   Idtb,  Ann. 

The  above  Ann,  wife  of  Sir  Edward,  was  buried  -at  Stcdcpoiit, 
Jiily  13,  1597,  aT»d  about  Micliaelmas  following.  Sir  Edward 'mc^ 
Tied,  thirdly,  Susan,  sixth  daughter  of  Sir  WiHiam  Booth,  of  Dun- 
ham-Massey, knight,  which  Siisan,  according  to  Sir  Peter  Leycester, 
was  baptized  at  Bowden  May  21,  1577.  She  took  to  her  second 
husband  John  Fitton,  of  Chester,  esq.  and  died  in  1636. 

By  the  said  Susan,  Sir  Edward  had,  1st,  George;  2d,  Edward, 
who  married  Susan,  daughter  of  Nathan  Lane,  of  London;  3a, 
Laurence;  4th,  Richard,  whose  widow,  Elizabeth,  was  living  m 
1626;  5th,  Halsall;  6th,  Edmund;  7th,  Thomas;  8th,  Elizabeth; 
9th,  Radcliff;  10th,  Ralph;  11th,  Posthumus,  born  two  months 
after  his  father's  death. 

In  the  register  of  Wood  Plutnpton,  in  Lancashire,  is 'the  following 
entry:  "Edward  Warren,  of  Poynton,  knyght,  and  baron  of  Stodc- 
jpOrte,  deceased  at  Poynton,  the  13th  daye  of  iNoTember,  1609."  He 
was  buried  at  Stockport  on  the  14th  of  the  same  month. 

iSIR  RICHARD  X^YNNte;    4to.     C.  Jansen  p. 
F.  Biittoloz^  sc.  In  Pemant^s  "  Wal^^,''  i)dLii.  a  very 
fine  'portrait. 

OF    ENGLAND.  145 

St  fiichafd  W^nne  wai  gentleinaii  of  Uie  fMnTy-chbttber  to 
Auin  Ite  Flnt»  Iriien  prioce  of  Walei,  8Sa4  attended  him  in  ih% 
nnutic  jtamey  he  tot^  to  Spaing  in  1623^  to  visit  his  desi^e4 
Mfc,  tke  ufiuit^iristelr  tb  PfaiUp  IV.  Sir  Richard  drew  tip  an  ad- 
wmbk  ^t^minibtxt'kiB  trsveisy  which  ib  printed  among  the  icarce 
r  Ineto  I7  llrffllvHite  tf<teAie«  On  the  accession  of  Chaiks  to  the 
'^  ftwe,  W #■».  ipiiuted  traasiMr  to  the  queen ;  and  dying  wtoh- 
tai  atae,  W  awceeiriMdby  his  brother  Ow6n.  He  married  Saraiv, 
Ae  daugUM^sf 'Sir  HiomaB  Middieton,  of  ChirkcaKtIe,  of  wiiom 
Mr.  Pen^it'iiAns  4m^  there  is  a  fine  print  engrayed  by  William 
Vittgiuuu  I'ttriUehlid  wias  interred  far  from  his  own  cOttnUjy  in 
tke  dmrchi  wnitmMeddi^,  Surrey. 

■   A-''  .  •.         .       . 

JOttlfr  KOftDEN,  in  a  scutl  ca^,  with  a  wrought 
^^^ffl^^l^  bond;  a  ^mall  oval. 

J(^  N«rde%  a  very -able  topographer,  was,  in  this  reign,  snr- 
vejorof  'tbekfnig^a  hnds,  for  which  he  received  a  stipend  of  fifty 
pounds  ajmt.'  Hb  ipitojected  an  historical  and  chorogr^tphi^al  de- 
Kripticfn^'Ml  Sagjland ;  but  published  ocnly  some  detached  parts 
«f  this  igreiitliiosky  wUch  described  particular  counties.  IKs  *'  Sp€- 
<>^  dW^^aMr,^. -which  contaitis  the  description  of  Middlesex  and 
Aertfordshtrd»  la:  weH  known>  He  was  author  of  the  first  t^ocket- 
Companion^  ot  "^Oaide'lbr  English  Travellers,"  whence  are  taken 
^  comprelMiiiite  acheroei  of  the  market-towns,  and  their  distance 
from  ^chjoMjerasiid  from  -London,  as  thqy  stand  in  the  **  Magna 
^annia^  at  Ae  end  of  each  county.  His  **  Surveyor's  Guide,'' 
twork  of  metiti  is  very  uncommon.  See'mOre  of  him  in  Wood's 
*  Jltk^iHg  QiMaaet,**  aud  OongfaHi  *'  Anecdotes  of  Topognq^y." 
The  former  hiii  aiitribtfled  to  him  many  books  of  divinity,  which 
leem  to  belong  to  another  person  of  both  his  names,  possibly  his 
&ther.  His  topb^phioal  pamphlets,  before  they  wcOre  rqprinted, 
frequently  sold  for  forty  shillings  apiece. 

THOMAS  ALLEN>  M.  A.  from  an  original pk' 
ure  in  the  President's  Lodge,  at  Trinity  College,  in 
Ijpford.   J.  ^rethertonf.  ^vo. 

Thomas  Allen,  \^ho  was 'bom  at  Uttdxeter,  in  Staffordshire,  in 
542,  was  educated  at  Trinity  College,  in  Oxford,  of  which  he  be- 
ame  fellow ;  but  retired  afterward  to  Gloucester  Hall,  where  he 


iwniied  hit  ftadiea  with  unremitted  ardour.  He' was  a  moat  tc- 
^nxiipiislied  acholary  and  wai  particularly  eminent  fbr  hia  knowledge 
In  antiquities  and  natural  philosophy;  but  was  without  a  mal  in 
taadiematiesy  in  which  he  was  comparable  to  Roger  Bacon.  Idb 
ttat  threat  genius  he  was  esteemed  a  magictan,  and  traa  theriefois 
fcrmidable  to  the  Tulgar.  He  is  styled,  by  one  who  knew  Um 
wen,  *^  The  reiy  soul  and  sun  of  the  mathematicians  of  his  time."* 
He  was  courted  by  princes  and  nobles  at  home  and  abroad;  bat 
dedined  the  honours  and  dignities  which  were  ofiered  him,  that  he 
migfat  enjoy  the  speculatiYe  life  which  helored,  and  the.conTer* 
sation  of  his  select  finends,  who  were  of  the  first  eminence  in  lite- 
ratnie.  None  of  his  co\itemporaries  did  greater  honour  to  the 
unirersity  of  Oxford,  or  was  better  aoquamted  with  its  affiun. 
Scarcely  any  thing  of  moment  was  transacted  in  it  of  which  he  did 
not  inform  Robert,  earl  of  Leicester,  who,  wlA  the  opeumess  of  a 
ftiend,  communicated  to  him  most  of  the  occurrences  in  the  course 
of  his  administration.  Mr.  Wood  has  given  us  an  account  of  his 
Tsry  copious  and  yaluable  collection  of  manuscripts  in  variqus 
branches  of  science,t  and  of  the  books  which  he  composed,  bat 
never  printed.  Some  of  them  are  lodged  in  the  Bodleian  Library. 
He  died  the  30th  of  September,  1632,  and  was  buried  with  a  so-  ' 
lemnity  suitable  to  the  greatness  of  his  character.  He  bequeathed^ 
the  valuable  picture,  from  which  his  print  was  taken,  to  the  pre- 
sident of  Trinity  College^  and  his  successors. 

AARON  RATHBORNE,  mathematician  ;  ^Ef.44. 
S.  Passaus  sc.  Ato. 

Aaron  Rathborne  was  author  of  a  book,  entitled,  "  Thcf  Sur- 
veyor," folio,  1616  ;  to  which  is  prefixed  his  portrait, 


*^  iEsculapius  hie  librorum ;  eerugo,  vetustas. 

Per  quem  nulla  potest  Britonum  consumere  chartas." 

*  Gal.  Bartonas  in  "  Orat  Funeb.  Tho.  Alieni,  1632/'  4to.  p.  6. 

t  Allen  was  a  great  collector  of  scattered  manuscripts,  of  which  there  is  a  cati- 
Ipgoe  bearing  date  1622,  among  Wood*8  papers  in  the  Ashmolean  Maseum..  He 
must  carefully  be  distinguished  from  his  very  learned  contemporary  Thomas  AUeo* 
of  Merton  College,  and  afterward  of  Eton,  who  assisted  Sir  Henry  Savile  in  hii 
elaborate  edition  of  «  Cbrysostom.'^    See  "  Atben.  Oxon."  vol.  I.  col.  604. 

Aati/>^  jfj,  WfiuA^dttn      Caidt  ,  Slntl    lae. 

OF    ENGLAND.  147 

T.  Cross  sc.  Ihmtisp.  to  his  ^^  A^iswer  to  suck  Motives 
as  ivere  offered  by  milita7y  Men,  to  Prince  Henry, 
advisi^ig  him  to  affect  Arms  more  than  PeacCy'  Sgc.  %vo. 
written  1609. 

RoBERTUs  Cotton.  Vertue  sc.  h.  sh.  engraved  for 
the  Society  of  Antiquaries. 

Robert  Cotton  Bruce,  with  autograph.    Thane. 

'  There  is  a  good  portrait  of  him  at  Amesbuiy^  in  the  possession  of 
Ae  Duke  of  Queensbury. 

.   Sir  Robert  Cotton  was  a  distinguished  member  of  the  Society  of 
Antiquaries,  in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth  and  James  I.     He  began  to 
make  his  curious  and  valuable  collection  of  manuscripts  in  1588 ; 
and  in  1603,  received  the  honour  of  knighthood.     He  was  often 
consulted  by  the  king  and  the  legislature  in  difficult  points,  relating 
[to  ancient  cuftoms  and  privileges.     He  wrote  a  book  on  duelling, 
itnd  the  ^'life  of  Henry  HI.^;  was  the  collector  of  the  ''  Parlia- 
itafy  Recprds,"  published  by  Pr3mne ;  and  was,  to  his  immortal 
HQX^  the  ftmnder  of  the  Cotton  Library.     This  is  now  in  the 
ish  Musenm,  and  is  a  most  valuable  augmentation  of  the  lite- 
treasure  of  the  public.  He  was  the  first  that  collected  English 
;  and  the  first  engravings  which  we  have  in  that  kind  of  anti* 
were  taken  from  originals  in  his  collection.  Ob.  6  May,  1631, 

GULIELMUS  BURTON,  de  Falde,  com.  Staff. 
47,  1622.    F.  Deleramo  sc.  4to. 

rULiELMUs  BuRTON,  de  Faldc;  4to.  W.  Richardson. 

William  Burton  was  author  of  the  '^  Description  of  Leicester- 
!,*^  a  book  still  in  great  esteem.  We  owe  much  to  this  eminent 
uary  for  his  own  merit ;  but  are  more  indebted  to  him  for  his 
eing  the  occasion  of  Sir  William  Dugdale*s  writing  his  excellent 
History  of  Warwickshire,"  which  he  undertook  upon  reading  this 
^ork.     Lambard's  "  Perambulation  of  Kent/*  Carew's  "  Survey  of 
Cornwall,"  and  Burton's  "  Description  of  Leicestershire,"  were  the 

*  His  licad  is  before  his  book,  printed  in  ful.  1623. 




first  histories  of  particular  districts  in  the.EngUsli  language.  Tli« 
high  price  that  hooks  of  this  kind  bear  sheirs  how  much  they  are 
esteemed*  The  catalogue  of  religious  houses  in  England,  with 
their  valuation,  &c.  in  Speed's  "  Chronicle,"  is  attributed  to  our 
author  Burton.*  He  presented  Leland*s  "  Collectanea,'*  and  his 
"  Itinerary/'  to  the  Bodleian  Library.  Ob.  1645,  JSt.  70.  Bishop 
Kennet  styles  him  the  best  topographer  since  Camden. 

SIR  WILLIAM  SEGAR,  alias  f  Garter,  prin- 
cipal  king  at  arms,  &c.  Delaram  9c.  Mo^  Sold  by  Tko- 
mas  Jenner,  8gc. 

Sir  William  Segar  was  author  of  "Honour  CivU  and  Military," 
fol.  1602.  He  was  imprisoned  in  this  reign,  for  granting  "the 
royal  arms  of  Arragon,  with  a  canton  of  Brabant,  to  George  Br?ui- 
doQ,  who  was  the  common  hangman;"  at  which  the  king  was 
highly  incensed.  But  it  appearing  that  he  was  imposed  upon  in 
this  affair,  he  was  presently  set  at  liberty.J  He  died  in  December, 
1633.  There  was  lately  published,  by  Joseph  Edmondson,  es(j. 
Mowbray  herald  extraordinary,  a  very  splendid  and  valuable  book, 
in  five  folios,  entitled,  "  Baronagium  Genealogicum,*'  which  contains 
the  genealogies  of  English  peers,  engraved  on  copper-plates.  It 
v«ras,  in  a  great  measure,  taken  from  a  manuscript  of  Sir  William 
Segar,  and  is  continued  to  the  present  time.  The  engravings  of 
the  arms  are  larger,  and  better  executed,  than  any  thing  of  this 
kind  that  has  hitherto  appeared  in  print. 

"  SIR  THOMAS  ROE,  ambassador  to  the  Great 
Mogul,  Grand  Signior,  Kings  of  Poland,  Sweden, 
and  Denmark,  the  Emperor,  and  Princes  of  Germany, 
at  Ratisbon ;  chancellor  of  the  Garter,  and  privy- 
coimsellor."  M,  M.  a  Delphp.  Fertuesc.  1741; 
In  the  possession  of  the  Honourable  Wills  HilL 

In  this  great  man,  the  accomplishments  of  the  scholfur,  the  gen- 
tleman, and  the  statesman,  were  eminently  united.     During  his 

♦  See  Spclman's  "  Concilia,"  torn.  i.  p.  215.  t  Sic  Grig. 

i  Sec  particulars  in  '*  Biog.  Brit."  Artie.  Camden,  note  (8.) 

J^iMiiitd Stf.'' iSei.  fy I^/tuAardrcnJariB^iittJ/.  S^totd . 

OF  ENGLAND.  149 

iieiideBce  IB  die  Mogul's  oonrt,*  he  sealoudy  promoted  the  trading: 
nterest  of  this  kingdom,  for  which  the  East  India  company  is  in- 
debted to  him  to  this  day.f  In  his  embassy  to  the  Grand  Signer, 
^  collected  many  valuable  Greek  and  oriental  manuscripts,  which 
be  presented  to  the  Bodleian  Library,  to  .which  he  left  his  valuable 
collection  of  coins.  The  fine  Alexandrian  MS.  of  the  Greek  Bible, 
which  Cyrill,  the  patriarch  of  Constantinople,  presented  to  Charles  I. 
was  procured  by  his  means.  This  was  afterward  published  by 
Dr.  Grabe.  His  speech  at  the  council-table,  against  debasing  the 
coiD,  in  the  reign  of  Charles,  gained  him  the  highest  reputation. 
His  curious  and  interesting  **  Negociations"  were  first  published 
by  the  Society  for  promoting  Learning,  1740,  fol.  Ob.  Nov.  1644. 

THOMAS  CORYATE,  riding  an  an  elephant; 
frontispiece  to  his  "  Letters  from  Asmere  ;"  Ato. 

There  is  a  small  head  of  him  by  William  Hole,  in  the 
title  to  his  *^  Crudities  /"  and,  at  page  263  of  this  book, 
is  a  whole  length,  by  the  same  engraver,  with  a  Venetian 
courtezan;  Ato. 

Thomas  Cory  ate,  JSt.  35 ;  small  oval.  W.  Rich- 

Tom  Coryate,  of  vain-glorious  memory,  was  a  man  of  a  remark- 

i    able  querity  of  aspect,^  and  of  as  singular  a  character.     He  had 
\    learning,  bat  he  wanted  judgment;  which  is  alone  equivalent  to 


*  This  monarch,  happy  in  his  pride  and  ignorance,  fancied  his  dominions  to  he 
the  greater  part  of  the  habitable  world.  But  what  was  his  mortification,  when  in 
If  ercator's  maps,  presented  him  by  Sir  Thomas  Roe,  he  found  that  he  possessed  but 
s  small  part  of  it!  He  was  so  chagrined  at  the  sight,  that  he  ordered  the  maps  to 
be  given  to  Sir  Thomas  again. 

t  _^_-«  Pnblic-hearted  Roe, 

Faithful,  sagacious,  active,  patient,  brave, 
Led  to  their  distant  clime8$  advent'rous  trade. 

Dyer's  "  Fleece,"  ii.  line  363,  &c. 

^  He  had  a  head  mishapen  like  that  of  Thersites  in  Homer  (^3c  inv  xs^MtX^y), 
bat  the  cone  stood  in  a  different  position ;  the  picked  part  being  before.  See  Fuller's 
•  Worthies,"  in  Soracnet,  p.  31. 

§  The  East  Indies. 
VOL.  II.  X 



di'lfce  oAer  finddcs  af  Ae  M^  -  He  tanidkd 

■CBdcd  It  Zmidb  He  aftcfwaid  tnctcilBd  ailD  oie 
tries;  and  feent  tobsitf  ben  at  kart  as  firagal  at  Beat  aad  dnik, 
ashe  was  in  shoes;  ashetdb  liismodierinaleltaraDber,1kiliB 
Us  toi  mondis*  tiaveb  between  Alefipo  and  Ae  Ifas"'''  ^^^  ^ 
spent  bat  tbree  pooads^  living  "reasonably  wdD*  for  aboottso- 
pcnoeaday.  HesoaicliniesTentnEedbislife,bjbiBiIl-tiHndaid 
fan  Christbnity;  bavmg,  on  several  orcarinns^  pabMj'  dedaied 
MahoBMt  to  be  an  impostor.  He  ddnrcred  an  oration  to  die  Mogul 
in  tbe  Persian  langnage,  and  qidkediatof  Indostanwidisadi'Tob- 
bilitj,  that  he  was  an  Ofermatdi  fiir  a  notoiioas  scold  in  heraiodia 
tongoe.*  He,  lilnoCber  ooiiGombs;died  widiontloiQwinghiiiitdf 
to  be  of  that  character,  m  1617.t  Coryate  as  ardently  wished  to 
walk  orer  the  worid,  as  Alexander  fid  to  orernm  it  wiA  his  snsiek 
The  most  cnrions  aoooont  of  him  extant  is  in  Terry's  **  Voyage  to 
IBast  India,'"  p.  58,  &c.  The  most  singdariy  remarkable  of  Uii 
books  is  entitled,  ^Ciiidities  hastily  gobbled  up  in  five  Months' Tia- 
▼ek,  in  France,  Savoy,  Italy,  Rhetia,  Helvetia,  some  Parts  of  Hi|^ 
Germany,  and  die  Netherlands."  Lond.  1611 ;  large  4to. .'  Bc^ 
this  book  are  about  sixty  copies  of  verses,  by  the  poets  of  thattime^ 
who  tickled  the  vanity  of  the  author,  while  they  made  a  jest  of  him. 
The  book  is  scarce,  and  sells  at  a  high  price.  It  was  r^rinted 
some  years  ago  in  3  vols.  8vo. 

FRANCESCO  BIONDI ;  a  head,  in  the  ''  Glork 
de  gli  Incogniti  de  Venetia  ;"  G.  Picini  so.  1647,  4to. 

This  gentleman,  who  was  bom  atLiesena,  an  island  of  Dalmatia, 
in  the  gulf  of  Venice,  was  introduced  by  Sir  Henry  Wotton,  the 
ambassador  there,  to  the  notice  of  King  James.  He  was,  by  that 
prince,  sent  with  secret  commissions  to  the  Duke  of  Savoy,  and  was 
afterward  made  a  gentleman  of  the  bed-chamber,  ami  received  the 
honour  of  knighthood.  His  elegant  "  History  of  Ihe  Civil  Wars 
betwixt  the  Houses  of  York  and  Lancaster,"  which  was  written  in 

•  Wood's  "  Atben.  Oxon."  vol.  i.  col.  424. 

t  "  Had  he  litred/'  says  Mr.  Aubrey,  "  to  return,  into  England,  his  travels  \aA 
been  most  estimable ;  for  though  be  was  not  a  wise  man,  he  wrote  faithfully  matter 
of  fact"    MS.  in  Museu  AshmoL 

OF  ENGLAND,  l&l 

Italian,  ami  translated  into  English  by  Henry  Gary,  earl  of  Mon- 
noath^  gained  him  great  reputation.  It  should  be  observed,  that, 
like  other  foreign  writers  of  our  English  story^  he  has  made  wild 
mdc  with  proper  names. 


^'  Though  hellish  spleen  and  rancour  of  this  age 
With  envies  hand,  draw  forth  in  furies  rage, 
Against  thy  front,  a  shaft  of  discontent, 
What  needs  thou  care?  thy  vertues  can  prevent; 
For  innocence,  by  wicked  tongues  opprest. 
In  Wisdome's  eye  is  ere  accounted  blest." 

Fr.  Delaram  sculp.  Ato.  extremely  rare, 

Darssi£,  &c.  a  facsimile  copy  of  the  above,  in  the 
Woodbum  Gallery. 

Abraham  Darssie  (or  Darcie),  was  the  translator  of  the  following 
scarce  book,  **  Ann  ales  the  true  and  Royall  History  of  the  famous 
Empresse  Elizabeth  Queene  of  England,  France,  and  Ireland,' &c. 
True  Faith's  Defendresse,  of  Divine  renowne,  and  happy  memory, 
wherein  all  such  memorable  things  as  happened  during  hir  blessed 
raigne,  with  such  acts  and  treaties  betwixt  hir  Ma**®  and  Scotland, 
Prance,  Spaine,  Italy,  Germany,  Poland,  Sweden,  Denmark, 
Russia,  and  the  Netherlands,  are  exactly  described.  Faithfully 
translated  out  of  the  French  by  Ab.  Darcie,  and  published  by  the 
King's  most  gratious  authority.  London,  printed  for  Benjamin 
Fisher,"  quarto ;  no  date. 

The  portrait  of  Darssie  occurs  on  the  last  leaf  of  the  book,  and  is 
10  very  scarce  that  it  has  been  sold  without  the  book  for  thirty-six 
loineas,  but  not  one  copy  in  a  hundred  can  be  found  which  con- 
tains the.  head. 

SAMSONUS  LENNARD,  tarn  Martis  quam 
Mercurii  Alumnus.  R.  V.  (Robert  Vaughan)sc.  He 
is  represented  in  armour.  Before  his  translation  of 

This  gentleman  was  cousin-german  of  Samson    Lennard,  of 
Chefening,  in  Kent,  who  married  Margaret,  baroness  Dacrc,  and 


idiffbmk  honoiinble  mention  is  Mide  by  CtmiitB;  in  hit^firt- 
im^!*    Ia  the  early  |Nurt  of  Ub  life  he  addicted  hinwlf  to  aflrma, 
aadwM  attechodto  the  gallaot  Sir FhUip  jSidaey, with  vfaem he 
went  into  the  Netherlands,*  and  was  with  Um  wfaeB.  hasBoeiied 
his  fatal  wound  at  the  battle  of  Zutphen.    He  afterward  made  hiiD-< 
self  known  as  a  man  of  letters,  and  was  patroni^d  |yy  som^of  the 
principal  persops  of  his  time,  particularly  by  Prince  Haury,  and 
William,  eail  of  Pembrokcf  He  published  sereral  translations  from 
the  Latm  and  French ;  namely,  Penin'ii  *'Hbtory  (rf  the  Wal- 
denses,^  Du  Plessis  Momay^s  **  History  of  the  PBff§cm^  and 
Charron  ^  on  Wudom.**    Re  was  of  some  note  as  a  topographer, 
and  of  considerable  eminence  as  a  herald,  haying  been,  in  the  latter 
part  of  his  life,  a  member  of  the  college  of  arms.     Some  of  his 
heraldical  compilations,  which  are  ju|fitly.  ea^teemod^t  ve  amdng^the 
manuscripts  in  the  British  Museum.    He  died  about  the  year  1630, 
aind  waa  buried  at  St.  Bennet's,  Paul's  Wharf.^tam  indeb^  for 
this  whole  article  to  the  Right  Honourable  the  Lord.  D^cre.  • 

I' Aad  DO  account  of  the  two  following  persons. 

6ULIBLMUS  BOWES,  anniger,  ^.69;  under- 
neath  are  eight  verses,  denoting  his  piety. 

JOHANNES  ROBINUS,  M.  58,  1608;  8m 
Under  the  head  are  some  bad  Latin  va^ses,  intimeUx^ 
his  great  knowledge  in  foreign  plofits. 


JOHANNES  FLORIUS,   Augustae  Ann«e  Angl 
Scot.  Franc.  &  Hib.  Reginae  Praelector  Ling.  Italica; 
M.  68,  1611.    G.  Holese.   Before  his  Italian  Didi- 
onan/j  entitled^  *'  Queen  Annds  new  World  of  Words,^  j^ 

John  FloriOk  who  descended  from  the  Florii  of  Sienna,  in  Tsf- 
cany,  was  born  in  England,  whither  his  parents  fled  from  the  perse- 


•  See  the  dedication  of  Perrin's  **  History  of  the  Waldensea.'* 

t  ^^oation  at  1)4  Ptessis  Moiiiay*8  •'  Hist."  ^^ 

t. "  QtkUlQgim  of  th«  Harhsias  MSS."  l^  dra  part  doiw  by  W)inVijr. 


OP  ENGLAND.  153 

don  in  the  Valtoline,  in  the  reign  of  Henry  VIII.  He  was  some 
le  a  member  of  the  university  of  Oxford^  where  he  taught  the 
dian  and  French  languages,  in  both  which,  soon  after  the  acces- 
»n  of  James  L  he  was  retained  as  tutor  to  Prince  Henry.  It  ap- 
ars  from  the  inscription  on  his  print,  that  he  taught  the  queen 
dian.  He  first  recommended  his  brother-in-law,  Daniel,  the  poet 
td  historian,  to  the  notice  and  favour  of  her  majesty.  See  m^re  of 
m  in  the  ''  AthewB  Oxonienses/^  where  is  a  detail  of  his  works ;  the 
ost  considerable  of  which  are  his  Italian  Dictionary,  and  his 
.Tuislation  of  Montaigne's  Essays."    Ob»  1625. 


LORD  NAPIER*  (or  Neper),  1620.  Delaramsc. 
ilculating  with  his  bones;  l2mo. 

Sir  John  Napier;  yb/.\R.  Cooper. 

Sir  John  Napier.  Brown  del,  small  oval;  Beugo, 
^om  an  original  in  the  possession  of  the  Earl  ofBuchan. 

He  was  the  celebrated  inventor  of  logarithms ;  by  which  a  great 
xiety  of  problems  in  arithmetic,  geometry,  and  astronomy^  are 
sily  solved;  but  are  otherwise  thought  inexplicable,  or  else 
nnot  be  explained  without  great  labour.  This  discovery  was  of 
ach  the  same  importance  to  the  learned  world,  as  that  of  the 
igitude  would  be  to  the  commercial.  This  great  genius  bewil- 
red  himself  in  a  comment  on  the  Apocalypse,  and  was  confident 
at  the  world  would  continue  precisely  ninety  years.f  In  this 
itance  only,  his  calculation  failed  him.     Ob.  1617,  ^t,  57.| 

*  His  son  was  the  first  peer  of  the  family.  See  "  Scottish  Compendium/'  p.  324. 
K  also  "  Cat.  of  Royal  and  Noble  Authors/'  vol.  ii.  p.  212,  second  edit. 

*  Hakewil's  "  Apology/'  p.  23,  second  edit. 

;  Lilly,  the  astrology,  ioibrros  us,  that  Briggs,  the  famous  mathematician,  went 
>  Scotland  on  purpose  to  visit  the  inventor  of  the  logarithms ;  and  that,  at  the 
xview  betwixt  these  great  men,  neither  of  them  could  speak  to  the  otiier  for  near 
jarter  of  an  hour. — Lilly's  **  Life,"  p.  105. 


WILLIAM  LITHGOW,  in  a  Turkish  dress,  wUh 
his  staff  in  his  hand;  whole  length;  cut  in  wood:  B 
represents  him,  as  he  informs  us,  at  p.  120,  t^the  octavo 
edition  of  his  ^^  Travels,'^  in  the  garb  in  which  he  walked 

thrmigh  Turkey. 


William  Litugow;  in  Caulfield's  ^^RemarhMe 
Persons  J*' 

William  Lithgow,  whose  sufferings  by  iiDprisonmeiit  and  torture 
at  Malaga^  and  whose  trarels,  on  foot,  over  Europe,  Asia,  and 
Africa,  seem  to  raise  him  almost  to  the  rank  of  a  martyr*  and  a 
hero,  published  an  account  of  his  peregrinations  and  adventure8.t 
Though  the  author  deals  much  in  the  marvellous,  the  horrid  ac- 
count of  the  strange  cruelties  of  which,  he  tells  us,  he  was  the  sab. 
ject,  havci  however,  an  air  of  truth.  Soon  after  his  arrival  m  Eng- 
land,  from  Malaga,  he  was  carried  to  Theobald's  on  a  feather  bed, 
that  King  James  might  be  an  «ye- witness  of  his  ^^mar^rred  ana- 
tomy ;"  by  which  he  means  hb  wretched  body,  mangled  and  re- 
duced to  a  skeleton. .  The  whole  court  crowded  to  see  him :  Us 
majesty  ordered  him  to  be  taken  care  of,  and  he  was  twice  sent  to 
Bath  at  his  expense.  By  the  king's  command  he  applied  to  Gon- 
damor,  the  Spanish  ambassador,  for  the  recovery  of  the  money  and 
ether  things  of  value  which  the  governor  of  Malaga  had  taken  frooi 
him,  and  for  a  thousand  pounds  for  his  support.  He  was  promised 
a  full  reparation  for  the  damage  he  had  sustained ;  but  the  peiif' 
dious  minister  never  performed  his  promise.  When  he  was  upfli 
the  point  of  leaving  England,  Lithgow  upbraided  him  with  lli'jl^ 
breach  of  his  word,  in  the  presence-chamber,  before  several  gead^ 
men  of  the  court.  This  occasioned  their  fighting  upon  the  ^Y^\  -d 
and  the  ambassador,  as  the  traveller  oddly  expresses  it,  had 
fistula:^  contrabanded  with  his  fist.  The  unfortunate  Lithgow, 
was  generally  commended  for  his  spirited  behaviour,  was  sent 
the  Marshalsea,  where  he  continued  a  prisoner  nine  months. 

*  He  suffered  as  a  spy  and  heretic,  having  been  condemned. by  the  inqoij 
t  The  first  edition  was  printed  in  1614>  4to.  and  reprinted  in  the  next  reign, 

additions,  and  a  dedication  to  Charles  I. 
X  Gondamorwas  afflicted  with  a  fistula,  which  occasioned  bis  using  a 

chair,  which  is  exhibited  in  one  of  his  prints.  > 



lie  conclufdoA  of  rthe  octavo  edition  of  his  '^  Travels/'  he  informs; 
s,  that,  in  his  three  voyages,  '*  his  painful  feet  have  traced  over 
resides  passages  of  seas  and  rivers)  thirty-six  thousand  and  odd  i 
liles,  which  draweth  near  to  twice  the  circumference  of  the:  whole 
arth/'  Here  the  marvellous  seems  to  rise  to  the  incredible,  and  to 
et  him,  in  point  of  veracity,  below  Coryat,  whom  it  is  nevertheless 
lertain  that  he  far  out-walked.  His  description  of  Ireland  is  whim- 
lical  and  curious.  This,  together  with  the  narrative  of  his  sufferings,- 
8  reprinted  in  Morgan's  **  PhosmjrBritahnicusJ*  His  book  is  very^ 


Dr.  SIMON  FORMAN,  astrologer ;  from  the  ori- 
ffnal  drawing  in  the  coll/ection  of  the  Right  Hon.  Lord 
Mmmtstuart.    Godfrey  sc:  Ato. 

Dr.  Simon  Form  an  ;  cofjpyfrom  the  above;  in  Caul- 
field's  "  Remarkable  Persons.^' 

Simon  Forman,  as  great  a  knave  as  ever  existed,  became  useful 
k  the  amorous  intrigues  of  the  lascivious  Countess  of  Essex ; 
ifterward  wife  of  Carr,  earl  of  Somerset,  and  was  one  of  the  agents 
QB|doyed  to  destroy  Sir  Thomas  Overbury  by  poison. 
.  The  best  account  of  this  pretended  philosopher  is  to  be  found  in 
4e  life  of  Lilly,  a  feDow-labourer  in  the  vineyard  of  knavery,  and  is 
•t follows: — "  When  my  mistress  died,  she  had  under  her  arm- 
^,  a  small  scarlet  bag  full  of  many  things,  which  one  that  was 
We  delivered  unto  me.  Thete  was  in  this  bag  several  sigils,  some 
1^  Jupiter  in  Trine,  others  of  the  nature  of  Venus,  some  of  iron,  and 
^  of  gold,  of  pure  angel-gold,  of  the  bigness  of  a  thirty-three 
llilling  piece  of  King  James's  coin  :  in  the  circumference  on  one 
de  was  engraven,  Vicet  Leo  de  trihu  Judae  Tetragrammaton ; 
ithin  the  middle  there  was  engraven  a  holy  lamb.  In  the  other 
i^umference  there  was  Amraphel ;  and  three'  in  the  middle, 
^nctus  PetruSy  Alpha  and  Omega, 

**  The  occasion  of  framing  this  sigil  was  thus:  her  former  has- 

i|id-travelling  into  Sussex,  happening  to  lodge  at  an  inn,  and  to 

in  a  chambei:'thereof;wherein,'notrmany  months  before,-  a  coun- 


tijghnerhadUB/aiidmtlieiiiglUciitliitoini  t^^  after  ^ 
B^lifi  lod^g  he  was  peq>etQeDf ,  and  for  many  ytean^  followed 
bjr  a  qarit,  wHuA  tocally  and  articalately  provoked  him  to  cut  his 
throat;'  he  waa  need  fineqaendy  to  say,  '  I  defy  thee,  I  defy  thee, 
I  defy  thee/ and  to  spk  at  the  S|Hrit.  Thuepirit  followed  him  many 
years,  he  not  nakbg  a&y  body  acqoainted  widi  it ;  at  last  he  grew 
melancholy  and  discontented,  whidi  being  carefolly  observed  fay  his 
wifr,  she  many  times  hearing  him  pronoonoe  *  I  defy  thee/  && 
die  desired  him  to  acquaint  her  with  the  canse  of  his  distemper,, 
which  he  then  did.  Away  she  went  to  Dr.  Simon  Forman,  wha 
lived  then  in  Lambeth,  and  acquaints  him  with  it ;  who  having 
firamed  this  sigil,  and  hanged  it  about  his  neck,  he  wearing  it  con- 
tinually until  he  died,  was  never  more  molested  by  the  spirit.  Isold 
the  sigil  for  thirty-two  shillings,  but  transcribed  the  words  verbatim 
as  I  have  related.  Sir,  you  shall  now  have  a  story  of  ibk  Simon 
Fortnan,  as  his  widow,  whom  I  well  knew,  related  it  unto  me.  Bot 
before  I  relate  his  dea&^  I  shal)  acquaint  you  scmieHungdrthe  man, 
as  I  have  gathered  them  from  some  manuscripts,  of  Us  own  writing, 
**  He  was  a  chandler's  son  in  the  city  of  Westminster,  and  tra- 
velled into  Holland  for  a  months  in  1580,  purposely  to  be  instraeted 
in  astrology,  and  other  more  occult  sciences ;  as  also  in  physic,  taking 
his  degree  of  doctor  beyond  seas.  Being  sufficiently  furnished  and 
instructed  with  what  he  desired,  he  returned  into  England  towards 
the  latter  end  of  the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  and  flourished  untii 
that  year  of  King  James,  wherein  the  Countess  of  Essex,  the  Bail 
of  Somerset,  and  Sir  Thomas  Overbury's  matters  were  questionedj 
He  lived  in  Lambeth  with  a  very  good  report  of  the  neighbourhood, 
especiaUy  of  the  poor,  uiito  whom  he  was  charitable.  He  was  apef« 
son  that  in  horary  questions  (especially  thefts),  was  very  judicious 
and  fortunate ;  so  iJso  in  sicknesses,  which  indeed  was  his  mfister^ 
piece.  In  resolving  questions  about  marriage  he  had  good  sue* 
cess ;  in  other  questions  very  moderate.  He  was  a  person  of  inde* 
fotigable  pains.  I  have  seen  sometimes  half  one  sheet  of  papef 
wrote  of  his  judgment  upon  one  question;  in  writing  where^lw 
used  much  tautology,  as  you  may  see  yourself  (most  excellent 
esquire)  if  3rou  read  a  great  book  of  Dr.  Flood's,  whidi  you  have^ 
who  had  all  that  book  from  the  manuscripts  of  Forman ;  for  I  halt 
seen  the  same,  word  for  word,  in  an  English  manuscript  formerly  be^ 
longing  to  Doctor  Willoughby,  of  Gloucestershire. — Had  Format 
lived  to  have  methodized  his  own  papers,  I  doubt  not  but  he  wooU 
have  advanced  the  Jatro-mathematical  part  there(tf  v^  completdf^ 

The  lUusirtour  i^Htdh  borne  Frtn 
ce  Kupert  Count PaI^Iizxp  of  y'Khe- 
-be  &   KnijlJ  aftheniofi noble  Orier 

otthiGtrHr  &General.ribe£bnei> 

tut  Am.    Km^  ClArUs     A  16AS 

^  ii    h^'^^A,a^Sr^J\rj/Jh^-i^_/^^   3'~.yjd' 

OF   ENGLAND.  167 

»  ■  .  .  .  .   .■     , 

for  he  was  very  observant,  and  kept  notes  of  the  success  of  his  judg- 
ments, as  in  many  of  his  figures  I  have  observed.  I  very  well  remem- 
ber to  have  read  in  one  of  his  manuscripts  what  followeth. 

''  *  Being  in  bed  one  morning/  says  he,  '  I  was  desirous  to  know 
whether  I  should  ever  be  a  lord,  earl,  or  knight,  &c,  whereupon  I 
set  ci  figure ;  and  thereupon  my  judgment :'  by  which  he  concluded,^ 
that  within  two  years'  time  he  should  be  a  lord  or  great  man  :  '  But,' 
says  he, '  before  the  two  years  were  expired,  the  doctors  put  me  in 
Ifewgate,  and  nothing  came.'  Not  long  after,  he  was  desirous  to 
know  the  same  things  concerning  his  honour  or  greatship.  Another 
fig;are  was  set,  and  that  promised  him  to  be  a  great  lord  within  one 
year.  But  he  sets  down,  that  in  that  year  he  had  no  preferment  at 
all;  only  <  I  became  acquainted  with  a  merchant's  wife,  by  whom  I 

got  well.'     There  is  another  figure  concerning  one  Sir Ayre, 

bis  going  into  Turkey,  whether  it  would  be  a  good  voyage  or  not : 
the  doctor  repeats  all  his  astrological  reasons,  and  musters  them 
together,  and  then  gave  bis  judgment  it  would  be  a  fortunate 
voyage.  But  under  this  figure,  he  concludes, '  this  proved  not  so, 
for  he  was  taken  prisoner  by  pirates  ere  he  arrived  in  Turkey,  and 
lost  all.'  He  set  several  questions  to  know  if  hfi  should  attain  the 
philosopher's  stone;  and  the  figures,  according  to  his  straining,  did 
seem  to  signify  as  much;  ftt^d  then  he  tugs  upon  the  aspects  and 
configurations,  and  elected  ^  fit  ihne  to  begin  his  operations ;  but 
by  and' by,  in  conclomii,  he  addfii^  'so  the  work  went  forward ;  but 
npon  a  of  b  the  setting  glMHH  ,broke«  ^A.  I  lost  all  my  pains.'  He 
sets  down  five  or  sue  jiidgp^ts^  \>9%  still  comp)ain3  all  came  to 
n6thing,  upon  the  malignfmtiailI^Ct%  of  ^  and^j^  ^  Although  som^ 
of  his  astrological  judgmeUti  did  fiSl,  more  particukrly  those  con- 
cerning himself,  he  being  no  1VAy.c<l{|ab)e  i^such  preferment  as  he 
ambitiously  desired;  yet  I  shall  repeat  some  other  of  his  judgments, 
^hidi  did  not  fail,  being  performed  by  conference  with  spdrits.-r- 
My  msstreiss  went  once  unto  him,  to  know  when  her  husband,  then 
b  Cumberland,  would  return,  he  having  promised  tq  be  at  honae 
near  the  time  of  the  question.  After  some  consideration,  he  told  her 
to  this  e£fect :  '  Margery,*  for  so  her  name  was,  '  thy  husband 
vill  not  be  at  home  these  eighteen  days ;  his  kindred  have  vexed 
Urn,  and  he  is  come  away  from  them  in  much  anger ;  he  is  now  in 
•Cttlide,  and  hath  but  duree-pence  in  his  purse.'  And  when  he 
came  home  he  confessed  all  to  be  true,  and  that  upon  leaving  hi? 
lu&dred  he  had  but  three-pence  in  his  purse. — I  shall  relate  one 

^  more,  and  then  his  death. 

VOL.  II,  Y 


'' One  Cdeman,  dcrk  to  Sir  ThcinM  BeMmont,  of  Lekeite^^ 
hmYiogbmd  some  liberallkroiin  both  from  lib  lady  and  her  dng^ 
ten,  bragged  of  h,  Ac.  The  kn^  bnMgiit  him  iato  the  Slar- 
chamber,  had  hit  terrant  aentcnced  to  be  pilloried,  whipped,  and 
afterward,  during  life,  to  be  imprisoned.  The  sentence  was  enj^ 
cnted  in  London,  and  jras  to  be  in  Leicestershiie :  two  keepen 
weie  to  convey  Coleman  from  the  Fleet  to  Ldoester.  My  miatren 
taking  consideration  of  Coleman,  and  the  miseries  be  was  to  suftr, 
went  presently  to  Forman,  and  acquainted  him  thefewith;  «1m^ 
after  consideration,  swore  Coleman  had  lain  both  with  modier  aid 
daughters ;  and  besides  said,  that  die  old  lady  being  afflicted  ^ 
fits  of  the  mother,  called  him  into  her  chamber  to  hold  dan. 
the  fits  with  his  hands;  and  that  he  holding  his  hands  abont 
the  breast,  she  cried,  *  Lower,  lower,'  and  put  his  hands  below 
her  belly ;  and  then  He  also  told  my 

mistress  in  what  posthre  he  lay  with  the  young  ladies,  Ac- and 
said,  'They  intend  in  Leicester  to  whip  him  to  death;  bat  I 
assure  thee,  Margery,  he  shall  never  come  there ;  yet  they  sc^  nff- 
ward  to-morrow,'  says  he ;  and  so  his  .two  keepers  did,  Cdenuffi'i 
legs  being  locked  with  an  iron  chain  under  the  horse's  belly.  la 
this  way  they  travelled  the  first  and  second  day :  on  the  third  day; 
the  two  keepers,  seeing  their  prisoner's  civility  the  two  preceding 
days,  did  not  lock  his  chain  under  the  horse's  belly  as  before,  bot 
locked  it  only  on  one  side.  In  this  posture  they  rode  some  raifes 
beyond  Northampton,  when,  on  a  sudden,  one  of  the  keepers  had  a 
necessity  to  untruss,  and  so  the  other  and  Coleman  stood  still;  by 
and  by  the  other  keeper  desired  Coleman  to  hold  his  horse,  for  he 
had  occasion  also.  Coleman  immediately  took  one  of  their  swords, 
and  ran  through  two  of  the  horses,  killing  them  stark  dead ;  gets 
upon  the  other,  with  one  of  their  swords :  '  Farewell,  gentlemen/ 
quoth  he, '  tell  my  master  I  have  no  mind  to  be  whipped  in  Leices- 
tershire,' and  80  went  his  way. — The  two  keepers  in  all  haste  went 
to  a  gentleman's  house  near  at  hand,  complaiqing  of  their  misfor- 
tune, and  desired  him  to  pursue  their  prisoner,  which  he  with  much 
civility  granted.:  but  ere  the  horses  could  be  got  ready,  the  mistress 
of  the  house  came  down,  and  inquiring  what  the  matter  was,  went 
to  the  stable,  and  commanded  the  horses  to  be  unsaddled,  .with 
this  sharp  speech — '  Let  the  Lady  Beaumont  and  her  daughters 
live  honestly ;  none  of  my  horses  shall  go  forth  upon  this  occasion*' 

*'  He  professed  to  hi$  wife  there  would  be  much  trouble  abqot 
Carr,  and  the  Countess  of  Essex,  who  frequently  resorted  unto  him, 

OF  ENGLAND.  159 

luid  from  whose  company  he  would  sometimes  lock  himself  in  his 
study  a  whole  day, — Now  we  come  to  his  death,  which  happened 
ftsfollows : — the  Sunday  night  before  he  died  j  his  wife  and  he  being 
at  supper  in  their  garden-house,  she  being  pleasant,  told  him,  that 
she  had  been  informed  he  could  resolve,  whether  man  or  wife 
slioold  die  first ;  *  Whether  shall  I,'  quoth  she,  *  bury  you  or  no?' 
*  Oh  Trunco,'  for  so  he  called  her,  *  thou  wilt  bury  me,  but  thou 
wilt  much  repent  it/ .  '  Yea,  but  how  long  first  V  *  I  shall  die,l 
said  he,  *  ere  Thursday  night/ — Monday  came^  all  was  well. 
Tuesday  came,  he  not  sick.  Wednesday  came,  and  still  he  was 
"Well ;  with  which  his  impertinent  wife  did  much  twit  him  in  the 
teeth,  Thursday  came,  and  dinner  was  ended,  he  very  well :  he 
went  down  to  the  water-side  and  took  a  pair  of  oars  to  go  to  some 
buildings  he  was  in  hand  with  in  Puddle  Dock.  Being  in  the  middle 
of  the  Thames,  he  presently  fell  down,  only  saying,  '  An  impost, 
an  impost,'  and  so  died.  A  most  sad  storm  of  wind  immediately 
following.  He  died  worth  one  thousand  two  hundred  pounds,  and 
left  only  one  son  called  Clement.  All  his  rarities,  secret  manu- 
scripts, of  what  quality  soever.  Dr.  Napper,  of  Lindford  in  Bucking- 
hamshire, had,  who  had  been  a  long  time  his  scholar;  and  of  whom 
Torman  was  used  to  say  he  would  be  a  dunce  :  yet  in  continuance 
of  tiine,  he  proved  a  singular  astrologer  and  physician.  His  son, 
Thomas  Napper,  esq.  most  generously  gave  these  manuscripts  to 
Bias  Ashmole,  esq.  and  they  are  still  preserved  in  the  Ashmolean 
Museum,  Oxford." 

Dr.  JOHN  LAMBE,  assaulted  by  a  mob  in  the 
'Street;  wood-cut;  scarce. 

Dr.  John  Lambe  ;  copied  from  the  above ;  J.  Ber- 
ry sc. 

Dr.  John  Lambe;  m  a  circle ;  dagger  in  his  hand. 

John  Lambe,  a  most  notorious  empiric,  commenced  his  career  as 
a  professor  of  physic,  caster  of  nativities,  and  teller  of  fortunes.  He 
^as  indicted  at  Worcester,  the  5th  of  King  James,  for  sorcery  and 
witchcraft,  practised  on  tlie  body  of  Thomas,  lord  Windsor,  of  which 
fce  was  found  guilty ;  but  the  judgment  was  stayed.  He  was  con- 
fined a  long  tinae  in  Worcester  Castle,  and  afterward  removed  to 


the  King's  Bench  prison  in  Surrey;  and  while  there,  was  a  secoikl 
time  indicted  for  a  rape  upon  the  person  of  a  girl  of  eleven  yefefk 
of.  age;  for  which  ofience  he  was  tried,  convicted,  and  teceiVed 
sentence  of  death.  He  made  friends,  however,  to  obtain  a  pardoo, 
and  was  afterward  protected  by  the  Duke  of  Buckingham ;  bat  he 
was  so  much  hated  by  the  common  people,  that  on  the  I3thrf 
June,  1628,  he  was  attacked  by  a  mob  in  the  streets,  and  beaten  in 
such  a  manner  that  he  died  the  following  day  in  the  Poultry 
Compter,  whither  he  was  taken  for  protection. 

ARTISTS,    &c. 


PETER  OLIVER;  seipsep.  T.  Chambars sc.  In 
the  ^^  Anecdotes  of  Painting  ;"  4to. 

Peter  Oliver  ;  an  anonymous  etching ;  small  h,  sh. 

There  is  a  portrait  of  him,  by  Hanneman,  at  Kensington. 

This  artist  was  equally  celebrated  for  history  and  portrait;  and 
comparable  in  the  latter  to  Isaac  Oliver,  his  father.  The  head  of 
his  own  wife,  in  the  collection  of  the  late  Dutchess-dowag^f  of 
Portland,  is  supposed  to  be  the  most  capital  of  his  works.  Oh.  arc. 
1664,  JEt,  60.  Isaac  Oliver,  the  glass-painter,  is  supposed  to  have 
been  the  son  of  Peter's  younger  brother  James. 

PAUL  VANSOMER.  T.  Chambars  sc.  In  the 
**  Anecdotes  of  Painting ;"  4to. 

Paul  Vansomer;  oval;  anonymous.  Simon  Pass  sc. 
Anno  1622 ;  scarce. 

Paul  Van  Somer,  an  artist  of  great  merit,  painted  the  fine  portrait 


)C  WiUiam^  earl  of  Pembroke,  at  St.  James's;  die  Lord-chancellor 
Bacon,  at  Gorhambury ;  and  the  Marquis  of  Hamilton,  yrith  the 
irhite  staff,  at  Hampton-court.  He  died  in  England,  the  5th  of 
hkL  W^y  and  was  buried  at  9t.  Martin V  in  the  Fields.^  •See  a  more 
particular  account  of  him  and  his  works  in  Mr.  Walpole's  **  Anec- 
dotes of  Painting." 

CORNELIUS  JANSEN  (vulgo  Johnson).  T. 
Chambers  sc.    In  the  "  Anecdotes  of  Painting ;"  4to. 

Cornelius  Jansen  ;  Ato.  C.  Jansen  p.  C.  Wau- 
mans  sc. 

Cornelius  Jansen,  a  Dutchman,  was  portrait-painter  to  the  king. 
He  affected  black  drapery,  to  add  to  the  force  of  the  face,  which 
was  generally  so  well  painted,  as  to  stand  in  no  need  of  artifice  to 
set  it  off.  There  is  a  stiffness  in  most  of  his  portraits,  which  w^s  not 
altogether  the  effect  of  the  dress  of  the  time.  His  fame  began  to 
decline  upon  the  arrival  of  Vandyck^  in  the  next  reign ;.  which 
occasioned  his  leaving  the  kingdom.  One  of  his  most  celebrated 
works  was  the  portrait  of  Lady  Bowyer,  of  the  family  of  Auciher,  in 
Kent,  called,  for  her  exquisite  beauty,  "  The  Star  in  the  East."* 
His  price  for  a  head  was  five  broad  pieces.     Ob,  1665. 


GEORGIUS  JAMESONE,  Scotus,  Abredonensis, 
patriae  suae  Apelles;  ejusque  iixot  Isabella  Tosh,  et 
fflius.  G.  Jameson  p.  A".  1623;  Ales'".,  pronepos.f. 
aqua  forti,  A.  D.  1728  ;  Ato.  There  is  a  copy  of  this 
hy  Bannermany  in  the  second  edition  of  the  ^^  Anecdotes 
rf  Painting.'' 

*  See  "  Anecdotes  of  Painting,"  vol.  ii.  p.  6.  second  edit.  Jansen  lived  some 
^  at  Bridge,  a  village  three  miles  from  Canterbury,  on  the  Dover  Eoad,  and 
painted  a  great  number  of  portraits  in  this  county.  The  family  seat  of  Ancber  is 
At  Biahopsbom,  the  parish  adjoining  to  that  of  Bridge.  Sir  Hewit  Aucher,  the  last 
Wnet,  died  about  fifty  years  ago. 


George  J amesoi/je,  holding  a'miniafUre.  T.  Trotter 
sc.  1795. 

George  Jamesoney  who  was  bom  at  Aberdeen  in  1586,  is  by  Mr. 
Walpole,  styled  "  The  Vandyck  of  Scotland."  He  was  a  fellow- 
disciple  with  that  great  master,  in  the  school  of  Rnbens  at  Ant- 
werp. There  are  many  of  his  works  in  his  own  country.  The  most 
considerable  collection  of  them  is  at  Taymouth,  the  seat  of  theEad 
of  Breadalbane.  He  painted  a  portrait  of  Charles  I.  from  the  life; 
and  another  of  Arthur  Johnson,  his  physician.  The  latter  is  in  the 
Newton  College  of  Aberdeen.*  Some  of  his  pictures  were  so 
masterly,  that  they  have  passed  for  Vandyck's.  Michael  Wright, 
who  did  the  portraits  of  many  of  the  judges  in  GuildhaH^  was  his 
disciple.     He  died  at  Edinburgh,  1644. 

FRANCOIS  QUESNEL,  &c.  ag6  de  73  Ans, 
1616.  Peint  par  luy-mjemt ;  gravi  par  Michel  LAsm. 
Under  the  oval  are  a  pallet  and  books  ; 

Francois  Quesnel,  who  descended  from  an  ancient  and  eminent 
family  in  Scotland,t  was  born  in  the  royal  palace  at  Edinburgh, 
where  his  father  had  an  employment  under  James  V.  and  afterward 
under  Mary  of  Lorraine,  the  queen  regent.  He  succeeded  Janet, 
as  principal  painter  to  Henry  III.  who,  with  his  whole  court,  es- 
teemed him  as  an  excellent  artist  and  a  worthy  man.  He  knew 
how  to  employ  his  pen  to  advantage,  as  well  as  his  pencil,  of  which 
his  *'  History  of  Paris,"  is  a  sufficient  proof.  He  also  published  the 
first  plan  of  that  city  in  twelve  sheets.  He  was  a  man  of  great  vir- 
tue, and  no  less  modesty ;  having  earnestly  declined  the  overtures 
of  the  chancellor  de  Chiverny  for  his  advancement,  and  refused  the 
order  of  St.  Michael  offered  him  by  Henry  IV.  His  portraits  have 
been  confounded  with  Janet's,  as  Janet's  have  with  those  of  Hans 
Holbein.     Oh.  1619. 

The  substance  of  this  article  is  in  French,  under  the  head.  ItwW 
originally  written  by  abbe  de  MaroUes. 

•  New-Towk,  i.e.  the  borough  of  Aberdeen;  it  is  properly  called  the  Marischal 
College,  from  its  founder. — Lord  Hailes. 

t  His  father,  a  Frenchraan,  settled  In  Scotland. — Lord  Orford. 

OF   ENGLAND.  168 

There  is  a  quarto  print  of  the  following  artist, 
nentioned  by  Baglione,  p.  186. 

"  CRISTOPHANO  RONCALLI,  Pittore,  atid6 
perlaGermania,  perlaFiandra,per  TOlanda,  per  I'ln- 
ghilterra,  per  la  Francia ;  e  finalmente,  carico  d'ho- 
nori,  e  di  74  anni,  fini  il  corso,  1626."  JMr.  Walpole 
knows  nothing  of  him. — He  died  at  Rome. 


NICHOLAS  STONE,  senior.  T.,Chambars  sc. 
Jn  the  same  plate  with  his  son,  of  whom  there  is  an  ac- 
count in  the  nest  reign.  The  print  is  in  the  ^*  Anecdotes 
of  Painting y 

Nicholas  Stone  was  the  most  noted  statuary  in  the  reign  of  James. 
Re  did  a  great  number  of  monuments,  of  which  the  most  consider- 
able was  in  memory  of  the  father,  mother,  brother,  and  sister,  of 
Lucy,  countess  of  Bedford,  for  which  she  paid  him  1020/.  He  was 
employed  as  master  mason  in  building  the  Banqueting-house  at 
M^bitehall.  He  built  the  gates  of  the  Physic-garden,  at  Oxford, 
)Aer  a  design  of  Inigo  Jones.  The  great  gate,  and  front  of  St. 
Mary*s  Church  in  that  university^  were  also  built  by  him.  Ob.  24 
Aug.  1647,  £t.  61. 


HENRICUS    HONDIUS.      H.  Hondius    deUn. 
^ra.  Bouttatsf.    Jean  Meyssens  excud.  Ato. 

Henry  Hondius,  in  his  time  esteemed  a  good  engrarer  and  de- 
signer, was,  according  to  Mr.  Walpole,  ^  ton  of  lodocus  Hoodjat ;'' 
>ut  this  circufDstance  is  not  mentioDed  in  the  short  account  of  him 
Inder  his  head.  He  is  there  said  to  have  been  bom  at  DuHel,  in 
Brabant,  and  to  hare  learned  his  art  from  John  W^ierx.  He  was  a 
ioosiderable  proficieot  in  geometry,  perspecttre,  and  foctificatioii,  as 
fell  as  engimviiif^.     He  is  said  to  hare  died  at  tbe  Hague.     See 


some  account  of  his  works  in  the  "  Catalogue  of  Engravers^*'  p.  36, 
of  the  second  edition. 

JODOCUS  HONDIUS.  J.  Hondius;  prefixed  to 
Mercator's  "  Atlas^'  1636 ;  foL 

Jodocus  Hondius,  son>  of  Oliver  de  Hont,  an  ingenious  artist  of 
Ghent,  where,  probably,  Jodocus  was  bom  in  1563,  and  where  he 
studied  mathematics,  and  the  Latin  and  Greek  tongue.  When  about 
twenty  years  old  he  came  to  England,  and  was  employed  in  making 
mathematical  instruments  and  types  for  printing,  and  in  engraving 
charts  and  maps.  His  celestial  and  terrestrial  globes  were  the 
largest  then  made,  and  were  much  commended.  He  engraved  por- 
traits of  Queen  Elizabeth,  Sir  Francis  Drake,  &c.  He  married  in 
London  in  1586,  and  removed  to  Amsterdcun,  where  he  died  in  1611, 
leaving  one  son  named  Henry.     See  Walpole*s  "  Engravers." 

HOEFNAGLE.    A.  Bannerman  sc,  4<o.     Copied 
from  a  set  of  heads  of  painters^  and  other  artists^  pub- 
lished bi/  Jamsonius,  1618,  and  engraved  bi/  H.Hondius^ 
£gc.    Several  of  the  heads  before  described^  are  copied' 
from  this  collection. 

Hoe  FN  AG  le;  in  Sandrart. 

George  Hoefnagle,  a  native  of  Antwerp,  engraved  a  great  number 
of  maps  for  Ortelius's  "  Theatrum  Orbis  Terrarum."  He  also  ei|- 
graved  a  map  of  Bristol,  and  a  view  of  Nonesuch,  a  famous  palace 
built  by  Henry  VIII.  the  latter  is  in  Braun's  or  Bruyn's  "  Civitates 
Orbis  Terrarum,'*  one  of  the  first  sets  of  perspective  views  ever 

•  Prints  of  this  kind,  wKich  are  of  great  use  in  studying  the  history  arid  topo- 
graphy of  our  own  country,  are  now  become  very  numerous.  I  shall  m^Htioft  sotue 
of  them,  and  shall  also  mention  a  few  others  that  may  he  useful  to  the  same  p<I^ 
pose;  and  shall  subjoin  a  method  of  disposing  them,  which  I  drew  tip  f(»r't6eB^ 
tangement  of  the  late  Dr^  Rawlinson's  ptints,  left  to  the  Bodleian  Librtfy.-  Speoi 
and  Moll  have  published  sets  of  maps  of  the  counties ;  and  Roque,  several-  lOifi 
and  plans.   Tbe  two  Bucks  have  engraved  our  principal  cities  and  townr,  aod  mtqy  * 

ruins  of  abbeys. t  Williams  has  done  a  set. of  views  of  Oxford,  and  Loggfn  views «f 

.. , . - 

t  Mr.  Grose's  Topo^apbical  Work,  with  elegant  Views  of  Remains  of  AfabeySi 
&e.  drawn  by  himself,  hat  gceat merit. ;  '    j 

OF   ENGLAND.  165 



JOHN  DAVIES,  of  Hereford ;  frontisp.  to  one  of 
Us  Copy  Books;  4to.  , 

JoHx  Davies;  4to.  i?i  a?z  oval.    W.  Richardson. 

John  Davies,  writing-master  to  Prince  Henry,  was,  during  his 
lifetime,  at  the  head  of  his  profession.  He  was  a  correct  writer 
of  the  Roman,  secretary,  court,  text,  and  mixed  hands ;  and  was 
much  admired  for  his  prodigious  quickness  in  writing  the  running 
hand.    He  also  wrote  in  so  small  a  character,  that  it  required  a 

both  onivenities.    Hollar,  King,  Cole,  Du  Bosc,  Vertue,  and  Harris,  have  engraved 

Buy  churches,  abbeys,  monuments,  and  cenotaphs.   Campbell  has  published  views 

<rf  our  nsoflt  considerable  buildings, — in  the   "  Vitruvius  Britannicus,"  in  three 

^umes ;  to  which  a  fourth  is  now  added.    Kip  has  engraved  two  volumes  of  gen- 

tiemen's  seats  ;  not  to  mention  many  others  in  the  histories  of  particular  counties. 

Sooker  has  engraved  views  of  Holkham,  and  Fourdrinier  of  Houghton  Hall.*    Se- 

"•wbI  of  the  like  kind  have  been  published  by  Smith,  who  drew  the  views  of  the 

Peik ;  and  some  good  views  have  been  done  by  Woollett. j;    Sir  Philip  Sidney's 

^uieral  procession  was  engraved  by  de  Bry ;  and  Ogilby  published  the  procession 

*t  the  coronation  of  Charles  the  Second.    Many  prints  of  this  kind  are  in  Sand- 

wrf's  books.    The  prints  of  antiquities,  engraved  at  the  expense  of  the  Society  of 

inliqaaries,  are  numerous;  as  are  also  those  of  natural  history.    The  method  is  as 

wUows.     Class  I.  General  maps  of  England,  which  are  to  be  followed  by  maps  of 

puticnlar  counties.    Class  II.  Under  each  county,  extensive  rural  prospects,  plans, 

>Bd  views,  of  cities  and  towns.     Class  III.  Public  buildings,  viz.  churches,  with 

dieir  respective  monuments  and  cenotaphs,  burses,  town-halls,  market-crosses,  &c. 

Class  IV.  Roins  of  abbeys,  gentlemen's  seats,  and  prospects  belonging  to  them. 

0»u  V.  Antiqmtles;  such  as  altars,  inscriptions,  tesselated  pavements,  &c.    Class 

VL  The  natural  productions  of  each  county.  To  these  may  be  added,  an  appendix 

0^con>natioBs,  cavalcades,  processions,  fireworks,  &c.    Adams's  *'  Index  Villaris" 

viU  be  of  g;reat  use  in  the  arrangement.    I  have  been  very  particular  in  this  note; 

is  the  BDthor  of  the  life  of  Hollar,  in  the  **  Biographia,"  appears  to  be  desirous  that 

NMDebody  wonid  lay  open  the  'Mong  concealed  channel  of  knowledge"  that  is  to  be 

lenved  Anom  prints.    See  more  on  this  subject,  in  the  reign  of  Charles  the  Second, 

Mtide  Etbltw.. 

*  Fourdrimer  and  Rooker  excel  in  engraving  architecture, 
t  See  a  detail  of  many  prints  of  this  kind  in  the  "  Anecdotes  of  British  Topo- 
l«phy,"  lately  published. 

.    VOL.  II.  * 



magnifying-glass  to  read  it.  Ok.  are.  1618.  He  was,  after  lib 
death,  esceeded  in  all  the  brandiee  of  his  art  lij  CMhing,  Ini 
acholar.  The  art  of  writiDg  was  little  cottinitBd  in  England,  befim 
the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  who  wrot^  a  good  hand;  ao  did  her  tutor, 
Roger  Aicham.  Her  father,  Henry  VIII.  wrote  a  wretched  aciivl^ 
not  unlike  that  which  is  called  *'  the  devil's  hand-wxitii^T  in  AiIh 
mole's  Moseum.  There  is  a  good  specimen  of  it  in  the  first  Tohnae 
of  Stevens's  Supplement  to  Dugdale's  Monasticon.  Dr.  Bonet, 
in  his  letter  from  Rome,  says,  that  he  knew  it,  when  he  saw  bii 
lore-letters  to  Anne  Bolen  in  the  Vatican  library.  It  is  indeed  ai; 
very  singular,  that  he  could  not  well  mistake  it,  if  he  had  eferieei 
it  before.  Lord  Burleigh  was  one  of  the  few  that  wrote  a  good  hni 
in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth.* 

MARTIN  BILLINGSLEY.  W.  Hole  tc.  Before 
his  Copy  Book,  1618. 

.   Martin  BiLLXNasLEY,^.27,1623;J'.Cr(N2d(iirii'«. 
4^.  7%u  is  a  copy  of  that  by  Hole. 

Billingsley  was  a  good  writing-master,  but  in  Some  respects  in- 
ferior to  Davies  and  Gething.  His  "  Copy  Book,"  and  his  "  Pen^s 
Perfection,"  were  reprinted  in  the  reign  of  Charles  XL ;  a  proof  of 
their  merit.     See  Clavel's  Catalogue,  folio,  p.  101, 


JOHN  BULL  ;    a  circle.     J,  CaUwall ;    in  Hanxh 
kirn's  *'  Hist,  of  Musick'' 

*  The  curious  reader  may  see  what  hands  were  written  by  the  great,  in  the  leiQi - 
of  Henry  VIII.  in  Dr.  Jortin's  two  volumes  of  the  "Life  of  Erasmus  j"  andiisi. 
what  were  written  in  a  subsequent  period,  in  Dr.  Forbes's  two  folios,  entitled,  *'Ay 
full  View  of  the  Public  Transactions  in  the  Reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth."  If  the, 
reader's  curiosity  carry  him  into  remote  ages,  he  may  see  150  specimens  on  coppe^ 
plates,  of  the  manner  of  writing  from  the  third  to  the  fifteenth  century,  subjoined  to 
Mr.  Caslcy's  "  Catalogue  of  the  Manuscripts  of  the  King's  Library,"  &c  In  the 
preface  are  some  curious  and  useful  observations. 

In  Madox's  **  Formulare  Anglicanum,  or  Collection  of  ancient  Charters,"  fol.  170S, 
are  specimens  of  the  engrossing  hands  from  William  I.  to  Edward  IV. ;  as  also  the 
great  seals. 

OF  ENGLAND.    .  167 

John  Bull,  Mus.  Doct.  Cantab.  Instaur.  Oxon, 
MDXCIL  from  an  original  'painting  in  the  Music 
School,  Oxford,  by  J.  W.  Childe.  Illman  sc.  In 
R.  Clarke's  '*  Account  of  the  National  Anthem  of 
God  save  the  King;''  8vo.  1822,  p.  12.  A  curious 

John  Bull,  born  in  Somersetshire,  about  1563,  was  educated  in 
music  under  Biltheman,  admitted  to  the  degree  of  bachelor  of 
anisie  in  the  university  of  Oxford,  and  six  years  afterward  to  that 
«f  doctor.  On  the  death  of  Biltheman,  in  1591,  he  received  the 
fippointment  of  organist  of  the  chapel ;  and  was  nominated  the  first 
professor  of  music  in  Gresham  College.  Some  of  the  lessons  in 
*' Partheniae,"  Dr.  Pepusch  preferred  to  the  productions  of  most  of 
the  composers  of  that  time.  Dr.  Burney  says, ''  there  is  nothing  in 
them  which  excites  rapture.  They  may  be  heard,  by  a  lover  of 
xnosic,  with  as  little  emotion  as  the  clapper  of  a  mill,  or  the  rum- 
llmg  Qf  a  post-chaise.  He  died  abroad,  but  the  time  of  his  death  is 
tmcertain.  See  ^''Musical  Biography,"  1814.  See  also  Mr.  Richard 
Clarke's  "Account  of  God  save  the  king,"  8vo.  1822. 

ORLANDO  GIBBONS  ;«  drc/e.  C.Grignionsc. 
Jn  Hawkins's  "  Hist,  of  Musick'' 

Orlando  Gibbons,  one^  of  the  most  celebrated  English  musicians 
t)f  his  time,  was  born  at  Cambridge  1583.  At  the  age  of  twenty- 
cne  he  was  appointed  organist  of  the  chapel  royal,  and  in  1622 
Stained  the  degree  of  doctor  of  music  in  the  university  of  Oxford. 
Be  composed  the  music  for  the  marriage  ceremony  of  King  Charles 
the  First  and  Henrietta  Maria  of  France,  and  went  to  Canterbury 
tot  the  purpose  of  attending  the  solemnity.  He  was  seized  with  the 
imall-pox,  and  died  there  1625.  A  monument,  with  a  fine  bust 
lif  him,  was  erected  in  the  cathedral  by  his  widow. 





'  TO   TUEIB   BANC,   &C. 

.  PRANCES,  dutcbess  of  Richmond  and  lenoi. 
0uil.  Passsus  sc.  1C23;  three  quarters;*  pr^uedti 
tbme  presentation  copies  of  Smith's  "  Hisl,  ofVirgim,". 
fyi.fol.  1624,  uihich  is  dedicated  to  her. 

Tbw  eeemi  to  hare  been  eDgrared  after  the  original  b;  Vaa 
BtNMr,  in  the  gallery  at  StrawlMiry-hill.  There  is  another  portnit 
or4«r  Kt  the  Earl  of  Stamford's,  at  Durham,  in  Cheshire. 

'  Frances,  dutchess  of  Kichmond,  &c.  in  coroBotiu 
robeg ;  with  a  coronet  on  her  head.  R.  Robinson  tnA. 

Frances,  dutchess  of  Richmond,  &c,  1623.  Ik- 
laram  sc.  Ato. 

Frances,  dutchess  of  Richmond,  &c.  a  state  canopy 
over  her  head.  Giiil.  Passtitis  sc.  1 625 ;  extreme^ 
tieat.     Same  as  the  first,  only  the  date  altered. 

Fnmcee,  daughter  to  Thomas,  lord  Howard,  of  Bindon,  sod  to 
Thomas,  duke  of  Norfolk.  She  was  first  married  to  one  Pmnndi 
a  vintner's  son  in  London,  who  was  possessed  of  a  good  estate. 
This  match  seems  to  \iv/e  been  the  effect  of  youthful  passion.  Upon 
the  decease  of  Prannel.f  who  lived  but  a  short  time  after  his 

*  JliTie  qaartcrt,  applied  lo  s  head  only,  !:>  a  common  phrase  among  pi 
for  ■  picture  on  three  quacters  of  a  yard  of  cansHss.  So  they  loniclinies 
picture  a  half  lr;uglh  sine,  when  the  meaiure  of  the  canissa,  3  feel  4,  h; 
S  inches,  ia  only  meant. 

tHedied  inDeeembtr,  1599,  »nd  is  bnried  in  Barkway  church,  in  Herlfoidihin. 

OF   ENGLAND.  160 

tiage,  she  was  courted  by  Sir  George  Rodney,  a  west-country  gen- 
tleman, to  whose  addresses  she  seemed  to  listen ;  but  soon  deserted 
Bim,  and  was  married  to  Edward,  earl  of  Hertford.  Upon  this 
marriage,  Sir  George  wrote  her  a  tender  copy  of  verses  in  his  own 
blood,  and  presently  after  ran  himself  upon  his  sword.  Her  third 
husband  was  Lodowick,  duke  of  Richmond  and  Lenox,  who  left 
ber  a  very  amiable  widow.*  The  aims  of  great  beauties,  like  those 
of  conquerors,  are  boundless.  Upon  the  death  of  the  duke,  she 
aspired  to  the  king,  but  died  in  her  state  of  widowhood.  Her  vanity 
was  even  greater  than  her  beauty.  She  affected  much  state  in  her 
boQsehold,  and  was  a  great  pretender  to  generosity.  Wilson  says, 
that  she  caused  a  sham-inventory  of  presents  of  plate  to  the  Queen 
of  Bohemia  to  be  handed  about,  which  she  never  sent.  See 
Wilson's  Life  of  James  L  page  258  ;  and  Kennet,  vol.  ii.  p.  777,  et 

CATHARINE,  marchioness  (and  afterward 
dutchess)  of  Buckingham  ;  a  feather  in  her  hand; 
Magd.  Passe  sc.  within  a  border  on  a  separate  plate ; 
very  scarce. 

There  is  another  neat  and  rare  print  of  her,  by  De- 
laram,  large  octavo  ;  sir  verses. 

There  is  a  head  of  her  painted  on  board,  at  Belvoir  Castle,  in 
Lincolnshire,  t 

Catharine,  marchioness  of  Buckingham,  was  the  only  daughter 
and  heir  of  Francis,  lord  Roos,  of  Hamlake,  afterward  earl  of  Rut- 
land. The  Earl  of  Clarendon,  who  personally  knew  her,  speaks 
of  her  as  a  lady  of  great  wit  and  spirit.^  She  was,  after  the  murder 
of  the  duke  her  husband,  in  the  next  reign,  married  to  Randolph 
M[acdonnel,  earl  of  Antrim. 

MARGARET,  countess  of  Cumberland.  Bocquetsc. 
In  "  Noble  Author s,'''  by  Park,  1806. 

•  There  is  a  portrait  of  her  at  Longleate  in  her  weeds,  with  the  duke's  pictore  at 
ler  breast. 
t  Canden,  and  others,  have,  by  mistake,  placed  this  castle  in  Leicestershire. 
X  ClarendoDrVoI.  ii.  p.  617  ;  octavo. 


Margaret,  countess  of  Cumberiand.  CtddwaU  tc. 
In  Mr.  Pennant's  "  Chester,"  Ato. 

Margarbt,  countess  of  Cumberland ;  with  her  au- 
tograph. J.  Thane  exc. 

Margaret  RusteU,  yoimgett  daughter  of  Francis,  earl  of  Bedford, 
and  wHe  to  George  CliiK)rd,  earl  of  Cumberland.  Mr.  Pennant 
obierrea,  that  Lady  Margaret  was  happier  m  the  filial  aflfections  (tf 
her  danghter,  than  in  the  conjugal  tenderness  ofher  husband ;  who, 
taken  nfi  with  'militarjr  glory*  And  the  pomp  of  tilts  and  tonma- 
nents,  paid  little  attention  to  domestic  duties.  In  her  diary, 
which  is  preserred  in  manuscript,  we^find  she  suffered  even  to  po- 
Terty,-  and  complains  of  her  ill  usage  in.  a  most  suppliant  and  pa- 
thetic manner.  But  her  lord  felt  heavy  compunction  on  his  death- 
bed. She  died  1616.  See  Pennant's  <'  Chester,''  and  Park's  '<  NoUe 

ELISABETH,  lady  Cavendish,  widow  of  Sir 
William  Cavendish,  and  countess  of  Shrewsbury. 
C.  Johnson  p.  Vertue  sc.  h.  sh. — Her  portrait  is  at 

Elizabeth,  countess  of  Shrewsbury ;  with  auto- 
graph.   J.  Thane. 

This  lady,  who  was  much  celebrated  for  her  beauty  and  accom- 
plishments, and  still  more  for  her  extraordinary  fortune  in  the  world^ 
was  daughter  of  John  Hardwick,  esq.  of  the  county  of  Derby.  At 
the  age  of  fourteen,  she  was  married  to  Robert  Barley,  esq.  who^ 
in  about  two  years,  left  her  a  very  rich  widow.  Her  next  husband 
was  Sir  William  Cavendish,  ancestor  of  the  Dukes  of  Devonshire ; 
and  Newcastle.  Her  third  was  William  St.  Lowe,  captain  of  the  I 
guard  to  Queen  Elizabeth ;  and  her  fourth,  George  Talbot,  earl  of] 
Shrewsbury.  She  built  Chatsworth,  Hard  wick,  and  01dcote8,i 
three  magnificent  seats  in  Derbyshire.  Mary,  queen  of  Scots,  was 
long  under  her  care  at  Chatsworth.  She  took  it  into  her  head  to 
be  jealous  of  that  unfortunate  princess ;  an  unlucky  circumstance 
for  the  royal  captive.  Ob.  13  Feb.  1607.  She  was  commonly  callel 
by  the  name  of  Bess  of  Hardwick. 

OF   ENGLAND.  171 

e  Countess  oiF  HERTFORD.  F.  Delaram  sc. 
rix  English  verses. 

Vertue,  combined  with  beauties  comlie  feature, 

Is  of  so  rare  and  admirable  worthe ; 
That,  though  it  be  but  in  a  mortal  creature, 

It  setts  the  glorie  of  the  maker  forthe. 
Thie  shadow,  then,  this  artist  here  hath  shewne ; 

Thie  substance  to  the  world  can  ne're  be  known/' 


3  is,  probably,  the  countess  who  was  afterward  married  to  the 
of  Lenox ;  sed  queere  ?  It  may  be  seen  by  comparing  the 
.  There  is  an  account  of  her  at  the  beginning  of  this  Class* 
may  be  the  portrait  of  the  Lady  Catharine  Grey,  mother  of 
nn,  marquis  of  Hertford.* 

UCIA  HARIN  (Harrington),  com.  Bedfordiae. 
^asscRus  sc. 

uciA:  Haein,  com.  Bedfordiae.    Richardson. 

iJCY  Harrington,  countess  of  Bedford.  S.  Free- 
sc,  1818;  from  the  original  of  Gerard  Honthorsty 
e  collection  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Bedford. 

r  portrait,  by  Gerard  Honthorst,  is  at  "Wobum. 
;y,  sister  and  coheir  ^of  John,  the  second  lord  Harrington, 
ife  of  Edward,  earl  of  Bedford ;  a  woman  of  uncommon  taste 
)irit ;  but  vain,  generous,  and  bountiful  to  excess.  She  was 
t  patroness  of  poets,  particularly  of  Donne,  Jonson,  Drayton, 
aniel,  who  frequently  experienced  her  munificence.  Drayton 
icular  says,  that  "  she  rained  upon  him  her  sweet  showers  of 
't  for  which  they,  in  return,  were  as  lavish  of  their  incense.! 
pon  a  moderate  calculation,  paid  them  as  much  for  their  pa- 

>re  is  a  portrait  of  this  lady  at  Warwick  Castle ;  with  the  marquis,  when  a 
.  her  arms.    "  It  is  certainly  Frances,  afterward  dutchess  of  Lenox.** — 


I  sonnet  inscribed  to  Lucy,  countess  of  Bedford. 

their  poems  and  dedications.  Ben  Jonson's  seventy-sixth  epigram  is  in 
'  her  ;  and  his  eighty-fourth  and  ninety-fourth,  are  addressed  to  her.  It  is 
,  that  Owen  also  found  his  account  in  remembering  her. 


nsgyric  M  Oetarift  did  IHigU  fiir  hit  en^mmioa^  She 

qpent  a  great  port  of  the  earl  her  husband's  fertmiey  imd  her  own 
ahyng  with  it    Sir  Thomas  Roe  has  addressed,  a  letter  to  her,  ss 

one  sldUed  in  aiicieat  nadals ;  sod  she  if  c^^mM  |)f  ^ 
Temple,  ibr  progectingy^themostpeffeclfigimof  aj^ud^ 

efersaw.*^    Shedied  withoirtissuethe3dof  May,  ]L627« 

FBANCES,  countess  of  Somerset.  S.  Pa.  (Pom- 
St/Mi  ic,  4to.  Hair  very  rounds  and  curled  Uhe  a  wig. 
4  Citjpy  of  the  same. — See  R.  Car,  eadcS  Somerset^ 
.C%is  11*    Her  portrait  is  at  Bulstrode ;  and  another 

Hie  Gallery  at  Windsor. 

Faances  Howard,  countess  of  Somerset;  in  a 
h0  imd feather  ;  4to. 

'     Frances  Howard,  &c.  in  theprint  with  her  husband. 

Frances  Howard,  &c.  in  an  oval.   W.  JRichardstm. 

Frances  Howard,  &c.  in  a  circle.  J.  Oliver  pinx. 
S.  Harding,  1802. 

Frances  Howard,  &c.  Thane. 

There  is  a  curious  satirical  print y  with  the  Countess 
standings  holding  a  feather  fan;  with  a  Dr.  Panurgus, 
probably  Dr.  Formany  M.  D.  (roeshout)  ;  rare. 

Frances  Howard,  &c.  in  a  square  4to.  James 
Stow  sc.  From  the  original  at  Woburn. 

Frances,  eldest  daughter  of  Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Suffolki 
and  wife  of  Robert  Devereux,  earl  of  Essex,  was  one  of  the  com- 
pletest  beauties  of  her  time.  Wilson,  who  detested  her  character^ 
could  not  help  doing  justice  to  her  person ;  by  owning  that  "  she 

*  See  his  **  Essay  on  the  Gardens  of  Epicoius."    This  gaiden  waa  al  Mooie 
Parky  in  Hertfordshire,  near  Rickmaosworth. 

^J^  Mt^jinl/Eaicf    erf  tficulaccy  Uranca 

I     P*^ 

M^kAAioc  iyWRukaiikm.  Y.rli  H™«  NW  S«»l. 

OF  ENGLAND.  173 

■d  a  Bveei  and  bewitcHin^  countenance."  Nature  had  not  been 
>  fkrourabie  to  the  Earl  of  Eases  :  his  features  were  harsh,  and  hu 
OtaAer- ungmcious.  PrepoBiesBed  with  a  violent  paasion  for. the 
(iMxnint  Rochester,  she  conceived  an  invincible  dislike  to  her  hus-- 
IKsdi'aiid  was  said  to'have' given  him  drugs;*  the  operation  of 
^adi  vna  quite  the  reverse  of  tliat  of  philtres.  In  short,  she  sued' 
a,-  and  obtnned,  a  divorce.  King  James  deeply  interested  huu- 
■If  in  the  tnal,  and  adopted  upon  this  occaaion  the  lidicolons  dis.< 
finction  of  the  .-earl's  being  "  impatens  versus  hanc ;"  upon',  which  it 
«U  obiW^^'that  "  his  case  was  exactly  parallel  to  that  of  a  man 
wboaMliiMiafih  could  digest  every  thing  but  B^hot  mutton."  Ob. 

r-     ' 

MARV  DARCY,  countess  Rivers  ;  from  the  ori- 
Uirto/  ut  llengravc.  R.  Cooper  sc.  Ato.  In  Gage's 
V  Sliitor^  and  Antiquities  of  Heiigrave,  in  Suffolk." 

r  I^  lady,  who  was  the  second  daughter,  and  at  length  sole 
|}'9^  pf  Sir  Thomas  KyUon,  of  Hengrave,  in  Sufiblkt  married,  in 
lifiSSj'^omas,  lordDarcy,  of  Chich,  viscount  Colchester, and. eail  . 
InifGts:  of  the  marriage,  which  did  Dot  prove  happy,  there  was  issue, 
voDfi  am  and  four  daughters.  Groundless  suspicions,  aad  peevish 
M^lttiyiJn  the  earl,  led  to  differences,  which  no  interference  of 
mieiuCi.  could  vei^oncile;  and  in  1594  the  parties  separated  by 
gbutnE^  consent,  never  again  to  come  together,  though  both  lived 
fin  ueaity'half  a  century  after  this  unfortunate  event.  Whatever 
\^  the  earl's  faults,  the  proud  spirit  of  the  countess  did  not 
Mcape  the  lieen  reproaches  of  Sir  Thomas  Corowallis,  who,  in  a 
letter  to  Lady  Kytson,  on  the  6th  of  September,  just  after  the  sepa- 
.tation,  laments  Lady  Barcy's  obstiuacy,  in  remaining  in  the  neigh- 
Morhood  of  St.  Osyth,  contrary  to  the  wishes  of  her  parents  :  he 
-nils  hei,  "  your  stubborn  and  ungreeting  daughter."  Her  portrait. 
Minted  in  1617,  affords  a  strong  presumption  of  the  correctness  of 
Aecharacter  g^ven  her.  With  an  air  of  haughty  independence,  the 
c(nntess,her  right  arm  a-kimbo,  holds  In  her  left  hand  a  paper,  per- 
lups  the  deed  of  separation,  on  which  are  written  the  words,  "  Yf 
Mt  I  care  not."     The  attitude,  the  manner,  and  the  language  ex- 

*  Tbege  ihe  had  of  Dr.  Fomun,  Ka  iitrologer. 
I™!:."  Tli'a  I  m>de  the  devil  write  with  liis  own  li 
io.   S«e  Ullj'i  Life. 


pressed,  conpW  with  the  blazoning  of  the  lady's  armorial-beaiiB|» 
fdwvehcr  head,  without  the  impalement  of  Darcy,  all  point  to  thi 
scparalino  of  her  lord  tad  herself;  and  indicate,  to  the  fullest  «• 
tent,  the  pride  of  her  own  feelings,  as  well  as  perfect  indifference, 
whether  the  earl  and  her»elf  were  ever  again  to  be  united.  Thm 
it  also  a  miniature  of  Lady  Rivers,  painted  when  she  was  at  a  wj 
advanced  age,  having  on  a  brass  plate  which  encloses  il,  an  in- 
scription borrowed  from  the  book  of  Job,  shewing  that  age  had  not 
Bonened  her  resentment  for  real  or  imputed  injuries :  "  Insurrexe- 
runt  in  me  testes  iniqui,  et  mentitu  est  iniquitas  sibi." 
■  The  earl  died  in  London  ou  the  aist  of  Febniary,  1639,  leHin^ 
the  countess,  at  kngth.  mistress  of  her  paternal  estate,  Durios 
her  ownership,  Hengrave  was  plundered  by  the  parliamenlarisMi 
of  all  the  arms  and  ammunition  found  there.  The  remains  of  Udj 
Rivers,  who  died  in  1644,  were  deposited  in  a  vault  in  TrioilJ 
churchyard,  Colchester.  Morant  notices  that  a  pyramid  placed 
over  her  grxve  bad  been  demolished. 

PRANCES,  countess  of  Kssex  i  from  an  original 
picture  in  the  collection  at  Sirmvberry-hiU.  H.  R.  Cook 
sc,  ilo. 

The  personal  and  mental  attractions  of  this  distinguished  My, 
who  was  the  only  daughter  and  heiress  of  that  eminent  BtatesmMi 
Bir  Francis  Walsingham,  were  the  means  of  her  engaging  in  lUC- 
cession  the  love  of  three  of  the  most  illustrious  persons  of  heragsi 
viz.  Sir  Philip  Sydney  ;  Robert  Devereux,  earl  of  Easel ;  Mo 
Richard  Burgh,  earl  of  Clanrikard.  Sir  Philip,  who  was  bom  id 
the  year  1554,  was  mortally  wounded  at  the  bottle  of  ZutpKen,  in 
1586  ;  and  dying  within  a  month,  left  his  sorrowing  relict  with  an 
only  daughter,  named  Eliiabetb,  who  was  afterward  married  w 
.■Roger,  earl  of  Rutland. 

Speaking  of  the  second  match  of  this  lady,  Camden  says,  thatthe 
Earl  of  Esses,  the  great  favourite  of  Elizabeth,  married  her  "^th- 
.out  acquainting  the  queen  therewith,  who  was  tlierefore  offended 
"at  it  i  as  if  by  this  affiuity  be  had  disparaged  the  dignity  of  the 
^ouse  of  Essex."  The  grand  cause  of  the  queen's  anger,  however, 
-  was  undoitbUdly  her  jealousy,  as  she  wished  to  have  no  competitet 
>in^K  sffectionti  of  the  earl,  and  eves  when  she  had  sent  him  tq  the 
icB&ld,  cherished  his  memory  with  so  much  teAderness  that  bee 

9  accelerated  her  own  dead).  Th^  ^arl  was  behft^d  in 
ary,  1601 ;  and  shortly  afterward,  C^li^betb,  apparently  ^om- 
8iting  the  distress  of  the  coUntess  and  her  orphan  family,^ 
sd  to  her  the  fee  of  the  extensive  district  called  Sovthfrith^  in 
iwy  of  Tunbridge»  in  Kent.  By  the  eait  she  had  onA  ion, 
rt,  afterward  the  famous  parliamentary  general,  and  two 
it^rs^  Frances  and  I>prpthy ;  who  were  restored  Hi  blQod«and 
ir  by  James  I,  > 

e  Earl  of  Clanrickard,  the  countess's  third  husband,  is  dr- 
d  as  *'  a  very  handsome  gallant  young  nobleman ;  and  so  very 
he  Earl  of  Essex,  that  the  queen  is  said  4o  haVe  siade  same 
laes  to  him,  though  jthen  far  ^ux^q^A  in  year9«  which  be  j^e-^ 
1."  This  nobleman,  having  in  right  of  his  wife  become  pos- 
r  of  Southfrith,  erected  there  the  (now  venerable)  A^n^bn 
I  Somerhill,  where  he  died  in  November,  1636 ;  leaving  one 
(/lick,  m^io  was  erfafe4  H^ar^is  pf  Clanrickaird  1iy4Dh«ffl^8  I. 
Lford,  in  1<64$;  aod  a  daughter  named  Houorai  wJhofi^am^^ 
Pawlet^  jnarquis  of  Wincjiester, 

[ARY  HERBERT,  countess  of  Pembroke  ;/r<wp 
original  miniature  in  the  collection  at  Strawberry- 
J.  Tuck  sc.  Qvo. 


iry  Talbot,  wife  of  William  Herbert,  earl  of  Pembroke,  was  4he 
t  of  the  three  daughters  of  Gilbert,  earl  of  Shrewsbury,  by  Mary 
Duntess,  daughter  of  Sir  William  Cavendish  of  Cbatswprth, 
aarriage,  which  appears  to  have  excited  considerable  interest 
3  court  of  James  I.  having  been  the  subject  of  long  negotia- 
was  solemnized  with  great  pomp  at  Sheffield,  in  November^ 
Upon  the  death  of  the  earl  her  father,  without  male  issue,  in 
,  this  lady  and  her  sisters,  Elizabeth^  wife  of  ,Henry^  earl  of 
,  and  Aletheia,  married  to  Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel^  inherited 
ceatest  part  of  the  ample  possessions  of  the  family  of  Talbot ; 
I,  however,  by  the  decease  pf  the  Countesses  of  Pembroke 
ECent  yrithout  issue,  ultimately  devolved  to  the  heirs  of  the 
tess  of  Arundel,  now  represented  by  his  Grace  the  J)uke  ^ 
)1L  ' 

:e  Lodgcji  ^Mnus^aUtMis  of  BfjtUli  J^'wlpry/'  vol.  iil.  p;  3^f  220.  224,  &c. 


LADY  ANNE  CLIFFORD,  ^Ef.  13, 1603. 22;  White 
sc.  h.  sh.  very  scarce. 

Lady  Anne  Cliffoud  ;  in  an  oval.  W.  Bichardfon..  i 

■  ".  -i 

■  ■-  -3 

Anne  Clifford,  countess  of  Pembroke,  JSf.  81  r'  1 
4 to.  Mazel ;  in  PemmnCs  **  Scotland*' 

Anne,  countess  of  Dorset  and  Pem)>roke ;  Jn 
"  Noble  Authors,'^  by  Park;  after  theoriginalatKnowle.  \ 

Another 9  by  Harding. 

'  Anne  Clifford,  countess  of  Dorset;  Pembroke, 
aiid  Montgomery.  E.  Scriven  sc. '  From  the  wiginal  of 
Mytens^  in  the  possession  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of 
Dorset f  in  Mr.  Lodges  "  Portraits  of  Illustrious 

There  is  a  whole  length  picture  of  her  at  Appleby  Castle,  in  Cum- 
berland; in  which  is  a  small  portrait  of  Daniel,  her  tutor.  Mr. 
Walpole  has  another  painting  of  her. 

Lady  Anne  Clifford  was  daughter  and  heiress  of  George  Clifford, 
earl  of  Cumberland,  the  famous  adventurer,  whose  spirit  she  in- 
herited. She  was  first  married  to  Richard  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset, 
a  man  of  merit,  whose  memory  was  ever  dear  to  her,  and  whose  life 
she  has  written.  Her  second  husband  was  Philip,  earl  of  Pem- 
broke, a  man  in  every  respect  unworthy  of  her,  from  whom  she  was 
soon  parted.  She  was  long  regarded  as  a  queen  in  the  North ;  and 
her  foundations  and  benefactions  seem  to  argue  a  revenue  little  less 
than  royal.  She  founded  two  hospitals,  and  repaired,  or  built, -seven 
churches,  and  six  castles  ;  that  of  Pendragon*  still  retains  a  magni- 
ficence suitable  to  the  dignity  of  its  ancient  inhabitant.  Her 
spirited  letter  to  Sir  Joseph  Williamson,  in  the  "  Royal  and 
Noble  Author6,"t  contains  but  three  lines ;  but  they  are  master- 


•  In  Westmoreland. 

t  It  is  also  printed  in  '*  The  World,"  vol.  i.  No.  14. 


{^rorr/r  Orf<'^  c/    t.>//m/t-r//7^(/ .  ,-/av  / 

KilJ;.WlM-^V'R,rU-l5«u  C.«*L  Strt 

^  OF  ENGLAND.  177 

%rokes,  and  strongly  expressive  of  her  character.     Ob.  22  March, 

y  ^  LADY  LUCY  PERCY; /r(Wi  a  miniature  by  Isaac 
^"Oliver y  at  Strawberry-hilL    A.  Birrell  sc.  4to. 

r  This  lady  was  second  daughter  of  Thomas  Percy,  the  seventh 
i  eail  of  Northumberland ;  the  unfortunate  nobleman  who  was  en- 
^gaged  in  the  northern  insurrection,  and  being  attainted  of  high- 
IjbeasoD,  was  beheaded,  August  22,  1572.  Her  mother  was  Lady 
[  jbaej  third  daughter  of  Henry  Somerset,  third  earl  of  Worcester. 
■  lady  Lucy  Percy  having  had  an  only  brother  who  died  young  in 
1560,  became  a  coheir  to  her  father,  so  far  as  the  operation  of  the 
;  attainder  would  permit. 

She  was  married  to  Sir  Edward  Stanley,  knight  of  the  Bath,  of 
Tonge  Castle,  in  Shropshire,  and  of  Einsham,  in  Oxfordshire ;  who 
,va8  son  and  heir  of  Sir  Thomas  Stanley,  of  Winwick,  in  Lanca- 
ihire,  knight,  who  died  18th  Dec.  1576,  and  was  the  second  son 
'of  Edward  Stanley,  third  earl  of  Derby.     Sir  Edward  Stanley, 


*  *  So  ffttX  an  original  as  Anne  Clifford  well  deserves  to  be  minutely  traced. 

Bdiop  Rainbow,  in  his  sermon  at  her  funeral,  is  very  circumstantial  as  to  her  clia- 

ncter;  among  the  peculiarities  of  which  he  says,  that  she  was  "  of  a  humour  pleas- 

jhg  to  all,  yet  like  to  none ;  her  dress  not  disliked  by  any,  yet  imitated  by  none." 

Bcr  riches  and  her  charities  were  almost  boundless.     This  was  chiefly  owing  to  her 

pndence  and  eoooomy.    She  was  a  mistress,  as  the  same  author  expresses  it,  of 

fineut  mnd  mfUremstg  and  was  strictly  regular  in  all  ■  her  accounts.     Dr.  Donne, 

ipcsking  c^  her  extensive  knowledge,  which  comprehended  whatever  was  fit  to 

ci^rfoy  a  l8dj*s  leisure,  said.  "  that  she  knew  well  how  to  discourse  of  all  tilings, 

/fm  piedestinatioa  to  alea-rilk.t    Constancy  was  so  well  known  a  virtue  to  her, 

Hlit  it  ari^  vin&afe  Ae  whole  sex  from  the  contrary  imputation."^    Though  she 

iwimrnd  with  bcr  twelve  alau^wDmen  as  her  sisters,  and  her  servants  as  her  humble 

^^iieadi^  sbe  hmew,npam  fm^er  occasions,  how  to  maintain  her  dignity,  which  she 

:  Itptap  in  the  cooits  of  Elizabeth,  James  I.  and  his  son  Charles,  and  was  well  qua- 

1^  Hed  to  grace  tbe  dnwing-rDoai  of  Charles  II.     She  was  strongly  solicited  to  go  to 

*WhilehaIly  afkcr  tke  restontioB,  but  she  declined  it;  saying,  **  that  if  she  went 

^Attcr,  die  mrngt  have  a  pair  of  bfinkers,"  such  as  obstruct  the  sight  of  nntractablc 

ilMies,  lest  she  ahoald  aee  audi  thiags  as  would  offend  her  in  that  licentious  court. 

.She  erected  a  ■■■■■eBt  ia  die  highway,  where  her  mother  and  she  took  their  last 

fiueadl,  OB  whidh  spatt  a  tarn  of  mauej  was  annually  given  to  the  poor.    Sbe  lived 

III  Iff  hi  I  ^11  il  gpiMl  I  liihlii  H  by  both  her  daughters,  Margaret,  countess  of  Thanet, 

nd  Isdidla,  inMili  ■  of  yortbampton.    See  Seward*s  "  Anecdotes,''  4th  edit. 

f  UntvirtBd  sisk,  ^aed  in  embroider  v.  \  \\\\uWw. 


ly  Locj'f  hiuboad,  died  18th  June,  1032,  Xi,  69,  umI  «u 
ied  at  Einiham ;  leaTing,  by  ber,  tltree  sHrrirn^  daogbten^ 
coheira,  of  wbom  Lad;  Venelia  married  Sir  Keneim  Di^y. 
l^j  Lacy  Stanley  was  buried  at  Walthamftoir,  in  Easei,  wiib  , 
IT  of  ber  daughters.  Ttie  exact  tiiae  of  ber  death  is  not  knimj  I 
-  there  are  grounds  for  believing  that  she  died  to  the  early  ptft  , 
!  reigv  of  James  tbe  Pint.  . 

cellentisa.  Princ.  ALK  lA  SPENCER,  comitU. 
iierbie,    iDauIas-Man        miDa;  in   an   oval,  mtk 
,  crests,  and  geneai     r ;  rare. 

Alice  Speocer,  daughter  to  Sir  John  Spencer,  of  Aldiorpe,  ia  the 
inty  of  NorthamptoD,  knt.  ancestor  to  the  Duke  of  Marlborougti, 
:st  married  to  Ferdinand,  earl  of  Derby,  who  died  of  poiion 
-..^A-i  :    she  married  for  her  secoud  husband,  the  Lord-keeper 
rtoo,  afterward  viscount  Brackley;  by  whom  Rbe  was  lefts 
ow.     She  was  the  patroness  of  her  relation  Spenser,  the  poet! 
ami  died  1636.    She  was  buried  at  Harsfietd,  in  the  county  of  Mid- 
dlesex, where  a  handsome  monument  is  erected  to  her  memory. 

ELIZABETH.lady  Russel.  Rivers  direr.  In  "Mble 
Authors"  iii  Park  ;  1806. 

'Elizabeth  Cooke  was  the  third  daughter  of  Sir  Anthony  Cooke, 
of  Gidea  Hall,  in  Essex,  and  sister  of  tbe  Ladies  Burleigh  anit 
Bfccon.  She  first  married  Sir  Thomas  Hobby,  ambassador  from 
Queen  Elizabeth  to  Paris,  wliere  he  died  in  1566 ;  and  secmidlj, 
to  John,  lord  Russel,  son  of  Francis,  ibc  second  earl  of  Bedforj, 
vhom  she  survived.  She  built  a  chapel  at  Bisham,  in  Berkshire; 
elected  a  costly  monument  to  the  memory  of  Sir  Thomas  HiAbj 
ind  others;  and  wrote  Greek,  Latin,  and  English  epitaphs  for  ihem 
m  verse.  She  also  translated  out  of  French  into  English,  "  A  Re- 
conciliation of  a  good  and  learned  Man,  touching  the  true  Nature 
Wd  Substance  of  the  Body  and  Blood  of  Christ  in  the  Sacraraeut-"  . 
She  died   15S4,*  and  was  buried  at  Bisham. 

OF  ENGLAND.  179 

*  ANNAi  lady  Bacon ;  from  an  original  picture  in 
the  coliection  of  Viscount  Grifnstone,  at  Gorhambury^ 
R*  Cooke  sc.  Ato. 

.  tUs  accomplished  woman  was  bom  in  the  year  1528  ;  she  was 
second  daughter  to  Sir  Anthony  Cooke,  and  sister  to  the  equally 
learned  Lady  Burleigh,  with  whom  she  had  been  carefully  educated. 
Her  talents  and  erudition,  associated  as  they  were  with  irreproach- 
IMe  ibannem^  led  to  her  appointment  of  governess  to  Edward  VI. 
At  an  early  ilga  she  displayed  her  capacity  and  application  by  trans- 
k^g  from  the  Italian  of  Benardine  Ochine,  twenty-five  sermons 
M  th^  abstruse  doctrines  of  predestination  and  election  ;  which 
performance  was  published  about  1650.  Camden,  in  his  history 
If  Queen  ElisabeA,  speaking  of  her  father*s  decease,  says  he  was 
^a  mau  happy  iu  Ms  daughters,  whom  haying  brought  up  in  leam^ 
i^|5  iN&th  Of eek  and  Latin,  above  their  sex,  he  married  to  men  of 

jML  a^tmint*'  This  lady  was  wife  to  Sir  Nicholas  Bacon,  lord- 
MCper  of  the  great  seid,  who  in  the  same  work  is  described  as 
*  exeeedkig  gross-4K>died,  isharp-witted,  of  singular  wisdom,  rare 
%i0^eii6e^  excellent  memory,  and  a  pillar,  as  it  were,  of  the  privy 
'feoundL'*  Their  issue  was  two  sons,  Anthony  and  Francis,  who, 
ttrough  the  judicious  attention  of  their  erudite  mother,  were  led 
4itb  those  paths  of  nature  and  science  which  subsequently  rendered 
"•em  the  ornaments  of  their  age  and  country, 
'  Lady  Bacon  survived  her  husband  many  years ;  and  died  at  an 
^vanced  age,  at  Gorhambury,  in  Hertfordshire,  about  the  begin- 
iun§;  of  the  reign  of  James  L  She  was  buried  in  St.  Michaers 
*Attreh,  St»  Alban*S|  but  has  neither  monument  nor  inscription  to 
record  her  memory.  This  is  the  more  remarkable,  because  Francis, 
kr  son,  the  celebrated  Lord  Verulam,  who  lies  near  her,  is  comme- 
iM>rated  by  a  very  fine  statue,  with  an  inscription  beneath ;  his 

>  lordship  is  represented  seated  in  a  contemplative  posture,  in  an  arm- 
dair,  placed  in  a  niche.  Some  others  of  the  family  were  also  buried 
iathe  same  edifice. 

;    "  CATHARINE,  daughter  of  Sir  John  Goodwin, 

•of  Winchendon,  in  com.    Bucks,   knt.  wife  of  Sir 

Philip  Parker,  knt.  brother  of  Sir  Henry,  and  half 

brother  to  Lord  Morley."  /.  Faherf.  %vo.   One  of  the 


'*'*         'ovedfor  the  "  Historif  of  the  House  of  I't'crj). 
'  Philip  Parker,  in  the  eighth  Class. 

"  LADY  MARY  VERE,'*  in  the  dress  of  this  ragn, 
I  Hove  sc.  sTnall.    In  Clarke's  "  Lives;"  folio, 

Lady  Maht  Vere.  Tluine. 
Lady  Vere  descendeii,  by  '  fathet's  side,  from  the  ancieil 
lily  oftheTracys.of  Todin^,.  in  Gloucesterahire ;  and,byll* 
;her,  from  tbe  principal  bran       >f  ihc  Tlirogiuortons. 

t  nineteen  years  of  age,  to  Mr,  WiUiam  Huby,  by  wboO' 

Biib  had  two  sons,  who  died  young.     She  espoused,  to  her  seconl  [ 
tuaband,  Sir  Horace  Vere,  afterward  baron  of  Tilbury,  whom  ebe 
.OBg'  sarvived.     He  had  issue  by  her  live  daughters,  who  ruarried 
into  the  famities  of  Holies.  Townshend,  St.  John,  Fairfax,  aol  ' 
Wolatenbolnie.      Upon  the  death  of  the  Countess  of  Dorset,  ll«  " 
parliament  committed  to  her  care  the  Duke  of  York,  the  DuietJ 
GioQcester,  and  the  Princess  Elizabeth  ;  a  charge  of  which  she 
by  no  means  ambitious.     She  was  a  woman  of  exemplary  coodiH*  ' 
as  a  wife  and  a  mother,  and  seems  to  have  been  as  eminent  for  bi 
piety  as  her  husband  was  for  !iis  valour.     Archbishop  Usher,  in 
lettcrt  addressed  to  be r,  speaks  of  it  in  a  very  elevated  strain:  " 
I  have  any  insight,"  snys  that  prelate,  "  in  things  of  this  nature,! 
have  any  judgment  to  discern  of  spirits,  I  have  clearly  behelda 
graven  in  your  soul  the   image  and  superscription  of  my  God."-  Ski   t 
died  tbe  25lh  of  December,  1671,  in  the  9IstI  year  of  her  a 
The  following  c|Liibbling  epitaph,  which  is  characteristic,  wi 
ten  on  Ler  by  Dr.  Simon  Ford: 

Vera  Dei  eulUii  fuera.,  Gt  fn-n  mariti ; 
Qasque  nileiit  dderant  umnlii  Vmi  tibi. 
Accideril  tandem  qaod  mors  tibj,  Vera,  dolendum  : 
Eicepta  boc,  ile  te  singula  Vera  juvuil. 

•  To  he  propcrij  lo  called,  ibe  inu»yiaTe  been  tbe  daugbter  of  a  duke.mni 
or  earl.  But,  as  ibe  Has  the  wrfe  of  a'lniglt,  ibe  iuicription  should  hint 
Dame  Miry  Veie,  or  Lady  (Maiy)  Vere.  Her  huibard  was  crmled  baton  tt 
-  burjr,lCar.  I. 

t.^i>  letter,  which  was  writien  in  16iB,  Is  subjoined  tu  her  Funeral  Seimoi.  . 

VAaik«;p.  151. 


LADY  PERIAM  ;  in  the  «  Oxford  Almanack;' 11 A2. 

fllizabethy  daughter  of  Sir  Nicholas  Bacon,  lord-keeper  of  the 

ireaC  seal,  and  sister  to  the  noble  and  learned  Francis,  lord  viscount 

Verulam,  iGbrst  married  Sir  Robert  D'Oyley,  of  Chalehampton,  in 

Oxfordshire,  who  lost  his  life  at  the  black-assize  at  Oxford,  in 

1557  ;•  secondly,  to  Sir  Henry  Nevil,  knt. ;  and  thirdly,  to  Sir 

William  Periam,  of  Devonshire,  lord  chief-baron  of  the  Exchequer, 

irfiom  she  survived  many  years.    She  was  a  woman  of  learning  and 

piety,  and  was  a  great  benefactress  to  Baliol  College,  Oxford,  in 

1620.    The  time  of  her  death  is  uncertain. 

The  Countess  of  SUFFOLK.  /.  Caldwall  sc.  In 
fmnanfs  **  Journey  from  Chester  to  London.^' 

Tliis  lady  who,  like  Lord  Verulam,  fell  under  the  charge  of  cor- 
raption,  was  daughter  of  Sir  Henry  Knevit,  and  wife  to  the  lord- 
treasurer  ;  she  had  unhappily  a  great  ascendancy  over  her  husband, 
and  was  extremely  rapacious.     She  made  use  of  his  exalted  situa- 
tion to  indulge  her  avarice,  and  took  bribes  from  all  quarters.     Sir 
Phmcis  Bacon,  in  his  speech  in  the  Star-chamber  against  her  hus- 
band, wittily  compares  her  to  an. Exchange  woman,  who  kept  her 
shop,  while  Sir  John  Bingley,  a  teller  of  the  Exchequer,  and  a  tool 
of  hers,  cried  What  d^ye  lack?f     Her  beauty  was  remarkable,  but 
the  made  a  bad  use  of  her  charms.     "  Lady  Suffolk,"  says  the 
famous  Anne  Cliflford,  in  her  diary,  under  the  year  1619,  '*  had  the 
smallpox  at  Northampton-house,  which  spoiled  that  good  face  of 
hers,  which  had  brought  to  others  much  misery,  and  to  herself 
greatness,  which  ended  in  much  unhappiness." 

MARY,  wife  of  Thomas  Habingdon,  daughter  of  Lord 

*  When  the  judges  sat  at  the  assizes  in  Oxford,  one  Rowland  Jenkes,  a  book- 
seller, was  questioned  for  speaking  opprobrious  words  against  the  queen. — Suddenly/ 
^  were  surprised  with  a  pestilent  savour ;  whether  arising  from  the  noisome  smell 
of  the  prisoners,  or  from  the  damp  of  the  ground,  is  uncertain;  but  almost  all  that 
vere  there  present,  except  women  and  children,  died  within  fortjr  hours ;  and  the 
contagion  went  no  farther.  There  died  Robert  Bell,  lord  chief-baron,  Robert 
^Oylie,  Sir  William  Babington  D*Oyle,  sheriff  of  Oxfordshire;  Harcourt,  Wcy- 
^^i  Phetiplace,  Basham,  the  famous  lawyer,  almost  ail  the  jurors,  and  three  hun- 
dred other  men. — Baker's  CnRONiCLs. 

t  Wilson's  "  Life  of  James  I."  p.  97. 
VOL.  II.  2  B 



Morley,  and  sister  to  Lord  Monteagle  ;  to  whom  she 
is  supposed  to  have  wrote  the  letter  which  discovered 
the  gunpowder  treason-plot ;  in  the  same  print  with 
ker  husband,  in  N^tish's  "  History  of  Worcestershire;" 

Tradition,  in  Worcestershire,  says,  this  lady  was  the  penon  who 
wrote  the  letter  to  her  brother.  Lord  Monteagle,  which  discovered 
the  gunpowder.plot.  Percy,  whose  picture  is  at  Henlip,  was  very 
intimate  both  with  Habingdon  and  Lord  Monteagle,  and  is  sup- 
posed by  Guthrie  to  have  written  the  letter;  but  the  style  of  it  seemi 
to  be  that  of  one  who  had  only  heard  some  dark  hints  of  the  busi- 
ness, which  perhaps  was  the  case  of  Mrs.  Habingdon,  and  not  of 
one  who  was  a  principal  mover  in  the  whole,  as  was  Percy  a  despe- 
rado, who  thought  himself  personally  oficnded,  and  who  was  fit  for 
the  most  horrid  designs. 

The  HabingdoDS  were  a  family  of  great  estimation.  A  particular 
of  the  death  and  honourable  interment  at  Henlip  of  Mrs.  Habing- 
don, wife  of  John  Habingdon,  esq.  is  said  to  be  in  the  hcreld's 
ofRce,  but  on  inquiry  could  not  be  found.  She  was  gentlewomsJiof 
the  privy-chamber  to  Queen  Elizabeth,  anno  1557,  and  a  great 
favourite,  wherefore  she  was  buried  at  the  queen's  expense. 

DOROTHEA  WADHAM,  Nicolai  conjux,  coU. 
Wadham'.  fundat^  A°.  D'.  1609.    Faber  f.  large  4to 

DoROTiLY  Wadham;  in  the  "  O.vford  Almamckl 

Dorothy,  daughter  of  the  famous  Sir  William  Petre,  who  was 
secretai^  and  privy-counsellor  to  four  king  and  queens;  viz. 
Henry  VIII.  Edward  VL  Mary,  and  Elizabeth.  He  was  also  teat 
abroad  seven  times  as  an  ambassador.  See  Nicholas  WadsaUi 
in  the  Class  of  Gentlemen. 

CHRISTIAN  POPPING;  thus  inscribed  at 
bottom  :  "  In  gratiam  et  causam  honoris  prudentis- 
simas, '  honestissimEe,    et    artificiocissimse    virginis, 


OF  ENgIaND.  183 

Ahristinae  Popping;  ad  vivum delineatum,  etargento 
ttsculptum,  a Simone  Passaeo^  eamque  *!).  D.  1616." 
Sound  the  oval, 

*'  Ingenium  forma  multo  est  pretiosius  auro.*' — Ovid. 

Above  the  aval,  '*  Honneur  passe  richesse;''  9>vo. 
wry  neat;  f  rare. 

ANNE  BILL ;  a  monumental  effigy.  On  the  monu- 
went  is  this  inscription :  •'  ^teraae  memor.  et  quiet. 
An.  Billae  uxori  lectiss.  &dilectiss.  Jo.  Bill.  Conjux 
msBrentiss-  P.P.  TrIcesIMo  tertio  ^tatls  DeVIXIt." 
On  the  top  are  musical  instruments,  significant  of  one  of 
kr  accomplishments :  above  in  the  clouds,  '*  Anna  migra- 
vit,  musica  musaque  pereunt''  The  chronogram  inti- 
Vffltes  that  she  died^  1621.  Simon  Passaus  sc.  rare. 
There  is  a  very  good  copy. 

The  print  is  prefixed  to  ''  Peplum  Modestiee/'  consisting  of  seve* 
ral  encomitmu  on  her  in  Latin  and  English  verse,  and  subjoined  to  a 
discourse  entitled,  "  A  Mirror  of  Modestie,"  &c.  by  M.  D.  (Martin 
Day),  doctor  in  divinity,  1621,  8vo.  This  discourse  is  on  1  Pet. 
chs^.  iiL  ven  3,  and  4,  '^  Whose  adorning,  let  it  not  be  that  outward 
adorning,  of  fdaiting  the  hairy*'  &c. ;  on  which  the  author  is  particu- 
larly difiuse.t 

*  Sic  Orig.-  t  This  is,  perhaps,  a  foreign  print:  qusere  ? 

t  It  appears  that  he  was  no  Puritan  by  the  following  passages :  **  How  reverend 

11  the  long  haire  in  old  men,  how  honourable  in  the  priests,  how  terrible  in  the 

•ooldieni,  how  cornel  J  in  yonng  men,  how  sweet  in  children,  how  goodly  and  featuous 

b women?"    He  in  the  same  discourse  censures  the  ladies  for  their  excessive  care 

la  idoming  their  hair,  beyond  the  example  of  former  ages ;  these  are  his  words : 

"  Yet  are  we  the  worst,  making  the  ancients  mere  novices  to  our  complete  ladies, 

which  know,  to  an  haire,  all  the  theory  of  perfuming,  powdering,  dying,  platting, 

knotting,  frizling»  cnrling,  dangling :  yea  and  sometimes  also,  beyond  all  commission, 

doping  and  circumcising  that  flexible  excrement,  which,  as  waxe,  they  work  to 

eveiy  fashion  or  purpose  their  monstrous  chimaera  list  to  devise."    He  gives  us  to 

understand,  that  Anne  Bill  spent  much  more  time  in  adorning  her  head,  and  mending 

her  heart,  than  in  adjusting  and  .dressing  her  hair. 


Of  Wardend,  in  the  countie  of  Warwicke,  esquier. 

Who  lived  with  y*  said  Marie  in  one  house  full  62  yeares; V.-i 

and  in  all  that  time  never  buried  man,  woman,  ifor  rh?fja 

though  they  were  sometimef  20  in  household.       ':':J| 

He  had  issue  by  y'  said  Marie  5  sonns  &  7.  daughters;     .^ 

viz.  Robert,  Nicholas^  Thomas,  John,  and  William;     l^l 

&  7  daughters,  Ursula,  Agnes,  Marie,  Elissabeth,        <j3 

Ellin,  Christian,  and  Alice. 

The  said  John  was  maior  of  this  towne  in  anno  1559;   . 

and  againe  in  anno  1572. 
The  said  Marie  departed  this  life  y"  8  of  December,  1611, 
beinge  of  the  age  of  97  yeares. '  '' 

Shee  did  see  before  jker  departure. 
Of  her  children,  and  children's  children,  and  their  children^ 

to  the  number  of  142,* 

''  MATOAKS,'  or  (Matoaka)  alias  Hefccka, 
daughter  to  the  mighty  Prince  Powhatan,  emperor 
of  Attanoughkamouck,  alias  Virginiaf,  conv( 
and  baptized  in  the  Christian  faith,  and  wife  of 
worshipful  Mr.  Joh.  RolfF;"  iF^  21,  1616-  S.  Pi 
sc.  small  4to. 

Motoaka,  who,  in  Captain  Smith's  curious  *'  History  of  Vi! 
is  called  Pocahontas,  may  be  considered  as  a  national  bene! 
as  we  are  indebted  to  her  for  the  preservation  of  Virginia, 
the  state  of  an  infant  colony.   In  1607,  when  she  was  abont 
or  thirteen  years  of  age,  she  not  only  procured  the  liberty^ 
saved  the  life,  of  Captain  Smith,  whom,  together  with  his' 
father  intended  to  murder  by  surprise.     In  1612,  she  was 
prisoner ;  and  soon  after  married  Mr.  Rolfe,  whom  Smith 
gentleman.    In  1616,  after  she  had  been  instructed  in  our 

*  Nichols's  Leicestershire,  vol.  ii.  part  ii.  p.  616. 

t  In  Asbmole's  Museum  is  a  very  singular  coat,  taken  from  the  back  of  bii  tf^'^ 
majesty  by  the  English.  It  is  composed  of  two  deer-skins,  and  enriched,  !»*[*■ 
than  adorned,  with  figures  of  men  and  beasts,  composed  of  small  cowree  shells* ^"^ 
were  the  money  of  his  country. 

OF    ENGLAND.  187 

ndthe  Christian  religion,  sbe  was  brought  to  England,  and  iutro- 
luced  and  graciously  received  at  court.  The  next  year,  upon  her 
etum  home,  she  died  on  ship-board,  at  Gravesend,  strongly  im- 
nessed  with  religious  sentiments.  The  good  sense,  humanity,  and 
jenerosity  of  this  woman,  do  her  Iv^nour ;  as  they  carried  her  far 
ibore  the  prejudices  of  her  education,  and  the  barbarous  customs  of 
ler  country;  She  was  the  first  Virginian  who  was  converted  to 
Suistianity,  that  could  speak  our  national  language,  or  had  a  child 
y  an  Englishman. 

MARY  HONEYWOOD,  aged'  93 ;  who  had  367 
l^cendants  livmg  the  year  preceding  her  death ;  in 
fte"  Wonderful  Museufn ;"  1803. 

Haxy  Waters  was  bom  at  Lanham,  in  the  county  of  Kent,  about 
533^  and  ivas  united  in  marriage  early  in  life  to  Robert  Honey. 
tiiiod,  esq.  of  Charing  in  the  same  county,  her  only  husband.  "  She 
ad-  at  her  decease,  lawfully  descended  from  her,  367  children ; 
6  of  her  own  body,  114  grand-children,  228  in  the  third  gene- 
itioD,  and  nine  in  the  fourth.  She  led  a  most^ pious  life ;  and  in 
Christian  manner,  died  here  at  Mark's-hall,  in  the  93d  year  of  her 
5e,  and  the  44th  of  her  widowhood,the  19th  of  May,  A.  D.  1620; 
om  whence  her  corpse  was  conveyed  into  Kent,  and  buried  at 
-ojton,  the  place  of  her  birth,  according  to  her  desire. 


ARABELLA  STUART.  The  print,  which  is  very 
^re^  is  thus  inscribed:  "  The  picture  of  the  most  noble 
trf  learned  lady  Arabella  Steuart''  Sold  by  George 
tumble.  J.  W,  sc.  small  4to. 

Arabella  Steuart,  &c.  \V.  Richardson. 

Lady  Arabella  Stuart;  prefi.ved  to  Lodges 
lllusty^ation  of  English  History  J'  1791 ;  Ato.     J.  Ba- 

'e  sc. 


Her  portrait  is  at  Welbeck.     Mr.  Walpole  has  a  good  copy  of 
it  in  water-colours. 

Arabella,  daughter  of  Charles  Stuart,  earl  of  Lenox,  and  bro- 
ther of  Henry,  lord  Damley,  was  too  nearly  allied  to  the  crown 
not  to  give  umbrage  to  the  king ;  and  too  remotely  to  foond  any 
claiih,  or  receive  any  advantage,  from  that  alliance.    Thougli  of 
an  artless  and  unambitious  character  herself,  it  was  suspected  tkt 
she  might  be  the  tool  of  others*  ambition,  which  was  the  occasion 
of  her  confinement  in  the  Tower,  and  the  various  miseries  which 
she  suffered.     Her  misfortunes,  especially  her  separation  from  ^ 
her  husband,*  whom  she  tenderly  loved,  turned  her  brain,t  and,  ^ 
soon  after,  put  an  early  period  to  her  life,  on  the  27th  of  Septem-" 
ber,  1615.     It  was  suspected,  that  Sir  Walter  Raleigh's  plot,  as  it 
was  commonly  called,  was  contrived  with  a  view  of  supplanting , 
King  James,  and  raising  her  to  the  throne.     As  she  died  within  | 
two  ye'ars  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury,  a  report  was  propagated,  that^ 
her  death  was  the  effect  of  poison.  This  occasioned  an  examination  j 
of  her  body  by  several  able  physicians,  who  were  unanimoasly  of] 
opinion,  that  she  died  of  a  chronical  distemper. 

Countess  of  MAR.    Harding  exc.  8vo. 

Mary  Stuart,  countess  of  Mar,  was  the  daughter  of  Esme,  duke 
of  Lenox.  John  Erskine,  seventh  earl  of  Mar,  being  enamoured 
of  her  charms,  and  rejected  by  her  pride,  is  said  to  have  sickened 
of  vexation.  James  I.  learning  the  situation  of  the  companion  of- 
his  boyish  years,  exclaimed  *'  Be  my  saul  Mar  shanna  dee  foreer 
a  lass  in  the  land!"  The  king's  application  overcame  all  obstacles:] 
and  she  proved  a  fruitful  mother,  and  excellent  wife. 

CATHERINE  FITZ-GERALD,  (the  long  lived) 
countess  of  Desmond  ;  fi^orn  an  original  family  fk 

•  Mr.  William  Seymour,  son  of  the  Lord  Beauchamp. 

t  I  know  of  no  authority  for  her  losing  her  senses.  There  are  some  of  her  lates 
letters  in  the  Museum  ;  they  do  not  prove  that  she  had  parts,  but  betray  no  appes 
ance  of  madness.  I  believe  she  was  imprisoned  for  marrying  without  the  king 
knowledge.  Her  husband  was  afterward  the  Marquis  of  Hertford,  often  mentiow 
by  Lord  Clarendon.  Another  of  the  family  also  married  a  princess  of  the  bloo 
Lady  Catharine  Gray,  sister  of  Jane  Gray. — Loud  Orford. 

OF   EN^GLANIX  189 

ture  of  the  same  size,  painted  on  boards  in  the  possession 
of  the  Right  Honourable  Maurice  Fitz-Gerald,  knight 
of  Kerry,  8gc.  S^c.  8gc. — This  illustrious  lady  was  born 
about  the  year  1464  ;  was  married  in  the  reign  of  Ed- 
ymA  IV. ;  lived  during  the  entire  reigns  of  Edward  V. 
ftichard  III.  Henry  VII.  Henry  VIII.  Edward  VI. 
Mary,  and  Elizabeth,  and  died  at  the  latter  end  of 
James  I/s  or  beginning  of  Charles's  reign,  at  the 
great  age  (as  is  generally  supposed)  of  162  years, 
Engraved  in  Cork,  by  N.  Grogan;  the  only  genuine 
likeness  of  this  lady  e^vtant. 

CATHERINE,  countess  of  Desmond;  engraved 
for  the  quurto  edition  of  Pennants  "  Tour  in  Scotland'* 

This  picture,  according  to  the  inscription  on  the  back,  represents 
Rembrandt's  mother ;  but  Mr.  Pennant  tells  me,  that  he  is  per- 
suaded the  inscription  is  erroneous ;  as  he  has  seen  several  por- 
traits similar  to  that  which  he  caused  to  be  engraved  ;  all  of  which 
Were  called  the  Countess  of  Desmond. — W.  Richardson. 

I  do  not  think  it  an  original,  supposing  it  to  represent  the  Coun- 
tess of  Desmond.  It  is  Rembrandt's  mother,  and  is  so  written  on 
the  back  of  the  picture,  and  is  so  called  in  King  Charles's  catalogue. 
•^LoRD  Orford. 

There  was,  and  probably  is  still,  a  portrait  of  her  in  the  standard- 
iloset,  at  Windsor.  This  I  learn  from  an  authentic  transcript 
)f  a  catalogue  of  the  pictures  there,  in  the  hand- writing  of  Dr.  Wil- 
iam  Derham,  the  elder. 

TTiis  celebrated  lady,  who  lived  at  Inchiquin,  in  Munster,  was 
rell  known  to  Sir  Walter  Raleigh.  She  was  married  in  the  reign 
f  Edward  IV.  when  she  danced  with  Richard,  duke  of  Glouces- 
»r.*  She  held  her  jointure  from  all  the  earls  of  Desmond  since 
lat  time,t  and  was  as  remarkable  for  her  sprightliness  as  her  age. 

•  Walpole's  "  Historic  Doubts/'  p.  102. 
t  Raleigh's  "Hist."  book  I.  chap.  v.  sect.  5. 

vol..  ir.  2  c 


It  is  probable,  that  her  dancing  days  were  not  orer  whcD  a  oil- 
tnrjr  of  her  life  had  elapsed ;  certain  it  is,  that,  aAer  she  had  ifdod 
the  shock  of  a  hundred  and  forty  years,  she  went  from  BiiMoltD 
London,  to  solicit  some  relief  from  the  court;  a>  the  had  long 
been  very  poor,  from  the  ruin  of  the  lioase  of  Desmond  by  an  at- 
tidnder.  She,  according  to  Sir  William  Temple,  died  some  ptn 
above  a  liuadred  and  forty:*  and  Lord  Bacon  infoimi  ns,  th^ibc 
twice,  at  least,  renewed  her  teeth.f  lam  uncertaia  id  whatyeu 
she  died,  but  she  was  not  living  in  1614,  when  Sir  Walter  Raleu^ 
published  bis  "  History."  .^^ 



THOMAS  PERCY ;  inscribed,  "  H^c  est  vera  tf 
prima  originatis  editio  Thoma  Perct;"  Ȥ'c.  siw  I/itin 
verses ;  snakes  twined  about  the  oval  of  the  frame;  onch 
ments  relative  to  his  actions.  C.  Van  de  Pass  exc.  Atr. 

Thomas  Pebcy  ;  two  different.   W.  Richardson. 

Thomas  Percy;  iti  the  print  of  the  gunpowder  con- 

Thomas  Percy  ;   ijt  an  oval,  betwce7t  fm-ty-dghl 

*  "  Emy  on  Health  and  long  life." 

t  In  Ills  "  Hilt.  Vim  «  Mertii,  Operatio  suptr  nclusioii 
<aj!,  "  Ut  per  victt  dtitii'Mt;"  and  in  his  '■  NaL.  Hlit."  ( 
"  that  liic  did  ricnlire  twice  or  thrice." 

aet;  eft  yeraScpiimaori^malli  editioThoieftrti 

,  .....      .„.^ %  .        . 

/^/■//,A^  Ja/,    ..e.  >^n.  h  7irJf!>^ra 

Wk  ficiue.  31.  Sa-and. 

OF   ENGLAND.  191 

Dutch  verses  ;  a  LeUin  inscription'  at  the  bottom  between 
'wo  circles;  his  apprehending y  8^.  rare. 

Thomas  Percy,  one  of  the  conspirators  in  the 
jimpowder-plot,    Adamsc. 

Thomas  Percy,  a  most  particular  and  intimate  friend  of  Robert 
^atesby,  was  nearly  allied  tb^  and  greatly  in  the  confidence  of,  Henry 
Percy,  earl. of  Northumberland,  and  was  by  him,  as  captain  of  the 
gentlemen  pensioners,  admitted  into  that  band,  without  taking  the 
tostomary  oaths; — for  which  omission,  and  the  known  intimacy 
between  them,  the  earl  suffered  a  tedious  imprisonment  of  fifteen 

Percy  was  by  far  the  most  virulent  of  the  conspirators,  andoa-one 
>ccasion,  offered  to  rush  into  the  presence-chamber,  and  stab  the 
:mg:  but  this  was  objected  to  by  the  more  wily  Catesby,  who  then 
irst  opened  to  him  his  scheme  of  extirpating  the  whole  royal 
amny,  and  nobles,  by  gunpowder:  to  aid  which  purpose,  Percy 
mgaged  to  famish  4000/.  out  ,of  the  Earl  of  Northumberland's 
'ents,  and  to  provide  ten  swift  horses  in  case  of  any  emergency 
khat  might  require  speed.  Upon  the  discovery  of  the  plot,  he  b^r 
took  himself  to  flight,  and  was  killed  with  Catesby  in  the  following 
manner :  **  One  John  Street,  of  Worcester,  who  had  charged  his 
innsket  with  a  brace  of  bullets,  and  resting  it  upon  a  wall  by  the 
gate  of  the  house,  where-  they  had  taken  refuge,  shot  at  them  as  they 
were  coming  in  rank,  and  not  in  file,  from  the  door  towards  ^e 
^te ;  each  bullet,  as  he  thought,  killed  a  man  ;  for  which  action 
llie  king  gave  him  two  sliillings  a  day  during  his  natural  life,  tp  be 
paid  hun  out  of  the  Exchequer. 

Jac  I.  &c.  viz.  Robert  Catesby,  Thomas  Percy ,  Thomas 
and  Robert  Winter^  Guide  FawkeSy  John  and  Christo- 
pher  Wright,  Bates y  servant  to  Catesby  ;  Ato.  very  scarce 
md  curious, 

CrUNPOWDEa  CONSPIRATORS  ;  twclvc  Latin  verses^ 
thirteen  Prmch  verses y  and  under  four  Dutch  Hnesl 
^  Hie  halst  gevisteger  Leser,^'  Sgc.  scarce.  ^ 


rtPOWDER  Conspirators  ;  with  ten  Latin  lines; 
as  seven.  "  Pi'odilorum,^'  ^'c.  scarce. 

iNPowDEii  Conspirators;  German  inscription; 
'.sentation  of  the  execution  ;  heads  on  poles,  ^-c.  large 

•  infamous  fraternity  are  only  memorable  as  traitors  of  ibe 

t  kind:  several  of  them  were  executed   id  1606,  for  tbe 

'der-plot.     There  is  no  doubt  but  that  some  of  those  wbo 

■-  the  hand  of  the  executioner,  were  made  to  expect  the  crown 

rtyrdora.     Sir  Edward  Coke  displayed  his  great  abilities  in 

ravelling  the  intricaciea  of  this  conspiracy,  and  ascertaining  the 

ulh  of  it  beyond  con  trad  iction," 

ROBERT  CATESBY,  one   of  the  conspirators 
the  gunpowder-plot.  Cauljicld  e.rc.  8vo. 

Robert  Catesby,  of  Asbby,  in  the  county  of  Leicester,  was  a  gen- 
tleman of  good  property  and  estimation,  and  had  so  winning  a 
manner,  as  to  possess  every  one  who  knew  him  with  a  most  ex- 
travagant liking  to  bis  company;  insomuch,  that  several  peisons 
concerned  in  the  gunpowder-conspiracy,  frankly  confessed  [ley 
were  drawn  into  it,  more  in  consequence  of  his  persuasion,  than 
(iny  conviction  in  their  own  minds,  of  the  propriety  of  the 
they  bad  embarked  in.  Catesby  entered  with  such  spirit  in  ihii 
business,  that  in  the  course  of  a  few  months,  he  was  obliged  to  (all 
in  some  monicd  persons  to  carry  it  on  with  the  spirit  that  was  neces- 
sary to  accomplish  the  point  aimed  at.  In  consequence  of  whidi, 
with  the  advice  and  concurrence  of  Percy,  Winter,  Fawkes,  4e. 
he  opened  the  plot  to  Sir  Evcrard  Digby,  and  afterward  to  Franat 
Tresham,  esq.  the  first  of  whom  promised  1500/.  and  the  IsltM 
2000;.  to  purchase  such  materials  as  were  wanting  to  carry  llie 
plan  into  execution.     But  upon  the  discovery  of  Fawkes's  appft* 

•  The  cfrronlf  rj  of  some  popish  wrilera  is  aslontshine.  They  prrlend  lo  belli 
Itjidilioa,  and  eveij  icgendarj  liimory,  Bs  of  equal  aulliorily  «  Uli  the  Scriplorei.i 
jol lieu;  the  realiljDf  the  Eun|K)wJor-lres<oui  a  fncl  suppurlcJ  Iiv  alnioft  CT 

OF    ENGLAND.  193 

[lension,  Catesby,  in  company  of  Percy,  tlie  Winters,  Wrights, 
&c.  betook  themselves-  to  flight,  and  were  overtaken  at  Holbeaqh, 
in  StafiPordshire ;  where,  at  the  house  of  Stephen  Littleton,  after 
a  desperate  sally,  Catesby  and  Percy  were  killed  with  one  shot. 
To  this  circumstance  may  be  attributed  the  mystery  .which  sur- 
rounds the  gunpowder-treasony  as  Catesby  was  the  only  person  who 
could  have  given  any  satisfactory  evidence,  being  the  only  lay- 
man Garnet  the  superior  of  the  Jesuits  would  confer  with  on  the 

THOMAS  WINTER,  executed  in  the  year  1606, 
for  the  gunpowder- plot.  Caulfield  exc.  8vo. 

Thomas  Winter,  a  discontented  Catholic,  had  thoughts  of  quittibg 
England  for  ever,  and  had  retired  to  his  brother's  house  in  the  coun- 
try, till  such  time  as  a  convenient  opportunity  should  ofifer  for  that 
purpose.     In  the  mean  time  he  was  sent  for  by  Catesby,  to  come 
with  all  speed  possible  to  London ;  where,  when  he  arrived  on  the 
second  invitation,  Catesby  opened  to  him  his  gunpowder  scheme, 
into  which  Winter  readily  entered,  and  almost  as  soon  set  off  for 
Flanders,  to  sound  the  inclination  of  several  leading  persons  to- 
wards such  a  scheme ;  where  he  was  recommended  to  Fawkes,  as 
a  proper  person  to  overlook  the  work,  he  being  an  approved  soldier, 
and  skilful  engineer.  They  embarked  at  Dunkirk,  and  came  to  Eng- 
land together ;  soon  after  which  Percy  hired  the  house  adjoining 
the  House  of  Lords,  where  they  first  began  the  mine.     Winter,  in 
concert  with  the  rest,  retired  to  Staffordshire ;  where,  on  the  explo- 
aion  of  some  gunpowder,  that  was  laid  in  a  platter  to  dry,  he  was 
scorched  in  so  shocking  a  manner,  as' rendered  him  incapable  of 
defence.     Some  little  time  before  this  accident.  Winter  dreamt, 
^  that  he  saw  steeples  and  churches  stand  awry,  and  within  those 
churches  strange  and  unknown  faces."    And  after,  when  the  afore- 
aaid  explosion  had  likewise  scorched  divers  others  of  the  confe- 
derates, and  much  disfigured  theirjcountenances  ;  then  did  Winter 
call  to  mind  his  dream,  and  to  his  remembrance  thought,  that  the 
Ibces  of  his  associates,  so  scorched,  resembled  those  which  he  had 
aeen  in  his  dream.     From  the  confession  he  made,  he  appears  to 
luaye  be^o  very  penitent,  and  resigned  to  his  fate.     Executed 
Jan.  31,  1606. 


id  secretly  conveyed  away ;  as  also  that  Fawkcs,  so 

;arae  into  Si.  George's  Fields  to  escape,   should  be 

■"■  muruered  and  so  raangkd,  that  he  could  not  he  known; 

■:ipon  it  was  to  be  bruited  abroad,  that  the  Puritans  had  bloiin 

pailiaraent'house;  and  the  better  to  make  the  world belieie 

lere  was  Mr.  Pickering,  with  his  choice  horse,  ready  to  make 

c       ;  but  that  stirred  up,  some  persons  seeing  the  heinoas' 

I         i  fact,  and  hitn  ready  to  make  his  escape,  in  detestation 

'uiiible  a  deed,  fell  upon  him,  and  hewed  him  to  pieceti 

make  it  more  clear,  there  was  his  horse,  known  to  be  of 

.1  speed  and  swiftness,  ready  to  carry  him  away ;  and  upon 

umour,  a  massacre  should  have  gone  through  the  whole  land 

the  Puritans.     When  the  contrivance  of  this  plan  was  thu 

ivered  by  some  of  the  conspirators,  and  Fawkes,  who  was  now 

iBoner  in  the  Tower,  made  acquainted  with  it,  whereas  before 

ivas  made  to  believe,  by  his  companions,  that  he  should  be 

QtifuUy  rewarded  for  his  good  services  to  the  Catholic  cause, 

perceiving  that,  on  the  contrary,  his  death  had  been  contrivol 

them,  he  thereupon  freely  confessed  all  that  he  knew  coucem' 

;  that  horrid  conspiracy,  which  before  all  the  tortures  of  the  rack 

Cpdld  not  force  him  unto.     The  truth  of  all  this  was  attested  by 

Mr  William    Perkins,   who   hnd  it   from   Mr.  Cleraeat  Cotton,  tt 

whom  Mr.  Pickering  gave  the  above  relation, 

Guy  Fawkes  was  executed  with  Thomas  Winter,  Ambrosa 
Rockwood,  and  Robert  Keies,  within  [he  old  Palace-yard,  West- 
minster, not  far  from  the  parliament- ho  use,  Jan.  Olst,  1606. 

JOHN  WRIGHT,  one  of  the  conspirators  in  the 
gunpowder-plot.  Cau/Jield  ejcc.  %vo. 

.  John  Wright  was  one  of  the  first  persons  to  "whom  CateBbyin- 
tmsted  the  secret  of  the  plot;  and  they  mutually  agreed,  thai  s" 
who  afterwacd  should  enter  on  that  business,  should  take  the  fol- 
lowing oath  ;  which  was  first  administered  by  Catesby,  Percy,  aai 
this  Wright,  each  to  the  other,  at  a  house  behind  St.  Clement's 

church, withoutTemp!e-bar: "You  shall  swear  by  the  BlMsed 

Trinity,  and  by  the  sacrament  you  now  purpose  to  receive,  neW^ 
to  disclose,  directly  nor  indirectly,  by  word  or  circumstance,  tne 
matter  that  shall  be  proposed  to  you  to  keep  secret,  nor  desist 
from  the  execution  thereof  until  llie  rest  ahall  give  you  leave."— 

OF   ENGLAND.  197 

John  Wright  was  IdUed,  with  a  number  Gf  the  other  conspiralorBt 
in  their  desperate  sally  at  Holbeach,  the  place  of  their  last  resort 

.  CHRISTOPHER  WRIGHT,  one  of  the  congpi- 
lators  in  the  gunpowder-plot.  Cauyidd  exc.  8vo. 


Christopher  Wright,  like  Robert  Winter,  was  brought  into  the 
conspiracy  by  hi^  own  brother ;  and  from  every  circumstance  that 
can  be  collected  concerning  hikn,  was  nothing  behind  the  rest  in 
fbrwarding.  this  w<Mrk  of  mischief. — It  wiew  Christopher  Wright 
ttat  first  discoyered  the  apprehension  of  Fawkes,  and  advised  the 
fiest  of  die  conspirators  to  an  immediate  and  separate  flight; 
wUdhLiadyice  had  they  taken,  it  is  more  than  probable  some  might 
have  escapeid;  instead  of  which,  they  impudently  resolved  to  raise 
tb^  country  into  open  rebellion,  and  resort  tp  that  place  which 
was'  to  have  been  their  general  rendezvous,  had  the  explosion 
taken  fdace :  the  consequence  of  which  was,  they  were  pursued, 
iororlaken,  some  taken  alive,  and  the  rest  killed.  Among  the  last 
was  this  Wright  fmd  his  brother. 

THOMAS  BATES,  executed  in  the  year  1606,  for 
the  gunpowder-plot.   Cauljkld  exc.  ^vo. 

Thomas  Bates,  who  was  Catesby's  man,  was  wound  into  this 
treason  by  his  master,  and  was  resolved,  when  he  doubted  of  the 
lawfulness  thereof,  by  the  doctrine  of  the  Jesuits.  For  the  manner 
it  was  after  this  sort :  Catesby,  noting  that  his  man  observed  him 
extraordinarily,  as  suspecting  something  of  that  which  he  the  said 
Catesby  went  about,  called  him  to  him  at  his  lodging  in  Puddle- 
Wharf,  and,ln  the  presence  of  Thomas  Winter,  asked  him  what 
lie  thought  the  business  was  they  went  about,  for  that  he  had 
of  late  so  suspiciously  and  strangely  marked  them.  Bates  an- 
swered, that  he  thought  they  went  about  some  dangerous  matter, 
whatsoever  the  particulars  were :  whereupon  they  asked  him  again 
iriiat  he  thought  the  business  might  be ;  when  he  answered,  that 
}it  thought  they  intended  some  dangerous  matter  about  the  parlia- 
ment-house, because  he  had  been  sent  to  get  a  lodging  near  unto 
^bat  placok  .Then  did  they  make  Bates  take  an  oath  to  be  secret 
in  the  actipar;  which  being  taken  by  him,  they  then  told  him  that 
it  was  tma  tllat  they  were .  to  execute  a  great  matter ;  n^ely,  to 

VOL.  II.  2  o 


lay  powder  nndcr  the  pari  lament- house,  to  blow  it  up.  Then  tbej 
also  told  him  that  he  was  to  receive  the  sacrament,  for  thR  more 
assurance;  and  tliereupon  he  weat  to  confession  to  Tesmaud  the 
Jesuit,  and  in  his  confession  told  him,  that  he  was  to  conceal  a  verj 
dangerous  piece  of  work  that  his  master  Catesby  and  Thomas 
Winter  had  imparted  to  him,  and  said  he  much  feared  the  matlet 
to  be  utterly  unlawful,  and  therefore  therein  desired  the  counsel  of 
the  Jesuit,  and  revealed  to  him  the  whole  intent  and  purpose  g( 
blowing  up  the  pari  lament- house,  upon  the  first  day  of  the  assem- 
bly, at  which  the  king,  the  queen,  the  prince,  the  lords  spiritual  and 
temporal,  the  judges,  the  knights,  citizens,  and  burgesses,  shouJil 
all  have  been  convened  and  met  together.  But  the  Jesuit,  being  t 
confederate  therein  before,  resolved  and  encouraged  him  in  the 
action ;  and  said  that  he  should  be  secret  in  that  which  his  masUt 
had  imparted  unto  bim,  for  that  it  was  for  a  good  cause  :  addiaf, 
moreover,  that  it  was  not  dangerous  unto  him,  nor  any  offence  to 
conceal  it.  And  thereupon  the  Jesuit  gave  him  absolution ;  and 
Bates  received  the  sacrament  of  him,  in  the  company  of  his  master 
Robert  Catesby  and  Thomas  Winter. 

When  condemned,  he  craved  pardon,  as  being  ignorant  of  the 
consequence  of  what  he  concealed,  and  as  being  led  into  it  bj 
his  master,  Tesmoud,  and  Winter;  he  was,  however,  executed 
Jan.  22,  1606. 

TTiere  is  an  uiicommart  print,  hy  N.  de  Vischer,  of 
the  execution  of  the  eight  conspirators. 

SIR  EVERARD  DIGBY  ;  a  small  oval  in  Caul- 
Jielifs  "Histori/o/thcGunpQwikrPlolf'  8vo. 

Sir  Everard  Dighy  was  descended  from  an  ancient  family,  resi- 
dent at  the  time  of  his  birth  (1.581}  at  Drystoke,  in  Rutlandshire. 
He  was  educated  under  the  tuition  of  some  popish  priests,  and  hi) 
father  dying  when  he  was  but  eleven  years  of  age,  he  was  early 
introduced  to  the  court  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  where  he  was  mucB 
noticed,  and  received  several  marks  of  her  majesty's  favour.  On 
the  coming  in  of  King  James,  he  went  likewise  to  pay  his  duty,  as 
others  of  bis  religion  did;  was  very  graciously  received,  and  had 
the  honour  of  knighthood  conferred  upon  him,  being  looked  upon 
as  tt  man  of  fair  fortune,  pregnant  abilities,  and  a  coortlike  belis' 

OF  ENGLAND.  .^^9 

y}Our^    He  married  M^ry,  daughter  and  sole,  heiress  of  WUIi^m 
Blulsbo,  esq.of  Gothursi^  in  Budangh^siure,  with  wfaoiapi  hid  Jiia^ 
^  giSeat  fortuney  which,  with  his  own'estatey  was  settled  iipon  th^ 
chQdren  of  that  marriage.    Cine  would  have  imagined  that,  ccMisi- 
doring  his  mild  temper  and  happy  situation  in  the  world,  t^  gen- 
tleman might  have  spent  his  days  in  honour  and  peace,  idtbou^ 
nmning  the  smallest  hazard  of  meeting  that  disgraceful  deati^ 
which  lias  introduced  his  name  into  all  our  histories :  l^utithap- 
J^Md,  far  otherwise.  He  was  drawn  in  to  be  privy  to  the  gan|K>wder- 
<|iIot;  and  thopgh  he  was  not  a  principal  actor- in  that  dreadful 
•Sur,  or  indeed  an  actor  At  all,  yet  he  dffered  1500/.  towards  d^ 
fraying  the  expenses  (tf  it;  entertamed  duy  Fawkes,  who  was  to 
liaTe  executed  it,  in  his  bouse;  and' was  taken  in  open  rebdllicH^ 
with  other  PaiHsts,  aflier  the  plot  was  detected  and  had  miscarried. 
Tn0  means,  by  which  Sir  Sverard  was  wrought  upon  to  ep^s^e  in 
this  affiur,  himself  affirmed  to  be  these  :  first,  hie  was  told  that  ^ng 
^am^s  had  broke  bis  promises  to  the  Catholics ;  secondly,  tha|t 
jBeveral  laws  against  popery  would  be  made  in.  the  next  parliament, 
Ihat  husbands  would  be  made  obnoxious  for  their  wives'  offences, 
and  that  it  would  be  made  a  praemunire  only  to  be  a  Catholic ;  huX 
the  main  point  was,  thirdly,  that  the  restoring  of  the  Catholic  religio)i 
was  the  duty  of  every  member,  and  that,  in  consideration  of-  this, 
lie  was  not  to  regard  any  favours  received  from  the  crown,  the 
tranquillity  of  his  country,  or  the  hazards  that  might  be  run  in  re« 
spect  to  his  life,  his  family,  or  his  fortune. 

Upon  his  commitment  to  the  Tower  he  persisted  steadily  in 
maintaining  his  own  innocence  as  to  the  powder-plot,  and  refused 
to  discover  any  who  were  concerned  in  it;  but  when  he  was 
brought  to  his  trial  at  Westminster,  Jan.  27,  1606,  and  indicted 
for  being  acquainted  with  and  concealing  the  powder-treason, 
taking  the  double  oath  of  secrecy  and  constancy,  and  acting 
openly  with  other  traitors  in  rebellion,  he  pleaded  guilty.— rAfter 
tius,  he  endeavoured  to  extenuate  his  offence,  by  explaining  the 
kotives  before  mentioned ;  and  then  requested  that,  as  he  had  been 
akne  in  the  crime,  ne  might  alone  bear  the  punishment,  without 
extending  it  to  his  family ;  and  that  his  debts  might  be  paid,  and 
himself  beheaded.  When  sentence  of  death  was  passed,  he  seemed 
to  be^much  afPected;  for  making  a  low  bow  to  those  on  the  bench, 
jk.said,/^  if  I  oould  hear  any  .of  your  lordships  say  you  forgave  me, 
t'should  go  the  more.ebeerfuUy^to  the  gallows^".  To  this  all  -the 
lords  answered,  "God  forgive  you,  and  we  do."    He  was,  with 


other  conspirators,  on  the  30th  of  the  same  month,  hanged,  drawn, 
and  quartered,  at  the  west  end  of  St.  Paul's  church,  in  London, 
where  he  asked  forgiveness  of  God,  the  king,  the  queen,  the  prince, 
and  the  parliament ;  and  protested,  that  if  he  had  known  this  act  at 
first  to  have  been  so  foul  a  treason,  he  would  not  have  concealfil  it 
to  have  gained  a  world,  requiring  the  people  to  witness,  that  he 
died  a  penitent  and  sorrowful  for  it.  Wood  mentioDS  a  most  eitra- 
ordinary  circumstance  at  his  death,  as  a  thing  generally  tnown, 
namely,  that  when  the  eiiecutioaer  plucked  out  his  heart,  and,  ai> 
cording  to  form,  held  it  up,  saying,  "  Here  is  the  heart  of  a  traitor," 
Sir  Everard  made  answer,  "  Thou  liest." 

He  left  at  his  deadi  two  young  sons,  afterward  Sir  Kenelm  and 
Sir  John  Digby,  and  expressed  hie  affection  towards  them  by  a  weU- 
written  and  pathetic  paper,  which  he  desired  might  be  communi- 
cated to  them  at  a  fit  time,  as  the  last  advice  of  their  father. 
While  he  was  in  the  Tower,  he  wrote,  in  juice  of  lemon,  or  other- 
wise, upon  slips  of  paper,  as  opportunity  offered ;  and  got  theae 
conveyed  to  his  lady,  by  such  as  had  permission  to  see  him.  These 
notes,  or  advertisements,  were  preserved  in  the  family  as  precious 
relics  :  till,  in  1675,  they  were  faund  at  the  house  of  Charles  Com- 
wallis,  esq.  executor  to  Sir  Kenelm  Digby,  by  Sir  Rice  Rudd,  hart 
and  William  Wogan,  of  Gray's  Inn,  esq.  In  the  first  of  these  pa- 
pers there  is  the  following  paragraph  :  '■  Now  for  my  intention,  let 
me  tell  you,  that  if  I  had  thought  there  had  been  the  least  sin  in 
the  plot,  I  would  not  have  been  in  it  for  all  the  world ;  and  no 
other  cause  drew  me  to  hazard  my  fortune  and  life,  but  zeal  to 
God's  religion." 

FRANCIS  TRESHAM,  esq.  a  small  oval  in  Cad- 
Jielifs  "  History  of  tlie  Giuipoivder  Plot  f'  8i'o. 

This  gentleman  was  one  of  the,  most  considerable  of  the  consp- 
rators ;  and  was  early  informed  of  the  plot  by  Catesby  and  Percyi 
as  Sir  Everard  Digby  and  himself  were  the  first  mouied  men  they 
called  in  to  aid  their  purpose.  Tresham,  it  appears,  offered  500(. 
more  than  Sir  Everard,  who  proffered  ISOO;.  and  Tresham,  2OO0?. 
to  purchase  combustibles,  hire  the  house,  and  pay  for  any  assistance 

After  the  apprehension  of  Fawkes,  Tresham  had  the  temerity  lo 
Temaiu  about  tlie  court,  and  the  better  to  disguise  his  connexion  in 
the  plot,  proffered  his  service  for  the  suppression  and  apprehension 


of  ENGLAND.  L  201 

Pthe  other  conspiraion ;  but  being  siupectedy  he  was  examined, 
ad  sent  to  the  Tower,  wl^iere  he  confessed  the  whole,  and  witlbia  a 
m  diagrs  after  died  of  a  strangury. 

AMBROSE  ROOKWOOD ;  a  smalloml,  in  Caul- 
fid's  **  History  of  the  Gunpowder  Plot  /'  %vo. 

Ambrose  Ropkwood,  like  the  majority  of  the  conspirators,  was 
main  of  fisrtane/and,  previous  to  this  circnmstanoe,  of  character 
idmpeached :'  when  called  upon  to  answer  why  judgment  of  dea^ 
!idi|ld,  not  be. pronounced  against  him,  he  answered,  *^  Thpugh  \aa 
fence  was  incapable  of  excuse,  it  Was  not  altogether  incapable  of 
Efiepoationf '  and  the  rather,  it,  that  he  had  not  been  either  author 
r  actor  in  the  business,  but  drawn  in,  to  abet  the  same,  from  the 
ctreme  regard  he  bore  to  Catesby;  whom  he  professed  to  esteem 
Kyve  any  man  helcnew:  and  concluded  by  ol^erving,  it  was.,  not 
le  fear  of  death,  but  grief  that  so  shameful  a  one  would  leave  a 
erpetnal  blemish  to  after  ages,  on  his  name  and  blood.  He  was 
cecoted  Jan.  31,  1606.  ^ 

to  the  Romish  faith  seems  to  have  been  inherent  to  this 
(and  perhaps  family),  as  an  Ambrose  Rookwood  was  executed 
i  the  year  1690,  for  being  concerned  in  a  plot  to  assassinate  King 

JOHN  GRANT ;  a  small  oval,  in  Cauljield^s  ''  Ms- 
ory  of  the  Gunpowder  Plot  ;'*  8vo. 

John  Grant,  one  of  the  conspirators,  resident  at  Coventry,  in  com- 
any  with  several  violent  Catholics,  broke  open  a  stable,  and  car- 
ted off  seven  or  eight  horses  belonging  to  noblemen  and  gentlemen 
C the  neighbourhood;  with  which  assistance  (thinking  the  expld* 
109  had  taken  place)  he  intended  to  obtain  possession  of  the 
"Iriaoess  Elizabeth,  afterward  Queen  of  Bohemia,  then  on  a  idsit  at 
4rd  Harrington's,  but  being  frustrated  in  this  scheme,  he  was 
iken,  brought  to  trial,  and  executed,  with  Sir  .£verard  Digby, 

Ubert  Winter,  and  Thomas  Bates. 


ROBERT  KEIES ;  a  small  oval,  in  CaulfiekTs 
■  History  of  the  Gunpowder  Plot ;"  8t;o. 

Robert  Keies,  as  .he  expressed  himself  on  his  trial,  was  a  man  of 


desperate  estate  and  fortune,  and  tbat  his  situation  at  the  bai  m 
a»  good,  in  pomt  of  circumstance,  a>  any  he  had  known  for  a ' 
of  time,  and  but  from  the  foUowitig  anecdote  taken  from  FnlkiH 
"  Church  History,"  we  might  naturally  suppose  the  temptation  of 
money,  rather  than  a  wish  for  the  advancement  of  religion,  had 
prompted  him  to  the  undertaking.  "  A  few  days  before  the  fai^ 
blow  should  be  given,  Keies,  being  atTichmarsh,  in  Northampton- 
shire, at  his  brother-in-law's  house,  Mr.  Gilbert  Pickering,  a  Pro- 
testant, he  suddenly  whipped  out  his  sword,  and  in  merriment  made 
many  offers  therewith  at  the  heads,  necks,  and  sides  of  seven! 
gentlemen  and  ladies  then  in  his  company  :  it  was  then  taken  bx 
a  mere  frolic,  and  so  passed  accordingly ;  but  afterward,  when  the 
treason  was  discoTercdj'suchas  remembered  his  gestures,  thought  !ie  ' 
practised  what  he  intended  to  do  when  the  plot  should  take  eSecl; 
that  is,  to  hack  and  hew,  kill  and  destroy,  all  eminent  persons  of  a 
different  religion  from  himself."  fie  was  executed  with  GuyFawkH 
and  others  Jan.  31,1606. 

RICHARD  PEEKE;  wood-cut;  scarce. 

Richard    Peeke;     i/i    Caulfield's    "  Jtemarkaiki 


Richard  Peeke,  a  native  of  Tavistock,  in  Devonshire,  entered  asu 
volunteer  in  the  cspedition  against  Gales;  and  at  the  casils  d^ 
Puntall,  on  that  coast  (to  use  his  own  phrase),  performed  i^ 
desperate  service.  On  the  surrender  of  this  castle, 
were  landed;  when  Peeke,  among  others,  straying  about  lie  M 
try,  fell  into  a  Spanish  ambuscade,  by  whom  he  was  made  prists 
and  confined  eighteen  days  in  the  prison  at  Cales.  Being  brorf 
up  for  examination  at  Xercs,  before  the  Duke  of  Medina-SidontB,S 
conducted  himself  so  undauntedly,  as  to  challenge  any  three  8| 
ninrds  they  could  produce  to  encounter  him ;  which  being  ai 
he  entered  the  lists,  armed  only  with  a  quarter- staff,  against  tfc 
antagonists,  each  provided  with  rapier  and  poniard.  Peete^ 
his  staff  with  such  skill  and  adroitness,  as  to  lay  one  of  the  tl 
dead  at  his  feet,  and  compel  the  remaining  two  to  seek  their  sa 
in  flight.  A  collection  was  made  for  him  on  %he  spot,  ' 
amounted  to  four  pounds  ten  shillings ;  and  he  was  taken  under^ 
patronage  of  the  Marquis  Alquenexes,  and  presented  by  hiin  to-W 
King  of  Spain  at  Madrid,  who  offered  him  a  place  under  his  govcJ 

OF  ENGLAND.  1203 

taut  I  \Hudi  deelininj^,  be  Mtntraecl  to  England,  and  pabUihed  the 
unmtite  of  his  expkSts,  to  which  the  print  U  {ftefized. ' 

ELIZABETH  SAWYER;  too«f-c«0  ram 
iBjLizABETH  Sawyer.   J.  Caulfkld  exc. 

r  Elisabelh  Sawyer  was  one  of  those  impostors  who,  in  the  reign 
r James  the  First,  fell  victims  to  the  superstitious  ignorance  of  the 
mes.  Her  history  is  comprised  in  a  tract  printed  at  London,  1 621 , 
■titled,  **  The  Wonderfull  Discoyerie  of  Elizabeth  Sawyer,  a  Witch, 
ite  of  Edmonton ;  her  Conviction,  and  Condemnation,  and  Death; 
%ettitir.widi  4he  Relation  of  the  DiveFs  Accesse  to  her,  and  theiff 
onference  together.  Written  by  Henry  Goodcole,  Minister  of  the 
l^ord  of  God ;  and  her  continual  Visitor  ine  th  Goale  of  Newgate.^ 

ANNE  TURNER ;  wood-cut,  in  the  sheet  of  her 
^Jfing  speech  and  confession,  in  the  library  of  the  Anti^ 
^uatian  Society  ;  rare, 

AnnbTubner;  copied  from  the  above.  R.S.Kirbjf 

Anne  Turner  was  the  widow  of  a  physician  that  had  attended 
^  Countess  of  Essex,  who,  wanting  a  confidant  in  her  amour 
^idi  Carr,  earl  of  Somerset,  prior  to  her  divorce  from  Essex,  ap- 
Bed  to  Mrs.  Turner  for  that  purpose ;  who,  being  reduced  in  cir- 
itaistances  after  the  death  of  her  husband,  readily  undertook  a 
ttimesa,  that  promised  so  well  to  tend  to  her  advantage ;  and  fre> 
Oently  was  the  bearer  of  messages  between  the  eari  and  countess, 
voftly  after  the  divorce  had  taken  place,  and  it  being  rumoured 
^  countess  was  to  be  united  to  the  favourite  Somerset,  hb  inti- 
IMs  fiiend  Sir  Thomas  Overi>ury  freely  remonstrated  with  him  on 
^  impropriety  of  audi  an  alliamce,  wbidi  coming  to  the  know* 
^j^  of  dbe  lady,  she  so  fat  prevailed  on  her  admirer  Somerset  to 
^  a  {^an  for  the  destructimi  of  the  unfortunate  Overbory ;  which 
^  eftcted  by  lus  refusal  of  an  honourable  employment  offered  to 
feb.-  by  the  king,  at  the  suggestion  of  the  fiuthless  Somerset,  who 
^i  requested  Ae  appointment  on  behalf  of  hb  unsospectiBg  friend; 
^  eoDsequenoe  of  the  eontempt  cast  on  this  his  nugest/s  fii^ 
^,  was  die  commitment  of  Oveibnry  to  the  Tower,  where  he 
Wdy  after  £ed  by  poison,  admiinslered  to  him  by  agenfa 


ployed  by  Lady  Essex,  the  chief  of  which  was  Mrs.  Tatner. 
procured  the  poisoDous  drugs  which  occasioned  his  death,  ant 
ployed  the  parties  who  effected  the  same  ;  for  this  offence  shi 
brought  to  trial  before  Sir  Edward  CoJce,  fouod  guilty,  and 
tenced  to  die,  with  a  remarkable  order,  "  That  as  she  was  th( 
person  who  introduced  the  fashion  of  yellow  starched  nifis, 
should  be  hanged  in  that  dress,  that  the  same  might  er 
shame  and  de testa ti on."  She  was  executed  at  Tybura  Not. 

SIR  JERVAS  YELVIS  ;  wood-cut,  in  the  she 
his  dying  speech,  in  the  library  of  the  Araiqua\ 
Society;  rare. 

Sir  Jehvas  Yelvis  ;  copied  from  the  ah 
R.  S.  Kirby  exc.  Sno. 

Sir  Jervas  Yelvis  (or  Elwes),  a  gentleman  of  Lincolnshire, 
brought  up  to  the  study  of  the  law,  and  some  time  a  memb 
Lincoln's  Inn;  but  being  of  a  restless,  unsettled,  and  ambit 
nature,  was  continually  in  search  of  some  post  or  place  uadei 
crown,  until  he  procured  the  situation  which  provedhts  i 
Previously  to  the  confinement  of  Sir  Thomas  Overbury  in 
Tower,  the  then  lieutenant,  Sir  William  Waad,  being  of  too  n 
and  independent  a  principle  to  become  an  instrument  in  the 
conspiracy  against  Overbury,  was  displaced  from  his  office 
lieutenant,  on  the  ground  that  he  had  exercised  his  authority ' 
too  little  strictness  in  regard  of  the  Lady  Arabella  Stuart,  ha' 
allowed  her  the  use  of  a  key  when  she  was  in  confinement, » 
he  gave  too  little  liberty  to  others,  in  a  similar  situation.  Ado 
cause  assigned  was,  that  he  had  grown  rich  and  careless,  and  i 
lected  the  duties  of  his  office.  Sir  Jervas  Yelvis,  it  is  repor 
gained  the  place  by  the  payment  of  a  considerable  sum  of  moj 
and  is  said  to  have  been  guilty  of  great  extortions  during  the  1 
he  continued  in  possession  of  his  office;  and  for  that  cause  beni 
the  Earls  of  Northampton  and  Rochester  his  sole  study,  iea 
their  displeasure  more  than  that  of  the  king  himself;  actuated 
these  motives,  he  readily  came  into  every  measure  which  they| 
posed,  as  thinking  the  favourite  Rochester  would  always  bear 
harmless,  and  in  that  persuasion  he  became  an  accessary  in  tk 
tended  murder,  and  even  undertook  the  office  of  sounding  the 

OF   ENGLAND.  205 

KNsi^on  of  Sir  Thomas  towards  the  Countess  of  Essex,  which  he 
^xnmunicatecl  to  the  Earl  of  Northampton,  in  a  letter  that  sealed 
lis  own  destruction ;  as  the  confederates  in  Overbury's  murder  no 
onger  maintained  the  least  reserve^  but  compelled  him  to  co-ope- 
rate and  associate  with  the  lowest  villains  they  had  engaged  in 
their  wicked  project. 

Weston,  a  main  instrument  in  the  murder,  who  had  beei;!  taken 
into  the  service  of  the  lieutenant,  on  the  recommendation  of  the 
countess,  haying  a  glass  in  one  hand,  and  Sir  Thomases  supper  in 
the  other ;  meeting  Sir  Jervas,  he  demanded  of  him  with  a  kind  of 
caution,  whether  he  should  give  it  to  him  (Sir  Thomas)  now  or  nott 
The  lieutenant  stopped,  and  asked,  What  ?  To  which  Weston  an- 
swered :  Sir,  know  you  not  what  is  to  be  done  1  This  address  from 
one  in  Weston's  situation  alarmed  Sir  Jervas,  who  took  him  under 
a  close  examination,  when  he  confessed  upon  what  grounds  he  had 
proceeded,  and  acknowledged  the  receipt  of  the  poison  from  the 
countess,  and  to  what  end.  The  lieutenant  dismissed  Weston, 
with  advice  to  omit  it  then ;  but  too  late  discovered  that  his  parti- 
cipation in  the  crime^  had  involved  him  as  a  confederate  with  the 
worst  of  characters. 

'The  history  of  this  abominable  conspiracy  is  recorded  in  almost 
every  work  that  relates  to  the  reign  of  James  I.,  and  the  trial,  con- 
viction, prayers,  and  execution  of  those  concerned  in  the  murder, 
may  be  seen  at  length  in  <*  Truth  brought  to  Light  by  Time,,  or 
Narrative  of  the  First  Fourteen  Years  of  King  Jatnes  I.  " 

Sir  Jervas  Yelvis  suffered  on  Tower-hill,  Nov.  20, 1615.  In  his 
dying  speech  he  observes,  that  having  been  much  addicted  to 
gaming,  he  had  often  vowed  and  prayed,  ''  Let  me  be  hanged  if  I 
ever  play  more,*'  and  takes  this  his  fate  as  a  judgment.on  him  for 
&e  violation  of  his  vows  so  often  made  and  broken. 

.  MULLED  SACK  ;  a  fantastic  and  humorous  chim- 
fiey -sweeper^  so  called.  He  is  in  a  cap  and  feather ,  and 
laced  band:  his  cloak  is  tucked  up,  and  coat  ragged ;  he 
has  a  scarf  on  his  arm;  on  his  left  leg  is  a  fashionable 
boot,  with  a  spur;  on  his  right  foot  is  a  shoe,  with  a  rose: 
he  has  a  sword  by  his  side,  and  a  holly  bush  and  pole  on 
his  shoidder ;  in  his  left  hand  is  another  pole,  with  a  horn 

VOL.  IL,  2  K 


on  it:  a  pipe,  out  of  which  issues  smoke,  is  in  His  right 
hand.*    At  the  bottom  are  the  following  lines: 

I  walke  the  Strand  and  Westminster,  and  scome 
To  march  i'  the  Cittie,  though  I  bear  the  home. 
.  My  feather  and  my  yellow  band  accord  . 

To  prove  me  courtier ;  my  boote,  spur,  and  sword,  .    j 

My  «mokinge  pipe,  scarf,  garter,  rose  on  shoe. 
Shew  my  brave  mind  t'affect  what  gallants  doe. 
I  sing,  dance,  drink,  and  merrily  passe  the  day,. 
And,  like  a  chimney,  sweepe.all  care  away. 

Sold  by  Compton  Holland.    A  small  h.  sh.    rare. 

a  f 

I  never  saw  this  print  but  in  a  very  curious  and  valuable  voltune 
of  English  portraits  by  the  old  engravers,  collected  in  the  reign  of 
Charles  I.  and  now  in  the  possession  of  John  Delabere,  esq.  of  Chel- 
tenham, in  Gloucestershire. 




Mull'd  Sack;  in  Caulfield-s  ''Remarkable  Per-  1 
sons  r  4  to.  ! 

This  most  notorious  fellow  was  the  son  of  one  Cottington,  ahat^r- ' 
dasher  of  small-wares  in  Cheapside  ; '  but  his  father  being  a  boon 
companion,  so  wasted  his  substance,  that  he  died  so  poor  as  toiie 
buried  by  the  parish.     He  left  behind  him  fifteen  daughters,  and 
four  sons,  the  youngest  of  whom  was  this  Mulled  Sack.     At  eight  ■  | 
years  of  age  he  was,  by  the  overseers  of  the  parish,  put  out  appren-    ' 
ticeto  a  chimney-sweeper,  of  St;  Mary-le-Bow,  to  whom  he"  served    . 
about  five  years ;  and  having  then  entered  his  teens,  he  thought 
himself  as  good  a  man  as  his  master ;  whereupon  he  ran  away,  as 
thinking  he  had. learnt  ^o  much  of  his  trade  as- was ^sufficientfor 
him  to  live  upon,  and  his  heirs  for  ever. 

*  Tbis'inedley  of  the  dress  of  the  man  of  fashion  and  the  chimney-sweeper,  is  not 
unlike  that  which  Lassels  mentions  in  his  ''Voyage  of  Italy/'  where  he  describes  a 
carnival  lit  Rome.  "But  never,"  says  the  aaihor,  ''  did  any  mascatade  please  liice 
thaet  speculative  Italian,  who  mocked  both  the  French  and  the  Spaniards  at  0Dce,^bj 
walking  np  and  downe  the  street,  clad  half  like  a  poUi^  and  half  like  a  Monsiedr," 
&c; — Lassel^s  "  Vojage,"  paFt  ii.  p.  190,  &c^ 

V     ,;X)F  ENGLAND.  207 

He.had  no  sooner  quitted  his  master,  than  he  was  called  by  the 

name  of  MulTd  Sack  (though  his  real  name  was  John  Cotiingtonjy 

from .  his  usually  drinking  sack  mulled,  morning,  noon, .  and  night ; 

to.  support  this  extravagant  way  of  living  he  took  to  picking.pockets^ 

and  carried  on^this  profession  with  great  success ;  and  among  others 

he  robbed  was  the  Lady  Fairfax,  from  whom  he  got  a  rich  gold 

watch^  set  with  diamonds,  in  the  following  manner :  "  This  lady 

used. to  go  to  a. lecture  on  a  week-^day,  to  Ludgate ' church,  where 

one  Mr.  Jacomb. preached,  being  mudi  followed  by  the. precisians. 

Mull'd  Sack  observing  this,  and  that  she  constantly  wore  her  watch 

hanging  .by  a  chain  frojn  her  waist,  against  the  next  time  she  came 

thereby  dressed  himself  like  an  officer  in  the  army ;  ^and  having  his 

comrades  attending  liim  Hke  troopers,  one  of  them  takes  off  the  pin 

of  a  coach- wheel  that  was  going  upwards  through  the  gate,  by 

which  means. it  falling  off,  the  passage  was  obstructed ;  so  that  the 

lady  .coi4d.  not  alight  at  the  church-door,  .but  was  forced .  to  .leave  without;  which  I^ull'd  Sack  taking  advantage  of,  readily 

presented  himself  to  her ,  ladyship ;  and .  havii^  .the  impudence  ^to 

take  her  from  her  gentleman-usher,  who  attended  her  alighting,  led 

her  by  the  arm  into  the  church;  and  by  the  way,  with  a  pair  of  keen 

«r  sharp  scissors  for  the  purpose,  cut  the- chain  in  two,  and  got  the 

watch  clear  away ;  she  not  missing  it  tUl  sermon  was  done,  when 

she  was  going  to  see  the  time  of  the  day'. 

.  After  many  narrow  escapes  from  being  taken  in  the  act  of  plun* 
dering,  MuU'd  Sack  was  at  length  detected  in  the  act  of  pickiugthe 
pocket  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  as  he  came  out  of  the  parliament-house, 
and  had  like  to  have  been  hanged  for  that  fact ;  but  the  storm  blow- 
ing over,  he  was  so  much  out  of  conceit  with  picking  pockets,  that 
lieitook  up  another  trade,  which  was  robbing  on  the  highway;  and 
following,  this  practice  with  one  Tom  Cheney,  they  were  auda- 
cious enough  to  rob  Colonel  Hewson,  at  the  head  of  his  regiment, 
Ifben  marching  into  Hounslow ;  but  being  quickly  pursued  by  some 
Iroopers  which  lay  in  that  town,  Cheney's  horse  failing  him,  lie 
"Vas  taken,  while  MuU'd  Sack  got  clear  off.  Cheney,  desperately 
"Wounded,  was  brought  prisoner  to  Newgate ;  and  shortly  after,  when 
tbe  sessions  came  on  at  the  Old  Bailey,  he  would  have  avoided  his 
trial  by  pleading  weakness,  and  the  soreness  of  his  wounds ;  but 
<^iis  had  DO  effect  on  t^e  court,  for  they  caused  him  to  be  brought 
down  in  a  chair ;  from  whence,  as  soon  as  he  had  received  seatepge 
of  death,  which  was  about  two  o'clock  in  the  afternoon,  he  was  car-' 
ried  in  a  cart  to  Tyburn,  and  there  executed. 


,  Mull'd  Sacky  haying  thus  lost  his  companioo,  was  resolved  m 
fature  to  rob  on  the  highway  by  himself  alone^  though,  he  ksfi 
company  with  the  greatest  highwaymen  that  ever  were  known  mtmy 
age ;  and  such  was  his  genius,  that  by  their  conyersation  he  becsme 
as  expert  a  robber  on  the  road  as  any  man  whateyer ;  for  whilstliei 
followed  that  profession,  he  got  as  much  money  as  all  the  thi0veB 
then  in  England.  He  always  went  habited  like,  and  was  rioted 
8  merchant,  for  he  constantly  wore  a  watchmaker's  and  jewelWs 
shop  in  his  pocket,  and  coiUd  at  any  time  command  1000^ 

Haying  notice  by  his  spies  that  the  general-teceiyer  ad  Readisf 
was  to  send  6000/.  to  London  by  an  ammunitions  waggon  and 
cohyoy,  he  prevented  that  way  of  carriage  by  conyeying  it  vf 
himself  on  horseback ;  breaking  into  the  receiver's  house  lit 
the  night  time,  and  carried  off  the  booty,  undiscovered.  The  lofl* 
being  so  great,  strict  inquiry  was  set  on  foot,  when  it  was  dis^ 
covered  Muird  Sack  was  the  principal  in  the  robbery ;  idiereupott 
he  was  watched,  way-laid,  apprehended,  and  sent  down  pri8<m6r  tft 
Reading,  and  from  thence,  at  the  assizes,  conveyed  to  Abingdani 
where,  not  wanting  money,  he  procured  such  a  jury  to  be  empan* 
nelled,  that  though  Judge  Jermyn  did  what  he  could  to  hang  bu% 
there  being  very  good  circumstantial  proof,  as  that  he  was  seen  ia 
the  town  the  very  night  when  the  robbery  was  committed,  yet  hs 
so  baulked  the  evidence,  and  so  affronted  the  judge,  by  bidding  bin* 
come  off  the  bench,  and  swear  what  he  said,  as  judge,  witness,  and 
prosecutor  too,  for  so  perhaps  he  might  murder  him  by  pre- 
sumption of  evidence,  as  he  termed  it,  that  the  jury  brought  him  in 

He  had,  however,  not  been  long  at  liberty  before  he  killed  one 
John  Bridges,  to  have  the  more  free  egress  and  regress  with  his 
wife,  who  had  kept  him  company  for  above  four  years ;  but  the 
deceased's  friends  resolving  to  prosecute  the  murderer  to  the  utter^ 
most,  he  fled  beyond  sea ;  and  at  Cologn  he  robbed  King  Charles  II. 
then  in  his  exile,  of  as  much  plate  as  was  valued  at  1500^ ;  then 
flying  into  England  again,  he  promised  to  give  Oliver  Cromwd 
some  of  his  majesty's  papers,  which  he  had  taken  with  his  plate, 
and  discover  his  correspondences  here ;  but  not  making  good  hit 
promise,  he  was  sent  to  Newgate,  and  receiving  sentence  of  •deadly 
was  hanged  in  Smithfield-rounds,  in  April,  1659,  aged  fifty-five 

OF   ENGLAND.  209 

JOHN  SELMAN,  who  was^xecuted  near  Charing- 
vossy  1612,  Sec.  done  in  wood;  4to. 

John  S  elm  an  ;  in  Caulfield^s  *^  Remarkable  Per- 

Tbifl  man  was  hanged  for  picking  the  pocket  of  Leonard  Barry, 
venrant  to  Lord  Harring^ni  during  divine  service.  The  author  of 
4e  narrative  of  Selman  magnifies  the  crime,  as  he  was  dressed  like 
m  gentleman.* 

There  is  a  print  of  EVE  FLIGEN,  of  Cleveland 
^y  which  is  meant  the  dutchy  of  Clove,  in  Ger- 
many, and  not  Cleveland,  in  Yorkshire),  who  is  said 
*o  have  lived  long  upon  the  smell  of  flowers.  It  was 
mU  in  Pope's  Head-alley^  by  George  Humble  (the  first 
impreasion  was  sold  by  William  Peak);  and  was,  by 
3fn  W^t,  taken  for  an  English  bead  ;  but  L  cannot 
2nd  that  she  was  ever  out  of  her  own  country. 
Under  the  portrait  are  these  lines  : 

'Twas  I  that  prayM  I  never  might  eat  more, 
'Cause  my  step-mother  grutclied  me  my  food  ; 

Whether  on  flowers  I  fed,  as  I  had  store. 
Or  on  a  dew  that  every  morning  stood, 

Like  honey,  on  my  lips,  full  seaventeen  year<;. 

This  is  a  tratfa,  if  you  the  troth  will  hear. 

t  It  is  well  known,  that  Jonathaa  Wild  used  to  «<^|uip  \m  <'iiiifMwric'«  m'iiU  geiiU  rl 
I,  and  send  them  to  church,  or  any  other  place  i»h«re  lie  hud  r<;a«on  tv  helU'ire 
wo«M  be  m  t»ywd.  The  greatest  booty  lliat  they  are  •up}M>fed  \n  Ijave  gaiiM-d 
Cbr  lum  in  one  day,  was  at  aa  installation  at  Wmdsor,  where  thej^  haii4e4  itu4  aMil^d 
^he  ladies  in  the  throng,  and  robbed  tlieui  of  their  w^IcIks  aud  disup;ii/l  i^i'iU 
IndLles.  Some  of  these  fellowf,  etpeciaiJy  such  as  wor^;  wA  C4/aU  iut4  im-M  hnife, 
^treie  soon  obserred  to  afsaase  great  aiss,  and  &ncy  tlx-iuselires  as  i^ood  ^g/^-tMntuirsi  uk 
<IiMiaihan  himself.  Hence  it  was,  that  they  were  very  sh^ti/  brou|^iii  iu  ihc  ^nl 
lows.  One  would  imagine,  that  this  arch-ihief  liad  b'-'-ii  UtfffuM4  ^f  du'  \ffiuJ^  of 
^trapelus : 


Eva  Fliegen,  &c.  sia?  Latin  verses. ,  Bait.  Flysskr 
pinx.  et  ea;.   Andr.  Stock  so.  Hc^e. 

Eva  Vliegen  ;  standing  in  a  room;,  view  of  a  gar- 
den from  a  window  ;  account  of  her  in  French,  Inipiwk 
A.  Zutphen,  chez  Andri  Jansen,  1611 ;  scarce. 

This  story  may  keep  company  with  Pliny's  relation  of  the  As- 
tomiy  a  people  in  East  India,  who  have  no  mouths,  and  are  sap- 
ported  by  the  smell  of  roots,  flowers,  and  wild  apples;*  and  wiA 
that  of  the  Chinese  virgins,  who  are  said  to  conceive  by  smelling  to 
a  rose.  I  have  been  blamed  for  leaving  the  description  of  Eve  Fliffai* 
print  out  of  my  book;  and  now  I  expect  to  be  blamed  for  inserting  it, 

ROBERT  mXON,  Cheshire  prophet.  Harding  sc 
1793.^  In  Harding's  "  Biographical  Mirrour^ 

Robert,  or  William,  Nixon  is  said  to  have  been  bom  at  Bridge-' 
end-house,  in  the  parish  of  Over ;  that  he  was-  an  illiterate  plough 
boy  in  the  house  of  Thomas  Cholmondley,  of  Vale-Royal,  esq. ;: 
his  capacity  scarcely  exceeding  that  of  an  idiot ;  and  that  he  sel* 
dom  spoke  unless  he  uttered  his  prophecies,  which  were  taken 
from  his  mouth  by  some  of  the  by-standers.  Many  traditions  re- 
lating to  him  are  still  current  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Vale-Royal, 
where  his  story  is  implicitly  believed.  The  account  of  his  death  is, 
that  having  been  sent  for  by  the  king,  he  was  accidently  starved, 
as  he  himself  foretold.  This  is  said  to  have  happened  at  Hampton- 
court,  where  he  was  ordered,  to  be  kept  in  the  kitchen,  where  he 
grew  so  troublesome  in  licking  and  picking  the  meat,  that  the 
cooks  locked  him  up  in  a  hole.  The  king  going  on  a  sudden  to 
London,  Nixon  was  forgot  and  starved  to  death.  Mr.  John  Old* 
mixon  published  his  life  and  prophecies  at  large,  17 14,  from  Lady 
Cowper's  correct  copy. 

•  Pliii.  "  Nat.  Hist."  i.  p.  401,  edit.  yar. 

X)*    ENGLANiD.  211 


Henry  Vere,  the  gallant  earl  of  Oxford,  was  the  first  nobleman 
that,  appeared  at  court,  in  the  reign  of  James,  with  a  hat  and  white 
feather ; '  which  was  sometimes  worn  by  the  king  himself.* 

The  long  love-lock  seems  to  have  been  first  in  fashion  among 
die  beanx  in  this  reign,  who  sometimes  stuck  flowers  in  their 

William,  earl  of  Pembroke,  a  man  far  from  an  effeminate  cha- 
racter, is  represented  with  ear-rings,  t 

ll^rought  night-caps  'were  in  use  in  the  reigns  of  Elizabeth, 
James,  and  Charles  I.  Privy-coiinsellors  and  physicians  wore  them 
embroidered  with  gold  and  silk :  those  worn  by  the  clergy  were 
only  black  and  white.  Mrs.  Kennon,  the  midwife,  a  collector  of 
curiosities,  had  the  night-cap  of  Oliver  Cromwell,  embroidered  with 


James  appears  to  have  left  the  beard  in  much  the  same  state  as 
be  found  it  on  his  accession  to  the  throne. 

Tbe  doak,  a  dress  of  great  antiquity ,§  was  more  worn  in  this, 
ffiao  in  any  of  the  preceding  reigns.  It  continued  to  be  in  fashion 
liter  the  restoration  of  Charles  II. 

It  it  well  known,  that  James  I.  used  to  hunt  in  a  ruff  and 

Mr.  Hawley,  of  Gray's  Inn,  coming  to  court  one  day,  Maxwell, 
%.  Scotsman,  led  him  out  of  the  room  by  a  black  string,  which  he 
•Pore  in  his  ear. 

The  great  tub-farthingale  was  much  worn  in  this  reign. 

Wbrstied  stockings  were  first  knit  in  this  reign,  and  invented  by 

•  ••  Slate' Wfffthiea,"  p.  810.  ^ 

t  Borton  on  Melancholy,  p.  535>  sixth  edit. 

t  From  a  circumstance  of  this  kind  the  famous  print  by  Masson  is  called  Perle 
THamowrt*  The  wearing  of  ear>rings  was  supposed  to  be  a  presenration  for  the  eye- 
^fjix.  Marshal  Saxe  wore  them ;  it  is  a  common'  practice  in  Italy  and  Spain.--- 
Lord  Hailes. 

$  The  cloak,  which  has  for  time  immemorial  been  worn  in  Spain,  was  worn  by 
9w  Romans ;  I>acnllas  had  more  cloaks  in  his  wardrobe  than  he  ever  had  dishes  at 
iUs  table.     It  is  recorded  that  he  had  no  less  than  five  thousand. || 
■^  ■■■■,..  ■  .         ^  ^^  .  ■-     .11 

B  Hor.  Lib.  I.  Epist.  VI. 


er,  an  apprentice  of  London,  who  presented  a  pair  of 
vra  Knitting  to  the  Earl  of  Pembroke. 

e  learn  from  Sir  Thomas  OTeEbury,  that  yellow  itockinga  were 
I        hv  some  of  the  ordinary  gentlemen  in  the  country.* 

;     era,  puflFed  ia  a  lai^  kjtol,  were  worn  below  the  knees ; 
>r  roses,  in  tlie  shoes. 

rorms  us,  that  the  Countess  of  Essex,  aAer  ber  divorce, 
irea  aL  court  "  in  the  habit  of  a  virgin,  with  her  hair  pendant 
t  to  ber  feet :"  the  Princess  EUzabeth,  with  much  more  pO 
.,,  wore  hers  in  the  sanic  mauner,  when  she  went  to 
a  the  Prince  Palatine. 

;  head  of  the  CountCKS  of  Essex  seems  to  bi 
juients  ;t  and  she  appears  to  have  exposed  more  of  the  boMn 
d  was  seen  in  any  former  period. 

i  ladies  began  to  indulge  a  strong-  passion  for  foreign  laces  Id 

i  reign  of  James,!  wliich  rather  increased  than  abated  in  succeed 


iie  ruff  and  farthingale  still  continued  to  be  worn.  Yellow  starek 

'  rufis,  first  invented  by  the  French,  aud  adapted  to  the  sallov 

complexions  of  that  people,  was  introduced  by  Mrs.  Turner,  a  ply- 

jician's  widow,  who  had  a  principal  hand  in  poisoning  Sir  ThomU 

Overbury.  This  vain  and  infamous  woman,  who  went  to  be  haEged 

in  a  ruff  of  that  colour,^  helped  to  support  the  fafihion 

ohe  was  able.     It  began  to  decline  upon  her  execution. 

Tiie  ladies,  like  those  of  Spain,  were  banished  from  court  during 
the  reign  of  James  ;  which  was,  perfiapsi  a  reason  why  dress  nn- 
derwent  very  little  alteration  during  that  period. 

It  may  not  bo  impertinent  to  remark,  that  the  lady  of  Sir  Robeil 
Gary,  afterward  earl  of  Monmouth,  was  mistress  of  the  sweet  [M 
perfumed)  coffers  to  Anne  of  Demnark  ;  au  office  which  ausvrered 
to  that  of  mistress  of  the  robes  at  present. |, 

It  appears  from  portraits,  that  long  coats  were  worn  by  boys,  lil 

*"  Bee  Overbnry'i "  Chancier  of  a  Countrj  Ganllemsi 
t  OweD,  in  one  of  hii  epigmmi,  of  which  he  hai  bDrrowad  the  thought  fmi 
Juienal,  nlludes  la  IhU  enormous  head' 
"  Hoc  magia  est  inatnr  tccli  c 
Ofnaro  est,  hoc  est  icdiiicH; 
t  See  Lord  Bacon's  "  Conipfcle  InalrucUoiu  for  «  Suiesnian." 
§  Howel's  ■'  Lellers""  8to.  p.  3. 
I  See  "MeiuDirs  of  Ruherl  Cmy,  earl  of  MoninDalli ;"  Sco.  1759. 

OF  ENQLAND.  213 

they  were  seven  or  eight  years  of  age,  or  upwards.  The  dress 
now  worn  by  the  blue-coat  boys,  in  London,  was  that  of  the  time 
when  the  hospital  was  founded.  We  are  told  by  Dean  Fell,  that 
the  famous  Dr.  Hammond  was  in  long  coats  when  he  was  sent  to 
EUm  school.* 

When  James  came  to  the  crown,  there  was  in  the  wardrobe,  in 
the  Tower,  a  great  variety  of  dresses  of  our  ancient  kings ;  which, 
to  the  regret  of  antiquaries,  were  soon  given  away  and  dispersed.f 
Sodi  a  collection  must  have  been  of  much  greater  use  to  the  stu- 
dious in  venerable  antiquity,  than  a  review  of  the  ''  ragged  regi- 
ment**  in  Westminster  Abbey.]; 

•  "life  of  Dr.  Hammond;"  8vo.  p.  2. 

t  FnUei^s  *•  Worthies,"  Loodoa,  p.  195. 

X  Titiefed  effigies  of  our  kings,  so  called,  formerly  dressed  in  royal  robes,  for 
teend  processions;  after  which  they  were  left  at  the  abbey  as  a  costomaiy 

vol..  II* 






THE    REIGN    OF   JAMES    I. 


CHRISTIAN    IV.    king  of  Denmark;    a  larg^ 
head.    S.  Passatut  sc.  '^ 

Christian  IV.   with  his  eldest  son  Frederic. 
W.  Passatis  sc.  h.  sh.    There  is  a  sheet  print  of  kirn  on 
horsebacky  which  has  been  altered  to  Oliver  Cromwell. 

Christian  IV.  king  of  Denmark.    A.  Haelwegh. 

Christian  IV.  &c.  Killian. 
Christian  IV.  &c.    Boner. 

Christian  IV.  rich  li/ dressed,  with  hat  and  feather. 

C  u  R I  ST  I A  N  IV.  holding  a  truficheon  ;Jine.  J.  Muller^ 

Christian  IV.  otW ;  Ato.  "  R^^  linmU  PietsiM 

OF  ENGLAND.  215 

Christian    IV.    hat    and  feather ;    profile,   4to. 
JP.  Philip  ;  curious. 


Christian  IV.   mottOy  "  Regna  Firmat  Pietas; 
sir  Latin  verses;  small  4to.    C.  Pass  ;   in  "  Nautical 

Christian   IV.   with  his  eldest  son  Frederick; 
pnezz.    R.  Dunkarton  sc.  , 

There  is  a  good  portrait  of  Christian,  by  Paul  Van  Somer,  at 
Bampton-court.    . 

Christian  IV.  brother  to  Queen  Anne,  came  into  England  in  Elected 
1606,  where  he  was  treated  with  all  possible  magnificence.  In  ^*"g 
1614,  he  made  the  king  a  second  visit.  He  was,  for  the  greater 
[Mut  of  his  reign,  engaged  in  unsuccessful  wars  with  the  Swedes  and 
Germans.  In  161.8,  he  sent  a  fleet  to  the  isle  of  Ceylon,  in  the 
Bast  Indies,  which  returned  richly  laden  with  spices.  This  was 
Uie  first  fleet  that  ever  sailed  from  Denmark  to  that  part  of  the 
iporld.  Ob.  28  Feb.  1648.  See  more  of  him  towards  the  end  of 
Bond's  dedication  of  his  **  Horace"  to  Prince  Henry. 

FREDERICK  III.  king  of  Denmark.  B.Bolsvert. 

Frederick  III.  Scc.fol.  J.  Falck. 

Frederick  III.  &c.    J.  Suyderhoef. 

Frederick    Christian,   heir  of    Norway,    8gc. 
R.  Elstracke  sculpsit ;  sold  by  Thomas  Jenner,  S^c. 

Frederic  III.  was,  in  the  former  part  of  his  reign,  embroiled  in 
I  disastrous  war  with  the  Swedes,  who  penetrated  as  far  as  his 
Bapital ;  which  would  inevitably  have  fallen  into  the  enemies'  hands, 
lad  not  the  emperor,  the  kings  of  England  and  Poland,  and  the 
Dutch,  engaged  themselves  in  the  quarrel :  upon  which  a  peace 
ras  concluded  near  Copenhagen.     After  this  peace,  the  king,  at  a 


diM  held  at  that  ]itace,  wu  declared  absolute ;  aod  a  total  change 
in  the  gorernment  ensued,  which  put  an  end  to  an  oppressive  an>- 
toeracy.  Ob.  16  Feb.  1670.  Christian  V.  his  son,  succeeded  to 
the  crown  by  hereditary  right. 

FREDERICUS,  comes  Palatinus,  &c.  Crisphm 
Passaus  sc.   small  Ato. 

FreDericus,  &c.  Crisp.  PassiEus,  Jun.  Jig,  et  sc. 
oval;  ornamttits; 

Fbederic,  elector  Palatine,  &c    Delaram  sc.  4to. 

Fredehicus,  rex  Boheroiae,  &c.  Gul.  Hondtus  «, 
large  fi.  sh. 

There  are  several  other  good  prints  of  him,  particu- 
larly an  equestrian  portrait  by  Elstrackc,  which  repre- 
tents  him  with  a  globe  in  his  hatid;  k.  sh. 

Frederick,  8cc.  richly  dressed.    F.  Brun,  1627. 

Fbedehick,  &c.  large  8va.  left  hand  on  a  sword. 

Fredeuick,  See.  with  helmet  and  feathers  on  a  table; 
right  hand  on  gauntlet,  truncheoyi  in  left  hand;  a%; 
eight  lines,  Dutch  and  Latin  ;  folio  ;  scarce. 

Frederick,  &c.  in  annour  ;  four  English  verm; 
names  of  his  children  at  top.  Sold  by  William  Peak; 

Frederick,  &c.  in  annour.  C.  V.  Dalcn  sc.  Sow' 
by  Will.  Webb,  ^c. 

FiiBDERicK,  &c.  in  armour ;  order  of  the  Garter; 
Latin  inscriptian  at  bottom ;  Peter  Isselberg ;  scarce. 

.  i 

nOP.E^IGLANilX  »17 

Frederick,  &c-    0^khiy  dressed.    Miremldt.    W. 
Delph  sc. 

.  N  i 

Frederick^  &c.  Johannes  Eilardt(s  Frisius. 

FrI^SeriCk,  dec.  ofi  hwlseback;  at  each  side^  Latin 
and  Dutch  inscription.    C.  Visscher  exc. 

FtederiCy  elector  Palatine,  accepted  of  the  crown  of  Bohemia, 
when- it  was  tendered  him  by  a  factious  people ;  Tainly  presuming, 
that  the  king  his  father-in-law,  with  whose  pacific  and  unenter- 
prising character  he  seems  to  have  been  but  little  acquainted,  would 
fix  him  on  the  throne.  But  that  prince  was  so  far  from  answering 
his  expectation,  that  he  tamely  suffered  him  not  only  to  be  de- 
prived of  his  new  kingdom,  but  even  of  his  hereditary  dominions. 
Oh,  29  Nov.  1632.  See  a  veiy  curious  account  of  him  in  Win- 
wood's  "  Memorials,"  vol.  iii.  p.  403,  4.  See  also  Granger's 
*tetters,**p.  271. 


MAURICE  de  Nassau ;  without  inscription ;  4to. 
This  print  is  knoum  by  the  apposite  device ;  namely ^  the 
stump  of  a  tree  ;  the  trunk  of  which  appears  to  have  been 
cat  off,  and  a  shoot  growing  out  of  it ;  with  this  motto, 
"  Tandem  jit  surculus  arbor''  This  alludes  to  the  assas- 
mation  of  his  father,  his  youth  when  he  succeeded  him, 
and  his  hopes  of  becoming  as  great  a  man.  I  have  been 
particular  in  the  description  ;  as  the  head  has  been  mis- 
taken for  that  of  Prince  Maurice,  son  to  the  King  of 

Mauritius,  princeps  Arausionensium,  &c.  Ej: 
archetypo  Petri  Isaaci ;  F.  B.  a  Bolsvert  esc.  orna- 
ments; fine;  sh. 


Mauuitxus,  &c.  1618;  h.  sh. 

Mauritius,  &c.  jEI.  58,  1626  ;  hat  andfeather.m  f 
a  table.    Stock  sc.  1 627  ;  ^ne ;  large  sh. 

Mauritius,  &c.  under  an  arch;  Svo.  "  Tandem^ igc. 
Sold  by  Compton  Holland. 

Mauritius;  richly  dressed,  with  hat  and  feather, 
and  order  of  the  Garter.  C.  van  Queboitn  figuravet  d 
sc.   Ae.  Meuris  exc. ;  fine,  and  scarce. 

Mauritius  ;  in  armour;  six  English  lines.  Soldbj 
Compton  Holland. 

Mauritius,  &c.  sid'  Latin  lines;  mottOy  **  Pro  Arts 
et  Focis ;''  small  4to.  C.  de  Pass.  In  "  Nautical  Por- 

The  most  Illustrious  Prince  Maurice,  &c.  left  hand 
on  his  hip ;  8vo.  scarce. 

Mauritius;  sitting  j  whole  length,  in  armour,  on  a 
throne  of  steps, with  many  emblematical  figures  ;  fourteen 
Latin  vei^ses.  A.  deNieulandt;  Sim.  Pass,  1627;  large 
sheet.  This  was  afterward  altered  to  Fred.  Henry, 
prince  of  Nassau. 

Mauritius  ;  full  face.    C.  Pass  sc.   an  oval. 
Mauritius  ;  several  others. 

There  is  an  equestrian  portrait  of  him  in  the  horsemanship  draw- 
ing-room at  Welbeck ;  and  I  think  I  have  seen  a  print  after  it. 

Maurice  of  Nassau,  prince  of  Orange,  succeeded  his  father  in  the 
government  of  the  United  Provinces,  at  the  age  of  sixteen.  He,  in 
a  few  years,  became  one  of  the  greatest  generals  of  his  time,  and 
completely  executed  the  noble  plan  of  liberty  which  his  father  had 



OF  ENGLAND.  219 

brmed»  by  reducing  the  S[Miniards  to  a  necessity  of  making  peace. 
Jpon  this  the  Hollanders  concluded  a  treaty  with  them>  on  the 
cx>t  of  free  provinces.  He  took  near  forty  towns,  and  as  many 
drtresses,  and  won  a  considerable  number  of  pitched  battles.  But 
le  strongest  proof  of  his  capacity  was,  his  forcing  Alexander 
'amese,  who  had  succeeded  before  in  all  his  enterprises,  to  raise 
ae  siege  of  6ergen-op-Zoom.  The  young  nobility  and  gentry  went 
rom  all  parts  of  Europe  to  learn  the  art  of.  war  under  him.  Ob. 
3  AprU,  1625,  M.  58.» 

CHRISTIANUS,  PostUlatus  Episcopus  Halber- 
^tadiensis,  DuxBrunvicensis,&c.  badge  of  the  Garte7\ 
Yandyck  p.  R.  Van  Voerst  so.  h.  sh.  There  is  also  a 
frint  of  him  engraved  by  Payne,  4to. 

Christianus,  dux  Brunvicensis,  &c.    M.  J.  Mire- 

vtlt;  Delff,  1623. 

Christianus  II.  &c.  neat;  Ato.   H.Hondius,  1623, 

Christianus,  8cc.  on  horseback ;  thirty-eight  views 
of  cities,  Wesberg,  S^c. 

Christianus,  &c.  in  a  square,  with  hat  and  feather. 

*  The  following  story  is  told  by  Barclay  in  his  **  Icon  Animonim.''  Prince 
Hanrice,  in  an  engagement  with  the  Spaniards,  took  twenty-four  prisoners,  one  of 
wbom  was  an  Englishman.!  He  ordered  eight  of  these  to  be  hanged,  to  retaliate  a 
fike  sentence  passed  by  Archduke  Albert  npon  the  same  number  of  Hollanders. 
The  fate  of  the  unhappy  Ticlims  was  to  be  determined  by  drawing  lots.  The 
Esglisbman,  who  had  the  good  fortune  to  escape,  seeing  a  Spaniard  express  the 
ttrangest  symptoms  of  horror  when  it  came  to  his  turn  to  put  his  hand  into  (he  hel- 
■et,  offered  for  twelve  crowns  to  stand  his  chance.  The  offer  was  accepted,  and 
be  was  so  fortunate  as  to  escape  a  second  time.  Upon  being  called  a  fool  for  so 
pfesomptuoosly  tempting  his  fate,  he  said,  he  thought  he  acted  very  prudently;  for, 
''as  he  daily  hacarded  his  life  for  sixpence,  he  must  have  'made  a  good  bargain  in 
iCBtoring  it  for  twelve  crowns." 

t  His  name  was  George  Hasjewood* 


in  a  border  of  military  mm  exerdnng.  Sm.  Pass ;  rare, 

Christiaxcs,  &c.  m  armour,  with  a  truncheon; 
three  Latin  lines.   Peter  Isselberg  scuipsit  et  excud, 

Christia.vl's,  &c.  small,  with  inscription  in  English. 

CbristiBii  II.  duke  of  Bnioswick,  was  a  mao  of  courage  aod abi- 
lity; but  unfortunate  in  hia  attachment  to  the  King  of  Bohemia,* 
in  whose  defeats  and  distresaee  he  had  some  ^are  as  an  ally,  and 
much  more  from  a  motiTe  of  commUeratioa,  as  he  was  warmi;  in 
his  interest.  He  was  totally  defeated  by  the  imperialists  in  ihe 
battle  of  Hockstet,  and  gained  as  complete  a  victory  over  the 
Spanish  army  commanded  by  Don  Frandsco  de  Corduba.  He 
lost  an  arm  as  he  was  bravely  6ghting  in  the  field,  which  occa- 
sioned his  wearing  an  artificial  one  of  silver.     Ob.  1626. 

Cardinal  BARBERINI,  and  his  three  nephei^;  j 
viz,  Francisco,  and  the  twoAntonios.    Camass.  deltn. 
Greuter  incid.  whole  lengths ;  h.  sh. 

Urban  VIII.  S.  Vouet p.  C.Mellansc. 

Urban  VIII.    Richardsmi. 

Urban  VIII.  with  emblem.  Johannes  van  MichettA 
exc.  1623. 

Urban  VIII.  in  an  ornamented  oval ;  two  Laiiit 
lines,-  1623.  Sim.  Passcsus  sculp.  Crisp.  dePasseje. 

Urban  VIII.  English  inscription,  1623;  sold  h^ 
Roger  Daniell. 

•  He  was  unc  of  the  romulic  a  Jmiret;  of  ll.c  Qnceo  of  liohemin 

OF  ENGLAND.  221 

Maffeo  Barberini  was  famous  for  the  yariety  of  his  learning, 
and  the  eleganpe  of  his  genius.  He  was  protector  of  the  Scots 
natioii^* -and  held  his  protectorate  by  the  same  charter  by  which 
the  popes  themselves  hold  their  supremacy.  Upon  his  advance- 
ment to  the  papal  chair,  he  assumed  the  name  of  Urban  Vtll.;  1625. 
and,  after  the  example  of  Sixtus  V.  his  patron,  made  a  strict  in- 
quiry into  abuses  which  had  been  committed  long  before.f  In  1626, 
he  consecrated  the  great  church  of  St.  Peter  with  such  pomp  and 
solemxiity,  as  had  scarcely  ever  been  seen  before  in  Rome  itself. 
He  took  the  Corinthian  brass  from  the  roof  of  the  Pandieon,  with 
which  Was  made  the  high  altar  of  St.  Peter's,  and  a  large  cannon. 
Tins  occasioned  the  famous  pasquinade, ''  Quod  non  fecerunt  Bar- 
bari,  fecerunt  Barberini."  All  his  nephews  were  made  cardinals, 
and  indeed  whatever  else  he  was  able  to  make  them ;  he  having 
carried  nepotism  to  a  greater  height  than  any  of  his  predecessors. 
His  Latin  poems  were  republished  by  Jos.  Browne,  A.  M.  1726 ; 
8Y0.t    Oi  29  July,  1644. 


MAXIMILIAN  DE  BETHUNE,  &c,  Edelinck  sc. 
A.  sh. 

Maximilian  DE  Bethune,  due  de  Sully. 
Bois,  1614. 

*  Rycaat's  "  Lives  of  the  Popes/'  p.  273.  He  was  also  protector  of  the  English 

t  This  occasioned  the  following  pasquinade :  The  statue  of  St.  Peter,  on  the 
Ividge  of  St.  Angelo,  was  equipped  with  a  pair  of  spurs;  the  opposite  statue  of 
St  Paul  was  supposed  to  ask  him  whither  he  was  going.  His  answer  was,  "  From 
Home  u  fast  as  possible ;  as  I  expect  to  be  called  to  an  account  for  denying  my 
auter." .  St.  Paul  replied,  "  I  will  not  be  long  after  you,  as  I  am  as  likely  to  be 
^oettioned  for  persecuting  the  Christians." 

t  The  late  worthy  provost  of  Queen's  College,  in  Oxford. 

i  There  are  always  protectors  of  these  nations  in  the  court  of  Rome.  The  article 
of  Cardinal  Barberini  may  therefore  be  cancelled.  Dod,  in  his  "  Church  History," 
p.  59,  mentions  the  presents  of  pictures  which  the  cardinal  sent  to  the  queen,  and 
Ibe  two  secretaries  of  state,  Cottington  and  Windebank,  in  acknowledgment  ^f  their 
favoars  shewn  to  the  distressed  Catholics. 

VOL.  II.  2  G 



Maximilian,  Sec.   St.  Aub'm;  Ckaice. 
Maximilian,  &c.   De  Boys ;  De  la  Hove ;  \9U. 

Maximilian,  &c.    F.  Pourlms ;  A.  de Marcait^. 

Maximilian,  &c.    Svo.  F.Pourbus;  Veriti. 

Maximilian  ile  BclUune,  marquis  of  Roeni,  and  afterward  duke 
of  Sully,  was  sent  ambassador  from  Henry  IV.  of  Fnuice,  In 
James  I.  upon  his  accession  to  tlie  throne.  He  was  jiiatlf  V^ 
brated  for  liis  great  bdustry  atjd  capacity ;  and  was  rather  ^i  uili- 
male  friend  and  confidant  of  liis  master,  than  his  prime  miniila. 
He  had  a  more  tender  veg;ard  for  the  lame  of  that  prince,  tbaii  tie 
had  himself;  ventured  to  oppose  his  most  violent  passions,  wben 
derogatory  from  hi^  honour  or  interest ;  and  even  dared  to  teirin 
pieces,  before  his  (kce,  the  marriage  contract  which  he  had  prqiBjed 
for  the  Marchioness  of  Verneuil,  witli  whom  he  was  deeply  en- 
amoured.* He  may  be  esteemed  the  author  of  the  excellent  Me- 
moirs which  bear  his  name,  which  were  written  by  his  secretoy, 
from  his  conversation.  There  is  a  good  translation  of  them  by 
Mrs.  Charlotte  Lennox.  He  died  the  21st  of  Dec.  1641.  See  tbe 
Appendin  to  tbe  former  reign.  Art.  Hen,  IV. 

Messire  ANTHOINE  RUZl5,  marquis  Deffiat,  &c. 
6tant  ambassadeur  extraordinaire  en  Angleterre; 
o>i  ii  fit  le  marriage  de  Mad.  Henriette  de  France; 
large  4to. 

Anthoike  CoEFFiEU  RusK,  msFquis  D^at. 
■L.  Boisscvin  sc. 

Count  GUNDAMOR  (or  Go.vdamqr),  anUrasst 
dor  from  the  King  of  Spain.  S.  Pass  sc.  4to.  1624.t 

■■  "  Memoirs  of  SoUj,"  vol.  ii.  Bvd.  |i.  S9I. 

t  The  first  imprelslDih  of  (bii  print  is  dedicaled  to  Philip  IV,  of  Sptin,  in  Ltlin. 
TliBI  nas  enaei,  and  Gandflnior's  aame  and  litle  inserted  in  Engliih.     Soldbf 







OF  ENGLAND.  223 


Another^  tvhok  lengthy  imcribed,  "  Gentfi  I^^nmice 
zcusy^  from  the  second  part  of  "  Vox  Popul^f  Ati^, 

Count  GoNPAMOE ;   whole  lengthy  fuU  dress.  JR. 

Count  GoNDAMOR ;  oval,  l2mo.    S.  Pass. 

Count  GoNDAMOR,  JSt.  54,  1622.  W.Pas^.       - 

Count  Gonsamoe;  maU  W.  Bichardsojf. 

There  is  a  portrait  of  him  at  Hampton-court,  another  at  J9atfle]d- 
use,  and  a  third  in  the  collection  of  Mr.W^ilpoile.  That  at! 
impton-court  was,  when  I  saw  it,  inscribed  with  a  iftoxkg  nam^ 
some  modern  painter  or  picture-cleaiier. 
Gondamof,  who  "became  ail  things  to  all  nien**  for  |M}lil9ea! 
rpo^eSy  might  have  been  represented  with  a  loolijng-glass'  in  his 
ndy  as  St.  Paul  is  at  Versailles.*  He  spoke.  iL^tin  with  King 
mes;  drank  widi  the  tCing  of  Denmark,  his  bfotber-in-law;f 
1  assured  the  Earl  of  Bristol,  when  he  i^as  ambassador  at  Ma- 
d,  that  he  was  an  Englishman  in  his  heart.  He  wa$  also  very 
llant  to  the  ladies,  to  whom  he  frequently  made  presents.  There, 
rhaps,  never  was  a  man  who  had  so  much  art  as  Gondamor,  witft 
little  appearance  of  it. 

ALBERTUS  Princeps,  Com.   Aremberg.     Van- 
ckp.  Bolsvert  sc.   h.  sh. 

AirBERTus^  &c.  comes  Aremberghse,  &c.  on  horse-  , 
ck.    Vandyckp.   Petrus  du  BalliufecU;  sh. 

Vj»e  original  picture,  which  is  in  Vandyck's  best  manner,  is.  at 

'  Uadcr  the  fign^  Are  tbese  w«r4?>  eqji^ll^  adapted,  to  ..the  glast,  and  U)e 
«tle :  "X  becaip^  all  thiogs*  to  all  n)en." 

He  is  said  to  bivfe  been  an  overmatch  for  the  King  of  Denmark  in  dtlnking  t 
sit  lie  was  in  Xrig^and.    He  win  undoubtedly  an  ovennatch  f6r  Kiog  Jmms  in 

^  Howel's  "  Letters,"  8vo.  p.  35*-2. 


Prince. D'Arembbrg;  in  an  octagon.     Vandt/ckf, 
E.  Scriven  sc. 

Prince  JXKKE'b/iBi.viG^on  horseback  ;^heet.  A.v.Dj/ck; 
R.  Earloniy  1 783. 

Prince  D'Aremberg.  VanDyck;  A.  Birrdl ;  in 
*'  Memoirs  of  Grammont,''  1809. 

Count  d'ArenHberg,  a  man  equally  qualified  for  the  business  o( 
war  or  peace,  was  sent  into  England  as  ambassador  from  the  Arch- 
duke Albert,  about  the  same  time  with  the  constable  of  Castile, 
who  was  charged  with  an  embassy  from  the  King  of  Spain.  The 
view  of  both  was,  to  establish  a  peace  between  the  Spanish'  and 
English  crowns,  which  had  long  been  in  a  state  of  hostility.  It  was 
rumoured,  that  this  negotiation  was  rendered  effectual  at  the  ex- 
pense of  an  infinite  sum  distributed  about  the  court,  though  the 
king  was  ever  inclined  to  listen  to  pacific  measures.  Sir  Anthony 
Weldon  informs  us,*  .that  the  conspirators  in  favour  of  Arabella 
Stuart  privately  "  dealt  with  Count  Aremberg,  to  negotiate  with 
the  archduke  to  raise  an  army  and  invade  England,  and  they  would 
raise  another  of  Papists  and  malecontents,''  to  dethrone  James.  The 
count  was  too  good  a  politician  to  pay  any  serious  attention  to  SQ 
wild  a  proposal. 

PALLE  ROSENKRANTZ,Signeur  de  Krenerup. 
A.  F.  (olkema)  fecit ;  a  small  bust,  in  Hofmans  book 
before  mentioned. 

Rosenkrantz,  who  was  a  good  soldier  and  statesman,  was,  in  the 
year  1612,  sent  into  England  by  the  King  of  Denmark,  in  the  cha- 
racter of  envoy  to  James  the  First.  The  next  year,  he  attended 
his  royal  master,  in  his  visit  to  the  English  court.  In  1626,  and 
the  following  year,  he  was  dispatched  hither  as  ambassadOT  extra- 
ordinary, and  was  greatly  honoured  and  favoured  by  the  king. 

♦  '•  Cauft  ^nd  Cliarackr  of  King  James/'  p.  33. 

JOHN  OLDEN  BARNEVELT  (ambassador  from 
the  states  of  Holland),  R.  Elstracke  sc. 

John  Olden  Ba^nevelt  ;  mezz.  Ato. 

Barnevelt,  a  man  of  great  abilities,  and  in  some  respects  compa- 
rable to  the  celebrated  De  Wit,  had  long  the  chief  administration 
of  afeirs  in  Holland.  He,  at  the  head  of  the  Arminian  party,  which 
was  very  powerful,  opposed  the  interests  of  the  house  of  Orange, 
and  excited  die  fears  and  jealousies  of  the  people,  by  representing 
to  them  the  danger  their  civil  and  religious  liberties  were  in  from 
the  excessive,  power  lodged  in  the  prince,  fiut,  by  the  address  of 
Maurice,  that  faction  was  soon  suppressed,  and  Barnevelt  and  his 
adherents,  of  whom  Grotius  was  one,  were  committed  to  prison. 
B^mevelt^wiMS  soon  executed ;  but  Grotius,  after  some,  time,  escaped 
in  a  ches^  which  his  wife  pretended  was  full  of  books.  Beheaded, 

HUGO  GROTIUS ;  M.  49, 1632.  M.  MiereveU ; 
W.  bdf. 

-Hugo  Grotius.    F.  Hals;  T.  Matham. 

Hugo  Grotius.    Houbraken, 

Hugo  Grotius.    Suyderhoef. 

There  is  a  print  of  him  before  his  '^  Annotations,'*  &c.  which  has 
been  several  times  copied :  this  represents  him  considerably  older 
than  his  portrait  after  Hanneman. 

Grotius  began  to  write  elegant  verses  at  an  age  when .  children 
are  usually  learning  to  spell.  His  various  talents  as  a  poet,  a  critic, 
a  civilian,  and  a  commentator,  are  known  to  all  the  leamed^world. 
He  has,  in  his  excellent  book  ''On  the  Truth  of  the  Christian  Reli< 
gion,''  r^aced.  into  a  narrow  compass,  the  arguments  which  lay 
scattered  and  diffused  in  other  apologists,  .and  has  ad4ed  mapy.of 
his  own."*^  He  was  sent  into  England  in  behalf  of  the  remonstrants, 

'  This  book,  which  was  written  in  Latin,  daring  his  imprisonment,  well  deserves 
the  perusal  of  all  sach  as  read  for  conviction. 


who  diote  a  looit  aUe  «dToeate  to  plead  their  canm,  Gtotiiis  was  1 1 
a  great  master  of  the  Arminiaii  eoDtroTeny ;  bat  was,  for  too  for- 
ward a  dispby  of  his  arguments  on  this  sulgect,  censured  by  i^b- 
bisly>p  Abbot  as  a  conceited  pedant.  See  the  archUAop's  klter, 
which  is  of  curious  remark,  in  ^  Biog.  Brit**  toL  i.  p.  §•*  He  died 
8  Aug«  1645. 

There  isn  print  of  a  Dutch  deput;jr  or  enToy,  wiAi 
the  following  inscription.  I  know  nodung  of  his  per- 
sonal history. 

''  Effigies  REGNERI  PAUW,  equitis  in  coi^essv 
orduium  generalium  jRsderati  Bdg^  depv^ti  ad 
Magnae  Brit.  R^iem,"  8cc.  Ranertein  p.  Tkeod.  Ma- 
tham  sc.   ruff^sqtuzrfi  beard;  h.  sk\ 

Regnieb  Pauw,  sitting  in  a  chair;  foL  J.  Mytens; 
T.  Matham. 

%  ft   <  • 

ALOYSIUS  CONTARENOt  (ambassador  from 
Venice  to  James  I.)     Vorsterman  sc. 

"  Aloysius  Contareno,  eques,  patricius  Venetus, 
extraordinarius  ad  pacis  tractatus  universalis^  legatus 
et  mediator."  A  van  Hullep.   P.  deJode  sc.   h*  sh. 

A  descendant  of  the  same  hxaAj  was  Doge  of  Venice  when  Mr. 
Ray  was  in  Italy.  His  head,  by  Faithome,  is  in  the  first  editioQ 
of  Ra/s  «  Travels,"  8vo.  J673. 

TgMANUEL  DE  METEREN.  EstneX  de  Bmh- 
noU  f.  In  the  ^^  Academk  des  Sciences,'  Brua;eUeSj 
torn.  i.  />.  189,  fol.  1682. 

*  See  ffl90  Bishop  Warbarton*s  remarks  ou  this  letter,  in  Pope's  works,  before  he 
was  a  bishop. — Bikolet. 
t  Soroctitnes  written  Contariui.  t  Sometimes  written  ESme. 

6t  BMGiASto;  227 

Emancel  de  Meteren  ;  tvx>  Latin  Unes. 
£hanu£I.  de.Meteren;    in  FreheruSy  p.  1^7, 

Emanuel  de  Meters,  a  natire  oC  Antwerp,  and  a  man,  of  coa« 
jnderable  learnings  but  bred  to  merchandise,  was  consul  for  the 
Flemings  in  England,  in  the  reign  of  James  I.    Ete  acquitted  him- 
self with  spirit  and  ability  in  this  employment,  and  wrote  an  ample 
ydume  of  the  treaties  of  commerce  which  formerly  subsisted  be- 
tween the  English  nation,  the  house  of  Burgundy,  and  the  states 
of  Holland,    His  capital  jperformance  is  a  ''  History  of  the  Tron- 
Ides  of  »the  Low  Countries,"  which  did  him  much  honour,  and  is 
translated  into  various  languages.    He  lies  buried  in  the  church  of 
St  Dionis,  in  London,  where  a  monument  was  erected  to  his  me- 
mory by  his  rehct.    He  died  the  8th  of  April,  1612.    See  Strype's 

edition  of  "  Stow,"  book  ii.  p.  153. 


The  heads  of  the  five  following  persons,  who  were 
tojoumers  in  the  university  of  Oxford,  represent 
^hem  older  than  when  they  were  in  England. 

*TLU8),  &c.  in  the  "  Continuation  of  BoissardT  Ato. 

Metrophanes  Critopulus  ;  Ato.    Heydon. 

..........        .  ,     .  .      .      , 

Metrophanes  Critopulus,  ^t.  38,  1627 ;  ttvo 
-X^in  Unes. 

^^  HetfOphanes  Critopylus,  a  native  of  Greece,  came  into  England 
^  Ardibishop  Abbot's  time,  with  a  view  of  being  instructed  in  the 
WMnne  and  disdpline  of  onr  church.  Upon  his  arrival,  be  ad- 
W^Nsed  himself  to  that  prelate,  who  placed  him  in  Baliol  College, 
^ei^  he  studied  the  Latin  and  English  tongues.  In  1622,  he 
^^imad  into  bis  own  country ;  and  upon  Cyrill's  advancement  to 
^^  patriarchate  of  Constantinople,  he  succeeded  him  in  that  of 
^'^ttndria.     Ob,  1658.     He  is  said  to  have  been  the  author  of 


Chnit  the  '' ConfeMkm  of  Faith,''  pablithed  in  QmA, 
*«*^    name  of  CyrilL    See  «  Adiem  Owm,*' 

•  ^  • 

7%ere  is  an  octavo  print,  aigraved  by  ]URchad  Too- 
dergucht,  mscribed  KYPIAAOS^  Sfc.  which  was  certatnif 
done/or  Critopulus.  It  is  prefixed  to  **  C^lectaneait 
Cyritio  Lucario  P.  C.  Auctore  Tho.  Smtho,'*  Lu4. 
1707,  8w» 

LtTDOVICtTS  CAPELLUS,  V^  D.  M.'&c.  ajm 
head  m  the'  manner  of  Nantual;  fronlitfiect  to  k» 
"  Nbta  CriticainVa.Test.''  Amstel.  1689;  ./ok.   ' 

LiJDOvicus  Capellus  ;  in  the  ^*  Athen  BatM. 

Capellus,  a  native  of  Sedan,  was  regarded  as  a  yoong  man  of 
great  hopes  when  he  studied  at  Oxford.  He  hec^une  afltenrani 
professor  of  divinity,  and  of  the  Hehrew  language,  in  the  Protestant 
university  of  Sauraur,  in  France;  and  had  the  honour  of  being 
tutor  to  die  celebrated  BocharL  His  <<  Crkita  Sacra*'  is  commended 
by  Grotius.  He  was  also  author  of  **  Historia  Ecclesiastics, 
Cent.  V.'*  Sedan,  1622^  4to.  and  other  learned  works.  In  his 
"  Arcanum  Punctuatioms  reveiatunif**  he  proves  the  novelty  of  die 
Hebrew  accents,  against  the  two  Buxtorfs.  This  book  made  great 
noise  in  the  world. f     He  died  in  1658. 

*  It  appears  from  Sir  Thomas  Roe's  **  Negotiadoos/'  that  tboogh  be  had  net  ' 
vUb'haadsoaie  treatmeBt  in  England,  be  was  jostiy  cenaared  by  Archbishop  AfiiboC, 
at  least  tor  his  iogfatitade4  'The  prelate  obserres,  that  all  the  Greeks  that  cone 
bither  a-begg^g  are  rascals.  Erasmus  Schmidios,  in  his  excellent  book,  entitled 
**  Aote  et  Ammadversiones  in  Nauum  Testamentum"  Norimberge,  1658,  fi>l.  pays  a 
veiylii^  compliment  to  the  learning  of  Critopoloa;  See  more'of  binb  the 
"  BUiwOuea  Ortua"  of  Fabricius. 

t  "  What  an  uproar,"  says  Dr.  Bentley»  '*  once  was  there,  as  if  all  were  foM  .^ 
and  undone,  when  Capellus  wrote  one  book  against  the  antiquity  of  the  HdMar  ! 
pohits«  and  another  for  yarious  lections  in  the  Hebrew  sext  itself?  and  yet  tune  aai 
experience  has  cured  those  imaghiaiy  fears;  and  the  great  author,  in  Ids  gra«e,Mi* 
now  that  btnoor  universally,  which  the'  few  only  of  his  own  age  paid  bini  WM  ', 

t  See  Sir  T.  Roe's  -  Negotiations^"  p.  102.  iV^l.  213.  253.  320.  373. 488. 

Y ,  ;   •  OF  ENGLAND.        ■  r  229 

SAMUEI.   BOeHARTJUS,  Rotoinagcn^s,    &c. 

frantisp.  to  fds  ^^  Hierozokan  r^fal^ ^   '  .  > 

Samuel  BoCHabtus  ;  large  4to.  F^  V.  S(ihuppeHy 

.  ^^  '^  ^^  •.  t**^ 

' '  Samiiel  Bochart  was.ihdd^ted^to  the  university  of  Chcfordy  wheire 
hewas-sbme  tiine  a  sojourn^^  foif  part  of  that  immense -stodc  of 
leamihg  which  he  possessed.  His  *^  Geo^phia  sacra/'  hk  iTH^* 
lozoicon/'  and  other  ingenious  and  elaborate  works,  are,  and  wUl 
be,  in  great  esteem  among  the  learned ;  especially  such  as  study 
the  Scriptures  in  their  original  langus^s.  It  is  harder  to  say 
what  he  was  ignorant  of,  than.what.he,knew ;.  but  he  particularly 
excelled  in  oriental' learning.*  He  was  many  years  pastor  of  a 
church  at  Caen^  in  Normandy,  where  he  was  tutor  to  Went  worth 
Dillon,  earl  of  Roscommon,  author  of  the  **  Essay  on  translated 
Verse."  0^.  1667.  A  complete  edition  of  his  works  was  published 
b  Holland,  in  two  volumes  fol.  17 12, 

•  ANDREAS  RIVETTUS,  &c.  JSf.  50,  1623. 

Another y  by  Van  Meursi  before  his  Works ^  fol.  1651. 

Andreas  Rivettus,  Mt.  59,  1631.    H.  Hondius; 
Jm.    . 

Andreas  Rivettus  ;  in  the  ^  Athen.  Batav^ 

,  7 

Andreas  Rivettus  ;  in  Freherus,  p.  53,  No.  25. 

«live."  Pbileleatberas  Lipsiensis  on  Freethinkiiig,  part  i.  p.  63.  .  It.evidentlf  ap- 
iMtriy  that  the  sacred  text  has  been  cleared  and  improved  Iry  the  Varibos  readings. 
fe  the  excellent  '*  R^niarks"  of  Capellus  on  thb  subject ;  or  see  Jenkin  on  the 
Christian  BteUgion,  Yol,  ii.  p.  136--8,  ^dit.  1700. « 

*  Dr.  Hakewill,  who  was  contemporary  with  Bochart,  speaking  of  the  knowledge 
Iff  die  oriental  languages,  obserres,  *'  that  this  last  centorj  afforded  more  skiifol 
mm  that  way,  than  the  other  fifteen  smce  Christ"-^"  Apology/'  p.  9€0,  second 
edit.  1630.  .       .     \  . 

VOL.  II.  2  H 



Andiew  Rhwt^ a  Smieh  ProlMtint,  and  IXD.  tiC«U  unhmtj ., 
of  Leydeo,  was  admitted  to  tba  Mine  degree  in  Hiat  d  OjcM^  L 
1631 ;  and  was  afterward  chosen  professor  of  diTinity  at  Lqrderu  I 
I|a  was  versed  inllieluiow]edgeofmeB|fasweaasbooks;.trsns- ! 
acted  the  most  important  affiurs  for  those  of  his  own  commmiai^  . 
and  presided  in  several  synods  is  France.    Dr.  Modey,  aftierwaid* 
tpsbop  of  W]Dcbester».  was  particnlaily  aoqnainted  wiA  him  nhen 
be  was  abroad*  .  He  died  in  IS^yi^  the  seremtji-ei^flL  jm  4 
his  age.    Hin  cQOMiieiitazi^  on  the  Sorqptnrasy  an^.HJl.paliwirrf 

pia(Bes»arethenips$coiwdenibleofhiair9rki;  which  w;eie,pqatl4 
at  Qotterdaip,  dia  year  a^  hiad^atlb  in.thr9e  vplovaa-fiilk)^ 

PmLIPPUS  CLUVERUJS^  &c.  jgf.40.  Btfm 
Idi  "  ItaSa  Antiqua;*'  fal.  1624. 

This  celebrated  person  was  not  only  better  acquainted  with  the 
geography  of  the  world  than  any  man  of  his  time,  but  seems  also 
to  have  been  better  skilled  in  the  langui^es  of  it;,  he  being  able 
to  speak  no  less  than  ten.  The  fame  of  Dr.  Prideaux,  and  Dr.Hot 
laAdyOf  Exeter.  College,  brought  him  to  Ox^rd,  where  he  wrote 
part  of  his  works,  of  which  there  is  a  catalogue  in  the  *^  Athens 
Oxonienses.'^    He  died  at  Leyden,  1623. 

ERNESTUS,  princeps  &  comes  Maosfddiae,  ^c. 
Vandj^k  p.  R.  van  Voerst  sc.  h.  sh. 

Afudker  by  Delaramy  4to. 

Ernest,  count  Mansfeld.    M.  Jktireveltf  Ddff^ 
1622*;  sheet. 


Ernest,  count  Mana£dd ;  Ata.  P.  Stent  exev 

'\  fS^NEST,  count  Miamsfeld;  wc  Latin  lines  ^  Peter 
Isselberg  ;  Jine^  and  scarce. 

.  OF   BMaLANlX  28t 

E&KEST,  count  MwaOeid;  Ato.  Sm.  Pmunts  x. 

Ern£8t,  count  Mansiidd;  four  Latin  lines;  neat^ 

CclittiC  Mansfddy  an  aMe,  di0«g^  -aa  imfoHniiate  geneMd,  came 
IbCo  Wnj^aad  in  tfiis  teiga,  irbere  he  reoehred  tiie  cooiiBaad  of  an 
ai«y«f  twelve  thoasand  men,  ^  the  fecaveiy  of  Oe  Pahtkiale; 
iMit,  ''the  ttoopd  being  denied  a  passage  ihnmgfh  France,  te 
greater  patt  of  AeiD  peii^hed  abroad.'^  The  most  distingdshed 
«(lkni  of  the  eonnfs  life  was  fhe  nobk  retreat  .whidi  be  made  iridi 
aH  hn  horsie,  after  the  dear-bongfat  yictory  of  the  Spanish  amijr 
eommanded  by  Don  Gonzalez  de  Cordova.  Tbu  occasioned  the 
celd^ated  Spinola,to  his  mortification  and  disgrace,  to  raise  the 
siege  of  Bergen,  to  bnrn  his  tents,  and  retire  with  piecipitaftioa. 

FREDERIC  RANTZAU*    Folkema  sc.    a  muM 
heady  in  HoffmofCs  ioak. 

Frederic  Rantzau,  lord  of  Aasdal,  a  man  accomjAished  by  arts, 
leamiog,  and  the  knowledge  -of  mankind,  a  poKte  courti^,  and  a 
gallant  soldier,  came  into  England  in  the  early  part  of  his  life,  in 
tbe  course  of  his  travels*  After  he  had  seen  the  greater  part  of 
Earope,  his  cariosity  carried  him  into  the  eastern  countries.  He 
particularly  deserves  to  be  remembered  for  his  piety,  and  diaritjr, 
of  which  some  signal  instances  are  enumerated  by  his  biegn^phc^* 
Ob.  14  Jan.  1645,  JEt.  55. 

HOLGER  ROSENKRANTZ,  &c.  A.  F. /.    In  see  ^j 

XT  /r  p«gB  157. 

Hoffman.  - 

Holger  Rosenlorantz,  loi^  of  Glimnnnge,  after  he  had  finished 
^  stndies>  attended  Christian  Friis  de  Borreby,  ^  Danish  am^ 
^Hiasador,  into  England,  at  the  accession  of  King  James.  He  had 
^^veial  commands  in  the  Danish  .iffiiiiy,  and  was  esteemed  a  good 
•<4dier.    06.1647. 

*  SaliiKW.  ^ 


''  ABRAHAMUS  SeWTBtVS.'OKakogas,  Aidii- 
pahtiintt;  m  tke  **Cmtiiauaim  <f  Beitaardr  full 

AbmauAm  Sci'LTETDS;  Ut  Frcktnu. 

i.WH  ■mill  I  mil  nil 
6«or  of  difioilT  mt  Hdddbeig,  HMngmiheJ  hnatf  gn"^  ^ 
bit  ■lUiugf  agafaut  the  Aimmians,  whom  be  endeiqwcd  in  ni 
lo  neondle  with  their  anlagouist*  at  the  bjikmI  of  Dort.  He  m 
MMdi  in  foTonr  with  Frederic,  dector  pnlliae,  faavic^  derated 
JWb  mmiatry  in  the  Palatinate,  fa  1612,  he  attended  diat  {xilice 
into  England,*  where  be  became  acqnainted  with  the  moat  embeal 
it.  our  learned  men.  He  was  londly  accuaed  of  adrintig  Fredeoc 
%6  acc^t  of  the  cfdwti  of  B<dienita.  Certain  it  ia,  that  he  bi^J 
^iprtfred  6f  hit  inaotpicious  chnce;  and,  like  all  thoae  who  vete 
cIcMelj  connected  with  him,  had  a  deep  ahaie  in  bb  nmfoitDBea. 
06. '24  Oct.  1625.  Calmet,  though  a  RraDao  Catholic,  extols  blm 
(Of  bii  great  knowledge,  moderation,  and  piety.  He  has  wiitlea 
learnedly  and  ably  on  the  divine  right  of  episcopacy.  See  "11^ 
lation  det  Mtiuret  pour  introduire  la  Utargie  Anglieahe  dant  It  Bo- 
aante  dt  Pram,"  a  Londrtt,  1767,  4to.-p.  75.  There  is  a  parDcU- 
lar  account  of  hia  life  in  Fuller's  "  Abel  redivkus." 

FESTUS    HOMMIUS,   S.  S.    Theol.   D.  ColL  '^f 
Thcoi.  ill.  Ord.  Regens  ;  Ato.    in  "  Athen.  Bat." 

I'^.STUs    HoM-MiLs,    M.    44,    1620.     D.  Bailk  !^ 
W.  I.  Delff.  ^ 

Festus  HoMMius;  in  Frekerus,  p.  494,  No.2i-     ';-^' 

Festus  Hommius,  a  Dutchman,  distinguished  himself  by  his  po- 
lemical writings  ag&inat  the  Papists  and  Arminians.  He  vu 
secretary  at  the  synod  of  Dort,  theaets  of  which  he  was  deputed 
by  the  states  of  Holland  to  carry  to  King  James.     He  was  graai- 

•  Woiid  infornn  us  dial  lie  iiw  a  lojouinei  al  Oiford,  aboul  tb*  y«»i  iWt      ^.^ 

OF   ENGLAND.  ^     233 


»usly  receired  by  his  ^B^gesty^*  and  bad  fiarticular  respect 'slietvti 
lim  by  some  of  the  greatest  personages  in  the  kingdom;  and  a 
loctor*s  degree  ^vcas  conferred  on  him  by  jthenniyersity  of^Oxford. 
lis  ideas  of  dress  seem  to  have  been  perfectly  Low  Dutch ;!  as  lie 
^ore  a  pair  of  green  stockings  when  he  was  incorporated  doctor  of 
livinity.  -  He^  died  the  5th  of  July,  1642,  aged  sixty-six  years  and 
lix  months.  ' 


THOMAS  ERPENIUS,   Arabicse  Linguae  Pro- 
fessorj  4to.   in  "  Athen.  Bat.*' 

'   ♦ 

Thomas  TSiRPEinivs ;  in  Freherus. 

Thomas  Erpeniusy  a  natives  of  •  Gorcum,  in  Holland ,  was  very 
highly  and  jusUy  celebrated  for  his  knowledge  as  an  orientalist. 
He  travelled  into  England,  France,  Italy,  and  Germany,^with^a 
^ew  of  improving  himself  in  this  branch  of  science.  He  had  par- 
ticular reason  to  believe  that  he  should  have  been  invited  to  settle 
bere  upon  very  advantageous  terms ;  but  he  was  appointed  pro- 
fessor of  Arabic  and  other  eastern  languages,  at  Leyden.  He  died 
of  the  plague,  13  Nov.  1624,  and,  by  order  of  the  university,  was 
honoured  with  a  funeral  oration,  by  his  friend,  and  colleague, 
ferard  John  Vossius.  All  his  works  have  some  relation  to  ori- 
ental learning. 

PETRUS  CUNiEUS,  Juris  Professor  (in  Aca- 
iemia  Leidensi),  4/(?.    in  "  Athen.  Bat'' 

Petrus  Cunveus  ;  in  Freherus. 

.  Peter  Cuneeus,  virho  was  also,  a  Dutchman,  was  eminently  skilled 
^  the  civil  law.  He,  in  the  early  part  of  his  life,  was  in  England, 
4iitheriie  attended  Ambrose  Regemorter,  his  kinsman.  .During 
1^  stay  in. this  country,  he,  in  one  summer,  accurately .  read .  over 
lomer,  and  most  of  the  Greek  poets.  He  was  twice  rector  of  the 
diversity  of  Leyden.  His  book  *  *  JJc  Kcpuhlica  H€brceprum*\  is  Jiis 
Hiicipal  work. 


TAGB,  or  FAGpN.  THOTT ; «  MMtf  iiM<.  J^ae/. 

In  Huffman. 

Hiu  geBtleman  visited  the  Eaglish  court,  as  a  trsveller,  id  the 
mgn<rfJuBe*,  and  was  received  with  great  marks  of  distincdoB 
h^  hk  quecD.  lie  CEune  hither  a  second  time,  io  the  same  reigiii 
witb  Mr.  Hemic  Rammel,  the  Danish  ambassador,  aod  returned 
iKMBe  with  Ouistian  IV.  who  retained  him  as  gentleman  of  liis 
court.  He  was  afterward  employed  in  several  embassies,  anil 
made  lord  of  Ericaholm,  knight  of  the  order  of  the  Elephant,  and  a 
■enator  of  die  ki  ngdom.  He  founded  several  hospitals  in  his  iife- 
time,  and  died,  full  of  years  and  of  honour,  in  I6S8. 

Peiresc,  senator  Aqaensis.  CMeliansc.  small 
There  is  a  heed  of  him,  by  Gaywood,  before  Dr.  Reads 
Translation  of  his  Life,  by  Gassendut:  Gayviood's  frid 
appears  to  have  been  copied  from  the  head  before  his 
JAfe,  written  in  Latin,  and  printed  in  1665,  ^to.  Thtn 
is  also  a  head  of  him  after  a  painting  of  Vandyck. 

Nic.  Claud.  Fed.  de  Peiresc;  Ato.  J.Liibirt.       , 

Nicolaus  Claudius  Fabricius,  lord  of  Peiresc,  a  finished  scholai,  | 
an  accomplished  gentleman,  and  an  amiable  and  beneficent  mail,  >i 
discovered  a  very  early  attachment  to  nil  useful  and  polite  learn-  '» 
ing;  which  was  desired  by  him  as  his  food,  and  pursued  asliii 
business  and  recreation.  Knowledge,  in  him,  was  a  radioitM  r 
habit;  and  the  manners  and  customs  of  the  ancients  were  as  rani-  L 
h*ar  to  him  as  to  a  citizen  of  Athens,' or  of  Rome.  Hewas*  , 
communicative  as  he  was  knowing,  and  his  literary  stores  i 
treasures  of  the  public.  Few  books  have  been  published  in  FranW  ■ 
that  have  any  relation  to  classical  antiquities,  or  those  of  that  Idnf  '_ 
dom,  but  have  been  the  better  for  him;  and  he  has  greatly »  , 
riclied  the  valuabls  works  of  Montfaucon.  He  deserves  particiilH  ^ 
commendation  for  his  skill  in  botany,  and  other  branches  of  Batnflf  ^ix 

•  He  ws)  (lie  only  perjon  of  Etjs  liinc  wlio  cuuld  read  and  explain  the  OkA' 
niKilali.     i'aliii's  "Travels,"  p,  HI. 

Bt-  it  1 



I.  In  1606,  he  came  to  l^nglaod,  where  he  Timled.Sir 
Saville,  Sir  Robert  Cotton,  Dr.  Raphael- Thorias^  his  Qoun-^ 
,*  Camden,  John  Barclay,  Matthias  Lobel,  John  Norden^ 
lef  p«»ons  of  eminence.  He  died  at  Aix,  in  Provencef  the 
rJune,  16S7.t^  The  massacre  of  a  multitude  of  his  papers 
is  death,  by  some  of  his  near  relations,  is  mentioned  by  the 
I  wi&  indignation  and  regret;  they  wete  applied  to  the  vile 
r  heating  the  oven  and  boiling  the  pot.  Some  have  endea- 
to  throw  ridicule  upon  his  minuter  studies ;  but  he  too  well 
he  connexion  between  all.  kinds  of  leanung  to  regard  the«a 
oportant  in  their  consequences.^  GassendUs,  another  oma- 
)f  France,  has  given  us.  his  Life  in  detail.  This  is  one  of 
Lelightful  works,  which  exhibit  a  striking  likeness  of  a  great 
od  man  at  full  length,  and  shew  every  feature  and  fold  of 
ipery  in  the  strongest  and  clearest  light. 

)NSTANTINE  HUYGENS.    Vandifck  p.  Vor- 
un  sc.  h.  sh. 

iNSTANTiNE   HuYGENs;     mczz.    W.  Vaillant ; 
loqtiling.  F 

NSTANTiNE  HuYGENs ;  siv  Lotin  Iwcs^  M.Mi* 
Itpirw.     W.Delffsc. 

tijsician  settled  in  London,  who  was  feraous  for  his  Latin  poem  on  tobaccok 
informed,  that  when  Peireso  was  in  company  with  Dr.  Thorias,  who  seems 
bad  as  strong  an  aversion  to  water  as  any  of  the  faculty  had  to  physic,  he 
orily  insisted-  on  his  drinking  a  health  in  an  enormous  glass  of  wine, 
earnestly  desired  to  be  excnsed,  as  unable  to  bear  so  large  a  quantity, 
would  admit  of  no  excuse;  he- therefore  drank  it,  but  opoii  ooodittoh  thai 
ler  flhould  follow  hb  example,  in  drinking  a  health  to  be  proposed  by  him  ioi 
He  then  filled  the  samie  glass  with  water,  named  the  health,  and  presently 
off.  Thorius  looked  like  a  man  thnnderstmelc,  sighed  deeply,  frequently 
his  lips  to  the  replenished  glass,  without  resolution  to  taste  it,  poured  fortii 

of  quotations  from  ancient  authors  against  the  innocent  element,  and  thua 
I  and  trifled  for  some  hours,  before  he  swallowed,  by  sips,  the  detested 

This  stoiy  was  told  to  IQng  James,  who  would,  by  all  means,  hear  it  fron& 
limself,  and  his  majesty  was  delighted  with  the  relation.    V.  Gassendns,  in 
iereskii,**  ad  Ann,  1606. 
elegy  was  written  in  above  forty  languages. 

X He  miga  seria  ducunt 

In  bona. 


-  CoNSTANTiNrHiiroENs;  dMnoZ/Aeoif.  A.'v.Dycl 
Gayvjoodsc.  1664 ;  scarce. 

CoNSTANTiNE  HoTGENs.  A.  Yondi/ck.;  .P.  PoMius. 

.,    CoNSTANTiNE  HoYGENS  ;  ovoL  C.  (fc  Visscker. 

iSir  Constantine  Htty^ns,  ds  we  are  iDformed  by  Sir  John  Finet,' 
'  wai  ia  England  in  the  latter  end  of  King  James's  reign.  He  came 
lutbei:  aboQt  the  year  1622,  -with  the  Dutch  ambassadors,  and  was 
■ecretary  to  the  embassy.  It  appears  that  he  was  more  than  arns 
here  in  a  public  character.  He  was  father  of  Constantine  Huy^ns, 
one  of  the  greatest  geniiues  of  his  age,  whom  he  instructed  in  aiilh- 
metic,  mathematics,  music,  atid  geography. 

SIMON  VOUET,  Parisiensis  Pictor.  F.  Pern 
feat;  h.  sh. 

JTiere  is  another  print  of  him  by  Voerst. 

Vouet,  who,  in  his  day  had  a  multitude  of  admirers,  thotigli  aott 
deemed  an  Insipid  mannerist,  taught  the  manual  practice  of  painting 
to  some  of  the  greatest  geniuses  that  France  ever  produced.    He 

was  undoubtedly  in  England  in  this  reign,+  having  been  sent  froa 
Paris  to  draw  the  portrait  of  some  lady  of  distinction.  Charles  li* 
First  was  vory  desirous  of  engaging  hira  in  his  service,     Ob.  !64i, 

As  GERARD  MERCATOR  published  a  curious. 
map  of  the  British  Isles,  it  has  been  presumed  that 
he  was  in  England.  I  find  no  direct  proof  of  it. 
There  are  various  prints  of  him. 

"  Philauaii,"  p.  116.  119. 

See  bis  "  Life,"  by  EerrauJt.     See  alio  "  Anecdote]  oCPabUsg,"  ii-  p-  !>''■ 

OF   ENGLAND.  287 

_     \ 





lROLUS,  &c.    D.  Mytens  p.    Jac.  Delphiiu  se, 
;  sheet. 

lARLES  the  First,  &c.    Vandyck  p.   Vertue  se. 
*avedfor RapirCs  '*  History y' foL 

original,  at  Hampton-court,  is  a  whole  length,  in  coronation 
and  has  a  more  melancholy  air  than  the  print.* 

lARLEs  I.  Vandyck  p.   Vertue  sc.    This  belongs  to 
^t  of  Loyalists;  h.  sh. 

lARLES  I.  Vandyck  p.  R.  Williams/,  h.  sh.  mezz. 

lARLEs  I.  Vandyck  p.  F.  Place  f.  Ato.  mezz. 

Qong  the  numerous  prints  of  Charles  L I  have  scarcely  seen  one  that  is  not 
I ;  which  I  impute  to  that  peculiarity  of  aspect  which  struck  Bernini  when 
his  portrait,  and  which  he  called  "  unfortunate."  I  knew  a  man  who  could 
s  likeness  on  the  head  of  a  stick,  that  could  never  hit  the  fbatures  of  any 
^rson.  De  Piles  tells  us,  that  he  saw  a  bust  of  Charles  in  wax,  done  by  the 
ed  blind  sculptor  of  Cambassi,  in  Tuscany,  and  that  it  was  very  like.  As 
I  was  suspected  to  be  an  impostor,  the  Duke  of  Bracciano  obliged  him  to 
is  head  in  a  cellar,  and  he  executed  it  with  bis  asoal  sucpess.  S«e  DftPile'i 
iples  of  Painting,"  p.  900,  et  seq. 
.  II.  2  I 


Carolus,  &c.  Vafdjfckp.  His  left  hand  is  en  a 
large  globe;  A.  sh.  mezz.  Sold  by  A.' Browne. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vanthfck'p.  A.  B.  (Bhotelwg)  f. 
mezz.  small. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  Smith /.  h.  sh.  mezz. 

Carolus  &c.   Vandyck  p.  Smith  f.  4to.  mezz. 

Charles  I.  Vandyck  p.  Simon  f.  h.  sh.  mezz.  two 

Carolus,  kc.  from  Sir  Peter  Lelys  copy  of  tk 
celebrated  original  picture  painted  by.  Sir  Anthony  Van- 
dyck, which  was  destroyed  by  the  fire  at  Whitehall^ 
1697.*  J.  Faberf  h.  sh.  mezz.  In  his  ear  is  the  pearl 

•  This  was  the  picture  from  which  Bernini  did  his  bust,  which  is  said  to  have  been 
destroyed  at  the  same  time.  The  melancholy  cast  of  coantenance*  which  wti  con- 
spicuous in  it,  appears  in  the  print.  It  is  wortiiy  of  remark*  that  all  the  portraits  of 
Charles,  by  Vandyck,  hare  more  or  less  of  this  air,  and  yet  represent  him  hand- 
somer than  those  of  all  other  painters,  t 

As  omens,  however  founded  upon  or  connected  with  superstition  and  creduUtji 
have,  in  almost  every  age,  had  some  influence  upon  great  minds,  and  great  cvent^l 
I  shall  mention  the  following,  as  relative  to  my  subject.  Carte,  in  his  **  Dfe  of  the 
Duke  of  Orroond,"^  informs  us,  that  when  the  bust  of  Bernini  was  carried  to  the 
king's  house  at  Chelsea,||  his  majesty,  whh  a  train  of  nobility,  went  to  take  a  view 
of  it ;  and  that,  "  as  they  were  viewing  it,  a  hawk  flew  over  their  heads,  with  a 
partridge  in  his  claws,  which  he  bad  wounded  to  deAth.    Some  of  the  partridge's 

t  Thu  was  not  tlie  picture  sent  to  Bernini ;  that  sent  was  painted  on  purpose  by 
Vandyke,  and  represented,  in  one  piece,  the  king's  full  face,  between  three  parts  of 
his  face,  and  his  profile.  I  do  not  know  where  the  original  is^  but  Lord  Strafibrd 
has  a  good  copy  of  it,  and  Mr.  Barret^  of  I^ea,  in  Kent,  another. — Loiti>  Obfosd. 

t  See  DalrympU's  •*  Memoirs,''  p.  223»  9U. 

§  Vol.  ii.  p.  55. 

I  In  the  first  vol.  of  the  third  coHeotion  of  Lord  Soromtfii'  Tracts,  p.  Sd5,  is  ■ 
similar  story  respecting  this  host — It  is  there  said  to  have  happened  M  the  £ail  of 
Arundefs  house,  at  Greenwich. 

OF   ENGLAND.  239 

i)hich  he  camtantljf  w>re»  Qtidwhkh  wm  in  the  coll^im 
f  the  late  Dutchess  of  Portland,  4ind  is  authmticated  by 
he  hand-writing  of  His  granddaughter^  Queen  Mary, 
n  the  following  words:  "  This  pearl  was  taken  out  of 
%y grandfathers  ear  after  he  was  beheaded,  and  given 
0  the  JPrincess^  Royal.''  A  print  of  it  was  ^graved  by 
^ertue.  This  is  the  first  print  which  I  have  seen  with  a 
tar  and  garter  as  part  of  the  dress. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.   Faberf  Ato.  mezz. 

Casio Lus,  &c.  Vandyck  p,  P.  de  Jode  sc.  sh. 
Another  by  P.  de  Jode  ;  Ato. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  H.  Danckers  sc.  1645. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  Suyderhoefsc. 

Carolus  &c.  Vandyck  p.  Lofnmelin  sc.  in  armour  ; 
u  sh. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  J.  Meysens  ere.  Ato. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  R.  White  sc.  sh. 
Charles,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  P.  a  Gunst  sc.  large 


lood  fell  on  the  neck  of  the  statue,  where  it  lUways  remamed,  without  beia^  wiped 

The  story  of  the  king's  trying  the  Sortes  Virgiliarut,  and  dipping  upon  the  ensuing 
U  told  PS  in  $teele>  "  ^glishmaii/'  Np.  no. 

*'  il99e  Hois  Friami  ^torum*  hi<}  nitiis  lUom 

Sorte  tolit,  Trojam  incensam  et  prolapsa  Tidentem 
Pergama,  tot  quondam  populis  terrisque  superbum 
Regnatoif  ra  Asia» ;  jacet  io^ens  Uttore  tiuQeos, 
Amlsumque  humeris  caput,  et  sine  nomine  corpus/! 


Carolus,  &c.  Vandifck p.  P.Lombartsc.  Onhorst- 
hack;  Mans,  de  St.  AtOoine hoidmg hit  hdmet;  ih* 

■  The  original  of  tliit,  and  the  two  following,  ia  at  Bnckinghmn- 

Ghableb  I.  on  horseback ;  hat  and  feather;  a 
Phemix  in  Jiames  on  the  hors^t  head;  sis  EngSth 
verses.  Renold  Elstracke.  Sold  by  William  Peakc; 

Cbakles  I.  when  prince ;  whole  length,  standing; 
four  EfigUsk  verses,  "  Great  Britain  is  thy  Birih' 
^.  R.  Elstracke;  rare. 

Charles  1.  small  Ato.  V.Dyck.  L.  Vorsterman. 

Charles  I.  standing  by  his  horse.  Van  D^ch 
iSfr  R.  Strange;  large  sheet ;  fine. 

Charles  I.  small  whole  length  in  armour^  crowned; 
arms;  Bvo.    W.  Pea  fee. 

Charles  I.  standing  with  Prince  Charles;  small 
whole  length  ;  four  verses,  "  Gaze  on,  fond  world,"  ^(^ 
G.  Glover  ;  rare. 

Charles  I.  in  armour ;  in  an  oval;  4to.  Soldh^ 
R.  Peake  ;  scarce. 

The  same,  with  the  address  of  P.  Stent. 

Charles  I.  standing,  in  armour;  whole  kngtk 
sceptre  in  his  right  hand,  resting  on  his  knee;  crmi, 

*c.  n^h  a  list  of  the  army  and  fwvy  under  Sr  John 


Ghables  I.  the  high  and  mighty  monmrch,  &c. 
hole  length,  in  armoury  with  sash,  ^.  curiously  em- 
roidered;  crowned,  and  truncheon  in  Ms  hand;  arms 
f  Great  Britain.  W.  Marshall ;  scarce. 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval;  motto,  "  &  vis  omma^  Sgc. 
[re  to  be  sold  by  John  Stafford  J  Sgc.  1633;  4to. 

Charles  I.  in  a  hat  and  cloak ;  view  of  the  River 
liames,  Westminster  Hall,  the  Abbey,  Whitehall,  ^c. 
n  etching,  small  folio :  scarce. 

Charles  &e.  and  the  Duke  d'Esperaon  (M.  de  St. 
intoine*).    Vandyck  p.  Baron  sc. 

Carolus,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  Sympsonsc.  sh.  Copied  from 
iaron;  sh. 

Charles  I.  Voerst p.  R.White  sc. 

Charles  I.  on  horseback;  inscribed,  "  ITie  exact 
yrtraiture  of  Charles  /."  Sgc.  sh. 

*  It  appears  from  Sully's  "Memoirs/'  that  Mons.  de  St.Antouie,  knight  of 
•Ita,  equeny.  to  the  King  of  France,  was  sent  to  England  by  that  monarch,  with 
c  hones,  as  a  present  to  Charles  L  He  had  been  chief  eqoerry  to  PHnce  Heaiy 
[id  probably  also  to  Charles),  and  led  a  mourning  horse  at  his  foneraLt  Is  it  cie- 
ble,  that  the  Dae  d*£«pemon  should  hold  the  helmet  of  a  king  of  England  I 
The  badge  of  the  order  of  Malta,  on  St.  Antoine's  breast,  which  some  ingemons 
tsons  have  taken  for  tliat  of  the  Saud  Etprit,  has  contriboted  to  thb  mistake;  bat 
e  cross  of  this  order  is  nerer  without  the  doYe« 

t  See  Birch's  "  Life  of  Prince  Henry/'    The  Dutchess  of  Newcasde,  in  the  Life 
the  dnker  her  busbaod,  informs  4is,  that  he  was  instructed  in  bofsemaoship  by 
(Hisiear  de  St.  AntoSne,  who  then  lived  in  the  Mews,  and  was  erteeoed  tiiegjmt- 
i  master  of  that  art. 


Charles  I.  0}i  horseback;  urider  the  horse  w  a  viev 
of  a  toumamera;  sh. 

Chables  I.  &c.  on  korieBack ;  Sickmtmd  tU  a 
^stance.    W.  Shencin  exe., 

Charles  I.  on  horseback;  1643;  told  by  Pegk; 

Charles  I.  of  blessed  memory,  in  armour;  w 

Charles  I.  Aw  statue  at  Charing-crost.  Hollar f. 
a  small  sheet. 

This  fine  statue  was  sold  by  the  parliament  (o  John  Rivat,  i 
brazier  in  Holborn,  who  undertook  to  break  it  in  pieceS)  but  cb»- 
iiilly  preserred  it  till  the  restoration.  It  was  set  up  in  GaUdbaU' 
yard,  and  was  tJience  removed  to  Charmg-cross. 

Charles    I.    on   horseback;     the   horse   capering.  |' 
Hollar f. 

Charles  I.  on  horseback;  army  at  a  distance,  1644;    -' 
in  W.  H.  (oHar.*)  half  sheet. 

Charles  I.  in  armour;  cannon,  Sjc.  Hollar f.  \ 

Charles  I.  Justice  crowning  him  with  laurel- 
Hollar  f.   h.  sk. 

Carolus,  &c.  in  a  cloak.  Hollar  f.  12nio.  Befert 
"  ne  Black  Tribunal." 

*  I  am  very  ciedibt;  informed,  tliit  Ibeic  U  a  print  like  Ibis,  xitli  >  Ustaf  it* 
kiBg*)  lervaats  on  eacli  side  and  beneath  :  it  hat  do  engimTer'i  nanr,  ud  <* 
"  prinled  fur  Thomai  Walk];,  opposite  York-house,  1639." 

OF   ENGLAND.  24a 

Gqarles  I.  in  armour;  half  length;  ground. and 
mments  only  by  Hollar  ;  sh. 

Charles  I.  whole  length,  sitting.   W.Passsc. 

Charles  I.  W.  M.  (Marshal)  sc.  hat  and  feather. 


Carolus,  &c.  a  glove  in  his  left  hand.  W.Mar-^ 
all  sc.  small  h.  sh. 

Charles  I.  on  horseback.    W.  M.  sc.  4to. 

Charles  roy,  &c.  Lucas  Vosterman  sc.  h.  sh. 

Charles  I.  whole  length  ;  sitting  in  his  robes  ;  his 
^  hand  on  a  sphere;  small  folio.  J.  Smith  fecit. 
.  Palmer  exc.  scarce. 

Charles,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  Prince  of  Wales, 
uke  of  Cornwall,  &c.  m  horseback^  prancing  ;  view 
*  Richmond  Palace  in  the  back  ground ;  etching ; 
inner  of  Hollar  ;  rare  ;  in  Mr.  Totmiley's  collection. 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval;  six  English  verses^ 


Though  Charles  be  added  to  their  heaps  of  slain, 
They  cannot  prove  that  Abel  murder'd  Cain,"  &cu 

>o.  scarce. 
Charles,  &c.  by  Vorsterman;  ruff;  slashed  habit ; 

Carolus,  &c.   Faithornesc.   Frontispiece  to 
Anderson's  '*  Life  of  Charles  /."    This  has  been  c(q>ied. 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval;  above  is  the  Church  of 
nglandy  represented  as  a  matron  at  the  point  of  deaths 


with  an  imcriptian^  in  Greeks  signifying  that  nmj 
physicians  have  killed  her.  Fait  Home  sc.  It  is  the  titk 
to  the  '*  History  of  King  Charles,*"  by  H.  L.  (Hanrn 
L* Estrange)  esq.  small  h.  sh. 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval;  ornaments.  N.  van  Hwi 
invt.   C.GaUesc.  Ato. 

Carolus,  &c.  oval;  sold  by  Jenner  ;  4to. 

Charles    I.    &c.  /bur    English    verses,     "IPii 
Charles  the  First  calPd  great  ?"  Sgc. 

Charles  L  oval;  ornaments;  sold  by  Fra.  Williams; 

Charles  I.  looking  to  the  left;  laced  band;  collar  of 
the  Garter^  Sgc.  Ato. 

Charles  I.  large  laced  band;  9>vo. 

Carolus  I.  in  a  cloak.  Gaywoodf.   12mo. 

Carolus  I.  in  a  cloak;  8vo.   Stent.  [ 

Carolus  I.  cloak;  in  an  oval  encompassed  with  ttoo  \ 
dragons;  h.  sh.  i 

Carolus  I.  cloak  ;  eight  verses  in  High  Dutch;  8w. 

Cat^olvsI.  cloak.    S.Saveryf.  8vo. 


Charles  I.  oval;  in  the  title  to  his  Works  infol  \ 
Hertochs  sc. 

Carolus  1.  pointing  to^^Scotica  Ecclesia,^' inscribed 
on  a  terrestrial  globe  ;  6vo. 

OF  BNGLAlriH        Ji  "^^5 

Gha^l£&  L  a  jsceptrc  in  his^  right  hind,  and  dlri- 
nt  in  his  left ; :  8vo. 

Charles  I.  dictating  to  Sir  ^Edward  Wdtkery  ttho  is 
nting  on  a  drum  ;  sh. 

.      '         '■•'>■    ^  ■    .  /    '  ■       •  ■  .  V    '       •  ■-    ■  -    '' 

Charles  I.  plat/ing  on  the  harp,  like  King  David. 

^        "■••.■  > 

Carolus,  &c.    Seb.  Merck  exc.  4to. 

Charles  I.  The  lively  portraiture.  ^^  Tacit.  Hist, 
ib.  1.^^  in  an  oval;  8vo. 

Charles  I.  The  high  and  mighty  monarch  Charles, 
te  king  of  England;  ^c.  crown  on  his  head;  8vo.  P. 

Charles  I.  Anglia  Scotia,  &c.  crown,  sceptre,  Sgc. 


Charles  l.from  a  bust  of  Bernini.  S.  Richardson; 
.  Harding,  1790. 

Charles  I.  kneeling,  holding  a  crown  of  thorns  : 
of  whom  the  world  was  not  worthy/^  Ato.  mezz.  J. 

Charles  I.  on  horseback  ;  view  of  London.  Daret  exc. 

Charles  I.  on  horseback;  hat  and  feather;  view  of 
le  sea;ffmr  French  verses.    Hi  David;  fol.  rare. 

Charles  I.  standing ;  crdwhy  sceptre,  8gc.  on  a  table, 
hnning  Devilliers.  - 

Charles  I.  fol.   Audr an.  . 

Charles  I.  on  horseback;  view  of  Edinburgh;  fol. 
^an  Dalen. 

VOL.  II.  2  k 


•     CaArtLzs  1.  smail  oval ;  mezz.^   E.  iMttrd ,\  Kara. 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval,  supported  by  two  boys  vieep- 
mg,  and  four  historical  vignettes;  scarce- 

Charles  I.  in  an  oval,  supported  by  Wagons;  vke 
of  his  execution;  names  of  his  judges;  witnesses;  ordtr 
of  execution,  Sgc.  AUardt;  very  scarce. 

Charles  I.  when  prince,,  on  horseback,  with  capad  i 
feather;  a  battle,  and  view  of  Richmond  Palace  in  tk 
background;  four  English  verses.   F.  Delaramr  rarC' 

Charles  &c.  R.White sc.  k.  sh.. 

Carolus,  &c.  R.  White  sc,  1685. 

Charles  I.  Sam.  Taylor  f  tnezz. 

Charles  I.    Vandergucht  sc.  Svo. 

Charles  I.  Strange  sc.  Engraved  for  Dr.  Smol- 
lett's History  ;  8vo. 

Charles  I.  an  anamoiphosis  of  his  head;  tohesm 
in  a  cylindrical  inirror  ;  or  held  in  a  horizontal  posHiw,  > . 
Just  below  Ike  eye;  sh.  without  inscription.  ''; 

Carolus  I.  holding  a  crown  of  thorns,  and  treadii^  • 
on  a  globe;  Fruytirs*  del.  Hertochs  sc.  in  his  Work, '., 
fol.    There  are  several  copies  of  this  by  Marshall,  ^c- ' 

Charles  I.  inprison;  kneeling;  the  Common  Pra^T 
Book  open  before  him;  h.  sh.  ' 

■  Virtue  spelt  the  name  IVuiifrji  ^, 

OF  1S  NOi  AN  D. '  247 


•Charles  I.  as  he  satin  the  pretended  court  pfjus- 
e,  Anno  1648.*  Done- from  the  original  at  Oaford; 
0.  mezz. 

Charles  1^  engraved  from  the  sam^e picture ;  fron- 
piece  to  Caul/ield's  ^-  High  Court  of  Justice.''  B.  Head- 
^  sc.  4to. 

Charles  I.  Sec.  two  mezzotintoSj  by  Simon  andFaber, 
th  the  same  inscription  as  the  foregoing ; 

Charles  I.  in  a  high  crowned  hat,  as  he  is  repre- 
nted  in  the  above  mezzotintos ;  said  to  be  painted  by 
indyck  ;  probably  donefrmn  a  picture  of  that  master, 
d  the  hat  added;  view  of  Westminster,  in  the  manner 
Hollar.  S.  Saveryf  Another  of  these,  without  the 
me  of  Savery. 

Carolus  I.  in  a  high  crowned  hat,  and  cloak  with  a 
ir.    Vandyck  p.  J.  de  Ram  e.vcud.  neat,  smalt  h.  sh. 

Charles  I.  putting  on  the  cap^  in  which  he  was 
headed;  two  prints,  large  and  small  4to. 

<;;harles  I.  &c.  a  hand  from  the  clouds  holding  out  a 
own,  with  this  inscription,  "  Corruptibilem  pro  incor- 
ptibili.*''\  Faithornef    Cooper  exc.  h.  sh* 

Charles  I.  tvith  a  white  handkerchief  in  his  hand, 
*'  a  signal  to  the  executioner ;  execution  at  a  distance ; 
^cription,  ^*  Horrible  murder  f  two  prints;  Ato.  one 

Cbarles,  who  had  alwajs  a  little  impediment  in  his  speech,  was  observed  to 
s  less  of  it  on  his  trial,  than  he  was  known  to  have  at  any  other  time. 
These  are  the  words  of  Bishop  Juxton  to  the  king,  on  the  scaffold. 

is  by  Genfwood,  but  vntlumt  hi*  Aatne;  eight  v&sa; 

"  Bnt  lo  a  cbaig  is  drawne,  a  day  is  set; 
The  ulent  lamb  is  brought,  the  wolves  are  met ; 
And  Where's  the  slanghter-house  ?  Whitehall  must  be, 
Lately  bis  palace,  now  his  Cdvarie. 
And  DOW,  ye  senatoTs,  is  this  the  thing 
So  oft  declar'd,  is  this  your  glorious  king? 
Religion  vails  herself;  and  mourns  that  she 
Is  forc'd  to  own  such  horrid  villanie." 

Charles  I.  as  he  appeared  on  the  scaffold,  hoMins 
his  cap;  twelve  English  verses:  once  it  was  caUcd 
Charles,  by  the  Grace  of  God,  S;c.  small  folio ;  etching; 

Charles  I.  The  warrant  for  his  execution;  vHh 
view  of  Whitehall  and  King-street-gate,  numerw 
spectators,  guards,  S,-c.  4to, 

This  unhappy  prince  carried  the  regal  power  to  an  enormous 
height,  at  a  conjuncture  very  unfavourable  to  despotism ;  the  re- 
publican part  of  the  constitution,  in  its  turn,  made  as  lai^  «■ 
croachments  upon  monarchy.  Hence  a  violent  struggle  between 
bberty  and  prerogative  occasioned  one  of  the  most  calamitous  wars 
in  the  history  of  mankind.  If  we  consider  Charles  as  a  monardi, 
we  must,  in  some  instances,  give  him  up  to  censure;  if  as  an  ac- 
complished person,  we  admire  him ;  if  as  a  master,  a  father,  and  a 
husband,  we  esteem  and  love  him  ;  if  as  a  man  who  bore  his  mis- 
fortunes with  magnanimity,  we  pity  and  respect  him.  He  wouW 
have  made  a  much  better  figure  in  private  hfe,  than  he  did  upons 
throne.*     Beheaded  the  30th  of  Jan.  1648-9.     See  Class  IX. 

■  The  following  passage  is  at  the  cunclusion  of  Lilly  the  astrologer's  "  lift  rf 
Charles  1."  "  King  Charles  being  dead,  and  sume  foolish  citizens  going  a  xboriii 
after  liis  picture,  or  image,  formerly  set  up  in  the  Old  EicliBnge,  the  parliamtil 
made  bold  to  take  it  down,  and  to  eiigr^Te  in  its  place  these  words  :  <  Eiit  TjiU' 
nus  Itegum  ulttmus,  Anno  Liberlatii  Anglis  restitute  primo,  Anno  Dom.  IM 
Jan.  30.'  For  my  pan,  I  du  believe  lie  nm  not  the  worst,  but  the  most  unfortunil' 

H AR££S  I.  i»  a  large  star  ;  hi.  shi. 


HARLEs  I.  a  small  oval,  without  inscription  ;  the 

radiated,  like  that  of  a  saint  or  martyr ^  dnd  sup- 

I  to  be  in  a  glorijied  state.  ^ 

Illic,  postquam  se  lutmne  puro  ■' 

Implevit,  stellasque  vagas  miratur,  et  astr^,* 
Fixa  polis,  vidit  quanta  sub  nocte  jaceret 
Nostra  dies,  risitque  sui  ludibria  trunci.* 

LucAir.  ^ 

I  a  curious  accojint^  translated  from  the  French,  in  which  afSir 
Stair,  ^andfather  of  the  Earl  of  Stair,  confesses  himself  to 
been  the  executioner  of  King  Charles  I.  It  id  copied  in  the 
:ly  Intelligencer,  1818. 

ENRICA  Mk"Rlk,  Sec.  Daniel  Mytens  p.   Jac. 
whites  sc»  sh.  • 

ARIA  Augusta,  &c.    G.  Hondthorst  p.    Soutman 
lit.  Suyderhoef  sc .  1643  \  sh. 

ENRiETTA    Maria.     Vandyck  p.     P.  Soutman 
avit.  J.  Suyderhoef  sc.  large  h .  sh.  fine. 

irions  and  contradictory  have  been  the  reports  of  the  disposal  of  the  dead 
f  Charles  I.  It  was,  doubtless,  interred  in  the  collegiate  church  at  Windsor; 
I,  by  many,  supposed  to  have  been  removed  from  the  place  of  interment.  It 
:n  even  said,  that  it  was  privately  taken  up,  and  buried  under  the  gallows  at 
i.t  Tlib  is  sufficiently  disproved  in  **  The  History  and' Antiquities  of  Wind- 
'hcre  we  are  informed  that  the  king's  coffin,  with  his  name  inscribed  upon  it, 
■tainly  seen  by  Mr.  Sewel,  a  man  of  probity,  and  several  of  his  frlendai,  when 
&1  vault  was  opened  to  inter  a  still-born  child  of  the  Princess  of  Denmark, 
rd  Queen  Anne.  See  "  The  Hist,  and  Antiq.  of  Windsor,"  printed  at  Eton, 
tto.  p.  363.  428.  See  also  Echard's  "  Hist,  of  England,"  book  «.  paragr. 
third  edit. 

t  Sec  the  "  Secret  Hist,  of  the  Calve's-head  Club,"  p.  14. 

350-:  BIOGRAPHICAL  lIIS3*ORT    ' 

Henbica  Maria.  YanAfck  .p.  ->  Glover  tc  kfgt 
wal;  1640. 

Henrica  Maria  ;  anetclm^.  Vandyck  p.  a  Icurd 
branch  in  her  hand. 

Henrietta  Maria,  consort  to  King  Charles  I. 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  a  head  only,  unfinished.  Vm-^ 
dyckp.    Hollar  f.  Ato. 

Henrietta  Maria;  richly  adorned.  Vandyckp. 
Fdthorne  sc.  h.  sh.  ^fine. 

Henrietta  Maria.   Vandyckp.  P.deJodesc.  sh. 

Henrietta  Maria.  Vandyckp.  P..  a  Gunst  sc. 
whole  length;  large  h.  sh.  This  belongs  to  a  set  of 
ten  whole  lengths  on  imperial  half  sheets,  engraved 
chi^y  from  the  Wharton  collection.  The  original  is  at 

Henrietta  Maria*    Van  Voerst  sc. 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  richly  dressed^  and  ornamented 
.  with   large  pearls ;  four   French    verses,     "  Reverez 
comme  une  Deasse,''  Sgc.    when  princess;  large  ito. 
Ganiere  exc. 

Henrietta  Maria,  onhorseback:  the  king, prince, 
Sgc.  walking.    Daret  exc. 

Henrietta  Maria,  on  horseback.  David;  scarce. 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  small  oval ;  mezz.  E.  Lutterell 

OF  ENGL'A^K  251 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  small  whole  lengthy  standing 
nth  a  prince  and  princess ;  arms  of  France ;  four 
verses,  ^'  Sure  Hedven  was  pleased,'  Sgc.  G.  Glo  (ver)  ; 
[to.  scarce. 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  in  a  small  oval.  Sold  by 
Robert  Peake;  scarce. 

Henrietta  Maria,  richly  dressed.  N.Vienot  fecit. 
r.  Valet  esc.  This .  is  the  same  as  the  one  by  Ganiere, 


Henrietta  Maria,  sitting;  Pallas  standing  by 
her.    Hollar  f.  h.  sh. 

.  Henrietta  Maria  ;  half  length  ;  crown  on  a  table, 
'unfinished.  Hollar f.  h.  sh. 

Henrietta  Maria.  Hollar  f.  16il ^  large  8vo. 

Henrietta  Maria  ;  oval.  Hollar  f.  \2mo. 

There  are  two  whole  lengths  which  resemble  Henrietta 
Ikfaria;  one  anonymous  octavo,  belonging  to  a  set  of 
Presses  by  Hollar  ;  and  the  other  a  half  sheet,  engraved 
^y  Ant.  de  Baillue,  after  Vandyck.  It  is  inscribed 
*  Sancta  Maria  Magdalena.'' 

Henrietta  Maria.  Faithornef.  Hood,  Sgc.  in  the 
banner  of  Mellan. 

Henrietta  Maria,  in  a  T for  deeds,  by  Faithorne, 
^tU  without  his  name. 

Henrica  Maria,  &c.  small  Ato. 


Henrietta  Maria.   Loggansc. 

Henrietta  Maria,  and  the  three  goddessea 
N.  Van  Horst  inv.   Cor.  Gallef.  Ato. 

Henrietta  Maria.  P.  S.  (Peter  Stcfit)  m 
octagon;  \2mo.  ^ 

Henrietta  Maria.    Stent;  h.  sh. 


Henriette  Marie^  par  la  grace,  &:c.  target. 

Henriette  Marie,  &c.  Moncornet  exc.  smaUito* 
This  belongs  to  a  numerous  set  of  heads  of  illustrum 
persons,  by  Moncornet. 

Henrietta  Maria,  on  horseback.  H.  David  f* 
large  h.  sh. 

Though  the  beauty  and  spirit  of  this  amiable  princess  merited 
all  Ihe  tenderness  which  the  king  her  husband  had  for  her,  to j 
judgment  by  no  means  deserved  that  deference  which  he  paid  to  ib 
She  was  quick  ia  her  resentment,  and  rash  in  her  resolves ;  ni 
frequently  precipitated  that  unfortunate  monarch  into  such  met-, 
sures,  as  his  natural  prudence  and  moderation  would  have  caiefnOf 
dechned.  Whoever  sees  her  charming  portrait  at  Windsor,  iri| 
cease  to  admire  at  her  great  influence  over  the  king.*  See.4P 
reign  of  Charles  II.  ^ ' 

*  Henrietta  Maria  appeared  as  a  spectator  at  the  Goronation  of  tbe  king  her  W' 
band,  as  her  bigotry  ivoald  nqt  permit  her  to  partake  or  assist  at  our  churdi-eel*' 
monies' on  that  occasion.  It  was  demanded  to  have  the  solemnity  performed  by  t^ 
bishops  of  her  own  religion.  This  is  not,  I  believe,  mentioned  l^  any  of  our  hist^ 
rians.  The  passage  is  in  Sir  John  Finet*8  "  Fhiloxenis."  See  p.  169 — 171|  ' 
that  book. 

In  a  letter  from  Lord  Kensington,  afteiward  Earl  of  Holland,  to  Charles  L  wh^ 
prince,  be  speaks  in  the  highest  terms  of  her  singing;  of  which  he  was  anear-witneflf^ 
by  stealing  into  her  apartment  when  her  music-master  was  with  her.  "  I  fbuMl  ^ 
true,"  says  he,  "  that  neither  her  master  Bayle,  nor  any  man  or  woman  in  Yrwaie^ 
or  in  the  world,  sings  so  admirably  as  she.  Sir^  it  is  beyond  imagination  ;  that  • 
all  that  I  can  say  of  it" 

OF  ENGLAND.  253 


CHARLES,  the  first-born  son  of  Charles  and 
enrietta,  an  infant,  who  died  soan  after  his  birth. 
le  portrait  is  in  a  little  book  engraved  by  Hollar 
id  Vaughn ;  in  which  are  also  the  portraits  of  the 
ing.  Queen,  Prince  Charles,  Mary,  James,  Elizabeth, 
ane,  and  Henry  in  his  cradle- 

He  happier  yet,  who,  ptivileg'd  by  fate 
To  shorter  labour  and  a  lighter  weight, 
Received  but  yesterday  the  gift  of  breath, 
Order'd  to-morrow  to  return  to  death. — PrioH. 

Charles,  prince  of  Wales,  veri/  young.  W.  Vail- 
mtf.  small  Ato.  mezz.    This  is  after  Vandyck. 

Carolus,  princeps,  &c.  Vandyck  p.  P.  dejodeexc. 
I  armour  ;  4to.  This  is  done  with  great  exactness  from 
le  original  at  Windsor. 

Charles,  prince  of  Wales;  half  length ,  inscribed 
!arolus  II.  &e.  Vandyck  p.  Hollar  f.  1649;  h.  sh. 
^he  view  in  this  print  is  Richmond  Castle,  and  the  green 
fore  it,  according  to  Vertue's  manusqript. 

Prince  Charles.  Will.  Dobson  p.  Voerst  sc. 

Carolus,  princeps.    €^.  Van  Dalen  sc.  Ato. 

Charles,  prince  of  Waives.   Hollar  f  l2mo. 

Charles,  prince,  with  ]bis  three  sisters,  Mary, 

vol"  II*  2  ^ 


Elizabeth,  and  Anne,  on  a  fedestai  supporting  a  ctokh; 
prffi^ed  to  the  Oxford  verUM,  1 636 ;  4to.  | 

Prince  Charies  ;  G.  G.  (Geo.  GhoerJ  tc. 

■  Charles,  prince  of  Valca,  en  j 
J.&suU;  h:xh.        • 

Onrio  iru  a  prince  of  uncoi— W>  pregnantrr  of  g«m 
wtaxj  amiabls  qa^hiea.    He  began  early  to  know  mUfor 
«■•  almott  IB  txAy  u^ced  by  ioddlence  aod  pleasure. 
fbe  gsietj  of  hia  temper,  that  hia  friends  may  be   rather  M 
nfier  for,  than  aymjiathiie  with,  Um ;  as  they  ever  felt  i 
him,  than  he  did  for  lumaelf.    He  was  so  much  a  slave  lo  [ 
that  he  never  left  those  devioiu  paths  into  which  he  wsodetedn.! 
hia  youdi. 

JAMES,  duke  of  York,  playing  at  tennis,  spa^iOmXl 
in  the  court.  M.  Merianf. 

It  is  neither  a  far-fetched  nor  an  overstrained    metaphor, 
1  shall  horrow  from  the  print  before  me,  and  call  James  hintsdf  i 
fennii'ball  of  fortune.    If  wo  take  a  cursory  view  of  li 
find  that  he  was  seldom,  or  never,  at  rest.     Before  the  deadi 
his  father,  he  was  continually  hurried  to  diJferent  parts  of  the  Ul 
dom,  according  to  the  various  fortunes  of  that  prince.     Aitet 
death  of  Charles,  we  see  him  in  Holland,  France,  Germany, 
other  countries ;  now  he  .is  an  officer  in  the  French  army, 
commander  in  the  English  fleet.     When  his  brother  was  in 
aion  of  the  throne,  he  was  tossed  about  by  faction  ;   and  eoi 
he  took  possession  of  it  himself,  he  was  driven  to  France, 
thence,  by  the  impulse  of  Lewis  XIV.  to  venture  his  last  stake 
Ireland.     He  was  at  length  thrown  into  a  state-priaoo*  at  St.  Ge^ 
maiai,  where  be  ended  his  restless  life. 

James,  diike  of  York.   Faithoi-ne  eacud.  Ato. 

*  He.  ia  bi>  mcJaiicbal;  haun,  bu  been  beard  to  compare  the  palace  ai 




i»  ! 

1  ( 


OF  ENGLAND.  255 

James,  duke  of  York,  in  armour;  octagon  frame; 
small  Ato* 

James,  duke  of  York,  commander  of  the  most 
^honourable  Society  of  the  Artillery  Men.  William 
Yaugkan  sc. — This  neat  and  very  rare  print  was  in 
[the  collection  of  Sir  William  Musgrave,  bart.  I 
I  never  heard  of  another  impression. 

James,  duke  of  York ;    a  very  beautiful  French 
wint ;  a  sash  on  his  armour. 

HENRY,  of  OatlandSjf  commonly  styled  the  Duke  of 
\Gloucester;  an  infant  sittingon  a  cushion.  R.  Vaughansc. 
\ — His  portrait  is  in  the  book  before  described. 

The  most  hopeful  and  high-bom  Prince  Henrit, 
luke  of  Gloucester,  who  was  bom  at  Oatlandes  the 
dghth  of  July,  1640.    Peregrine  Louell  fecit,   1647  ; 
\in  the  manner  of  Hollar ;  rare. 

The  Duke  of  Gloucester,  at  the  king's  last  interview  with  his 
Idren,  discovered  an  understanding  and  sensibility  far  beyond 
years.  The  solemn  advice  of  his  father  sunk  deep  into  his 
id;  and  his  conduct  .in  life  was  mucb  more  conformed  to  it, 

*  The  Doke  of  York,  when  young,  is  ^aid  to  have  been  very  like  his  father;  "So 
he  is,"  sajs  Sir  Francis  Wortlej4  "  that  we  may  invert  that  royal  epithet  given 

'  hb  father,  Jacobissimus  Carolos,  to  CaroJissimos  Jacobas."  There  seems  to  be 
of  conceit  than  troth  in  this  obserration,  which  is  ju&t  as  witty  as  Ovid's 

"  Semiboremqoe  vimm,  semiTiramqae  boTem." 

t  So  called  from  Oatlands,  in  Surrey,  the  place  of  his  birth.  This  was  part  of  the 
ore  uf  Henrietta  Maria,  and  one  of  the  twenty-four  palaces  of  Charles  L  A 
li/iceot  gate  which  belonged  to  it  is  still  remaining.  It  was  the  work  of  Inigo 
%,  and  is,  or  was,  at  the  upper  end  of  the  Dnke  of  Newcastle's  fine  temce. 

t  "  Characten  and  Elegies,''  p.  7. 


than  the  conduct  of  either  of  his  brothers.  After  the  king's  deatb, 
it  was  advised  by  one  of  CromweH'B  friends,  "that  he  should  be 
bound  out  to  some  good  trade,  ihat  so  he  might  ^et  his  bread 
honestly."*  He  was,  however,  permitted,  or  rather  forced,  to  leave 
the  kingdom  with  very  slender  accornmoda lions,  to  follow  tlie  for- 
tunes of  the  royal  family,  who  were  ihsn  miserable  dependants  on 
the  crown  of  France.     See  the  next  reign. 

MARIA,  filia  Caroli  regis.  Vandyckp.  Qiicebooren 
(or  Qiieboren)  sc. 

Mary,  princess  of  Orange.  Vandyck  p.  "  Coussin 
del.  et  sc."  in  manuscript;  whole  length ;  a  dog  oh  a 
carpet ;  a  Dutch  mezz. 

Maria,  Caroli  Magnse  Brit,  et  Hib.  Regis  Filia 
prirao-genita.  G.  Hondthorst p.  Siij/derhoef  sc.  1643; 
-fA.  Jine. 

MAia.\,  I'^c.    Backer  p.  Jacobus  Lutma  f.  h.  sh. 

Maiua,  &:c.  in  liat  ami  feather.  Hanneman  p. 
Danckerssc.  1640;  h.  tih. 

The  Princess  Mary,  holding  a  basket  of  -flowers ; 
a  mezzotinto,  by  Vertiie,  who  had  no  talent  for  that  kiiid 
of  engraving.     The  print  has  no  inscription. 

Maria  dotnina,  fil.  Car.  regis,  nata  1631. 
Jede  sc.  4to. 

Mabie,  princesse  de  la  Grande  Bretagne.  Moit^ 
cornet  exc.  Ato. 


^       X 

fall,  Lond'oii  25  ^\a;>-,j^A^  >^*>t'c^^  y' ■a^'^J^ 



1a  RY,  princess  of  Oran^,  eldest  daughter  of 
bg  Charles  I.  and  mother  to  King  William  III. 
idyck  p.    Faithome(jun.)f.  mezz. 

PMaet,    princess    of  Orange,  standing.     Hollar f. 
d41  ;  Ato.  small  whole  length, 

GuLiELMOs  et  Maria,  principes  Aurant.'  Afierc- 
t>ddms  p.    Ddffius  sc.   two  prints;  large  h.  sh. 

Mabia   Caboli,   primo-genita    filia.     Ger.   Van 
Hondlhorst  pm.vit.    Com.  Vlscher  sculp,  sheet. ' 

Maria  Caroli.  Ant.Van  Difck equis_pinxit,  1641. 
.  Hondius  sculp,  large  4to. 

The  most  excellent  and  high-born  Princess  Mary, 
l&c.    W.Faithonte.   Sold  by  Roh.  Peake. 

JVLabia,  &c.  Ato.   L.Ferdinand. 

mIaria  ; /o/.  C.Yisscher;  scarce. 

I4.R1A  ;  in  an  octagon ;  4to.   T.  v.  Merlin. 

^1A,  M.  18,  1649.  G.  Honthorstp.  Queboren. 

i,  princess  ; .  whole   length,    with  Jlower-pot. 

ftRiA,  with  her  son  William  III.  in  a  cradle; 
■""of  the  palace  at  the   Hague,  i^c.    G.  Flinch. 
\,.  Dalen,  1650. 

iLLiAM  aad    Mary,    prince   and  princess   of 
^ge  ;  ftw  whole  lengths  in  one  print,  bif  Hollar, 


'id  them  both  in  tuv  neat  small  ovals  in  om 
d  1641. — It  appears  from  this  date,  that 
:  t<i        ss  was  iu  the  tenth  year  of  her  age  when 
was  contracted  in  marriage. 

LLiAM  and  Mary,  on  horseback,  going  a  hunting, 

iELUus  II.   a  Nass°.  princeps.  ArausioneD- 

iRtA  Caroi-i,  Wilhelmi  Arausionensium  prin- 
a  uxor ;  tico  ovals  in  afoilage. 

ViLLiAM  and  Mary      trince  and    princess  of 
Dge.    W.  jMarshall  sc.       o  small  ovals  in  one  plait. 

William  and  Mart,  &c.  sold  by  Peaks;  small 

M'jLLiAM  and  Mary,  &c.  Itro  icliale  lengths  haiid 
in  hand,  standing;  (heir  parents  sitting;  the  Hol^ 
Ghost  and  three  angels  over  the  heads  of  the  young 
prince  and  princess.  Isaac  Isaacksoip,  R.a  Persj/nsc, 
et  lusit ;  sh. 

There  is  ii  double  portrait  of  llio  Prince  ami  Princess  of  Orai^ 
at  Lord  StraHbrd's,  nt  Wentwortli  Castle.  It  is  supposed  to  ban 
beeB  painted  by  Hiinneman. 

The  Priucess  of  Orange,  who  was  esteemed  tlie  most  TortunBte 
of  the  family  of  Charjcs  I.  had,  from  the  goodness  and  tendernES 
of  her  nature,  a  deep  share  in  all  the  miseries  of  the  royal  faailj' 
She  was  more  than  a  sister  to  the  king  her  brother ;  she  was  ibe 
friend  of  his  adversity."  She  was  a  conspicuous  proof  that  the  milil 
virtues  are  not  inconsistent  with  fortitude;  as   she  bore  the  ID'S 

OF  ENGLAND.  259 

of  a  father  and  a  husband,  whom  she  entirely  loved,  with  patience, 
and  even  magnanimity.  She  came  into  England,  to  congratulate 
her  brother  upon  his  restoration,  and  died  of  the  small-pox  soon 
after  her  arrival.  She  was  interred  in  Henry  the  Seventh's  chapel, 
the  31st  of  Dec.  1660.* 

The  Lady  ELIZABETH,  holding  a  squirrel. 
JJ.  Vaughan  sc.  whole  length;  Ato.  See  the  Inter- 

The  Princess  Elizabeth,  in  her  childhood,  discovered  a  maturity 
of  judgment  rarely  seen  in  women.  She  could  hold  a  conversation 
with  her  father  upon  persons  and  things,  and  sympathized  with  him 
in  his  misfortunes.  The  troubles  and  death  of  the  king  are  sup- 
posed to  have  put  an  early  period  to  her  life.  She  died  at  Caris- 
brook  Castle,  the  8th  of  September,  1660,  in  the  fifteenth  year  of 
fcer  age,  and  was  buried  at  Newport,  in  the  Isle  of  Wight.  I  have 
«een  it  asserted  in  print,  that  she  was  bound  appr^tice  to  a  glover 
of  that  place,  and  worked  at  his  trade ;  but  this  is  sufficiently  con* 
tradicted  by  Fuller.f 

The  Lady  ANNA  (daughter  of  Charles  L)  died  the 
eighth  of  December^  1640;  Ato.  sold  by  Thomas  Jenner. 

When  the  Princess  Anne  lay  upon  her  death-bed,  and  nature 
"^as  almost  spent,  she  was  desired  by  one  of  her  attendants  to 
])ray.  She  said,  that  she  was  not  able  to  say  her  long  prayer, 
'tneaning  the  Lord's  Prayer,  but  she  would  say  her  short  one: 
*•  Lighten  mine  eyes,  O  Lord,  that  I  sleep  not  the  sleep  of  deat)i." 
TPhe  little  innocent  had  no  sooner  pronounced  these  words,  than 
the  expired.     She  was  not  quite  four  years  of  age. 


CHARLES  I.  and  his  queen.  Vandi/ck  p.  R.  van 
Voerst  sc.  Lond.  1634  ;  a  layge  sheet.    The  queen  holds 

•  Fenton's  "  Observations  on  Waller.'* 
t  "  Worthies  in  Westminster,"  p.  239. 


a  chaplet  of  laurel  in  one  hand,  and  a  branch  in  the 

Carolus  et  Henrietta  Maria.  Vandyck  p. 
G.  Vertue  sc.  large  sh.  This  is  from  the  retouched 
plate  of  Van  Voerst. 

Charles  I.  and  his  queen.  Vandyck  p.  C.  J.  Yu- 
scher  exc.  large  sh.    Copied  from  Van  Voerst. 

The  original  was  at  Somerset-house;  but  most  of  the  pictoiei 
which  were  there  have  been  removed  to  Kensington  and  Hampton- 

Charles  I.  and  his  queen ;  two  small  ovals,  after 
Vandyck ;  a  head-piece  by  Vertue,  in  the  fine  edition  of 
Waller's  Works,  in  Ato. 

Charles  I.  and  Henrietta  Maria  ;  two  ovals  in 
one  plate.    Hollar  f.  1 64 1 . 

Carolus  et  Henrietta,  &c.  the  king  sitting ;  the 
Prince  of  Wales,  ve7y  young,  standing  at  his  right  hand. 
Vandyck  p.  sh.  me'* 

Charles  I.  and  the  Prince  of  Wales.  G.  Glover  f. 
whole  loigths;  8vo. 

Charles  I.  and  his  queen,  sitting ;  Prince  Charles, 
very  young,  standing  at  his  k7iee;  the  Duke  of  York 
an  infant,  on  hers.    Cooper  exc.  4to.  mezz. 

The  original,  by  Vandyck,  is  now  at  Buckingham-house:  it  was 
engraved  in  a  large  plate  by  Baron. 

King   Charles's     three    children.       Vandyck  /?• 

OF  ENGLAND.  261 

trange  sc.  16^  inches^  by  17^. — ^The  original  is  at 

Charles  I.  and  three  of  his  sons ;  whole  lengths; 
ild  by  Stent ;  poorly  engraved. 

Henrietta  Maria,  and  three  of  her  children. 

The  Princess  Mary  was  bom  the  fourth  of  Nov. 
631;  the  Lady  Elizabeth  bom  the  twenty ^ninth  of 
>ec.  1636 ;  the  Lady  Anna  bom  the  seventeenth  of 
larch,  1636;  baptized  the  thirtieth  of  the  .same 
lonth,  1637;  died  Dec.  8,  1640;"  whole  lengths; 
.  sh.    Sold  by  Garrett. 

Five  children  of  Charles  I.  with  a  large  dog^.  Van- 
yck  p.*  Tompson  ex'c.  sh.  mezz.  This  print  was  after- 
^ard  sold  by  Cooper. 


Five  children  of  Charles  I.  Vandyck  p.  Ricardt^ 
hooper  sc.  1762  ;  large 

This,  and  the  next  above,  are  after  an  excellent  original  in  the 
>llection  of  the  Earl  of  Portmore.  The  picture  at  Burleigh-house, 
hich  is  similar  to  it,  is  a  copy  by  Henry  Stone,  one  of  Vandyck's 
^t  scholars.*  The  infantine  character  in  the  youngest  chUd  is 
Eidy  expressed. 

Charles  I.  and  queen,  with  the  Earls  of  Pem- 
roke,  &c.  in  the  print  of  Theobalds  ;  fol.  S.  Sparrow 
^  1800. 

Charles  I.  the  Kingley  Cook ;  the  king  ask^.p ; 
tondamor  piping  in  his  ear ;  Loiiis  XIII.  standing  in 

•  The  original  was  burnt  at  WhitehalL 
VOL.  11.  2  M 


armour ;  Queen  Henrietta  Maria,  and  the  Bohemian 
family,  standing.  (Pass ) ;  scarce. 

Chablbs  I.  lying  in  state,  witii  sixteen  whole 
length  portraits,  representing  the  varibu^pbt^tateS 
of  £urope ;  scarce. 

■    Charles  I.     is    the  print  of  the  t^exodrts:  tet 
James  I.  by  C.  Pricl ;  sheet.  '         '  ' ' 

Charles  I.  when  prince  of  Wales,  standii^  with 
Philip.  IV,  of  Spain,  in  their  robes;  twel^  Sngiish 
verses.    Sold  at  the  Globe,  ^c.  rare:.     " 

Chables  I.  sittuig  in  parliament,  nobles,  &c. 
with  a.  border  of  their  coat  oi  arms ;  >ob  .the  top  is  a 
genealogical  tree,  with  portraits  of  Henry  VII.  and 
Vill.  Edward  VI.  Elizabeth,  Earl  of  Lenox,  Mary, 
queen  of  Scots,  in  ovals  with  their  emblazonments; 

Charles  I.  and  family.  Van  Dych ;  Massari; 
large  sheet.  \ 

Charles  I.  and  queen,  with  two  children.  V.Dych 
A.  Baron. 

Charles  I.  and  queen,  with  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
Van  Dyck ;  J.  Broume ;  mezz.  sheet. 

C^jARLEs  I.  with  his  queen ;  Mary  de  Medicis 
staiMing ;  the  lord  mayor  of  London  kneeling. 

Charles  I.  inscribed  "  Rosa  Hispania  Anglka" 

rhe  m^age  ;with  tbe  Infafita^  €hrii3t  giving  the 
3en6^ction.  { ^ 

»  • 

Charles  I.  marriage  with  Henrietta  Maria,  Christ 
oming  their  hands;  4f(?.  These  two  are  the  same 
3late,  Donna  Marie  being  altered  to  Henrietta 
\f  aria. 

Henrietta  Maria  and  children,;  Van  Ttyck ;  Sir 
Rob.  Strange  sc.  large  sheet.  ^ 

Charles  I.  a  head^  neatly  engraved;  in  the  upper 
lart,  a  section  of  a  temple.  He  is  surrounded  with  chicds 
f  glory,  and  crou>ned  with  laurels 

"  What  sacrifice  can  expiate?  Past  crimes 

Are  left  to  Jove ;  our  king  must  bless  the  times.*' 

Queen  Henriettay  whole  lengthy  is  sacrificing  below; 

Charles  I.  sitting  at  a  table,  leaning  on  a  skull ; 
2  hand  drawing  a  curtain;  Dr.  Gauden  standing  in 
boots  and  spurs;  a^-^m  with  afooVs  cap  ;  label  from  his 
mouthy  "  SpectatumMmissi  risumy'  Sgc.  twelve  verses : 

"  The  curtain's  drawn ;  all  may  perceive  the  plot 
And  easily  see,  what  you  my  friend  have  got. 
Presumptuous  coxcomb  th'  art;  that  thus  would'st  faine 
Murder  the  issue  of  the  King's  own  braine. 
If  in  the  essence  and  the  name  of  Kino 
There  is  divinity ;  know  then,  you  bring 
That  which  conducith  to  the  King's  owne  praise. 
As  much,  as  crowns  of  gold,  or  wreaths  of  bayes. 
Though  as  a  King  in 's  actions  he  did  shine, 
Yet  in  his'writings  he  may  be  Divine. 
Do  not  then  say  one  skips  into  his  throne ! 
The  Doctor  and  the  King  may  both  be  one." 

different  from  the  one  before  mentioned.    See  Gauden. 


The  royftl  progenie  of  Charles  I.  In  the  tarn 
plate  M  thefamly  of  the  King  and  Queen  of  Bohema. 
Wm.  Pats 

Charles  I.  his  queen  and  progeny.  Sold  b^  €■ 
Wildenberch,  at  the  globe,  at  St.  Marlen's;*  large  sh. 

Charles  I.  and  his  royal  progeny.   R.P.(Robeti 
Peake)  arc.     The  portrait  of  the  queen  is  not  in  tkit; 
.  large  sh. 

The  royal  progeny  of  Charles  I.  in  sis  omh. 
In  the  last  are  the  heads  of  the  Didce  and  Dutchess  bJ 
Albemarle.  This  teas  done  in  the  reign  of  Charles  II 
large  Ato..'^ 

Charles  I.  and  II.  with  their  queens ;  tbe  Duke 
and  Dutchess  of  York;  the  Princess  of  Orange;  the 
Lady  Elizabeth,  and  the  Dukeof  Gloucester;  the  Duke  I 
of  Anjou  (afterward  Duke  of  Orleans);  the  Princess 
Henrietta;  and  the  Duke  and  Dutchess  of  Albemarle;  | 
much  in  the  manner  of  Faithorne,  in  six  ovals;  veiy  '■ 
scarce;  \ 

Chahles  I.  and  his  queen  ;  Henry  Frederic,  prince 
of  Orange,  and  his  princess ;  with  William  and  Mary, 
their  son  and  daughter-in-law,  joi7«'«g- Aonrf*,-  obbn^  In  the  ^' History  of  Henry  Frederic^^  in  Hl^^ 
Dutch ;  foL 

Charles  I.  sitting  in  parliament ;  8to. 

'  Magdaten'j, 

+  There  is  a  half  alicet  pciiil  similar  to  il,  with  eight  ovals.    In  tl 
Calharine  ii  in  a  chariot  on  (he  sea. 

OF.  ENGLAND.  265 

•  Charles  I.  with  eighteen  ether  small  heads  of  the 
loyalists ;  frontispiece  to  Lloyd's  *^  Memoii^Sy'*  Sgc.  foL 
1668.  Another  from  the  same  plate,  with  the  addition 
of  three  heads. 

Charles  I.    with  eighteen  heads  of  the  loyalists. 
Henry  Playford  invt.  J.  Nutting  so. 

Charles  I.   Fairfax,  and  Cromwell,  neatly  en- 
graved^ in  one  plate.   R.  Hoejus  exc.  oblong  h.  sh. 


ELIZABETHA,  Bohemiae  regina,  M.  33.  Miere- 
wldiusp.  Gul.  Jaques  Delph.  sc.  sh. 

Elizabeth,  queen  of  Bohemia.  Miereveldt  p. 
JFaberf.  large  h.  sh. 

Elizabetha,  Bohemiae  regina,  ^^t.  35.  G.  a  Hon- 
thorst  p.  R.  a  Voerst  sc.  sh.  This  fine  print  was  en- 
graved by  command  of  Charles  the  First. 

Elizabetha,  Bohemiae  regina.  -  Stent.  4to.  See 
the  reign  of  James  I.  and  the  Interregnum. 

Elizabetha,  Bohemiae,  Reginae,  &c.  Mich.  John 
2ifiereveldt pin.  G.J.  Delphiosc. 

Elizabetha,  Bohemiae,  &c.  F.Brun;  Francis 
Jloeus;  1627. 

Her  portrait,  by  Cornelius  Jansen,  is  at  Ditchley. 


The  King  md  Qoieen  of 'Ik>hieiid%mtd  Hmt  fiimily, 
witkotti  irucriptim.  The  king  i^^tt  to  be  in  yean, 
.  and  melancholy ;  he  is  represented  sitting  mth  hi^  queen, 
under  some  trees.  The  eldest  son  stands  by  the  ^Uiai, 
the  yotmgest  child  is  playing  with  a  rabbit ;  sh.  very 

The  King  and  Queen  of  Bohemia,'  and  their  de- 
.  scendants.  CVissckerexc.  large;  oblong;  k.  sh. 

Fred,  and  Euz.  with  their  son,  Fred.  Henry; 
an  oval;  by  Pass,  from  a  silver  plate;  compammio 
James  I.  Queen,  S^c, 

Fred,  and  Eliz.  standing  under  two  arches,  with 
ten  historical  vignettes  of  their  coronation,  Sic.'K.  J. 
Fischer;  large  sheet ;  very  rare.  The  portraits  of  tk 
king  and  queen  were  ajlerward  erased,  and  Oliver 
Cromwell  introduced  instead  of  the  king,  aridafgure 
o/' Justice  in  place  ofthequeen;  the  head-dresses inlk 
historical  vignettes  were  likewise  altered. 

Fred,  with  eight  children;  twelve  verses;  ^ln- 
R.  Vau^han. 

FREDERICK  HENRY,  son  of  the 
Francisco  Delaram  sc.  Campion  Holland  eve.  a  child 
very  richly  attired,  with  lace  and  Jewels ;  holding  a 
racquet  in  one  hand,  and  a  ball  in  the  other ;  rare. 

Fuedj:rick  Henuy.     Webbe;  fol. 

Frederick  Henhv  ;  hat  and  feather,  ^r.  Tisscker 

FaKOERics^  Henry,  an  kaf^back;  inscriptkm  in 
\figlish  ;  six  verses. 


FaEDERxCK  Heney,  "  eldest  soQ  of  the  King  of. 
Ol^emia;"   motto,    ^^  Mediis  tranqmUus  in   UndiSj"^ 
329i  4*9.  scarce.     It  is  engraved  in  the  manner  of 

"an  Voerst' 

» .     -  ■ '  ■  ••.-■ 

•,     .  ■       ■    • 

He  was  drowned  in  January »  1629,  in  the  fifteenth  year  of  his 

re.         •■'■'  '•■■■■'■'■ 

CHARLES,  second  son  of  the  King  of  Bohemia. 
\  HoUmanf.  whole  lengthy  4to. 

CHARLES  LEWIS,  count  Palatine.    Vandyckp. 
^  Payne  sc.  a  head  onlyj  without  his  name ;  small  4to^ 

Carolus  LuDOvicus,  &c.   Vandyckp.  164L  Ber- 
'4irdf.  h.  sh. 

His  portrait,  byVandyck,  is  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  Methuen. 


Charles.Lewis.  l^w  Z)ycA:.  W.  Hollar ,  1646  ;yb/. 
Charles  Lewis  ;  an  iiifant.  Jenner  exc.  small  Ato. 
Charles  Lewis.  J.  v.  Sonar^  ad  vivum. 
Charles  Lewis;  an  etching.   Van  Dyck. 
Charles  Lewis  ;  Ato.   Hollman;  whole  length. 

Carolus  Ludovicus,  comes  Palatinus,  &c.  Mire- 
^Itpin.   Wi  J.'Delffsc.  sheet. 


Chables  Lewis,  &c.  R-aVoera  sc.  Seethe 

Charles  Lewis,  eldest  sumring  sou  of  the  King  of  B<Aemii, 
came  into  England  at  eighteen  years  of  age,  and  was  honoored 
ifidi  the  Garter.  Upon  the  breaking  out  of  the  civil  war,  he  Ml 
the  king  at  York,  and  went  into  Holland.  The  next  year  be  le- 
tumed  to  England;  and  while  his  brothers  were  eiqtosing  tbeir 
persiHis  in  battles  and  sieges,  he  veiy  prudently  paid  his  conriU. 
the  parliament,  "joined  the  two  houses  at  Westminster,  andsBliii 
the  assembly  of  divines."*  He  was  restored  to  the  Lower  Palatt- 
nate  in  1648,  upon  condition  of  bis  quitting  all  right  and  title  toAc 
'  Upper.    See  the  Interregnum. 

Prince  RUPERT.   Vandyckp.   in  armour.   Stent; 
h.  sk. 

Prince  Rupert  ;    mezz.    Rembrandt ;    V.  Green; 
1775;  sheet. 

Prince  Rupekt.    /.  Hinde. 

Prince  Rupert.    Van  Dyck ;  He  Jode. 

Prince  Rupert.  S.  Cooper  ;  J.  K.  Sherwin  ;  asmd  f 
oval.  f 

Prince  Rupert;  8vo.  in  "  Clarendon." 

Prince    Rupert,    in   armour ;    Latin   inscription; 
mesz.  W.Vaillant  fee.  small  half  sheet ;  scaree. 

Prince  Rupert,    in  a    hat,  young.     S.  Cooper; 
C.  Knight  sc.  in  Harding's  "  Grammont." 

*  SecCoUier'i  "  Eccles,  Hiit."  lol.  IL.p.  854. 

OF  BNGLANO:  269 


Princp  Rup£RTy  'in  a  hat ;  frofn  the  s^me  fictkre. 
wodefroy  sc.         . 

RobERTus  princeps*,  comes  Palatinus.  Vundyckp. 
Hen.  Sayers  sc. 

Robert,  &c.  sold  by  Jenner ;  k.  sh. 
Another y  sold  by  Jenner y  Ato.  ships  in  both. 

Prince  Rupert.  Guli.  Dobson  p.  Faithome  sc. 
t.  sh. 

A  copy  by  T.  Chambars ;  Ato. 

Princeps  Rupertus,  equitum  dux.  HoUar  /f 
.643;  small  Ato. 

Another  by  the  same  hand;  a  small  oval,  1643. 

Prince  Rupert  and  his  brother  Maurice  are  both 
n  one  picture,  at  Coombe  Abbey, 

Prince  Rupert  came  over  from  Holland  to  the  assistance  of  the 
ing  his.  uncle,  about  the  time  of  his  erecting  the  royal  standard  at 
Nottingham.  He  possessed,  in  a  high  degree,  that  kind  of  courage 
^hich  is  better  to  attack  than  defend ;  and  is  less  adapted  to  the 
ind-service  thap  that  of  the  sea,  where  precipitate  valour  is  in  its 
lement.  He  seldom  engaged  but  he  gained  the  advantage,  which 
c  generally  lost  by  pursuing  it  too.  far.  He  was  better  qualified 
3  storm  a  citadel,  or  even  mount  a  breac)i,  than  patiently  to  sus« 
^n  a  siege;  and  would;  have  furnished  an  excellent ;hand  to  a 
«neral  of  a  cooler  head.  He  surrendered:  the  city  of  Bristol  to 
Mf  Thomas  Fairfax  almost  as  soon  as  he  appeared  .before  it ;  upon 
^hich  the  king  deprived  him;  of  all  his  commissiohs. ;  See  more 
f  him  in  the  next  reign. 

•     -      .' .  :  .X 

*  He  was  popularly  called  Prince  Robert. 

t  •'  Sold  hy  Jo.  Gil^,  near  Tbaivet  Inn,  in  Holborn,  anno  -^— '-  This  laddreis  and 
ale  were  erased;  and,  *<  Sold  b/  P.  Stent,"  and  a  back  ground  lidded  to  tbt 

VOL.  II.  2  K 


The  high-born  Prince  MAURICE  III.  son  to 
Fred.  K.  of  Bohemia,  on  horseback;  quarto.  Soldhg 
P.  Stent;  very  rare. 

Another,  anonymous,  whole  length,  as  Mercury; 
wings  in  his  hat,  and  at  his  feet ;  a  fountain  in  the  back 
ground;  scarce. 

Another  by  C.  v.  Daten;  same  as  the  above,  exctj^ 
/4e  emblem  of  Mercury. 

Prince  Maurice,  third  aon  of  the  King  of  Bohemia,  entered  iitt 
the  lervice  of  Charles  1.  about  the  ume  time  with  liis  brathei. 

'  He  was  not  of  so  active  and  fierce  a  naliire  as  Rupert;  but  knew 
better  how  to  pursue  any  advantagca  gaini^d  over  the  enemy.  He 
wanted  a  little  of  hi*  brother's  fire,  and  Rupert  a  great  deal  of 
bb  phlegm.  He  laid  siege  to  several  places  in  the  West,  and  tool: 
Exeter  and  Dartmouth.  His  most  aignU  exploit  was  the  viciorf 
It  Lansdavn,     His  portrait  is  in  the  family- piece  before  described. 

.  Tlie  late  Mr.  West  had  origiual  paintings  of  him  and  Prinn 
Rupert,  by  Gerard  Honlhorst. 

ELISABETHA,  Frederici   Bohemite  regis  com. 
Palat.  et  Elect.  S.  R.  I.  filia  natu  maxima. 

"  FortunfB  domitrix,  Aug 

Filia,  PaladiJ  grandis  alumna  chori ; 
Natiirse  labor,  hoc  vultu  spcciatur  Eliza, 
Et  faciem  fati  vim  superantis  habtt. 
Exulat,  et  terras  qua?  mine  sibi  vindrcat  Ister, 
Jure,  patrocinio,  spe,  putat  esse  suas. 
Si  patriis  titulis  succensuit,  illud 
Frangere  debebat  Cataaris  arma  caput." 

Caspar  Barlceus  ;   h.  sh. 

Another,  Svo.  eractly  copied  from  the  former.  C.i 
hurinus  sc. 

OV   ENGLAND.  871 

Blizabbtha,  kcfol.  M.  K 
Elizabetha;  8w.  P^^^. 

*  I 

Elizabetha  ;  a  child;  the  four  seasons  in  theorna- 
nents  ;  small  folio, 

"Jliese  prints  would,  perbaps,  be  more  properly  placed  i^  tl^^ 
fsxt  reign.  Tbey  are  placed  here,  as  mention  is  made  of  the  other 
ffScesses  cf  the  Palatine  fiamily.* 

Thif  admirable  lady  wad  one  of  the  most  extraordinary  woqie^ 
lat  we' read  of  in  history.  She  corresponded  with  the  celebrated 
>es  Cartes,  who  was  regarded  as  the  Newton  pf  his  time,  upon  tb^ 
dost  difficult  and  abstruse  subjects. t  That  philosopher  tells  ber, 
Q  the  dedication  cf  his  **  Principia/*  which  he  addressed  to  her, 
bat  she  was  the  only  person  he  had  met  with,  who  perfectly  un- 
lerstood  his  works.^  Christina,  queen  of  Sweden,  from  whom  she 
eceived  several  slights,  was  extremely  envious  of  her  knowledge. 
VlUiam  Penn.  the  famous  legislator  of  Pennsylvania,  had  many 
onferences  with  her  upon  quakerism,  of  which  she  entertained  a 
avourable  opinion.  He  has  published  several  of  her  letters  to  him 
n  his  '*  Travels. "§  She  is  sometimes  styled  "  The  abbess  of  Her- 
ordcn,''  a  protestant  nunnery  in  Germany,  over  which  she  pre- 


The  Princess  LOUISA  has  much  the  same  title  to  the  first  class 
»f  female  artists,  that  her  sister  has  to  that  of  the  learned  ladies, 
"ler  paintings  are  highly  esteemed  by  the  curious ;  not  only  for 
lieir  rarity,  but  their  merit ;  and  are  to  be  seen  in  foreign  cabinets 
v'ith  the  works  of  the  greatest  masters.  Gerard  Honthorst  had 
lie  honour  of  instructing  the  Queen  of  Bohemia  and  her  family  in 

*  There  is  a  great  collectioti  of  portraits  of  the  Palatine  family  at  Coombe  Abbey, 
F%  Warwickfitiire,  the  seat  of  Lord  Craven ;  which  came  hither  by  means  of  the  Earl 
*^  Craven,  ^hq  was  supposed  to  be  married  to  the  QoeM  of  Bohemia. — Loatt 

t  SecBoyle*s  •«  Excellency  of  Theology,"  p.  29. 

t  Voltaire  tells  \is,  that  Schotten  (ur  Schooten)in  HoHand,  and  Format  in  France, 
"^re  the  only  men  that  nnderstood  Des  Cartcs*s  geometry,  in  his  own  time* 
-«tter  XIV.  concerning  the  English  nation. 

f  la  George  Fox's  **  Journal,"  Lond.  1694,  foK  \%  a  letter  of  his  to  her,  with  her 


the  art  of  painting :  of  these  the  greatest  pto&aet^  were 
and  the  Princess  Sophia^  her  sister.    In  1664,  Louisa  luraed 
man  Catholic,  and  was  made  abbess  of  Manbuisson,  at  Pool 
near  Paris.    Ob,  1709,  JEt.  86.'    There  is  a  portrait  of  her  in 
straw  haty  at  Wilton,  by  Gerard  Honthorst    . 

>    The  Princess  SOPHIA,  who  was  a  daughter  and..niQtber 
a" king*  was  herself  mistress  of  every  qualification  requisite 
adorn  a  crown.-   It  has  been  observed  of  these  three  Hli 
listers,  '^that  the 'first  was  the  most  learned,  the  second 
greatest  artist,  and  the  third  the  most  aceomfdished  lady  in 
rope.^-  Their  portiraits  are  in  the  family-piece- above  described! 
wid  another  of  the  Princess  Sophia^  who  lived  to  a  very  sd^ 
age,  belongs  to  the  reign  of  Anne. 
-    There  is  a  limning  of  this  princess  at  Kensington. 





See  an  account  of  the  loYds-keepers  in  the  Class  of  Lawyers. 

Promoi.  JAMES  LEY,  earl  of  Marlborough,  was  lord  high-treasurer  is 
J*  P*®j  the  beginning  of  this  reign.  He  was  removed,  under  a  pretence  of 
uis  great  age,  to  make  room  for  Sir  Richard  Weston.  Lord  Cla- 
rendon pbserves,i-  that  five  noble  persons,  who  had  been  in  this. 
slippery  office,  were  living  at  the  same  time.  See  the  preceding 
reign,  Class  VI, 

Promot.        Bishop  JUXONy  a  man  of  a  mild  and  unambitious  character^ 
^':        had  the  treasurer's  sta£P  thrust  into  his  hand,  by  his  friend  Arch- 
bishop Laud.     He  acted  with  great  prudence,,  and  moderation  in 
this  troublesome  office,  at  a  very  critical  time.     He  was  well  qos- 
lified  for  it  by  his  abilities,,  and  no  less  by  his  patience,  which  he 

*  Geori^  T.  t  Vol.  L  8to.  p.  47, 

FiiUiriti  Oijffiiiytin  Lord  Cotfing 
loll  of  Haiiwnrth-ACof  ihs  Court  of 
Ward*.  Cliani'dlilur  of  tJie  Cjcchequtr; 


TKeRigKlHciriDuraUc  Edward  Lurd  Monla. 
-sue  BaronofKimbolton  V.fcuanlMat.devrle 
EirltoFMincKefler  And  Mamf  CsneralUJllie 
firliBmenb  Fpr«i    in  It,.  ai(oci*ltd  Counlyli 

fulJl^j,-..,S/>oi_y  m.^A^rJ/^^VJ/^- 

OF   ENGLAND,  273 

\  often  called  upon  to  exercise.    His  head  is  described  in  the 
S8  of  Clergymen. 

FRANCIS,  lord  Cottington  ;  one  of  the  Illustrious 
^ads.  In  the  possession  of  Francis  Cottington,  esq. 
lere  is  a  head  of  him  in  Lord  Clarendoris  **  History. 


Francis,  lord  Cottington.  W.  Hollar;  small  oval. 
Francis,  lord  Cottington.  Sherlock  sc.  in  Smollett. 

Lord  Cottington,  who  was  chancellor  and  under-treastirer  of  the 
rhequer,  and  master  of  the  cpnft  of  wards,  in  this  reign,  was, 
ring  the  civil  wars,  constituted  lord.higli-treasurer;*  but  does 
t  appear  to  have  acted  in  that  office;  '  In  the  reign  of  James  I. 
was  long  resident  in  Spain,  and  had  inueh  of  the  Spanish  so- 
inity  in  his  air  and  aspect.  ^  He  had  the  grc^atest  .command  jofhb 
iper  and  countenance;  coilld  say  theptesu^antest  things  with 
:  gravest  face ;  and  was  as  great  a  master jof  dissimulation,'  as 
was  of  humour.  He,  from  experience,  had  a  great  knowledge 
mankind ;  had  a  head  fertile  in  expedients  to  procure'  money  for 
king ;  and  raised  the  nevQiDftie  ofthe  coUrt  of  wards  higher  than 
^as  ever  known  in  any  former  period.  Having  acquired  an  af- 
?nt  fortune,  he  retired;  towards  the  close  of  his  life,  to  Valladolid 
Spain,  where  he  died  about  the  year  1651,  in  the  seventy-seventh 
ir  of  his  age.  -^ 

HENRICUS,  comes  Manchester,  &c.  a  smalloval; 

Hexricus,  comes  Manchester,  custos  privati  sigilli. 
^ji  Hove  sc.  l2mo.  Before  his  book^  entitled^  "  Man^' 
C'Ster  al  Mundo,  or  Meditations  on  Life  and  Death.'' 

Hie  fifteenth  edition  of  this  hook  was  printed  1690.  See  Mon- 
»u,  in  the  former  reign.  Class  II.  and  VI. 

•  Birch's  •«  Lives  of  Illustrious  Persons/*  &c.  vol.  II.  p.  2B. 


Pro-.      THOMAS    HOWARD,    earl   of  Arundel   fearf- 
wfi'.   marshal).    Rubens  p.    Houbraken  sc.    1743.     Illust. 

The  original  was  ia  the  coUecUoa  of  Dr.  Head,  but  ii  now  in  the 
paneiuon  of  Lord  Carlisle. 

TuouAs  HowAEDUs,  &c.  Vondyck  p.  Vorster- 
man  sc.  large  4to. 

Thomas   Howard,   &e.     Vandi/ck  p.     Hollar  f.  \ 
1646;  A,  sk.  J,  Mvijssena  e.rc.  Aittwcrpia. 

The  ori^nal  picture  is  at  Lord  Besborougb's,  at  RoehamptoD. 

Thomas,  dominus  Arundel;  oval;   Ant.  Van  Dj/ck. 
,    W-  Hollar/,  k.  sh. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel,  o/i  Aor^efiacA'.  Hollar f. 

TiiOMAs,  earl  of  Arundel,  m  armour.  Mich.  Jan. 
Mir.  p.  S.  Passaus  sc. 

Comes  Abundelius;  a  Rubcnio  memoriter  dtsi^- 
natus,  i^T.    Krafft  f.   aqua  for  ti;  h.  sh. 

Thomas  Howakd,  et  Aletheia  Talbot,  Arundelli» 
et  Surrise  comites.  The  earl  is  pointing  to  Aladagtism 
on  a  terrestrial  globe,  where  he  had  some  thoughts  of 
making  a  settlement :  near  the  globe  is  the  famous  head 
of  Homer,  which  belonged  to  Dr.  Mead,  and  was  bought 
bj/  the  Earl  of  Exeter.*  Vandyckp.  Vosterman  fedt ; 
large  h.  sh. 

•  Hii  Inrri^hip  ^^ytn  It  lr>  il.<!  Bml.h  Mii»uin. 

Tkoma.1    Eaxle   of  Aruadeli   Be.  Suci 
£iTLe  JtlarflukU,  A  Xord  hi^  StewuJ.    of 

England..  ■!<. 

^1  tr^fd^ffZ  f^K^itfutfttvn  H  y* 

OF  BN6LAND.  il78 

TH^rfAs  HowAfeT>,  et  Aleihcfia  IVtlbot^fte.   Tan^ 

ck  p.  Hollar  f.  h.  sh.  ^ 

Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel,  and  his  son  Henry^ 
iron  Mtowbxay ;  trvowiall  ovals,  in  aneplate.  Hollar fi 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel,  and  his  fwaaSiy^ 
hitip  Truytiersf.  1643.  Vertue  sc.  large  sh.     - 

Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel;  small  quarto.    Glover. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel  (earl-marshal  of  England);^ 
tall  oval.    Sold  by  P.  Stent. 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel.    Tdrdieu  se. 
the  Orleans  Gallery. 

Thomas  HowARp,earl  of  Axundel,  with  his  family;. 
o.  P.,Fruytiers. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Arundel,  earl^marshal  of  England; 
lall  oval.    Sold  by  P.  Stent. 

The  apotheosis  of  Lord  Arundel  ;  Latin  inscrip- 
>n  at  bottom.    Corn.  Schut  inv.  Winds  Hollar  fecit . 

The  paintiDg  in  the  possession  of  the  dowager  of  the  last  Eari  of 
Eiflford,*  who  gave  it  to  the  British  Museum. 

*  The  anonymoos  print  of  Baccio  BandiDcJli,  t)ie  celebrated  sculptor,  painter, 
^  architect,  sitting  in  hb  shop,  with  several  statues  and  fragments  of  sculpture 
Hit  bim,  has  been  mistaken  for  a  portrait  of  the  Earl  of  Arundel.  It  was  engrated 
>>>  the  painting  at  Windsor  by  Coreggio,  whose  portraits  are  extremely  rare.  Th^ 
^i  is  known  by  the  medals  on  the  table,  and  the  colossal  head  and  trunk  of  a 
^e  statne  near  it.  1  have  been  informed,  that  Vandergucht  gave  Armstrong, 
pictofv  and  printseller,  four  pounds  for  a  first  impression  of  this  print.  Mr.  John 
^rd  gav«  thmgiuoeas  (br  the  fin^L  proof  in  his  collection. 


The  Earl  of  Arundel  intended  to  have  a  iamily -piece  painted  bj 
Vandyek,  like  the  fanious  one  at  Wilton;  and  he  actually  drew  » 
design  for  it,  which  was  never  enecuted.  Fruytiers  did  a  small 
picture  after  it,  from  whith  Vert'ie  engraved  the  plate.*  In  itie 
print  is  represented  ihe  shield  which  the  great  Duke  of  Tiiscsny 
presented  to  the  Earl  of  Surrey,  before  he  entered  the  lists  in 
ionour  of  liie  fair  Giraldine.  This  shield  was  in  the  possessiun 
of  the  last  Earl  of  Stafford,  vho,  in  his  lifetioie,  made  a  preient 
(tf  it  to  the.Dulce  of  Norfolk. 

Thomas  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel,  was  employed  in  several  em- 
t»Ulies',  in'this  and  the  former  reign.  He  acquired  in  Italy  an  ele- 
gant taste  for  painting  and  architecture;  and  abOve  alt  for  socieBt 
•tatuea,  of  which  be  was  passionately  fond.  He  employed  col- 
lectors in  most  partu  of  Europe;  and  sent  even  into  Greece, 
whence  be  received  several  valuable  fragments  of  antiquity.  He 
loved  the  company  of  antiquaries  and  virtsosi,  aqd  was  bimMir 
more  a  virtuoso  than  a  scholar.  His  time  was  bo  mnch  engroued 
by  bis  favourite  amusements,  that  be  had  seldom  leisui«  or -incli- 
nation to  visit  the  court.  Like  the  Italians,  he  seems  to  bavs 
looked  upon  such  as  had  no  taste  for  the  arts,  as  Goths  and  bu- 
bariana,  and  used  to  aay  that  "he  that  could  not  design  a  little, 
would  never  make  an  honest  mau,"+  He  would  have  spoken  more 
to  the  purpose,  if  he  had  said,  tliat  he  would  never  make  an  ac- 
complished man.  He  was  the  first  of  his  coiinlrymen  that  intro- 
duced unifonnity  of  building,  and  is  esteemed  the  father  of  the  virtu 
in  England.     He  died  in  Italy,  14  Sept.  1646.     See  Class  Vll. 

HENRICUS,  comes  Arundellia;,  &c.  Vandyckf. 
P.  Lombart  sc.  k.  sh. 

Henrv,  earl  of  Arundel ;  inscribed  "  Lord  Mal- 
raAVERs"  with  autograph.  J.  Thane  exc. 

Hexrv,  earl  of  Arundel ;  in  armour  ;   \2mo. 

■   Henry,  Earl  of  Arundel,  son  of  the  former,  was  father  of  Earl 
Thomas,  who  was  reinstated  in  the  dukedom  of  Norfolk,  which  had 

t  See  Evelyn"!  '■  Sculplui 

OF   ENGLAND.  277 

been  forfeited  by  tiie  attainder  of  Thomas  Howard,  his  gueat- 
grandfather,  in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth.  He  was  also  father  of 
Cardinal  Howard.  Ob.  17  April,  1652.  See  Henrt,  baron  of 
Mowbray,  ^c.  in  the  next  Class. 

GEORGE  VILLIERS,  duke  of  Buckingham 
(lord  high- admiral) .  C.  Johnson  p.  Houbraken  sc. 
Illust.  Head :  from  a  picture  formerly  at  Somerset- 
house. — This  is  not  the  portrait  of  Buckingham;  it 
is  John  Digby,  Earl  of  Bristol. 

George  ViLLiERS,  &c.    C.Johnson  p.  Svo. 

■  •  *      •       •  •      .    .         . 

Geojbge  Villiers,  duke  of  Buckingham ;  a  fine 
large  head.  W.  Jaques  D^lph.  sc.  A  copy  of  the  same, 
in  Sir  Hen.  Wotton's  "  Remains.''  Dolle  sc. 

Another  in  Ato. 

This  print,  by  Jaques,  is  more  like  the  originals  of  him  thaii  any 
others  that  I  have  seen,  except  the  eyes,  which  have  much  less  life. 

George  Viluers,  &c.  engraved  by  FaithornCf 
without  hatching  ;  in  the  manner  of  Mellan. 

George  ViLLiERs,  &c.    Moncornet  exc.  small  Ato. 

George  Villiers,  duke,  marquis,  and  earl  of 
Buckingham,  earl  of  Coventry,  &c.  whole  lengthy 
mth  boots  and  spurs,  staff,  S^c.  M.  D.  (roeshout) 
^culpsit ;  folio  ;  very  rare. 

■  A  copy  from  the  above.   W.  Richardson. 

,    Georg  eVi  lli  ers,  duke  of  Ruckingha^.  A.  v.  Dyck; 
L.  Vorsterman. 

VOL.  II.  2  o  ' 


taken  and  sunk  all  the  Dutch  fishing-busses  employed  upoa  the 
British  coasts.  He  was  lofty  in  his  carriage,  and  as  elevated  in 
his  sentiments  of  liberty.  Thinking  that  tlie  condition  of  a  noble- 
man under  a  despotic  government,  was  only  a  more  splendid 
slavery,  he  sided  with  the  patriotic  junto,  with  a  view  of  curbing 
the  power  of  the  king ;  and  was  at  length  carried  by  the  tide  of 
faction  much  farther  tlian  he  intended  to  go.  His  commissioD  of 
lord  high-admiral  was  revoked  by  his  majesty  in  1642,  and  lie 
was  succeeded  by  the  Earl  of  Warwick.     Ob.  13  Oct,  1663. 

ROBERT  RICH,  earl  of  Warwick  (lord  high- 
admiral).  Vandyck  p.  Houbraken  sc.  1747;  i/Ziw/. 
Head.     In  the  collection  of  the  Earl  of  Jlardwick. 

Robert,  earl  of  Warwick.  Vandyck  p.  Vertuen:- 
Svo.  in  Clarendon. 

RoBBKT,  earl  of  Warwick;  whole  length.  Hollar  J. 

Robert,  earl  of  Warwick,  and  lord  Rich  of 
Leeze  ;*  in  armour  ;  fciirf.    SoldbifWrn.  Peakc ;  ilo. 

Another  in  Ricrajt. 

Robert,  carl  of  Warwick,  Chaiii/'crs  sc.  In  Smollett. 

RoiiEUT,  earl  of  Warwick ;  n-hole  length,  icith 
.shipping.    W.  Richardson. 

Robert,  earl  of  Warwick  ;  inscribed  Robert  Rich, 
&ic.    Sold  by  Henry  Dochin. 

*  I.«eze,  where  the  Earl  o(  Warwick  resided,  was  one  af  tbe  finest  kbIi 
kingdom.  Mr.  Knightly,  a  genllcman  of  NcrlhBinploDihbe,  told  tlic  eiil, 
he  had  good  reasitn  tn  make  sure  of  heaven  ;  as  he  would  be  a  great  k 
changing  so  cliarniing  a  placp    fnr  hell."     See  Calaniy'i  "  Sermon  at  Mi  Funefil," 

iron  of  Lri-ictcLurd  High  Admii'al  uF  Lnuland,  onf  J 
njehj's  moit  koraiurahle  Privy  Council,  and  Tiis  Majelj 
"tenant  of  il'ie  C(;uviYi-;s  d^  t^wVXV  ,Yi&it,T. 

'■■/A.^  JO.J/g4h/'"  "'•" 


IaJll.cs    Stuart  KiLke   of    Lenojc. 

OF  ENGLAND.  281  - 

Robert,  earl  of  Warwick ;   small  Ato.    Voerst  sc. 
tree.  .     .    . 

Robert,  earl  of  Warwick ;  trophies  of  war,  and  sea- 

fit,  8fc.  eight  English  verses ;  folio  ;  rare. 

•       •       -  '  ■  .  .       »     * 

The  Earl  of  Warwick,  elder  brother  to  the  Earl  of  Holland,  was  Promot, 
ndsome  in  his  person,  and  sprightly  and  facetious  in  his  conver-  ^^*** 
tioQ.  He  had  some  knowledge  in  naval  afiBairs,  and  the  openness 
'  his  disposition  recommended  him  to  the  seamen ;  but  he  was 
»t  completely  qualified  for  the  office  of  high-admiral.  He  was  a 
eat  friend  and  patron  of  puritan  divines,  and  one  of  their  constant 
arers :  and  he  was  not  content  with  hearing  long  sermons  in  their 
ngregation  only,  but  he  would  have  them  repeated  at  his  own 
•use.*  Yet  all  this  seems  to  bave^had  butiittle  effect  upon  him, 
he  still  continued  to  be  liceptions  in  his  nvorals.f  Ob.  19  April, 
►58,  Mt.  71.     Buried  in  Folstead  churchy  Essex. 



JAMES  STUART,  duke  of  Richmond  and  Lenox 
Drd-steward  of  the  household).  Vandyck  p.  Hoii- 
'aken  sc.  1 740.  In  the  collection  of  Sir  Paul  Methuen ; 
lust.  Head. 

James  Stuart,  duke  of  Richmond,  &c.  %vo.  In 
^•arendoufi s  "  History  ^ 

James  Stuart,  &c.  G.  Gddoiy  p.  R.  V.  Voerst  sc. 


This  was  done  when  he  was  a  gentleman  of  the  bed -chamber. 
portrait  is  in  the  gallery  at  Gorhambury. 

•  See  Calamus  "Sermon  at  his  Funeral." 
t  Clarendon,  ii.  p*  210. 


Jambs  Stcabt,  duke  of  Rictunond,  &c.  vAo^ 
ia^th,  VanDyck;  R.  Earlom  ;  sheet,  mczz. 

Jambs  Stuabt,  &c.  ttaaUoval.    Hollar. 

James    Stuart,    &c.      Van  Dyci.    (FaitAom.) 

*AMES  Stuart,  &c.  4to.    Faughan. 

luss  Stuabt,  &c.  small  (mat.  (FaHhorm.)  Sold 
J.  Stent. 

James  Stuabt,  8cc.  mth  a  dog.  W.  T.  Ftytc. 
1816  ;  from  the  original  of  Vandyck,  in  the  collection  of 
John  Shelky  Sidney,  esq.  In  Mr.  Lodge's  "  Illustriim 

p^giBot.  JumeB,  son  or  Same  Stuart,  duke  of  Richmond,  wag  nearly  allied 
IHO.  to  Charles  L  and  much  and  descrredly  in  his  esteem.  He  bad 
16«  "^  the  sincereat  affection  for  the  king  his  master,  and  was  one  of  llie 
noblemen  who  offered  to  suffer  in  his  stead.  The  whole  tenor  of  his 
behaviour  to  that  prince,  and  his  extreme  regret  for  his  death,  shew 
that  he  was  much  in  earnest  in  olfering  to  be  a  vicarious  victim 
for  him.  He  died,  as  it  is  supposed,  of  the  effects  of  grief,*  the 
SOdi  of  March,  165.5. 

WILLIKLMUS,  comes  Pembrochise,  Sec.  Mytm 
p.  R.  a  Vocrst  sc.  IC33  ;  large  h.  sh.  fine.  There  is 
a  copy  of  this  in  Lord  Clarendon's  "History;"  8vo, 

In  the  great  room  at  Wilton  is  h  whole  length  of  him  bj 

WiLLiAjii  llEiiiiKHT,  tail  of  Pembroke.  Vamli/ckp. 

Fkilipp   Herbert    E^rU  of  Pern 
■broke  and  M,oD(iomeiy 'l^^      Lord 
ChamberlBiine    of  hti  M.'"' moft    \an"' 

i,  by   ^fRiJiarJ/,nfrjl  /irc 

OF   ENGLAND.  283 

He  was  lord-stewaid  of  the  household  in  this  reiga*  See  that 
James  I. 

PHILIP,  earl  of  Montgomery ,  &c.  lord-chamber* 
in.  S.  Passaussc.  1626 ;  4to.  In  the^rst  impression^ 
€  star  on  the  breast,  and  chamberlain^s  staff  in  the 
ft  hand. 

Philippus  Hebbebtus,  comes  de  Pembroke 
lord-chamberlain  of  the  household).  Van  Dyck  p. 
l.VanVoerst  sc.  h.  sh. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke.    X.  Vorsterman. 

Philip  Hebbert,  &c.  small  oval.  W.Richardson, 

Philip  Herbebt,  &c.  My  tens  pins.  Voerst  sc. 
630.   Will.  Webb  excudit ;  scarce. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke;  with  truncheon,  helmet, 
;c.  six  English  lines. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke ;  wood-cut^  whole  length : 
My  reward  is  from  above  ;^  scarce. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke;  in  Clarendon;  8w. 

Philip  Herbert,  earl  of  Pembroke  and  Mont* 
ornery,  &c.    Hollar  f.  h.  sh. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke,  &c.  Hollar  f.  a  small 


Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke ;  a  whokk 

^s,  Sgc. 

Edward     Sdctvile     Edrle       of 

IllAup  uaoo  hy 

OF   EMOLAN0.  iB&- 

d,  though  a  peer,  sat  in  the  House  of  Commons.  Ob.  *  23  Jan. 


\Ve  are  told  by  Lofd  Clarendonif  that  Philip,  earl  of  Pembtoke, 

d  a  quarrel  with  Lord  Mowbray,  at  a  committee  in  the  House  of 

rds,  and  that  **  an  offer,  or  attempt  of  blows  was  made ;''  upon 

lich  the  king  sent  tor  his  staff,  and  gave  it  to  the  Earl  of  Ess^x. 

EDWARD  SACKVILLE,  earl  of  Dorset,  lord- 
lamberlain.  Vandyck  p.  G.Vertue  sc.  1741.  In  the 
ssessim  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Dorset ;  Illtcst. 

Another,  a  large  oval;  sold  by  Hind. — His  portrait 
at  Gorhambury. 

Edward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset.  Vandyck  p. 
tndergucht  sc.  Qvo.  in  Clarendon. 

Edwakd  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset.  Voerst  sc. 

Edward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset.  Hollar  f. 
9mall  oval. 

Edward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset.  Sold  by 

Edward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset;  small  aval. 
^  Richardson.  This  has  been  engraved  by  Bacquet, 
^  "  Noble  Authors,^'  and  called  there  Richard,  fflh 
H  of  Dorset. 

Bdward  Sackville,  earl  of  Dorset,  was  third  son  of  Robert,  earl 
Oorsety  and  grandson  \o  the  lord-treasurer  m  the  reigns  of  Eli- 

*  WhiUocke'f  "  McflMrialf ,"  p.  495. 
f  Vol.  L  %to,  p.  265. 


uMh  and  Jamet  I.*  He  was  one  of  the.dikf  conmiandmdfl 
forces  seDt  to  the  assistance  of  the  King  of  Bohemia,  in  1( 
.  and  the  next  year,  he  succeeded  Lord  Herbert,' as  ambassador  Ib^ 
Ae  court  of  France. .  In  1624,  upon  the  death  of  his  elder 
ihef  ,.  he  became  Earl  of  Dorset..  In  the  beginning  of  the  dvil 
he  wM  aplpdnted  lovd-chamberkin  to  the  kmg,  having 
served  the  queen  in  the  like  office*  He.  was  a  man  of  eminatfj 
abilities,  and  seems  to  have  been  no  less  remarkable  for  his  | 
penmty  to  pleasure.  Hi»  person  way  strong  and  beautifid^ 
eloqjuence  flowing,  and  his  courage  fervid  and  dear.'  He  |;aiei 
conspicuous  proof  of  it  at  Edge-hill,  by  leading  on  the 
that  recovered  the  royal  standard;  and  in  the  former  partoflsi^ 
life,  by  a  duel  with  Lord  Bruce  ;t  the  event  of  which  was  the  h» 
of  his  antagonist,  a  no  less  brave,  but  less  fortunate,  man  than 
himself;  who  was  as  well  qualified  to  have  done  honour  to  bkj 
country,  and  who,  before  the  quarrel,  had  been  his  most  inthn&tflr 
fiaend.t    0^.  17  July,  1652. 

,        •  •        ..." 

JACOBUS,    marchio  ab  Hamilton.    Vandi/ck  p. 
Van  Lisebetius  sc.  b.  sh.\ 

James,  marquis  of  Hamilton,  &c.  master  of  the? 
horse ;  in  armour  ;  collar  of  the  Garter  y  h.  sh.  Sterd. 

James,  marquis  of  Hamilton.    P.  Gerirma  sc.  h 
'*  Noble  Authors"  by  Park;  1806, 

*  See  the  reign  of  James,  Class  II. 

t  See  the  *<  Gnardian/'  No.  129,  and  15S. 

I  O^borae  informs  as,  that  in  a  quarrel  between  the  English  iM  Scots  atCrojto 
rases,  which  bad  like  to  have  ended  in  bloodshed,  he  was  the  only  Englishman  Aif 
sided  with  th«  Scots ;  and  that  he  deserted  his  countrymen  purely  from  hk  atticlK . 
meat  to  Lord  Bruce';  hence  it  was  that  several  of  them  declared  their  intend  ^: 
killing  him  in  the  attack,  who  afterward  killed  his  dearest  friend. — In  a3iS.  letter 
of  the  Duke  of  York  to  the  first  Lord  Dartmouth,  dated  Dec.  11, 1679,  is  thu  pif* 
sagOk:  "  The  old  Earl  of  Dorset,  at  Edge-hill,  being  commanded  by  the  king  aj 
father  to  go  and  carry  the  prince  and  myself  up-  the  Jhill,:out  of  the  luittle^  ratoed^ 
do  it ;  and  said  he  would  not  be  thought  a*  coward  for  ever  a  king's  aoa  inCbiislei- 
dom."    See  this  story,  with  some  variation,  in  Echard,  p.  548,  edit.  17€0.    After 
the  king's  death,  he  never  stirred  out  of  his  house,  then  called  Dorset-house,  ia 
Salisbury-court,  where  he  died.  .  :  - 

$  The  first  impression  has,  "  Joannes  Meyiseni  excudU." 

OF  ENGLAND.  287 


Es,  marquis  of  Hamilton,  &c.    W.  Fait  home. 
Robert  Peake,  ^c.  half  sheet ;  rare. 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton,  earl  of  Cambridge 
ran,  &c.     Sold  by  John  Hinde  ;  very  rare. 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton^  on  horseback.  Sold 
Vebb  ;  Jine;  I.  h.  sh. 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton.    Voerst  so. 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton.    Hollar/,  small  oval. 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton.    Marshall  sc. 

ES,    duke  of  Hamilton.    R.  White  sc.   h.  sh^ 
Burnet's  ^^  Lives  of  the  Hamiltons'' 

ES,  marquis  of  Hamilton;  in  Ward's,  or  Cla^ 
s    "  History  ;"  8vo. 

[arquis  of  Hamilton,*  who  was  at  the  head  of  the  moderate 
rians  in  Scotland,  was  much  in  the  favour  and  confidence 
es  I.  He  was  accused  by  his  enemies  of  a  design  upon 
s  life ;  but  Charles  gave  so  little  credit  to  it,  that  he  made 
le  of  lying  afterward  in  the  same  bed-chamber  with  him, 
using  any  precautions  for  his  safety.  He  was  so  dilatory 
lilitary  proceedings,  that  he  was  strongly  suspected  of 
/  to  that  prince,  in  whos^  cause  he  afterward  lost  his  life. 
he  invaded.  England  with  a  numerous  army,  which  was 
r  defeated  by  Cromwell  and  Lambert,  the  latter  of  whom 
1  prisoner.  Beheaded  the  9th  of  March,  1648-9. 
»rtrait  is  at  Hampton-court.  There  is  another,  by  Vansomer, 
[ton-house,  or  palace,  as  it  is  called,  in  Scotland.  At  the 
CBf  is  a  portrait  of  his  brother  William,  who  was  killed  at 
^  of  Worcester,  and  of  the  duke,  who  fell  in  the  duel  with 

*  Afterward  duke. 


:h- .  .'ike 

CLASS  III.        :   ■ 


'  A  DUKE.    I'^;,;""^^ 

GEORGE,  (second)  duke  of  Buckingham,  yrifk 
his  brother  Francis,  in  *  one  plate ;  whole  length. 
V^ndifckp.  Ja'.M'.  Ardellf.  mez.z.  sh- 

The.  young  Duke  of  Bucking;ham  and  his  brother  rose  in  arms 
for  tbe  kin^,  scar  Kingston-upon-TLames,  at  the  same  time  with 
the  Ear!  of  Holland.  The  earl's  plan  seems  to  have  been  very  il! 
concerted;  as  this  little  body  of  men  were  instantly  dispersed,  and 
cut  to  pieces.  Lord  Francis  Villiera  was  offered  quarter,  which  he 
disdained  to  accept.  His  parts  were  no  less  promising  tlian  his 
brother's,  and  his  persoaal  beauty  was  still  more  extraordinary. 
This,  as  we  arc  informed  by  IJoyd,  occasioned  "the  enemies 
beastly  usage  of  him,  not  fit  to  be  mentioned. "f  Oh.  I6J8,  .^1.  19. 
It  was  ordered  by  parliament,  that  Fairfax  should  have  400(,  per 
annum,  out  of  the  estates  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  the 
Lord  Francis  his  brother. J 


JOHN  PAWLET,  marquis  of  Winchester.    Hol- 
lar f.  small  oval. 

•  The  original,  ivliicii  is  one  of  Ihc  i.Kiit  tapilal  iiFifotmances  of  Vandjct,  ii  H 
BuckiDghaiD'luin.^e.  A  certain  painUr  nho  was  retiring,  and  viewing  llils  niroi' 
rsble  piclute  with  the  ulrnosl  sneigy  of  adenlion,  was  hluntly  asked  bj  a  penw 
present,  "  Whether  lie  had  »  mind  to  leave  liii  eye*  behind  bini  V 

■t  "Mernuiis,"  &c.  ful.  p.  67B,  C7ti. 

:   Walter'!  "lliil.ofrndEppndeiii!,V,"   purl  ii.  p.  196. 

loin  p,wU,  j«.      r,.  „i-^    , 



Phili  I*,  earl  of  Pembroke ;  a  whole  length;  hat  and 
feather,  Sgc.    Sold  by  Walton;  h.  sh. 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke ;  Jo.  E.f.  24mb. 

-  There  is  a  whole  length  of  him,  by  Vandyck,  at  Pembroke- 
house,  in  London.  In  the  great  room,  at  Wilton,  is  the  foUoiraig 

Philip,  earl  of.  Pembroke,  and  his  family.— 
TTie  two  principal  figures,  sitting  y  are  Philip,  ea?^  of 
Pembroke,  and  his  lady.  On  the  right  hand  stand  their 
Jive  sons,  Charles^  lord  Herbert;  Philip  (afterward 
lord  Herbert);  William,  James,  and  John.  On  the  left, 
their  daughter  Anna  Sophia,  and  her  husband,  Robert, 
earl  of  Caernarvon;  before  them,  Lady  Mary,  daughter 
of  George,  duke  of  Buckingham ;  and  above,  in  the 
clouds,  are  two  sons  07id  a  daughter,  who  died  young. 
Vandyck  p.  Baron  sc.  1740;  large  sh. 

Mr.  Walpole  observes,  that  this  picture,  though  damaged,  would 
serve  alone  as  a  school  of  Vandyck.* 

Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke,  wanted  almost  every  accomplishment 
Jthat  his  brother  possessed.f  Though  fortune  threw  him  into  a 
court,  he  was  very  ill  qualified  to  shine  in  that  station.  His  cha- 
racter was  rather  that  of  a  country  'squire,  than  a  man  of  quality; 
as,  during  his  retirement  at  Wilton,  his  only  occupation  and  delight 
were  with  dogs  and  horses.  He  was  choleric,  boisterous,  and  ab- 
surd ;  and  it  has  been  observed  of  him,  that  when  he  was  lord- 
chamberlain,  he  broke  many  wiser  heads  than  his  own.  We  have 
it  upon  record,  that  he  broke  his  staff  over  the  shoulders  of -May 
the  poet,  for  being  out  of  his  place  at  a  masque  at  court.!  Butler 
Jbas  made  himself  merry  with,  some  of .  his  absurdities.  He  was 
chosen  knight  of  the  shire  for  Berks,  the  i6th  of  April,  l^^J 

«  "  Anecdotes  of  Paintinig;'  vol.  ii.p.  105,-2(1  ediL 

t  See  the  preceding  reign,  class  II. 

^  •*  Biog.  Britan."  Artie.  Mat,  note(£). 



Uection  of  the  Right  Honourable  the  Karl  of  Ck' 
'Jon,  in  Mr.  Lodge's  "  Illustrious  Portraits.'" 

'  .William  Seyjiour,  Sic.small oval.  W.Richardson. 

"lie  Marquis  of  Hertford  was,  in  the  preceding  reign,  imprisoned 
"  Tower  for  marrying  Arabella  Sluart,  who  was  nearly  allied 
royal  family.*     He  wos  well  bred,  and  eminently  learned; 
vBB,  by  the  king,  thought  a  proper  person  to  be  intrasted 
;  education  of  the  licir  to  his  crown.     He  had  long  devoted 
II  to  retirement,  which  he  well  knew  how  to   enjoy  ;   and  he 
d  it  the  more  for  having  formerly  been  at  court.     In  the  be- 
ing of  the  civil  war,  he  was  torn  from  bis  beloved  studies,  and 
;d  at  the  head  of  an  army,  where  he  acquitted  himself  with 
ge  and  conduct.     He,  as  well  as  the  Roman  LucuUus,  is  an 
ice,  that  a  man  conversant  with  the  Muses  may  know  how  to 
and  to  conquer.     He,  wiUi  only  two  troops  of  horse,  and  fouc 
and  foot,  bravely  resisted  the  whole  force  of  the  Earl  of  Bed- 
wbich  consisted  of  above  seven  thousand  foot,  besides  horu 
«uu  artillery.     Ob.  4  Oct.    1660;  having  been   vestored  to  the 
dukedom  of  Somerset,  in  September,  the  same  ycar.f 

WILLIAM    CAVENDISH,    marquis    of    New- 
castle, S:c.    Va/idj/ch-  p.  &vo. 

GuLiELMus    Cavendish,  march,  et  com.    Novi 
Castri,  itc.    Vorslermans f.  4lo. 

William     Cavexdish,      duke     of     Newcastle, 
E.  Bocquet  sc.  In  "  Noble  Authors,"  by  Park;  1806. 

William  Cavendish,  duke  of  Newcastle;  oval. 
W.  Richardson. 

See  descriptions  of  other  heads  of  him  in  the  next  division  of  this 
Class,  and  in  the  next  reign. 

•  See  Ab, BELLA,  in  ■■  Blog.  Briian," 

t  Inlroduclion  lu  Aiiilii'j  '■  Regislfr  of  Ihe  G«rler." 

Williani   CavenAifhXarle  oENewr^' 
ftie,  Vifcount  Ma-n*field,  Lord  Boul. 
fover  and.  Ogle  .*  GeneraJl  ouer  his 
JWar'"Ariwf  in  theNordth  parts   trf" 
Xngland     .<' 1S43 

SuUisUd  k^'WRichardsonSeii.ll^-rork  Uousi   Strand 

\jj Ae  J\ipmrj{onowrti.bu  and  truLv  Generous,  ^{okrt 
(Oeere   Carle  ok  Oxford,  Jo  iBiUwec-kj.Sai 
ScaUs:  octna  thl z^^EarU^fthat^J&US'aTru^y^na 
tive  C(mait-esh.    J'l-t  Was  SMync  at  mi, puxae.  of-' 
^^^Ma/iftcLi^nno    to-^2.    and  iefi' ifsu.eidt/0  sons. 
^^^^^^L/rLntfL-n. trie-  CoLUcti07i^Oam,ts  ^ ti 

OF    ENGLAND.  291 

The^Mcffquis  of  Newcastle,  who  was  also  gbverner  to  the  Prince  Creat. 
-  W^leSy  was  so  attached  to  the  Muses,  that  he  could  not,  like  H^^^ 
tc  Marquis  of  Hertford,  leave  them  behind  him ;  he  must  carry 
uem  to. the  camp,  and  make  Davenant,  the  poet-laureat,  his  lieu- 
lumt-general  of  the  ordnance.     Upon  the  eruption  of  the  civil 
M*,  he<  raised  a  very  considerable  army  in  the  northern  counties, 
ith  whi(:h  he  was  successful  against  the  parliament  forces,  and 
bfeftted  Ferdinando,  lord  Fairfax,  at  Adderton  Moor :  but  his  sub-  In  Jane, 
sqneot  conduct  has  been  justly  censured,  and  seems  to  have  con-  ^^^^ 
iboted  greatly  to  the  ruin  of  the  king's  affairs.     After  the  defeat . 
r  Marstbn'  Moor,  he  transported  himself  beyond  the  seas,  and 
aSy  durmg^  the  Interregnum,  chiefly  at  Antwerp,  where  he  amused 
iunelf  with  writing  books.     He  was  master  of  many  accomplish- 
lenU^  and  was  much  better  qualified  For  a  court,  than  a  camp.  He 
iideiiliood'  horsemanship,  music,  and  poetry;  but  was  a  better 
nrie«Min.'.than  musician,  and  a  better  musician  than  a  poet.     He 
ied  ia  December,  1676.     See  the  reign  of  Charles  IL 


■ '  •  ■ 

ROBiERT  VERB,  earl  of  Oxford,  &c.  in  armour. 
Uent ;  4  to.  scarce. 

■    1 

.  Robb;rt  VeerEj  earl  of  Oxford,  &c.  W.Richardson. 

■  Robert  Vere,  earl  of  Oxford,  after  the  example  of  several  of  his  Creae. 
lieestors,  addicted  himself  to  arms.     He,  in  the  Low  Countries, 

a  regiment  in  the  service  of  the  States.  Having,  on 
faeral  occasions,  given  sufficient  proofs  of  his  valour,  he  was 
fjjj^  at  the  siege  of  Maestricht,  the  7th  of  Aug.  1632.  Accord- 
K-to  the  inscription  on  his  print,  he  was  the  twenty-third  earl  of 
Hbid,  of  the  line  of  Vere ;  but  Sir  William  Segar  and  Heylin 
llpee  in  his  being  the  nineteenth.  His  son  Aubrey,  who  was  also 
fjk  martial  spirit,  was  the  twentieth  and  last  earl  of  this  illustrious 

JAMES    STANLEY,   earl  of  Derby.     See  the 


HENRY  SOMERSET,  earl  of  Worcester  (after- 
ward marquis)  ,on  horseback  ;  in  a  field  of  battle ;  4;o. 

Henry  SoMERSETjCarlofWorcester;  oval.  P. Skid 
Cd'c.  Ato.  This  is  Heiiiy,  duke  of  Beaufort,  in  the  reign 
of  Charles  II. 

Henrt  Somerset,    first  marquis    of  Worcester.   J 
Harding  sc.   quarto,  in  Coxe^s  "  Tour  in  Motivioutk- 

The  Earl  of  Worcester,  when  he  was  about  eighty  years  of  agV 
raised  tiie  firsl  horse  thut  were  levied  for  Charles  1.  in  Ae  cil^ 
war;  and  entered  into  his  service  with  all  the  ardour  of  a  volnt, 
leer.  No  man  of  his  years  seemed  ever  to  have  retained  more  rf 
the  fire  and  activity  of  youth;  and  the  readiness  and  spriglitlinesS 
of  his  wit  are  said  to  have  been  do  less  extraordinary.  His  castle 
of  tlagland,  which  had  several  times  been  a  place  of  refuge  for  tie 
king;,  was  taken  after  he  had  bravely  defended  it  in  person;  and 
the  terms  of  capitulation  were  shamefully  violated.  This  was  ibe 
last  garrison  in  England  that  held  out  for  his  majesty.  He  dieii 
in  the  custody  of  the  parliament's  black  rod,  in  December,  1647,' 
in  the  eighty- fourth  year  of  his  age.  He  was  reniarkable  for  the 
singularity  of  wearing  a  frize  coat,  in  which  he  always  was  dressed 
when  he  went  to  court. 

HENRY     HASTINGS,     earl    of    Huntingdon. 
Hollar  f.  small  oval. 

Henhv  Ha-stings,  earl  of  Huntingdon;  smalloul 
W.  Richardson. 

Cwat.        Henry,  earl  of  Huntingdon,  was  one  of  the  first  that  rose  for  lie 

j^^g  '  king  in  Leicestershire ;  but,  as  he  was  far  advanced  in  years,  it 

was  beyond  his  power  to  be  as  active  in  his  cause  as  his  inclination 

(^itnirij     ijome^r/ftTt  Earte     of 
r\  07--ce/r  er^     tic. 


Pttiiirhtd  iy-W  /U^A^^^^n    c^fit  Jb-^^  Za^ 


■  d    Bolr.*"-""''" 

l\J>JorUI/9S  f>y 


OF  MNQLvAKI);  293 

jmpted  him  ta  be.  The  defeels  of  the  fatter. w^fe  amply  sup* 
ed  by  the  zeal  and  Jictivity  of  the  Lord  Lotfghborottgh,  bis^liQB^ 
10  wasr  ittdefetigaW^  m  h'lS  servlcei     0*,  14r  Nov.  1643. 

THOMAS  WRIOTHESLEY,  earl  of  Southamp- 
n.    See  tte  ntext  reign. 

PRANGIS  (RUSSEL),  earl  of  Bedford.  Vm- 
ckp.  Vertmsc.  1737;  Illmt.Hidd.  In  the  collection 
the  Duke  of  Bedford,  at  Woburn. 

Frai^gis,  earl  of  Bedford.  Vandyckp.  Vander- 
cht  sc.  8vo.  In  Clarendon's  "  History  J' 

rhis  seems-  to  hglve  bie^n  dorffe  afteFa  painting  at  Waifwick 
stle..  At  Wilton,  is  a  double  portrait t>f&e  earl  and  hislady^ 
Tandyck.    Hi^  portrait  by  Reme^  is,  or  was,  at  Penshurst. 

Francis^  earl  of  Dedfwd,  Gi  O.CGhver)  Stent  i 

Francis  RussELt,  eirl  of  Bedford.  Benoist  sc.  In 
zolletfs  ^^  History  of  Mngland'^ 

Irancis    Russell,    fourth    earl    of    Bedford. 
1  J.  Fry\  1816 ;  frdm  the  origimt  of  Vcmdycky  in 
3  collection  of  his  Grace  the  Duke  of  Bedford ;  in 
V*.  Lodge's  *'  Illustrious  Portraits.'' 

F'rancis,  earl  of  Bedford,  was  one  of  the  avowed  patrons  of  Creat. 
Brty  in  this  reign,  whose  views  extended  only  to  the  redress  of  3?4q*S^ 
evances,'andservhig  themselves  ;  and  not  to  the  subversion  o^ 
:  constitution.  He  was  a  leading  member  of  the  House  of  Lords ;     , 
1  was  thought  to  have  a  reach  of  understanding  superior  to  any 
bis  party.     His  death,  which  happened  on  the  9th  of  May, 
U,  was  regretted  as  an  irreparable  loss  to  the  king.;  as  no  man> 
roj..  II.  2  Q 


Iiad  it  so  much  in  his  power  to  restrain  the  outrage  of  the  populiir 
leaders.  Ho  was  the  principal  undertaker  of  tlie  great  work  of 
draining  the  fens  in  the  counties  of  Northampton,  Cambridje, 
Huntingdon,  Norfolk,  aod  Uncola ;  of  which  Sir  William  Dugdde 
has  published  a weU-wriUen  account* 

WILLIAM  RUSSEL,  earl  of  Bedford.  Vandj/ckf. 
Houbraken  sc.   In  Ike  collection  of  Lord  Spemxr. 

At  Althorp  is  his  portrait,  together  with  that  of  George,  W 
Digby,  by  Vandyck.  There  are  a  great  number  of  other  fiDepc- 
tures  at  the  saaie  place.     See  Class  Vll, 

William  Russell,  &c.  mezz.  E.  Lulterel; 

William  Russell,  &c.  G.  Glover.  Sold  by 
J.Hinde;  small  oval;  scarce. 

William,  earl  of  Bedford,  lord  Russel  of  Thorn- 
haugh,  &c.  on  horseback.  Sold  by  P.  Slcnt;  small  Mo. 

William,  earl  of  Bedford,  son  of  Earl  I'rancis,  was  a  Jiitin- 
guishcd  member  of  the  House  of  Peers,  and  a  genera!  of  the  horse 
in  the  service  of  the  parliament,  in  the  beginning  of  the  civil  wai. 
But  he  resigned  his  commission,  and  offered  his  service  to  the  king, 
when  he  perceived  that  the  republican  party  were  more  inclined  to 
destroy  tlie  regal  power,  than  to  reduce  it  within  bounds.  He 
heartily  concurred  in  the  restoration  of  Charles  II.  as  he  did  after- 
ward in  the  revolution.  He  was  creiited  duke  of  Bedford  tie 
11th  of  May,  1694,  and  died  the  7th  of  September,  1700,  in  rJie 
eighty-seventh  year  of  his  age. 

WILLIAM  CECIL,  earl  of  Salisbury,  kaight 
the  Garter.  Hollar  f.   small  oval. 

■  This  book,  whicb  is  n  tbin  folio,  naiveij-Harce 
d  leu  guiucai.    Il  wu  reprinted  al  Cambridf,*'- 

WiUiaiti  Cecil  Eari  of  Saliabu 
Knight    of  tke   Garter. 

•*. . 

■•    *«. 

■        I 

OF  ENGLAND/  296 

"he  Earl  of  Salisbury  was  ambassador  extraordinary  to  the  court  Cceat. 
i'rance,  and  one  of  the  king's  privy  council.  He  seems  to  have'  ^^^' 
t  aloof  from  the  troubles  of  this  reign,  being  mtlch'more  inclined 
emporize  and  provide  for  his  own  safety.  This  peer,  Philip, 
of  Pembroke,  and  the  Lord  Edward  Howard,  signed  the  en- 
ement  to  be  faithful  to  the  Commonwealth,  and  descended  to 
(vith  the  parliament  as  representatives  of  the  people. 

LORD    NORTHAMPTON.     Vertue  sc.   From  a 
ture  at    General    Compton's.     One  of  the  set    of 



Spencer   Compton,  earl   of   Northampton ;   in 
irendons  *'  History  ;"  %vo.  M.  v.  Gucht. 

Spencer  Compton,  second  earl  of  Northampton. 
Cooper  sc.  From  the  original  in  the  collection  of  the 
Dst  Noble  the  Marquis  of  Northampton ;  in  Mr. 
dge's  "  Portraits  of  Illustriotis  Persons.^' 

Tie  Earl  of  Northampton  was  roused  from  a  life  of  ease  in  the  Creat. 
Qing  of  his  days  ;  and  'dedicated  himself,  his  family,  and  for-  ^^^^' 
e,  to  the  service  of  the  king.  Having  raised  a  regiment  of  foot 
.  a  troop  of  horse,  at  his  own  expense,  he  engaged  his  four 
s  to  serve  as  officers  under  him.  He  submitted  to  aU  the  hard- 
>s  of  a  common  soldier,  and  acquitted  himself,  in  his  command, 
a  all  the  activity  and  prudence  of  an  experienced  officer.  After 
:iy  signal  exploits,  he  was  killed,  valiantly  fighting,  at  Hopton 
ith  ;  having  rejected,  with  disdain ^^  an  oflPer  of  quarter  from  the 
my.     Oft.March  19,  1642-3. 

WILLIAM  FIELDING,  earl  of  Denbigh,  viscount 
elding,  &c.    Voerst  sc.  small  h.  sh. 

William,  earl  of  Denbigh,  who  was  a  good  sea-officer,  and  a 
ve  active  soldier,  commanded  as  an  admiral  in  several  expedi- 
is,  and  displayed  his  courage^  on  many  occasions^  in  the  civil 


war.  He  was  a  volunteer  in  Prince  Rupert's  regimeat,  was  as  vi- 
gilant, aad  pfttient  of  discipline,  as  if  he  had  been  traiaed  up  in  the 
Borriee,  and  was  ever  among  the  foremost  in  all  enterprises  of 
danger.  He  died  the  3d  of  April,  1643,  having  two  or  three  daja 
before  received  several  mortal  wounds  in  a  hot  engagement,  near 
Binningham.  His  journey  to  Spnin  with  Charles  I.  when  piiace, 
is  mentioned  in  the  "Peerage;"  but  nothing  is  there  said  of  his 
embassy  to  the  Sophi  of  Persia;  which,  as  we  learn  from  the  in- 
scription on  his  print,  was  in  the  year  1631.* 

BASIL    FIELDING,  earl   of  Denbigh,   lord  of 
Newnham  Paddocks.   Hollar  f.  small  oval. 

Basil  Fielding,  earl  of  Denbigh,  &c.  lacedrujf; 
in  armour.  (Faithorm.) 

Basil  Fielding,  &c.    W.  N.  Gardiner. 

Basil  Fielding,  &c.  mefcu.  Ato,  R.  Dunkarlon, 

Basil  Fielding,  &c.   Lelff ;  \E.  Harding ;  fol. 

Basil  Fielding,  &c.  Lely.  V.  Gucht.  In"Hi!- 
ton/ of  the  Rebellion  ;"   Dublin,  1719;  folio. 

Basil,  son  of  William  Fielding,  earl  of  Denbigh,  was  aa  officer 
in  the  parliament  army,  at  Edge-hill,  where  his  father  fought  for 
the  king.t  In  1644,  he  took  Russel-house,  in  StafFord shire,  anJ 
by  that  means  opened  a  communication   between  Coventry  and 

■  The  celebrated  picture  of  him,  supposed  to  be  painted  b;  VeUi$m,  is  in  <!" 
pmsesslon  of  the  Duke  of  HarailtoD.  R.  Cooper  Diwja  a  drawing  of  |t  in  blut 
lead,  prubablj  with  a  view  of  engraving  it — LonD  Hailss. 

t  Rapbaol,  in  hia  bailie  of  Conalantine  and  Maientius,  to  intimate  that  Ibe)  «eit 
engaged  in  a  civil  war,  bas  represented  a  father  taking  up  Ibe  dead  bod;  of  ln> 
son  ;  will]  sentiraenls,  which  Ibat  gieiit  painlct  knew  how  to  eipWM,  but  none  bull 
fatlter  can  feci. 

Bafll  Keliing,  "Earle  of  Denbigh. 
Lord  of  ireAvnhamFaddocW, 

OF  ENGiAHD^  297 

QdoD.  He,  siftetward,  with  a  small  Qumber  of  vmn,  routed  tluEee 
lusaod  of  the  king's  forces, ;s^9it  to. the  relief  of  Dudley  Castle, 
ich  he  was  thea  besieging.  Upon  the  new-modelling  of  the 
ly,  he  resigned  his  commission,  together  with  the  Earls  of  Essex 
1  Manchester,     06;  28  Noy.  1675. 

LIONEL  GRANFIELD,  earl  of  Middlesex,  &c. 
ollarf.   small  ovaL 

Lionel  Cranfield,  earl  of  Middlesex.  Bocquetsc. 
^om  the  original  at  Knowle;  m  Park's  .  *'  Nobk 
uthors^'  1806. 

Lionel  Cranfi.ei:.d,   esB^  c^  Mi441§§ex.    Jlard- 

^ sc.  \.'.  .       . 

Lionel  Oranfieldj  earl  of  Middlesex*  E.  Scriven 
.  From  the  original  by  My  tens  y  in  the  coltection  of  his 
'race  the  Duke  of  Dorset ;  in  I/)dge*s  ^^  Illmtrioiis 
ortraitsr  :     . 

Inhere  is  an  original  portrait  Of  hi|xi  at  Knowle,  in  Kent. 
Lionel  Cranfield,  earl  of  Middlesey,%lib was  T)red  in  the  custom-  Great. 
Use,  was  well  versed  in  the  Hieory  and  practice  of  trade.    By  ^^J*^'  • 
i  interest  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  his  kinsman,  he  was,  in 
i  late  reign,  advanced .  to  the  office  of  lord  high-treasurer.     He 
Lrmured  at  the  expense  of  the  journey  to  Spain,  which  gave 
^at  offence  to  the  duke ;  and  was,  in  several  instances,  less  ob- 
luious  than  that  favourite  had  usually  found  his  creatures.  Mid- 
isex,  who  had  great  pride,  thought  it  beneath  a  lord-treasurer 
be  a  tool  of  the  Duke  of  Buckingham,  though  he  was  a  lord- 
£i£urer  of  his  own  making.    He  was  questioned  in  parliament, 
1  found  guilty  of  malversation  in  hvs  office :  upon  which  his  trea- 
*Qr's  staff  was  taken  from  him;  he  was  rendered  incapable  of 
ling  in  the  House  of  Peers,  and  heavily  fined.     The  duke  seems 
have  gratified  his  revenge,  and  mprcover  to  have  had  an  eye  to 


his  interest  in  this  prosecution ;  as  he  is  said  to  have  had  the  earl'9 
house  at  Chelaea,  foe  his  own  share  of  the  fine.*  Ob.  6  Aug.  164S, 

HENRICUS  RICH,  comes  HoUandise,  S;c.  Van- 
dyck p.  P,Clmaet  sc. 

Henhv  Rich,  earl  of  Holland,  &c.  Stenl ; 

Heshy  Rich,  &c.    Voersi  sc.     There  is  atwt/icr  in 
Lord  Ctarendons   "  History." 

Hen'rv  Rich,  earl  of  Holland ;  in  an  oval;  4/u. 
Samuel  Cooper  phis.  John  Godefroy  sculp.  1796. 

Henhy  Rich,  earl  of  Holland.    Gerimia  9C.  In 
"  Noble  Authors"  by  Park ;  1806. 

Henry  Rich,  earl  of  Holland;  oval,  wHH  trophies: 
Ato.  J.  .Tenner. 

Henry  Rich,  earl  of  Holland;  small  oval.  (Fa'i- 
thorne.)    Sold  by  Peakc. 

Henev  Rich,  earl  of  Holland,  with  Robert,  ear! 
of  Warwick ;  small  oval.   H.  Cochin. 

Henry  Rich,  earl  of  Holland,   &c.   s7iiaU  owl- 
Sold  i?i  Cannon-street. 

There  are  several  portraits  of  him  by  Vandyck;  that  alhi^i 
Breadalbanc's,  at  Tnymouth,  in  Scotland,  is  remarkably  fine. 
Cr«at.  The  Earl  of  Holland,  captain  of  the  king's  guard,  and  general 

3  April,  of  the  horse  in  the  expedition  to  Scotland,  was  much  in  fai"" 
with  James  I.   who  wantonly  lavished   3000/.  upon   him  at 

GnarMti pvm am.  UnaiHal yicturt  ff  au  ittmt  Ml 


V'i ' 

J'a.tU^ii  Atf^h'hjjS  ty  ^'n^ih^'i,^,>..y<,rkHr,<ucfril  ytraml. 




■    *! 

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■  '.li 



Oliver  S'loWn  EarlerfBulh. 
broote    UrilSTohnofBlelfo 


■■;*  •■•• 

A^.J/i//'*  */'-»-«!"■'/="- ■'''*■'"""'•' 

OF  ENGLAND.  299 

dme.*  In  the  latter  end  of  the  reign  of  James,  he  was  sent 
ambassador  to  France,  where  he  negotiated  the  treaty  of  marriage 
between  Charles  and  Henrietta  Maria.  His  handsome  person,  gal- 
lant behaviour,  and  courtly  address,  are  thought  to  have  made  an 
early  impression  upon  the  heart  of  that  princess,  of  whom  he  is 
known  to  have  been  a  distinguished  favourite.f  His  conduct  was 
so  various  with  respect  to  the  king  and  parliament,  that  neither 
party  had  the  least  regard  for  him;  if  they  did  not  both  look  upon 
Urn  as  their  enemy.  He  made  a  rash  and  feeble  effort  for  the  king 
■i  little  before  he  was  beheaded ;  and  soon  afler  fell  himself,  but 
anlamented,  by  the  hand  of  the  executioner.  He  was  e^ftcuted 
G^  9th  of  March,  1648-9. 

OLIVER  SAINT  JOHN,  earl  of  BuUingbrooke 
^olingbroke).   Hollar  f.  a  small  oval. 


Oliver   Saint    Jouif,     earl    of    Bullingbrooke 
^Bolingbroke) ;  small  ovaL   W.  Richdrdson. 

The  Earl  of  Bolingbroke  and  his  family  zealously  espoused  the  Great. 
luise  of  the  parliament.     Oliver,  his  grandson,  who  was  colonel  of  ^F^^' 
i,  regiment  in  the  parliament  army,  was  killed  at  Edge-hill.     He 
i^  succeeded  in  title  and  estate  by  another  Oliver,  son  of  Pawlet, 
ps  second  son. 

MILDMAY  FANE,  earl  of  Westmoreland,  &c. 
fSfbllarf.  a  small  oval. 

"MiLDMAY,  earl  of  Westmoreland,  baron  le  De- 
nser," &c.    J.  B.  N.  invenit,    P.  Williamsen  sc. 
62.      Under  the  head  is  a  representation  of  an  army 
\rching,  and  of  a  siege.     This  alludes  to  his  actions 
\jhe  civil  war. — The  plate,  which  is  well  engraved, 
in  the  possession  of  Richard  Bull,  esq.;}: 

See  Home's  "  History/*  vol.  iv.  p.  116. 

''Rojal  and  Noble  Authors/'  vol.  I.  p.  132,  and  212,  second  edit. 

rbe  present  Earl  of  Westmoreland,  whose  father,  the  late  Lord  Burghersh,  upon 


MiLDMAY  Fane,  earl  of  Westmoreland,  &c.  md 
oval.    W.  Richardson. 

MiLDMAT  Fane,  earl  of  Westmoreland ;  in"  Noble 
Authors,''  btj  Park;  1806. 

Crest  The  Earl  of  Westmoreland,  in  the  beginning  of  the  citi!  wa:, 

I>ec,  99.  sided  tritli  the  kipg  ;  but  in  164-3,  he  declared  for  the  parlknen^ 
'^  '  to  which  he  afterward  adhered.  He  was  an  ingenious  man 
and  a  patron  of  ingenuity  in  others.  Cleaveland  speaks  i 
high  strain  of  some  verses  wliich  he  sent  him.  He  says,  ''  It  wm 
almost  impossible  to  read  your  lines  and  be  sober,"*  He  pw- 
Bented  his  poems  in  Latin  and  English,  cntided  "  O^a  £iiai7,"ti) 
the  library  of  Emmanuel  College,  in  Cambridge.  It  is  a  qnatU 
volume  of  174  pages,  adorned  with  plates,  printed  by 
Cotes,  1 645.  It  appears  by  the  last  poem,  that  no  copies  w 
Ob.  12  Feb.  1665. 

r  GEORGIUS    CAREW,   comes  de  Totnes,  &c 

Vaerslf.    Before  his  "  Pacata  Kiberma,"  folio;  pu^ 
lishcd  by  his  natural  son,  Thomas  Stafford,  1633. 

George  Caiiew,  earl  of  Totnes,  in  armour;  smi 
quarto.     W.  Richardson. 

George    Carew,    earl     of    Totnes ;    in    "  No^ 
Authors,"  by  Park;  1800, 

His  portrait  is  in  the  gallery  at  Gorharabury. 
Creal.        George  Carew,  earl  of  Totnes,  ivho  was  a  younger  son  of  a 
leis.    qC  Ejie^pj.^  enjoyed  several  great  offices,  civil  and  military,  in 
land,  in  tlie  reign  of  Elizabeth.     But  his  greatest  glory  vn 

Ihe  aiiplicalioo  of  Ricbacd  Bull,  esq.  permitted  some  few  impreuioas  ti 
from  it,  fur  the  graijficaiioti  of  portrdl  cu I leclors.— Bindley. 

Mr.  Bnll  tDlil  IQC  Ihe  plnte  was  lust  wlicn  the  Carl  o(  Weitmorclnnd  n 
land.— The  earl  bnuglit  nn  irapreaion  in  Sit  W,  Musgrave"!  aaie,  1800.— W.  R- 

■  LeilEr  to  tli«  Earl  of  WEatmoreUnd,  in  Cleaveland's  waiki. 


LLiAM  Cavendish,    earl  of  Newcastle,  &a 
armour;  Sro. 

There  are  several  portraits  of  him  at  Welbeck,  by  Diepenbeck, 

who  designed  the  prints  for  hb  book  of  horsemanship,  &c.  See  the 

^ceding  division  of  this  Class. 

RY  GREY,  earl  of  Standford.   Hollar f.  « 

Henry  Grey,  earl  of  Stamford;    on   hors 
mt ;  Ato.  vieic  of  Hull ;  rare. 

Henry  Gray,  earl  of  Stamford,  lord  Gray,  (rf 
Gray  Bonville,  &c.  in  Ricra/t's  "  Survey  of  England's] 
Champions,''  1649. 

Henry  Gray,  earl  of  Standford  (Stamford);  md 
oval.    W.  Richardson. 

■      There  la  a  portrait  of  him  at  Dunham,  the  seat  of  the  Eul  of 

Henry,  lord  Grey,  of  Groby,  married  Anne,  daughter  and  cote 
of  WilUam  Cecil,  earl  of  Ejtetcr ;  in  whose  right  he  was  pussessed 
of  the  castle,  borough,  and  manor  of  Stamford,  whence  he  t«i 
his  title.  He  was  colonel  of  a  regiment  in  the  parliament  annj, 
■  under  the  Earl  of  Essex,  and  wasi  very  active  in  their  serviee,  iwf' 
ticularly  in  Herefordshire  and  Cornwall.  In  the  "  Mercurius  Ros- 
ticua,""  is  an  account  of  his  sending  Captain  Kirle  to  plunder  lfi( 
house  of  Thomas  Swift,  vicar  of  Goodwich.t  in  the  county  of 
Hereford,  who  was  supposed  to  have  been  plundered  ofteuer  iIm 
any  other  person  during  the  civil  war.  He  was  grandfather  of  ibe 
celebrated  dean  of  St.  Patrick's.  J  The  Earl  of  Stamford  died  fc 
2lst  of  August,  1673. 

•  P.  71.  ediL  1646. 

i  Goodrich. 

t  See  Ihc  ■■  Life  of  Dc,  Sirift,"  by  Heme  Sitift,  psct- 

Henry  Gr^  Earle  of  Jtandford. , 
Lord  Gi«X  "^  Grohy,  fionvile  ancL 
Harhiftian  dc 

..,r  .  1^00  iy  V^JtC'd/'lt.  N-^lJI'or.d 


Mounl-IoyBlunl  Earle  of  Newport  Lord 
Moutil-loy  i>f  Thmv«  I  on,   Malter  oflKe_ 

P-»lAufl.<800  by  WT^^arJfi^N' Jl ftrand. 

Mount  by  Blunt  Earle  o£  Newt)ort  Lord 
Mfuni-loy  of  Tliuiveston,   MafUr  of  tfie  , 

FiilAu^t.'SOO  hy  WRtcAorjf'^N*  Ol  ffrand 

OF   ENGLAND.  303 

MOUNTJOY  BLUNT  (Blount),  earl  of  New- 
ort.  Hollar  f.  a  small  aval. 

The  Lord  MouNTjOY  Blount,  M.  D.  Martin 
^roeshout  sc.  8vo.  rare:  afterward  printed  with  a 
>rder;  which  is  also  scarce. 

MouNTjOY  Blount,  earle  of  Newport,  &c.  small 
*aL    W.  Richardson: 

Mountjoy  Blount  was  a  natural  son  of  Charles  Blount,  earl  of  Great. 
ev:onshire,  by  Penelope,  daughter  of  Walter  Devereux^  earl  of  \^^' 
ssex,  and  wife  of  Robert,  lord  Rich.  He  was  created  baron  of 
^urlston  by  James  I.  and  earl  of  Newport  by  Charles.  He  was 
e^ter  of  the  ordnance,  and  one  of  the  council  of  war  in  the  royal 
tny.  He  died  at  Oxford  in  1665,  and  lies  buried  at  Christ 

HIERONYMUS  WESTON,  comes  Portlandiae. 
andj/ck  p.  Hollar/,  h.  sh.  This  is  copied  by  Gay  wood. 

There  Js  another,  smaller^    in    Lord  Clarendons 
History /'before  the  character  of  his  f(fther. 

Jerome,  son  of  Richard  Weston,  earl  of  Portland,  lord-treasurer  Creat. 
this  reign,  was  a  man  of  good  abilities,  of  various  learning,  and  JgZ 
^iiteel  accomplishments ;  which  enabled  him  to  speak  pertinently  a  Car.  I. 
^  gracefully  upon  every  occasion.     He  was  a  gopd  statesman, 
fi  had  the  reputation  of  being  well  skilled  in  naval  afiairs,  in 
e  reign  of  Charles  IL     He  died,  according  to  Heylin,  the  16th 
18th  of  March,  1662;    according    to  Lloyd,   1663-4.*      Hi* 
ti  Charles,  a  young  nobleman  of  great  expectation,  voluntarily 
tered  himself  into  the  sea-service  under  the  Duke  of  York.     He 
M    killed  in  an  engagement  with  the  Dutch,  the  3d  of  June, 

*  I  look  upon  the  authority  of  Hejlin  to  be  better  than  that  of  Llojrd. 

Mount-Ity  Blunt  EaHe  of  Newport  Lord 
Mount-Ioy  ufTJiuiveiton,   Mailer  ofdie. 

Fid  Auy  1.18  <^0  by  W7^^J.arjfo^If3lftr^nd. 

OF    ENGLAND.  306 

Thomas^  earl  of  Strafford.  Hollar,  f.  a  small  aval. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Str^-fford.     Vaughan  sc.   robes  of 
the  Garter  ;  whole  length  ;  4to. 

Sir  Thomas  Wentwouth,  &c.  lord-lieutenant  of 
Ireland ;  collar  of  the  Garter. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Strafford.  G.  G.  (Glover);  \2mo. 

Thomas  Wentworth,  comes  Straffordise  ;  12mo. 

Sir  Thomas  Wentworth,  &c.  R.  White  sc.  h.  sh. 

Thomas  Wentwordt,  Hibernia  prorex,  &c*  l2mo. 

.    Thomas  Wentwordt,  gi-ave  Van  Strafford,  &c. 

Thomas,  earl  of  Strafford.  Moncomet  exc.  4to. 

Sir  Thomas  Wentworth,  earl  of  Strafford,  and 
Sir  Philip  Mainwaring,  his  secretary.  Vandyck  p. 
Vejtue  sc.  1739; 

The  original  of  this  is  at  Blenheim,  and  much  inferior  to  the 
Uext,  which  Mr.  Walpole  esteems  the  finest  picture  of  Vandyck,* 

Thomas  Wentworth,  earl  of  Strafford,  and  Sir 
I^hilip  Mainwaring.    Vandyck  p.   Houston  f 

This  print  was  never  published.     The  original  is  at  the  Marquis 
of  Rockingham's,  at  Wentworth-house, 

Progenies   Straffordiana  :     naniely,    Williani, 
lord  Wentworth,  afterward  earl  of  Strafford  ;t  Lady 

*  See  "  Anecdotes  of  Paintiog,"  vol.  ii.  p.  104,  2cl  cdifc. 
t  He  died,  without  issue,  in  Oct.  1695. 



Anne  Wentworth,  married  to  Edward,  lord  Bock^j 
Ingram ;  Lady  Arabella  Wentworth,  married  to 
Honourable  Justin' Ma6cartie,  son  of  the  Earl  of  < 
cartie  (Clancarty).  Vertue  sc.  1739 ;  h.  sh. 

Thomas  Wbntworth,  &c.  with  an  account  of 
execution,  in  English  and  Dutch  ;  large 

!rcai.  Sir  Thomas  Wentwprth^  who  had  didtiDguiflhed  himsdf 

^i^'     the  foremost  of  the  popular  leaders  in  the  House  of  Commons^  < 
5Cir.I.  sudden  attached  himself. to  jthejdng.    He  was' soon  after 

to  the  House  of  Peers,  was  made  lord-president  of  the  Norfh^i 
lord-lieutenant  of  Ireland.    He  was  great  from  .his  honoun 
preferments;  but  much  greater  in,  and  from  himself.    The 
tion  from  his  party,  the  elevation  of  his  rank,  the  plmitude  oCI 
power,  and' the  dread  of  his  abilities,  rendered  him,  in  the"  ~ 
degree,  obnoxious  to  the  patriots,  who  persecuted  him  with 
lenting  hatred.   He  pleaded  his  cause,  upon  his  tnal,  with  a'( 
ness  and  strength  of  reason,  that  must  have  acquitted  him  in 
court,  but  such  as  was  determined  to  condemn  him.     When 
saw  that  the  force  of  argument  was  not  likely  to  prevail,  he 
recourse  to  the  pathetic,  of  ivhich  he  was  a  great  master, 
were  the  powers  of  his  eloquence,  that  many  who  sincerely 
the  prime  minister,  as  sincerely  pitied  the  man.  In  the  last  di 
f ul  scene  of  his  life,  he  acquitted  himself  with  a  greatness  of  i 
suitable  to  the  dignity  of  his  character.     His  enemies  expresssi] 
malignant  joy  upon  this  occasion;  but  his  dismayed  and 
friends  considered  his  death  as  a  prelude  only  to  more  executi( 
Beheaded  the  12th  of  May,  1641. 

THE  EARL  OF  CLEVELAND ;  from  a  dn 

in  the  King's  *^  Clarendon'*  Cooper  so.  8vo. 

Thomas  Wentworth,  created  lord  Wentworth  of  Nettlested,] 
the  county  of  York,  by  King  James  I.  in  1610,  wa^  further 

*  This  is  the  character  of  the  Earl  of  Strafford,  as  it  is  represented  by  the , 
rality  of  oar  historians.  Mrs.  Macaalay  would  think  it  too  favourable :  and  itfl 
to  be  acknowledged,  that  that  ingenious  lady  has  incontestibly  prored,  that  i 
parts  of  his  conduct  coincided  too  much  with  the  arbitrary  proceedings  of 

.    OF   ENGLAI^D.  307 

e  dignity  of  earl  of  Cleveland  by  Charles  I.  in  the, first  year 
is  reign ;  and  .during  tile  misfortunes  of  that  injured: ^lon^rch 
I  the  royal  cause  with  the  most  extraordinary  prudence, 
ige,  and  loyalty,  and,  had  at  last  the  good  fortune  to  see  the 
ration  of  Charles  II. ;  whom  he  accompanied  in  his  triumphant 
'  into  London,  at  the  head  of  three  hundred  noblemen  and 
enien.  With  this  monarch  he  enjoyed  the  same  est^m  as  he 
^th  James  and  Charles  I.  and,  moreover^  was  also  appointed 
[  the  same  honourable  posts  that  he  had  enjoyed  during  the^r 

3  died  the  25th  of  March,  1667,  aged  76.  By  Anne,  his  first 
daughter  of  Sir  John  Crofts,  of  Saxham,  in  the  county  of  Suf- 
knt.  he  had  three  sons,  Thomas,  William,  and  Charles;  also 
i  daughters,  Anne,  who  died  an  infant,  Mary,  who  died  un- 
ied,  and  another  Anne,  who  became  the  wife  of  John,  lord 
dace.  His  second  wife  was  Catharine,  daughter  and  coheir 
ir  John  Wentworth,  of  Gosfield,  in  Essex ;  by  whom  he  had 
laughter,  Catharine,  married  to  William  Spenser,  of  Cople,  ia 
ounty  of  Bedford. 

le  male  issue  of  the  Earl  of  Cleveland  dying  in  their  father's 
the  earldom  became  extinct ;  and  the  barony  of  Wentworth 
ended  to  his  granddaughter  and  heir,  Henrietta  Wentworth, 
ell  known  in  history  as  connected  with  the  unfortunate  Duke 

.ORD  LICHFIELD.  Vertue  sc.  One  of  the  sei  of 
mlists  ;  in  the  collection  of  the  (late)  Duke  of  Kent. 

smard  Stuart,  earl  of  Lichfield,  was  the  youngest  of  the  five 
of  the  Duke  of  Richmond  and  Lenox,  who  served  in  the  royal 
^.*  He  commanded  the  king's  troop,  which  consisted  of  a 
Ired  and  twenty  persons  of  rank  and  fortune ;  who,  on  every 
ision,  exerted  themselves  with  a  generous  ardour  for  their  sove- 
1,  and  were  victorious  in  several  actions.  He  was  created  earl 
ichfieldf  in  consideration  of  his  gallant  behaviour  near  that 
This  excellent  young  nobleman,  who  Was  as  much  esteemed 

He  bad  seven  sons  in  all. 

HejUn'says,  in  his  "Help  to  History/',  that  he  was  not  actoally  credtcld ;  but 

contradicted  by  Lord  Clarendon,  and  others. 


for  his  rirtuea  in  private  life,  as  he  was  admired  for  his  v&loor  and 
coDduct  in  the  lield,was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Rowton  Heath,  Deai 
Chester,*  having  first  secured  the  retreat  of  the  king,  whose  person 
was  in  ^at  danger.     Ob.  36  Sept,  1645. 

HENRY  SPENCER,   first  earl  of  Sunderland, 
.^.23.    Walker  pin.v.    Bocqiict  sc.  Aio.   private  plate,  i 
engraved  at  the  cipeiise  of  the  present  Earl  Spencer. 

He.vhy  Spencer,  first  earl  of  Sunderland,  jE(.22 
Walker  pinx.    R.  Cooper  sc.    In  Mr.  ZiOdge's  "  lUta-  k 
trious  Heads;"  Ato. 

Henhy  Spencer,  first  earl  of  Sunderland.  A 
Cooper  sc.  J.  Cauljield  exc.  Ato. 

Henry,  lord  Spencer,  eldest  son  of  William,  lord  Spencer,  of 
Wonnleighton,  by  Penelope,  eldest  daughter  of  Henry  Wriotheslej, 
earl  of  Southampton,  was  born  at  Althorp,  and  baptized  on  ite 
23d  ofNovembcr,  ]fi'20.  Indebted  to  nature  for  a  fervent  incli- 
nation to  learning-,  and  having  had  the  good  fortune  to  be  placed 
under  an  ablo  tutor,  the  quickness  of  his  apprehension,  and  fc 
solidity  of  his  judgment,  led  him  soon  to  those  generous  exercises 
and  useful  recreations,  whicli  arc  al  once  the  ornament  and  'in  [ 
solace  of  a  noble  mind.  His  education  commenced  at  Magdaiffl  p 
College,  Oxfoid,  boruie  he  was  sixteen  years  of  age;  and  his  pro- 
ficiency afforded  so  remarkable  pledge  of  his  future  attainineDliT 
that  King  Charles  and  his  queen,  honouring  the  untveisilj,  ■i''' 
their  pteeence  at  that  time,  it  was  his  majesty's  pleasure  tliattb 
degree  of  master  of  arts  should  be  conferred  upon  him;  vHA 
was  accordingly  done  in  convocation,  on  the  31st  of  August, 

On  the  19th  of  December  following,  he  succeeded  his  fatherH 
Lord  Spencer,  and  had  not  attained  his  twentieth  year,  when  lix 
Earl  of  Southampton,  his  guardian,  and  the  Lady  Penelope,  l>ii 
mother,  contracted  with  Robert,  earl  of  Leicester,  for  his  mani^ 

OF    ENGLAND.  309 

>kh  Lady  Dorothy  Stdnfey^  daughter  of  that  earL  She  was  a  lady 
^  uDcommon  beauty  and  accomplishments ;  and,  under  the  name 
-%f  Sacharissa,  is  highly  celebrated  by  Waller^  who,  a  widower  at 
the  age  of  twenty-five  years,  felt  for  her  that  tender  passion  which 
gave  birth  to  verses  that  made  her  beauty  triumph  over  time.  The 
^t,  however,  not  being  so  successful  in  his  addresses  to  Sacha- 
lissa,  as  he  had  been  in  the  elegant  strains  with  which  she  had  in- 
spired him,  her  marriage  with  Lord  Spencer  was  celebrated  at 
Penshurst,  on  the  20th  of  July,  1639;  and  soon  afterward  he  and 
his  lady  accompanied  the  Earl  of  Leicester,  on  his  return  to  his 
embassy  in  France. 

After  his  return  from  that  country,  in  1641,  he  took  his  seat  in 
the  House  of  Peers ;  and  was  courted  by  both  parties,  on  account 
of  his  eminent  abilities.  But  that  ardent  love  for  the  liberties  of 
his  country,  which  he  inherited  from  his  ancestors,  soon  deter- 
mined his  choice ;  and,  having  united  with  those  who  had  asso- 
ciated in  order  to  detect  the  violators  of  the  constitution,  he  was 
nominated  by  the  popular  interest  to  the  office  of  lord^ieutenant 
of  the  county  of  Northampton.  Yet  his  just  sense  of  duty  towards 
the  crown,  and  his  reverence  for  the  government,  both  in  church 
iind  state,  induced  him  soon  to  abandon  a  party,  which,  by  a  want 
of  discernment,  too  common  in  the  minds  of  reformers  and  anar-> 
chists,  was,  in  his  opinion,  subverting  the  bases  of  all  social  order, 
Ihe  obligations  of  conscience,  and  the  laws  of  the  land ;  and  he 
courageously  declared  in  parliament  (the  last  words  he  uttered 
there),  ''  that  they  might  have  been  satisfied  long  before,  if  they 
liad  not  asked  things  that  deny  themselves ;  and  if  some  men  had 
not  shuffled  demands  into  their  propositions,  on  purpose  that  they 
might  have  no  satisfaction.*' 

The  great  national  struggle  becoming  more  and  more  serious,  his 
lordship  openly  joined  the  royal  party,  and  attended  the  king  to 
Tork,  and  from  thence  to  Nottingham,  where  the  standard  was 
erected  on  the  25th  of  August,  1642.     At  Shrewsbury,  the  vacil- 
lating and  undecisive  conduct  of  Charles  was  so  particularly  re- 
inarked,  that  it  appears  to  have  created  considerable  disgust  in 
Lord  Spencer,  who,  as  he  writes  to  his  lady,  on  the  21st  Sept. 
1642,  would  not  have  continued  an  hour  with  the  army,  if  an  ex- 
pedient could  have  been  devised  "to  save  the  punctilio  of  honour." 
The  memorable  battle  of  Edge-hill  was  fought  on  the  23d  of  the 
following  month;    and  Lord  Spencer,  with  other   noblemen    as 
volunteers,  charged  in  the  king's  guard  of  horse.     His  lordship 

VOL.  II.  2  s 


marcbed,  after  the  battle,  with  the  royal  army  to  Oxford;  and 
irftB  about  that  time,  at  the  taking  of  Bristol  by  the  forces  ander 
Prince  Rupert.  On  the  8lh  of  June,  1643,  he  was  advanced  to  the 
dignity  of  earl  of  Sunderland,  by  patent  dated  at  Oxford;  a.nd  it 
is  worthy  of  meDtion,  that,  at  the  time  of  bis  creation,  he  was  said 
to  be  allied  to  all  the  nobility  then  at  court,  escept  the  Duke  of 

Like  many,  however,  of  the  unfortunate  king's  aflectionate  ad- 
herents, he  was  destined  not  to  survive  the  contest ;  and  fell  in  the 
flowM  of  his  age,  a  glorious  victim  to  his  zeal  and  bravery  in  tbe 
defence  of  his  royal  master,  at  the  battle  of  Newbury,  on  the  20tfi 
of  September,  1643;  being  struck  with  a  cannon-ball,  before  the 
party  of  horse,  in  which  he  had  volunteered,  could  come  to  the 
charge.  His  remains  were  interred  in  the  family  vault,  at  Brington, 
in  Northamptonshire, 

By  his  wife,  the  Lady  Dorothy  Sidney  (who  afterward  on  the  8tb 
ef  July,  1652,  marritd  Robert  Smith,  esq.  of  Sutton,  in  Kent,  and 
was  buried  at  Brington  on  the  25th  of  February,  1683-4),  the  Ear!  |_ 
tt  Sunderland  had  issue  an  only  son,  Robert,  second  earl  of 
derland,  and  two  daughters,  Dorothy,  who  married  George  Saville, 
afterward  marquis  of  Hallifas,  and  Penelope  a  posthumous  daugh- 
ter, who  died  an  infant. 

Henry,  earl  of  Sunderland,  was  great  grandfather  of  his  Gra« 
the  late  Duke  of  Marlborough  and  Earl  of  Sunderland;  and  of 
John,  earl  Spencer,  father  of  George- John,  now  earl  Spencer. 

The  Lord  JOHN,  and  the  Lord  BERNARD 
STUART,  the  youngest  sons  of  Esme,  duke  of 
Lenox.  Vamlyck  p.  R.  Tompxon  exc.  In  Ihe  collection 
of  the  E(irl(lute  Dulce)  of  Kent;  large  jnezz. 

The  Lord  Juiijj,  and  the  Lord  Bernard  Sru.iRi. 

Vandifck  p.  J.  M".  Ardellf.  From  the  same  origiml, 
with  the  next  above;  sh.  mezz.  The  picture  is  at  Jjid 

The  Lord  John  Stuart,  fourth  son*  to  the  Duke  of  Richmoni, 
and  elder  brother  to  the  Lord  Lichfield,  was  remarkable  forevEiJ 

■  He  >VBS,  according  lo  some  nccounu  of  Ihe  family,  the  fiflh  son. 



)od  aad  amiable  quality,  by  which  that  nobleman  was  distin- 
aished ;  nor  was  he  inferior  to  him  in  courage :  but  rather  seem^ 
>  have  been  valiant  to  excess ;  as  he,  with  great  intrepidity,  com-* 
anded  a  body  of  light^horse  up  a  hill,  at  Cheriton  Down,  in 
•der  to  attack  Sir  William  Waller's  army,  where  he  fejl  into  an 
nbuscade  of  the  enemy.  He  had  two'  horses  killed  under  him, 
id  received  six  wounds  before  he  fell.  He  died  amidst  'several 
ondred  of  his  men,  with  whose  dead  bodies  his  own  was  sur- 
)un'ded.  He  lies  buried  at  Christ  Church,  in  Oxford,  with 
lother  brother,  who  was  killed  at  Edge-hill.  Ob.  29  Mar.  1644. 
he  younger,  is  the  same  person  with  the  Earl  of  Lichfield,  before 

HENRY  DANVERS,  earl  of  Danby;  mezz. 
t.  V.  Dyck ;  V.  Green ;  whole  lengthy  from  the  Hough- 
m  collection. 

This  lord  was  son  of  Sir  John  Daitvers,  by  Elizabeth,  daughter 
'  John  Nevil,  lord  Latimer,  son-in-law  of  Queen  Catharine  Parr, 
id  was  first  distinguished  by  his  behaviour  in  the  Low  Countries, 
here  he  served  under  Prince  Maurice,  and  afterward  in  France 
ader  Henry  IV.  when  he  was  knighted  for  his  valour.  In  the 
•ish  wars  he  was  lieutenant-general  of  the  horse,  and  sergeant- 
lajor  of  the  whole  army,  under  Robert,  earl  of  Essex,  and  Charles, 
»rd  Mountjoy.  In  the  first  of  King  James  I.  he  was  made  baron 
I  Dauntesey,  and  afterward  lord-president  of  Munster  and  gover- 
Dr  of  Guernsey  by  King  Charles  L  He  was  created  earl  of  Darby, 
lade  a  privy-counsellor  and  knight  of  the  Garter.  He  founded 
fce  Physic  Garden  at  Oxford,  and  died  aged  71, 1643,  at  Cornbury, 
Qd  was  buried  at  Dauntesey,  in  Wiltshire,  where  he  built  an  alms- 
ouse  and  free-school. 

HENRY  WILMOT,  earl  of  Rochester ;  an  etching. 
Claussin.)  8vo. 

Henry  Wilmot,  earl  of  Rochester.  T.  Rodd  exc. 

Henry  Wilmot,  only  son  of  Charles,  viscount  Wilmot,  of  Athlone, 
t  Irelandi  was  for  his  many  eminent  services  and  zeal  in  the  royaT 


rause,  created  by  Charles  I.  lord  Wilmol,  baron  of  Adderbury.  in 
Oxfordshire,  and  by  Charles  11.  at  Paris,  in  1652,  advanced  to  ibc 
title  of  carl  of  Rochester.  He  waa  a  nobleman  of  considerable 
abilitieB  and  honour.  He  died  at  Dunkirk,  in  1639;  and  m 
buried  in  the  church  of  Spellsbury,  in  Oxfordshire. 

JOHN  BYRON,  lord  Byron ;  an  etching.  P.  Paul, 
1777 ;  from  a  drawing  in  the  King")  *'  Clarendon." 

John,  lord  Byron.    R.  Cooper  sc. 

Lord  Byron  was  roemberfor  Nottingham  in  the  reign  of  Jamesl. 
and  Id  the  first  parliament  of  King  Charles  ;  at  whose  corooatioD 
bfl  WW  made  knight  of  the  Bath,  and  was  a  trusty  adherent  to  ilie 
cause  of  the  king,  who  made  him  lieutenant  of  tlie  Tower  in  1641, 
in  the  room  of  Sir  Thomas  Lunsford,  but  not  to  Uie  satisfactioQ  of 
flw  House  of  Commons ;  as  they  thought  him  too  faithful  to  hii 
lOyal  master.  The  king  at  last  being  much  pressed,  cont'errd 
the  Ueutenancy  on  Sir  John  Coniers,  at  the  request  of  Sir  John 
Byron,  whose  parson  and  reputation  had  been  exposed  to  the  ooi- 
mosity  of  the  people ;  as  he  had  upon  frivolous  occasions  been  seal 
for  as  a  delinquent,  and  been  brought  upon  his  knees  at  the  bar  of 
both  houses.  For  his  faithful  services  he  was  advanced  to  the  dig- 
nity of  a  baron,  by  the  title  of  Lord  Byron,  of  Rochdale,  in  tie 
county  of  Lancaster.  He  was  afterward  made  Held-roarshal-geDC' 
lal,  and  appointed  governor  to  his  royal  highness  the  Duke  of 
York.     He  died  at  Paris  1652. 

A  VISCOUNT,  &c. 

WILLIAM  FINES  (Fiennes),  viscount  Sayaod 
Seale  (Sele).    Hollar/,  a  small  oval. 

There  is  a  small  whole  length  of  him  on  horseback,  by  W.  Shet- 
win;  and  a  head  in  Clarendon's  "  History." 

William,  viscount  Say  and  Seale,  master  of  the 
court  of  wardcsj  fee.  ifi  armour,  on  horseback  ;  soldb^ 

WtHiamltneiVircbunl  Sey  and 
Sea-Le  LordS^«nil  SeaU. 

f',,1  'lri,ifj6h:i'\Yi.,i.,„,ij,.:if,Aii,,.i-i 

Fit.  •; 

M-  ■ 


•  I 


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•  *     ■ 

I  : 

OF    ENGLAND.  ^13 

John  Hind. — ^Query  if  this  is  the  same  as  mentioned 
Defore  ? 

William  Fines,  viscount  Say,  &c.    Harding, 

William  Fines,  &c.   Pcake  exc: 

Wm.  Fiennes,  viscount  Say  and  Seale.  Geremia 
tc.  In  "  Noble  Authors,''  by  Park;  1806. 

The  Lord  Say  was  an  eminent  parliamentary  leader  in  this  Created 
eigpi.  He  was  the  last  master  of  the  court  of  wards,  which  was  I/?^^', 
tbolished  by  the  parliament,  who  granted  him  10,000/.  and  a 
»sirt  of  the  £4H  of  Worcester's  estate^  as  a  compensation  for  the 
OSS  of  his  place.  He  was  one  of  the  chiefs  of  the  Independant 
^erty,  and  consequently  a  republican;  and  was  among  the  first 
hat  bore  arms  against  the  king.  This  high-spirited  lord,  who  had 
be  most  elevated,  or  what  some  would  call,  the  most  chimerical 
Lotions  of  civil  liberty,  upon  the  defeat  of  those  projects  in  which 
«  had  so  great  a  share,  retired  with  indignation  to  the  Isle  o^f 
«iindy,  on  the  coast  of  Devon,  a  place  which,  from  its  situation^ 
^'as  of  such  difficult  access,  that  his  own  servants  might  have  de- 
coded it  against  an  army.  He  continued  a  voluntary  prisoner  in 
Us  fastness  till  the  Protector's  death.*  But  he  was  preferred  to 
t^e  great  office  of  privy  seal  by  Charles  II.  according  to  the  pru- 
^nt  maxim,  of  that  prince,  to  /'caress  his  foes,  and  trust  his 
^ends.'*     Ob.  April  14,  1662. 

PHILIP,  lord   Herbert,   inscribed  "  Philippus, 

2omes  Pembrokiae,*' iEt.  18.   Tandy ck  p.  Lombartsc. 

•  sh. — The  original  picture  is  at  Wilton.  *' 

Philip,  lord  Herbert,  was  fourth  son  of  Philip,  earl  of  Pembroke, 
^:rd-chamberla]n  of  the  household,  by  Susan,  daughter  of  Edward, 
^1  of  Oxford.  He  succeeded  his  father  in  title  and  estate,  and 
'^us  himself  Succeeded  by  his  son  William*  His  marriages  and 
»ue  are  mentioned  in  the  "  Peerage." 

•  Echard,  p.  716. 


1  lY,  baron  of  Mowbray,  and  Maltravers,*  &c. 

Hollar  f.  a  small  oval .      The  Jirst  impression  is  with 
Thomas,  carl  0/  Arundel,  another  oval  in  the  sameplaie. 

Henry,  baron  of  Mowbray  and  Maltravers,  was  eldest  son  of 
Tboraas  Howard,  earl  of  Arundel,  aad  father  of  Henry,  duke  of 
Norfolk,  who  gave  the  Arundel  Marbles  to  the  university  of  Oi- 
ford.  The  earl,  at  hia  death,  divided  his  personal  estate  betwisl 
the  Lord  Maltravers,  and  hia  brother.  Sir  William  Howard,  vis- 
count Stafford.  This  was  the  first  division  of  hia  collection.  Oi, 

The  LORD  DIGBY,  in  armour;  in  Lard  Clarm- 
don's  "  Historif ;"  Bvo.  • 

LoitD  DiGBY.  P.  Stent  e.rc.  \2mo. 

George,  lord  Digrby,  eldest  son  of  tlie  Earl  of  Bristol,  was  a  raw 
or  great  parts,  courage,  and  enterprise.  But  his  understandiog 
frequently  misled  him ;  his  courage  was  attended  with  tlie  usual 
effects  of  cowardice;  and  his  enterprises  were  generally  unsuc- 
cessful. He  wrote  letters  to  Sir  Kenelm  Digby,  to  convert  him  W 
the  Protestant  religion ;  and  was  himself,  by  his  answers,  converteJ 
to  popery.  These  letters  are  in  print.  He  was  also  author  of  a 
comedy  called  "Elvira,"  and  translated  the  three  first  books  of 
"  Cassandra"  from  the  French.     See  the  Interregnum. 

THOMAS  BELASYSE.  viscount  Fauconbei^, 
bom  1577  ;  %cith  his  arms.  E.  Mascal  pin^v.  From  an 
original  at  Neichrough,  Yorkshire.  (Halfpenny)  fed!. 

SirTliomas  Belasyse  was,  in  consideration  of  his  great  meriU] 
advanced  by  King  Charles  I.  to  the  dignity  of  a  baron  of  tlie  reaioi 
25  May,  1627.  Faithfully  adhering  to  the  king,  in  the  time  ofliis 
unhappy  troubles,  he  was  created  viscount  Fauconberg,  of  Hen- 
knowle,  in  the  county  paladue  of  Durham,  by  letters  patent  bearing 

'  He  was  comiiioiily  called  llio  Loid  Mnllriivc.!. 

Henry  Baron  ASowbraj'   and 

H^^  -WHaTtoD  ,  lord  "VOiairton  > 

j-ainAi^d  jm  i.y  «s,ow^™  i:;-^  ii.L..  /*- 

OF   ENGLAND.  315 

;e  at  Oxford,  Jan.  31,  164>2-d.  His  lordship  having  a  friend* 
p  with  William  Cavendish,  marquis  of  Newcastle,  followed  the 
tunes  of  that  nobleman  in  the  siege  of  York,  which  held  out 
*ee  months  against  three  powerful  armies ;  and  on  the  loss  of 
3  day  at  the  battle  of  Marston  Moor,  July  2,  1644,  the  marquis 
ving  embarked  at  Scarborough,  for  Hamburgh,  Loi;d  Faucon- 
Tg  accompanied  him  in  his  foreign  adventures.  He  landed  with 
e  marquis,  safe  at  Hamburgh,  but  was  obliged  to  compound  for 
s  estate  with  the  sequestrators  at  5012/.  18«.  He  died  in  1652,, 
;ed  75,  and  was  buried  in  the  parish  church  of  Cockswold,  in 
ecounty  of  York. 



The  true  effigies  of  the  old  Lord  WHARTON; 

ght  English  verses  ;  blackcap;  sword;  trunk  breeches ; 

Philip  Wharton,  lord  Whartpiij  of  Wharton. 
^ollarf.  a  small  ovaL  :     -; 

Philip  WhartqNj  &c*  small <waL   WJ ^Richardson: 

There  is  an  original  of  him  at  Wreste,  by  Vandyck,  from  the 
barton  collection,  and  afterward  in  the  Houghton. 
Philip,  lord  Wharton,  engaged  in  the  senfee  of  the  parliament, 
^  all  the  political  zeal  for  which  his  family  has  been  remarkable. 
5  courage  like  that  of  the  duke,  his  grandson,  was  by  no  means 
^  most  shining  quality ;  as  he,  as  well  as  the  latter,  knew  much 
^T  how  to  exercise  his  tongue  than  his  sword.*  He  was  a 
l^nel  in  the  parliament  service  at  Edge-hill ;  where,  as  we  are  in- 
^ed  by  Walker,  he  hid  himself  in  a  saw-pit.t  He,  with  the 
^1  of  Rutland,  Sir  Henry  Vane  the  elder,  and  several  others, 
^  appointed  a  resident  commissioner  at  Edinburgh,  to  attend  the 

*  The  duke  be  drew  out  half  bis  sword, 

the  guard  drew  out  the  rest. 

The  Duke  of  Wharton  of  himself. 

t  "  Historj  of  Independeiicj,  part  I.  p.  84. 


parliament  of  Scotland ;  as  tbe  9cots  had  their  resident  coininifi|i;  j 
sioners  at  London,  to  attend  the  English  parliaments*    In  the 
reign^  he  was  imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  for  calling  in  questkn Mr- 
legality  of  the  Long  Parliament  of  Charles  XL 

LORD    NEWBURGH ;  from  a  drawing  in  ll 
King's  **  Clarendon''  R.  Cooper  st. 

Lord  Newburghi  who  married  the  Lady  Aubigney,  inhabited 
.lodge  in  Bagshot  Park,  at  the  time  Charles  I.  was  conveyed 
Hurst  Castle,  in  order  to  be  brought  to  trial  by  the  s^lf- 
high  court  of  justice*  When  a  plan  was  formed  by  this  n< 
and  his  lady  to  effect  the  escape  of  the  king  from  his  guaidsi 
scheme  was  frustrated  through  the  vigilance  of  General'Hi 
who  never  permitted  the  king  out  of  the  sight  of  himself,  and 
upwards  of  one  hundred  guards,  all  exceedingly  well  m( 
and  every  man,  officer,  and  soldier,  having  a  pistol  ready  in 
hand.  Lord  Newburgh  rode  some  miles  into  the  forest  in 
pany  with  the  king,  but  was  at  length  required  by  Harrison  to  le-^ 
turn  back  to  his  home.  After  the  death  of  his  majesty,  Lord  New- 
burgh and  his  lady  retired  to  the  Hague,  and  subsequently  Ui 
lordship  had  the  command  of  one  of  the  four  regiments  raised  a 
Flanders  for  the  service  of  Charles  XL  by  whom  he  was  held  ii 
great  favour  and  esteem. 

ROBERT,  lord  Brooke,  &c.  who  was  shot  at  Uck* 
field;  12mo. 

Robert,  lord  Brooke;  in  Clarendon's  ^^  Histor}i^\ 
Svo.  ! 

Robert  Grevile,  lord  Brooke.    Geremia  sc.  h 

''Noble  Authors^  by  Mr.  Park;  1806* 

Robert,  lord  Brooke,  &c.  on  horseback;  ten  Engluk 
verses;  his  arms  suspended  under  an  arch,  4to.  very  rare. 

•  May's  "  Breviary  of  the  Hist,  of  the  Parliament,'*  p.  98. 

OF  ENGLAND.  317 

Robert  Grevile,  lord  Brooke.  W.Frysc.  From 
he  original  in  the  collection  of  the  Right  Honourable 
'he  Earl  of  Warwick^  in  Mr.  Lodge's  "  Portraits  of 
Illustrious  Persons.'' 

Robert,  lord  Brooke  ;  in  Ricraffs  "  Survey. 


There  is  a  portrait  of  him  at  Warwick  Castle,  in  a  breast^pjate, 
^nder  which  is  seen  his  bufFcoat. 

Lord  Brooke  was  one  of  those  patriots  who  so  ardently  longed  Create 
liberty,  that  he  was  determined  to  seek  it  in  America,  if  he  iggo. 

aid  not  find  it  at  home.     He,  and  Lord  Say,  had  actually  agreed 

transport  themselves  to  New  England ;  but  the  sudden  turn  of 
irs  prevented  their  voyage.     Having  reduced  Warwickshire  tb 
obedience  of  the  parliament,  he  advanced  into  Staffordshire. 
3Dii  the  festival  of  St.  Chad,  to  whom  the  cathedral  of  Lichfield  is 
'dedicated,  he  ordered  his  men  to  storm  the  adjoining  close,  whither 
tiord  Chesterfield  had  retired  with  a  body  of  the  king*8  forces. 
Bat  before  his  orders  could  be  put  in  execution,  he  received  a 
^ftvAVet  shot  in  the  eye,  by  the  hand  of  a  common  soldier,  of 
idiich  he   instantly  died.     It  was  the   opinion   of  some   of  th6 
royalists,  and  especially  of  the  Roman  Catholics,  that  the  bullet 
vas  directed  by  St.  Chad.     It  is  observable,  that  the  same  man 
Who  was  by  one  party  looked  upon  as  a  monument  of  divine  ven- 
geance,* was  by  the  other  reverenced  as  a  saint.     Baxter  has 
placed  him  in  heaven,  together  with  White,  Pym,  and  Hamden.f 
Ob.  1643. 

.    WILLIAM,    lord  Craven,   baron  of  Hamstead  create 

12  Ml 

Marshall,  &c*  whole  length.   Stent;  h.  sh.  tc^e. 

^'The  tight  honourable,  magnanimous,  and  un- 
daunted, William,  lord  Craven,''  &c.  in  armour ;  on 
Iwrieback  ;  h.  sh^ 

*  See  SoaUi!k  •^Sermont,''  1.  270. 

t  '*  SaiBf  s  BvMbtltiif^  Rest,"  p.  8f ,  a^  edit.  1649. 

VOL.  II.  2  T 


*  LaBtai*s  b(%bt  gea,  Vm  itmme*  hsHvr,  sad 
A  guMK  MMrttf  «f  tlic  Wed«i—d : 
BoKB^  aad  valaw  Make  iky  fime  Aine  dear. 
By  Nmmb  snod,  to  Swe^faafB  k^  Bort  dcM ; 
Who,  wIkb  «■  CraiMcfce  wds,  he'ndentsod 
ThcevoMideJ,  cane  to  kniglit  Am  intfay  fakwd: 
To  wbou  wben  folded  ia  bis  um  be  s^d, 
RiK  bisrect  spirit  thai  e'er  thy  dxj  bied." 

Willi  AH,  lord  Craven ;  a  apy  of  the  above.  Stai; 

WUliaB,  lord  Cnroi,  aon  of  Sir  Wiffian  CraTen,  lord  nujoc  tS 
toaioa,  gamed  a.  great  repMatioa  *s  3  soldier  under  Eeeij, 
prince  of  Orange,  sod  Gottarns  Adol{Jiiu,  kisg  of  Sweden.  He 
look  tbe  ilroitg  foftreu  of  Crutaeoack,  in  Gennany,  bv  storm, 
which  b  one  of  the  most  extraordinary  actions  recorded  ia  the 
luctory  of  the  ^eat  Guatavus.  Duriog  the  rebellion,  and  tl 
teiregnum,  be  was  in  the  teirice  of  the  states  of  Holland,  vhence 
be  ceni  considerable  supplies  to  Charles  !.  and  II.  He  built  the 
bouse  at  Hampstead  Marshall,  that  was  burol  dovra,  after  a  plan 
of  Sir  Balthazar  Gerbier-     See  the  next  reign. 

EDWARD,  lord  Herbert,  of  Cherbury ;  Khole 
length  ;  in  armour ;  lying  oil  the  ground.  Is.  Oliver  p. 
A.  Walker  sc.    Frontisp.  to  his  Lif<.: 

Edward,  lord  Herbert.     Hollar  f.  a  small  oval. 

Lord  Herbert,  ofCherbury ;  in  "  Noble  Authors^ 
by  Parke  ;from  the  originalat  Charlvott,  Wancickshirc. 

Edward,  lord  Herbert;  small  oval.  W.  Richardson. 

Edward,  lord  Herbert,  &c.  (?;  Kentzners  "  Tra- 
vels;" 8vo.  1797. 

Lord  Herbert,  of  Cherbury  ;  engraved  bi/ SilvesUr 

.  0:E  EN:GLAND.  319 

irdingyfrom  an  original  picture^  by  ^Larking,  in  the 
lection  of  the  Rev.  Mr.  Luci/,  Chdrlcotti  Warvbick- 

iiOxdi  Herbert  stands  in  the  first  rank  of  the  public . ministigrs,  Created 
torians,  and  philosophers,  of  his  •  age.  „  It  is  .hard  to  say  whether 
person,  his  understanding,  or  his  cbiirage,  was^  thd  most  extra- 
inary;  as  the  fair,  the  learned,  and  the  brave,^  held  him  in  eqdal 
niration.  ^  But  the  same  man  was  wise  and  cajpricious ;  redressed 
>ngs,  and  quarrelled  for  punctilios ;"  hated  bigotry  in  religion,  > 
i  was  himself  a  bigot  to  philosophy.  He  exposed  himself  to 
;h  dangers,  as  other  men  of  courage  would  have  carefully  de- 
led;  and  called  in  question  the  -  fundamentals  of  a  religion 
ich  none  had  the  hardiness  to  dispute  besides  himself.  Siee 
iss  IX. 

LORD  CAPEL.  Vertue  sc.  One  yf  the  set  of 
iyalists.     At  the  Earl  of  Esse^v's  at  Cashiobury. 

•  •  • 

Arthur,  lord  Capel ;  a  small  oval. 

Arthur,  lord  Capel;  in  Clarendon's  '^  History;' 

Arthur,  lord  Capel ;  in  Park's  ^'  Noble  Authors.'' 

Arthur,  lord  Capel.  C  Picart  sc.  1816 ;  from 
Q  original  by  Cornelius  Jansen^  in  the  collection  of  the 
ight  Honourable  the  Earl  of  Essex ^  in  Lodge's  ''ItluS' 
ious  Portraits." 

Lord  Capel  possessed  almost  every  virtue  and  accomplishment  ^J^^^^ 
It  could  endear  him  to  his  friends  in  private^  or  gain  him  honour 
d  respect  in  public  life.  *  He,  at  his  own  expense,  raised  several 
•ops  of  horse  for  the  king,  which  he  commanded  in  person.  He 
fended  Colchester  with  invincible  resolution ;  but  when  the  gar- 
on  was  forced  to  surrender,  he  yielded  himself  a  prisoner,  and 
LS  executed  in  violation  of  a  promise  of  quarter  given  him  by  the 
ticral.    He  behaved  upon  the. scaflfold  with , all  the  dignity  of 


coDsciaus  virtue,  and  met  deatli  with  the  same  intrepidity  with 
which  he  had  been  accustomed  to  face  the  enemy.  Beheaded  the 
9th  of  March,  1648-9. 

THOMAS  ARUNDELL,  second  lord  AnindeU 
of  Wardour,  and  count  of  the  sacred  Roman  empire, 
died  at  Oxford  1643,  in  consequence  of  the  wounds 
he  received  at  the  battle  of  Lansdowne;  engraved  kf 
R.  Cooper,  from  a  miniature  in  the  possession  of  iht 
Right  Himoiirabie  Lord  Arundel/.  Private  plate. 

Tlioraas.  second  lordArundcll,  of  Wardour,  succeeded  his  father, 
the  first  lord,  in  1639,  and  attaching  himself  to  the  royal  cauae, 
raised  at  his  own  expense,  a  regiment  of  horse  for  the  service  of 
King  Charles  I.  Being  in  the  battle  of  Lansdowne,  fighting  for 
the  king,  he  was  sliot  In  the  thigh  by  a  brace  of  pistol  bullets,  find 
died  of  his  wounds  in  his  majesty's  garrison  at  Oxford,  the  IQthof 
May,  1643,  iu  the  59th  year  of  his  age,  and  was  buried  with  great 
funeral  pomp  at  Tisbury.  During  the  civd  wars,  this  nobleman 
spent  best  part  of  his  fortune  in  support  of  the  crown ;  and  h\i 
lady.  Blanch,  fifth  daughter  of  Edward  Somerset,  earl  of  Wor- 
cester, during  the  absence  of  her  husband,  bravely  defended  War- 
dour,  wilh  a  courage  above  !ier  sex,  for  nine  days,  with  a  few  Men 
against  tUe  parliament's  forces,  under  the  command  of  Sir  Edward 
Hungerford.  and  Lieut.  Col.  Ludlow,  and  then  delivered  it  upon 
honourable  terms,  which  they  broke ;  but  were  soon  dislodged  bj 
the  resolution  of  this  Lard  Arundell,  who,  at  his  return,  ordered  a 
mine  to  be  sprung  under  his  own  castle,  and  thus  sacrificed  thai 
noble  structure  to  his  loyalty.  At  Wardour  Castle  are  slil!  pre- 
served ses'cral  cannon-balls,  of  seven  and  nine  pounds  each,  wfiicli 
were  discharged  against  the  castle  when  attempted  to  be  taken  by 


SIR  ROBERT  KERR,  earl  of  Ancram.  Jioc^uel 
sc.  In  "  Noble  Authors,"  hy  Mr.  Park  ;  1806. 

SiK  RoTiLRT  Kehr,  &c.    Hardiiis- 

OF  ENGLAND.  I  321 

Sir  Robert  KkBR/fce.  Roberts  sc.  In  Pinkerimfs 
Scottish  Galleryr 

Sir  Robert  Kerr  descended  firom  Sir  Andrew  Kerr,  of  Ferryhersty 
Roxburghshire,  was  long  in  the  service  of  King  James  the  First, 
1  his  son  Prince  Henry,  and  was  gentleman  of  the,  bed-chiEmiber 
Charles  the  First  when  prince ;  and  being  a  persoti  of  gr^t 
te  and  accomplishment,  was  raised  to  the  honour  of  e&r!  bf 
icMon,  1633,  and  was  a  faithful  adherent  to  Charles  during  hid 
idbliBS.  On  the  death  of  the  king  he  was  under  the  nece^ity^ 
retiring  into  Holland,  where  he  indulged  his  taste  for  pdintiiig; 
collecting  pictures  which  he  brought  to  England.  He  is  said  to 
ra  died  before  the  revolution,  at  an  advanced  age. 

.  .  .  ' 

JAMES  ERSKINE,  sixth  earl  of  Buchan.  R. 
mkinson  exc.  Sw, 

James  Erskine,  the  sixth  earl  of  Buchan,  was  one  of  the  lords  of 
3  bed-chamber  to  King  Charles  the  First,  and  resided  chiefly  in 
fgland.  He  died  at  London,  in  1640,  and  was  buried  at  Auchter- 

HENRY,  lord  Carye,  viscount  Falkland,  comp- 
oUer  of  his  majesty's  household,  &c.  Joan,  Barrasc. 
0.  very  rare. 

This  peer,  and  the  Marquis  of  Clanricarde,  in  the  next  division^ 
ly  be  placed  in  the  second  class,  as  lord- deputies  of  Ireland. 

Henry  Gary,  lord  Falkland ;  in  *•  Noble  Authors^^ 
f  Mr.  Park;  from  the  original  picture  at  Strawberry* 


'.  .    ■  ■• 

Henry  Gary,  lord  Falkland.  Harding. 
Henry  Gary,  lord  Falkland.  Thane, 

Henry  Cary,  viscount  Falkland,  who  desc.ewded  from  the  Carys 
Cockington,  in  Devonshire,  was  son  of  Sir  Edward  Cary,  of 



•  I 

"  1 


\* . ' 

9      , 



On  the  10th  of  February-,  1663,  he  obtained  a  charter  of  the 
lortbbip  of  Cardross  to  himself  and  tbe  heii-s-male  of  bis  bodf. 
He  married  first,  in  16*5,  Anoe,  fifth  daughter  of  Sir  Thomw 
Hope,  of  Craighall,  bart.  king's  advocate,  aad  had  by  her  two 
children,  Henry,  third  lord  Caidross,who  3^lcceeded  bim  in  the 
title,  and  Margaret  Erskine,  married  to  William  CuDningham,  of 
Boquhan,  in  Stirlingshire. 

Lord  Cardross"  second  marriage,  in  1665,  was  with  Maiy, 
youngest  daughter  of  Sir  George  Bruce,  of  Carnock,  aieter  of 
Edward  and  Alexander,  earls  of  Kincardine,  and  by  her  he  bad 
seren  children.    Lord  Cardross  died  in  1671. 

He  is  said  to  have  preached  at  the  Tron,  in  Edinburgh,  whilt 
Cromwell  was  liolding  forth  in  St,  Giles's  churchyard ;  and  tt  ii 
reported,  tliat  a  circumstance  in  bis  life  gave  origin  to  tbe  atoryof 
Erskine  and  Freeport. 

ARCHIBALD  NAPIER,  lord  Napier  of  Merchis- 
too;  preJUcd  to  the  "  Bloody  Almanack,''  1643. 

Archibald  Napier,  son  of  tbe  famous  mathematician,  by  bis  &it 
wife,  was  made  one  of  King  James's  privy  council,  lord-treamro 
depute,  aa  also  juslice-cltrk.  He  WdS  firm  in  bis  aitacbment to 
Charles  I.  and  was  iniide  a  lord  of  partiunient  by  the  title  of  Lord 
Napier,  1627.  He  married  Margaret,  the  sister  of  the  Maniuisof 
Montrose,  whom  he  accompanied  to  the  battle  of  Philiphaugli 
Ob.  1645. 

JOHN  STEWART,  enil  of  Traquair,  treasurer  of 
Scotland  ;  J)-oni  an  orig'uuil,  picture  at  Ti-aquair;  Sta 

John  Stewart,  of  Traquair,  in  Peebleshirc,  was  tbe  only  aorsnd 
beir  of  John  Stewart,  of  Caverston,  in  the  same  shire,  and  was  bom 
in  1599.  He  was  liberally  educated ;  and,  when  a  young  msui 
represented  tbe  county  of  Tweedate,  in  the  parliament  of  19  James!' 
A.  D,  1621 ;  where  he  soon  displayed  entraordinary  talents,  for 
which  he  was  knighted  by  King  James,  and  called  to  his  privy 

Upon  tbe  accession  of  diaries  I,  Sir  John  was  made  tfMin* 

OF  ENGLAND.  325 

lepate^  and  one  of  his  privy  council ;  aiid,  being  a  great  favourite 
vith  this  monarch,  was  raised  to  the  peerage  of  Scotland,  by  the. 
Me  of  lord  Stewart,  of  Traquair,  lord  Linton,  and  Caverston; 
ind  22d  June,  1633,  was  created  earl  of  Traquair,  by  patent  of  this 
late,  to  him  and  his  heirs-male  for  ever. 

In  the  parliament  17  Charles  I.  this  nobleman  was  impeached  of. 
zeason,  of  which  he  was  found  guilty ;  but  his  punishment  was  re-. 
ianred  to  the  king ;  who,  satisfied  that  his  only  crime  was  a  steady. 
adherence  to  his  majesty's  interest,  ordered  him  a  pardon  under  the 
pieat  seal ;  wherein  was  recorded  an  ample  testimony  of  his  consum- 
■|ate*abihties,  and  singular  integrity  in  the  discharge  of  his  duty. 

The  Earl  of  TraquaiV  underwent  many  vicissitudes  of  fortune,  in 
W8  several  public  transactions.  After  the  parliament  had  passed 
sentence  upon  him,  his  estate  was  §equestrated,  and  himself  banished 
IMS  native  country.  North  Britain :  he  went  directly  to  the  king  in 
England,  by  whom  he  was  most  graciously  received;  and  he  was 
;^nstantly  trusted  and  employed  by  his  majesty  ever  after. 

In  the  year  1647,  the  earl  was  permitted  to  come  to  the  parlia- 
ment of  Scotland,  where  he  used  all  his  interest  to  raise  an  army 
Ror  the  relief  of  the  king,  who  was  then  a  prisoner  in  the  Isle  of 
fi^ght:  he  levied  a  regiment  of  horse  at  his  own  expense;  and, 
■9ith  his  son.  Lord  Linton,  marched  into  England,  and  fought  at 
Heir  head  in  the  battle  of  Preston,  Anno  1648,  where  they  were 
both  taken  prisoners.  The  aged  earl  was,  by  order  of  the  English 
parliament,  confined  in  Warwick  Castle  for  four  years  ;  at  the  expi- 
Kltion  of  which  period,  being  deprived  of  all  his  possessions,  he 
cmded  his  days  in  extreme  misery.  Burnet  informs  us,  he  suffered 
such  a  reverse  of  fortune,  that  he  himself  saw  him  so  reduced  as  to 
^rant  bread,  and  lie  under  the  sad  necessity  of  becoming  a  common 
beggar  in  the  public  streets  of  Edinburgh ;  in  which  city  he  had* 
Cninerly  lived  in  affluent  splendour.  He  died,  actually  of  hunger^ 
in  tl^e  year  1659,  aged  sixty. 


DU  BURGH,  marquis  of  Clanricarde ;  8vo.  en^ 
^ave^for  Smollett" s  **  History.'' 

Du  Burgh,  marquis  of  Clanricai!de  ;  small  whole 
length.   Harding. 

VOL.  \l.  2  u 


Ulick  DuB«rgh,'BiM<lius»fClMricarde,a»deariofSi.Albeii'J, 
dt^ceoAed  ftom  ui  ancient  famHj  of  Engtuii  race.  His  feiher  w» 
llMgic«t£art  of  Cianticaide.  and  ha  mother  dangblM  of  Sir  Tttnca 
WakinghuD,  aad  tuoceuivel?  the  widow  of  Sir  PUlip  Sidw?,  ud 
Robert  De»eicu«,  eaH  cf  Eatex.  He  was  not  a  man  of  shinHig 
■MHies,  but  of  great  hnmaDitv,  ooiirte«3r,  and  generoBty,  mt^ 
aOaeWd  to  hit  friends,  a  tmc  lover  of  his  country,  and  abow  u 
•ordid  views,  or  raolives  of  private  interest.  He  adhered  lo  tta 
CTVwn  from  principle,  and  had  a  particular  affection  for  the  ting'i 
pcr*on.  He,  for  some  years,  aUended  the  court,  where  he  ax- 
traded  many  friendships ;  and,  indeed,  few  cowrtiets  have  bos 
more  generally  esteemed.  The  great  part  which  he  acted  form 
king  in  Ireland,  in  the  civil  war,  is  well  known.  He  appeals  W 
ha»e  been  justly  censured  for  the  precipitate  peace  which  he  nwot 
with  the  rebela,  to  whom  he  yielded  too  large  concessions.  Hemt 
the  oiiihor  of  "  Memoirs  relative  to  the  Irish  Rebelbon."  whid 
were  printed  in  octavo,  IT'22,  and  republished  in  folio,  witli  lb> 
addition  of  many  lettere,  in  1757.  Judge  Lindsay  ha*  given  m 
masterly  contrast  of  him,  with  that  of  the  Duke  of  Ormond,  bdbn 
this  book.  Ag  the  period  of  tinie  in  which  it  was  written  abounded 
with  great  events,  in  some  of  which  the  marquis  had  a  deep  aliaiti 
diere  are  anecdotes  in  it  which  are  interesting  and  cuiioas.  Ok  I6J7. 

The  Irue  portraiture  of  the  Earl  of  CASTLE- 
HAVEN ;  fl  wood-cut;  underiiealh  are  the  nama  of 
ttDenti/six  peers  mho  tried  him.  It  is  prefixed  to  a  qiuffH 
pamphlet,  entitled  "  The  Arraignment  and  Convictmoj 
JHervin,  lord  Audley,  earl  of  Castlehaven,  who  was,  iy 

tvxiiiysij.'  persQfis,  found  guilty  of  a  rape  and  s ,  i^ 

Westminster,  April  25,    1631."     Lojidon  printed  fir 
Tho.  Thomas,  1642. 

Mervin,  earl  of  Castlehaven  ;  small  quarto.  ^■ 

This  man,  who  was  the  son  of  George  Touchet,  earl  of  Castle- 
haven, by  Lucy,  daughter  of  Sir  James  Mcrvin,  of  Founthill,  inlhs 

i    \Jnry  /i.a€    J^e't/l^i/i/te 


Ob,'  1643.      y?t-77- 
he  Original  Picinre     ai    C\-va.tSNSCTc"i^ 
d^ee'l/SpJfyWMic/uirdson.  YcrkHcu^til  Strand 

|RD  BOVLE  riRST   lAUT.     t    TOKK 

ob,'  164.1,      ^t-77- 
1  ilic  Original  Picture     a\    C^xaXsvtcrcS^ 

Wj/ud^a'Z/ffeJ^yWfitc/uirchcn.  YcikffouicSl  Strand 


OF  ENGLAND.  327 

Toniitj  of  WiltA»  Was  condemned  atid  ^xeouted  on  (he  giillows,  for 
waisting  in  a  rape' on  the  body  of  his  wife>^  and  for  sodomy ;  crimes 
^lich  were  attended  with  particular  (^rcmnstances  of  atrocity  and  • 
^orror.  As  long  as  rape  and  sodomy  ^re  detestable^  so  long  shall 
lis  name  be  remembered  with  execration.  ]He,  in  strict  propriety, 
dould  precede  Bradsbaw  at  .the  head  of  the  twelfth  cla9s  i  but  is 
aUced  here  as  a  disgrace  to  the  peerage,  and  to  human  nature. 

•   ■     ■     ■  .        ■  .  • 

,  RICHARD  BOYLE,  first  earl  of  Cork,  lord  high- 
treasurer  of  Ireland,  &e.  &c,  from  ike  original  at^ 
Ckatjsworth.   W.  Richardson. 

Richard  Boyle,  son  of  Mr.  Roger  Boyle  of  Herefordshire,  was 
bom  in  the  city  of  Canterbury,  October  3d,  1566;  and  being  the 
Mooft4  son  of  a  younger  brother,  had  no  resources  but  his  industry. 
Zbe  first  rise  of  his  fortune  was  by  the  marriage  of  Mrs.  Joan  Apsley^ 
^e  of  the  daughters  of  William  Apsley,  of  Limerick,  esq.  with  a 
Rofftune  of  500/.  per  annum  in  land.  He  was  a  great  favourite  with 
Queen  Elizabeth,  and  King  James,  by  whom  he  was  made  priyy- 
QouDsellor  for  the  provinces  of  Munster ;  was  created  lord  Boyle, 
^|i  1616;  and  in  1620,  viscount  of  Dungarven,  and  earl  of  Cork. 
Kn  1691  he  was  constituted  lord  high-treasurer  of  Ireland.  Upon 
tte-rebellion  in  1641,  he  immediately  fortified  his  castle  of  Lismore, 
i|^  raised  two  troops  of  horse  ^om  his  English  tenants,  composing 
Krfaody  of  500  men,  which  he  put  under  the  command  of  his  sons, 
liie  Lords  Kynalmeaky  and  Broghill,  muntaining  them  -and  four 
(ttndred  foot  for  some  months  at  his  own  charge^  He  was  ap- 
|lomted  by  the  government  to  preserve  Youghall  from  the  enemy, 
Hrith  an  assignment  of  one  thousand  foot  and  sixty  horse,  to  whom 
iiii  gave  constant  pay. — In  a  letter  to  George,  lord  Goring,  he  says, 
Uf  Av  weak  and  infbrm  as  I  am,  I  am  commanded  hither,  and  God 
■rilling,.  I  will  prove  so  good  a  constable  to  the  king  my  master,. as, 
I  will  die  in  the  defence  thereof;,  although  1  have  no  great  hope  to 
defend  it,  yet  we  will  bestow  ourselves  as  Epglishmen.*'  He  was 
ly  liis  loyalty  very  much  reduced. — In  a  letter  to  the  Earl  of  War- 
wifAf  he  says,  ^  before  this  rebellion,  my  revenue,  besides  my 
looses,  demesnes,.parks,  and  other  royaltiesi  did  yield,  me  50/.  a 

*  Thit  lady  was  daughter  of  Benedict  Bamham,  alderman  of  Londog,  and  xlster 
>  Alice,  viscountess  St.  Alban's,  wife  of  our  great  philosopher. 


do  vow  onto  your  lordship,  that  I  have  not  iiow% 

™>e  a  week." — He  wa*  forced  at  last  to  sell  his  plate  to  ptjie 

en,  and  t%j%,  in  another  letter,  '-  1  have,  with  a  fre«  bear^ 

liberal  haiMl,  spent  all  that  1  have,  and  am  able  to  do  no  am. 

fTtieve  not  at  my  own  losses  or  waots,  but  to  see  those  seuwd 

■tad  well  ditciplined  companies,  to  be  witboat  clothes  or  pay,  afflicli 

ne  to  the  sotd."     He  performed  innomerable  acta  of  cbati 

a»  public  services.     Ot.  1643,  £t.  77. 

)BERT,  first  baron  'Spencer;  from  the  or^isd 
the  collection  of  Earl  S     \cer,  at  Allhorp.   W.  Scri- 
ven  sc.  3vo. 

Sir  Robert  Spencer  was  sheriff  of  Northamplonshire,  in  ibe  43d 
year  of  Queen  Elizabeth ;  before  which  time  he  had  received  lie 
honour  of  knighthood  ;  and  when  king  James  ascended  the  thftM, 
was  reputed  to  have  by  him  the  most  money  of  any  persoo  ialbe 
kingdom;  which  together  with  his  great  estate,  noble  descent, ml 
many  excellent  accomplishments,  rendered  him  so  conspicuous, 
be  was  promoted  by  that  prince,  before  his  coranation,  byieM 
patent  bearing  date  July  21 ,  to  the  dignity  of  a  baron  of  the 
by  the  title  of  Lord  Spencer,  of  Wormleigbton. 

The  chnractcr  of  this  peer  is  handed  down  to  us,  by  hisloriiB 
of  unquestionable  veracity,  as  almost  destitute  of  a  blemish.  Hii 
habits  were  those  of  a  retired  man,  yet  abroad,  and  in  (he  sepale, 
when  occnsion  offered,  he  knew  how  to  assume  what  was  due  to  lit 
dignity  of  his  station.  "  Like  the  old  Roman  dictator  from  tii 
farm(savs  Arthur  Wilson*),  he  made  the  countrey  a  vertuous coon, 
where  his  fields  and  flocks  brought  him  more  calm  and  happy  ow- 
fentmcnt,  than  the  vanou<;  and  mutable  dispensations  of  a  cviit 
can  contribute  ;  and  when  he  was  called  to  the  senate  was  mh 
vigilant  to  keep  the  people's  liberties  from  being  a  prey  to  theii' 
CToaching  power  of  monarchy,  than  his  harmless  and  tendei  1^ 
from  foxes  and  ravenous  creatures." 

Lord  Spencer  had  hardly  been  raised  to  the  peerage  two  yew, 
when  he  was  chosen  by  his  sovereign  (James  I.)  to  be  amhassidm 
to  Frederick,  duke  of  Wirtemberg,  to  invest  him  with  the  order  rf 
the  Garter.  He  took  with  him  Sir  Gilbert  Dethick,  knight  gsfttt 
principal  king  of  arms ;  and  having  effected  tlie  object  of  his  wi- 

•  Lifcuf  Janieji.  p.  162, 

OF  ENGLAND.  329 

ii»  on-^his  return  was  received  by  the  king  with  particular  mftrks 
iistinction  for  his  noble  carriage  and  behaviour  in  his  embassy. 
Hie  remainder  of  the  life  of  this  nobleman,  was  devoted  to  his 
Atorial  duties  and  rural  occupations.  .  He  was  a  great  defender 
l^e  ri^ts  of  the  people  against  the  encroachments  of  the  kingly 
HTDgative ;  and  was  once  reprimanded  by  his  royal  patron,  as  being 
^e  chief  promoter*'  of  a  petition  respecting  the  injury  arising'from 
rtain  titles  and  dignities  of  Scotland  and  Ireland.  From  the  year 
24,  to  the  time  of  his  death,  *Vhe  was  in  most  committees  on 
blic  affairs,  a  constant  promoter  and  maintainer  of  the  manufac- 
ies,  trades,  and  liberties  of  the  realm;  an  opposerof  all  arbitrary 
mts,  monopolies,  or  other  indirect  practices :  and  finally,  was 
isoned  with  a  just  tincture  of  all  private  and  public  virtues/'  He 
id  in  1627,  having  been  a  widower  thirty  years.  His  wife.  Mar- 
ret,  was  daughter  and  coheir  of  Sir  Francis  Willoughby  of  Wol- 
on,  in  Nottinghamshire,  by  whom  he  had  four  sons  and  three 
ughters.  She  died  in  childbed  in  1597.  Such  a  length  c/f 
lowhood  has  been  justly  attributed  to  his  intense  affection  and 
ipect,  for  the  memory  of  his  deceased  lady.  He  was  buried  in 
VBLt  splendour  with  his  ancestors  and  lady,  at  Brinton,  in  North- 
iptonshire,  under  a  noble  monument  erected  in  memory  of  his 
indfather ;  the  figures  of  himself  and  lady  kneeling  under  an  arch 
;lily  adorned,  supported  by  four  pillars  of  the  Corinthian  order; 
in  armour,  with  a  helmet  on  his  head;  she  in  the  dress  of  the 
leSy  veiled  to  the  knees. 

WILLIAM  VILLIERS,  viscount  Grandison, 
ther  of  the  late  (first)  dutchess  of  Cleveland. 
zndyck  p.  P.  a  Gunst  sc.  Ejp  museo  dtccis  de  Graf- 
z;  whole  length;  large  h.  sh.  This  belongs  to  a  set 
ten  whole  lengths,  by  Van  Gunst. 

William  Villiers,  viscount  Grandison.  Pastorini 
,  In  "  Noble  Authors,''  by  Mr.  Park. 

William  Villiers,  viscount  Grandison.  C.  Picart 
1815  ;from  the  original  of  Vandyke,  in  the  collection 
the  Right  Honourable  the  Earl  of  Clarendonyin  Mr. 
edge's  *^  Illustrious  Port7'aits" 



workt^  and BurUm.holds  Us' head;  doggerel  verses.  Tk 
print  is  extremely  scarce  and  curious.  ^ 

Archbishop  Laud  ;  a  small  portrmt,  engi^avei 
W.Marshall.    Underneath  are  several  ver^s,  in 
he  is  said  to  have  been  thunder-struck.  He  is 
reeHhg.    This  was  published  soon  after  science  ofi 
was  past  upon  him. 

WiLHELMUS  Laudus,  &c.  wUh  a  representaSoL 
and  printed  account  of  his  execution^  in  JEBgh  Th0^ 
large  | 

William  Laud,  &c.  V.  Werff;  B.Audransc.h 

William  Laud,  &c.  W.  Hollar  ;  snuUl  oval. 

William  Laud,  &c.  V.  Dycki  Watson,  1779j 
mezz.  in  the  Houghton  Collection.  , 

William  Laud,  &c.  in  an  oval.   Vertue;  4to.  '^ 

William  Laud,  &c.  in  the  left  compartment  offk 
"  Oaford  Almanack^'  1733—1748. 

Laud,  Prynne,  Bastwick,  and  Burton,  stan£$^ 
the  archbishop  firing  a  cannon.  Hollar;  rare.  \ 

William  Laud,  &c.  C.  Picart  sc.  1815  ;  frmik 
original  of  Van  Dyke,  in  the  collection  of  his  Grace  (I 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury  ;  in  Mr.  Lodgers  "  lUufim^ 


Tr.  froiD.  Archbtsbop  Laud,  wbo,  witb  bis  failings,  had  great  merit,  w>ij 
19  ju*  L  ^^®"*  advocate  for  tbe  regal  and  ecclesiastical  power.  His  indMj 
1633«       v&B  great,  his  learning  extensive,  and  bis  piety  not  only  sincef^^ 

J  OF  EJJGJLA.ND.  '  383 

»ntw .. ARbis  yirtues  partook  pf  the  w^Mfnltb.i?^  hi9  !t0ttijpet»;^eh. 
sired  isitQ  his  religion,  {mdsooietimes'oirriodhiBi  io.tpgMrgr' 
n6t  otnly  rigorously  exacted  every  cer<^Qiiy  Which^h^d  foKmoiIy 
n  in  qs6;  bift  he.w&s.abo  for  mlroducing  j(ie^¥Aia»^^ikilj^» 
f  unseasonable  for  i  nnoy ations.*  His  book  .i^ikfilt  ']^Qh#r  like 
tut,  is  justly  esteemed  a  masterpiece  of  controversial  divinity* 
leaded  the  lOth  of  January,  1644-5. 

JOHN  WILLIAMS,  some  time  lord-keeper  pf  ti^e 
iat  seal  of  England ;  lord  bishop  of  Lincoln,  and 
d  archbishop  of  York.  R.  White  sc.  BefbH  his 
fe  hy  Hacket^fol.     A  copy  in  %vo.  by  Vanderg&cW.^ 

Archbishop  Williams,  lord-keeper.  Houbraken  sc. 
12 ;  Illust.  Head. 

dirchbishop  Williams,  in  his  episcopal  Jiebii^  he 
I  a  helmet  on  his  head  instead  of  a  mitre^  tohidh  is  at 
te  distance  on  the  ground  ;  a  musket  on  hi^  shcktldtr, 
ty  and  bandoleers ;  R.  Si  ea:c.  Anistelodami;  whole 
gth,  extremely  rare.  This  alludes  to  his  assisting^ 
person^  as  colonel  of  the  rebel  army,  to  retake  Conway 
istle,  in  Wales y  his  own  property >,  which  he,  aided  by  the 
hops  of  Chester,  St.  Asaph  ^  and  Bangor ,  hud fortified 
ainst  the  parliament ;  but  it  was  not  long  afterward 
zed  by  some  of  the  king's  party. ^f 

n  this  reign,  the  lord-keeper  Williams  fell  under  the  displeasure  Tr.  from 

lie  Duke  of  Buckingham,  and  was  suspended  from  all  his  offices  ^'"*^°^°' 

I  dignities.     But  upon  the  meeting  of  the  Long  Parliament,  in  ig^i. 
10,  he  was  restored.    His  unseasonable  protestation  against  the 

If  alkmldbe  rem^rabered,  that  FikUer,  in  bis  "  Appeid  of  injured  Inilooenc*,'' 
in.  p.  8«  says,  that  "  the  articles  of  his  visitation  were  observed  to  be  as  mode* 
M  any  bishop's  in  England." 

SmXIv^Jt's  f*Hlld|brfis;'ii,^p^364;~^65»  notes}  and  'fBii^.  Britaa;"  p.  4290. 
..  XI.  2  X  . 

OF   ENGLAND.:  »  335 

Aer  against  popery.  He  appears  to  have  entered  the  lists 
Qst  .BdlarBome.and  his  friends,  with  determmed  resohition, 
uing,  '*  That  he'd  loosen  the  pope  from  his  choif,  though  he 
L  fastened  thereto  with  a  tenpenny  nail."*  King- James  com- 
ded  his  polemical  discourses,  which  are  the  most  considerable 
is  works,  to  be  printed.     06.  6  Feb.  1631,  ^L  75. 

THOMAS  MORTON,  episcopus  Dunelmensis, 
.  4tOi  Before  his  "  Life,''  by  Dr.  J.  Barwick.  There 
ilso  a  wood-cut  of  him. 

lis  portrait  is  at  Christ  Church,  in  Oxford,  and  in  the  library 
It.  John's  College,  in  Cambridge,  where  he  was  educated, 
homas  MortOQ  descended  from  the  same  family  with  Cardinal  Comec. 
ton,   archbishop  of  Canterbury,  and  lord-chancellor,   in  the  n?°?°^ 
Q  of  Henry  VII.     He  was  forty  years  a  bishop  ;t  and  during  i6i6. 
long  period,  there  was  not  his  superior  in  the  church,  for  tern-  Tf'/"*™ , 
ince,  industry,  and  piety.     He  constantly  rose  at  four  o'clock  cov. 
he- morning  to  his  studies,  when  he  was  eighty  years  of  age;  ^  July, 
illy  lay  upon  a  straw  bed;  and  through  the  whole  course  of 
life,  seldom  exceeded  one  meal  a  day.     When  he  had  passed 
usual  age  of  man,  he  had  all  the  plumpness  and  freshness  of 
th :  his  body  was  firm  and  erect,  and  his  faculties  lively  and 
ete.     His  writings,  which  are  numerous,  are  chiefly  upon  sub- 
s  of  controversy.  He  discovered  the  fraud  of  the  boy  of  Bilson 
Staffordshire,  who  pretended  to  be  bewitched,     lliis  is  well 
th  the  reader*s  notice,  as  it  is  one  of  the  most  signal  impostures 
listory.     See  the  "  Life  of  Morton,''  by  Dr.  Barwick,  or  his  ar- 
e  in  the  "  Biographia."     Oh.  22  Sept,  1659,  M.  95. 

GUALTERUS  CURLE,  episcopus  Wintoniensis, 
riscel.  praesul.  T.Cecillsc. 

Walter  CuRLE,  &c.  Droeshout. 

Featly  in  "  Abel  Redi vivas,"  p.  546. 

Dr.  Fuller  observes,  that  twenty  years  is  as  large  a  proportioii  for  the  life  of  a 
lop,  as  seventy  yean  for  the  age- of  a  mim* 


Cddhc         Wklter  Curie,  lord-almoner  to  Charles  I.  was  a  prelate  of  eni- 

\m^'     "*"'  abilities,  and  of  an  csemplaty  character.     In  1628,  beau 

Tr.  froB     prolocutor  of  the  convocation,  being  at  that  time  dean  of  Licbfidd, 

'^l*'*^   He  was  Hiccesstvitly  bishop  of  Rochester,  Bath  and  WelU,  iiid 

16  Not.     Winchester.     He  expended  large  sums  in  acta  of  charity  and  am-  , 

ICM.        nificence ;    repaired  several   churches  ;    promoted  the   expensin  j 

work  of  the  Polyglot  Bible  ;  and  out  of  the  small  remmns  of ' ' 

estate,  relieved  many  a,  starving  royalist.     He  died  himself  ia  iisr- 

row  circumstances,  having  been  a  great  sufferer  by  the  civil  wi-i 

Walker  thinks  that  be  baa  but  one  sermon  est&nt.*     Ob.  1647. 

JOSEPHUS  HALL,  Exon.  episcopus.  J.  PaytKScP 
li.  sh.  llitre  is  a  copy  of  this  by  Marshall,  before  h\ 
■"  Cases  of  Conscience" 

JosEPHUs  Hallus  ;  a  copy  of  the  above,  in  Soissari 
.■':■•    P.  JX  Zetterf.  Ato. 

JosEPHUS  Hall,  &c.  a  book  in  his  hand ;  mathcm-  Ji 
Ileal  imtnimeiUs,  S^c.  h,  sh.     This  print,  which  isisn  f) 
of  the  best  ufhiiii,  is  before  his  "  Shaking  of  the  Olid 
Tree,"  KiGO;  4to. 

JusEPiirs    Hai.i.,   Norwici  nuper  episcopus.  fl  -^ 
.  Cross  sc.   i'2nio. 

Joseph  Ha  ;.l.  Queboren  sc.  prefixed  to  his  "  Worb; 
fol.  This  print  was  reduced  and  published  with  i" 
"  /Shaking  of  the  Olive  Tree"  mentioned  before. 

Joseph  Hai,i.;    12??w.  \fS52,  prefixed  to  his  " i^l '^ 

JosEpiius  Hai.i,,  Norwici  nuper  episcopus;  li 
to  bis  "  Biilm  ofGileadr  1660. 

•  Sue  NU  "  SufftTings  of  llic  CIcrgj." 

OF   ENGLAND.  337 

TosiiPHus  Hall,  &c.  a  book  in  his  handy  and  a  medal 
the  synod  of  Dort  hanging  at  his  breast.*  Frdntisp^ 
his  *'  Funeral  Sermons."' 

Foseph  Hally  styled  the  Christian  Seneca,  from  his  sententious  Consec.  hi 
nner  of  writings  was  justly  celebrated  for  his  piety,  wit,  learning,  g^^"* 
I  extensive  knowledge  of  mankind.     He  was  one  of  the  divines  1627. 
it  by  James  L  to  the  synod  of  Dort,  before  which  he  preached  '^!-  f^  ^'^ 

excellent  Latin  sermon.  In  his  younger  years  he  composed  i64il 
»ook  of  Satires,  and  was  the  first  writer  in  that  kind,  of  our 
glish  poets.  Mr.  Pope  has,  in  conversation,  been  known  to  say 
h  things  of  this  performance.f  His  works,  not  including  his 
.ires,  were  printed  in  five  volumes  in  folio.  The  last  mentioned 
rk,  first  published  in  1597,  was  reprinted  in  octavo,  1753« 
>eautiful  little  tract  of  his,  entitled, ^'Henochismus,  si veTrac* 
js  de  Modo  ambulandi  cum  Deo,''  was  printed  at  Oxford,  1762* 
is  alone  may  serve  as  a  specimen  of  his  genius  and  his  piety. 

Sept.  8,  1656,  JEt.  82, 

JOHN  BUCKRIDGE,  bishop  of  Ely;  in  the 
Oxford  Almanack y''  1734. 

Fohn  Buckridge  was  bom  at  Draycot,  near  Marlborough,  in 
Itshire ;  received  his  education  at  Merchant  Taylors'  School. 

was  elected  from  thence  to  St.  John's  College,  Oxford,  in 
^8,  where  he  became  fellow,  and  was  chosen  president  in  1605; 

year  following  he  was  installed  a  canon  of  Windsor.  His 
fities  in  the  pulpit  brought  him  into  notice  with  King  James, 

0  appointed  him  one  of  his  chaplains,  and  was  chosen  one  of 
four  to  preach  before  his  majesty  at  Hampton-court,  in  sup- 

t  of  the  church  of  England  against  the  Presbyterians.  He  was 
cted  bishop  of  Rochester  1610-11,  and  was  translated  to  Ely 
28.  He  died  1631,  and  was  buried  at  Bromley,  in  Kent.  He  is 
d  to  have  been  a  sedulous  preacher,  published  several  sermons, 

1  wrote  against  the  pope's  power  in  temporal  matters. 

'  The  original  medallion  in  gold  is  now  preserved  at  Emmanuel  Collegej  Cam- 
Ige,  and  a  very  exact  engraving  of  it  may  be  seen  iu  Mr.  Ives's  Select  Papers, 
19,  together  with  the  bishop's  autograph. — Bindley. 
From  private  informationi  of  unquestionable  authority. 


lEW  WREN.  D.  D.   bishop  of  Ely.  G. 
iderOuchtgc.  Ejigravedfortke  " Parattalia.' 

Bishop  Wren,  sitting  at  a  table ;  from  his  mouth 
proceed  two  labels,  ojie  of  which  is  inscribed  "  Canonicd, 
Prayers;'^  the  other,  "  N^o  Afternoon  Sejinons."  On  out 
side,  stand  several  clergymen,  over  whose  heads  is  written, 
"  Altar  cringing  Prifjtts."  On  the  other  side,  stand 
two  rnen  in  lay 
"  Church-wardeK 
book,  cnUed,  " 
Pranks,  i§t. 
domineer,"  K  . ,  •no. 
pamphlet,  "J>le\vsfrom, 
detestable  practices  of 
Prelate,  Sec.  from  Ipswict, 

whom  is  this  inscription, 
s."  It  is  in  the  title  to  a 
',  discovering  his  ?iolomiis 
ictir  when  Wren  ceased  Is 
print  is  also  to  a  scarce 
ich,  discovering  certaine 
ae  domineering  Lordly 
iov.  12, 1636." 

Matthew  Wren,  Sec.  with  arms,  from  a  miniatun. 
A.v.Asscnsc.   179S;  octavo. 

Matthew,  eldest  son  of  Francis  Wren,  citizen  and  merchant  of 
London,  was  educated  tit  Pembroke  Hall,  in  Cambridge.  He  wa> 
in-cc.  successively  bishop  of  Hereford,  Norwich,  and  Ely.  While  lif 
M,^h,  aat  in  the  chftir  of  Norwich,  he,  as  Lord  Clarendon  inrorms  us,  m 
"passionately  and  warmly  proceeded  against  the  dissenting  con- 
gretjations,  that  many  left  the  kingtiom,  to  the  lessening  die 
wealthy  manufacliire  there  of  kerseys  and  narrow  cloths,  and.wliicli 
was  worse,  transporting  that  mystery  into  foreign  parts.'"'  Birt 
ihe  author  of  the  "  I'arcn/ii/m'  says,  "that  this  desertion  of  iliE 
Norwich  weavers  was  chiefly  procured  through  the  policy  S"^ 
mnnajrement  of  the  Dutch,  who,  wanting  that  manufacture  (which 
was  improved  there  to  great  perfection),  left  no  means  unalteiaplsii 
to  gain  over  these  weavers  to  settle  in  their  towns,  with  an  assur- 
ance of  full  liberty  of  conscience,  and  greater  advantages  and  pri- 
vileges than  they  had  obtained  in  England."     This  author  coot- 


1-^:7 j/i:,'.  .A«f/: 






0Z  9ii^/^t  ^^IcMyr&n/^ 



^-W^-:,     <i\°PfZcefter 

OF   ENGLAND.  339 

ads  bis  modesty  and  humility,  particularly  in  never  seeking  pre- 
nent;  but  he  says  too  little  of  bis  zeal,  which  was,  indeed, 
ent  and  active.  This  drew  upon  him  the  unjust  imputation  of 
)ery.  Nothing  seems  to  have  rendered  him  more  hateful  and 
idious  to  the  parliament  than  his  standing  high  in  the  favour  of 
sovereign.  He  was  imprisoned  in  the  Tower,  by  order  of  the 
use  of  Commons,  and  continued  there,  under  close  restraint, 
the  restoration;  He  died  the  24th  of  April,  1667,  in  his  eigbty- 
ond  yeaf.  Dr.  Richardson  has  made  use  of  some'of  hw  manu- 
tpts  in  hu/fine  and  accurate  edition  of  Godwin  f'  De  Pritsulibus 

JOHN  PRIDEAUX,  late  bishop  of  Worcester; 
yntispiece  to  his  "  Doctrine  of  practical  Praying^'' 
56 ;   \2mb.    Fait/wme  sc.  but  without  his  name, 

John  PiizDkAux, .  &c.  when  rector  of  Exeter 
)11.  Oxon;  4to. 


John  Peideaux,  &c.  in  Nash's  ^'  Worcestershire.'' 

fohn  Prideaux,  some  time  rector  of  Exeter  College,  in  Oxford,  Consec. 
I  king's  professor  of  divinity  in  that  university,  was  deservedly  ^^4^^^' 
seined  one  of  the  most  learned  men  of  his  age.  He  was  so 
1  known  abroad,  that  foreigners  came  from.all  parts  of  Europe 
be  instructed  by  him.  Before  he  applied  himself  to  learning, 
stood  candidate  for  the  office  of  parish-clerk,  at  Ugborow,  in 
vonshire;  and  to  his  great  mortification,  saw  another  chosen 
)  that  place.  Such  was  his  poverty,  at  his  first  coming  to 
ford,  that  he  was  employed  in  servile  offices  in  the  kitchen,  at 
3ter  College,  for  his  support     But  he  was  soon  taken  notice  of 

his  admirable  parts,  and  eager  pursuit  after  knowledge,  and 
nitted  into  that  society.  In  process  of  time  he  became  rector 
it;  and  was  by  Charles  I.  preferred  to  the  bishopric  of  Wor- 
ter.  He  has  been  often  heard  to  say,  that  if  he  had  been 
3ted  clerk  of  Ugborow,  he  should  never  have  been  a  bisohp. 

was  so  far  from  being  ashamed  of  his  original  poverty,  that  he 
»t  the  leather  •breeches,  which  he  wore  to  Oxford,  as  a  memorial 


cf  iL*  He  was  repoted  the  best  disputant  of  his  dme  in  llie  tua- 
Tenity,  and  vas  author  of  many  learaed  works,  of  whith  thereii 
»  catalc^ue  in  the  ."  AUiente  OxoDieDses."-|-  OA.  29  July,  1630, 
£t.  72.1 

RALPH  BROWNRIG,  lord-bishop  of  Exeter, 
Sic.  W.Faithonie  sc.  Frontispiect  to  his  sixty-Jive  m- 
tmns,fol.  published  by  Wm.  Martm,  some  time  preachtf 
at  the  Rol/s.     There  is  er  print  of  him,  withai 

the  engraver's  name,  I  to  his  "  Life"  bi/  Br, 


Ralpli  Brownrig  was  cateeme  ie  of  the  greatest  ornamenti  rf 
his  time,  to  the  university  of  Ca  iridge,  where  he  was  master  rf 
Catharine  Hall.  About  the  era  '  the  civil  war,  he  was,  for  liit 
'■'  distinguished  merit,  proraoled  tc  tie  see  of  Exeter.  He  was  i 
deep  sharer  ia  the  calamities  this  reign;  but  was,  ii 
greatest  distress,  taken  into  the  tanily  of  Thomas  Rich,  of  San- 
□ing,  in  Berkshire,  esq.  where  he  was  hospitably  and  geDefoiHlf  e 
entertained.  This  prelate's  worth  was  generally  acknowledgrfi 
but  not  suiliciontly  known.  His  sermons  were  not  exceeded  bj 
any  published  in  this  reign  ;  but  their  merit,  when  they  w 
delivercLl  by  himself,  appeared  to  great  advantage,  from  ihedif 
nity  of  his  person  and  behaviour,  and  the  justness  of  his  eloculiot 
He  was  one  of  those  excellent  men  witli  whom  Archbishop  TB- 

•  Tlie  same  U  sale!  of  Sit  Leoline  Jenkins. 

t  He  bad  an  art  of  memory,  bj  fliiDciaiing  idcns.  If  lias  been  obaervf 
■cl  of  remembering  jeema  alnioit  whoHj  to  depeiiil  upon  5ucb  an  associi 
Aketiiidu'!  "  Pleaiures  of  I  magi  na  lino,"  p.  1S6. 

+  Towatda  the  laHet  end  nf  his  life,  he  auffeted  so  much  from  plundeiiDganJ* 
qucstraiion,  llial  he  wai  reduced  lu  bis  urigina!  slale  of  poverty.  He  niigKlli"« 
been  itjled,  bs  Dr.  Gauden  observes,  Hdtun  LibrBrma,  in  almost  a  liicraiwi* 
"  A  friend  coming  lo  see  him,  and  laluling  him  in  the  common  form  of  •  Hu*  ^ 
your  lordship  do  ?' "  "  Never  better  in  my  life."  said  be,  "  only  I  haie  loo  p^» 
stomach)  for  1  haie  eaten  liiat  lilltc  plate  whicb  Uie  sequeatraiur  left  me:  IK" 
eaten  a  great  library  of  e»cetlcnl  books  ;  I  have  eaten  a  great  deal  of  linen,  mat" 

j  Walker's  "  Su,ffBjiiig»..ot  Ibo  Clerg.v,"  pail  ii.  p.  7 


OF  El^GLAND.  &4I 

tMH  cullivatecl  an  ac^quaintance  at  his  first  cdtning  to  Condon, 
vt  by  whose  preaching  and  Example,  h^  formed  himself.*  I  havei 
WA  credibly  informed,  that  Dr.  Conybearei  the  late  i/trorthy 
Bhop  of  Bristol,  had  a  particularesteem  for  his  works'.  Ob,  7  Dec. 

RICHARD  CORBET,  bishop  of  nomich;  from 
t  original  picture  in  the  hall  of  Christ  Churchy  Ox- 
iTdt  Harding  sc.  Ato. 

Kichard  Corbet  was  born  at  Ewell,  in  Surrey,  in  the  year  1583, 
id  received  the  rudiments  of  his  education  at  Westminster  School, 
om  whence  he  was  removed  at  the  age  of  fifteen  to  Broadgates* 
dl,  Oxford,  and  afterward  elected  scholar  of  Christ  Church,  and 
ok  the  degree  of  A.  M.  1605,  at  which  period  he  was  much  cele- 
lated  for  the  superiority  of  his  wit  and  colloquial  talents,  which. 
gbly  recommended  him  to  the  notice  of  the  great  men  and  scholars 
those  days,  by  whose  patronage  he  enjoyed  very  considerable 
liiircb  preferment  immediately  after  his  admission  into  holy  orders*. 
The  quaintness  of  his  preaching,  and  brightness  of  his  fancy, 
£oed  him  the  appointment  of  chaplain  to  King  James  I.  by  whom 
i  was  nominated,  anno  1620,  to  the  deanery  of  Christ  Church, 
ing'  then  only  37  years  of  age. 

In  this  situation,  a  divine  may  generally  be  considered  as  having 
rived  within  one  short  stage  of  episcopacy ;  and  he  was  accord- 
fly  removed  to  the  see  of  Oxford,  1629,  and  afterward  to  the 
ftcess  of  Norwich,  where  he  died,  in  163^5. 
Prom  his  love  of  poetry,  he  cultivated  the  friendship  of  Ben; 
Hson,  who  resided  with  him  in  Christ  Church  for  so  considerable 
^pace  of  time  as  to  entitle  him  to  the  degree  of  A.  M.  which  he 
Seived  from  the  university  of  Oxford.  The  readiness  of  his  wit^ 
d  quickness  of  imagination,  frequently  produced  epigrams  and 
Bver  light  poems,  which  subjected  him  to  the  censure  of  grave 
llics,  but  his  friends  were  accustomed  to  excuse  him  by  saying, 
liiat  Corbet  will  love  boys-play  very  well  to  the  last.'*  Suavity 
lotiannerg,  and  liveliness  of  disposition,  which  rendered  his  society 
'desirable  to  all  who  enjoyed  his  acquaintance,  formed  only  a  part 
Ibis  amiable  character ;  he  was  equally  distinguished  for  huma* 
jr,  generosity,  and  public  spirit,  which  he  particularly  evinced  in 

*  See  Birch'*  "  Life  of  Tillbt^n,"  p.  16.  second  edit 

>roL.  rx.  ,  2  Y 



his  contribution  tonards  the  repairs  of  St.  Paul's  catbednl  fl 
vhexe  his  own  donation  was  not   only  considerable,  lMfc]| 
Icnown  to  furntsli  several  siima  to  inferior  clergy, 
Tould  not  allow  them  otherwise  to  subscribe. 

The  only  works  which  are  eslant  of  Bishop  Corbet,^  i 
in  one  12ino.  volume  ofpoems,  printed  after  his  decesM,! 
composed  in  his  youth. 

Dr.  JOHN  BRIDGEMAN,  bishop  of  ( 
1623.  T.  TroUer  gculp.  1705. 

John  Bridgcman  was  born  in  the  city  of  Exeter,  of  4 
and  the  county,  his  father  was  high-sheriff:  he  received  0 
rudiments  of  learning  at  Exeter,  and  from  thence  went  W  Sf 
College,  Cambridge,  where  he  took  the  degree  of  D.  D.  I 
ward  became  master.     He  was  incorporated  at  Oxford,  I 
chaplain  to  King  James  I.  by  whose  favour  he  became  f 
Wigan,  in  Lancashire,  and  in  1619  was  preferred  to  thebfl 
of  Chester.     This  learned,  pious,  and  charitable  man  dief  q 
according  to  Beatson,  at  Moreton,  in  Shropshire,  aod  ^ai  ^^1 
at  Kinnersley  church,  where  is  a  monument  erected  to  his  ii; 


JOHANNES  SPOTrSWOODE.   archiepisc* 

S.  Andreanus,  tolius  Scotife  primas,  et  metropi 
tanus,  ejusdemqiie  regtii  cancellarius.  W.  Holkn 
h.  sh.  aged  1  A,   1C39.   Fivntisp.  to  his  "  History^  i 

Archbishop  Spotiswoodc  was  author  of  the"  History  of  Scoflm 
a  work  compiled  from  scanty  materials,  but  with  great  impl 
There  is  throughout  the  whole  an  air  of  probity  and  candour,  «1 
was  the  peculiar  character  of  the  writer.  This  hisioi-y  wan 
taken  by  the  command  of  James  I.  who  had  a  high  opinion  of 
author's  abilities.  Upon  expressing  a  diffidence  to  James  ab( 
that  part  of  it  which  relates  to  his  mother,  and  which  had  been  iVt 

'  PriDCe  s»ys,  1649-Wood,  1674. 

OF   ENGLANiD.  343 

imbliag-block  of  former  historians,  he  replied,  *V  Speak  the  truth, 
m,  and  spare  not."  This  prelate  presided  in  the  assemblies  of 
»erdeen  and  Peith,  and  had  a  principal  hand  in  introducing  the 
turgy,  and  restoring  uniformity  to  the  church  of  Scotland.*  He 
sd  in  England,  in  1639,  in  the  seventy-fourth  year  of  his  age. 


(JAMES)  USHER,  archbishop  of  Armagh.  Petrus 
dy\  eqties.p.  Vertuesc.  1738;  Illust.  Head.-f  This  was 
pied  in  mezzotinto  by  Miller  of  Dublin. 

The  original  was  in  the  possession  of  the  late  General  Tyrrel,  at 
lotover,  in  Oxfordshire.  It  formerly  belonged  to  Lady  Tyrrel, 
e  primate*s  daughter,  and  is  said  by  Dr.  Parr,  his  chaplain,  to  be 
Dre  like  him  than  any  other  portrait.  See  Parr's  "  Life  of  Arch- 
sbop  Usher." 

Jacobus   Usserius,   &c.  Rob.  Pinck  vicechancel- 
rius    Oxoniensis  posuit.     W.  Marshall   sp,     1647 ; 

Jacobus  Usserius.  Marshall  so.  4to.  He  is  repre- 
nted  holding  a  book;  a  scull  is  on  the  table;  arms^  8^0. 
he  head  of  this  print  is  copied  by  Landry ^  at  Paris^ 
id  prefixed  to  his  "  Annales,''  folio,  1673.  It  is  done 
'4ch  in  the  manner  of  Faithorne, 

He  had  no  hand  in  introducing  the  Liturgy*  Maxwell,  bishop  of  Rojw»  eda- 
d  in  England,  and  formerly  a  chaplain  of  Bishop  Andrews,  insinuated  hiips^If 

the  favour  of  Charles  I.  and  became  the  Frimum  mobile  in  that  unhappy 
'tiess.  Laud,  as  may  be  seen  in  his  defence,  was  hardly  consulted,  and  his  ae- 
i^Gence  was  only  got  on  an  assurance  of  every  thing  proposed  being  legal  in 
^Uind.  Laud*s  defence  has  never  been  disproved ;  yet  what  historian  dares  to 
'Qd  him  ?  the  times  are  not  yet  cool  enough  to  hear  the  truth  on  either  side. — 
'I*  Hailes. 

tJuder  this  print,  his  two  aunts,  who  were  blind  from  their  cradles,  are  represented 
hing  him  to  read.    The  letters  were  wrought  on  a  kind  of  sampler. 


James  Usher,  &c.    Glover  f. 

James  Usher,  &c.  with  a  Welsh  inscription. 
Vaughan  sc.  12mo. 

This  print  was  engraved  at  the  expense  of  the  university  of 
ford,  when  Dr.  Pinck  was  vice-chancellor,  and  was  designed  to  I 
prefixed  to  his  **  Annotations  on  St.  Ignatius's  Epistles/' 
were  printing  at  Oxford,  in  1644^  but  it  was  first  placed 
his  book,  "  De  Romanee  Ecclesiee  Symbolo  Apostolico,  &c. 
1647;"  quarto. 

James  Usher,  &c.  J.  Dunstall  sc. 

James  Usher,  &c.  W.  Marshall  sc.  l2mo.  Sold 

James  Usher,  &c.  fol.  J.  G.  Seiller. 

James  Usher,  copied  from  Marshall ;  \2mo.  No 
name  of  engraver. 

James  Usher,  &c.    Faithorne  sc.  4to. 

Jacobus  Usserius,  &c.  copied  from  Marshall; 
h,  sh. 

Jacobus  Usserius,  &c.    Stent ;  h.  sh. 

This  learned  and  pious  prelate,  for  the  improvement  of  sacred  and 
profane  history  and  chronology,  carried  his  researches  into  the  re- 
motest ages  of  antiquity.  His  natural  penetration,  which  was  great, 
was  assisted  with  all  the  aids  of  science  and  languages.  The  most 
valuable  of  his  numerous  works,  is  his  "  Annals  of  the  Old  and 
New  Testament,'*  which  is  printed  in  Latin  and  in  English.  One  of 
the  least  considerable  is  his  "  Body  of  Divinity,"  which  was  com- 
posed in  the  early  part  of  his  life,  and  published  without  his  consent. 
He  was  so  affected  with  the  execution  of  Charles  I.  that  he  fainted. 

OF   ENGLAND,  345 

le  i&  sajd  to  hav^  foretold  tbe  restorat&oiii  and  several  other  great 
rents*  His  adimrers  were  not  content  with  lus  being  a  great  anti- 
nary,  historian^  and  divine,  but  they  must  make  a  prophet  of  him* 
*or  the  better  understsmding  of  his  character,  it  should  be  remarked, 
bat^  in  the  early  part  of  his  lile,  he  was  a  Calvinist,  and  that  he 
flfcarward  took  the  tniddle  way  betwixt  the  Calvinists  and  Armi« 
i^uns.    See  the  Interregnum. 

JOHN    BRAMH ALL,  bishop  of  Armagh,    &c. 
7ery  rare^ 

John  Bramhall,  bishop  of  Derry,  1634,  translated  to  Armagh 
L660,  ^'  was  forced,  upon  the  revolt  of  Cork,  to  leave  Ireland.  He 
H^ent  into  France,  and  intended  a  journey  into  Spain,  but  met  with 
ui  unexpected  diversion;  for,  after  his  first  day's  travel  into  that 
dngdom,  he  put  up  at  a  house  to  refresh  himself,  where  his  hostess 
sailed  him  by  his  name.  Admiring  at  his  being  discovered,  she  re- 
realed  the  secret  to  him,  shewed  him  his  picture,*  and  assured  him 
iliere  were  several  of  them  on  the  road,  thatj  being  known  by  them, 
xe  might  be  carried  to  the  inquisition;  and  that  her  husband, 
unong  others,  had  power  to  that  purpose,  and  would  certainly  exe- 
cute his  commission  if  he  found  him.  He  made  use  of  the  adver* 
isement,  and  escaped  out  of  the  power  of  that  court/'f  I  ^^^l 
^nly  add  here,  that  Dr,  Bramhall  was  one  of  the  most  learned,  able, 
md  active  prelates  of  the  age  in  which  he  lived,  an  acute  disputant, 
and  an  excellent  preacher.  He  was  a  great  stickler  for  the  patri- 
xiohy  of  the  church,  and,  in  about  four  years,  regained  to  that  of 
Ireland  upwards  of  30,000/.  a  year  of  her  just  rights.  The  most 
^lebrated  of  his  works  were,  his  writings  agsanst  Hobbes. 

GEORGIUS  WEBBE,  Limericensis,  apud  Hiber- 
Itos,  episcopus.  Thomas  Slater  sc.  small  8vo.  Before 
his  *^  Practice  of  Quietness, ^^  reprinted  1705. 

-  '2%ere  is  another  print  of  him,  in  12mo.  without  the 
iifiist^s  name,  but  certainly/  by  Cross. 

*  Deubtl^s  bis  print. 

t  Lives  of  the  Bishops  in  Sir  James  Ware's  work. 


George  Webbe,  a  native  of  Bromhftm,  io  WOtaliire,  wae,  in  tk 
Jat£  reign,  rector  of  the  church  of  St,  Peter  and  St,  Paol,  in  St&. 
Upon  the  accession  of  Charles,  he  was  made  one  of  his  m^esl^i 
chaplains,  and  was  esteemed  the  best  preacher  at  court :  and  iodeed 
hi»  compositions  are  in  a  purer  and  more  elegant  style  than  that  of 
moBt  of  his  contemporaries.  He  published  sermons,  seTeral  trea- 
tises of  praolicnl  religion,  and  some  books  for  the  use  of  the  lower 
forms  in  grammar-schools ;  particularly  an  English  translatiOD  of 
the  two  ftrst  comedies  of  Terence,  He  died  io  the  castle  ofLime- 
rick,  iu  1 64 1 ,  nhere  he  was  detaiaed  prisoner  by  the  Irish  rebels. 


ISAAC  BARGRAVE,  dean  of  Canterbury;  a 
small  oval.    Vandergiicht  sc. 

.    Isaac  Bargrave,  &:c.  J.Colesc. 

The  original  picture,  said  to  have  been  painted  by  Cornelius  Jac- 
sen,  is  in  the  Dean's  chapel,  in  the  cathedra.1  church  of  Canterburj, 
where  he  lies  buried.  Under  it  is  his  epitaph.  The  print  engraveii 
from  it  is  in  Dart's  Aniiquitics  of  that  church, 

Isaac  Bai'gruvc  was  a  man  of  good  natural  parts,  which  weri 
much  strengthened  and  polished  by  studv,  converse,  and  travel.  He 
was  a  fellow-collegiatc  witli  George  Ruggle,  at  Clare  Hall,  in  Cam- 
bridge, and  performed  the  part  of  Torcol,  in  his  comedy  of  "  Igno- 
ramus," when  it  was  acted  before  James  I,  During  his  stayal 
Venice,  as  chaplain  to  Sir  Henry  Wotton,  ambassador  to  that  slate, 
he  was  honoured  with  ihe  friendship  of  father  Paul,  who  told  him, 
that  he  believed  the  doctrine  and  disciphne  of  the  church  of  Eng- 
land to  be  the  most  primitive  of  any  in  the  world,  Hewasattie 
friend  and  zealous  defender  of  our  civil  and  religious  rights  and 
liberties  ;  and  incurred  the  displeasure  of  James,  by  preaching' 
sermon,  when  he  was  minister  of  St,  Margaret's,  Westminster, 
against  popery,  corruption,  and  evil  counsellors,  Inibetimfot 
the  civil  ivar  he  adhered  to  the  king  from  principle  and  affeclion. 

OF  ENGLAND.  347 

vlug  been  chaplain  to  him  before  and  after  hfs  accession  to  the 
'one.     I^e  was  first  canon,  and  next  dean  of  Csinterbury.     He, 
th  his  family,  particularly  his  wife,  and  sister  who  was  widow  of  Admitted 
hn  Boys,  his  predecessor  in  the  deanery,  met  with  cruel  treatment'  I4*0ct. 
>m  that  ungrateful  ruffian.  Colonel  Sandys,,  whom^  he  had  by  his  i6S5. 
terest  saved  from  the  gallows,  when  he  was  indicted  at  Maid- 
>iie  assizes  for  a  rape.     Sandys  was  not  content  with  adding, 
trsonal  insult  to  ingratitude  and  cruelty;  he  also  caused  him  to 
i  committed   to   the   Fleet  prison,   and  absurdly  attempted   to 
aeken  his  character.     He  died,  as  it  seems,  of  a  broken  heart,  in 
>out  three  weeks  after  his  commitment,  in  1642,  and  the  fifty- 
xth  year  of  his  age.* 

HENRY  C^SAR,   D.  D.    dean  of  Ely;     4to. 
R.  Wilkinson 

Henry  Ceesar,  fourth  son  of  Doctor  Adelmare,  bom  in  1562, 
sceived  his  education  chiefly  at  Baliol  College,  and  Edmund  Hall, 
a  Oxford;  and  studied  also  in  the  university  of  Cambridge.     He. 
ras  presented,  when  a  very  young  min,  to  the  vicarage  of  Lost- 
rithiel,  in  Cornwall,  and  took  his  degree  of  doctor  in  divinity  in  the 
miversity  of  Oxford,  Sept.  13, 1595;  and  the  following  year  was, 
vesented,  by  Queen  Elizabeth,  to  the  rectory  of  St.  Christopher-le- 
^tock,  which  he  resigned  in  1597.     He  afterward  held  the  rectory 
'T  Somersham,  in  Huntingdonshire,  with  its  subordinates,  Colne, 
^Idley,  and  Fenton,  and  also  under  the  gift  of  his  brother  Sir^ 
ulius,  that  of  Bennington  in  Herts,  of  all  which,  as  appears  by  his 
rill,  he  was  possessed  a  little  time  before  his  death.     A  prebend 
»€  Westminster  was  conferred  on  him  in  September,  1609,  which. 
Le  resigned  in  1625;  and  1014  he  succeeded  Doctor  Humphrey 
t*yndall  (who  died  Oct.  12,  in  that  year),  in  the  deanery  of  Ely. 
^r.  Caesar  died  Oct.  7,  1636,  and  Ues  buried  on  the  north  side  of 
he  presbytery  of  Ely  cathedral,  under  a  large  tomb  of  marble. 

A  great  deal  of  interesting  matter  respecting  Dr.  Ccesar  occurs 
It  Wilkinson's  publication  of  the  Life  of  Sir  Julius  Ceesar,  with 
tiemoirs  of  his  family  and  descendants. 

•tSee  Walker's  "  Suflfertngs  of  Uie  Clergy,"  part  ii.  p.  6.    See  alw  Wood, 
-Jhyd^nnd  the"  JdercuriM  Ruiticu9,** 


CHRISTOPHER  WREN,  D.  D.  dean  ofWindsor. 
G.  Vandej-giic/it  sc.  h.  sh.  Engraved /or  the  "  Paren- 
talia;"  1750. 

Christopher  Wren  was  younger  brother  of  Matthew,  bishop  of 
^  Ely,  and  hia  successor  in  the  deanery  of  Windsor.  He  received  hij 
'  eiiucation  at  St,  John's  College,  in  Oxford,  was  some  time  chap- 
lain to  Dr.  Lancelot  Andrews,  bishop  of  Winchester,  and  also 
chaplain  to  Charles  I.  Adet  the  chapel  of  St.  George  and  the 
treasury  belonging  to  it  had  been  plundered  by  the  rebels,  he  sedu- 
lously exerted  himself  in  recovering  as  many  of  tbe  records  ai 
conld  be  procured,  and  had  the  good  fortune  to  redeem  the  three 
registers  distinguished  by  the  names  of  the  Black,  Blue,  and  Bed, 
which  were  carefully  preserved  by  him  tilt  his  death.  Tbey  were 
afterward  committed  to  the  custody  of  bis  son,  who,  eoon  aftCT  I 
the  restoration,  delivered  them  to  Dr.  Bruno  Ryves,  dean  of 
Windsor.  Having  distinguished  himself  by  hia  learning,  loyalty, 
and  piety,  he  died  the  29th  of  May,  1658,  in  the  house  of  his  son- 
in-law.  Dr.  William  Holder,  at  Blechington,  in  Oxfordshire,  and 
was  buried  In  the  chancel  of  that  parish  church.  He  had  a  great 
hand  in  forming  the  genius  of  his  only  son  Christopher,  wbo  did 
the  highest  honour  to  his  country.* 

RICHARD  STEWARD,  B.D.from  the  orig'nd 
picture  at  Eton  College.  Stow  sc.  410.  In  Harding's 
"Deans  of  Westminster.^' 

Richard  Steward  was  born  at  Patcshull,  Nortbamptonsbire,  i 
educated  at  Magdalen  Kali,  Oxford,  1608  ;  fellow  of  All  Soal) 
College. Oxford,  1613;  prebendary  of  Worcester  cathedral,  1628; 
prebendary  of  Salisbury  cathedral,  1629;  dean  of  Chichester, 
1634,  and  cierk  of  the  closet ;  prebendary  of  Westminster,  1638i 
provost  of  Eton,  1640;  dean  of  St.  Paul's,  1641;  deanofWesl- 
minster,  1644  ;  died  at  Paris  Koveraber  14,  1651,  aged  68,  andliet 
buried  at  St.  Germains. 

A  white  riband,  with  an  angel  of  gold,  as  seen  in  the  porlnitr 

•  In  the  "  Stale  Papen 
nilc  of  B  building  "  lo  bi 
■■  GrFsbam  Frbretiari,"  iia 

OF   ENGLAND.  349 

w^  accustomed  to  be  placed  by  the  sovereign  round  the  neck  of 
those  who  were  touched  for  the  king's  evil.  Vide  Evelyn's  ^*  Me- 
moirs/'vol.  ii.  p.  311. 

DR.  GEORGE  HAKEWILL ;  from  an  original 
picture^  in  the  chapel  of  Exeter  College^  Oxford. 
E.  HaMing  so.  4to. 

George  Hakewill  was  the  son  of  John  Hakewill,  of  the  city  of 
Exeter,  merchant,  and  was  born  in  the  parish  of  St.  Mary  Arches, 
in  that  city,  in  the  year  1579,  where,  having  received  a  grammatical 
education,  he  became  a  commoner  of  St.  Alban's  Hall,  in  the  be-^ 
ginmngof  the.year  1595,  and  was  so  noted  a  disputant  and  orator, 
that  he  was  unanimously  elected  fellow  of  Exeter  College  at  two 
fears  standing.  Afterward  he  proceeded  in  arts,  applied  himself 
to  deep  researches  in  philosophy  and  divinity,  entered  into  holy 
>rders^  travelled  beyond  the  seas,  and  at  his  return,  became  as 
loted  for  his  preaching  and  disputes,  as  before  he  was  for  philo* 
w>phy.  In  1610  he  wsis  admitted  to  the  reading  of  the  sentences, 
fend  the  next  year  proceeded  in  divinity.  He  was  the  first  chaplain 
liat  attended  Prince  Charles,  by  whose  kindness,  it  is  probable,  he 
:>ecame  archdeacon  of  Surrey,  1616.  He  might  have  attsuned  to 
:ugher  emoluments  and  dignities  in  the  church,  had  he  not  im- 
pieded  his  own  progress  by  the  zealous  opposition  he  made  to  the 
aaatch  with  the  infanta  of  Spain  and  the  prince  his  master.  Wood 
relates  the  story  thus :  '^  After  he  had, -with  some  pains,  written  a 
smalL  tract  against  that  match,  not  without  some  reflections  on  the 
Spaniard,  wjbich  could  not  be  pleasing  to  the  king,  he  caused  it  to 
be  fairly  transcribed  by  another  hand ;  which  done  he,  unknown 
to  the  king,  presented  it  to  the  prince.  The  prince,  after  he  pe- 
rused it,  shewed  it  to  the  king,  who,  being  offended  at  it,  com- 
manded Thomas  Murray,  the  prince's  tutor  and  secretary,  the 
author  Hakewill,  William  his  brother,  and  all  others  who  knew  of, 
or  were  consenting  to  it,  to  be  committed  to  custody,  in  August 
1.621,  whence,  being  soon  after  released,  our  author,  Hakewill, 
*imt8  dismissed  fromi  his  attendance  on  the  prince.  So  that,  though 
kis.learning  was  accounted  by  the  generality  poHte,  his  philosophy 
subtile,  and  divinity  profound,  yet,  in  thifl  partienlar,  he  was 
®«teemed  very  rash  and  imprudent." 

Upon. the  promotion  of  Dr.  Prideaux-to  the  bishopric  of  Wor« 
vot.  II.  ^  2  z 


tlakcwill  was  elected  rector  of  Exeter  College,  on  "Wei 

MKBtowed  considerable  benefactions ;  but  he  did  not  dbcIi 

u«  there.     On  the  breaking  out  of  the  civil  war,  he  retired  tg 

rectory  of  Heanton,  near  Barnstable,  in  Devon,  where  bec»- 

rinued  to  the  time  of  hia  deathj  in  April,  1649,  and  was  buried  in 

chancel  of  the  church  there. 

JOSIAS  SHUTE,  S.  T.  B.  Colcestriffi  archidiac, 
&c.  GhU.  Marshall  sc.  h.  sh.  Fivnlisp.  to  his  "  Nk- 
teen  Sermons  on  the  slvtccnih  Chapter  of  Genesisf 
1649 ;  fol. 

Josias  Shute,  archdeacon  of  Colchester,  and  rector  of  St.  Mary 
16m'"''*  Woolnoth,  in  Lombard -street,  London,  was  educated  at  Ttioitj 
College,  in  Cambridge.  In  his  character  were  united  every  qusii- 
iication  of  an  excellent  divine.  His  learning  in  divinity  andecdt- 
siastical  history  was  extensive;  indeed,  almost  universal,  liii 
talent  as  an  orator  was  perhaps  unrivalled ;  he  iastantly  caugbt, 
and  immoveably  lixed  the  attention.  His  life  was  a  unifomi  a- 
ample  of  unaffected  piety.  He  was  frequently  styled,  the  En^si 
Chrygoatom,  and  was  particularly  conversant  in  the  writings  of 
that  father.  He  first  iiegan  to  be  neglected  in  the  civil  wars.  Hit 
primitive  ^virtues  could  not  overbalance  the  prejudice  conceived  bj 
some  against  his  learning,  which  was  not  apostoUcal.  Lloyd tdlt 
us  in  his  "  Memoirs."  that  lie  died  the  23d  of  June,  1643;  andn 
tlie  next  page,  that  he  died  in  1G40 :  he  was  right  at  first. 

WILLIAM  CIHLLINGWORTH  ;  in  an  oval  of 
palms;  engraved  ivith  the  heads  of  the  Earl  of  Shaflti- 
bury,  Mr.  Locke,  and  Mr.  Woolaston;  h.  sh.  mezz. 

"William  Chillingwouth  ;  an  etch  trig  ;  ikelied 
fmished.  Barrett  sculp.  Svo. 

Promoied       'Wilham  Chillingworlh,  chancellor  of  the  church  of  Saiisbaiy, 
leia"'''     ^^sJus'ly  esteemed  the  acutest  and  closest  disputant  of  his  time. 
Of  tliis  he  has  given  abundant  proof,  in  his  "  Religion  of  Protes- 
tants, a  safe  Way  to  Salvation  ;  or  an  Answer  to  a  Boob  entitled. 
'Mercy  and  Truth,  or  Charity  maintained  by  Calholiques.'"    B^ 

OF   ENGLAND.  3i51 

■ifedf,  itf'fcib  aDswer/ like  an  expert  fencer,  parries  every  bfo# 
ildi  ttntagbniisl,  femd pushes  at  him  at  the  same  time.  In  ftis 
JMibiftTed  work,  we  are  not  to  look  for  elegance,  but  truth.  He 
■jjbtiftii  die  false  and  delusive  arts  of  so^llistry  aiid  rhet6ric ; 
a||^  them  of  all  thi&ir  drdatb^iits,  and  preiienls  them  to  our  eyes 
I  their  natural  deformity.  In  the  time  of  the  civil  war,  he  dis- 
layed  his  talents  as  an  engineer.  But  the  machines,  which  he 
Kdsed  to  be  made  in  the  Roman  manner,  though  siifficieht  proofs 
f  JaoB  genius,  were  not  attended  with  the  success  which  waa  ez- 
ttcted  from  them.  Chillingworth,  Tillotson,  and  other  great  men, 
ftb'have  employed  the  force  of  reason  in  religion,  though  under 
proper  ifek'tiwnt>  haVe  been  branded  with  Socinianism.     06.  Jan. 

1    I  • 

GULIELMUS  ALABASTER,  anno  ^tatis'  suse 
'€^;  studii  wcanae  theologise,  33.  C  Johnson  p. 
^i  Payne  ^.  4fo.  twry  scarce,  and  cofnmended  by  Mr. 
Pklyn^m  his  ''  Calcography :' 

^William  ALABAST£a ;  Ato.  W.  Richardson. 

i^ William  Alabaster,  who  received  his  education  in  the  university 
^Cambridge,  waa  one  of  the  best  Latin  poets  of  this  age.*  He 
||B  also  particularly  eminent  for  his  skill  in  the  Greek  and  ori- 
|itd  languages:  He'was,  for  a'  short  time,  a  convert  to  the  church 
V^Rome,  and  published ^evenmdh't;e«  for  his  conversion;  but  he 
i'saw  many  more  for  his  returning  to  the  church  of  England. 
[iqiplied  himself  much  to  cabalistic  learning,  which  is  admiraUy 
-  to  make  the  Scriptiirles  spedc  any  sense,  or  no  sense  at 

'.  Fuller  informs  ja8,t  tliat  when  his  Latin  tragedy  of  Iloxana  was  acted  at 

f  College,  in  Cambridge,  ilie  last  words  *<  seqaar,  sequar/'were  so  "  hideously 

need,"  that  a'  gentlewoman  present  fell  distracted,  and  never 'afterward  re- 

her  senses.    It  is  indeed  possible  that  an  impassioned  countenance,  a  wild 

l^tore,  and  a  frightful  tone  of  voice,  might  have  had-  such  an  effect 

a  weak  woman,  and  especially  as  she  was  ignorant  of  the  drama  which  was 

before  her. 


t  ^  Worthies,*'  in  Suffolk,  p.  70. 



•IL*  :  Hie  teit  of  die  Mnnon  which  he  prtecM  fbi^hiii 
degiee,  wes  the  fint  Verse,  of  ihe  flret  chopCerr  of  the 
of  Ghibiiides.  neinehr.  Aduou  GBieth.  Enoih.  '  The  iioft 
•Me  of  hit  worici,  is  his  **  Ledcon  Pentagbtton  ;**  upon 
Wis  mnployed  many  years.    His  highest  prefennent  in  the 

was  a  prebend  erf  St  Panics.    Ob.  April,  1640. . 

'    •    .        •  *      ■  •      .         •  ..  . 

"PETER   SMART,    A.  M.   (M.  73,    1641) 
mioister  of  God's  word,  at  Bowden,  prebendf 
Durham,  and  one  of  his  majesty's  high  comi 
in  the  province  of  York ;  who,  for  preaching 
popery,:]:  anno  1628,  lost  above  300/.  per 
and  was  imprisoned  in  the  King's  Bench, 
eleven  years,  by  the  high  commission. 

**  Peter  preach  downe  vain  ritese  with  flagrant  harCe, 
Thy  Guerdon  shall  be  greate,  though  heare  thou  Smart**  • 

Geo.  Abbot.  wrcUepis.  Cm4.  comfomii. 

\  Hollar  sc.  12mo. 

These  yerses  must  have  been  written  long  before  the  print  wii 
done,  if  composed  by  Archbishop  Abbot,  who  died  1633. ' 

Peter  Smart,  &c.  a  book  open  before  him  ;  Ate. 

The  removal  of  die  communion  table  from,  the  middle  of  the 
church  to  the  upper  end  of  it  gave  the  highest  offence  to  Smart,  as 
if  that  act  alone  had  been  introducing  popery.  He  preached  a 
sermon,  abounding  with  invectives,  against  **  the  Whore  of  Baby-- 
lon's  bastardly  brood,"  &c«  in  which  he  evidently  reflected  on  the 
bishops,  and  Dr.  Cosin,  the  dean  of  Durham.  He  was  afterward 
treated  with  as  little  ceremony  as  he  had  treated  them ;  for,  upon 
his  refusal  to  recant,  he  was  degraded  and  dispossessed  of  all  his 
preferments,  and  moreover  fined  and  imprisoned.  The  puritan 
party  are  said  to  have  raised  400/.  a  year  for  him,  by  subscriptioD. 
He  was  one  of  the  witnesses  against  Archbishop  Laud,  in.  1644. 

.  *  The  greatest  eccentric  genius  in  this  kind  of  learning,  was  the  autlior  of 
"  Moses's  Prindpia ;"  who  was  thought  to  be  in  the  cabala,  what  Sir  Isaac  Newton 
was  in  philosophy.  > 

t  Sic  Orig.  %  On  Psalm  zzxi^  7. 

OF   ENGLAND.  353 

Ir.  GEORGE  HERBERT,  author  of  those  sacred 
5ms,  called  7  The  Temple."  R:  White  sc.  Prefixed 
is  Poems^*  together  with  his  Life  by  Walton.— "^.e 
ilaced  here  as  a  prebendary  of  Lincoln,  to  which 
nity  he  was  promoted  the  15th  of  July,  1626. 

teorge  Herbert.  J.  Sturtsc.  Prefixed  to  his  Works; 
.  1709. 

eorge  Herbert,  fifth  son  of  Richard  Herbert,  esq.  and  brother, 
dward,  lord  Herbert,  of  Cherbury,  was  public  orator  of  the 
ersity  of  Cambridge,  in  the  reign  of  James  I.  who  was  a  great 
Irer  of  his  abilities.  While  the  king  lived,  he  attended  the 
t;  but  soon  after  his. death  he  took  holy  orders,  and  was  pre- 
ed  to  the  rectory  of  Bemerton,  near  Salisbury,  where  he  was 
3st  exemplary  parish  priest :  but,  to  the  regret  of  all  that  knew 

he  died  in  less  than  three  years  after  his  ordination.  He,  on 
death-bed,  commended  his  poems  to  the  press.  The  great 
I  Bacon  had.  such  an  opinion  of  his  judgment,  that  he  would 
suffer  his  works  to  be  printed  before  they  had  pa^ed  his  exa- 
ition.     We  are  credibly  informed,  that  Mr.  Pope  frequently 

his  poems  for  the  same  reason  that  Virgil  read  the  works  of 
ius.+  But  such  was  his  character,  that  we  cannot  but  revere 
reat  and  good  a  man,  as  little  as  we  esteem  his  poetry.  The 
es  quoted  by  Archbishop  Tillotson,  in  his  second  sermon  on 
ua  xxiv.  15,  have  been  attributed  to  him ;  but  they  are  from 
I  Brooke's  Tragedy  of  Mustapha.t 

'HOMAS  FULLER,  Ba.  of  Di.  his  right  hand  on 
)ok;  4to.  before  his  ^^  Abel.  RedivivusJ' 

[not  her;  12mo. 

i'HOMAS  Fuller,  &c.  jD.  Loggan  sc.  prefixed  to 
"  History  of  the  Worthies  of  England;''  fol.  1662 ; 

The  anonymous  poeroa  subjoined  to  Herbert's  were  written  bj  Crasliaw. 

>ee  the  '*  Essay  on  the  Genius  and  Writings  of  Pope,"  p.  85. 

ir  Richard  Steele,  in  No.  33  of  his/'  Lover/'  says  Aiaham,  but  he  is  mistaken. 



Thomas  Fuller,  D.D.  4to,  in  Makohrts  "Uva 
of  Topographers.''  (T.  TroUer  sc.)  4to. 

^olkicd       Thomas  Fuller,  prebendary*  of  Salisbury,  and  rector  of  BtoaJ 
""••S,  Windsor,  in  Dorsetshire,  was  eminent  as  a  divine;  but  more  emt'  ■ 
nent  as  a  biographer  and  historian.     His  imaginiition  was  livelj/ 
bis  reading  extensive,  and  liis  memory  tenacious  of  what  he  read.  ' 
His  "  History  of  the  Holy  War,"  his  "Holy  and  profane  Slate," 
his  "  Church  History,"  his  "  Pisgah  Sight,"  his  "  Abel  RedivivnB,"  , 
and  his  "  Histoiy  of  the  Worthies  of  England,"  ate  ihe  most  con-   | 
fiiderablc  of  his  works.     Of  these,  the  "Churcfi  History"  is  At   I 
most   erroneous;  the  "  Pisgah  Sight"  the   most  exact;  and  Vt  j 
"History  of  the  Worthies"  the  most  estimable.     He  was  unhappf  . 
in  having  a  vein  of  wit,  as  lie  has  taken  uncommon  pains  to  write 
Up  to  the  bad  taste  of  his  age,  which  was  much  fonder  of  conceit 
dian  sentiment.     This  vicious  taste  was  upon   tlie  decline  in  the    , 
reign  of  Charles  I.f     06.15  Aug.  1661,^/.  54. 

JOHANNES  HALES,  coUeg.  Eton,  socius,  et 
eccles.  Windesoriensis  canoiiicus.  Frojitispkcc  lo  his 
Tracts  ;  small  8vo, 
Hiolfcd  John  Ilalcs,  stykd  "  the  cvcc-memoiable,"  was,  for  the  lirighl- 
Lq"""'  less  and  solidity  of  his  genii's,  the  rariely  and  elegance  of  bis 
learning,  and  the  politeness  of  his  manners,  the  delight  and  envj 
of  his  contoraporarics.  His  knowledge  in  divinity  and  humanity 
was  a  radicated  habit,  and  there  was  scarce  ever  any  appeal  fmra 
his  judgment  as  a  casuist,  or  a  critic.  The  greatness  of  his  cha- 
racter has  stamped  a  value  upon  some  of  his  compositions  which 
are  thought  to  have  bnt  little  merit  in  themselves.  His  Seimons, 
especially,  arc  CJ^ceeded  by  tliose  of  several  authors  who  flourislieJ 
al  the  same  time.  He  was,  by  the  prevailing  faction  in  tlie  civil 
wars,  ejeclcd  from  his  canonry  of  Windsor  and  his  fellowship  uf 
Eton  College,  the  only  preftrments  he  ever  enjoyed.  He  diedvWJ 
poor,  in  165G,  in  the  72d  year  of  his  age.  J 

*  He  btjics  Uimsclf  Prebenilarius  Prcbcndnrides,  in  bis  "  Appeal  ofiiijiinJ  In 
noeence,"rul.  patliii.  p.  47.  I  iticnlion  tliis  book  os  wiiilli  llii:  rend  era  nu"  " 
ilj  spirit  mid  plcBsaiilry.     It  h  addressed  to  Dr.  Hcyiin. 

t  "And  niociesofwil,  and  modes  of  ^cicnci- die."— Dn.  Browne. 

}  Seen  teniatliEible  jia^sagt  conc^rninn  Ijini,  in  Ifcjiin',  "  Lift  uf  AriMWii? 
Lnud,"  p.36'i. 


VIS  andiQr  jof  **  Oolden  RemaiiiSy''  &e.  &c.  and  a  ddegate 
SjBg  James  to  Ae  raemorable  synod  of  Dort,  and  seems  to 
been  chaplain  to  Sir  Dddley  Carleton.    See  Sir  Dudley 
^ .  ^  ton's  Letters^  pddished  by  the  Earl  of  Hardwicke. 

I  i-  Mr.  BEAUMONT ;  a  small  head  in  the  frontispiece 
Wt  TRmtanky't  *'  Loyal Martyrologi/"  1665 ;  8vo. 

-  Mr.  Beaumont  ;  enlarged  from  the  above  print  ;8vo. 

^'Hr.  Beaumont  a  loyal  clergyman,  belonging  to  the  garrison  of 
nmfret  Castle,  was  accused  and  brought  to  trial,  for  holding  a 
IsRespondence  in  cypher  with  some  active  loyalists,  and  for  his 
ndeavours  in  other  ways  to  effect  a  rising  of  the  country,  in  sup- 
(on  of  legitimate  monarchy ;  was  found  guilty  and  suffered  deadi, 
Teb.  15,  1648. 


drart)  p.  A.  Bloctel'mg  sc. 

**  CemeTalatinae,  lector,  miracula  terrse. 
Quern  suus  baud  una  perficit  arte  labor. 
Sufficit  acta  dies  aliis,  non  sufficit  illi; 
A  solida  studiis  tempora  nocte  petit. 
Quid  non  exequitur  scriptor?  Nos  sponte  fatemur, 
Non  alia  scribi  secula  posse  manu. 
Et  puer,  et  juvenis,  chartis  impalluit,  et  vir ; 
Et  nunc  non  alium  se  cupit  esse  senex." 

C.  BaRL£US. 

Gerardus  Joan.  Vossius  ;  4to.  frontispiece  to  his 
^*  EpistolcEf'  Sfc.  in  which  a?*e  some  curious  particulars 
relating  to  his  personal  history.  T.  Matham  sc. 

Gerard  John  Vossius.   Vertue  sc.  fol. 

Gerard  John  Vossius.  C  Passeus  ad  vivam ; 
tight  lines;  small  folio. 


Gerard  John  Vossius,  professor  of  history  at  Leyden,  and  pn- 
bendary  of  Canterbury,  was  a  man  of  as  great  reading-,  and  firioiii 
learning,  as  any  of  his  contemporaries.  He  was  partictilarly  ent 
nent  for  his  knowledge  in  philology  and  history,  the  latter  oiMi 
was  his  greatest  exeellence.  He  read  over  the  Greek  nndLslii 
historians,  and  passed  liis  judgment  upon  them  all.*  He  liio 
composed  a  very  ingenious  work  in  thirty-two  chapters,  enlitleJ, 
"  Ars  Historica,"  the  first  of  the  kind  ever  published. t  Hil 
"  Rhetoric"  has  continued  longer  in  esteem  than  any  other  moiiffli 
book  on  that  subject.  We  are  greatly  amazed  that  one  mancoflH 
have  read,  but  still  more,  that  he  conld  have  written  so  machlW 
BO  well.l  He  complains  of  the  great  number  of  mistakes  in  u- 
cient  and  modern  authors ;  but  notwithstanding  all  his  cate,  Bi^ 
and  others  have  found  many  errors  in  his  own  writiagu-J  Hi 
came  into  England  to  be  installed  at  Canterbury,  in  1639.  OJ  f. 
1650,  ^t.  73.  '^' 

JOHANNES    PRESTONUS,    vir    clarissimBs; 
eight  English  verses ;    Ato.    frontisp.    to    his  "  Nti 
Covenant"  &:c.  hi  the  title  to  which  he  is  styled  ckaplat  |, 
to  Charles  I.  but  he  perhaps  more  properly  l>eloii§si  -^^^ 
the prececlini^  reign. 

Jojis  Piit:sri).v,  D.  D.  small. 

John  PiiKsroy;    a  sinall  oval,    in  the  title  to^ 
"  Saints'  lujirmities,"'  1636  ;  small  Sro. 

John  Preston,  master  of  Emmanuel  College,  in  Cambridge, 
first  taken  notice  of  by  James  I.  at  a  public  disputation  in  tlialnff  't^. 

*  In  liii  books  ■'  De  llislDritla  Gracla  et  Laliius." 

i  HHkewill's  ■'  Ajjul."  ediL  1630,  p.  J5i, 

X  Our  wonder  will  be  sonjewliat  abated  ns  [a  i\ie  great  nuiubei 
when  Hc  cniuider  the  following  anccdole  in  b.  MS.  of  Mr.  Ashm^.^,  ..  -  _^ 
MuBtuni^  he  jajs  he  Imd  il  from  Dr.  John  Pell.  "  Gerard  Vossius  wiutt  to'  ^i 
ceriniiu  on  one  side  of  a  sheet  of  paper,  und  joined  Ihcm  togelher,  and  "»"'  •! 
ienii  them  lo  the  press,  wilhiiul  liRnsciibmg."  ' 

f  It  ii  with  fluthors,  ai  with  men  in  general,  (hcj  censure   nthi 
which  they  not  only  lie  open,  bnl  of  "hitli  iliey  arc  acluaily  guiltj 


OP   ENGLAND.  387 

^;  id  wkidi  h^  asserted,  thftt  a  hoUnd  <^ould  maker  a  syllo-^ 
n.*  Tbd  "king,  who  loved  logic  and  h  anting,  i&  suppok^d,  flfOm 
t  tliitC)  to  have  liad  a  particular  respect  for  him.  Prestoh  was 
tbat  patron  of  the  puritan  partf  in  the  late  tetgn^  He  M* 
nUy  attended  the  court,  where  he  was  for  some  time  fi^ga^ded 
ft  dietingilished  favourite  of  the  Duke  of  Buckin^ham^f  Whtl 
aght,  by  his  means,  to  work  the  Puritans  to  a  complidne^i  With 
designs.  But  Preston,  who  was  as  great  a  politician  as  the 
^i  ;#as  not  to  be  over-reached.  He  wrote  maiiy  practical  titea- 
B  and  sermons,  both  in  English  ^nd  in  Latin.     Ob.  July  29/ 

'^  The  reveirend,  faithful,  and  profitable  minister  of 
tfs  Word,  RICHARD  SiBBS,  D.  B.  master  of 
tharine  Hall,  in  Cambridge,  and  preacher  in  Gray's 
I,  London."  Marshall  sc.  jEt.58;  pr^xed  to  his 
^recious  Promise^^''   1638;  l2mo. 

^xc.  Si  BBS,  S.  T.  D,  engraved  in  the  ntanfiit  of 
ywood.  Frontispiece  to  his  ^*  Commentary  on  thejirst 
apter  of  the  second  Epistle  to  the  Corinthians^''  foL 

Richard  Sibbs.  J,  Payne  sc.  Ato.  tbith  versus. 
Richard  Sibbs,  &c.  12mo. 

^18  humble  and  pious  man  was  bred  in  St.  John's  Collie;  ift 
abridge,  "W^ere  he  was  eminent  for  his  preaching*  In  1618,  he 
;,  for  his  excellent  talent  that  way,  chosen  preacher  of  GrtecfB. 
,  and  in  1626,  elected  master  of  Catharine  Hall,  to  which  he 

«'  An  enthymeme/'  said  he, "  is  a  lawful  sjllogisAf  but  dogs  can  ra&ke  Cbem. 
instanced-  in  a  bound,  who  had  the  major  proposition  in  his  mind,  namely, 

bare  is  gon6  either  this,  or  that  wa j ;  and  smells  out  the  minor  #hh  hu  do#e, 
sbe  is  not  gone  that  way ;  and  follows  the  conchu^n,  Ergb^  this  way,  with 
^  mouth.*'    Clarke's  *'  Lives,"  fol. — Preston  borrowed  thia  avgome^t  from 

See  Burnet's  "  Hiitory  ^  Wt  awtt  Thae,"  vol.  I.  p.  19. 


was  a  great  benefactor.  He  found  tliat  society  in  a  very  declining 
state :  but  it  soon  began  to  flourisb  under  his  care.  He  was  an- 
thor  of  several  books  of  practical  divinity,  of  which  the  most  noted 
was  his  "  Bruised  Beed,"  to  which,  Mr.  Baxter  tella  us,  he  in- a 
great  measure  owed  hie  conversioii.'*  This  circumstance  bIoim  I 
vould  have  rendered  his  name  memorable.  His  principal  workii  | 
kis  Conuneotary  above  mentioued.  i 

DANIEL  FEATLY,  S.  T.  D.  JEt.  65.  MarshaUf. 
1645;  4to.  Eight  Latin  verses.  Frontispiece  to  ha 
"  Dipper  dipped."  There  is  another  print  of  him  lying 
on  his  to}nb,  on  which  is  inscj'ibed  his  epitaph. 

Daniel  Featly,  or  Faireloiigh,  was  son  of  a  cook  of  CorpM 
Christi  College,  in  Oxford,  and  one  of  its  greatest  ornaments.t  Hs 
had  the  honour  to  spent  a  funeral  oration  before  the  college,  upon 
the  death  of  Dr.  Rainolds,  the  celebrated  and  much  lamenteii 
master  of  it :  and  he  entertained  the  archbishop  of  Spatato,  vben 
he  was  at  the  university,  with  a  public  exercise ;  on  both  which 
occasions  he  acquitted  himself  with  great  applause.  He  attended 
Sir  Thomas  Edmonds  in  his  embassy  to  France,  where  he  bad 
several  disputes  with  the  Sorbooisls;  as  he  afterward  had  wilt 
Fisher,  the  Jesuit,  in  England.  He  was  both  a  vehement  and  an 
acute  disputant;  q\ialilies  which  rarely  meet  in  the  same  person. 
His  writings,  whicli  are  chii'fly  cnntroversial,  are  levelled  against 
the  papists,  and  the  sectaries.  He  so  exasperated  the  latter,  iJiit 
they  threw  him  into  prison,  where  unwholesome  air,  bad  diet,  and 
worse  treatment,  soon  broke  his  constitution,  and  hastened  iii 
death.  A  little  before  he  died,  he  was  carried  to  Chelsea  Colie?s, 
of  which  he  was  ihe  third  and  last  provost,^  and  there  ended  bi! 
life.  Ob.  164-5,  Mlf.  65.  He  was  succeeded  in  his  rectoiy  (f 
Lambeth  by  White,  and  in  that  of  Acton  by  Philip  Nye. 

SAMUEL    BOLTON,    D.  D.    Faithome  sc.  Un. 
S.  S.  T.  M.  4S,  1C54. 

•  See  Batler'9  ■■  Life"  tiy  hinnelf,  fol.  or  Calamj's  "  Abridgmcnl."  (" 

t  Tlic  fainoU!  Jacksun,  hIio  stand*  higli  ill  (lie  fiist  clasi  of  our  Englisb  i\r^»' 

iiKh  of  <be  same  college,  nnd  lilg  curitenipoiBri. 

J  So  Wood  aays;  hoi  according  lo  riiller'j  "  Clloreh  Ilistorj."  1.53,51,  ll'»" 

Iht  Ihirtt  piovoit,  and  Dr.  Samuel  Withiiison  Ilie  foutth." 

Samuel  Bolton,  &c.  jPI  H.  v.  Hdvesc. 

Samuel  Bolton  was  minister  of  St.  Martin's,  Ludgate,  in  this 
^S^y^&nd  sat  in  the  assembly  of  4ivihes  at /Westminster.  In  the 
oe  of  the  Interregnum,  he  was  preferred  to  the  mastership  of, 
irist  College,  in  Cambridge,  in  which  he  succeeded  Dr.  Bain- 
igg.  Several  authors*  speak  of  him  as  an  excellent  preacher 
id  expounder  of  Scripture,  and  as  of  a  most  exemplary  character. 
If.  5  Oct;  1654,  ^t,  48.  His  funeral  sermon  was  preached  by 
T.  Edmund  Calamy. 

THOMAS  TAYLOR,  S.T.  D.  M.  56.  Marshall 
:,  Ato. 

Thomas  Taylor,  &c.  Lombart  sc.  h.  sh. 
Thomas  Taylor;  8vo.  in  Cla7^ke*s  ^^  Lives,^'  8^c. 
Thomas  Taylor,  &c,  l2mo. 
Thomas  Taylor,  ^t.  66.  Cross  sc.  Ato. 

Thomas  Taylor,  who  flourished  in  this,  and  the  preceding  reign, 
"as. for  his  great  knowledge  in  the  Scriptures,  styled  "The  illumi- 
ated  Doctor."f  He  was  some  time  a  preacher  at  Reading,  in 
Berkshire,  where  his  example  was  observed  to  have  a  good  effect 
pon  the  younger  clergy.  He  was  afterward  promoted  to  the  rec- 
yrj  of  St.  Mary,  Aldermanbury,  in  London.  His  works,  which 
ontain  commentaries  on  several  of  the  Epistles  of  St.  Paul,  and. 
kther  theological  pieces,  were  printed  in  two  volumes  folio,  1659. 
ie,  and  Dr.*  Thomas  Beard  of  Huntingdon,  were  joint  compilers  of 
■  The  Theatre  of  God's  Judgment ;"  a  work  collected  from  ancient 
Lud  modem  authors,  the  fourth  edition  of  which  was  published  in 
l648,  fol.     06.1632. 

GUIL.  GOUGE,  S.T.  P.  &c.     W.  Fait  home  sc. 

•  Clarke,  Neale,  kc, 

t  Wood  says  that  .he  excelled  \t\  following,  and  opening  an  idlegory.^'"*  Fasti 
^on.**  vol.  i.  -coU  250. 


Frottti^.  to  h¥  "  Camnefifary  on  the  Eputle  to  tk 
Hebrews,"  1655;  fol.  eight  English  verses. 

GoiL.  GrotiQE,  Scc.Jiwn  the  same  plate ;  ten  Ertglak 
verses,  different  from  the  former. 

Guii,.  Gouge,  &c.  J.  Dunstallf. 

GuiL.  Gouge,  &c.  Stent;  Ato. 

William  Gouge  was  educated  at  King's  College,  in  Cambridge, 
wheiebe  nereTabKQt^fciinnlf  from  public  prayeraat  thechi^l 
ror  nine  years  together,  and  constantly  read  fifteen  chapters  in  tbe 
Bible  every  day.  He  was  one  of  the  assembly  of  divines;  ami 
was,  with  several  others,  chosen  by  a  comniittee  of  parliament,  to 
,  write  annotations  on  the  Bible.*  He  was  forty-five  years  the  la- 
boriont,  the  exemplary,  and  the  innch  loved  minister  of  St.  AcDe's, 
Blackfriar8,-iD  London,  where  none  ever  thought  or  spoke  ill  of 
bun,  but  such  as  were  inclined  to  tliiak  or  speak  ill  of  religion 
itself.  He  did  his  great  Master's  busjne.-is  till  his  strength  abso- 
lutely failed  him,  and  then  "  came  to  his  grave  in  a  full  age,  like 
as  a  shouk  of  corn  comcth  in  his  season."t  Ob.  3653,  /E(.  79.  I 
am  informed  from  a  manuscript  note  in  a  copy  of  Fuller's  "Wor- 
thies," in  the  possession  of  Sir  William  JIusgrave,  bart.  "that lie 
refused  the  provostship  of  King's  College,  in  Cambridge,  and  thai 
he  bad  eight  children,  who  lived  to  man's  and  woman's  estate." 

TOBIAS  CRISP,  D.D.  ^i.A2.   J.  S.  (Sturt)K. 

Tobias  Crisp;  smal/  8vo.    Before  the  third vokvn 
of  his  Se7-?no)is,  1646. 

Tobias  Crisp.  Arthur  Soly  sc. 

Tobias  Cbisp  ;  plain  oval  frame ;  Ato. 

*  Called,  "  Tbe  Assembljs  Amotaliom." 

t  Job  T.  26.     The  text  of  hit  funeral  setmoii,  picachecl   by  Wm.  Jtntjn,' 
tacceeded  him  a>  lainljici  of  BUckfrian. 

PF   ENGLAND.  361 

•  Tobiad  Crisp  wa$  rector  of  Brinkworth^  in  Wiltshire^  Tvhere  he 
was  admired  for  his  preaching,  and  hip^hly  esteemed  for  his  hospi- 
tality, diligence,  and  irreproachable  behaviour.  In  the  former  part 
oif  his  life,  he  was  professedly  an  Arminian  ;  but  afterward  became 
a  rigid  Antinomian.  In  1642,  he  left  Brinkworth,  and  retired  to 
I^Qodon,  where  his  tenets,  with  respeqt  to  grace,  were  presently 
known,  and  drew  him  into  a  controversy  with  fifty-two  divines. 
By  excessive  application,  he  contracted  a  distemper,  that  soon 
brought  him  to  his  grave.  His  Sermons,  &c.  were  reprinted  in 
1689,  with  the  naraes  of  twelve  presbyterian  and  anabaptist  minis- 
ters prefixed,  expressing  their  approbation  of  the  book.  This 
revived  a  controversy,  in  which  Mr.  Daniel  Williams  and  other 
persons  of  note  were  engaged.  The  reader  may  see  particulars  in 
the  "  Biographia  Britannica,"  Artie.  Toland,  note  (B).  Our  author 
Crisp  has  been  regarded  as  the  great  champion  of  antinomianism. 
06.  27  Feb.  1642-3. 

EDWARDUS  SIMPSON,  S.T.D.  M.  73;  Ato. 
JPrentisp.  to  his  '^  ChronicoHy*'  S^c. 

Edwardus  Simpson,  &c.  a  small  oval,  in  the  neat 
title  to  his  *'  Chi^onicon,'^  a  different  edition  from  the 
fwtnAT.    Wandelaar  im)enit  et  fecit ; 

Edward  Simpson,  a  native  of  Tottenham,  in  Middlesex,  was  edur 
cated  at  Trinity  College,  in  Cambridge.  Having  taken  the  degrees 
in  divinity,  he  became  chaplain  to  Sir  Moyle  Finch ;  and  was,  by 
the  Viscountess  Maidstone,  his  daughter,  preferred  to  the  rectory  of 
Eastling,  in  Kent.  He  was  esteemed  a  good  critic  in  the  learned 
lan^ages,  and  an  excellent  historian.  In  1652,  l)e  published  his 
^borate  work,  entitled  "  Chronicon  Catholicum  ab  Exordio 
Mundi,"  in  folio.  The  eminent  critic  Peter  Wesseling  republished 
this  book.  Dr.  Edward  Reynolds,  afterward  bishop  of  Norwich, 
Ia  bis  licence  for  the  pres^^  gives  this,  character  of  it:  'VEgregium 
^  absoltttissimiHtt  opii«,  summa  industria,  omnigena  eruditione, 
ms^o  judicio  et  multorum  annortrm  vigiliis  prodnctum."  He 
mlao  wrote  notes  on  Horace^  Persius,  &c«     Ob.  1652. 

Dr.  LUPTON ;  in  a  neat  title  to  his  ''  History  of 


modem  Protestant  Dimnet,"  1637,  mtiAicharexverai 
tt^l  English  heads. 

Dr.  Lnptoo  wu  also  Milbot  of  tli«  "Ijres  of  the '  Fathen," 
Lond.  1640, 4to.  in  which  are  «  conaidertble  number  of  small  h«idt^ 
by  Qlorer :  tbote  of  the  divines  woe  probably  engrared  bj  the 

Dr.  LAIGHTON  (or  Leighton).  Holiar/.atmll 
ooal;  fourteen  EngUsh  lines. 

Dr.  Laighton;  fourteen  English  Unes.  J.  Berry tc. 

Under  the  head  is  the  following  inscription,  which  shews  hov 
,  diSiircntly  authors  of  libels  were  treated  in  the  reign  of  Charles  1. 
from  what  they  have  been  of  late  years.  '*  Dr.  Laighton,  for  writ- 
ing a  book  called  '  Sion's  Plea,'*  was  first,  by  a  warrant  from  the 
high-commission  court,  clapped  up  in  Newgate,  for  the  space  of 
fifteen  weeks,  where  he  suffered  great  misery  and  sickness,  almott 
to  death ;  afterward  lost  one  of  his  ears  on  the  pillory,  had  one  of 
his  nostrils  slit  clean  through,  was  whipped  with  a  whip  of  llwee 
corils  knotted,  had  about  thirty-six  lashes  therewith,  was  fined  ten 
thousand  pounds,  and  kept  prisoner  in  the  Fleet  twelve  yean, 
where  he  was  most  cruelly  used  a  long  time,  being  lodged  day  and 
night  among  the  most  despciately  wicked  villains  of  that  whole 
prison."  He  was  father  of  Dr.  Robert  Leighton,  the  excelleiil 
archbishop  of  Glasgow. f 

•  He,  in  lliii  buok,  stjiej  liie  Ijisliops,  "  Men  of  Bioad,"  and  the  queen  "A 
Bsughtcr  of  Helli." 

t  Doctor  Leighton  h«i  been  generally  taken  fur  a  doelor  of  divimiy;  bill  il 
menu,  from  llie  following  ateouoi  of  liini,  thai  he  waa  a  tloctur  of  phjajc,  ihougbio 
bulj  order].     He  nuji  llieiefure  be  iciooved  into  tlie  nindi  class. 

■  Dr.  Aleiandtr  LeiglituQ  wa>  inteidiclEd  the  practice  of  physic  in  the  reign «( 
Jamc!  I.  bj  the  preaidenl  and  ceniori  of  the  College  of  Physicians,  as  n  disqeiliSnl 
person.  He  alleged,  in  bar  to  this  prohibition,  that  be  liad  taken  bis  doctoi'i  de- 
gree at  Lejden,  under  professor  Heurnius.  It  was  then  objected  to  bim,  ibil  be 
bad  taken  priest's  orders ;  and  being  asked  Mhy  he  did  not  tidhete  to  the  profrtuoo 
to  which  he  bad  heeu  ordained,  he  cicepted  against  Ibe  ceremonies,  but  owned  luoi' 
self  to  be  a  clergyman.  Still  peisiitlng  to  practise  in  London,  or  witbin  seven  oilo 
of  that  city,  he  "as  eeniured  "  tanqtiam  in/amii,  he  having  before  beencensared  in 
Die  Slar-chambcrtoiose  his  ears."  Dr.  Clia.  Goodall'i  ■'  Historical  Account  of  lb 
College's  Proceeding!  agiiini,l  En.pirlLi,- p.  401. 

OF   ENGLAND.  ,  363 

WILLIAM  FENNER,  &c.  Hollar  f.  1666,  A.  «A. 

William  Fenner,  B.  D;  MAO,  1640.  Hollar f. 

William  Fen NER,  B.  D.  M.  45, 1645  ;♦  Bollarf. 

William  Fenner,  a  noted  puritan  divine,  received  his  education 
at  Pembroke  Hall,  in  Cambridge.  He  was  preferred  to  the  rec- 
tory of  Rochford,  in  Essex,  by  the  Earl  of  Warwick,  who  was  a 
great  admirer  of  his  preaching.  He  wrote  a  considerable  number 
of  practical  books ;  as  "  Christ's  Alarm  to  drowsy  Saints,"  &c.  &c. 
He  was  much  resorted-  to  as  a  casuist. 

Mr.  HERBERT  PALMER  (B.  D.) ;  smatt  Ato.  in 
Clarke's  "  Lives  of  Puritan  Divines;'.'  Ato. 

•  Herbert,  son  of  Sir  Thomas  Palmer,  was  educated  in  the  univer- 
sity of  Caimbridge.  He  was  a  man  of  uncommon  learning,  gene- 
rosity, and  politeness  ;  and  his  character,  in  general,  was  so  good 
Qiat  Bishop  Laud,  in  1632,  presented  him  to  the  vicarage  of  Ash- 
well,  in  Hertfordshire,  though  he  was  professedly  of  puritan  prin- 
ciples.f  He  sat  in  the  assembly  of  divines  at  Westminster;  and 
was  one  of  those  that  wished  for  peace,  in  the  time  of  the  civil 
war.t  In  1644,  he  was,  by  the  Earl  of  Manchester,  appointed 
master  of  Queen*s  College,  in  Cambridge ;  where  he  was  very  atten- 
tive to  the  duties  of  his  office.  He  was  author  of  the  "  Memorials 
of  Godliness,"  the  thirteenth  edition  of  which  was  printed  in  1708; 
and  had  a  considerable  share  in  the  ''  Sabbatum  redivivum.*'  He 
•poke  the  French  language  with  as  much  facility  as  his  mother 
tongue.     Ob.  Dec.  25th,  1647,  ^t.  47. 

Mr.  HENRY  SCUDDER(B.  D.);  \2mo.W.Sher' 
-win  8C. 

^  *  Tli6  date  on  this  print  has  been  altered  fo  1651. 

^t-  The  archbishop  in  hit  defence  at  his  triai«  mentioned  this  fn  m  instance  of  his 

t  ^  Memoirs  of  DeosilHoUis;*  p.  160. 


Henry  Seadder,  an  eminent  preibyterian  dfivine,  iM 
of  Colingbourae  Dacis»  in  Wiltshire.    He  was  author  (tf  a 
book,  entitled, ''  The  Chrisdan's  dailjrWalk/'  This  book  was 
latedy  into  High  Dutch  by  Theodore  Haak,  who  also 
the  first  six  books  of  Milton's  ''  Paradise  Lost**  into  that  laagai 
for  which  performance  he  was  much  complimented  by  Fabridn, 
.  celebrated  divine  at  Heidelbui^.     The  translator  is  said  to  ksi 
projected  the  first  plan  of  the  Royal  Society.* 

EDMUNDUS  CALAMIE,  &c-  four  JEfigBA 
perses;  \2mo. 

Edmund  Calamy,  B.  D.  R.  White  sc.  12ma. 

Edmund  Calamy;  with  the  heads  of  Jos.  Caq^V- 
James  Janeway,  and  Ralph  Venning ;  Qvo.  ^ 


Edmund  Calamy;  small,  with  thirteen  of  kefs; 
prejixedto  the  **  Faretoell  Sermons  of  ejected  Ministertf 
Ato.  1662. 

Edmund  Calamy.  W.  Dobson  pinx.  Caldwallsc. 
In  the  "  Nonconformists^  Memorial;''  8vo. 

Edmund  Calamy  was  educated  at  Pembroke  Hall,  in  Cambridge 
where  he  laid  the  foundation  of  that  great  learning,  for  which  hc! 
was  aflerward  distinguished.  He  wad  some  time  domestic  chaplain 
to  Nicholas  Felton,  bishop  of  Ely ;  and  was,  upon  the  death  of 
William  Fenner,  presented,  by  the  Earl  of  Warwick,  to  the  rectory 
of  Rochford,  in  Kent.  His  next  preferment  was  to  the  church  of 
St.  Mary,  Aldermanbury,  where  he  continued  till  the  time' of  &€ 
ejection  of  the  nonconformists,  after  the  restoration.  His  natural 
and  acquired  abilities  qualified  him  to  be  the  leader  of  the  Pres- 
byterians. He  presided  over  the  city  ministers  in  their  meetings  i 
was  the  most  active  of  their  members  in  the  assembly  of  dirines ; 
and  was,  in  effect,  the  Baxter  of  this  reign.  But  his  writings, 
which  are  chiefly  practical,  are  not  near  so  numerous  as  Baxter's. 

*  See  a  note  subjoined  to  the  article  of  Cowley,  in  the  HiigA  of  CImries  It, 

op  Rsen.AW>.  3W 

le  was  one  of  th^  writ^T9  ggain^f  tite  Liturgy?*  tut  was  not  ^q 
tf^ptiQUs  9s  $ome  of  tbe  nonconformists,  who  w^r^  incUi^d  tR 
|H$urr^l  with  the  T#  Peuin,  and  *♦  correct  the  Magnificat,"  only 
i^ause  they  wer^  us^d  in  the  service  of  tjje  chur<?h  of  Rome.  K[§ 
lured  to  censure  the  oondnct  of  Cromwell,  to  his  face ;  and  wsjg^ 
lever  known  to  he  intimidated  wber^  he  diought  hi^  duty  wd^ 
roncerned.f  He  went  to  see  the  ruins  of  the  city  of  London,  af$^jp 
be  dreadful  fire,  in  1666;  and  was  so  deeply  afiepted  with  ^ 
Hght,  that  it  broke  his  heart.} 

NATHANIEL  BERNARD,  S.  T.  B,  rector  de 
Remenham.   W.  Marshall  sc.  Qvo. 

](Q^athaniel  Bernard,  lecturer  of  St.  Sepulchre's  in  London^  who 
peas  probably  made  rector  of  Remenham  upon  the  ejection  of  some 
conformist,  **  preaching  at  St.  Antholin's  church.  May  3,  1629, 
Bsed  this  expression,  in  his  prayer  before  sermon  :  Oh  Lord,  q^ 
fcbe  eyes  of  the  queen's  majestic,  that  she  may  see  Jesus  Ch^, 
0rbom  she  hath  pierced  with  h^r  infidelity,  superstition^  and  ido- 
Utrie.''§  These  are  Prynne's  own  words,  who  says,  that  Bishop 
Laud  being  informed  of  it,  brought  him  before  the  high  commission 
at  Lambeth ;  but  out  of  tenderness,  as  ^  he  was  a  young  scholar 

*  One  of  the  answers  to  the  book,  written  by  Calamy  and  his  brethren  against 
<ha  liturgy,  was  ^ptitled,  **  A  Trhoat  Hapse  for  the  Frogs  and  Toads  that  crept 
^joad  croaking;  against  the  Cpmoion  "PtBLyei  Book." 

t  Hu  grandson  informs  i)s,  jthat  he  bad  General  Monck  for  his  auditor,  in  his  own 
<3iinrch,  soon  after  the  restoration ;  and  that  having  occasion  to  speak  in  hit  sermon 
^  filtliy  luoie,  he  said,  "  Some  men  will  betray  three  kingdoms  for  filthy  lucre's 
fake ;  and  Immediately  threw  his  handkerchief,  which  he  usually  wa^^d  up  and 
^wn  while  he  was  prfaching^  towards  the  general's  pew."— Calamy's  "  I4vea  of 
]piuLter,"  &c.  ii.  p.  6. 

;(  It  is  probable,  that  Mr.  Calamy  would  have  been  unhappy  if  he  hfid  not  seen 
this  horrid  spectacle.  The  ingenious  Mr.  Burke,  in  his  **  Enquiry  into  the  Origin  of 
ow  Ideas  of  the  SnUime  and  Beautiful,"  supposes,  that  if  the  metropolis  were  de- 
stroyed by  |i  conflagration,  great  "  numbers,  from^l  p^rts,  would  crowd  to  b^9|d 
fbe  ruins,  ai^  amongst  them  many  who  would  hfive  bie^  content  never  Xq.  hf^fe 
9M9  it  in  its  glory  .'*J| 

$  See  Prynne's  "  Canterburie's  Doom,"  p.  176,362,  363. 419.  535, 5;?6,, whence 
afanost  the  whole  of  this  article  is  extracted.    See  also  Wood's  "Fasti,"  i.  244* 

H  ^,  17,  ^ecoi^d  f  dit. 

VOL.  n.  ,3b 


and  a  student  in  divinity,"  tlie  bishop  was  desired  to  intercede  witb 
the  king  for  his  pardon,  and  he  accordingly  procured  it.  Butte 
leal,  not  resting  here,  carried  him  to  Cambridge,  where  preochinj 
at  St,  Mary's,  and  elsewhere,  he  accused  the  established  chuitt 
of  popery,  superstition,  and  idolatry:  for  which  being  convenedlij 
the  vice-chancellor.  Dr.  Comber,  he  retreated  with  precipilatitat 
The  vice-chancellor  wrote  to  the  bishop  concerning  him,  on  wliitk 
being  a  second  lime  brought  before  the  commissioners,  he  *» 
suspended,  fined,  and  imprisoned.  The  bishop  would  have ' 
him  sign  a  recantation,  btit  in  vain ;  it  is  therefore  probable,  thit 
he  was  roughly  handled.  Whether  he  deserved  it  or  not,  is,  it 
seems,  a  problem  betwixt  the  admirers  of  Bishop  Laud  and  William 

EDWARD  FINCH;  a  small  whole  length,  dresstd 
in  a  surplice,  followttig  a  coach  full  of  wotnen.  Over 
the  coach  is  written  "  Away  for  Hammersmith;"  mi 
in  another  part,  near  an  alehouse  or  tavern,  "  Findis 
Perambtilations."  The  print,  7vhick  is  cut  inwood,k- 
longs  to  a  book,  called  "  The  Petition  and  Articles  sf 
several  Changes  exhibited  against  Mdward  Finch,  Sjt' 
now  a  Fugitive  for  fear  of  this  present  ParlimmiC 
1641,  Alo.    Copied  by  W.  Richardson. 

Edward  Finch,  vicar  of  Christ  Church,  in  London,  and  broto 
to  the  lord-keeper,  appears,  according  to  Walker,*  to  have  been  itf 
first  parochial  clergyman  who  was  ejected  fi-oni  a  benefice  ly  ll" 
reforming  parliament.  It  was  the  misfortune  of  this  gentlenan t" 
iiye  in  an  age  when  the  beauty  of  holiness  was  deemed  deformitj; 
and  when  orthodoxy,  conformity,  and  politeness,  were  enrolls^'" 
the  black  list  of  crimes.  Some  of  the  ma^tfiagrartt  in  the  arli* 
exhibited  against  him  were,  that  he  preached  in  a  surplice;  tballi! 
wore  this  abominable  vestment  in  his  perambulations;  thai  li^ 
worshipped  the  "  great  idol"  lately  erected  in  the  church,  meaoiiiE 
the  altar ;  and  associated  with  women.  He  died,  soon  aftft  lii* 
sequestration,  1  Feb.  1642,  happy  in  this  circumstance,  that  heoolj 
tasted  of  the  bitter  cup,  of  which  many  of  his  brethren  and  frifn^i 
unfortunately  lived  to  exhaust  the  dregs. 

•  '■  Sufferings  of  Ihe  Clergj,"  p«n  ii.  p.  170. 


mi':  '^Ki-S'^liW  Elii  1 




^^BBpy         1' 


m,  { ii  ffCS^gH' 



m  ^ 





^^^ : 





OF  ENGLAND.  367 

'  i^DONIRAM  BYFIELD,  with  a  windmill  on  his 
ke^ij  jond  the  devil  blowing  the  sails  ;  it  is  engraved  in 
thtfiufkner  of  Gaytvoodj  Ato.  scarce. 


•  .  ■      .  •       ■    <     ■ 

AitQKUAM  Byfield.    R.  Grave  sc.  8vo. 

4dQi|ibam  Byfield,  who  is  said  to  have  been  a  broken  apothe- 
cary, .^iraii  a  man  of  special  note,  and  a  very  active  zealot  in  this 
buy  nd  boisterous  reign.  He  was .  one  of  the  scribes  to  the 
u4^y  of  divines  that  sat  at  Westmmster,  and  had  a  great  the  Directory,  the  <<  originaF' of  which  he  sold  for  400/.* 
He  WBM  in  possession  of  the  valuable  benefice  of  Colingbourn, 
in  W&tilure,  the  right  of  which  belonged  to  Dr.  Christopher 
Pnofr  inrebfindary  of  Slape»  in  the  church  of  Salisbury,  and  of 
Burton  Davy,  in  that  of  Wells ;  and  who  was  also  principal  of 
New-Inn  Hall,  in  the  university  of  Oxford.  The  preferments  of 
Ais  oilliodox  and  learned  divine  were  alone  sufficient  to  enroll  him 
with-  the  scandalous  and  reprobate  clergy.  Adoniram  Byfield  is 
one  of  those  few  persons  who  have,  by  name,  been  stigmatized  by 
Butler,  in  his  ''  Hudibras/'  He  was  father  of  Byfield  the  sal  vola- 
tile doctor.f 

WILLIAM  CARTWRIGHT,  (A.M.)  sitting  in  a 
studious  posture  with  Aristotle's  Works  open  before  him. 
Zjombdrt  sc.  Frontispiece  to  his  Poems  and  Plays,  1 651 ; 
8vo.  Eight  English  verses,  "  Thus  thy  left  hand,  the 
niighty  Stagirite,'^  Sgc. 

William  Cartwright  ;  eight  English  verses.  W. 

William  Cartwright,  &c.   T.  Rodd. 

William  Cartwright  was  son  of  a  gentleman  of  broken  fortune, 
who  was  reduced  to  keep  an  inn  at  Cirencester,  in  Gloucestershire. 
He  had  the  highest  reputation  of  any  man  of  his  time  in  the  uni- 

*  «  Assembly  Man,"  p.  15. 

t  See  Grey's  "  Hudibras,"  vol.  ii.  p.  278, 279. 


ity  of  O  ford,  for  poetry,  oratory,  and  philosophy.  His  "  Royal 
e"  wag  acted  before  the  king  and  qoeen,  by  his  fellow -students 
hrist  Church ;  of  whom  the  mo3t  applauded  was  Mr.  Bnsbj, 
ward  the  celebrated  master  of  Westminster  School,  who  per- 
med the  part  of  Cratander.    Wit,  learning,  judgment,  elocution, 
Taceful  person  and  behaviour,  occasioDed  that  well-known  m- 
a  of  hira  from  Dean  Fell,  "  That  he  was  the  utmost  that  man 
oome  to,"     This  instance  of  the  perfection  of  human  nature, 
also  an  instance  of  its  vanity.     He  was  suddenly  snatched 
by  a  fever  in  the  prime  of  life,  on  the  29th  of  NoTember. 
and  had  the  honour  to  be  regretted  by  his  sovereign  aail 
een,  who  were  in   Oxford  at  the  time  of  his  death.    Abra- 
f right,  fellow  of  St.  John's  College  in  that  university,  pub- 
id   five  sermons,  in   the  several  styles  of  Bishop  Andrews, 
lop  Hall,  Dr.  Jasper  Mayne,  Mr.  William  Cartwright,*  the 
sbyterians  and  Independents. 

GULIELMUS  OUGHTRED,  M.  73.  Hollar/. 
1646;  4io, 

Mr.  Evelyn  tells  us,  that  this  print,  which  was  done  for  bJB 

"  Clavis,"  extremely  resembles  him.+ 

GuLiELMus  Olghtrkd,  jlit.  73;  an  etching.  F.  S- 

William  Oughtred,  rector  of  Aldbury,  in  Surrey,  was  geDemlly 
reputed  the  greatest  mathematician  of  his  age  and  countrj',  He 
was  by  no  means  deficient  in  the  pursuit  of  such  studies  as  more 
immediately  related  to  his  profession ;  but  seems  to  have  been  ca> 
ried  to  the  mathematics  by  an  irresistible  force  of  genius.  He  in- 
vented several  useful  instruments,  and  composed  many  excellent 
pieces  on  mathematical  subjects.  But  his  masterpiece  is  bis 
"Clavis  Mnthematica,"  which  he  drew  up  for  his  pupil,  the  Lord 
William  Howard,  son  of  Thomas,  carl  of  Arundel.  This  worVis 
thought  to  be  so  perfect  as  scarce  to  admit  of  improvement;  and 
what  serves  instead  of  every  other  encomium,  the  general  plan  of 
it  has  been  adopted  by  Sir  Isaac  Newton.  He  was  the  first  tliat 
gave  a  turn  for  mathematical  studies  to  the  university  of  Cam- 

OP  ENGLAND.  369 

bridge ;  and  his  **  Clavis"  was  introduced  by  Seth  Ward,  who 
lectured  his  pupils  in  it.  He  sometimes  amused  himself  with 
ftfchery ;  but  his  very  study  seems  to  have  had  a  good  effect  upon 
Bis  health ;  as  the  mathematics  were  not  only  recreation  to  him, 
Irat  Epicurism.  He  was  sprightly  and  active  at  above  eighty  years 
of  age ;  and  if  we  may  believe  Mr.  Collier,  died  in  an  ecstacy  of 
joy  upon  hearing  of  the  restoration  of  Charles  II.  Ob.  1660,  Mt. 
Mi.     See  the  Interregnum,  Class  IV. 

Cross  sc.  Before  his  "  Key  to  the  Old  Testament ^^ 
]  649 ;  ^vo.    See  the  Interregnum. 

RlCHARDUS  BERNARD,  pastor  vigilantissi- 
mus  de  Batcombe,  1641.  W.  Hollar  f.  4to.  1641. 
Frontisp.  to  his  ^^  Thesaurus,''  ^c.  JEtatis  sua  74* 

.Richard  Bernard  was  twenty-eight  years  the  worthy  rector  of 
Batcomhe,  in  the  county  of  Somerset.  He  was  author  of  "  The- 
saurus Biblicus/'  a  laborious  work,  formerly  much  used  by  way 
of  concordance.  He  was  also  author  of  an  '' Abstract  and  Epi- 
tome of  the  Bible,"  which  I  have  seen  bound  up  with  old  Bibles. 
In  1647,  he  published  "  A  Guide  to  Grand-jurymen,  with  Respect 
to  Witches,"  the  country  where  he  lived  being,  if  we  may  believe 
Cttanviile,  formerly  much  infested  with  them.  He  was  preceded 
in  his  rectory  by  Dr.  Biss,  who  lived  in  the  time  of  the  reformation. 
His  successor  was  Richard  Allein,  a  famous  nonconformist,  of 
whom  there  is  an  account  in  the  '^  Biographia  Britannica."  Ob» 

JOHANNES  SYM,  rector  ecclesiae  Leeosis,  inter 
Efraexianos,  M.  66.    Wm.  Marshall/.  1637;  4to. 

In  Sioh  College  Catalogue  occurs,  *'  life's  Preservative  against 
Sdf-killbgy  by  John  Sym,  Minister  of  Leigh,  in .  Essex  ;*'  Lond. 
1637 ;  4to.    See  also  the  Bodleian  Catalogue. 

*  '<  Threefold 'Kr^atise  of  the  Babbstb/'  1641,  to  wlaichUs  portrait  yrai  fint 


JOHX  FEATLY;  m  tmaU  keti.  m  tkc  tHk  tftk 
/oOoKiag  boik.  of  lekkk  he  waa  tl^  otfior,  viz.  "i 
Fountain  of  T<an~  Sgc.  prinUd  at  AauicrJamt  m  IGtC; 

U  A*  "fciMlMMm  tt  MMint  Hem-  ia  At  Ok  td  Jk. 
ftmmitiAwmwmAm.    He  «■  eha^luB  u>  Charies  L  aod  a 

*  GULIELMUS  WHATELIE,  theologus;  sir  Latin 
verteM.  FrotUupiece  to  his  "  PnAolifpeg,  or  Ike  primar) 
precedent  prtsidaits,  out  of  the  Book  of  Genesis,^  1647 ; 

William  Whatelte,  or  Whatelr,  a  Calviaist,  was  many  years  ticu 
of  Biuibury,  in  Oxrordthire.  His  reputation  as  a  preacher  was  m 
great,  that  numbers  of  different  persuasions  went  from  Oxford,  and 
Olhr.r  distant  places,  to  hear  him.  As  he  ever  appeared  to  apeat 
from  bin  licarl,  liii  sermons  were  felt  as  well  as  heard,  and  wfri; 
utltndid  witli  suitable  effects.'  His  piety  was  of  a  very  eiLtraor- 
ilinnry  utriiin,  as  iippcars  from  his  book  "  Of  the  Cumbers  anil 
TtoLilili'!.  of  Murriat'r,"  He  died  tlie  lOtli  of  May,  1639,  mneh 
JBinviitod  by  liis  pariabionera.     These  lines  are  part  of  his  epiUpk: 

■  A  nci||liliuuringcli.'rgf  mail  being  deeply  affected  wiih  a  seroion  of  his,  upon 
buiiiily  to  llic  |iuur,  wcnl  to  liini  a!\ct  it  waa  ended,  and  asked  liim  what  pnip«nioii 
«t  lii>  Incumc  lie  ought  in  conicience  to  giir.  Whately  adiised  liim  not  U  tc 
■liniliiKi  mid  Inliinali-'i!,  that  when  \\c  wag  fai  from  U'ing  jii  easy  ciii:umitaiiixi,)ii 
ii-iiili'i'il  hiiii-i'ir  to  ft  aiidE  a  largei  sum  Ihan  ever,  fur  cliaritable  uKs  :  Bud  thu 
Ihi'  >  iinii'iiiiriire  wis,  that  Oud  blviscd  and  incceiued  the  slendcc  heap  frdm  nbtdi 

iiieilj  hciii  foncd  to  boTiow.     Sec  the  story  at  Inrge  in  llic   "  life  of  BIr.  Jb. 
Mcde,"  |ii,(i«pd  to  his  "  Works."  fol,  1677. 

t  S.'iritil  lit  Ilie  poclRslrTs  of  (he  age  looked  upon  Ihis  thonght  a«  (w  beantifiil 
In  t>c  Uie  pniprrly  of  A  single  |ie<ioti,  &nd  have  iheiefore  ,^hared  it  amoa^  ibrB. 
Kn  ilie  Tfiseian  Ibe  death  of  Queen  F.liiabelh,  in  Camdeu's"  Renuiiif,  bi  FUli- 
pol"  p,  \i*,  ot  Id  the  "  Ho.vil  aod  Noblv  Aulbora,"  J.  p.  40,  sccood  fdiL 

OF  ENGLAND.         ,  371 

JOHN  ROGERS,  preacher  at  Dedham,  in  Essex ; 
arge  heard;  12nw. 

John  Rogers,  a  puritan  divine,  and  minister  of  Dedham,  in 
Sssex,  was  as  popular  a  preacher  as  any  of  his  time.  His  congre- 
gation, upon  lecture  days,  was  generally  an  assemblage  from  all 
he  country  round ;  and  his  church  was  npt  only  thronged,  but 
sometimes  surrounded  by  such  as  could  not  get  admittance. 
[!!alamy,  in  his  account  of  the  life  of  Mr.  Giles  Firmin,  informs  ns, 
*  that  he  was  converted  when  he  was  a  schoolboy  by  Mr.  John 
Rogers  of  Dedhara.  He  went  late  upon  a  lecture  day,  and  crowded 
to  get  in.  Mr.  Rogers  taking  notice  of  his  earnestness,  with  a 
jfouth  or  two  more,  for  room,  with  his  usual  freedom  cried  out, 
'  Here  are  some  young  ones  come  for  Christ :  will  nothing  serve 
you  but  you  must  have  Christ :  Then  you  shall  have  him,'  &c. 
which  sermon  paade  such  an  impression  upon  him,  that  he  thence 
dated  his  conversion.*' 

HENRICUS  BURTON,  theol.  Cantabrigiensis, 
&c.  Glover  f.  4to. 

Henry  Burton.  Hollar/,  a  smalloval,  under  which 
is  some  account  of  him. 

Henry  Burton,  JEt.  63,  1640;  four  English 
verses  ;  large  oval. 

Henry  Burton,  rector  of  St.  Matthew's,  Friday- 
street  ;  Svo.  in  Clarendon. 

Henry  Burton;  Greek  inscription  at  top;  beneath, 
sis  English  verses  in  the  manner  of  Marshall;  oval; 

Henry  Burton,  with  an  account  of  his  sufferings. 
J.  Berry  sc. 

Henry  Burton,  because  he  could  not  arrive  at  such  a  height  of 
preferment  in  the  church  as  he  aspired  to,  conceived  an  implacable 


■       3; 


hatred  against  the  church  itoelf.  He  wrote  and  preached  agiainii 
die  hierarchy,  and  the  adiniQistration,  with  all  the  spleen  of  disap- 
poioted  ambition ;  and  was  joinlly  concerned  in  a  sediiioua  anJ 
scliismatical  Uhel  wilh  Prynne  and  Bastwlck.  The  punishmentof 
these  men,  who  were  of  the  three  great  professions,  was  ign* 
ininiouB  and  severe  :  they  were  pilloried,  tincd,  and  baniahei' 
Though  they  were  never  objects  of  esteem,  tliey  eoon  became  ob- 
jects of  pity.  The  indignity  and  the  severity  of  their  punisluaent 
gave  general  offence;  and  they  were  no  longer  i(^rded  as  crimi- 
nals, but  confessors. 

preacher  to  two  of  the  greatest  congregations  in 
England,  viz.  Stepney  and  Cripplegate,  London. 
Cross  sc.  FroiUisp.  to  kh  ''Gospel  Worship,"  1648; 

Jeuemiah  BuRRODdHES,  htc  minister  of  the 
gospel.  T.  Cross  sc.  Frotttisp.  to  his  "  Sainfs  Treo- 
Avry"  1656. 

.Ikremiah  Bl'rrouches,  late  minister,  &c.  Ga}- 
wondf.  4to. 

Jeremiah  Burroughes;  hand  on  a  scull,  prefi'^ 
to  /lis  "  £.ircf(liiig  Sinfulness  of  Sin  ;^  Ato.  1654. 

Jeremiah  Burroughcs  was  educated  at  Cambridge ;  bui  «^ 
obliged  to  quit  that  university  for  nonconformity.  He,  for  ^oiM 
time,  sheltered  hintself  under  the  hospitable  roof  of  the  Eail  "f 
Warwicfc,-|-  and  afterward  retired  to  Holland,  and  was  elecieJ 
minister  of  an  English  congregation  at  Rotterdam.  About  ^ 
licginniQg  of  the  civil  war,  he  returned  to  England ;  not  to  prMf^ 
sedition,  like  some  of  his  uonconfonning  brethren,  but  peace;  fof 
which  he  earnestly  prayed  and  laboured.     His  "Irenicum"  s^' 

•  Thej  were  imprimiifd  ia  the  iilandj  of  Goenuey,  Jereej,  »DiJ  Sdllj- 
t  C*1bbj'i  '■  Bciaoii  U  tbc  end  of  Wunick'c  Wa^Mi,"  p.  ST. 

TEREMIAH    fimuSoaCBE  J  L  ate. 

Centre  a  atunus  in.'Enalan.l.  Vm^$>b&vn£y 


OF   ENGLAND.  373 

of  tht  last  «al;j«ct8  upon  which  hfi  preached.  His  incessant 
>iiray  and  his  grief  for  the  distractions  of  the  times,  contributed 
lasten  his  death.  He  was  a  man  of  learnings  candour^  and 
lesty  y  and  of  an  exemplary  «nd  irreproachable  1^.  A  eonsider- 
I  number  4yf  Us  practical  writings  are  in  print,  of  which  some 
o  published  after  his  decease.    Ob.  14  Nqy.  1646. 

BENRY  WILKINSON,  S.  T,  P.  in  the  «  O^xfard 
TUinack,"  1749. 

lepry  WilkinspQy  <50i9iQQn)y  called  Deap  Harry,  was  born  in 
West  Riding  of  Yc^kshire;  aud  received  his  grammatijsal  e^ijir. 
ion  at  Sylvester  School,  in  the  parish  of  All  Saints,  Oxfprd; 
I  entered  a  commcm^r  of  Magdalen  Hall,  in  1631,  and  too]c  hi^ 
nrees  in  arts,  and  became  a  noted  tutor  or  dean  of  his  hons^,  ^ 
on  the  eruption  of  the  civil  war  in  164/2,  fa^  left  th^  unive^ity 
I  adhered  to  the  psj^liament  party.  He  wa»  very  cpurte^MMf  JP 
lech,  oommonicative,  generous,  and  cheM^itable  to  the  popfi  wi> 
public  spirited^  fthat  he  always  rf  gftrded  the  c<Hompn  good  mQf^ 
n  bis  Pirn  jponcf^ms*  Bewa9  aut)K»r  of  many  w<Mrk9  io  Lfttin 
lEnglMi,    Sef  Wood's '*  AjOien.  Ojv:(9i|/'    Hedi9dl990. 

HENRT  JESS^Y  (or  Jessie),  holding  a  book. 


Hen&t  Jesset.  O.  Davis  sc.  Prefixed  to  his '^ Mis- 
llanea  Sacra,"*  1666 ;  8vo. 

Hekat  Jessev,  holding  a  booh.  W.  Richardson. 

Henry  Jessey,  an  eminent  puritan  <Uvine,  received  his  eduealibtt 
St.  John's  College,  in  Oxford.  He  was  a  noted  preacher,  and 
thor  of  several  practical  pieces,  which  he  distributed  among  his 
ethren.  The  most  considerable  of  his  niunerous  works  are*  ''Tb^ 
mpture  Calendar,"  &c.  which  was  several  times  printed:  his 
Description  and  Explanation  of  two  hundred  and  sixty-eight 
aces  in  Jerusalem,  and  the  Suburbs  thereof.*'  This  was  likewise 
printed.  He  also  published  several  tracts  relative  to  the  work 
grace,  and  conversion  of  divem  p^sons,  both  young  and  old, 
ssides  his  own  ''  Experiences.''    He  was  also  «ttdMr  of  ''  The 

VOL.  XX.  3  c 


I  loud  Call  toEnglaad:  being  a  true  Relation  ofBomtlW 

-         B  and  wonderful  Judgments,  or  handy  Works  of  God,  tj 

make.  Lightning,  Whirlwind,  great  multitude  of  Toads  ui 

1660."     "  This  book  (says  Mr.  Wood)  begins  with  c«- 

)  relating  to  Oxon,  which  being  very  false,  the  teidti 

irwise  but  judge  the  rest  so  to  be.     In  1661,  came  o«l 

are   of  a   most  damnable    design,    called,   '  Mitabilii 

Jie  Year  of  Prodigies  and  Wonders,'  &c.  and  in  166J, 

d  second  part  of  '  Annus  mirabilis  secundus,'  nJid  pro- 

uiner   parts,  but  such  '  '■"-'c  not  yet  seen.     When  tbcM 

out,  which  were  advanceu  by  several  hands,  it  was  verilj 

sed  that  Henry  Jessie  had  a  principal  share  in  theni,  &c 

,igth  paying  his  last  debt  U     ature,  4  Sept.  1663,  beingtlieii 

■ouQted  the  oracle  and  idol  o    the  faction,  he  was,  on  the  7ui 

he  same  month,  laid  to  sleep  ^ith  his  fathers,  in  a  holi 

'he  yard  joining  to  Old  Bedlam   near  Moorfields,  in  the  sabprt" 

London,  attended  with  a  ■"■^  ige  medley  of  fanatics  (mosllj 

thaptists)  that  met  upon  th         y  point  of  time,  all  at  the 

It,  to  do  honour  to  their  'ted  brother.     Some  years  afler, 

aie  out '  A  short  account  oi  Life  and  Death,'  &c.  but  full  of 

ridiculous  and  absurd  cantings ;  to  which  is  annexed  '  An  Ekgf  on 

Mr.  William  Bridge.' "  The  foregoing  quotation  is  introduced  bert, 

as  a  specimen  of  the  style  of  Mr.  Wood,  when  be  speaks  of  iht 

nonconformists . 

*  It  II1U91  bi^rc  he  uandidljr  unned,  tlial  Jemj  clearly  thews  hlmielfi 
Ibisbuuk.  InllieliriicLapttr.bc  speaks  uf  "  the  toed '■  Strang?  baud  at  Gi 
Ibe  sudilvil  dEatb  uf  seveial  peisuBS,  aclocs  in  B  play  BgaiDst  Furilaoi  and  ulbEn" 
And  be  ibjb,  iu  tbu  iBiui^  chapter,  ibat  "  llic  firgi  man  Ibat  read  prajen 
univeriil;,  since  Ibli  change  (lueaniug  llie  res  tors  Ud].),  the  Lord  hatL  o 
off,"  fee.     "  The  first  mail  that  read  prajiTS  at  WadJiani  CuUege  is  also  cul 

Ibe  slated  laws  of  nature,  were  by  iils  gloomy  jtriagiaatlon  cnnvefled  jjilo  jud| 

against  the  restoiation  of  the  king  and  the  reading  oC  tbe  "  seriice  book."    Tin 

was  crowded  with  scenes  uf  festivity,  fBiicicd  they  ia»  llic  plagues  of  the  Imd 
Egjpt  Various  writers  etidcBfouied  to  spread  the  alarm.  Tlie  roost  audicioui 
them  was  the  splenetic  Buibai  of  '■  'I'he  Yeai  of  Piodigics,"  wbo  ransatknl  ^1 1 
books  be  met  witb  for  uieiuorable  and  portentous  accideuts  and  appeeriDcei,  i 
their  couiequenl  judgments,  anil  did  his  ulinoat  to  Jeirifj  the  people  with  agiaui 
leti  bul  dreadful  anlicipaliou  of  the  same  events.  These  auUiors  occBsionFd  1 
Speticer  (0  wiiie  a  rary  rational  book  upon  prodigies. 

fiMik^Ju^.  ,J  .Se,.  iy  IFiyman/^m^ni  -*w. 

OF   ENGLAND.  375 

THOMAS  BEARD ;  a  neat  whole  lengthy  two  scho- 
rs  standing  by  him,  a  rod  in  his  handy  and  a  label  pro- 
eding from  his  numth^  inscribed  ''As  in prasenti.'* 

Thomas  Beard;  inscribed  "Pedantius."  W. 

■  ■      » <  -        • 

Thomas  Beard,  .who  was  a  puntaa  mmister  at  Huntingdon,  was 
boolmaster  to  Oliver  Cromwell.  He  was  author  of  the  "Theatre 
God's  Judgments,"  and  of  "  Pedantius,  Comadia,  olim  Cantab. 
ta,in  Coll.  Trin,  nunquam  ante  hcBc  Typis  evulgata^^  Londini,  1631, 
'mo*    The  print  of  him  belongs  to  this  comedy. 


RICHARD  BLACKERBY ;  a  small  oval.  Van 
fovesc.    In  Clark's  '' Lives,''*  folio. 

Richard  Blackerby,  a  native  of  Worlington,  in  Suffolk,  was  edu- 
ted  at  Trinity  College,  in  Cambridge.    He  was  perfectly  skilled 

the  learned  languages,  which  he  taught  at  Ashen,  near  Clare,  in 
iffolk,  where  he  had  a  considerable  number  of  scholars,  some  of 
3om  have  been  men  of  eminence,  particularly  Dr.  Bernard,  who 
u  recommended  by  him  to  Archbishop  Usher,  who  appointed 
m  his  chaplain.  The  s.9iiie .  t)ersQn  became  afterward  a  dean. 
Lackerby,  in  conformity  to  the  practice  of  the  ancient  Peripa- 
tics,  would  frequently  walk  abroad  with  his  scholars,  and  in- 
met  them  in  natural  and  divine  knowledge.  Though  he  was 
capable  of  holding  a  benefice,  on  account  of  his  inflexible  non- 
►nformity,  he  took  every  occasion  of  preaching  and  exhorting ; 
Ld  such  was  his  preaching,  says  the  author  of  his  Life,  ^'  that 

must  be  yielded  to,  or  fled  from,'  or  fought  against."  He 
^e  acknowledged  to  some  of  his  intimate  friends^  that  he  had 
Bson  to  believe  '^  that  God  had'  made  him  a  spiritual  father  to 
K>ve  two  thousand  persons."  The  same  author,  who  appears  to 
fcve  been  abundantly  credulous,  informs  us,  that  the  visible  ven- 
»ance  of  heaven  fell  upon  his  persecutors.  He  says  that  his 
^<ams  were. holy,  and  that  "when  he  awaked  in  the  night,  he  was 
"cr  in  meditation  or  prayer;  that  he  would  oft,  at  midnight, 
i^e  Greek,  Latin,  or  English  verses,  exalting  the  praise  of  God, 
^  attributes,  the  acts  of  Christ,  the  graces  of  his  Spirit,  or  the 
by  and  give  them  in  the  morning  to  his  scholars;"  that  he  kept 


three  diarieB  or  his  life,  one  in  Greek,  uiothet  in  Latin,  tnd  t 
third  in  English;  aad  that,  "for  the  impartiality,  constancy,  wi 
sweetness  of  holiness,  very  few  have  come  near  him,  and  none, 
since  the  primitive  times,  did  excel  him,"  Ob.  1648.  See  a  more 
particular  account  of  him  iu  Clarke's  "  Lives,"  folio,  1683. 

THOMAS  BROOKS;  a  small  wood-cut. 
This  person  was  author  of  "The  Riches  of  Christ,  or  the  Ttea- 
lure  of  heavenly  Joys,"  to  which  ''e  print  is  prefixed. 

EDMUNDUS  GREGORIUS,  Mat.  31, 1646. 

Edmund  Gregory,  who  was  some  time  a  student  at  Trinity 
College,  in  Oxford,  left  the  university  afler  he  had  taken  one  degree 
in  arts.  He  was  author  of  "  The  Historical  Anatomy  of  ChrisdaQ 
Melancholy ;"  and  a  "  Meditation  on  Job  ix  +,"  printed  in  one 
volume  octavo,  to  vhich  is  prefixed  his  head.  As  he  is  not  ia  . 
the  habit  of  a  clergyman  of  the  church  of  England,  it  is  probable  I 
that  he  did  not  receive  episcopal  ordination.*  I 

WILLIAM  AMES,  D.  D.  &c.  black  silk  cap,  cloak, 
and  ruff.    W.  Marshall  sc.    Frontisp.  to  his  "  Frtik 
Suit  against  CerEmoims ;""  4to.  1633. 

William  Amks  ;  four  Latin  verses;  4to.  neat. 

William  Ames,  a  learned  independant  divine,  was  educaud  U 
Christ's  College,  in  Cambridge,  under  the  famous  William  PeAm 
He,  in  the  late  reign,  left  the  university,  and  soon  after  the  l:ing- 
dom,  on  account  of  nonconformity,  and  retired  to  the  Hague.  H* 
had  not  been  long  resident  there,  before  he  was  invited  lo  gccepl 
of  the  divinity  chair  in  the  university  of  Franeker,  in  FriesW, 
which  he  filled  with  admirable  abilities  for  above  twelve  yean. 
His  fame  was  so  great,  that  many  came  from  remote  nations  lobe 
educated  under  him.     His  controversial  writings,  which  compose 

•  Tlii^ie  »  a  head  uf  Francis  de  Neville  engravEd  bj  Hollu  in  1644;  uiil  UKllvt 
of  Thoiuai  AlCwood  Rolfacrliaiu,  &c.  b;  Minhali.  The;  tppeu  to  be  puritaadi' 
vines,  but  I  know  no(hinj{  of  them. 

OF   EK.GLAND.  377 

tli6  ^ftter  part  of  hk  wcyrks^  are  agdnst  the  Arminians,  and  Bel- 
hermine.  His  pieces  relative  to  the  sciences,  seem  to  have  been 
written  for  the  tise  of  his  pupils  in  the  university.  Towards  the 
<Aoise  of  fais  life,  he  removed  to  Rotterdam,  where  he  died  of  an 
asthma,  in  Nov.  1633.*  As  he  left  the  church  and  kingdom,  and 
was  much  better  known  abroad  than  at  home,  I  have  not  placed 
bitn  with  the  doctors  of  the  established  church. 


1641 ;  4to.  in  an  aval,  sLv  English  verses. 

Alexander  Hend£rson  ;  12/wo. 

Alexander  Henderson  ;  inscribed  Mr.  Hender- 
soriy  a  reverend  divine  of  Scotland. 

Alexander  Henderson;  six  English  verses^  "  If 
thou  wQuldst  k$um)^*  ^q.  by  W.  Marshall^  small  quarto; 

Alexander  Henderson,  the  chief  of  the  Scottisli  cler^  in  liiis 
reign,  was  learned,  eloquent,  and  polite ;  and  perfectly  versed  in 
the  knowledge  of  mankind.  He  was  at  the  belm  of  affairs  in  the 
general  assemblies  in  Scotland ;  and  was  sent  into  England  in  the 
double  capacity  of  a  divine  and  plenipotentiary.  He  knew  how  to 
rouse  the  people  to  war,  or  negotiate  a  peace.  Whenever  he 
preached,  it  was  tp  a  crowded  audience ;  and  when  he  pleaded  or 

*  The  following  particalau,  which  were  communicated  to  me  hy  a  very  learned 
and  ^ingenious  gentleman  in  my  neiglibourhood,  are  not  in  the  article  of  Ames  in 
ihie  "  BiogTEiphia  Britaniiica  ^  *'  The  Leetiones  in  Fsahoos  Davidis  of  tiiis  auflier» 
were  i»iiifted  -at  AmtterdMn  Ja  16S5,  mmH  dedicated  hj  Hogh  Peters  te  the  imjs^ 
tncj  of  IHetlerdam."  1a  ^'  An  Htstpiioal  and  tMfioal  Acoofuitiif  Hq^  Petea^," 
fjaoA.  1751r<un  octavo  .pamphlet,  is  a  qaotation  from  a  piece  of  his*  in  these  words: 
'*  Learned  Amesius  breatlied  his  last  breath  into  my  bosom,  who  left  his  professor- 
■hip  in  Friesland  to  lire  with  me,  because  of  my  church's  independency  at  Rotter- 
dMi.  He  was  my  colleague,  and  chosen  brother  to  the  church,  where  I  was  an  un- 
worthy pastor." 


argued,  he  was  regarded  with  mute  attention.  He  preached  mBay 
6.  sermonB,  and  was  ronccmed  in  several  treatises.  Charles  I.  wha 
he  was  at  Newcastle,  in  the  hands  of  the  army,  engaged  in  a  reli- 
gious dispute  with  him.  in  which  he  had  clearly  the  advantage. 
Henderson,  who  had  been  accustomed  to  conquer,  could  not  sop- 
port  the  thought  of  being  overcome.  The  disgrace  was  supposed 
to  have  hastened  his  death.*  He  is  said,  before  he  died,  to  ban 
expressed  some  remorse  for  the  part  he  acted  against  the  king. 

THOMAS  MAUROIS,  Cantuariee  natus  ;  functus 
minist.  verbi  Dei  per  annos  XXXV.  in  eccles.  Callo- 
beig.  Amst.  defunctus  V.  Aug.  1046,  JEt.  02;  ra/, 
Sgc.    D.  Boudingkeen  p.  A.Coiiradusfol. 

Thomas  Maurois.  D.  Boudringheen.  A.  Matlum 

WILLIAM  FORBES,  first  bishop  of  Edinburgh, 
8t!o.  in  Pinkcrton's  "  Iconographia  Scntica." 

While  the  English  possessed  I.othian  for  a  short  time,  in  Ih* 
seventh  century,  there  was  a  bishopric  of  Abercorn.  The  province 
exposed  to  hostile  inroads,  was  afterward  ruled  by  the  metropolitaa 
see  of  St.  Andrews,  which  appointed  an  archdeacon  of  Lotbian, 
till  Charles  1.  in  1 633,  created  the  bishopric  of  Edinburgh. 

William  Forbes,  a  native  of  Aberdeen,  and  principal  of  the 
Marischal  College  there,  was  nominated  bishop  on  the  26tb  of 
January,  1634  ;  but  he  only  survived  his  appointment  about  two 
months,  dying  on  the  1st  of  April  that  year.  He  was  succeeded 
by  David  Lindsay,  who  was  exposed  to  the  fury  of  the  populace 
on  account  of  the  new  liturgy;  and  was  deposed  in  1638. 

Of  Bishop  Forbes,  Keith  gives  the  following  character  ;  "  A  per- 
son he  was  endued  most  eminently  with  all  Christian  virtues,  in- 
somuch that  a  very  worthy  man,  Robert  Burnet,  lord  Crimond,  a 
judge  of  the  session,  said  of  our  prelate,  thai  he  never  saw  him  but 
he  thought  his  heart  was  in  heaven  ;  and  that  he  was  never  alone 

•  "  Vila  Ju.  Barnick,  p.  563. 

,  OF    ENGLAND.  379 

with  him /but  he  felt  wiQiin  himself  a  commentary  on  those  words 
of*  the  apostle/^  Did  not  our  heairts  burn  within  us,  while  he  yet 
Udked  wkh  us/ and  opened  to  us  the  Scriptures  ?'*''  During  the 
time  he  was  principal  at  Aberdeen,  he  had  interspersed  several 
things  among  his  academical  prelections,  tending  to  create  peace 
among  the  contending  parties  of  Christianity ;  some  notes  whereof 
were  published,  about  twenty  years  after  his  death,  under  the  title 
of  Cotuiderationes  Modestce  et  Pacificce,  &c. 

ZACHARIAH  BOYD,  minister  at  Glasgow ; /row 
a  picture  in  the  college  there.    Trotter  sc.  8vo. 

Zachariah  Boyd  was  minister  of  the  barony  church  of  Glas- 
gow, and  bequeathed  20,0O0Z.  Scottish  money  (about  1600Z.  ster- 
ling), to  the  university  there.  In  gratitude  his  bust  was  erected 
in  marble,  with  an  inscription  commemorating  the  donation  of  that 
siiin,  and  of  his  library. 

His  translation  of  the  Scripture,  in  such  uncouth  verse  as  to 
amount  to  burlesque,  has  been  often  quoted ;  and  the  just  fame  of 
a  benefactor  to  learning  has  been  obscured  by  that  cloud  of  miser- 
able rhymes.  Candour  will  smile  at  the  foible,  but  applaud  the 

Macure,  in  his  account  of  Glasgow,  p.  223,  informs  us  he'  lived 
in  the  reign  of  Charles  the  First. 


FATHER  PHILIPS,  confessor  to  Henrietta 
Maria,  queen  of  Charles  I.  wood-cut ,  prefixed  to  his 
Impeachment y  4to.  1640. 

Father  Philips;  in  an  oval  neatly  etched,  Svo. 

This  bigoted  and  enthusiastic  priest  was  confessor  to  Henrietta 
Maria,  queen  of  King  Charles  I.  and  directed  that  misguided 
princess  to  those  steps  that  brought  her  unfortunate  husband  to  his 
unhappy  end.  On  One  occasion.  Philips  had  the  audacity,  by  way 
of  penance,  to  enjoin  the  queen  to  offer  up  prayers  on  her  knees 
under  the  gallows  at  Tyburn,  where  mcmy  catholic  priests  had 


r  lives  for  popery  in  the  reign  of  Queen  Elizabeth. 

ince  coming  to  the  knowledge  of  the  king,  he  banished 

I       loin  the  whole  of  her  foreign  servants.    Philips  vu 

M  the  people,  that  he  wa«  impeached  m  an  evil  cmiB. 

— .,  ^  escape  the  impending  storm,  pnideatly  withdrew  hiiD- 

ing  the  exile  of  the  royal  family  in  France,  Henrietta  Mam, 

inference  with  Mr.  Hyde  (afterward  earl  of  Clarendon)  oi 

ic  of  religion,  expressed  a  great  sense  of  the  loss  she  bad 

ed  by  the  death  of  her  old  confessor,  father  Philips;  who, 

^d,  "  was  a  prudent  and   discreet  man  ;  and  would  atia 

suiter  ber  to  be  pressed  to  any  passionate  undertakings,  under  pre* 

lence  of  doing  good  for  Catholics  ;  and  always  told  her,  thataa  At 

ought  to  continue  firm  and  constant  to  her  own  religion,  so  she  mt 

to  live  well  towards  the  Protestants,  who  deserved  well  from  bei^ 

and  to  whom  she  was  beholden." — T  iis  would  have  been  excellest 

advice  had  it  been  given  in  time,  to  |  >revent  the  mischief  she  occft- 

aioned ;  but  it  only  came  when  in  her  power  to  do  no  more. 

Vera  effigies  reverend!  patris  AUGUSTINI 
BAKER;  12mn.    This  print  is  uncommon. 

There  is  a/so  a  whole  length  of  him,  in  octavo,  withod 
the  engraver's  name,  in  the  manner  of  Faithorne. 

AuGUSTivE  Baker.  Jac.  Neef's  sc.  two  English 
verses,  "  I  nothini^  am,"  S;c.  rare. 

David  Baker,  an  English  Benedictine  monk,  of  whom  Mr. 
Wood  has  given  us  a  very  circumslaatial  account,  and  particular!; 
of  his  miraculous  conversion  from  Atheism  to  Christianity,  was  edu- 
cated, at  Brondgate's  Hall,*  in  the  university  of  Oxford.  He 
afterward  studied  at  the  Temple,  where  his  excellent  natural  abi- 
lities enabled  him,  in  a  short  time,  to  make  a  great  proficiency  in 
the  law.  Soon  after  his  conversion,  he  went  to  Italy,  where  he 
entered  into  the  order  of  St.  Benedict,  having  changed  his  nanic 
from  Uavid  to  Augustin.    He  waB,  in  the  late  reign,  a  considerable 

'  Now  Pembrulii:  College. 

GF    ENGLAND.  181 

I  mident  in  England,  in  the  quility  of  a  laiflBiiHUjy :  hat  ad 
Hm  mbcBNgwen  to  retireinsiit  and  stetraotioDt  ha  9v«i,  ^rnqm^ 
L»  bredffan,  tbouglit  a  very  m^Wfer  f^wQa  lor  tha);  emplbyf 
t«  He  was,  far  sevanii  yearn,  ihe  spinlwal  dkseptor  x)f  like  Bag* 
Beaediotbie  Dames  at  Cambray,  aad  afterward  thdr  eopfes- 
He  spent  tto  latter  part  of  his  life  in  London,  wher^  he  died 
641.  He  is  sud  to  have  been  moc^  enpioyed  in  mental  ^ayer4 
ms  andior  of  seirecal  books  relaiting  to  the/^^ExereiB^  io<f4| 
itilfi  Life/'    He  wrote  an  exposiftioa  of  ^e  famous  myslicid 
k,  entitled,  "  Scala  Perfectionis,"  by  Walter  Hilton.     These, 
the  rest  of  his  works,  which  are  extant,  are,  as  Mr.  Wood  tells 
••conserved  in  nine  large  tomes  in  fplio  MSS.  in  the  monastery 
English  Benedictine' Nuns  at  Cambray.'*    fie  made  large  cdl- 
ions  for  an  Ecclesiastical  Histoi^  of  England,  and  o^ier  subjects 
ntiquity,  in  which  he  was  assisted  by  the  most  eminent  of  our 
quaries.    But  these,  which  were  ia^ix  folio  volumes^  .are  lost; 
re  also  three  lar^e  voluiqes  of  his  translatipns  of  the  works  of 
>iritual  Authors.^    None  of  his  books  were  evjer  printe4;  l>vi 
jbOressy,  in  his  "Ghurph  History  of  Britanny,''  and  otjhi^ 
ifers,  have  been  much  indebted  to  him. 

RICHARD  GAilPENTER,  M.m.  W.  Marskati 
1564!  •  Jbttke  npper  jfcM  trf  the  jfrint,  he  i^  repret- 
tid  Itneelitjg  iefore  the  pope ;  just  bejow^  is  this  in* 
ifition:  **  Mit0  tein  4^^W???»  fl^jmcmdof  XMhoii- 
,  et  hcereticos  reducendos'^  Frontispiece  to  his  "  Ex- 
•ia^fe  Jfistory^  find  JUva^^''  in  ^ve  ifoakf,  l$i42  ; 
9.  The  same  book  was  r^j^li^ed  inl&^%^7id!^J§$e 
^s  of  **  The  Downfall  of  Antichrist,"  and  dedicated  to 
ipBrli/mmL  Therei&Mfine  head /jf  Mm  by  Faith&mey 
ler  the  dedication  of  his  Sermon  on  Genesis,  i.  14, 
fitfcd^  "^^  Astrology  proved  kamHesSy  useful^  pious  T 
9.  1657;  and  another,  before  Ms  comedy  of  ^*  7%e 

Richard  Carpenter  was,  ^bo^t  three  years,  a  jscjtiolar  tof  B^g's 
»1fe^,  in  Cam1[>lndge,  and  studied  afterward  m;]E)a]MloB|y.AiloiB, 
ance,  Spain,  and  Italy.    He  was  ssiri^ijlltp  Vg^luai^ 'i^%  f<fpt 

TOL.  II.  3d 


I   • 


\  ■ 





In  the  reign  of  Charles  1.  he  was  apprehended  npOB  the  ielvf 
oaalion  of  one  of  liis  own  flock,  whom  he  refused  to  many  loUi 
first  cousin.  He  was  tried  and  found  ^iliyupoa  two  indictmnli, 
one  ef  which  related  to  his  aacerdotal  character,  mmi  the  a&etta 
hi*  making  proselytes  of  the  king's  subjects.  It  has  beee  i«i, 
that  be  entered  into  the  Society  of  Jeans  a  few  days  btime  1m 
enecution,*  whieh  was  on  the  28th  of  August,  1628. 

"  Vera  effigies  R"'.  P.  AMBROSTI  BARLO, 
presbyteri,  et  monarchi  congregationis  Anglicans, 
ordinis  S".  Benedicti,  qui  pro  Christifide,  Banguinem 
fudit  LancastrisB,  in  Anglia,  10  Septembris,  I64I, 
^.65."  in  \Smo. 

Ambrose  Barlow,  who  was  also  a  native  of  Lancashire,  mi  a 
Benedictine  monk,  was  a  tniaaionary  here  in  the  reign  of  Cbarksl. 
Dod  tells  us  that  there  is  a  manuscript  account  of  him  by  odc  of 
his  domestics,  which  "  describes  hb  way  of  life,  which,  in  ill  res- 
pects, was  primitive  and  apostolic."  He  suffered  death  for  his  aC' 
tirity  and  diligence  in  his  priestly  character. 

Joannes  Baptista,  alias  BULLAKER,  Ordinis 
F.  F.  Minorum  Recollectorum  Provincife  Ang:life; 
Martyrio  coronatus  15  Oct.  f  1642  ;  small  4lo.  copiei 
by  W.  Richardson. 

Tliomas  Bullaker,  who  was  born  at  Chichester,  entered  into 
the  order  of  St.  Francis,  in  Spain,  where  he  finished  his  studies. 
He  was  about  twelve  years  a  zealous  and  industrious  missionuy  b 
England,  where  he  often  expressed  a  desire  of  suffering  martyrdan 
for  his  religion.  His  wish  was  accomplished,  according  to  Dod 
and  others,  on  the   I2th  of  October,   1642.     He,  upon  his  trial, 

■  Mud;  of  the  Rooiiih  clergy  are  laid  to  bate  become  Jesuils  at  (he  appiDadm' 
death,  nilh  a  vievi  at  sharing  ibp  joint  itock  of  good  norks  which  belonged  idIIib' 
lociety,  and  therefurejuilgcci  il  an  eXLillcnl  order  to  die  in. 

tN.  IVla»n,  called  FnU^t-r  AOfe],  in  his  Hislory  of  the  Fmnoiicans  nbo  verceie- 
ealed  in  England,  enlillcd  ■'  Ctrtamen  Srraphicum,  jfe."  Duaei,  1619,  4W.  kji,  UuI 
he  luffried  death  an  the  13th  ofOclobei.  In  this  book  art  pr'nti  af  BulUkcr,  Hiali. 
Bell,  Wi'adcach,  and  CoiBioH,  tcho  are  all  miatiantd  tn  ihfir  jn-lftT  pJoMi. 

TtiAUthtri  4y  W^Birhardttm    CatUt  Strat.IaKxtkrFidi*- 



(it  mini  aloriari  nijt  m  Cru.ce.  Gbi&-^. 

MtnA/.^  by   (i>e-/Aim^''n.Y->ti.ff6u/iN-l/,J'ftanA 

OF   BWGLAND.      „  B9B 

wu  rery  ahoft,  frankly  owned  himself  to  be  a  priest,  Mid 
tbat  he  returned  to  England  purposely  to  confiitn  Catholics  in  thetr 
faith,  and  to  reconcile  others  to  it. 

THOMAS  HOLLAND,  Anglus  Londini,  22  Dec. 
1642,  a  Puritanis  suspensus  et  dissectus  in  quatuor 
Partes,  e6  qu6d  Sacerdos  asset  Eccliesise  Romanae  ; 
a  small  oval. 

Paulus  a  S.  Magdalena,  alias  HEATH,  Convent. 
F.F.Minonim  Recoil. Anglorum,  Duaci,  Gaagrd.&c. 

R.  P.  F.  Paulus,  alias  Heath  ;  in  an  oval;  small  Ato. 
W.  Richardson. 

Henry  HeatJi: was  tK)ni  at  l^etertyorough,  in  Northamptonshire. 
He  studied. alGimbTfdge,  and  afterward  at  Douay,  where  he  foe- 
ctme  a  Ffancisoan.  He  was  sent  a  missionary  into  England :  knd 
soon  after  his  landiog,  was  aipprehended,  condemned,  and  executed, 
as  one  of  that  character.  He  suffered  at  Tyburn,  the  27th  of 
April,  1643.  His  head  was  placed  on  London-bridge,  and  his 
quarters  on  the  c^ty-gates. 

FRANCIS  BELL,  a  friar;  a  rope  about  his  neck, 
and  a  knife  in  his  breast ;  executed  1643. 

R.  P.  F.  Fkanci6Cus  Bell  ;  in  an  aval;  small  Ato. 
W,  Richardson. 

Francis  Bell,  who  was  born  at  Hanbury,  near  Worcester,  was  a 
member  of  the  English  college  at  Valladolid,  in  Spain.  In  1618, 
he  became  a  Franciscan.  He  was  sent  by  the  general  of  his  order 
to  Douay,  to  assist  father  John  Gennings  in  his  design  of  erecting 
a  convent  (^  theeame  order  in  that  place.  He  was  twice  chosen 
guardian  of  the  convent.  He  was  also  provincial  of  the  English 
itnd  Scottish  Franciscans.    In  1643,  he  was  -apprehended,  con- 


demned,  and  executed,  for  acting  here  in  his  ecclesiaabcal  cbanc- 
ter.  He  suffered  al  Tjburn,  on  the  1 1th  of  December-  it  is  said, 
that  lie  was  master  of  seven  languages. 

RODOLPHUS  CORBIE,  Societatis  Jesu  ab 
Heereticis  pro  Fide  suspensus  et  dissectus,  Loodini, 
2  Sept.  1644  ;  a  small  oval. 

THOMAS  COLMAN.a/riar.  He diedin prim, 

He  is,  in  the  •'Certamen  Serapiicvm,"  called  Walter  Colmani 
and  is  said  to  have  been  of  the  Franciscan  order,  and  a  missiDirarj 
in  Eogland,  and  to  have  been  condemned  to  die,  bat  was  repneve^ 
by  the  favour  of  the  king;. 

HENRICUS  MORSE,  Soc.  Jesu  pro  Fide  sus- 
pensus et  dissectus,  Londini,  1  Feb.  1646  j  a  mall 
oval.  This  print,  and  those  of  Holland  and  Corbie,  art 
in  the  "  Certamen  triplex  a  tribus  Soc.  Jesu  es  Pro- 

vijicia  Atiglicami  .Sacerdoti/ius,"  &;c.   Antv.  1645. 

Hksry  Morse;  small  folio. 

POWEL,  alias  MORGAN,  of  the  order  of  St.  Be- 
nedict ;  executed  at  Tyburn,  Junethe  30tk,  1646,  inthe 
Jifiy-second  ijear  of  his  age  ;  \2mo. 

PoM'EL,  alias  Morgan.  J.  Bei~ry  sc. 

Philip  Powel,  who  was  amissionaTy  in  England,  was  condemDeil 
to  die  on  account  of  his  character,  and  was,  aa  Dod  inrormsv!, 
executed  the  '20th  of  July,  1646.* 

F.  F.  Minorum  Recollcctorum,    Anglorum,    Duaci, 

•'  Church  Hiatorv, 

Eofliri*  Ktno.S  ut 

-PuILcc  ,0/mjWiJuir,/fi,rJ^.,-k3>-fc3krb 

k'  wits  tiitiii  cerrifenint Jti     jjf/fr'ai 




I '  wits  inilit  cffyftfixtnf  rn    jjf'ffrfari.i. 

ItJKAKILb.      ST, 

At^FOHO     UNtWtlf'^t 

'•  LIBKAl 










